What happens to sperm after it enters the vagina? How long do sperm live after ejaculation? How long do sperm penetrate the uterus.

Many consider the fertilization of an egg to be the beginning of the birth of a new life. It is from this moment that the genetic material of both parents merges, as a result of which the desired child can be born in the future. Let's consider how the process of fertilization occurs and what early symptoms allow you to feel that a woman has become pregnant.

Where and how does the fertilization process occur?

Around the middle of each menstrual cycle, a healthy woman of reproductive age enters the ovulatory period. This means that it comes out of a ruptured follicle and can be fertilized by sperm within 24 hours.

The ovaries, where follicles and eggs are formed, are a paired organ. Each time there is an alternation, and the egg comes out either from the right or from the left ovary. A few hours before, information is sent to the fallopian tubes where exactly on the surface of the ovary the follicle will rupture this time.

The infundibulum of the fallopian tube prepares to capture the egg to prevent it from disappearing into the abdominal cavity. The villi of the wide part of the fallopian tube slide along the surface of the ovary and read the chemical signals coming from there. Thus, almost immediately after leaving the ovary, the egg enters the fallopian tube, where it has 24 hours to meet the sperm.

Interesting! Thanks to these signals, the egg can enter the tube even on the opposite side of the ovary from which it came. Thus, there are cases where a woman with one right ovary and a preserved left fallopian tube gave birth to several children.

How long does it take for a sperm to reach an egg?

So, the egg is waiting for the sperm in a wide part of the oviduct. Let's find out which path the sperm has to take and how long it takes to get there.

During ejaculation, the man's sperm enters the woman's vagina. Semen contains several million spermatozoa, among which there are motile and immobile individuals. Most of them die in the vagina. The surviving cells move towards the uterus and after a couple of hours are found in its cavity. After this, they enter the fallopian tube and move to its ampullary section, where an egg can await them. Fertilization usually occurs in this part of the fallopian tube.

Interesting!If the egg is not in the fallopian tube, then the sperm can remain there for up to several days, moving chaotically back and forth. Some male reproductive cells exit into the free abdominal cavity and rotate around its organs.

What happens after the sperm and egg meet?

As the sperm approaches the egg, it remains surrounded by membranes that protect and nourish it. To penetrate such protection, the sperm secretes enzymes contained in its head. These substances dissolve the protective shell of the egg and make it possible to penetrate its cytoplasm.

For this purpose, you will need not one sperm, but several hundred. Only in this way can a team of male cells dissolve the protective membrane so that a single sperm can reach the nucleus of the egg.

When one sperm breaks into the cytoplasm of the egg, their nuclei merge. At the same time, the shell of the female reproductive cell is reconstructed so as not to let more than one male cell inside.

Interesting! The remaining sperm surround the fertilized egg for some time and then die. It is believed that they create a certain chemical environment in the oviduct, making it easier for the embryo to move towards the uterus.

The nuclei of the sex cells of a man and a woman merge and form one whole - a zygote with 46 parts of a set of chromosomes from the father and mother. After 25-30 hours, the zygote begins the process of crushing.

What happens to the egg after fertilization

When fertilization of the egg has occurred, it turns into a zygote. For 2-3 days it stays in one place and continues to divide. After a few days, the zygote begins to move along the fallopian tube towards the uterus. She herself does not have mobility, but her movement occurs due to the flickering of the cilia of the fallopian tube mucosa.

From time to time, the tube muscles contract to speed up the movement of the zygote, which after a series of divisions is called a blastocyst. After 5-7 days, it reaches the body of the uterus and begins to look for a place for implantation.

At this time, at the site of the ruptured follicle, the corpus luteum works, which synthesizes progesterone. This hormone has already prepared the uterine lining for embryo implantation. The implementation process itself takes from several hours to several days. In this case, a woman may notice light bleeding on her underwear if, during implantation, the embryo injures the small vessels of the uterus.

After the blastocyst has established itself in the body of the uterus, it begins to actively interact with it and synthesize a large number of new hormones. Only now can you feel the first signs of fertilization.

What sensations and how can you feel that fertilization has occurred?

