Amphetamine addiction: treatment. Cocaine addiction and amphetamine addiction Child of an amphetamine addict

Fen or Amphetamine is a synthetic psychostimulant, an analogue of natural Ephedrine. Its powerful stimulating effect has made it extremely popular among students and young people who need to do everything - hang out at the club, study for exams, and go to work in the morning. But there is also the other side of the coin - amphetamine quickly causes persistent psychological dependence, which cannot be gotten rid of without the help of doctors.

Drug Fen - what is it

In slang, Phenom is the name given to the drug Amphetamine, a synthetic central nervous system stimulant. It was initially assumed that this drug would replace Ephedrine, its natural analogue, which was used in the treatment of asthma.

Later, amphetamine was prescribed for depression, narcolepsy, ADHD, and also for weight loss. During the war, it was given to soldiers to prolong the state of wakefulness.

Amphetamine as a drug has become popular since the middle of the last century. Now many countries around the world are fighting against its spread, but it is still in demand, including among wealthy groups of the population. In the photo you see a person before and after prolonged use of the Hairdryer.

The effect of using a hairdryer

Amphetamine produces a pronounced stimulating effect. The psychostimulating effect is caused by increased production of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine. Norepinephrine is a precursor of adrenaline, a hormone that mobilizes the body's resources in stressful situations. An increase in adrenaline levels causes increased respiration and heart rate, and increased blood pressure. Metabolic processes in the body accelerate, which causes a surge of energy, and the person loses appetite and sleep.

Dopamine is responsible for motivation and enthusiasm. Usually this neurotransmitter is present in the blood in small quantities, but Amphetamine use stimulates the release of its reserves, which causes exhaustion and mental disorders.

Symptoms of using Fen

  • anxiety
  • increased performance
  • headache
  • hallucinations
  • labored breathing
  • elevated body temperature
  • chest pressure
  • development of psychosis

Why is the drug fen dangerous?

Availability The synthetic psychostimulant is very inexpensive and is sold directly in clubs, so the main target audience is young people under 30 years of age.

Instantly addictive Amphetamine is quickly addictive. With regular use, tolerance develops rapidly, so the addict is forced to increase the dose of the drug daily. Thus, the body is depleted in a short period of time, the risk of overdose increases, which causes high mortality among amphetamine addicts.

How does hairdryer spread?

The hairdryer belongs to the “club9raquo” category; drugs. This is due to the fact that they are distributed mainly in clubs, concerts and nightlife areas. Consumers are teenagers and young adults who are thrill seekers.

The club environment is liberating, the general atmosphere of celebration and courage pushes you to rash actions. As a result, even those who had no intention of trying the drug become addicted to amphetamine. Once having experienced an incredible surge of strength and euphoria, a person strives to repeat this experience, and quickly becomes psychologically dependent.

Another danger of club drugs is their dubious quality. The drug distributed in this way may have increased toxicity and can easily lead to severe poisoning.

Signs of using a hairdryer

  • increased heart rate and breathing
  • dilated pupils
  • excessive mobility, talkativeness
  • sexual liberation
  • loss of appetite
  • insomnia
  • active but unproductive activity

If you notice some of these signs in your loved one, contact your doctor immediately.

Consequences of using hairdryer

Even with a short period of use, Fen causes mental and central nervous system disorders. Chronic fatigue develops, the body cannot restore spent reserves in short periods of time without the drug. Lack of sleep and nutrition depletes the body, depression and psychosis develop.

Using Fen for a long time leads to disorders of the cardiovascular system, which can result in cardiac arrest. The body of an amphetamine addict loses a lot of calcium, which causes the destruction of teeth and bones.

Amphetamine leads to significant physical and mental exhaustion. This manifests itself as chronic fatigue, weakness, weight loss. The functioning of the liver, kidneys, and heart is disrupted, and the immune system suffers.

