What does fish oil do for the body? Fish oil is the best helper in promoting health

Fish oil consists of – fatty acids and impurities (fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K; micro and macroelements; minerals vitamin A (retinol) and D (calciferol); vitamin E (tocopherols) (B-carotene)).

Fish oil is obtained mainly from the liver of cod and other fish that live in cold ocean waters - herring, mackerel and similar types of fish.

Based on appearance and method of production, there are three types of product:

  1. Buraya
  2. Yellow
  3. White

Purified and unrefined white fish oil is used for medical purposes and for the production of dietary supplements.


Fish oil is harmful

This product consists of 70% glycerides and has an extremely high fat content. That is why fish oil has a number of contraindications:

  • Failure of the thyroid gland of various etiologies - in this case, the product can provoke a serious hormonal imbalance.
  • Individual intolerance - due to its saturation with fatty acids, fish oil is an extremely strong allergen.
  • Inflammatory and chronic diseases of the bladder and kidneys - fish oil accelerates the growth of connective tissue, increasing the risk of relapses.
  • Diseases of the stomach and some parts of the intestines - the product can cause a strong reaction from the stomach, pancreas, and duodenum.
  • High cholesterol content in the body - fish oil significantly increases its level, which can cause disturbances in the functioning of the liver and cardiovascular system.
  • Increased calcium content in the body - the vitamin D contained in the supplement improves its absorption, which ultimately can lead to the development of urolithiasis.

If all of the above conditions are present, taking the supplement is not recommended. Before using the product, you should consult your doctor to identify these diseases.


What are the benefits of fish oil?

The main positive effect of fish oil on the body is due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty groups omega-6 and omega-3, which have the following beneficial properties:

  • Stimulate and normalize the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • Reduce the risk of developing acute heart failure and heart attacks;
  • Improves the condition of joints;
  • Normalize blood pressure;
  • Stimulate brain activity, improve attention and memory;
  • Neutralizes free radicals, reducing the risk of developing tumor processes;
  • They support metabolism in the epidermis, accelerate the turnover of its cells, making the skin smoother and more elastic.

In addition, fish oil contains vitamins A and D, a small amount of iodine, bromine and magnesium, due to which it has the following valuable qualities:

  • Strengthens nails and hair;
  • Stimulates the development of bone tissue, strengthens joints and bones, prevents the development of rickets;
  • Supports eye function and visual acuity;
  • Improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus;
  • Supports immunity, increases energy and performance;
  • Stimulates the production of serotonin, a hormone responsible for a positive emotional background, resulting in increased resistance to depression and stress, and improved mood.

  • Treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis in various forms;
  • Tendency to acute respiratory infections, flu, diseases of the ENT organs, accompanied by complications;
  • Brittle and dry hair and nails;
  • Strengthening bone tissue, normalizing growth, preventing rickets in childhood;
  • Vision problems: temporary disturbances, decreased ability to see at dusk and distinguish colors;
  • To improve skin condition and fight signs of aging;
  • For oncological diseases to restore vitality and combat exhaustion;
  • For arthritis to maintain normal joint mobility;
  • For depression and nervous exhaustion;
  • Maintaining mental activity in old age.

Fish oil for weight loss

In addition to their undeniable beneficial qualities, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins speed up metabolism, promoting increased breakdown of harmful fats, so taking them is recommended when fighting excess weight.

The advantage of fish oil is that it does not turn into fat in the human body, but, on the contrary, enriches it with essential valuable substances and helps improve metabolism. It has been observed that fish oil helps to gain muscle mass, reduce excess weight and improve well-being.

Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which is its main ability to reduce body fat. Since it reduces various inflammations due to the increased rate of waste detoxification, thereby promoting health at the cellular level and optimizing muscle building.

Everyone knows that fish oil is high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They must enter the body daily and are indispensable for humans. Essential fats are fats that the body cannot synthesize on its own.

Omega-3 fats can easily be obtained from any vegetable oils (for example, their high content is in flaxseed oil). Omega-6s (DHA and EPA) have a bit of a challenge - they are almost impossible to get from plant fats, which is a major problem for vegetarians. Although they can be obtained from seaweed and kelp. But often valuable omega-6 fatty acids are not always preserved in these plant products. Also, DHA and EPA fatty acids can be synthesized from linolenic omega-3 acid, but their conversion is quite poor, so they must be obtained from food.

DHA and EPA fatty acids, which are part of omega-6, are the most valuable in fish oil. They are especially recommended for use by those involved in strength training and pregnant women.

How to choose the right fish oil

Fish oil is mainly extracted from fish liver. And as many people know, the liver concentrates not only useful, but also harmful toxic substances, including heavy metals (the unfavorable environmental situation undoubtedly affects the quality of fish oil in this case). For this reason, it is not recommended to consume fish oil from the liver of fish (for example, the common cod).

Therefore, be sure to check the label on the packaging to see what the fish oil is extracted from. If the fat is extracted from fish liver, then (if the drug is foreign) on its packaging it will be written in English “Cod liver oil” (cod liver oil), or “Liver oil” (fish liver oil).

It is advisable to take fish oil from fish meat (although compared to fat extracted from the liver of fish, it will have fewer vitamins and minerals) to avoid the danger of consuming toxic impurities and heavy metal salts from such fat. Therefore, look for fat extracted from the muscle tissue of fish - the packaging will then contain the inscription “Fish oil”. For the same reason, many people, in addition to this, choose highly purified (refined) fish oil.

