Inflammatory diseases of bones and joints. Diseases of bones and joints Diseases of the bones of human legs

Among all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, various infections of the joints and bones are very common. They can provoke complications, spreading to neighboring tissues, and therefore the initial symptoms cannot be ignored. Timely treatment is an important condition for maintaining human health and full physical activity.

First, let's take a closer look at what a joint infection is. The essence of such diseases is that pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the joint cavity or the soft tissue surrounding it. They can affect bone tissue, which is a very serious problem.

Symptoms of a bone and joint infection include:

  • discomfort in the affected area;
  • increasing pain;
  • local increase in temperature, with the spread of infection - general hyperthermia;
  • redness of the skin over the joint;
  • swelling, fluid accumulation;
  • development of necrotic processes;
  • manifestations of intoxication of the body (nausea, general malaise);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • difficulty in motor function;
  • curvature of the joint.

With pyogenic inflammation, paleness of the skin, a local decrease in temperature may be observed, pus is visible through the skin, and when it breaks through, it comes out.

Causes and provoking factors

The main cause of infectious diseases of the musculoskeletal system are pathogenic microorganisms, in particular viruses and fungi. The most common provocateur is streptococcus.

What infections affect joints:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • salmonella;
  • coli;
  • Brucella;
  • fungal origin;
  • herpes;
  • treponema pallidum (syphilis);
  • smallpox, rubella, hepatitis viruses, etc.

They can penetrate into the joint cavity both directly and indirectly, that is, through the bloodstream if there is an infection in the body.

Provoking factors for infection with such diseases are:

  • injuries, especially open fractures;
  • stab and gunshot wounds;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • weakened immune system;
  • surgical interventions;
  • installation of ligatures;
  • infectious diseases of other body systems;
  • inflammatory processes in the surrounding soft tissues.

Types of diseases

Based on what infections affect the joints, we can identify the main diseases that occur most often.

Let's look at them in more detail in the table:

Title and photo Short description
Minor inflammatory forms This group includes pathologies associated with the formation of small local foci of inflammation. Most often they are provoked by injuries or surgical interventions. For example, an infection after a fall can lead to the formation of an abscess.

Inflammation of the tendons may involve the area attached to the bone or muscle. A complication may be a rupture or partial tear of the tendon.

Inflammation of the synovial membrane. Accompanied by increased secretion, which is expressed in the formation of effusion.

Inflammation of the joint capsule, with the accumulation of serous or purulent exudate, sometimes with bloody impurities, depending on the type of causative agent of the disease.

General name for inflammatory joint diseases. It can be either an independent pathology or accompany other pathologies of the body.

Dropsy of the joint is also known as hydrartosis. As a result of the development of the inflammatory process, fluid accumulates in the cavity of the articular joint.
Rheumatoid arthritis

It is predominantly a consequence of autoimmune disorders in the body, but infections are often the triggering factor.

A dystrophic change in cartilage tissue occurs, which can also be triggered by infection entering the joint. The spine is most often affected.

Bones and bone marrow are affected; most often, under the influence of pyogenic microorganisms, purulent-necrotic destruction of the affected areas occurs.


When the first symptoms of problems with the musculoskeletal system appear, you should immediately go to the hospital. Only a doctor will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment, which will prevent the development of complications.

To determine which infections affecting the joints are the provocateurs of the disease in a particular case, it is necessary to conduct a series of laboratory tests.

This includes:

  • general blood test;
  • blood chemistry;
  • puncture of the joint contents with further bacteriological examination.

Additionally, tests are carried out to determine the susceptibility of identified microorganisms to certain types of antibiotics.

In order to determine the type of disease, as well as the extent of the spread of the inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed additional instrumental studies:

  • radiography;
  • scintigraphy;
  • arthroscopy.

Areas of inflammation, especially if there are purulent accumulations, will appear darkened on diagnostic images. The most accurate method is tomography, as it allows you to examine in more detail the condition of the bone and the surrounding soft tissue.

Treatment methods

Infectious lesions of the knee joints and other particularly mobile areas of the musculoskeletal system require temporary immobilization. This will reduce pain and swelling and also prevent the problem from getting worse.

Instructions for further treatment depend on the specific diagnosis that was established during the examination.

For complete therapy, the following directions can be used:

  1. Taking medications. To relieve inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and corticosteroid drugs are required. They relieve symptoms and relieve pain. To combat the infection itself, a suitable antibiotic, antiviral or antifungal drug is selected. If there are wounds, regular antiseptic treatment is required. Medicines are used in the form of tablets, injections, intravenous infusions, as well as in the form of ointments and creams for local impact on the source of the problem.
  2. Physiotherapy. After eliminating the infection and relieving the inflammation, you can begin to carry out auxiliary therapeutic procedures using special equipment and medications. Electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, UHF, etc. are most often used.
  3. Surgical intervention. Infectious diseases are quite often accompanied by suppuration and tissue necrosis, which requires sanitation and arthroplasty. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to prevent the re-introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the wound.
  4. Folk remedies. After relieving acute manifestations of inflammation using traditional methods, you can turn to folk recipes. Their price is minimal, but with their help they can stimulate tissue restoration. To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to drink herbal infusions: raspberry leaf, St. John's wort, chamomile. Apply grated raw potatoes, cabbage leaves, and sea buckthorn oil to the sore joint.
  5. Exercise therapy. To restore normal motor ability after completing the main course of treatment, physical rehabilitation is necessary. To do this, it is recommended to perform special exercises specifically selected for the patient, depending on his state of health. They strengthen atrophied muscles and ligaments, increase flexibility, stimulate blood circulation and increase the range of motion in the joint. All this is necessary for complete tissue regeneration.

Preventive actions

In order to reduce the likelihood of developing such diseases, it is necessary to pay special attention to their prevention, especially if there is an increased risk of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

  • protection against hypothermia;
  • preventing traumatic injuries;
  • compliance with hygiene standards in the presence of wounds on the body, carrying out regular antiseptic treatment;
  • taking a preventive antibacterial course as prescribed by a doctor;
  • compliance with precautions during the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions, in particular osteosynthesis procedures;
  • general strengthening of the immune system;
  • timely treatment of colds and other infectious viral diseases;
  • If an infection in the joints was previously detected, do not delay treatment until the pathological process has spread to the bone tissue.

To learn more about joint and bone infections, watch the video in this article.

Man, as a species, achieved evolutionary success thanks to the improvement of not only higher nervous activity. Without good mobility, even the smartest organism would not be able to withstand the struggle for survival. Therefore, diseases of bones and joints greatly affect the quality of life of a sick person.

Anatomical and physiological changes in pathology

A person is capable of physical activity thanks to the movable joints between the bones of the skeleton - joints. They allow you to walk, run, jump, talk, lift a spoon and chew. Apart from facial movements, any movements are possible only thanks to them.

Normally, all parts of the joint (the surface of the bone covered with hyaline cartilage, ligaments and intra-articular elements) harmoniously participate in the act of movement.

During the disease, pathological changes can develop in any structure, however, you almost always have to deal with simultaneous damage to several elements.

The predominant mechanism of pathology is an inflammatory reaction with its characteristic symptoms:

  • pain;
  • redness of the skin over the site of inflammation (hyperemia);
  • edema;
  • local, limited increase in temperature in the area of ​​inflammation.

Taken together, these manifestations lead to the fifth sign of the classic inflammatory response - dysfunction.

Diversity of diagnoses

Health care professionals have adopted the international classification of diseases. The group, whose name is “Diseases of the musculoskeletal system”, is assigned the index “M”. The tenth revision is currently in use, the next one is scheduled for 2017.


This group includes diseases that, for one reason or another, lead to impaired motor function of the joint. The name to some extent reflects the essence of the changes taking place:

  • destruction of joint components associated with an infectious agent (both directly and indirectly);
  • decreased functionality due to inflammatory changes (here – rheumatic diseases, crystalline arthropathy, etc.);
  • arthrosis (subcategories are divided according to the location of the lesion - knee, elbow, hip joint);
  • this also included destruction of articular structures that were not described in previous sections.

Systemic connective tissue lesions

Sometimes the name is diffuse soft tissue diseases. We are talking about autoimmune rheumatic diseases that are similar in syndromic manifestations, have a similar development mechanism and common approaches to treatment.

The names of these diseases:

  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • systemic scleroderma;
  • dermatopolymyositis;
  • Sjögren's disease;
  • vasculitis.

Often accompanied by pathology from the ligaments, synovial capsule, and tendons.


Inflammatory processes are the leading causes. In other cases, violations occur due to mechanical factors. Thus, recently there has been a tendency towards an increase in the number of congenital anomalies of the spine.

Soft tissue diseases

Includes diseases in which the muscles adjacent to the joint, synovium and tendons undergo pathological changes.

Muscle diseases include myositis, deposits of calcium salts in tissue, and some other conditions (heart attack, rupture, paralysis, etc.).

Diseases of the synovium and tendons involve inflammatory processes and calcification. The snapping finger has been placed in a separate subcategory.

Osteopathy and chondropathy

By the name, you can guess that this includes lesions of bone and cartilage tissue. These are osteoporosis, osteomyelitis (decrease in bone density and softening, respectively), Paget's disease, osteochondrosis of the joints (shoulder, hand, etc.), cases of aseptic necrosis, osteolysis (complete bone resorption).

Differential diagnosis

The symptoms and external manifestations of many joint diseases are largely similar (inflammatory reaction, remember?). But there are still differences. And if you know them, you can avoid missing a disease that is fraught with serious consequences for joints and bones.

In the table we consider the leading signs of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Mechanism of damage and causes of development

Leading symptoms and prognosis

Excessive load, disruption of compensatory mechanisms. This cannot be considered as an isolated lesion of articular cartilage.

Most often, large supporting joints (knee, hip) are affected.

Older people are most often affected.

Pain when walking or after it, crunching when moving, limited mobility and deformation due to the destruction of bone structures.

Timely and complete treatment helps to maintain physiological range of motion for a long time.