Amphetamine and pregnancy

Taking amphetamine during pregnancy inhibits fetal development. The drug increases blood pressure and increases the pulse rate, which contributes to insufficient blood flow to the placenta, so the child may be born weak, lightweight and underdeveloped. In addition, amphetamine addicts have a high risk of bleeding, miscarriage, stillbirth, as well as the development of pathologies in the child of the brain, limbs, heart, cleft lip, and cleft palate.

During pregnancy it is necessary to eat well, but Amphetamine reduces appetite, which leads to underdevelopment of the fetus. If a mother who uses Fen is breastfeeding, the child's sleep is disturbed and he becomes restless.

Children of amphetamine addicts

Children of amphetamine addicts are usually developmentally delayed and grow slowly. The results of studies of such children have shown that they are often irritable and aggressive, and suffer from serious mental disorders.

Often, children of drug addicts die in the first year of life, because the use of amphetamine by a nursing mother in combination with alcohol leads to breathing problems in the child and, as a result, to respiratory arrest during sleep.

What does an amphetamine overdose look like?

An overdose of amphetamine causes excessive stimulation of the cardiovascular system. This is fraught with a sharp increase in blood pressure, the development of strokes and heart attacks. Due to the impact on the psyche, psychosis and suicide attempts are possible. An overdose of Phenom can be determined by the following signs:

In case of overdose, you should immediately call an ambulance, as severe cases lead to loss of consciousness, kidney failure, and cardiac arrest.

Where to treat hair dryer addiction

The choice of a rehabilitation center must be approached carefully. Many clinics practice compulsory treatment. This approach is unlikely to give a positive result, because the person will not have any motivation to recover, which means there is a high probability of a breakdown.

Specialists of the “Resolution9raquo” center They consider the patient’s personal motivation to be the first and necessary condition for recovery. Therefore, we do not begin treatment until our psychologists talk with the patient in a confidential atmosphere and strengthen his desire for a sober life.

We guarantee the effectiveness of treatment when completing the full course of an individual program developed by a doctor for a specific patient. In case of relapse, we will provide drug treatment and psychological assistance free of charge.

In our practice, we combine various methods of treating drug addiction: both traditional ones, common abroad, and proprietary methods. For amphetamine addiction, the following may be prescribed:

The first stage of treatment with us is Detoxification which involves cleansing the body of drugs. Then the addict passes Hospital treatment aimed at combating psychological addiction. After this, the patient is treated Outpatient, under the supervision of our specialists. Then comes the stage Social adaptation, during which a former drug addict establishes a life in society.

We help our patients develop communication skills, find a job or develop their business. After treatment is completed, we support our patients. They can always get help and support from our big Family.

If your loved one is an amphetamine addict, don't waste your time. The drug quickly destroys the body and psyche. To prevent irreversible changes, contact specialists.

Relatives are faced with a difficult choice of an organization that can restore the health of a loved one. Why relatives? Poto.

First of all, you should figure out what is happening. Even if you noticed an unexpected odor coming from a friend or on his hands.

Former high school chemistry teacher John Goz has been sentenced to nine years in prison for producing methamphetamine. Total resident of the state.

What is alcoholism? Alcoholism is one of the types of drug addiction, which is determined by tolerance and persistence.

How did I quit drugs? How was my drug addiction treatment at the best drug treatment center?

Dima is 20 years old and a recovering drug addict. Dima has been in rehabilitation for 7 months.

I treated him in different centers. There are Christian centers. And I treated in these.

Tatyana is a drug addict, she is 38 years old, 22 of which she has been using drugs. Z.

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Amphetamine. Side effects, consequences of use, addiction

  1. Drug use
  2. Who can abuse it?
  3. Amphetamine synthesis
  4. Effect of the drug
  5. Effect on the body
  6. After amphetamine
  7. After using amphetamine
  8. Help with amphetamine use

The stimulant ephedrine was mentioned 5,000 years ago in China. The synthesis of amphetamine, an analogue of ephedrine, first occurred in 1932. The new drug was planned to be used to increase appetite.