Within a few hours after unprotected intercourse, a woman begins to analyze her sensations and discharge in the hope of recognizing the first symptoms of pregnancy. Unfortunately, all this does not happen so quickly. It will take 10-14 days for the embryo to establish itself in the body of the uterus and for early symptoms to appear.

You should be skeptical about the stories of “experienced advisers” who can, by looking at vaginal discharge, predict the onset of pregnancy in the first days after conception. Unfortunately, this is just psychosomatics; in such a short period of time, the woman does not physically experience any new sensations.

Questions for the doctor

Question: How long does the entire fertilization process last and when can you feel the first symptoms of pregnancy?

Answer: The fusion of sex cells between a man and a woman occurs within a few hours. But the first sensations after this has happened can be felt only 2-3 weeks after conception.

Question: Is there discharge during implantation of the embryo into the uterus and how long does it last?

Answer: Discharge during implantation is most often absent. Sometimes a woman may notice slight spotting on her underwear 8-11 days after conception, which indicates embryo implantation. They are not abundant and disappear during the day. But such cases are rare and, as a rule, the woman does not notice this process.

Question: How many days must pass to find out that you are pregnant.

Answer: You can find out about pregnancy 8-10 days after fertilization. To do this, you do not need to analyze the discharge and symptoms, but you can go for an ultrasound and take a blood test for hCG.

Question: How long does it take for sperm to reach the egg after ejaculation?

Answer: After 2-3 hours you can detect active sperm in the body of the uterus, then they begin to move faster and after 3-4 hours they are ready to fertilize the egg in the fallopian tube.

The process of fertilization is an amazing mechanism for procreation. Each stage is necessary for the birth of healthy and desired offspring. The task of parents is to take care of their health and take a responsible approach to planning a child.

Let's consider the fertilization of an egg by a sperm: how and how long does it take for fusion to occur? In this article we will look at how sperm end up in the uterus, how long it takes to reach the egg, and how it unites with sperm.

The miracle of continued life

Reproduction of offspring is one of the main manifestations of living organisms. As a result of centuries-old evolution, two types of reproduction have developed: sexual and asexual. With the sexual type of reproduction, the largest number of genes is transmitted from the parent, so it is considered a more advanced method. This is how human reproduction occurs.

A necessary condition for the creation of a new person is the fusion of an egg and a sperm (fertilization).

Each germ cell contains half of the complete set of chromosomes. When they merge, the number of chromosomes is combined, and the complete set necessary for the formation of a healthy person is obtained.

Preparation of “material”

Before the egg and sperm meet and become one, they must undergo a preparation procedure. Sperm development occurs in the testicles, the male gonads located in the human scrotum. Here is the process of formation of sperm filled with sperm:

  • The testicles contain thousands of seminiferous tubules, in which the formation and development of sperm (sperm) occurs. Every hour the male body produces about 3 million new germ cells. They are very small in size - if you compress all the sperm produced in a day, they will be smaller than a grain of sand.
  • The prostate develops a secretion consisting of fructose, highly concentrated potassium, zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium, and a number of vitamins. Such a healthy cocktail is needed in order to nourish the sperm swimming in it and make them strong and resilient. This ensures the development of sperm and helps reach the final destination - the egg.
  • At the peak of a man’s sexual arousal, involuntary contraction of the muscles of the walls of the vas deferens occurs, their lumen expands, and the semen is filled with mature sperm. The sperm is then released through the urogenital canal into the woman's vagina.

Sperm development occurs in a man's testicles.

In order for fertilization to occur after the release of sperm, a mature egg must be ready in the female body. Here is a short presentation on how the female reproductive cell develops:

  • Formation occurs in the ovaries during the prenatal development of a girl - she is born with a certain set, which no longer increases. The beautiful lady will use this strategic reserve throughout her life. On average, 250-300 thousand germ cells are collected in the body of women.
  • Each egg is hidden in a follicle. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the follicle bursts, releasing one reproductive cell. This process is called ovulation. After leaving the follicle, the egg lives for approximately 30 hours.
  • The released egg must go into the abdominal cavity, where it is captured by the villi of the fallopian tube. If at this time the sperm can reach here, then fusion (fertilization) will occur and the woman will become pregnant.