Persistent changes in the joints occur against the background of recurrent inflammatory processes. There can be many reasons behind inflammation. This group is characterized by damage to several joints and articulations (including small ones), the name is “polyarthritis”.

Middle-aged people are susceptible to the disease

Swelling, stiffness, and pain are not associated with exercise. More often, fluid accumulation is detected, involving the joint capsule and ligaments in the process. The deformity develops more slowly and is caused by damage to soft tissue structures and cartilage.

The prognosis in some cases is serious.


Unites a whole group of diseases. The cause and trigger factor have not been studied, however, the role of heredity in development has been proven.

Children and teenagers get sick more often.

Pain, swelling in the affected area. For the most part, the current is favorable.

Systemic connective tissue lesions

They develop according to an autoimmune mechanism. The production of antibodies to the tissues of the body begins. The triggering factor has not been identified. Joint pathology is often the first manifestation.

The leading symptoms are arthralgia and stiffness, muscle pain. The tendons are significantly damaged (thickened, shortened).

Accompanied by specific changes in blood parameters. The prognosis is serious.


Indicate degenerative problems with the joints of the spine. The reasons are different. Most often – osteochondrosis. But there are also secondary ones, due to other diseases. Infectious and oncological dorsopathies stand separately.

Inflammatory – most often begin before the age of 40 years.

Slow gradual increase in symptoms. Back pain of varying severity. As it progresses, signs of pinched nerve roots increase: loss of sensitivity or, conversely, “lumbago” in the limbs. The prognosis is favorable in most cases. But over time, impaired mobility of the spinal column becomes pronounced and significant.

According to ICD X, diseases of the spine (arthritis and spondylitis) that accompany some inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not included in this category:

  • with Crohn's disease;
  • bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminthiasis;
  • gluten-sensitive enteropathy, etc.

Naturally, pain in bones and joints in such diseases occurs as a manifestation of the underlying disease, the source of which is somewhat distant from the supporting apparatus.

Clinical relevance

The information presented is intended to show that diseases that are completely different in cause and treatment are similar in their manifestations. The osteoarticular system gives almost identical symptoms, which may differ only in severity and chronology of occurrence.

The difference is in the nuances: in some cases of pathology, the pain is stronger, the swelling is greater, the pain begins only after exercise, etc. Even the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment can become a diagnostic criterion.

Diseases of the joints and bones should be treated not only by an orthopedic surgeon or a traumatologist. The diversity of developmental mechanisms and pathological processes makes pathology multidisciplinary. Among the names of medical professions involved in the treatment of such patients, there are rheumatologists, therapists, physiotherapists and chiropractors.

Self-diagnosis, not to mention self-medication, can be dangerous.

Osteophytes are the growth of bone tissue. Often this disease is asymptomatic. It can be detected after X-ray examinations.

Osteophytes can form in the cavities of the joints of the extremities, on the surfaces of the arms and legs, as well as on any part of the spinal column. As a rule, they form after a person receives injuries resulting in bone fractures. Sometimes the chronic course of such a disease, occurring in bone tissue, stimulates an increase in bone growths.

General information

Osteophytes: what is it? These are pathological growths on the bones that are not an independent disease. They usually appear as a compensatory reaction of the body to a violation of the periosteum or bone tissue. They have a variety of shapes and sizes.

The presence of osteophytes worsens a person’s quality of life, causes pain, but is not life-threatening. Therapy for osteophytes usually involves pain relief. In cases where the disease contributes to decreased performance (for example, with a heel spur), doctors recommend resorting to surgical intervention.

How to get rid of osteophytes? They can only be removed surgically, but they may appear again. For this reason, conservative therapy helps to cope only with the symptoms of the disease, but does not significantly affect the osteophytes themselves and their growth.

Reasons for appearance

The causes of osteophytes can be very different. For example:

  • injuries;
  • tumors;
  • inflammation;
  • metastases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • excessive physical activity.

Types of growths

The term “osteophyte” refers to a certain type of bone growth that is caused by a specific cause. Osteophytes differ in their location, structure and causative factor.

Based on their cellular structure, the following types of osteophytes are found:

  • spongy;
  • metaplastic;
  • compact;
  • cartilaginous.

Spongy are formed from the spongy substance that forms the articular surfaces. It is also what small bones are made of. For example, vertebrae, wrists, ribs, etc. Typically, spongy types of osteophytes appear due to heavy loads on the bones.

Metal osteophytes appear when the cellular composition of bones is disrupted. Usually formed after injuries, fractures and other bone damage. In some cases, they may appear against the background of inflammatory processes or infections.

As for compact osteophytes, they are formed from the outer bone layer. The latter is well developed in the tibia, femur, ulna, and radius bones; for this reason, compact osteophytes appear on these bones. They are usually found on the feet and toes.

Cartilaginous osteophytes occur in the joint cavity, where the surface is covered with cartilage. When the latter is subjected to stress, it begins to thin out, the bone grows, and osteophytes form.

Types of osteophytes that appear for a specific reason:

  1. Degenerative-dystrophic osteophytes. Appear as a result of long-term inflammatory diseases of the joints (arthrosis, spondylosis).
  2. Tumor - appear in the presence of metastases or malignant tumors, for example, with sarcoma, cancer metastases, etc. The tumor damages the bone, resulting in regeneration, leading to the formation of osteophytes.
  3. Traumatic osteophytes - appear when bones are injured. Often found in the area of ​​fusion of displaced bone fragments.
  4. Inflammatory. Appear in the presence of inflammatory lesions (osteomyelitis, brucellosis).

Localization of osteophytes

Osteophytes are most often found in the following places:

  • foot;
  • knees;
  • shoulders;
  • spine.

Foot. Osteophytes usually form on the heel bone. The main reason for their appearance is heavy loads that injure the periosteum. In other words, the disease is called a heel spur.

Spine. A disease in which osteophytes form on the vertebrae is called spondylosis. Growths appear on the body of the spine and its processes. Sometimes they injure ligaments and irritate tissues, thus disrupting metabolism and promoting salt deposition. Marginal osteophytes are another type of disease characterized by the growth of bone tissue on the spine. The growths resemble thorns or tubercles. Hence their other name – spinous osteophytes.

Osteophytes of the hip joint are formed during excessive physical exertion. As they grow, they compress the tissues, destroying them and deforming the joint. The same thing happens with the formation of osteophytes of the ankle joint.


The symptoms of bone spurs depend on where the osteophytes are located. During growth, they usually do not cause any inconvenience. But as they grow, they begin to cause severe pain. Symptoms:

  • when coughing, moving or in an uncomfortable position, a person experiences pain;
  • the ligaments ossify;
  • mobility is limited;
  • pain can appear even after light exertion;
  • by the end of the day joint pain periodically appears;
  • joints begin to deform.


Diagnosis of osteophytes is a fairly simple procedure consisting of three stages:

How to get rid of osteophytes

Complex treatment

When osteophytes appear, it is forever. They do not dissolve on their own. The task of doctors is to make life easier for the patient and slow down the development of bone growths. But otherwise, treatment of osteophytes is carried out in the same way as for other diseases of the spine. Complex therapy has several components:

Surgical intervention

If complex therapy does not help, then the disease is severe. In this case, surgery is required. The doctor performs an operation during which the bone growths are removed. But if the nerve endings have been compressed for a very long time, then even after surgery the patient may exhibit neurological symptoms. This means that irreversible changes have already occurred in the fibers.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of osteophytes with folk remedies includes many ways to combat bone growths. Or at least the recipes help relieve pain. These are mainly decoctions and infusions of herbs.

  1. Elder. To prepare an infusion from it you will need 1 tbsp. l. berries, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. Then they are heated in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. The infusion is cooled and filtered. Then take half a glass 2 to 3 times a day.
  2. Hawthorn. For infusion, only flowers are taken from the plant. One handful is poured with three glasses of boiling water. Then infuse for 30 minutes. Afterwards, the infusion is cooled and taken 3 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

Disease prevention

Treatment of an advanced disease is a long process. Therefore, it is best to prevent the disease. During sedentary work, if it is almost impossible to move, warm up your body, back and neck as often as possible. This can be done by stretching or short exercises.

Correct posture must be observed. The spine, even in a sitting position, should be straight, and the neck should not protrude forward. An excellent remedy for the prevention of diseases of the spine and joints is massage. The daily diet must include foods rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. Excess weight should be avoided.

If osteophytes are detected, you should immediately visit a doctor to make a diagnosis and begin treatment. If this is not done in a timely manner, osteophytes can contribute to the formation of chronic radiculitis. Self-medication is not recommended, as it will worsen the situation.

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Paget's disease of bones, also called osteitis deformans, develops when the mechanism of skeletal tissue repair is disrupted. Bones are subject to constant destruction and regeneration, this process in medicine is called remodeling. Tissues affected by Paget's syndrome are not capable of rapid recovery, which leads to disruption of their structure. In turn, this pathological condition leads to deformation of large and small parts of the musculoskeletal system. The bone does not recover at the required speed, quickly weakens and becomes susceptible to fractures.

Paget's disease can affect any part of the musculoskeletal system. In some cases, only 1 bone is involved in the pathological process, but most often there are 3 of them. The following are affected:

  • hip joints;
  • scull;
  • spine;
  • upper and lower limbs.

Paget's disease is diagnosed in approximately 5% of people over 40 years of age living in European countries. In men, this pathology is detected 2 times more often than in women.

What causes the disease?

The exact causes of Paget's syndrome have not been established. It is believed that a slowly developing viral infection is to blame. For a long time, the patient is a carrier of a pathogenic microorganism, while he does not have any symptoms of the disease. Under the influence of provoking factors, the infection becomes more active and signs of Paget's disease appear. Measles is considered one of the most common causes of bone damage.

The influence of genetic predisposition cannot be excluded. Paget's syndrome can be passed on from close relatives. Therefore, children, brothers and sisters of patients with this disease should regularly undergo biochemical blood tests. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an x-ray of the pelvic bones, skull, upper and lower extremities.