However, already in 1970, the first notes began to appear about cases of drug abuse, in particular in the USA. At that time, amphetamine was prescribed by doctors in the treatment of hyperactivity, various attention disorders, and narcolepsy, but began to be used by people as a stimulant for pleasure.

Drug use

Among amphetamine addicts, men predominate, and they are twice as numerous as women.

Who can abuse it?

  • Women using the drug to lose weight and get rid of fatigue;
  • People using these drugs for the first time in order to increase vitality, effectively combat fatigue, and overcome significant physical exertion;
  • People who use drugs to increase their attention and sleep while on business trips;
  • Drug addicts who use other types of drugs;
  • Teenagers trying amphetamine for the first time as their first thrill drug, with no idea of ​​its consequences.

The chemical composition of amphetamine (racemic phenylisopropylamine) is similar in many ways to ephedrine. Methamphetamine, being a chemically related compound, is synthesized into amphetamine by the reduction of ephedrine, as well as through condensation reactions of methylamine and phenylacetone.

Amphetamine has the property of instantly spreading throughout all human organ systems immediately after administration, being completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug, injected into the brain intravenously, acts in seconds (“on the needle”). In the process of inhaling amphetamine vapor, entry into the blood and other organs is observed very quickly.

Amphetamine is metabolized primarily in the liver, breaking down into active ephedrine derivatives and other inactive substances. Amphetamine remains in the blood for 8-12 hours. If the drug is reintroduced the next day, a constant concentration in the blood is maintained, and the narcotic effect is prolonged. Due to the excretion of amphetamine by the kidneys, it is easily detected in a urine test.

  1. Central nervous system: increased activity, attention and performance, decreased fatigue, the appearance of a good mood, loss of appetite, poor sleep, the likelihood of seizures, tremors, the development of psychoses.
  2. The cardiovascular system: increased heart rate, pain in the cardiac region, arrhythmias, interruptions in heart function.
  3. Gastrointestinal system: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, aversion to food, pain and rumbling in the stomach, diarrhea, metallic taste in the mouth.
  4. Endocrine system: varied severity, possible pain in the mammary glands in women.
  5. Kidneys: pronounced diuretic effect.

Consequences of amphetamine use

Amphetamine promotes intense acceleration of the human nervous system, stimulating almost all parts of the brain. At the same time, the human body is forced to spend mental and energy resources. The energy blow literally tears a person apart from the inside; he dances for hours without getting tired at all. There is an increase in attention, disappearance of feelings of fatigue, self-doubt, loss of appetite, and prolonged insomnia. These effects are generated by the release of adrenaline, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

Adrenaline and dopamine contribute to a significant rise in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate, the development of arrhythmias, a significant increase in cerebral blood flow, and an increase in intracranial pressure.

If the drug is taken repeatedly or the dosage is increased, convulsions and psychoses, as well as loss of consciousness, may develop. If you take amphetamine repeatedly, your body gradually becomes less sensitive to it.

If you do not take the drug again the next day, depression, irritability, increased fatigue, and dissatisfaction develop. To develop the euphoric effect, you have to increase the dosage.

  • Some time after taking amphetamine, headaches, tremors in the limbs, fussiness, short temper, panic and paranoia, loss of sleep, inability to collect thoughts, and mental illness are possible.
  • With constant use of amphetamine, a person often develops “amphetamine psychosis”, reminiscent of manic psychosis. This condition is characterized by delusions and hallucinations, which are replaced by depression.
  • In the process of long-term use of amphetamine, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea may occur, loss of appetite, weight loss, and an increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke.
  • After taking it, headaches, redness of the facial skin, increased sweating, decreased potency, and changes in libido are common.
  • After taking it, pain in the heart appears with interruptions in work, the pulse noticeably quickens, blood pressure increases, and acute cardiovascular failure develops.
  • After taking it, troubles appear in the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, abdominal pain, disgust in food, vomiting, rumbling in the intestines, loose stools.
  • High doses of amphetamine are fraught with the development of coma, the cause of which is hemorrhagic stroke.