The most valuable substances in fish oil are DHA and EPA fatty acids. Manufacturers usually indicate their percentage on the packaging. The more valuable the type of fish, the higher the quality of the fish oil and the content of DHA and EPA in it. This directly affects the cost of fish oil.

It should also be taken into account that fish raised on special farms are fed with mixed feed. And omega-3 fatty acids enter the fish’s body precisely from marine plankton. Therefore, only sea fish oil, preferably caught from the cold northern seas, is suitable for this beneficial effect.

How to take fish oil

Today, fish oil is available in two forms: gelatin capsules and liquid formulation. In all cases, it is acceptable to use both forms, however, capsules are preferable for children, since liquid fish oil has a very unpleasant taste. Fish oil in capsules is easier to store, unlike fish oil in liquid form - when opened, it oxidizes faster under the influence of oxygen, acquires a rancid taste (due to the formation of carcinogenic substances) and loses its valuable properties.

Fish oil is not a medicine, but taking it without consulting a specialist is not always recommended: uncontrolled use of even this healing product can lead to an overabundance of vitamins A and D that is very undesirable for the body.

To prevent diseases and strengthen the immune system, fish oil is taken in courses three times a year. Each course should last no more than 30 days, after which you can check general and biochemical blood tests to monitor the condition of the body. When treating serious diseases, the dosage of this product is prescribed by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition.

Capsules with fish oil are taken 1-2 pieces three times a day, and they can only be washed down with cold or slightly warm water, otherwise its absorption will greatly deteriorate. The standard dose of liquid fish oil is 1 tablespoon three times a day. Consumption of the product on an empty stomach is not recommended.

Another way to get the optimal amount of fatty acids is to include fish from the cod family in your diet: burbot, haddock, cod, pollock, blue whiting. To supply the body with useful substances, it must be consumed at least twice a week.

Also, if your health is normal, fish oil can be taken based on personal preference, focusing on the need for these elements.

Fish oil benefits and harms of the product have been almost completely studied and time-tested. Many people remember its taste from childhood (and also the consistency and smell... brrr). And of course, the eternal conversations of mother and grandmother about its benefits for a growing organism. Now pharmacology has long stepped forward and produces fat in a gelatin shell, practically odorless and tasteless. How is fish oil in capsules useful? We will answer this question in the article, analyzing in detail not only the composition, properties, but also the features of taking the supplement.

Any dense animal fat contains a lot of saturated fat, but fish oil is special - liquid, because it contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, like vegetable fats.

Fish oil, like any other oil, is made up of impurities and fatty acids.

Useful components:

  • Omega 3 – about 300 mg per 1000 mg (1 g)
  • Vitamins A, D, E.
  • Omega 6 – (2% linoleic and arachidic).

The main value is made up of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) - eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These components can only be obtained from algae and fish, since they are practically absent in vegetable oils.

By the way, marine life also does not know how to produce Omega 3 on its own, but has the ability to accumulate fats when eating algae or other fish (which is why predatory species contain these beneficial acids in large quantities).

Omega 3 and 6 are not produced by synthesis in the body, but they must be supplied daily; without them, a person cannot live and be healthy.

But linolenic acid, which is found in flaxseed oil, can be synthesized into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The question immediately arises: “Why not eat flaxseed oil, since everything is so simple. Ate one and get 2 irreplaceable others? What's the catch?"

But the fact is that this ability of the body is very limited. The transformation of one substance into another is low in women, and even lower in men. And why should the body strain itself almost idle, if Omega 3 fish oil contains all these acids in their natural form, just super!

Omega 6 fats can be easily obtained from other vegetable oils, also sunflower oil, which is within walking distance, but its content far exceeds the prescribed dose. Although for the ideal benefit to the body Omega 3 to 6 the ratio is 50 to 50, in reality it is far from the standard, about 1/50 in favor of Omega 6. This is where health problems begin.

Is Omega 3 fish oil or not?

Of course, you can trust the instructions of parents and doctors, but it is better to approach the issue of the composition of the substance from a modern and scientific point of view.

There are 2 types of fat in preparations - from muscle tissue and liver of marine fish. The latter contains vitamins A and D in large quantities, which are not recommended for long-term use in higher than normal dosages due to the risk of hypervitaminosis. Also, the liver in the body acts as an antitoxicological center, which is fraught with the accumulation of harmful metabolites and toxins.

This means that we are not considering liver supplements - this is harmful, although the drugs undergo numerous purifications, and their name is fish oil.

We will analyze fish oil made from the muscle tissue of fish in cold waters. The concentration of vitamins A and D is not high, which does not negatively affect the body. Also, a cheap product consisting of small fish, sardines and sprat, has a normal concentration of nutrients A and D, but very little Omega 3.

Another point in our country is that only fish oil is certified, so all supplements with Omega 3 only have this name. And the definition of usefulness is based on the content of the necessary ingredients, which we will discuss below.

Fish oil benefits and harms

The main value of this product is the fatty acids EPA and DHA, which we can take only from purebred fish (salmon, salmon, chum salmon, trout). The better the quality of the raw materials used for production, the more expensive the product is for sale. There’s nothing you can do here, it’s the law of the market.

The supplement has been used as a medicine for more than 120 years, having proven its effectiveness for more than one generation. Research and development is still underway on the effects of fish oil on the body. An additional intake is especially relevant for residents of Russia and the USA, where, according to statistics, the consumption of polyunsaturated acids in food is significantly lower than the norm.

Educational video about positive qualities

The benefits for humans from Omega-3 have been proven and tested by practice:

  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol.
  • Improves the condition during menopause.
  • Reduces the risk of developing blood clots (thin the blood).
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Protecting the body from neoplasms.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Losing weight and increasing muscle mass.