Clinical picture

In the early stages, Paget's disease of the bone manifests itself as pain in the affected area or arthritis if large joints were involved in the pathological process. Patients describe discomfort in the bones as constant aching. Unlike arthritis of various etiologies, pain with Paget's syndrome intensifies at rest and after prolonged rest. The feeling of stiffness and limited mobility become more pronounced after a night's sleep.

The affected parts of the musculoskeletal system thicken and acquire pathological fragility. Due to increased loads, they begin to quickly collapse. Fractures can occur even with minor impacts. When the spine is damaged, posture changes: stooping and scoliosis appear. Often there is a change in gait associated with curvature of the leg bones. This sign is clearly visible in the photo. Improper formation of the skull bones contributes to head deformation. Displacement of the vertebrae leads to compression of the nerve endings, which causes serious complications. These include:

  • deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • headache;
  • decreased sensitivity of the limbs;
  • paresthesia.

Why is Paget's disease dangerous?

In most cases, the disease develops slowly. With proper treatment, the risk of developing negative consequences is minimal.

  1. The most common complications of Paget's disease include pathological fractures. Affected bones are quickly destroyed.
  2. The legs are deformed, which causes significant difficulties when walking. Additional vessels formed during bone fusion can cause massive bleeding during surgical interventions.
  3. Deformation of the bones increases the load on the joints. This leads to the development of osteoarthritis.
  4. The long course of Paget's disease negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. People with chronic pathologies of internal organs may develop acute heart failure.
  5. Malignant tumors are diagnosed in approximately 1% of patients.

Treatment options

Diagnosis of Paget's disease begins with a biochemical blood test, which reveals alkaline phosphatase formed during the breakdown of bone tissue. The level of this substance in a sick person is tens of times higher than in a healthy person.

X-ray signs of pathology make it possible to establish a diagnosis with almost 100% guarantee.

Treatment is aimed at reducing the activity of Paget's disease and preventing the development of dangerous complications. The basis of the therapeutic course are medications called bisphosphonates. They slow down the process of destruction of bone tissue and have a prolonged effect, which allows them to be taken in short courses.

Proper nutrition and treatment cannot completely rid a person of the disease, but they significantly improve the quality of life.

The tablets are taken for 6 months, after which they take a long break. Administration of drugs is resumed in case of relapse.

Medicines cause a large number of side effects, so they must be taken strictly in doses prescribed by the doctor.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain. People with Paget's disease should take dietary supplements containing calcium and vitamin D. Additionally, a set of exercises is prescribed to prevent further bone destruction.

Surgical treatment is performed for pathological fractures or arthritis. Corrective devices are used to reduce hearing and vision. The prognosis in the absence of complications is favorable, but the patient must be under the supervision of an orthopedist for life.

Many people are quite familiar with the situation when all the bones and joints hurt due to physical stress or for some other reason; not everyone knows what to do in this situation. Doctors note that the etiology of pain symptoms of this kind is varied. Why do my bones hurt? This may be an infection and metabolic disorders, tissue necrosis, or a consequence of allergic reactions. These are universal causes of pain. There are about a hundred such reasons in total.

Today this symptom is quite common and even the World Health Organization became interested in this issue and conventionally designated the past decade as the peak years for the detection of this painful symptom. What are the causes of the disease?

  • Correction methods

In modern medicine, joint and bone pain are grouped together as rheumatic diseases. All of them combine diseases of an inflammatory and dystrophic nature.

Experts call the main reasons that provoke diseases of the skeletal system:

  1. Joint pain can occur due to overuse in sports.
  2. Tumor processes of bones. At first, the pain is present only at night or during heavy physical work. The dynamics of pain depend on the speed of tumor development. The time frame can be from several weeks to a year. As a result of tumor processes, bone weakens. This leads to fractures. Joint and bone pain may be accompanied by chills, a fever throughout the body, and weight loss.
  3. Joint pain can be caused by systemic blood diseases. Painful symptoms in joints throughout the body occur suddenly or when pressure is placed on a bone. Most often, such signs are characteristic of bone marrow diseases, leukemia and myeloma. As for the latter disease, it is a malignant disease of the bone marrow, which is localized in the spine, pelvic bones and ribs. Most often, the disease affects men aged 60-70 years. At first, the disease develops without any symptoms. This period can last for 15 years. In the later stages of the disease, intense bone pain, fractures of the limbs and vertebrae are observed. At the stage of acute leukemia, in addition to low-grade fever, intense pain in the bones appears.
  4. Joint and bone pain may be a symptom of Hodgkin lymphoma. Against the background of pain, enlarged lymph nodes, weight loss and allergic reactions are observed.
  5. Pain in the joints and bones can occur in the case of malignant skin processes: melanoma, warts, papillomas.
  6. Pain in the bones and joints of the knees may occur in cases of chemotherapy for breast cancer. In this case, metastases can spread to the bone.
  7. Intense pain in the joints of one of the knees at night is a manifestation of infectious diseases. In addition to the knees, they spread to the lower leg area.
  8. Knee and leg pain are observed with intermittent fever and chills, which are transmitted by body lice.
  9. Joint pain can occur as a result of benign tumor processes with so-called lymphoreticulosis. The pain symptom often affects the tendons near the bone.
  10. Another very serious disease causes bone pain. This is bone tuberculosis. This occurs when the tuberculosis bacillus enters the spine from the lungs.
  11. The disease osteomyelitis can be accompanied by bone pain and fever.

If metabolic processes are disturbed, pain may occur. This condition occurs due to a deficiency of mineral components in the diet and slow absorption into the intestinal tissue. The consequence of this condition may be a lack of vitamin D. In this case, the bone softens, and doctors diagnose osteoporosis. It is a misconception that bones only need calcium. In case of an excess of calcium or its normal level, with a lack of vitamin D, softening of the bone occurs. Basically, people with diseases of diabetes mellitus, kidneys and liver suffer from bone pain. A deficiency of the B vitamin complex, in addition to pain, provokes cramps in the muscle tissue of the extremities. The nerve endings do not receive enough vitamin and are destroyed. When you press on the muscle tissue, pain occurs near the bone.

Hormonal tumor of the thyroid gland also causes destruction of bone tissue. In this case, hormonal and mineral metabolism is disrupted. The early stage of the disease is characterized by bone pain, muscle weakness and increased fatigue. Later, the bone softens so much that compression fractures occur.

Pain in bones and joints occurs under the influence of the use of hormonal drugs by women during menopause, after childbirth, or during infertility treatment.

Painful symptoms in the bones are characteristic of states of immobility. This process slows down the development of bone tissue.

Congenital features of collagen development contribute to the development of muscle and bone pain.

Pain throughout the skeletal system occurs due to the development of osteitis deformans. With this disease, the entire skeletal system is affected, and bone tissue remodeling is also disrupted. The main symptom of the disease: severe pain in places where the skeleton is affected, deformation of the spine and lower extremities, neurological disorders.

Modern people often feel pain in bones throughout the body. It's not weird. Since sitting at a computer and a sedentary lifestyle disrupts the water-salt balance of the body, a lack of water leads to depletion of the stomach walls. The protective function of the gastrointestinal mucosa loses its elasticity, and the barrier function is destroyed. As a result, all salt components increase and exceed the quantitative threshold in the body. With little fluid intake and inactivity, excess salt fluid is retained in the body and absorbed into muscle and bone tissue. This changes the structure of the tissue, irritating the nerve endings and causing pain.

Correction methods

Functional bone pain needs to be diagnosed, and only then treatment should begin. It needs to be corrected by following a special diet, taking chondroprotectors and vitamin complexes. An important way to treat bone diseases is to normalize nutrition. In no case should you limit your intake of carbohydrates and fats; you need to reduce their consumption. If you are overweight, you should follow a diet and limit yourself to a light dinner three hours before bedtime. To lose weight, you should increase the intake of vegetables and fruits rich in plant fiber in your diet.



​Symptoms: Lameness, shortening of the step and the appearance of pain with strong flexion of the joints are observed. The diagnosis is confirmed by x-ray.​


Soft tissue diseases


These are different types of bone cancer, osteomalacia (softening and deformation of bones), which can occur due to vitamin D deficiency, as well as osteoporosis (thinning of bone tissue). Children often feel pain in the bones of their legs - this is the so-called. growing pains. They usually go away with age.​

​Orthopedic treatment is mainly aimed at eliminating vicious positions of the lower extremities and improving the musculoskeletal function of patients.​

Osteopathy and chondropathy

The presence of radicular pain and paresthesia helps to clarify the localization of the pathological focus. Asymmetrical tension in the back muscles indicates a local accumulation of pus.​

Differential diagnosis

​As with other forms of osteomyelitis, with its spoke form, the purulent process is supported by foci of osteonecrosis. Their features are insignificant size, multiplicity and unclear localization. Repeatedly, ring-shaped bone sequestra are found in the fistula at the site of the wire, the search and removal of which is significantly difficult. Spread osteomyelitis before suppuration spreads through the bone marrow cavity gives a picture of a kind of “cortical” osteomyelitis.​


​Often the cause of leg pain is joint disease. They can be classified into two groups:​

Unites a whole group of diseases. The cause and trigger factor have not been studied, however, the role of heredity in development has been proven.​

​Often accompanied by pathology from the ligaments, synovial capsule, tendons.​


​Conservative treatment for all malignant bone tumors with cytostatic (antitumor) drugs is ineffective.​

​Limit the calorie content of the feed and the amount of protein. For severe pain, painkillers (phenylbutazone) are given.