Reade set Go

How does a sperm enter the uterus? An indispensable condition for the natural conception of a new person is sexual intercourse; the final result is the release of ejaculate by the man into the woman’s uterine passage. There are a huge number of sperm in the sperm, they begin to move quickly to get to the egg. Why the rush? The fact is that one “tadpole” can penetrate into the female reproductive cell. After fusion, other sperm cannot reach the egg - it will be covered with a kind of “armor” that no other sperm can penetrate.

In order for a sperm to enter the uterus, it needs to travel through the uterine canal to reach the egg.

How long does it take for sperm to travel? It depends on the speed - a healthy and strong sperm on average reaches the target in 1.5-3 hours. Penetration can occur 5-6 hours after the sperm enters the woman’s vagina (but this is rare, since by this time the germ cells usually die).

Finally together

How long does it take for full fertilization? When does complete fusion of sperm and egg occur and the long-awaited division begins? We have already found out that sperm are able to reach the female reproductive cell in 2-5 hours. After this, many “tadpoles” literally attack one single egg. One sperm turns out to be the most persistent, breaks through the wall of the female reproductive cell, and penetrates inside. But what happens next?

On the 2-3 day after the sperm manages to reach the egg and penetrate it, the development of the zygote begins - the fertilized sex cell begins division. First, two cells are formed from one cell - they are called blastomeres. On the fourth day, the zygote already consists of 16 cells. By this time, it reaches the uterus, where it is fixed for the remaining period of 9 months.

So, we have learned how fertilization of an egg occurs and the further development of connected cells. In addition, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this video, which clearly shows how the sperm gets there and how it fertilizes the woman’s reproductive cell.

To get pregnant and become a mother, you should try to be in good physical shape. A few months before conception, you should quit smoking, not abuse alcohol, and try to take less medications. You should also avoid harmful or stressful work. If you or someone in your family suffers from any congenital disease, consult your doctor to see if this will threaten your pregnancy.

During ovulation, your body temperature rises slightly. If you measure your temperature for at least three months, you will notice a pattern: it starts out at about 36.6 C, then rises during ovulation. Three months before conceiving, stop taking medications and get a rubella measles vaccine. Your last menstrual period has just begun and you can already plan your pregnancy. Preconceptional pregnancy planning is a very good idea. However, if you have not started testing before your planned pregnancy, at least take a prenatal vitamin and 4 mg of folic acid per day to help prevent neural tube defects.

Health and pregnancy

Your health will play a primary role in the next 40 weeks of pregnancy. Your health will determine how easy your pregnancy will be and how healthy your baby will be born. A healthy diet, regular exercise (but only with the permission of your doctor!) and frequent, long rest will allow you to live these 9 wonderful months of pregnancy with pleasure and a smile and show the world a beautiful, happy child.

If you smoke and are trying to get pregnant, it's time to quit this bad habit. Both you and your baby will benefit from this. But there is worse news - you will have to give up alcohol and reduce the amount of caffeine you consume. Don't be upset, just imagine the smile of your future belly... you can do even more for the sake of this smile!

Questions about which position is best for conceiving a child

1) Are there any positions that are preferable for conception?

There is no reason to believe that any sex position is better for conception. You may have heard that fertilization is more likely in a position where the sperm gets closer to the cervix (missionary, for example), but there is no clear research or evidence for this theory.
At the same time, choosing the “right” time plays a critical role. To increase the chance of conception, it is better to have sex two days before expected ovulation and again on the day of ovulation.

2) Does orgasm increase the chances of conception?

There is an opinion that a woman experiencing an orgasm after her partner ejaculates increases her chances of becoming pregnant, but there is no scientifically proven basis for this statement.
Female orgasm is not at all a necessary component for conception, but the muscle contractions of the vagina that occur at this moment may well help sperm reach the fallopian tubes (such painless, imperceptible contractions occur without sex, especially on the days of ovulation).

3) Should you lie down after intercourse to increase the likelihood of conception?

