The benefits and harms of homeopathic medicines for weight loss. Homeopathic remedies for weight loss Homeopathic remedies for weight loss reviews and names

The therapeutic method, which is based on the principle of “like treats like” through the use of special products containing minimal doses of active substances of natural origin, has long proven itself in the difficult fight against excess weight. In homeopathy for weight loss, preparations on a plant, animal, and mineral basis are used.

Homeopathic medicines for weight loss

Alternative therapy considers the disease that has arisen in the body as a natural process to the cause of irritation, and treatment is the elimination of this factor.

The problem of excess weight is perceived as the result of a violation of the proper functioning of the internal systems of the body. If the source is identified and eliminated, weight normalization will occur. The goal of a homeopath is to discuss all the small details of life, to determine the basis of the disorder that led a person to gain extra pounds.

The fight against obesity begins with determining the type of constitutional character of the patient and the reasons why he cannot lose weight using standard measures:

  • Oxygen - people with an increased metabolic rate, increased levels of oxygen in the blood;
  • Hepatic - slowness of reactions and functions related to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Carbon - due to an inhibited metabolic process, the presence of an increased concentration of toxic elements in the fat layer.

After identifying the patient's type, the doctor determines the level of the condition:

  • Psycho-emotional;
  • Physical;
  • Exchange.

Homeopathy for weight loss is a set of measures and medications to normalize metabolism, restore the functions of internal organs and systems, and improve mental health.

15 homeopathic remedies for weight loss and their benefits

Weight correction products are always selected on an individual basis, after lengthy consultations between the homeopath and the patient.

The components used in weight loss tablets have a long-term and targeted effect. The most common are:

  • - algae used to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and blood of waste and toxins, improves metabolism and the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Black cohosh - helps stabilize hormonal levels;
  • Ingnation - restores the activity of the central nervous system, eliminates stress, depressive mood swings;
  • Lamb fat - corrects metabolism, improves liver function, reduces bad cholesterol;
  • Clubmoss - increases the activity of the digestive organs;
  • Calcium carbonate - has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, reduces hunger;
  • Carbon compounds - restores the functioning of the thyroid gland, normalizes hormonal levels;
  • Ammonium carbonate - reduces the need and craving for glucose.

The most widely used means are:



Zlata gel

The composition includes extracts and extracts of medicinal plants. The impact is local. The result is a reduction in volume due to the breakdown of adipose tissue.


Restores metabolic processes. It has a beneficial effect on the body when combined with a low-calorie diet. Helps normalize weight after pregnancy.

Prescribed for third degree obesity. Improves the condition of the body, helps lose weight, reduces weight caused by overeating and physical inactivity.

Thyroidea Compositum. Production Hel

Intended for use in cases of obesity and endocrine system dysfunction. The result is improved metabolic processes and liver activity

Cefamadar tablets

Directed effect on reducing appetite, normalizing the psycho-emotional state. The effect is a reduction in body fat, strengthening resistance.

Improves the performance and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates the processes of bloating and gas formation.

Calcarea Carbonica

Corrects blood glucose levels and reduces the tendency to consume sweets.

Weight is normal

Normalizes body weight, prescribed for obesity and overeating. The totality of the effects of several homeopathic remedies: and others. Result: carbohydrate and fat metabolic processes improve.


Restores the functioning of the digestive organs and prevents constipation.

Carbonicum amonium

Helps cleanse the body and remove excess fluid. Reduces cravings for sweets, normalizes appetite.

spotted milk thistle

Restores liver activity and intestinal tract. Improves the process of losing weight.

Argentum nitricum

It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the brain, reduces appetite, and reduces the level of consumption of sweets.

Natrum Myripticum

Normalizes metabolic processes, blood condition, improves the activity of the central nervous system. Reduces body weight, eliminates deposits in the waist and buttocks.

Chilibukha vomiting

Prescribed for physical inactivity, overdoing it with fatty and spicy foods, and coffee. Result: metabolism is restored and body weight is reduced.

Antimony Trisulfur

Helps reduce appetite and absorb calories. Prepares the body mentally and physiologically for a change in diet. Normalizes the emotional background.

An analysis of consumer reviews has shown that the use of homeopathic medicines, regardless of the country of origin and price, when following all recommendations and a full course of complex therapy, gives good results in the process of losing weight, restoring emotional health, the functioning of the internal systems of the body and physical fitness. At the same time, the use of the products is safe and has a limited number of side effects. On average, you can buy a package of homeopathic medicines in the region of one and a half to two thousand rubles.

Duration of taking homeopathic medicines

Means for alternative therapy to achieve a positive and lasting result are taken by the patient for varying periods of time.

The duration of the course depends on:

  • Fat mass index;
  • Level of excess weight;
  • Degree of obesity;
  • Psycho-emotional state;
  • Diet, basic diet;
  • Bad habits;
  • Individual characteristics.

Reducing the treatment period will be based on the inclusion in the lifestyle of: sports, physical and mental activity, proper moderate and balanced nutrition.

As a result of the use of homeopathy, the entire body becomes healthier.

Diets and sports exercises are aimed at losing weight. Thanks to these weight loss techniques, the process of breaking down fat deposits is activated and body volume is reduced. When dietary restrictions are lifted, unwanted pounds often return. This is due to the fact that the main reason for weight gain remains unresolved.

Homeopathy for weight loss has a restorative effect on the body as a whole. Appropriate medications help eliminate the cause of excess weight.