​Rheumatic diseases are diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Most often it is rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatic diseases are characterized by severe pain in the bones and joints. Prolonged stay in the cold and damp rooms, physical fatigue, harmful working conditions, stress, unhealthy diet, etc. contribute to the occurrence of these diseases.​

Electrotherapy, magnetic and ultrasound therapy, local and general ultraviolet irradiation, ultraviolet irradiation of blood, laser irradiation, hemosorption, and barotherapy are actively used.​

​X-rays reveal destruction and wedge-shaped deformation of the vertebral body with kyphotic and scoliotic deformity of the spine (Fig. 4).​

​To identify foci of necrosis, various types of radiography are successfully used: targeted images with image magnification, images with a probe in fistulas and fistulography. Radiography is required, capturing the entire array of soft tissues to identify rejected sequesters and the spread of fistulous labyrinths (during fistulography). Diagnostic capabilities are significantly expanded by computed tomography. The final diagnosis of osteomyelitis can be made by combining the presence of non-healing fistulas or periodic exacerbations of purulent tissue inflammation with a corresponding x-ray picture (the presence of cavities in the bones or sequestration).​

​postoperative hematomas​

​dystrophic. This type includes diseases: arthrosis, osteochondrosis and others. The main symptoms are pain, joint deformation and limited mobility. The main cause of the disease is considered to be overweight, injury, poor diet, etc. The disease can lead to deformation of the cartilage;

​Children and adolescents get sick more often.​

​Usually surgical - surgery should be performed immediately after diagnosis, before the detached cartilage plate turns into a joint mouse and degenerative joint disease (arthrosis deformans) develops.

If the location of the tumor allows, amputation of the limb is performed immediately.

The disease goes away after the growth zones close. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, curvature of the limbs occurs.

Cause of joint pain


​Fig. 4.​

Treatment of acute forms of osteomyelitis involves wide opening of abscesses and leaks of pus into soft tissues with sufficient drainage and ensuring the outflow of pus under the influence of gravity. Definitive treatment consists of radical surgical treatment of the osteomyelitis lesion, followed by muscle and bone grafting.​

​must be early, comprehensive, radical. Against the background of active detoxification, under general anesthesia, the hematoma is widely opened (after preliminary contrasting with solutions of methylene blue or brilliant green), a thorough inspection of the wound is carried out, focusing on the colored tissues, non-viable tissue is removed, the wound cavity is copiously washed with antiseptic solutions, treated with ultrasound, irradiated with a laser, vacuum. Issues of preserving or removing structures (rods, screws, plates, endoprostheses) are decided individually. The wound is sutured tightly after excision of the edges, leaving drainage for active drainage and flow-through rinsing for 1-2 weeks. In the postoperative period, active antibacterial and restorative treatment is carried out. Until the wound heals, the limb is immobilized with a plaster splint.​

​inflammatory. This group includes: arthritis, polyarthritis and others. Symptoms are as follows: red skin at the site of swelling, acute pain, joint deformity and limited mobility. The cause is considered to be vascular disease, metabolic disorder or viral disease.​

​Pain, swelling in the affected area. For the most part, the current is favorable.​

Inflammatory processes are the leading causes. In other cases, violations occur due to mechanical factors. Thus, recently there has been a tendency towards an increase in the number of congenital anomalies of the spine. ​

​Aseptic necrosis is the result of local vascular disorders occurring under the influence of congenital factors. With this disease, necrosis of the spongy substance of the femoral head (in the hip joint) occurs. Young dogs (up to a year old) of small and dwarf breeds (toy terriers, toy poodles, fox terriers, etc.) are affected.

​If surgery is impossible and the dog is in excruciating pain, then euthanasia (putting to sleep) must be resorted to.

  • ​and bones may be caused by some diseases of other organs, for example, endocarditis. This is an infectious disease caused by certain pathogens that affect the inner lining of the heart. In addition to fever, chills and loss of consciousness, they cause pain in various bones and joints. A similar thing happens with chronic inflammation of the liver, cirrhosis of the liver, when, in addition to other symptoms, severe joint pain occurs. Pain in bones and joints is characteristic of vitamin A hypervitaminosis, blood diseases (blood cancer, or leukemia) or agranulocytosis (a disorder of the hematopoietic process).
  • ​open intra- and periarticular fractures, inflammatory processes in periarticular tissues, osteomyelitis of articulating bones.​
  • ​Osteomyelitis of the spine

The persistent course of the osteomyelitic process forces surgeons to look for new and improve known means and methods of influence, both local and general. In recent years, much attention has been paid to bone grafting of osteomyelitic cavities, filling cavities with artificial materials with antibiotics, long-term washing of cavities with antiseptic and electrochemically activated solutions, the use of oxygen barotherapy, selective antibacterial treatment and immunotherapy, and the use of gravitational surgery methods.​

Clinical relevance


​This disease has only recently been recognized, although it was mentioned back in the 17th century. The main symptoms are numbness, a feeling of “pins and needles” in the legs, excessive physical activity. This disease is considered hereditary. The cause may be pregnancy, iron deficiency, Parkinson's disease or spinal cord injury. Restless legs syndrome is more often diagnosed in older people.​

​Systemic connective tissue lesions​

​Includes diseases in which the muscles adjacent to the joint, synovium and tendons undergo pathological changes.​

Symptoms of various foot diseases

​Symptoms: The disease begins with lameness on the hind leg, and gradually the dog completely ceases to use the affected limb. Flexion and extension of the hip joint is accompanied by severe pain. The diagnosis is confirmed by x-ray.​


​Joint dysplasia is an inherited disease characterized by abnormal formation and development. In particular, with hip dysplasia, a flattened, underdeveloped acetabulum and an incorrectly formed femoral head are observed. All this leads to subluxation or dislocation of the hip joint and the development of arthrosis in it. Approximately 30% of dogs with hip dysplasia have simultaneous changes in the knee and shoulder joints.​


​Additional articles on this topic:​

  • ​Signs:​
  • ​The diagnosis is clarified after fistulography (for the fistulous form) and especially after computed tomography and MRI.​

Restless legs syndrome

​Brody's abscess -​


​inflammation of peri-wire wounds​


​In the modern world, every person experiences muscle pain, or myalgia. It can occur both during stress and during rest. This is due to hypertonicity of muscle cells. The cause is excessive physical activity, stress, injury, infectious, inflammatory, and chronic diseases. It can occur in both adults and adolescents. Symptoms are pain, nausea, high fever. If diseases of the leg muscles are not dealt with for a long time, this can lead to the development of diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, etc.

​Develop according to an autoimmune mechanism. The production of antibodies to the tissues of the body begins. The triggering factor has not been identified. Joint pathology is often the first manifestation.​

Foot diseases in diabetes mellitus

​Muscle diseases include myositis, deposits of calcium salts in tissue, and some other conditions (heart attack, rupture, paralysis, etc.).​


  • A joint is a complex structure that allows two (or more) bones to be articulated (movable). The joint is formed by the articular surfaces of the epiphyses of the bones, covered with articular cartilage; The joint is surrounded by a joint capsule; inside the capsule is lined with the so-called synovial membrane, which produces intra-articular fluid - synovium. Synovia is a transparent viscous liquid containing special substances - mucopolysaccharides and hyaluronic acid, which ensure the normal functioning and nutrition of articular cartilage. Articular cartilage has no blood vessels and receives nutrients only from synovial fluid.​
  • ​Despite the fact that hip dysplasia is a genetically determined disease, there are factors that can aggravate its course.​

​sudden acute pain in the joint area, disruption of its function, forced (painful) flexion contracture, increase in volume, signs of effusion, local increase in temperature, hyperemia, clinical picture of general intoxication of the body. Obtaining a purulent effusion during joint puncture confirms the diagnosis.​

Heel spur

​Surgical treatment in combination with powerful antibacterial and restorative treatment. In case of an open course, opening of a purulent leak (abscess, phlegmon) and active drainage with flow-through washing of cavities in soft tissues and the focus of osteomyelitis is indicated. In case of a chronic course, radical treatment of the osteomyelitic lesion in the vertebra is performed, followed by bone or muscle autoplasty.​

​limited hematogenous osteomyelitis, which looks like a solitary bone abscess (Fig. 3, a). The abscess cavity is filled with granulations, pus or serous fluid, surrounded by a pyogenic membrane. The adjacent areas of the bone are sclerotic, the periosteum is thickened.​

Erysipelas on a limb

​carried out according to the rules of purulent surgery. At the first signs (swelling, redness, pain, increased local temperature), the skin and subcutaneous tissue around the needle are infiltrated with novocaine with antibiotics and dissected longitudinally by at least 3 cm. The wound is treated with antiseptic solutions and powdered sorbents (helevin, charcoal) are poured into it. , and in their absence, gauze swabs with hypertonic (10%) sodium chloride solution are introduced, which are changed twice a day. Usually within 2 days the inflammatory process is stopped, the wound heals by 7-8 days. If it is not possible to eliminate the inflammation of the soft tissues in 2-3 days, purulent discharge from the wound and a general reaction of the body appear, then the pin is removed and wide drainage is carried out through both pin skin holes. General and local antibacterial treatment, ultraviolet irradiation, laser and magnetic therapy are prescribed.​

​According to the World Health Organization, osteoporosis is the fourth disease in the world after cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes. Everyone suffers from brittle bones: women, men, and children. The reasons are a decrease in bone mineral mass as a result of a lack of calcium. Symptoms of the disease: dull pain in the joints and lower extremities, insufficient muscle development, swelling, and fatigue.​

​The leading symptoms are arthralgia and stiffness, muscle pain. The tendons are significantly damaged (thickened, shortened).

​Diseases of the synovium and tendons involve inflammatory processes and calcification. The snapping finger has been moved to a separate subcategory.​

Infectious diseases of bones and joints

Minor forms of suppuration

The disease occurs due to the penetration of pathogens of purulent infection (staphylococci, streptococci, Brucella, etc.) into the joint cavity. The infectious agent enters the joint through a damaged joint capsule (wounds, unsuccessful operations, joint punctures) or through the blood, as in the case of brucellosis.​​Large and powerful dogs, early maturing, well-fed and fast-growing, are more predisposed to the disease.​ ​The bones of the limbs are mostly tubular, they have a central, cylindrical part called the diaphysis, and end thickened parts called the epiphysis (usually The epiphyses of the bones form joints). The bone grows in length due to the growth zones located in the epiphyses, and in thickness due to the growth of periosteum cells (thin leathery membrane around the diaphysis). Intensive growth of bones in length in dogs occurs from 3 to 8 months; The growth zones of the epiphysis finally close by 10 months (in dogs of small breeds, this process is completed much earlier). The periosteum functions throughout life, due to it the healing of fractures occurs. On an x-ray of the joint in the first days, an expansion of the joint space is determined, later (after 1-2 weeks) - spotted osteoporosis of the articular ends of the bones, foci of destruction in the epiphyses, " Erosion” of the contours of the articular surfaces.​

​The spine is stabilized using various techniques, often including posterior spinal fusion.​ ​Reasons:​ Ligature fistulas

This disease is diagnosed using x-rays. To prevent the disease, you should get rid of bad habits and take care of the necessary physical activity.​ Accompanied by specific changes in blood parameters. The prognosis is serious.​ By the name, you can guess that this includes lesions of bone and cartilage tissue. These are osteoporosis, osteomyelitis (decrease in bone density and softening, respectively), Paget's disease, osteochondrosis of the joints (shoulder, hand, etc.), cases of aseptic necrosis, osteolysis (complete bone resorption).