Staying horizontal for an extra 15 minutes after sex allows more sperm to linger in your vagina. But at the same time, in each ejaculation there are millions of sperm, so even if you jump up right away, there will still be more than one million sperm left in the vagina.

If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for more than a year (or more than 6 months if you are over 35) without success, or your cycle is not regular, you should consult a specialist.

Planning the gender of the child

The sex of the child depends on which sperm fertilized the egg. Fertilization of an egg with a sperm with the X chromosome will lead to the development of a female embryo, while a sperm with the Y chromosome will lead to the conception of a boy. There is a theory that sperm with different chromosomes have different characteristics, knowledge of which can help create the most favorable conditions for conceiving a child of a certain gender.

Estimated sperm characteristics:

Sperm with the Y chromosome, leading to the birth of a boy, move faster and live shorter than sperm with the X chromosome. The latter, leading to the birth of a girl, are less mobile, but can survive longer in the woman’s body, waiting for ovulation.

Knowing these features, you can try to plan the gender of the child if you follow the following rules:

To conceive a boy

The time of sexual intercourse should be as close as possible to the date of ovulation. If we assume that Y sperm move faster than their counterparts, then the likelihood that they will be the first to reach and fertilize the egg is higher. Avoid sexual intercourse 4 or 5 days before ovulation. Penetration during sexual intercourse should be “deep”, which will bring short-lived Y sperm as close as possible to the entrance to the uterus, and therefore shorten their path to the egg. Men should avoid overheating. Increased temperature caused by a sauna or very warm clothing leads to a general decrease in sperm count, but overheating is thought to be particularly detrimental to Y sperm. It is better if during sexual intercourse a woman experiences orgasm before her partner, or at least at the same time. During orgasm, a certain secretion is released into the vagina, which promotes the survival of Y sperm.

To conceive a girl

Plan to have sexual intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation and avoid sexual intercourse during ovulation and up to 2 days after it. X sperm, according to their characteristics, have a much higher chance of surviving 2 days while waiting for an egg than their counterparts.

Penetration during sexual intercourse should be “shallow.” This will lengthen the path to the egg and give the slower, but longer-living X sperm a chance to reach the egg after a few days and reduce the chances of their fellow sperm. It's better if the woman doesn't have an orgasm. X sperm can survive longer in the alkaline environment of the vagina and, unlike their counterparts, do not suffer from the lack of secretions released during orgasm. This method is not recommended if you have problems conceiving or have been diagnosed with infertility, as it can significantly increase the period of planning a child.


Time of conception

So, you have finally answered the question: “Do I want to become a mother?” Yes, I want! Great. To do this, you need to choose the right moment to conceive. We are ready to help you with this.

Sperm enter the uterus during sexual intercourse. Then, with the help of their tails, they begin to move towards the fallopian tubes. If at that time ovulation has already occurred in the female body, then here they meet a mature egg.

Male reproductive cells are able to remain active for two days. If the egg does not ovulate during this period, then conception will not occur and they will die. Therefore, it is clear that the most favorable time for fertilization is the period of ovulation with slight deviations in one direction or the other.

Since the lifespan of an egg is 24 hours, the days before ovulation are more preferable for conception than after it, since sperm require more than a day to enter the fallopian tube. Determining the date of ovulation and calculating favorable days for pregnancy is best done using the temperature curve, and you can also consult a gynecologist in the middle of the menstrual cycle, who, using a simple analysis of mucus taken from the cervix, will determine the date of ovulation with an accuracy of 1 -2 days.

For conception, it is better if a woman lies on her back during intercourse. After it is finished, you can put a pillow under your buttocks and raise your legs. This position must be maintained for some time. In this case, the cervix will be immersed in the sperm located in the posterior fornix of the vagina.

The knee-elbow position during or after sexual intercourse also helps facilitate the penetration of sperm into the cervical canal.

Most young women who are recently sexually active do not experience orgasm during intercourse. Orgasm is not necessary for pregnancy to occur.

In the days preceding conception, spouses should completely avoid drinking alcohol, since alcohol has a damaging effect on both female and male reproductive cells.

Be careful with other harmful factors - varnishes, paints, solvents, various household chemicals, do not do x-rays, this also applies to taking medications.