Taking amphetamine is extremely dangerous, especially for people with heart disease (arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, tendency to high blood pressure, conduction disorders), hyperthyroidism and glaucoma.

Signs of amphetamine use

The main signs of amphetamine use are organic and mental disorders. However, a person taking amphetamines, as a rule, does not have signs of a thinking disorder or dullness of emotional reactions.

People with an amphetamine overdose are characterized by clarity of consciousness and orientation. Signs of overdose include cardiovascular failure, rapid heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, dilated pupils, and epileptic seizures.

Symptoms of psychosis are: hypersexuality, paranoia, delusional thinking, hallucinations (visual, olfactory, auditory, tactile) with preservation of orientation and memory.

After using amphetamine

After using amphetamine, especially long-term, withdrawal symptoms occur with characteristic phases:

  • “Strong blow” (from 9 hours to 4 days) - a strong desire to re-take amphetamine in order to relieve depression, psychosis, paranoia;
  • Withdrawal syndrome (1-10 weeks) - decreased desire to take amphetamine, normalization of sleep, predominance of anxious or depressed mood. The desire to re-admit is weakly expressed, but can increase to a maximum level;
  • Extinction (after 10 weeks to 6 months) is the gradual return of a mental state similar to that before the first use of amphetamine. There is a possibility of breakdowns, usually at friendly parties where amphetamines are taken, or under the influence of alcohol.

Help with amphetamine use

When ingesting amphetamine, be sure to induce vomiting or perform a gastric lavage, and then give activated charcoal. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the possibility of hospitalization cannot be ruled out.

If a seizure is brewing, it is necessary to remove piercing objects away from the person, avoid biting the tongue, and monitor the efficiency of breathing. In order to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract, place the patient on his side.

Remember that amphetamine and similar drugs do not give a person the energy they seem to have when first used. On the contrary, a person’s own energy is noticeably wasted. Such devastation is fraught with depression, from which you will again need to take amphetamine. Such energy stress leads to the development of unmotivated aggression and psychosis.

We provide effective treatment for addiction to amphetamine, which will neutralize the consequences and turn the addict into someone who lives a truly full life.

Video Amphetamine: action and history

Calling drug addicts! Alexander appeals to drug addicts to not be afraid.

Sasha is 29 years old, he is an addicted drug addict and has been using it for 15 years. For a long time.

Vladimir’s parents contacted our rehabilitation center when they noticed the betrayal.

Zh: We notice our changes. We also began to behave differently. As if it were our own.

Well, absolutely no matter what I do, I can't do it. And my last chance &nd.

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Otherwise, this will constitute consent to the processing of personal data. Read more.

Of course, drug addicted children are the worst nightmare for parents. What could be worse than news for a mother that her child is susceptible to this scourge? How to avoid such a problem in the family? What to do if the child has already fallen into this terrible captivity? How can we help him escape from the tenacious clutches of this disease? How to recognize the problem in time? This article will discuss many issues of interest to parents whose children are drug addicts. It also pays attention to the prevention of addiction and the peculiarities of raising adolescents.

Drugs and their effects on the body

It is worth highlighting several particularly dangerous drugs that can cause addiction and destroy the psyche of an individual, as well as health.

Opium group

When considering the problem of “Drugs and Children,” we cannot remain silent about these drugs. Opium and medications containing it are used in medicine as strong painkillers. However, they are among the most dangerous, causing addiction in the shortest possible time. This group includes heroin and morphine. As a result of the use of these drugs, the nervous system is affected, the brain becomes disordered, and the lungs and liver suffer. The use of opium drugs by women during pregnancy poses a particular danger, as there is a possibility of the birth of deformed, sick and premature, extremely weakened babies. Children who are drug addicts may also be born, to whom doctors are forced to use methods of withdrawal from the state of “withdrawal” already on the very first day of their life.


