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General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is a common childhood pathology. The pediatrician can make this diagnosis for the baby after he...
Another would be an examination when, along with identifying the nature of the speech disorder, the task is to differentiate the speech disorder itself from...
Almost half of people living with HIV do not know about it, so knowing how to identify HIV at home is necessary. In a disease caused by...
Your child should have started talking a long time ago, but is stubbornly silent? This alarming symptom cannot be ignored. The cause of speech impairment in...
Parents must ensure that the child's body remains strong and healthy. Every day, children should receive the optimal amount...
Previously, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine was considered an age-related disease - it was extremely rarely diagnosed in people under 40 years of age. On the...
Have you often noticed irritability, anger, aggression and apathy? Most likely, the cause of this is nervous fatigue. If you...
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