If you are not entirely healthy, it is better to postpone pregnancy until recovery. If you take any medication for a long time you need to consult your doctor about its possible effect on conception and pregnancy.

Without sufficient medical grounds, you should not resort to an ultrasound diagnostic procedure, although its adverse effect on the body is minimal.

How to get pregnant quickly? How to calculate the day of ovulation?

Today, the average age of women wanting to get pregnant is close to 30 years. Add to this work, a busy lifestyle, stress, smoking, and the environment. It is safe to say that today conceiving a child is hard work.

There are diseases that can cause irreparable harm to the fetus. Therefore, before conceiving, do not forget to undergo an examination with your future dad to make sure that you are healthy. And if health problems are identified, undergo a course of treatment.

To increase your chances of conceiving and getting pregnant quickly, a woman needs to know when she ovulates. There are many ways to calculate the day of ovulation, but for greatest accuracy it is better to use several at once:
Calendar method: theoretically, ovulation occurs 12-16 (usually 14) days before the end of the cycle. By keeping a menstruation calendar, you can calculate days favorable for conception. To do this, we subtract 16 from the shortest cycle, and subtract 12 from the longest cycle, and respectively get the most probable days of ovulation. With a regular cycle, this is an interval of 5 days, and if the cycle is irregular, then the interval increases even more.

Basal temperature: every morning, without getting out of bed and without making sudden movements, the temperature in the rectum or vagina is measured. A graph of temperatures per cycle is drawn up. If you are healthy, then in the first half of the cycle the temperature does not change, then it sharply decreases by 0.4-0.6 degrees, after which it rises and does not change throughout the second half of the cycle. The time of ovulation is precisely the time when the temperature drops by 0.4-0.6 degrees.

According to the nature of the discharge: 3-5 days before ovulation, the discharge becomes abundant, transparent, and resembles the consistency of egg white. The largest number of such discharges is observed on the day of ovulation. After ovulation, the discharge becomes light, thick and creamy.

Saliva examination: During ovulation, the amount of estrogen increases, which in turn changes the composition of saliva, forming crystalline structures that under the microscope resemble a fern. Nowadays special microscopes are produced, the size of lipstick. This microscope can easily fit into your purse.

Ovulation test: sold in any pharmacy, easy to use, contains instructions. Ovulation occurs within 24 hours after receiving the first positive result.

Ultrasound monitoring: carried out in specialized clinics using the vaginal sensor of an ultrasound machine. On days 7-10 of the cycle, the doctor examines the ovaries and determines whether ovulation will occur in this cycle. Then every 2-3 days he monitors the growth of follicles, until the day of ovulation.

By combining these methods, it will be easy for you to determine ovulation. Based on the fact that sperm live for 4-5 days, and the egg for one day, your task is to organize a meeting for them.
If your first attempts to conceive a baby are unsuccessful, this is not yet a reason to sound the alarm. Just be patient and keep working. Only after a year of unsuccessful attempts does it make sense to seek help from medicine.

Fertilization of an egg - a process from A to Z in time

Called the heroic story of one sperm. Yes, this is indeed a whole story for the microscopic world.

Conception is the greatest mystery, in which there is still something unsolved - all the mechanisms have not been fully studied.

Processes preceding fertilization

The meeting of gametes (female and male) is preceded by many events:

  • Maturation of the oocyte (future mature egg) and sperm - sperm.
  • - the process in which the female reproductive cell leaves the ovarian follicle (the place where maturation occurred).
  • Ejaculation is the release of male reproductive cells with seminal fluid into the female genital tract and overcoming the path, which entails great losses.
  • Capation (activation) of sperm.

Movement of male reproductive cells

During sexual intercourse, approximately 300 million sperm enter the vagina. All but one, the most active and resilient tailed “lucky” one, will die on the way to the egg. The losses are colossal, but nature dictated this:

  • Almost immediately after intercourse, millions of sperm flow out along with semen fluid.
  • Millions die in the acidic environment of the vagina.
  • Losses will occur during the passage of the cervical canal of the cervix under the influence of cervical mucus.
  • Some sperm will get stuck in the folds of the cervical mucosa (they will become a reserve group that will strive for the oocyte if the first group does not meet the egg).