The use of this drug can cause damage to the cardiovascular system. It causes hallucinations and paranoid psychoses. Very often, child drug addicts, like adult cocaine addicts, can die, both while using the powder and at other times. Death usually occurs as a result of myocardial infarction or sudden respiratory arrest.


Its use causes a decrease in intellectual abilities. Smoking weed is considered by many as harmless indulgence. However, this is far from true - it causes impairment of psychomotor functions. And the worst thing is that in most cases, marijuana use leads to a transition to more serious drugs, such as heroin and morphine.


The use of these drugs causes damage to the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Long-term use of amphetamines leads to psychosis and other mental disorders. Teenagers and children drug addicts, whose photos appear from time to time in the press in the “Incidents” section, while under the influence of these drugs are capable of committing terrible acts, including murder or suicide, without realizing it at all.


A narcotic that destroys the psyche and disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Quite common among teenagers who visit nightclubs and other entertainment establishments of this kind. It is noteworthy that many guys do not perceive ecstasy as a drug.

Why is it necessary to prevent drug addiction in early childhood?

Every parent wants to raise their child to be a successful person. Naturally, the habit of drug use by a teenager in no way contributes to the achievement of this goal, and even crosses out all the positive things that adults managed to put into his soul, heart, and head. Therefore, you should at all costs protect your offspring from addiction. After all, prevention will probably be cheaper than drug addiction treatment, both financially and morally. And losses in terms of health can be avoided if you prevent the occurrence of a terrible problem. Therefore, from an early age you should talk with your child about drug use, taking into account age-related characteristics. It should also be understood that treatment of drug addiction in childhood is a more complex process, because it mainly relies on an internal moral attitude, where the patient himself needs willpower and an understanding of the harmfulness of this habit. And the younger the patient, the weaker his willpower, the more difficult the healing process is. This is another problem of childhood drug addiction.

Preventive conversations with the child, taking into account age

  1. From the age of 3-4 years, it is necessary to explain to the child that tablets taken as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor are curative, but when taken independently they cause severe harm. By the way, it would be appropriate to inform the conversation that harmful poisons, drugs, sleeping pills are often mixed into treats - ice cream, drinks, candies, pies - in order to harm the child. Therefore, under no circumstances should you take any sweets, food, juices, or even plain water from strangers!
  2. At 5-8 years old, you can talk about addiction to drugs and what can happen if you use unfamiliar substances. Children are impressionable natures, visual images play a major role in their minds. Therefore, you can find a video or film showing a child who, with the help of drugs, was put into a state of inadequacy and, for example, kidnapped. Fear and a sense of self-preservation in this matter can help in education.
  3. By the age of 9, it is necessary to convey to the child, using specific examples, that the use of prohibited substances can be fraught with dire consequences. For example, a story about the death of a drug addict who lived in a neighboring house, or about a car accident involving a drug addict. It is very important to talk with your son/daughter about the possibility that there may be people around him/her who will offer drugs. The child must be ready to hear such an offer and be able to refuse it.
  4. During adolescence, talking about this topic with a boy or girl becomes much more difficult. But drug addiction prevention during this period is especially relevant.

Four steps to recovery from drug addiction

If the disease has struck a teenager, then trying to get rid of it on your own, covertly, is, to say the least, a presumptuous step. And by and large, this is fraught with aggravation of the problem. The disease will not leave a person, but will teach him to be more careful, prudent, cunning and resourceful, hiding drug addiction from loved ones. Therefore, the best option would be to contact special clinics with the problem. It is there that they will provide high-quality treatment using modern methods of getting rid of this addiction, which are based on the “four elephants”:

Help from family and friends during the recovery period

Perhaps, at the last, fourth stage, the participation of acquaintances, relatives, friends and loved ones is required more than ever. This period - rehabilitation - is the most important in the treatment process, since it determines whether the former drug addict will become a full-fledged person or will again descend into the underworld of drug intoxication. Therefore, it is extremely important to help a person restore communication connections, to push him to a new life by developing a new hobby or passion. During this period, it is especially important to interest a teenager, for example, by giving him a computer or offering... to make his own film together for a competition! Actually, every adult himself feels what kind of activity can be offered to a former patient in order to awaken his interest in a new life.