In addition, they note a positive effect on metabolism and brain function, although the research is quite contradictory, the “experiments” continue. And in terms of improving the condition of the skin and nails, there are only advantages.

For cardiovascular pathology

Most scientific articles have been written about the effects of omega 3. Research has been actively conducted since 1970, and drugs with polyunsaturated fatty acids are included in the standard of therapy.

One of the important properties of EPA and DHA is the ability to integrate into the cell membrane (a kind of membrane of all our cells, which determines its integrity). In this layer, acids replace existing lipids, triggering a range of metabolic reactions. PUFAs accelerate metabolic processes and also affect anti-inflammatory reactions.

Studies have proven the effectiveness of fish oil in the treatment of arrhythmias, coronary heart disease and heart failure. Regular intake of increased levels of Omega 3 also reduces the likelihood of sudden cardiac death.

Extensive research has been carried out on the relationship with fatty acid intake in the USA and Europe. Japan and Greenland. For the first two participants, the percentage of sudden cardiac death was about 0.2% per 10,000 population, while in Japan it was 0.04% (which is 5 times lower than in Europe). The Japanese have been using supplements for more than 50 years and are the longest-livers in the world, and the United States and Europe are about 20 years old. Fish oil can reduce the conductivity of calcium ions by the cell membrane of the myocardium, namely, its increased accumulation can cause arrhythmias and ventricular fibrillation.

Fact: a large consumption of fish oil is observed among the northern peoples - the Eskimos. They have an extremely low incidence of cardiovascular complications. And the mortality rate from heart disease does not exceed 7% (for example, in the USA this figure is 45%). Impressive?

Reduces bad cholesterol

Omega 3 regulates lipid metabolism, which reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Also, polyunsaturated acids have mild hypotensive effects (reduce blood pressure); they participate in the synthesis of special hormone-like enzymes (prostaglandins), which dilate and tone blood vessels.

PUFAs improve blood condition, reducing the likelihood of developing blood clots, and therefore reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Fish oil capsules act as anticoagulants, preventing platelets from sticking together, i.e. thins the blood.

Before the upcoming surgery, it is better to cancel it to avoid bleeding.

Benefits during menopause

The use of fish oil during menopause is very important. During this period, metabolic processes are disrupted, hormonal imbalances provoke an increase in blood viscosity, an increase in body weight and a decrease in vascular tone. The benefits of fats from fish reduce complications from the cardiovascular system, cancer, especially breast cancer, in addition, they improve the condition of the skin by moisturizing it and serve as additional sources of vitamin A and D (prevention of osteoporosis).

Anti-inflammatory effect

EPA and DHA are precursors of special biologically active substances in our body - prostaglandins. They are produced by almost all tissues and have a wide range of metabolic effects. If we do not get important fatty acids from food, then the synthesis of these enzymes is simply not possible.

PUFAs are involved in the creation of anti-inflammatory E3 enzymes, which reduce pain and inflammatory reactions (arthritis). This effect has an effect on atherosclerosis - by relieving inflammation from the walls of blood vessels.

Protects against neoplasms

There are a number of studies on the benefits of fish oil in preventing aggressive forms of cancer. Japanese scientists have found that with regular use of Omega 3, the likelihood of cancer is reduced. This fact is also associated with the activity of prostaglandin E3.

Improved brain function

The human brain is almost 2/3 fat. For normal functioning, it requires a sufficient supply of fatty acids, which help improve the metabolic processes of gray matter.

It is recommended to use fat not only for the elderly in order to prevent senile dementia, but also to use it during pregnancy - in mothers who included a sufficient amount of omega 3 in their diet, children were less likely to suffer from mental and mental disabilities and develop better. A fairly large-scale study was carried out, in which more than 12 thousand expectant mothers participated.

Fish oil for weight loss

While we often hear from doctors about the benefits for the cardiovascular system, not many people know about the use of supplements for weight loss. It would seem how fat and weight loss are combined, because this is what we are trying to get rid of. This is the mistake of many people losing weight, who replace fish species rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (salmon, mackerel) with a lean version with white meat (tuna, pollock).

Of course, the calorie content of the diet is thus reduced, but a lot of useful nutrients are simply lost. In a recent study, French scientists proved that taking 3 grams of the supplement can reduce the amount of fat deposits in the waist and abdomen.

The experiment consisted of 2 groups of women suffering from type 2 diabetes. One group included fish oil capsules on a normal diet (without any dietary changes), while the other group took a placebo. The content of fatty acids in the dietary supplement presented for the experiment was – Omega3 – 1.8; EPA – 1.1; DHA – 0.7.

Within a month, the study showed that subjects who regularly took the supplement experienced a weight loss of about 1 kg. The percentage of fatty tissue also decreased - about 2%, especially in the torso area. The group that did not take dietary supplements remained unchanged.

Interesting fact: In this experiment, the ladies not only lost weight, but also significantly reduced the risk of heart attack. They additionally identified a special protein in the blood, PAI-1, which is a kind of marker (and also the culprit) of cardiac ischemia. It also decreased significantly during the study, from 18 to 9 IE/ml.

Fat burning mechanism

There are 3 types of fat mass in our body - white, brown and beige. The first serves specifically to store reserve energy, while the remaining two serve to burn fat to maintain body temperature. Beige and brown cells significantly decrease in number with age, which explains the tendency to be overweight in mature and old age.