Arthrosis is the premature wear of intra-articular cartilage. One of the reasons leading to the disease is aging of chondrocytes, cartilage tissue cells. The total amount of cartilage in the joint may gradually decrease, especially noticeable as old age approaches, as well as after injuries, post-traumatic inflammation, professional constant loads on certain joints (for example, in football players and agricultural workers). Most often, osteoarthritis affects the knee (gonarthrosis) and hip (coxarthrosis) joints. One of the earliest symptoms of arthrosis is pain in the knee joints. At the beginning of the disease, it is practically absent at rest, but appears when the joint is loaded.​ ​The initial stage is characterized by damage to the synovial membrane and is called

​Overload of the hip joints in growing young animals contributes to the development of the disease. During this period, soft and elastic bones and cartilage are especially susceptible to work and weight loads. Partial damage to the growth zone leads to the fact that this area ceases to perform its functions (does not ensure bone growth), and this leads to a curvature of the limb, which more noticeable, the younger the animal was at the time of injury. Puppies of medium and large breeds especially suffer from trauma to their growth zones. The curvature occurs in the area of ​​the carpal joint on the forelimbs and in the area of ​​the hock joint on the hind legs.​ ​Treatment.​

​Osteomyelitis of the pelvis.​​infection by hematogenous route, the main pathogen is Staphylococcus aureus. More often observed in young men.​

​manifest after opening as scanty but persistent serous-purulent discharge, and can spontaneously close after the thread is removed. Being a potential cause of the development of severe purulent processes, ligature fistulas require early surgical intervention. X-ray examinations with contrast and staining of fistula tracts before surgery are required.​


​People with diabetes most often have leg diseases.​​Dorsopathies​

​The symptoms and external manifestations of many joint diseases are largely similar (inflammatory reaction, remember?). But there are still differences. And if you know them, you can avoid missing a disease that can have serious consequences for joints and bones.​

​Primary (genuine) arthrosis is arthrosis that begins without a noticeable cause and affects unchanged articular cartilage in many joints at the same time; observed more often in people over 40 years of age.​ ​purulent synovitis;​

​The degree of inheritance of hip dysplasia, according to the literature, is 55-60%.​


​If the development of purulent arthritis is suspected, the patient is immobilized, painkillers are administered, and he is sent by ambulance to the hospital.​ ​Reasons:​

​Fig. 3.​


​There are two types of leg diseases in diabetes:​

​Mean degenerative problems with the joints of the spine. The reasons are different. Most often – osteochondrosis. But there are also secondary ones, due to other diseases. Separately, there are infectious and oncological dorsopathies.​

​In the table we consider the leading signs of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system.​

​Secondary arthrosis is the outcome of diseases or damage to the joints.​ The filling of the joint cavity with pus is called

​Symptoms: Clinical signs of the disease often do not correspond to the severity of changes visible on x-rays (only 20% of dogs with diseased joints have obvious symptoms). Dogs become less active, lameness and difficulty standing up develop, and mobility of the hip joints decreases. Passive movements of the hip joints cause pain. Even with minor loads, subluxation or dislocation can occur in this joint. Over time, arthrosis develops. The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray examination.​ As a rule, dog owners do not pay attention to the moment of injury, but notice the already bent limb. If intensive bone growth has not yet finished (for large dogs this is 6 months), then the curvature can be corrected through surgery (epiphysiodesis).​

​In outpatient settings, patients with purulent arthritis of the interphalangeal joints are treated.​​bruises and fractures of the pelvis with damage to internal organs, open and gunshot fractures, orthograde metastasis in inflammatory diseases of the genital and other intrapelvic organs, pustular skin lesions, furunculosis, tonsillitis, as well as in septic conditions of various etiologies.​

​Brodie's abscess (a) and Garre's osteomyelitis (b)​​bedsores​

​ischemic foot. Mainly the blood vessels are affected, the skin becomes cold and may be pale or mottled. The pain is characteristic mainly when walking;​Inflammatory - most often begin before the age of 40.​

​Nosology​​Generalized arthrosis (polyarticular, polyarthrosis) - arthrosis characterized by multiple joint lesions.​

​empyema of the joint,​

​The optimal age of dogs for an X-ray examination to determine their breeding value is from 12 to 18 months.​ If the dog has grown, but the bone remains bent, then an operation called “corrective osteotomy” is performed. It should be noted that no amount of splints, splints or bandages will correct a crooked limb.​

Non-operative treatment includes immobilization of the joint, therapeutic punctures with removal of purulent exudate and washing of the joint cavity with solutions of antiseptics, antibiotics, and enzymes. General antibacterial treatment is mandatory. ​The ilium and sacroiliac joint are most often affected, and less commonly the pubic and ischial bones.​​Signs.​

​is to increase the general reactivity of the body (blood transfusion, administration of protein drugs, vitamins, anabolic steroids, immunostimulants) and stimulation of local regeneration processes by influencing pathological and border tissues with proteolytic enzymes (chymotrypsin, terrilitin), antiseptic solutions, water-soluble ointments (“Levosin”, “Levomikol”), laser irradiation, UV irradiation. For large areas of pressure ulcers, free and non-free skin grafting is indicated.​​neuropathic foot. Nerve damage is recorded. The foot becomes warm or hot. Pain in the legs is felt mainly at night.

​Slow gradual increase in symptoms. Back pain of varying severity. As it progresses, signs of pinched nerve roots increase: loss of sensitivity or, conversely, “lumbago” in the limbs. The prognosis is favorable in most cases. But over time, impaired mobility of the spinal column becomes pronounced and significant.​

​Mechanism of damage and causes of development​

​Arthrosis deformans - arthrosis, characterized by pronounced destructive and hyperplastic changes in the articular ends of bones, manifested by severe pain, significant defiguration of the joints and progressive dysfunction; The hip and knee joints are more often affected.​ ​and the involvement of all components of the joint in the process (articular cartilage, bone epiphyses) is defined as​


Chondrodystrophy is a genetically determined bone disease, which is characterized by multiple bone deformations leading to dwarfism. In this case, the growth of only the tubular bones of the limbs slows down. There are breeds in which chondrodystrophy is genetically fixed (basset hound, dachshund, skye terrier, etc.). Sometimes this disease can occur in dogs of other breeds.​

​As the purulent process progresses, a wide arthrotomy and surgical sanitation are performed; if indicated, resection of the articular ends, amputation of the limb.​

​Signs.​ Localization - metaepiphyses of the tibia, radius, femur and humerus. Clinically characterized by a long, multi-year course with rare exacerbations without a pronounced increase in body temperature. Patients complain of pain that gets worse at night. The tissue above the abscess is painful, thickened, and the skin is moderately hyperemic. The radiograph shows a round or oval sharply limited focal rarefaction, surrounded by a sclerotic rim, sometimes with a small sequester in the center.​​Prevention of purulent complications of open fractures.​

There is also an osteoarthropathic foot, or Charcot foot. It is characterized by changes in the bones of the lower extremities.​

​ ​ ​Leading symptoms and prognosis​

​Uncovertebral arthrosis - deforming arthrosis of the joints, additionally formed between the processes on the posterolateral surfaces of the II - II cervical vertebrae; manifested by signs of cervical and brachial neuritis and other neurological symptoms.​

​purulent arthritis.​ ​Should improve the mechanical properties of the joint and slow down the development of arthrosis, eliminate pain and increase joint mobility. It can be conservative and operational.​​There is no treatment for this disease.​ Subsequent rehabilitation is aimed at eliminating contractures and restoring the musculoskeletal function of the limb (physical therapy, massage, mechanotherapy, physical methods of treatment). Subacute and chronic development of the disease, dull pain in the iliac, gluteal regions, thigh, hip joint or throughout the entire half of the pelvis with irradiation to the sacrum, lower back, and lower abdomen are noted. The pain periodically intensifies, forcing patients to lie in an unusual position.​

​Treatment​​Primary surgical treatment of the wound should be carried out within 4-6 hours after injury. Every hour of delay in surgical intervention increases the likelihood of developing suppuration and osteomyelitis. Treatment of the main bone fragments consists of mechanical cleaning of their ends, removal of plugs consisting of bone fragments and crushed soft tissues from the bone marrow canals, and washing of the bone wound with a large amount of antiseptic solutions under the influence of ultrasound. Small fragments are usually removed, medium and large ones not associated with soft tissues are removed, cleaned, placed for several minutes in a saturated antiseptic solution, and then in an isotonic (0.9%) sodium chloride solution with antibiotics (for example, 2 million units kanamycin per 100 ml solution).​

Please note that with diabetes, leg diseases always begin with pain after a long walk. The nature of the pain can be anything - from aching to cutting. Remember that all leg diseases with diabetes require special attention and careful treatment under the supervision of a doctor.​​According to ICD X, diseases of the spine (arthritis and spondylitis) that accompany some inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not included in this category:


​Treatment of arthrosis​

If timely treatment is not carried out, the articular cartilage is destroyed, fibrin is deposited in the joint cavity, fibrous deforming arthrosis and even ankylosis of the joint develop.