Fertilization of the egg is possible only after ovulation. If sexual intercourse occurs before the release of the egg, then the stuck sperm can wait until ovulation in the woman’s body. Their lifespan varies from 24 to 168 hours (up to 7 days). That is, you can get pregnant if you have intercourse before and after ovulation. Using this information you can future baby.

Contact with the slightly alkaline environment of the mucus of the cervical canal leads to an increase in the motor activity of sperm. After which they move faster.

Muscle contractions help sperm move inside the uterus. However, by mistaking sperm for foreign bodies, thousands of sperm are destroyed. The surviving sperm move into the fallopian tubes. One half goes into the empty fallopian tube, the other goes into the fallopian tube containing the unfertilized egg.

Moving through the tube, sperm move against the flow of liquid and some become entangled among the villi of the mucous membrane. In the upper parts of the reproductive tract, under the influence of biochemical substances, reactions are triggered, due to which sperm are deposited. The membrane covering the head of the sperm changes. Sperm acquire the ability to fertilize and become hyperactive.


Two weeks before menstruation, regardless of the length of the cycle,. If the cycle is 27–28 days, then exit from the follicle occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. The duration of menstrual cycles in women varies and can reach 45 days or more. Therefore, when calculating the day of ovulation, it is more correct to focus on the expected start of new periods and count 14 days from this date.

Ovulation happens like a small explosion. The follicle, filled with fluid in which the oocyte “ripened,” bursts. And the egg, along with the follicular contents, ends up in the abdominal cavity. But at the same time she “does not get lost.”

Transport of the egg into the tube

The ovary is covered with fimbriae of the fallopian tube, which, thanks to the ciliated epithelium on the inner surface, guide the egg - point it in the right direction - to the entrance. The cilia of the epithelium are activated under the influence of hormones - estrogens, secreted by the ovary after ovulation. Their movements are coordinated and unidirectional. At this stage, the egg is surrounded by cumulus cells, forming the corona radiata. During fertilization of the egg, the sperm will have to overcome this layer to reach the outer layer of the female reproductive cell.

Lifespan of a sperm- an important question, especially relevant for people planning procreation. Researchers disagree on the lifespan of sperm outside a man’s body: from 15 minutes – 2 days outside the female reproductive system to 8 – 14 days in a woman’s body.

In general, the entire life of a sperm can be divided into 2 periods:

  • First, the sperm is born and lives in the male body. It matures in a man’s body for 72–74 days. During this time, the sperm receives its individual chromosome set. However, to get into the egg, the sperm must be able to reach it, pass through the membranes of the egg without damaging its genetic material.
    Such abilities acquires when it passes through the epididymis. It becomes a full-fledged mature sperm. A sperm that has lived in the body for more than a month becomes unable to fertilize an egg.
  • When does sperm leave a man's body?, his life begins in the external environment. The duration of this stage of life of a male seed depends on many things: on the environment in which it is located, on the temperature of this environment, on the quality of the sperm itself, on its chromosome set, etc.

Sperm life and temperature

Ambient temperature has a great influence on the lifespan of the seed. The most favorable temperature environment for sperm life is 36 – 37 degrees Celsius. Temperatures exceeding this indicator negatively affect the lifespan of the sperm and its lifespan is reduced.

Men planning to conceive should not wear tight clothing or underwear, as such clothing may cause the testicles to overheat. They should also avoid any other overheating.

Under the influence of low temperatures male sperm are immobilized. But at the same time they retain their viability. This feature of sperm is used to create sperm banks. Spermatozoa are frozen in special storage facilities and later used for artificial insemination.

Sperm life and environment

Once outside the male body, the sperm finds itself in an unfamiliar environment.

His life in this environment is influenced by various factors:

  • temperature: excessively high or low temperatures negatively affect the viability and motility of the sperm; the optimal temperature for it is the temperature of the human body (36 - 37 degrees Celsius);
  • light: bright light, especially sunlight, contributes to faster death of sperm;
  • acid-base balance of the environment: an alkaline environment activates the sperm, and an acidic environment, on the contrary, reduces the activity of the sperm;
  • exposure to various synthetic compounds: for example, sperm that get into a condom will die faster; various synthetic lubricants that are sold in pharmacies can also have a negative effect.