In 2015, in Japan, during an experiment on mice, it was revealed that with the regular inclusion of fish oil in the diet, the white mass goes to the “burning” side. The rodents were given exclusively high-calorie, fatty food, but some with fish oil, and others not. As a result, the animals lost significant weight (their weight decreased by an average of 10%, and the total amount of fat by 25%), and upon autopsy, a transition of white to brown cells was revealed. That is, part of the adipose tissue was simply “retrained” for burning, which is why the effect of weight loss was noticeable. This is super cool and useful.

How to take fish oil capsules

There are now a large number of omega-3 drugs on the pharmacological market. You can easily get confused in such diversity. Moreover, many companies “sin” with a large number of useless additives in capsules, which serve only as ballast.

  • Liquid or capsules?

The standard of the “Soviet” additive was the liquid form. Nowadays, taking it with spoons is not relevant, since the dietary supplement quickly oxidizes, causing only harm in the form of free radicals to the body, losing its beneficial properties. The shell protects the substance from decay. It is also advisable to choose companies whose capsule dissolves in the intestines (enteric-soluble). This way the product is better absorbed (it is the intestines that process fats in our body), and there will be no problems with fishy burps and an unpleasant aftertaste.

  • Recommended dosages of omega 3

The following are the consumption standards according to the World Health Organization (from 2003) and the American Heart Association:

  1. Prevention of cardiovascular disorders – 500 mg.
  2. Atherosclerosis, increased levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood - 2000 -4000 mg.
  3. Prevention of complications in coronary artery disease and cardiovascular pathologies – 1000 mg.
  4. Arterial hypertension – 3000 mg.
  5. For weight loss – 3000-4000 mg.
  • Reception features

It is best to drink fish oil after meals. This will help avoid digestive disorders and flatulence. The reception should be divided into several doses - 2-3. Depending on the dosage taken and the omega 3 content in the capsule.

  • Which drug should I choose?

The main thing is to pay attention to the amount of omega 3 (not fat) in the capsule. A high indicator not only indicates the purity of the product, but is also cost-effective. Calculate your intake based on “naked” milligrams of the active substance, and not according to the recommendations on the package.

Example: there are several similar dietary supplements with fish oil - DoppelHertz, NOW and Solgar.

  1. The German company Doppelherz claims 800 mg of fish (and this is fat not from muscle mass, but from the liver), of which the Omega 3 we need is 30% (by simple mathematical calculations - 240 mg per capsule). That is, if you need to consume 1g, you should eat at least 4 capsules per day.
  2. For the manufacturer NOW, 1 piece of the drug contains as much as 2000 mg of fat, which contains 680 mg of the acids we need.
  3. Solgar is the “record holder” for the content of omega 3 - 940 mg per capsule, which allows you to drink only one per day for the necessary consumption of healthy PUFAs.

Contraindications and side effects

We discussed in detail how fish oil is beneficial in the article, but you should know in moderation in everything, and taking a supplement is no exception. Increased consumption of dietary supplements can cause dyspeptic disorders - nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, and cause exacerbation of pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

There is a possibility of an increased risk of bleeding, but this is possible with overdose (patients who took 6g of fat did not show this complication even while taking anticoagulants).

Fish oil is completely contraindicated in hypercalcemia, renal and liver failure and active forms of tuberculosis.

Conclusion in choosing a product

Finally, I finished the first article about the benefits and harms of fish oil, but much has not yet been said, this will be in the next posts, otherwise I will not publish it soon. Red fish was expensive, and now it is very expensive, and does it contain omegas, if it is grown artificially, what kind of algae are there in nurseries, I went to the pharmacy to choose a supplement. Honestly, until not long ago, I absolutely didn’t care what dietary supplement with omega to drink; I used to drink our Soviet penny supplement, 3-4 capsules per dose, 3 times a day. Then Doppel Herz, 1 capsule a day, but my hair fell out, my nails peeled off, and everything remained the same.

Having obtained a deeper knowledge of the action and composition of the product, I took it seriously and began to look for a high-quality production company. The product is provided by the famous online store of organic products iHerb.

On the label 180EPA/120DNA dosage is 1 capsule.

Why did I choose him? Having studied many jars based on reviews, I noticed for myself that in terms of EPA/DNA content it fully complies with the standards when consuming 6 capsules per day, or more precisely 2 capsules per dose 3 times after meals. There are 500 pieces in a jar, enough for a 3-month course.

The marker indicates EPA -360 mg; DHA -240 mg. Dose in 2 capsules. Don't be confused.

I'll drink it and order others, there's a huge selection on the website. I note that I am not a fan of various types of supplements, but Omega deserves respect for regular replenishment. Besides, I have goals, and to achieve them I need health. Thank you for being with me, we can continue to communicate in the comments or by mail. By the way, if you know other sources of an excellent, proven product, please share.

My son records his covers, listen to this gorgeous slow song. Despite the fact that he was in a stroller, he found himself in music.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Many people, just at the mere mention of this medicinal drug, already grimace, remembering the unpleasant smell and taste of fish oil, which several years ago was compulsorily given to all children. Today, this undeservedly forgotten product is produced in a more convenient form, which allows you to get maximum health effects. How is fish oil useful, what is included in its composition, what diseases can be overcome with its help and whether there are contraindications for use - answers to questions can be found in the article.

The medicine itself is a concentrated extract of beneficial substances taken from cod liver or directly from a fish carcass. The drug, of course, does not look very attractive: an oily translucent substance with a not entirely pleasant aroma.

It is especially necessary to highlight the presence in the product of important polyunsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6, which the body cannot produce on its own.

But the main thing, as you know, is not the packaging, but what is inside. But the composition of fish oil is actually unique. It contains all the substances that a person needs for health.