Pyogenic arthritis

​Congenital fragility of bones is a systemic skeletal disease associated with an anomaly (disturbance) in the process of bone formation. With incomplete osteogenesis, the main symptom is multiple fractures of long tubular bones, which occur even with a slight impact on them.​​Traumatology and orthopedics. N. V. Kornilov​

In a chronic course, the pain syndrome intensifies when walking (there is pronounced lameness), squats, and bending of the body. Positive symptoms characteristic of pelvic bone fractures are revealed. Accumulation of pus and phlegmon appear in the form of tumor-like formations on the inner or outer surface along the iliac crest, in the area of ​​the buttocks, lower back, groin, and upper third of the thigh. Breakthrough of phlegmon and formation of fistulas facilitate diagnosis.​ Spontaneous healing may occur, but a subperiosteal abscess may form (manifested by acute inflammation and excessively severe pain) with pus breaking into the soft tissues and through the skin outward with the formation of fistulas. Treatment is surgical.​

​After repositioning and fixing the main fragments, the fragments are placed so that the muscles completely isolate them from the surface tissues. Myoplasty can also be used for this. Shards associated with soft tissue are treated in the same way as the main bone fragments. It is advisable to immediately place large loose fragments into intact muscle tissue (preferably in the area of ​​the proximal main fragment), and after 2-4 weeks. transport them using a device according to G. A. Ilizarov’s method to the fracture site or use them during a reconstructive operation performed in conditions favorable to the patient. It is a mistake to place bone fragments free from the periosteum in their original place in the area of ​​the fracture, since such fragments, not supplied with blood, die and turn into sequestra. The methods of G. A. Ilizarov provide a unique opportunity to eliminate bone and soft tissue defects, as well as restore the anatomy and function of damaged limbs. In this case, the wound must be closed with local skin, subcutaneous-fascial flaps. In case of crushing of soft tissues, inflow and outflow washing of the postoperative wound is indicated for 1-2 weeks; in the absence of crushing of tissues, active drainage for 48 hours is sufficient. Before, during and after surgery (within 2 days), antibacterial treatment must be carried out. The most effective are gentamicin, oxacillin, lincomycin, cefazolin, cefuroxime, amoxicillin/clavulanate, ampicillin/sulbactam.​

This is a disease in which a bony protrusion forms on the heel in the form of a beak or spike and is called a heel spur. The main symptom is acute pain in the heel area. Quite often, foot spur disease occurs in people suffering from flat feet, overweight, and occurs in athletes and people with spinal diseases. To establish the correct diagnosis, an x-ray is needed.​​for Crohn's disease;​

​Excessive load, disruption of compensatory mechanisms. It cannot be considered as an isolated lesion of the articular cartilage - it is a disease of the entire joint.​

​For arthrosis of the knee joints, massage of the lower extremities can be useful, but direct impact on the diseased joint should be avoided, as this can increase the inflammatory reaction in it. If the wear and tear of cartilage has not yet progressed too far, medications containing glucosamine sulfate, a natural substance obtained from the shells of marine animals, can help. It has a positive effect on cartilage metabolism and improves joint mobility. Official medicine treats arthrosis conservatively or with surgery (joint replacement).​

​Symptoms: The affected joint is enlarged, tense, and hot to the touch. Severe pain occurs and the dog cannot use the limb. The general body temperature rises - above 39.5 ° C. Purulent synovium is released from the joint wound.

This treatment is most effective for mild to moderate forms of the disease. Painkillers (phenylbutazone), drugs that strengthen ligaments and muscles (retabolil, ATP, potassium aratate) are prescribed, and physiotherapy is carried out.


Pain in bones and joints - Modern medical encyclopedia

Causes of pain in bones and joints

​There are about 245 different bones in the human body. These bones provide a supporting frame for soft tissues, and most muscles are attached to the bones. A joint is a structure that provides movable articulation between two or more bones. The joint consists of an articular head and a glenoid cavity covered with cartilage. The joint is kept from displacement by ligaments and the joint capsule made of connective tissue. The different locations of purulent leaks create a varied clinical picture, some symptoms of which may be similar to other pathological conditions (appendicitis, rheumatism, coxitis). Studies of Garre's sclerosing osteomyelitis can provide some assistance in diagnosis.

​Osteomyelitis of the limb bones.​

Bone inflammation

​If you decide to self-medicate, remember that all methods can only be used as additional means and only after consultation with your doctor.​

Fluid in the joint



​Most often, large supporting joints (knee, hip) are affected.


​Treatment of arthrosis largely depends on which joint is affected and at what stage of the disease it is. Treatment of arthrosis is symptomatic, since science has not yet learned how to reverse the processes in cartilage. The treatment uses anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures, treatment in sanatoriums in favorable climatic conditions with the use of mineral waters and mud.​ ​Treatment​​Surgical​

Bone diseases

The fracture occurs as a “green stick” type (that is, the bone breaks, but the periosteum does not tear, so there are no fragments). At the time of fracture, severe pain and lameness occur. Such fractures heal quickly (within 2-3 weeks). There may be several fractures on one limb. On X-ray, the bones appear transparent, with a very thin cortex. Such bone can be cut with ordinary scissors. Pain in the bone or joint

Rheumatic diseases

​per rectum​

- the result of an inflammatory process in long tubular bones (usually in the tibia), which leads to thickening of the bone - osteosclerosis - and obliteration of the bone marrow cavity (Fig. 3, b). It is characterized by a sluggish course without acute manifestations; in the later stages of the process, bursting pain in the bone appears, especially at night, with a slight increase in body temperature; deep palpation of the affected bone is painful. Fistulas do not form. Local causes of osteomyelitis, complicating the course of fractures, can be primary and secondary. The primary causes include the occurrence of one or more open fractures with a large area of ​​damage. A significant role is played by the size and nature of microbial contamination of the wound, the formation of free bone fragments, the protrusion of the ends of bone fragments, devoid of periosteum for a large extent, as well as primary circulatory disorders due to destruction or compression of the surrounding soft tissues.​

Erysipelas on the leg is an infectious disease. Its causative agent is streptococcus erysipelas. The incubation period ranges from several hours to several days. Then general weakness and malaise appears. Afterwards, a sharp deterioration in health occurs: the temperature rises to 40 degrees, chills occur, muscle pain and pain in the joints are felt. A burning sensation is felt in the leg affected by erysipelas; after a certain time, a pink spot with blisters will appear, which will later turn into crusts.​

​gluten-sensitive enteropathy, etc.​

Bone growth disorder

​Most often older people get sick.​

Damage to the growth zone of bone

​Inna Dobrodeeva​

  • If there is a suspicion of purulent inflammation of the joint, there is no time to waste on conservative treatment; this process can only be stopped through timely surgery. The joint cavity is opened, fibrin clots are removed, and the cavity is washed with sterile Ringer's solution. Antibiotic therapy is carried out with massive doses of broad-spectrum antibiotics (cephalosporins, ampicillin, gentamicin, etc.). If necessary, repeat rinsing. The wound is left to heal under a bandage.​ ​Treatment is reserved for dogs with severe dysplasia. There are several ways to perform operations, including replacing the femoral head with an artificial joint prosthesis.​

​Mainly puppies under 6 months of age are affected.​


​often a consequence of injury. If pain occurs in several bones or joints in different parts of the body, the presence of a disease of the skeletal system or some internal disease of the body can be assumed.

Imperfect bone formation (incomplete osteogenesis)

The disease lasts on average 6-8 years. The clinical picture may resemble sarcoma. An x-ray reveals a fusiform thickening of the bone with sclerosis of the cortical layer, and in some areas - obliteration of the bone marrow cavity.​

​Secondary causes arise as a result of suppuration along the bone marrow cavity and death of the bone marrow, necrosis of the ends of bone fragments, exposure of bone due to necrosis of the skin and muscles, secondary regional circulatory disorders in the fracture zone due to edema, thrombosis, lymphostasis, external compression with plaster or other means of immobilization (Fig. 1).​

Erysipelas is transmitted through household contact. To avoid this, you should carefully observe personal hygiene.​

​It is natural that pain in bones and joints in such diseases occurs as a manifestation of the underlying disease, the source of which is somewhat distant from the supporting apparatus.​

​Pain when walking or after walking, crunching when moving, limited mobility and deformation due to the destruction of bone structures.​

Nutritional hyperparathyroidism


​Arthrosis is a degenerative joint disease that begins with damage to the cartilage and synovium, gradually spreads to other parts of the joint and leads to joint deformation and loss of function.​

  • ​table of contents​​This disease, in its clinical signs, is very similar to another bone disease that is associated with feeding disorders - nutritional hyperparathyroidism.​

Hypertrophic osteodystrophy

​Pain may result from injury, such as contusion, compression, distortion, subluxation, dislocation or fracture. All these injuries are accompanied by damage to bones or blood vessels. Particularly severe pain occurs if the bone is close to the surface of the skin and is not protected by a muscle and fat layer.​

​per vaginam.​


  • ​Fig.1.​​You can use both traditional and non-traditional methods. Thus, honey is widely used to treat leg diseases. It can be used both internally and externally in the form of compresses.​

​The information presented is intended to show that diseases that are completely different in cause and treatment are similar in their manifestations. The osteoarticular system gives almost identical symptoms, which may differ only in severity and chronology of appearance.​

​Timely and complete treatment helps to maintain physiological range of motion for a long time.​

Hip dysplasia

​Differential Rotor​

​Often, arthrosis occurs as a result of a violation of the mechanics of the joint due to overload of individual areas of the cartilage; joint dysplasia is a predisposing factor.​

  • ​Osteomyelitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease of all bone elements, including bone marrow, resulting from open injuries to bones and soft tissues. The infection enters the medullary canal as a result of open bone fractures or after unsuccessful bone surgeries.​
  • The disease can occur in dogs with an excessive intake of phosphorus from food and a relative lack of calcium. This happens when the puppy is fed exclusively meat. The fact is that meat contains little calcium and a lot of phosphorus. A decrease in calcium ions in the blood leads to hypertrophy (enlargement) of the parathyroid gland, which produces a hormone (parathyroid hormone) that promotes the leaching of calcium from bones.​