How to extend the life of sperm?

Some tricks can extend the life of sperm:

  • It is necessary to avoid exposing the male semen to too high temperatures: a man planning to conceive should refuse to visit the bathhouse, sauna, or wear tight underwear;
  • Do not use synthetic lubricants the synthetic substances they contain can negatively affect life expectancy and activity;
  • you can't do douching, since it changes the acid-base balance in the woman’s reproductive organs and flushes out the cervical fluid (it helps sperm move towards the uterus);
  • if it is necessary to save sperm for a bank, you should not allow the temperature to drop too sharply, since such a decrease can cause temperature shock and the sperm will die; the ideal temperature conditions when working with fresh sperm will be 18 - 25 degrees (at this temperature, the speed of sperm movement decreases, they spend less energy and, accordingly, live longer);
  • in an effort to extend the lifespan of sperm, it is necessary to protect them from bright light, especially from exposure to sunlight;
  • saving sperm for sperm banking, you need to ensure that they are in a neutral or slightly acidic environment.

How long does a sperm live in the air, in the uterus?

During ejaculation sperm die quite quickly, as they are affected by negative environmental factors: temperature, humidity, light, acid-base reaction of the environment.

Sperm live the shortest that did not enter the partner’s vagina. According to research, they die within 15 to 120 minutes. Those sperm that enter the uterus live much longer.

How long does sperm live in a woman?

Sperm live longer, got into the reproductive organs of a woman. There they live and retain the ability to fertilize for several days. Some authors believe that sperm in the female body can live 24 - 36 hours, other researchers talk about 8 - 14 days. Thus, fertilization can occur a considerable time after copulation.

An important role The acid-base environment of a woman’s vagina plays a vital role in the life of sperm in the female body. For good sperm motility and viability, a slightly acidic environment is suitable. If a woman has any inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system, then the environment of her vagina becomes more acidic. In such an environment, sperm move more slowly and die faster.

During sexual intercourse A huge amount enters a woman’s body, but only one of them is destined to merge with the woman’s egg. What is the fate of the remaining sperm? They move into the uterine cavity very quickly, literally 1 - 2 minutes after intercourse they enter the uterus, and after 2 - 3 hours they reach the outermost parts of the fallopian tubes.

and the motile sperm penetrates the egg. When an egg and a sperm fuse, the egg changes its properties - it no longer accepts other sperm. The remaining sperm die. Part flows out of the vagina along with sperm and dies quite quickly in the air. The other part dies in the acidic environment of the vagina. Sperm that are trapped in the weak alkaline environment of the uterus and fallopian tubes live longer. However, over time, these sperm also die.

It is worth noting that the sperm that carry the Y chromosome are the first to die. These sperm, on the one hand, are more motile, but on the other, less viable than X-chromosome carriers.

Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurs immediately before ovulation, there is a high probability that a sperm with a Y chromosome will enter the egg. In this case, the woman will become pregnant with a boy. If sexual intercourse occurs a few days before ovulation, most likely, a sperm carrying the X chromosome will connect with the egg, and pregnancy will occur with a girl.

How long does a sperm live in air?

Sperm exposed to air, lives on average from 15 minutes to 2 hours. This is, of course, a very short period of time. However, you should not forget about it, especially for couples who are not planning a pregnancy.

If the couple wants to repeat sexual intercourse, the man needs to wash off all the semen from the penis. Otherwise, even a small amount of sperm may enter the woman’s vagina and reach the uterus. In this case, there is a high probability of unwanted pregnancy.

Single sperm extracted from sperm dies immediately, as it is deprived of the nutrients necessary to maintain its vital functions. Such substances are present only in

Knowledge about the lifespan of sperm can be useful to many couples: both those who are planning the birth of a child and those who want to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Couples planning a pregnancy should follow the simple tips given in the article to ensure the greatest mobility and viability of sperm. This knowledge will also be useful to laboratory technicians involved in sperm collection and the creation of sperm banks.

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