In addition to them, the drug contains:

  • vitamins E, D and carotene;
  • palmitic and oleic acids;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • bromine;
  • chlorine.

The calorie content of the healthy product is quite high - 850 – 900 kcal per 100 grams. But if you take into account the small amount of the required daily dose of the drug, then there are not so many calories.

Benefits of fish oil for women and men

The complex of vitamins and microelements has a beneficial effect on human health. The product affects many body systems, improves their condition and prevents the occurrence of pathologies.

Fish oil has a positive effect on the human body.

How the drug works:

  • improves heart function;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes myocardial rhythm;
  • improves vision;
  • supplies vitamins to the body;
  • prevents the development of thrombosis and atherosclerosis;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, burns fat;
  • improves the condition of the internal membranes and epidermis;
  • strengthens hair, nails, teeth;
  • produces serotonin, the hormone of joy, which improves emotional state and fights depression;
  • stimulates active brain function, improves memory;
  • prevents seizures;
  • helps strengthen bone tissue;
  • increases immunity;
  • normalizes bile production;
  • eliminates pain during menstruation in women;
  • neutralizes the symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

Fish oil is especially beneficial for men; it increases potency and serves as an effective prevention of prostate cancer.

Useful properties for children

Pediatricians strongly recommend that their young patients drink this vitamin remedy. After all, if a child’s body lacks omega fatty acids, then he will not be able to fully develop, and various pathologies will arise.

Since not every family has sufficient financial security to allow the introduction of oily sea fish into the weekly diet, taking a useful drug will replenish the child’s body with the necessary substances.

How does fish oil help at this age?

  1. The product improves concentration and promotes active brain function. This property allows children to quickly absorb information while studying, reduces the threshold of fatigue, and increases mental abilities.
  2. Acids help reduce hyperactivity and have a calming effect. Thanks to the use of the drug, children become more diligent, and, unlike various tranquilizers, the drug does not cause addiction or side effects.
  3. A sufficient amount of vitamin D helps strengthen the skeleton in infants and prevents rickets in infants.
  4. Fat increases resistance to colds and allergies. Regular use of the drug strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the child.
  5. The production of serotonin, which is responsible for the emotional state of children, increases. This is especially important in adolescence. The child will be in a good mood and not succumb to stress and depression.
  6. Carotene in the drug strengthens the visual organs. In the era of all kinds of gadgets, eye pathologies are very common. With the help of fish oil, children will be able to see better and distinguish colors and shades.

Indications for use

The range of application of the drug is quite wide.

Among the diseases that can be prevented and cured with the help of this natural remedy, medicine names:

  • influenza, chronic bronchitis, acute respiratory infections;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatitis, rash;
  • rickets;
  • sclerosis, senile insanity;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • visual impairment;
  • hypertension;
  • frequent seizures;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • arthritis, other joint pathologies;
  • psoriasis;
  • wounds, burns;
  • decreased immunity;
  • obesity;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • heart disease;
  • emphysema, tuberculosis;
  • general exhaustion.

In fact, the range of use of the drug is much wider, it all depends on the specific disease and its symptoms. By consulting with your doctor before use, you can choose the best option for effective treatment.

Source of health in capsules and liquid form

Fish oil contains antioxidants.

In pharmacies the drug is presented in two forms:

  • liquid substance in a bottle;
  • fish oil capsules.

Adults and especially children prefer the second, more modern option. A clear advantage is the absence of a specific smell and taste when consuming capsules.

Fish oil capsules are a more modern product.

In addition, the capsule shell prevents fish oil from oxidizing under the influence of air and sunlight. That is, this form of the drug has a higher content of useful substances than the liquid in the bottle.

Daily intake of fish and effective sources

Under no circumstances should you take the medicine without supervision. The dosage of fish oil depends on age, as well as on the characteristics of each person, especially the presence of diseases.

Fish oil should be taken in doses.

The recommended minimum daily dose of omega-3 for children is 250 mg; adults will need 1000–1500 mg per day to strengthen the immune system, and if there are diseases, you can take up to 2500 mg of the drug.

The final dosage is determined by the physician based on the purpose of treatment or prevention and the general condition of the person. Usually the course lasts 1.5 - 2 months, and then, after a break of 2 - 3 months, it is repeated again. After all, the body constantly needs to replenish its reserves.

In its natural form, omega-3 can be consumed with food.

Sources of useful acids:

  • seafood;
  • fish - salmon, sardines, tuna, herring, trout;
  • vegetable oils - flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame;
  • walnuts;
  • pumpkin and flax seeds;
  • greens - dill, parsley, spinach, cilantro.

You can even enjoy dishes based on these products every day, replenishing your body with useful elements. There are no restrictions on the dosage of omega-3 in this form.

Can I take it during pregnancy?

During the gestation period, it is very important for women to eat only healthy and safe foods. Fish oil is just such a product that improves the health of the expectant mother and baby.

Fish oil is a very useful product for expectant mothers.

Combination of fatty acids and vitamins:

  • protects the woman and fetus from infectious diseases;
  • improves heart function;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • prevents the development of toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • stabilizes the emotional state of expectant mothers;
  • promotes adequate intrauterine nutrition;
  • becomes the foundation for normal growth and development of the child’s skeletal and nervous system;
  • reduces the risk of developing allergies;
  • minimizes the risk of premature birth.

Fish oil, in the absence of contraindications, is a safe and effective means of ensuring normal childbearing. Nursing mothers can also take a vitamin preparation after consulting a doctor.