With bruise and compression, irritation of the periosteum occurs extremely quickly and its inflammation (periostitis) can begin. Inflammation of the bone (osteitis) occurs more often with open fractures.​

​Frequent complications are ankylosis of the hip joint and shortening of the leg on the affected side. Destructive changes in the pelvic bones on radiographs (Fig. 5) are similar to those in tuberculous lesions, which requires specific tests. The diagnosis and spread of the process is clarified by thermographic studies and especially computed tomography and MRI.​


  • ​Post-traumatic osteomyelitis: a - diagram of post-traumatic osteomyelitis: 1 - soft tissue defects; 2 - exposure and skeletonization of the ends of bone fragments; 3 - foreign bodies; 4 - transformation of free bone fragments into sequestra; 5 - secondary necrosis and sequestration of the ends of the main fragments in a poorly drained purulent cavity; 6 - spread of the purulent process along the intraosseous fixators; 7 - secondary bone necrosis as a result of malnutrition (soft tissue necrosis; thrombosis of the artery feeding the bone); b - radiograph of the lower third of the leg with osteomyelitis; c - fistulography of the lower third of the leg with osteomyelitis; d - CT scan of the lower third of the leg for osteomyelitis. Preventing the disease is easier than treating it. Everyone should remember this. Only a correctly diagnosed diagnosis and the right treatment chosen by a doctor are the key to positive dynamics of recovery.​

​The difference is in the nuances: in some cases of pathology, the pain is stronger, the swelling is greater, the pain begins only after exercise, etc. Even the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment can become a diagnostic criterion.​ ​Arthritis​

​this disease is called “costotrut geniculate disease”!​ Arthrosis may first appear in dogs aged 2-4 years. Large joints are mainly affected: the shoulder and elbow on the front limb and the hip and knee on the back.​

​Symptoms. After an injury or operation, the body temperature rises to 40 °C or higher, painful swelling occurs around the bone, and pus is often released from the wound. If the purulent process in the bone cannot be stopped (interrupted) with the help of antibiotics, then purulent fistulas appear in the skin over the bone, which do not heal for many weeks or months. The dog cannot use the affected limb.​

Osteomyelitis (ostitis)

Symptoms: As with incomplete osteogenesis, the cortical layer of bones becomes thinner, lameness, spontaneous fractures, and sometimes diarrhea occur. To confirm the diagnosis, an x-ray examination of the bones of the limbs and a biochemical blood test are performed.​

When a joint is damaged, fluid may accumulate in the joint capsule (altered secretion, often bloody). The fluid expands the capsule, causing joint swelling and pain. The injury may be accompanied by rupture of the joint capsule. If there is a lack of articular (synovial) fluid, bone-on-bone friction occurs, and movements become extremely painful.​

  • ​Fig. 5.​​Osteomyelitis of the spine.​
  • ​The incidence of postoperative osteomyelitis has now increased significantly, especially with internal osteosynthesis of multiple fractures, which can be explained by the reduced resistance of the body to microorganisms in those seriously injured from polytrauma.​

Bone tumors

​Minor forms of suppuration include local foci of weakly virulent infection in the area of ​​postoperative wounds (sources - hematoma, aseptic marginal necrosis of injured soft tissues, ligatures, foreign bodies), peri-wire wounds (constant microtraumatization, repeated microbial invasions), injection wounds, bedsores from excess pressure bone fragments from the inside, plaster bandages from the outside. An increase in the contamination of the wound (the content of microbial bodies over 105 per 1 g of tissue) is a decisive factor in the development of suppuration. In most patients, these complications develop in the early stages - up to 1 month. from the moment of surgery, but may occur later. Untimely and non-radical treatment of minor forms of suppuration leads to the development of severe purulent processes - abscesses, phlegmon, osteomyelitis.​

Diseases of the joints and bones should be treated not only by an orthopedic surgeon or a traumatologist. The diversity of developmental mechanisms and pathological processes makes pathology multidisciplinary. Among the names of medical professions involved in the treatment of such patients, there are rheumatologists, therapists, physiotherapists and chiropractors. ​

  • ​Persistent changes in the joints occur against the background of recurrent inflammatory processes. There can be many reasons behind inflammation. This group is characterized by damage to several joints and articulations (including small ones), the name is “polyarthritis.”​ ​Julia​

​Symptoms: Clinical signs of the disease develop gradually. Initially, lameness occurs, which intensifies after exercise. Later, bone growths appear in the joint, leading to deformation and stiffness of the joint. These changes are clearly visible on x-rays.​



Joint diseases

​Arthritis (inflammation of the joint) can be acute or chronic. Simultaneous or sequential inflammation of several joints is called polyarthritis. In this case, inflammation begins in the joint capsule, which produces fluid. The joint swells, becomes painful and hot, and its mobility is impaired. Inflammation can also affect the protective cartilage covering the articular surfaces, the damage to which progresses especially quickly. In this case, excess bone tissue forms at the unprotected ends of the bones, causing ankylosis (joint immobility). Other possible causes of arthritis are the penetration of pathogens from other foci of infection.​

Suppurative arthritis

​Pelvic osteomyelitis: a - radiography; b - computed tomography; c - fistulography

​Causes:​​The so-called pin osteomyelitis in single fractures is rarely observed. Most often it occurs when passing a needle through the tubercle of the calcaneus, rarely when passing it through the tuberosity of the tibia. A severe widespread osteomyelitic process in weakened patients can occur in the meta-epiphysis of the femur with suppuration of the tissue around the wire (Fig. 2). As a result, patients may develop large purulent cavities, for the replacement of which local materials may not be enough.​ ​Signs.​ ​Self-diagnosis, not to mention self-medication, can be dangerous.​​The disease affects middle-aged people​​in short, as I understand it, you are talking about gonarthrosis. The current is where the articular surfaces of the femur and tibia rub. drug treatment, administration of substances intramuscularly, intravenously, intravascularly. There are a lot of drugs, both expensive and not very expensive. anti-inflammatory, drugs that stimulate cartilage growth. plus massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, traction. Before treatment, you need to take a picture and see what the degree is. the first and partially the second are treatable. and the third leads to disability and joint replacement​ ​Treatment and prevention.​

Massive doses of broad-spectrum antibiotics (cephalosporins, LINCOMYCIN, chloramphenicol) are used. If antibiotic therapy does not lead to a cure within several days, the wound is inspected, all non-viable tissue is removed, and drainage is installed if necessary. Intraosseous administration of antibiotics gives very good results.​

  • ​It consists of giving the dog rest (keeping it in a cage, etc.) and changing the feeding diet (excluding meat, replacing it with offal). In severe cases, calcium gluconate is administered intravenously.​ ​Arthrosis - chronic​

Arthrosis (deforming chronic inflammation of the joint)


​open and gunshot fractures, orthograde metastasis in infectious diseases (stomatitis, tonsillitis, influenza, etc.).​

​Fig. 2.​

​Patients complain of local intense pain in the first 2 days after surgery or injury, severe swelling, signs of general intoxication are detected (toxic-resorptive fever with temperature rises in the evenings to 38-40 ° C, tachycardia, tachypnea, chills). Complaints of headache, insomnia, sweating, irritability, increased fatigue, painful, unpleasant sensations without a specific localization are typical. Severe intoxication is indicated by apathy, depression, and the appearance of visual and auditory hallucinations. Persistent anemia, leukocytosis, neutrophil shift in the leukocyte count to the left, lymphocytopenia, monocytosis, and increased ESR are detected in the blood. Hematomas can open spontaneously within 1 week. after the appearance of clinical signs, however, they must be removed surgically at an earlier date. Infectious complications should be expected after prolonged operations (more than 11/​

  • ​Since ancient times, it has been believed that the state of health of the limbs can be used to judge the state of a person’s health as a whole. Many people experience leg pain throughout their lives. It is imperative to diagnose the cause of this and as quickly as possible, since leg diseases weaken the functioning of the heart, kidneys, liver and other internal organs.​ ​Swelling, stiffness, and pain are not associated with exercise. More often, fluid accumulation is detected, involving the joint capsule and ligaments in the process. The deformity develops more slowly and is caused by damage to soft tissue structures and cartilage.​

Clipping osteochondrosis

​Oksana Kinkova​

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure arthrosis. To reduce pain, analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs (phenylbutazone) are used. Glucocorticoids should be used with great caution, as they contribute to further destruction of cartilage (intra-articular injections of long-acting corticosteroids are especially dangerous). Preparations of hyaluronic acid and mucopolysaccharides (adequan, arteporon, rumalon, gelacan) can significantly slow down the development of arthrosis and improve the clinical picture. In addition, overload of the diseased joint is avoided; in some cases, surgery (osteotomy, arthrodesis, prosthetics) can help. Physiotherapeutic treatment (warming, massage, Dorsonval currents, etc.) is widely used. Prevention consists of timely, correct treatment of joint injuries.​

  • ​The occurrence of this disease is predisposed by a feeding diet that is too high in calories and rich in protein, as well as a simultaneous excess intake of vitamin D and phosphorus with food.​ ​joint disease​

Osteochondropathy (aseptic necrosis) of the femoral head

​In the acute stage, it is necessary to open the abscess (phlegmon) and actively drain the purulent cavity using constant rinsing with antiseptic solutions.​


  • ​Scheme of pin osteomyelitis: a - inflammatory infiltration of soft tissues; b - formation of phlegmon around the needle; c - formation of purulent leakage; d - necrosis of bone tissue along the wire with the formation of small sequesters (including tubular ones); e - spread of purulent inflammation along the bone marrow canal, development of osteomyelitis

what is the name of the disease? What is the name of the disease when the bones rub against the kneecap??