Mental and behavioral disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine

Psychostimulants are psychotropic drugs that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Taking psychostimulants eliminates the feeling of fatigue, causes a surge of strength and vigor, a desire for activity, and confidence in one’s own abilities. The group of psychostimulants that are narcogenic includes cocaine (see above), amphetamine and its derivatives, ephedrine and its derivatives, ephedrine-containing mixtures, and caffeine.

Amphetamine-type drug addiction. The abuse of amphetamines in the Russian Federation is currently more widespread than cocaine, and accounts for 2-3% of drug addictions. Amphetamines are administered intravenously or taken orally. In the USA, in addition, smokable forms of methamphetamine (in slang - “ice”, from English ice - ice) have become widespread.

Acute amphetamine intoxication causes high spirits, a feeling of physical vigor and clarity of thinking, a desire for activity, and sometimes talkativeness and excessive fussiness. Two phases of acute intoxication with intravenous amphetamine use have been described [Liko A. E., Bitensky V. S., 1991]: 1) a short-term “high” and 2) a “high” or euphoria, during which increased mental tone can be combined with agitation, anxiety, wariness and suspicion. Essentially, this is a hypomanic or mixed state, similar to the clinic of schizoaffective psychosis.

Dependence on amphetamine develops quickly - after 2-3 weeks of irregular use or after 3-5 regular injections.

First stage represented by mental dependence syndrome. There is an increase in tolerance, mainly due to increased frequency of drug injections; somatic effects weaken: interruptions and pain in the heart area, headache, chills, trembling. The severity of the “arrival” is shortened. A cyclic rhythm of use is formed, ending in psychophysical exhaustion with refusal to take the drug and subsequent sleep (see. coCain addiction). In second stage a change in the nature of intoxication occurs: the period of euphoria is reduced from 4 to 2 hours, the brightness of experiences weakens, the “tide” disappears, the thirst for multilateral activities is replaced by the same type of activity. Tolerance is maximum - up to 1 gram of phenamine per day or more. Some patients experience attacks of dysphoria at the end of intoxication. Mental dependence is revealed mainly in remission, in the foreground - physical dependence. Withdrawal syndrome is manifested primarily by somatovegetative symptoms: headache, palpitations and pain in the heart, shortness of breath at rest, a feeling of weakness, muscle cramps, tremor. Behavior is impulsive, consciousness is narrowed by the search for drugs. Then yawning, chills and hyperhidrosis appear. Sensitivity to stimuli increases sharply, anxiety and fear are expressed. The post-withdrawal state lasts up to 1-1.5 months. Patients are lethargic, adynamic, with a depressed mood, cry, and are convinced of the hopelessness of their condition. No appetite. Body weight continues to decline. IN trethis stage Cyclic drug use is maintained, but the cycles are shortened and the amount of stimulant is reduced. The drug is used to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Intoxication manifests itself as personality degradation, sexuality decreases, and sexual orientation may change. Devastation of mental activity develops, anger, explosiveness, and aggression increase. The mood is usually depressive (apathetic or dysphoric). High risk of suicide attempts. Characteristic is a rapidly growing moral and ethical decline.

Abuse of homemade ephedrine preparations and ephedrine-containing mixtures. Ephedrine is found in various types of ephedra herb and has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. In medicine, it is used in the form of ephedrine hydrochloride and is available in the form of tablets, solution, and nasal drops. Included in various medicinal mixtures for the treatment of rhinitis, bronchitis: solutions “solutan” and “broncholitin”, ointment “sunoref”, tablets “theophedrine”, etc.