Possible harm and contraindications

In addition to the unconditional benefits that fish oil brings to the human body, it can cause harm if contraindications are not taken into account.

Fish oil should be taken with caution.

When not to use the drug:

  • for problems with the thyroid gland;
  • in case of hypervitaminosis;
  • people with congenital diabetes mellitus;
  • in the presence of chronic kidney pathologies;
  • in case of individual intolerance to seafood;
  • for hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • people with kidney stones, gall bladder;
  • with active form of tuberculosis.

Consuming extracts from fish carcasses rarely leads to an overdose. But if you take a drug based on cod liver for a long time, unwanted side effects may occur.

To avoid harm to yourself, do not exceed the recommended dose.

Among them:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • epigastric pain;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

In addition, an unpleasant fishy odor appears from the mouth. After discontinuation of the drug, all symptoms disappear.

The correct dosage of fish oil will only bring positive results, fill the body with health and energy, and give you a good mood.


This product has been used as an active food additive for a long time. Previously, doctors recommended this valuable substance to absolutely all children - it was believed that it promoted mental development and proper growth of the child. What are the benefits of this product and how much should modern people consume?

Properties of fish oil

Many people wonder what fish oil is for and what benefits it provides to the body. This oily, transparent, yellow liquid is a unique natural product found in the liver of marine fish (cod, herring, mackerel). The main benefit of this supplement is the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, which improve brain activity and reduce stress. If a doctor prescribes fish oil, the benefits of the product will interest every patient. It is determined by the nutrients and vitamins contained in it:

  • Vitamin A has antioxidant properties and helps support immunity. Essential for maintaining vision.
  • Vitamin D helps phosphorus and calcium penetrate cells. Needed to maintain healthy teeth and bones.
  • Docosahexaenoic fatty acid is essential for central nervous system health. Preserves the beauty of the skin.
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid is essential for the heart. Helps relieve inflammation.

What are the benefits of fish oil?

The positive main effect of the natural supplement is due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty groups omega 6 and 3, which have beneficial properties. These acids:

  • improve joint condition;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduce the risk of tumor processes;
  • normalize the activity of blood vessels and the heart;
  • reduce the risk of heart attacks;
  • improve memory, attention;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • accelerate the turnover of epidermal cells.

In addition to A and D, the product contains a small amount of iodine, magnesium and bromine. Thanks to its composition, fish oil provides the body with:

  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • maintaining visual acuity;
  • preventing the development of rickets;
  • production of serotonin, resulting in improved mood.

For children

Many adults are interested in whether to give fish oil to children. Polyunsaturated acids found in this natural product improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, promote metabolism, and increase the mental development of the child. In children, when taking this drug, the assimilation of information and the ability to understand improves. A hyperactive child becomes diligent. In order not to harm the baby’s health, taking the supplement must be agreed with a doctor. Vitamins in fish oil for children:

  • prevent the development of rickets;
  • responsible for the normal formation of the skeleton;
  • increase resistance to infection;
  • improve the condition of the respiratory system.

Indications for use:

  • growth disorder;
  • frequent seizures;
  • attention deficit;
  • long illness;
  • anemia;
  • hyperactivity;
  • visual impairment;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • prevention of acute respiratory infections;
  • dry skin.

For women

Consumption of the famous natural fish liver product has a special effect on the health of the fair half of humanity. Use of this dietary supplement:

  • helps in nourishing hair, nails, skin;
  • reduces the likelihood of cancer;
  • increases the activity of the central nervous system;
  • prevents early aging;
  • has a beneficial effect on the figure (accelerates metabolism, promotes rapid burning of extra pounds);
  • forms gradual protection against arthritis and osteoporosis.

When breastfeeding

As a rule, a person receives all the necessary microelements for the development of the body through food, but vitamin D is an exception. It is produced under the influence of the sun's rays. It can only be found in certain products, which include fish oil. To maintain health and vitality, women during lactation need to take this natural product.

Fish oil during breastfeeding is necessary for mothers who sleep little, are unable to eat properly and rarely go outside. In addition to eating the product, you can use it as a hair and face mask. The usefulness of the supplement lies in the fact that a woman’s immunity increases, dryness and acne disappear, and the development of depression decreases.

During pregnancy

Women who are planning to become pregnant often wonder why they drink fish oil. This product has a beneficial effect on the mother’s health and the normal development of the baby’s nervous system. When the required amount of omega-3 is received, the eyes of the unborn child are fully formed. In addition, the supplement has a beneficial effect on the growth of the child, delivering the substances necessary for tissue growth to the fetus. Fish oil for pregnant women can only be prescribed by a specialist: independent use of the supplement can harm the baby.

For hair

Due to its unique properties, the product containing fatty acids is used in cosmetology. The drug can quickly revive thin, brittle, overdried, damaged hair with split ends. It is often recommended to take fish oil for hair loss. Moreover, it can be used both externally and internally. Useful properties of the supplement:

  • polyunsaturated acids make hair thicker and stronger, accelerate its growth;
  • oleic acid gives strands shine and shine;
  • vitamins nourish the roots, moisturize the scalp, protect hair from loss.

For weight loss

For those people who want to get rid of extra pounds, the relevant question is whether fish oil is useful for losing weight. The advantage of using this product is improving overall well-being, enriching the body with useful microelements and accelerating metabolism. In addition, the supplement has anti-inflammatory properties - due to the high rate of waste detoxification, it helps to optimize muscle building. Fish oil capsules for weight loss should be taken for 3 weeks, no more than 5 tablets per day. You can take 3 courses in a year.