​In medicine, there are several categories of leg diseases: vascular, muscular, neurological, as well as diseases of bone tissue and joints.​
​The prognosis in some cases is serious.​
​arthrosis. the joint is destroyed.
​This disease of articular cartilage is characterized by the fact that, due to lack of blood circulation, a small area of ​​bone is destroyed, the cartilage above this area exfoliates, fragments and turns into a cartilaginous plate (articular mouse) lying freely in the joint cavity. This disease affects strictly defined places on the limbs: the head of the humerus (shoulder joint), the medial trochlea of ​​the humerus (elbow joint), the distal part of the femur (knee joint), the medial crest of the talus (hock joint).​
​Bone tumors in dogs are in most cases malignant, with a tendency to metastasize. Bone tumors occur predominantly in dogs of large breeds (great Danes, black terriers, Central Asian shepherds, etc.); in males, somewhat more often than in females. The humerus and radius bones in the forelimb and the femur and tibia in the hindlimb are predominantly affected. Often tumors begin to grow at the site of a former fracture or after a bone bruise. As a rule, older dogs (after 5-6 years) get sick.
​Puppies of large breeds aged from 3 to 6 months are affected.​
​associated with age-related changes in articulating surfaces; characterized by severe pain. First, the cartilage tissue is affected due to abrasion and wear of the joint. It usually occurs when there is improper or too much load on the joint, as well as when the joint’s ability to bear loads decreases. Then the bone tissue is affected. Arthrosis can also occur as a result of spondylosis (a chronic disease of the spine, manifested in spiky growths of bone tissue along the edges of the vertebral bodies).​
​The final treatment complex includes elimination of the focus of osteomyelitis, antibacterial and immunotherapy, and general restoratives.​
The clinical picture of general intoxication of the body, pain in the affected part of the spine, forced (anti-pain) position of the torso (anthalgic posture), sharp limitation of spinal mobility, local sharp pain when tapping on the spinous process of the affected vertebra and when squeezing the spine along the axis are revealed. Depending on the location of purulent leaks, pain can radiate to the retrosternal region (symptoms of pericarditis), abdomen (symptoms of peritonitis), sacrum (symptoms of psoitis), hip joints (symptoms of coxitis).

​The development of osteomyelitis is observed much more often (11.2% of cases) when external fixation devices are used. The spokes connecting the bone to the external fastening elements are a potential gateway for infection to enter the tissue, including the bone marrow.​

​h), severe surgical blood loss (more than 0.5 l), traumatic interventions, the use of biological and synthetic materials, in the presence of concomitant diseases (diabetes, respiratory, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, stomatitis, caries, etc.).​

The most common are leg diseases associated with blood vessels. Such diseases also appear at a young age, often at first they occur without obvious symptoms, but then quickly progress and, in an advanced form, lead to amputation of a limb. You should be wary if you feel heaviness in your legs and swelling is visible in them. Symptoms intensify in the evening and decrease in the morning. Doctors say the cause of this type of disease is an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, poor diet, and excess weight.​



Large breed dogs aged 4-8 months are affected. The cause of this disease is believed to be rapid growth and overload of bones and cartilage.​

​Symptoms: Lameness in a dog occurs even before visible changes appear on the bones. The lameness is permanent; painkillers are of little help. When you feel the bone, you can detect a local painful area. Later, x-rays reveal bone loss. When metastases occur in the lungs, the dog’s general condition worsens (exhaustion, lack of appetite). The dog begins to experience severe pain, often moans and howls at night.​

Symptoms: The disease is characterized by lameness, painful flattening and bone growths in the epiphysis area. Externally, the wrist and elbow joints on the forelimbs and the knee joints on the hind limbs are enlarged. Diarrhea may occur, the temperature is unstable, the animal refuses food.​

​Bone diseases​

​Radical treatment of the osteomyelitis lesion with resection of the affected pelvic bone is performed in the chronic stage, no earlier than 6 months. after persistent healing of fistulas. The resulting cavities in the bones and soft tissues are filled with autoplastic (bone, muscle on a feeding pedicle) or allogeneic (demineralized bone grafts, biomass from demineralized bone tissue, etc.) material.​

Diseases of human bones and joints.

In the human body there are approximately 245 different bones on which soft tissues rest. TO bones part of the large muscles is attached. Joints serve for articulation of movable bones. Often bone and joint diseases as a result of injuries or diseases of the internal body.

What is this disease and how to treat it?

Classification of the human skeletal system

Avascular necrosis (osteonecrosis)
Also avascular necrosis known as "osteonecrosis", "aseptic (non-infectious) necrosis", or "ischemic necrosis of bone", it is a state that occurs when lack of blood circulation in the bones. Because human bone it is a living tissue, like others in the body, and it requires a constant flow of blood, otherwise the death of cells is inevitable. And if this destructive process is not stopped, it will lead to complete destruction of the bone.

Rheumatoid arthritis
Arthritis is a general term to denote inflammation in the joints. Joint inflammation is characterized by redness, local hyperthermia (increased T), joint pain and swelling.
Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis: pain, swelling of joints and ligaments, inflammatory processes, joint swelling, shortness of breath at rest, crunching in the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis. Video

Bursa (singular - bursa, from Latin bursa - "bag" means) called a fluid-filled space that softens the movement between bone and ligament or skin. Just like with air bubbles, these bags reduce friction in moving parts of the body, for example: in the shoulder, hip, heel, knee, elbow.

Bursitis. Treatment of bursitis. Video

Inflammation of the joints. Video

Here you can find recommendations that will help you protect your joints from damage and diseases such as arthritis for daily maintenance of the health and functional state of normal joints.
Symptoms of joint inflammation: joint pain, cold hands, inflammation.

Lumbar intervertebral disc herniation
This disease is also known as "popped" disk or "knocked out" Intervertebral disc herniation occurs most often in the lower back. This disorder causes pain in the back more often than others, in the leg (due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve).

Lumbar intervertebral disc herniation. Treatment. Video

Herniated disc of the intervertebral cervical spine
What you should know about hernia disease in general? Hernia a disease of the spine is called, in which the central part of the jelly-like intervertebral disc, which is denser, breaks through the outer capsule through a weak spot formed. This process can be compared to squeezing jam out of a donut. Pain develops in the arm or neck if the hernia pinches or presses on a nearby spinal nerve. The first stage of treatment in most such cases is conservative and becomes non-surgical restoration. Rehabilitation allows more than 90% of patients to return to daily activities after six weeks of treatment. If the patient does not agree to conservative methods of care, then the doctor recommends surgical treatment.

Discitis - inflammation in the spinal disc space. This disease is atypical and can develop in people of different age groups, but most often discitis affects children aged eight years and older. In other ages, this disease occurs as a complication, mainly after back surgery, but this only occurs in 1-2% of cases.

Acute rheumatic fever
Rheumatism– this is a rare, but potentially life-threatening disease, which is a complication of untreated acute pharyngitis caused by bacteria belonging to the group of streptococci. Main symptoms of rheumatism - increased T, muscle pain, swollen and painful joints, in some cases the appearance of a red rash, scattered, mesh-like, and rough. Symptoms usually begin 1 to 6 weeks after a streptococcal infection, although in some cases the infection may be too mild to be noticed.
Symptoms: pain and swelling of the joints, wet hands, joint swelling, facial inflammation, crunching in the joints.

Acute fever rheumatic in children. Video

Metatarsalgia. Video

Metatarsalgia is pain in the ankle joint. Metatarsalgia often occurs metatarsalgia for athletes involved in running and other sports that require high performance and great dedication. Metatarsalgia referred to as a symptom, not a specific disease. This foot disease widespread, affecting bones and the ankle joint. At metatarsalgia the focus of pain is often in the areas of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th phalanges of the fingers and is often localized in the head of the first metatarsal bone (this is the base of the thumb).

Osteoarthritis. Video
Arthritis is a general term for inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, the most common type is arthritis. He is connected with destruction of articular cartilage and can occur in almost any joint, and most often in joints that experience significant stress, such as the hip, spine, or knee joint. More osteoarthritis It can affect the fingers, especially the fingers and toes, the neck, and usually does not affect the rest of the joints, unless they have been subjected to excessive stress or injury.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis :pain in the hip joint, pain in the middle of the back, cold hands, joint pain.

Osteoarthritis. Treatment of osteoarthritis. Video

Causes of arthritis. Video

Osteomyelitis a disease called, the basis of which is inflammation and swelling of bone tissue, usually associated with infection. The above-mentioned disease is caused by various reasons and is observed in both adults and children. And most often these factors lead to bone infection.

Osteomyelitis. Treatment of Osteomyelitis. Video

Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which skeletal elements become thin and brittle. With this disease, cavities form inside the bones, the internal space begins to resemble a sponge. Patients with osteoporosis often end up in hospital with fracture of the hip, spine, wrist. Damage to these data significantly affects daily activities and can lead to forced changes in lifestyle. On X-ray images, it is easy to distinguish a bone that has become thinner after certain diseases suffered from a healthy skeletal element.

Osteoporosis. Treatment of osteoporosis. Video

Humeral periarthritis (adhesive capsulitis)
Humeroscapular periarthritis A disease of the shoulder joint is characterized by a loss of significant range of motion in all directions due to scar formation around the joint. The range of motion is not only limited when the patient tries to move independently, but also when the doctor tries to force the joint into motion, the patient is still relaxed. Humeral periarthritis as adhesive capsulitis is also mentioned.

Humeroscapular periarthrosis. How to treat? Frozen shoulder. Video

Gout- one of the types arthritis. Gout can cause sudden attacks of pain, joint immobility and swelling, usually the big toe suffers. If treatment is not started, attacks can be repeated many times, and over time cause significant damage to the joints and adjacent tissues. Gout occurs most often in men.

Gout. Treatment of gout. Video

Psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is a form of inflammation of the joints, which can be observed in some out of a million, psoriasis sick. Psoriasis is a skin disease manifests itself as a characteristic red, scaly rash on the ankles, elbows most often, knees, feet, hands, less often in other places.
Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis : upper and middle back pain, joint swelling, joint deformity, joint pain, pain when breathing, clammy hands, neck deformity, skin spots, joint swelling.

Psoriatic arthritis. Treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Video


Idiopathic scoliosis– a common type of spinal curvature – has no clearly defined cause. It develops most often in children and adolescents, and its occurrence is associated with several reasons, including genetic predisposition.

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