In recent decades, ephedron addiction has become widespread in the Russian Federation, caused by the abuse of ephedrine that has undergone special processing. In terms of the chemical structure, ephedrone (in jargon - “jeff”, “mulka”, “marcephalus”) is close to amphetamine. From medical preparations of ephedrine, a strong narcotic substance, methamphetamine (“vint”, “shirka”), which is close in structure to pervitin, is also produced using a homemade method. Ephedrone and pervitin are strong psychostimulants.

Ephedron is taken orally and administered intravenously. Pervitin is administered only intravenously. Ephedrone abuse begins in adolescence and young adulthood, usually among peer groups.

When ephedrone is taken orally, euphoria develops after 10-15 minutes and is accompanied by peculiar psychosensory disorders: unusual lightness appears in the body, a feeling of “growth”, “moving” of the hair on the head. Mood improves, talkativeness appears. Intoxication is accompanied by dry mouth, appetite and sleep disappear, and urination is delayed. The state of intoxication lasts 6-8 hours.

Every day the number of people who suffer from it increases. Experienced drug addicts have already nicknamed amphetamine, and with it all psychostimulants, “speeds,” which indicates the speed of their effects. After taking these drugs, a person feels a short-term surge of energy, his intellectual and physical abilities improve, and the feeling of hunger and drowsiness subsides.

Signs of amphetamine addiction and the need for treatment

If we consider modern problems of drug addiction, then amphetamine addiction will undoubtedly occupy a leading position. Treatment of this type of drug addiction requires the direct participation of highly qualified specialists who have sufficient experience to combat such a disease.

However, it is not possible to cure amphetamine addiction on your own. In order to understand the treatment of amphetamine addiction, you should first find out the signs that would indicate its presence. So, it could be as follows:

  • talkativeness;
  • excellent mood;
  • activity;
  • mobility;
  • overestimation of the drug addict's capabilities;
  • acceleration of human actions;
  • heightened senses;
  • increased activity;
  • high sexual arousal.

However, this stimulating effect of amphetamine is short-lived, and it begins to be replaced by bad mood, apathy, sedation, and mental instability. Often, to fix the stimulation, amphetamine addicts inject methedrine. In this case, a person’s euphoria can last up to several days. In this case, the addict stops sleeping and eating. But when the effect of such a drug stops, the person falls into deep hibernation.

Amphetamine addiction. Treatment

To break the vicious cycle of chronic amphetamine use, immediate treatment is necessary. Because drug addicts often combine amphetamine with opiates or barbiturates, withdrawal becomes much more difficult. Only specialists can cure a drug addict and stop the symptoms of withdrawal. To do this, the following steps are carried out:

  • detoxification;
  • psychotherapy;
  • rehabilitation.

Only his own desire and professional help can overcome an addict’s addiction to amphetamine. Therefore, you should not be shy about the help of doctors, because in this case it will be easier to get out of the vicious circle.

Hairdryer or Amphetamine- a synthetic psychostimulant, an analogue of natural Ephedrine. Its powerful stimulating effect has made it extremely popular among students and young people who need to do everything - hang out at the club, study for exams, and go to work in the morning. But there is also the other side of the coin - amphetamine quickly causes persistent psychological dependence, which cannot be gotten rid of without the help of doctors.

Drug Fen - what is it

In slang, Phenom is the name given to the drug Amphetamine, a synthetic central nervous system stimulant. It was initially assumed that this drug would replace Ephedrine, its natural analogue, which was used in the treatment of asthma.

Later, amphetamine was prescribed for depression, narcolepsy, ADHD, and also for weight loss. During the war, it was given to soldiers to prolong the state of wakefulness.