For weight

Some athletes are often advised to take fish oil to gain weight. In this case, you need to eat right, eat at least 2500 kcal per day and mostly only protein foods. The benefit of the supplement is that omega-3 acids provide the body with the necessary fats for muscle gain that the body is not able to generate on its own. The drug is a kind of anabolic - it increases the content of good cholesterol and synthesizes protein, which leads to rapid muscle growth. In order not to harm the body, the use of the supplement must be agreed with a doctor.

For men

The male hormone testosterone is responsible for hair growth, voice development, and muscle gain. It is an important element in metabolism. In addition, this hormone is responsible for the quantity and quality of sperm and helps increase libido. The benefit of fish oil capsules for men is to stimulate testosterone production. In addition, this supplement:

  • improves heart function;
  • increases metabolism;
  • adds energy to the body;
  • increases physical performance;
  • reduce the risk of colds;
  • activates the immune system;
  • prevents the formation of gene mutations;
  • improves brain function;
  • reduces joint pain;
  • strengthens bones.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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It has always been customary to feed children fish oil, because... It was believed that it was a panacea for all diseases. Currently produced fish oil in capsules is more convenient and pleasant to use, but has not only beneficial properties, but also a number of contraindications.

This component is useful for any category of people and at any age, but it has its own application features that you should know before you start taking fish oil.

What are the benefits of fish oil in capsules and what are its harms, and how to choose the most useful and safe drug?

Composition and beneficial qualities

Fish oil is produced mainly from the fatty liver of cod fish. In its natural form, the product is many times cheaper, but due to its specific smell and taste, many people prefer the encapsulated form of the drug. After certain processing and purification, fish oil is packaged into capsules and used as a dietary supplement in the daily diet.

The product contains useful substances necessary for the proper functioning of the body:

  • and Omega-6 are the most important and main components of the product. They help regulate hormonal balance, strengthen nails and hair, speed up the healing of wounds and cuts, and relieve inflammation.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins E and A. Improve the condition of the liver, which has a positive effect on the condition of the complexion and skin, skin, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid is the main component for the cell membranes of the brain, tissues of the nervous system and the retina.
  • Vitamin D. Protects the skin from external influences, improves the condition of bone tissue. Reduces the tendency to seizures, nervous excitability, helps the penetration of phosphorus and...
  • Eicosapenaenoic acid. Controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of wrinkles and their smoothing. Blocks inflammatory processes, good for the cardiovascular system.

In addition, fish oil contains organic acids (butyric, acetic, stearic, capric), trace elements (manganese, bromine, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, manganese, phosphorus) and many other useful chemical compounds depending on the habitat and type of fish.

Note! The main property of fish oil is the fact that it easily carries out oxidation processes, so its components are quickly absorbed and easily penetrate the body through cells.

The product has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-infective, and tonic properties.

What are the benefits of fish oil capsules:

  • Improves defenses;
  • Prevents early aging;
  • Helps treat frostbite, burns, long-term non-healing wounds, bedsores;
  • Prevents the development of rickets;
  • Strengthens memory and vision;
  • Helps cell regeneration;
  • Reduces ;
  • Promotes rapid fat burning;
  • Improves joint mobility;
  • Nourishes skin, nails, hair;
  • Normalizes metabolism and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease.

Due to its beneficial qualities, fish oil is considered an essential component of a healthy diet. However, this does not mean that it can be consumed in unlimited quantities - in the wrong dosage, the product can harm the body.

The effect of fish oil on the human body in general and on the female body in particular is absolutely no different. But at some points in life, a woman especially needs the use of fish oil, so there is an opinion about the incredible effect of the product on the female body.

According to its composition, fish oil contains essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for human health.

Use of fish oil

The use of a product called “fish oil” will be useful to all categories of people, but this product is especially necessary: ​​adolescents and children, the elderly, pregnant women, overweight people, athletes and diabetics.

Elderly people need fish oil as a prophylactic agent to prevent dementia, senile insanity, and memory loss. In this regard, doctors often prescribe the product to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

For diabetics, the product allows you to cleanse blood vessels and get rid of excess weight - daily intake of 6 g of fish oil, which actively burns saturated fats, helps to lose extra pounds.

For athletes, fish oil helps to establish metabolic processes in muscle tissue, while replenishing the body with microelements and vitamins without harm to health.

Indications for use:

  • Poor dental growth;
  • Eye diseases (including night blindness);
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Frequent injuries, fractures, wounds;
  • Slow development of the skeletal system, rickets;
  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Pathologies of the urinary tract;
  • Problem skin;
  • Tendency to allergies:
  • Diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Regular use of the product improves the functioning of organs and the functioning of blood vessels: reduce the risk of vascular and heart pathologies, prevent, improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

The product is prescribed for the treatment of psycho-emotional disorders: it helps cope with stress and depression, helps strengthen memory, relieves insomnia and chronic fatigue.

For women, fish oil is an excellent natural remedy that prolongs health and beauty.

Fish oil capsules - benefits for women

  • Improves well-being during depression and stress;
  • Promotes weight loss;
  • Eliminates hair fragility and dry skin;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes;
  • Replenishes deficiencies due to poor nutrition and diets;
  • Normalizes ;
  • Prevents the appearance of acne and rashes;
  • Resists the aging of the body.

Fish oil in weight loss capsules helps accelerate lipid metabolism, as a result of which accumulated fat deposits are quickly broken down. With proper and regular use, metabolic processes, disturbed by improper lifestyle and diets, improve and the process of losing weight goes faster.