Amphetamine as a drug has become popular since the middle of the last century. Now many countries around the world are fighting against its spread, but it is still in demand, including among wealthy groups of the population. In the photo you see a person before and after prolonged use of the Hairdryer.

Amphetamine produces a pronounced stimulating effect. The psychostimulating effect is caused by increased production of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine. Norepinephrine is a precursor of adrenaline, a hormone that mobilizes the body's resources in stressful situations. An increase in adrenaline levels causes increased respiration and heart rate, and increased blood pressure. Metabolic processes in the body accelerate, which causes a surge of energy, and the person loses appetite and sleep.

Dopamine is responsible for motivation and enthusiasm. Usually this neurotransmitter is present in the blood in small quantities, but Amphetamine use stimulates the release of its reserves, which causes exhaustion and mental disorders.

Symptoms of using Fen

  • anxiety
  • increased performance
  • headache
  • hallucinations
  • labored breathing
  • elevated body temperature
  • chest pressure
  • development of psychosis

Why is the drug fen dangerous?

Availability The synthetic psychostimulant is very inexpensive and is sold directly in clubs, so the main target audience is young people under 30 years of age.

Instantly addictive Amphetamine is quickly addictive. With regular use, tolerance develops rapidly, so the addict is forced to increase the dose of the drug daily. Thus, the body is depleted in a short period of time, the risk of overdose increases, which causes high mortality among amphetamine addicts.

How does hairdryer spread?

Fen belongs to the category of “club” drugs. This is due to the fact that they are distributed mainly in clubs, concerts and nightlife areas. Consumers are teenagers and young adults who are thrill seekers.

The club environment is liberating, the general atmosphere of celebration and courage pushes you to rash actions. As a result, even those who had no intention of trying the drug become addicted to amphetamine. Once having experienced an incredible surge of strength and euphoria, a person strives to repeat this experience, and quickly becomes psychologically dependent.

Another danger of club drugs is their dubious quality. The drug distributed in this way may have increased toxicity and can easily lead to severe poisoning.

Signs of using a hairdryer

  • increased heart rate and breathing
  • dilated pupils
  • excessive mobility, talkativeness
  • sexual liberation
  • loss of appetite
  • insomnia
  • active but unproductive activity

If you notice some of these signs in your loved one, contact your doctor immediately.

Consequences of using hairdryer

Even with a short period of use, Fen causes mental and central nervous system disorders. Chronic fatigue develops, the body cannot restore spent reserves in short periods of time without the drug. Lack of sleep and nutrition depletes the body, depression and psychosis develop.

Using Fen for a long time leads to disorders of the cardiovascular system, which can result in cardiac arrest. The body of an amphetamine addict loses a lot of calcium, which causes the destruction of teeth and bones.

Amphetamine leads to significant physical and mental exhaustion. This manifests itself as chronic fatigue, weakness, weight loss. The functioning of the liver, kidneys, and heart is disrupted, and the immune system suffers.

Amphetamine and pregnancy

Taking amphetamine during pregnancy inhibits fetal development. The drug increases blood pressure and increases the pulse rate, which contributes to insufficient blood flow to the placenta, so the child may be born weak, lightweight and underdeveloped. In addition, amphetamine addicts have a high risk of bleeding, miscarriage, stillbirth, as well as the development of pathologies in the child of the brain, limbs, heart, cleft lip, and cleft palate.

During pregnancy it is necessary to eat well, but Amphetamine reduces appetite, which leads to underdevelopment of the fetus. If a mother who uses Fen is breastfeeding, the child's sleep is disturbed and he becomes restless.

Children of amphetamine addicts

Children of amphetamine addicts are usually developmentally delayed and grow slowly. The results of studies of such children have shown that they are often irritable and aggressive, and suffer from serious mental disorders.

Often, children of drug addicts die in the first year of life, because the use of amphetamine by a nursing mother in combination with alcohol leads to breathing problems in the child and, as a result, to respiratory arrest during sleep.

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