Note! Fish oil increases the fat-burning effect during fitness training, because... makes muscles work more efficiently.

Cosmetologists recommend fish oil for the face - it will help heal and rejuvenate the dermis, help tighten the skin and eliminate fine wrinkles. The product helps improve hair structure, prevent hair loss, and prevent early gray hair.

Women during breastfeeding and pregnancy need to take fish oil. It stimulates the development and growth of the fetus, reduces the risk of having a premature baby, and, in addition, promotes:

  • Proper development of the child’s visual organs;
  • Normalization of metabolic processes in a pregnant woman;
  • Improving the general condition of the pregnant woman, normalizing mood and psycho-emotional background;
  • Prevention of rickets and the likelihood of inheritance by the baby;
  • Alleviation of manifestations;
  • Normalization of the condition of the hair and skin of the expectant mother.

Important! In some drugs, the instructions indicate pregnancy as a contraindication for use. This depends on the composition of the fish oil in the capsules. In this case, you should consult your doctor before use.

Fish oil will be useful for women who are just planning a pregnancy - the product stimulates the reproductive system and improves the expectant mother.

What are the benefits for men?

For the male half, fish oil is necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive organs and prostate gland.

Men should remember that this product helps in the prevention of such an unpleasant disease as prostatitis

The benefits for men include the following properties of fish oil:

  • Suppression of stress hormone synthesis;
  • Preventing the occurrence of joint diseases;
  • Increased testosterone production;
  • Prevention of thrombosis;
  • Improving sperm count, increasing potency;
  • Strengthening bone tissue;
  • Normalization of brain functions;
  • Reduced blood viscosity;
  • Prevention.

For men who are actively involved in sports and perform heavy physical work, fish oil will help increase endurance and reduce.

Parents who care about the health and mental development of their child know that taking fish oil capsules helps maintain the health of the baby

For children

Children's fish oil is available in the form of fruit-flavored preparations. But, if such drugs could not be found, the use of regular fish oil capsules is allowed.

Benefits for children:

  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Reduced hyperactivity;
  • Improved vision;
  • Stimulation of mental abilities;
  • Strengthening bone tissue (prevention of rickets);
  • Normalization of the nervous system;
  • Improving the condition of nails and hair, getting rid of teenage acne;
  • Prevention of colds.

Fish oil improves the condition of the child’s cardiovascular system, increases the body’s defenses and resistance to negative external influences, and improves the functioning of the respiratory organs. The product prevents the child from gaining excess weight by removing toxins and excess cholesterol, as well as quickly burning fat.

Despite all the usefulness of this product, you should use the capsules strictly according to the instructions

How to use fish oil: instructions

Schemes for using fish oil may differ, because... depend on each specific case. How to drink fish oil capsules for medicinal purposes should be decided by a doctor, who will determine the exact dosage and duration of use.

How to take fish oil capsules:

  • Children (3-7 years old) – 4-6 capsules per day, dividing the dosage into 2 doses.
  • Children (7-14 years old) – 8-10 capsules per day, divided into two doses.
  • Adults – 1-2 capsules three times a day for two to three months – for preventive measures. For treatment, the dosage of the drug is usually doubled.

For children, the course of treatment is 30 days, unless otherwise indicated by the doctor. Adults can take the drug for 2-3 months, after which they take a break and undergo tests. Based on the results of the studies, a decision is made to continue or discontinue treatment.

Note! Parents should ensure that the child does not keep the capsule in his mouth, because. the gelatin shell tends to dissolve and in this state stick to the tongue or palate.

Instructions for use:

  • Capsules are taken after meals - taking the drug on an empty stomach can lead to gastrointestinal pathologies.
  • Capsules should be taken with plenty of water so that the capsule shell dissolves quickly in the stomach.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the decision to use the product should be made by a doctor.
  • If the product does not contain vitamin E, it should be taken together with capsule fish oil for better absorption of fish oil.
  • You cannot use expired fish oil, and it is better to store it in a dark and dry place.

For young children, fish oil is given in liquid form, starting at 4 months of age.

Harm of fish oil

Consuming fish oil can cause harm to the body if you ignore your doctor's instructions and exceed the dosage of the drug.

Fish oil is contraindicated:

  • In case of individual intolerance to components;
  • For pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • At ;
  • With hypervitaminosis of vitamin D and A;
  • For urolithiasis.

Side effects may occur if the dosage is exceeded and with prolonged use of the drug. They are expressed in symptoms of toxic poisoning: nausea, bile secretion, nosebleeds.

How to choose quality fish oil

You can buy fish oil at any pharmacy, but when purchasing you should consider some nuances:

  • The name on the label should be “Medical fish oil.” Veterinary and food are not suitable for the treatment and prevention of diseases.
  • It is also worth considering the difference between fish oil and fish oil: fish oil is made from the pulp of salmon fish, and fish oil is made from cod liver. These products have different indications and contraindications for use.
  • On the packaging you should find information about the amount of beneficial acids contained in the product (they must be at least 15%).
  • The product must have a license certificate - its absence indicates a fake.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date and country of origin of the drug. For example, producers from Norway are considered the best in providing quality fish products.

It is impossible to say with certainty which fish oil preparation is better - it depends on the composition, the country of manufacture and the purposes for which the product is intended to be used. Buyers do not recommend choosing cheap products, because... they practically do not have the expected effect.

The most famous preparations with fish oil:

  • Biafishenol;
  • biter;
  • Biocontour;
  • Gold fish;
  • Shenlong fish oil;
  • Omega-3 Fish Oil;
  • CodeLiverOil;
  • NowFoods Omega-3.
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