Main benefits of homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic medicines for weight loss are made from natural ingredients and do not cause harm to health. They have the following main advantages:

  • The corresponding drugs extremely rarely cause side effects. Most homeopathic medicines are allowed to be used during breastfeeding.
  • The products are highly effective. Homeopathic medicines for weight loss normalize metabolic processes in the body.
  • The products are well absorbed by the body. They go well with a variety of pharmaceutical medicines and herbal decoctions prepared at home yourself.

What ingredients may be present in homeopathic medicines?

The following substances may be present in homeopathic weight loss remedies:

The use of homeopathic gel "Zlata" in the process of losing weight

The homeopathic preparation contains aromatic oils and extracts of medicinal plants that activate the process of fat breakdown. The gel helps get rid of extra centimeters in problem areas.

Gels of the Zlata series

The natural ingredients present in the gel have many beneficial properties:

  • Promote the destruction of fat cells;
  • Helps remove excess fluid from the body;
  • Increases skin elasticity and firmness;
  • Helps improve blood circulation in problem areas;
  • Helps increase the strength of capillaries;
  • Help eliminate swelling;
  • Activate the process of cell restoration.

To achieve the desired result, rub the gel into problem areas twice a day. The duration of use of the drug is three months. When using Zlata gel, there are no unwanted side effects, with the exception of an allergic reaction. The first positive changes can be noticed after 2-4 weeks.

The drug "Curdlipid"

The medicine contains lamb fat, which is effective for liver dysfunction. When using a homeopathic remedy for weight loss, you should follow a low-calorie diet.

The recommended daily dosage of the product is 5 granules. The drug should be thoroughly dissolved in the mouth, approximately 30 minutes before meals. It is not recommended to take the drug at night: this may cause poor sleep.

Important! The drug helps the fair sex quickly get into shape after the birth of a child.

"Fukus Plus" for weight loss

Fucus Plus

Homeopathic medicine is often taken for obesity, which was caused by low physical activity. The weight loss product contains brown fucus algae. The drug allows you to activate metabolism, helps cleanse the body of toxins.

The drug reduces appetite and normalizes intestinal motility. The product helps improve performance and physical endurance.

The granules are taken approximately 30 minutes before meals. They need to be placed under the tongue and held in the mouth until completely dissolved. The recommended daily dosage of the weight loss product is determined individually. The average duration of the treatment course is 30 days.

The use of homeopathic granules that activate the process of weight loss should be abandoned during the period of waiting for a child and lactation. If you accidentally take a large dose of the medicine, diarrhea may occur.

Features of the homeopathic drug Appetex

The homeopathic remedy contains extracts of alpine herbs and melt water from glaciers. When using drops, the body is saturated with essential vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Important! The weight loss effect is achieved by slowing down the production of a special hormone that causes hunger. The drug should be taken 20 minutes before meals. Frequency of application: twice a day. The recommended single dosage of the product varies from 10 to 20 drops.

The duration of use depends on the severity of the problem. The weight loss drug is not addictive. The product should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to its components.

The main methods of combating excess weight are those that are aimed at eliminating the consequences that caused it. The reason often goes unnoticed, although therein lies the problem. Homeopathy will help fight the problem of obesity, which will further improve the health of the body and give it the resources to get rid of extra pounds.

What is homeopathy for weight loss

The homeopathic method of losing weight is understood as a highly systematic method of stimulating the vital force of the body for self-healing. This technique is based on the use of active substances of plant, mineral or animal origin. Homeopathy is the only science that normalizes the condition of the body so that it begins to heal itself, relieving a person of excess weight.

The use of homeopathic medicines has no restrictions, except for the body’s increased sensitivity to their components, it is safe and is used when other methods are powerless or prohibited. Losing weight with the help of homeopathy involves eliminating the cause that led to obesity. For some it is overeating, for others it is craving for sweets, for others it is hormonal imbalance. A comprehensive approach to weight loss makes the fight against obesity more effective.


The success of solving problems with the help of homeopathy is determined by the constitutional type of a person. This is the science that determines how a particular body reacts to drugs. Treatment is prescribed based on the strengths and weaknesses of the individual. All people are divided into three groups:

  1. Oxygen type - these people have a slim figure and a good appetite. A person may not restrict himself in nutrition, but at the same time suffer from thinness and not gain weight. The reason for this behavior is the accelerated metabolism caused by high oxygen saturation in the blood. To normalize body weight, it is necessary to slow down your metabolism.
  2. Liver type - people of this type have a moderate appetite, slow metabolism and a tendency to be overweight. Their weight gain occurs due to increased cravings for sweets, which is caused by natural weakness of the liver. To lose weight, such people need to give up foods that are hard on the liver (fatty, smoked, spicy) in order to increase activity and avoid the accumulation of large amounts of toxins that slow down metabolism. In addition to homeopathy, a person of the “liver type” should carry out cleansing procedures and exercise.
  3. Carbon type - people of this direction suffer from too slow metabolism, therefore they are prone to weight gain from a young age. They have an excellent appetite, so obesity manifests itself to the maximum. Slow metabolism also leads to the accumulation of toxins, which leads to the growth of fatty tissue. People of the carbon type should not lose weight through diets and fasting, because this is associated with the rapid breakdown of fat and the entry of toxins into the body. Homeopathy aims to speed up metabolism. After normalization, you can reduce weight with proper nutrition and exercise.


Homeopathy has opponents and supporters. The first say that the methods do not bring any effect, and if a positive result is achieved, that it is a placebo (faith in action). The advantages of the method for weight loss speak in favor of the latter:

  1. Absolute safety - products based on plants and minerals are suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Medicines in the correct dosages have no side effects and do not harm the body.
  2. High efficiency - compliance with the rules for taking the drug causes the normalization of processes occurring in the body. As a result, organs and systems are restored and body weight decreases.
  3. Full drug compatibility - the use of homeopathy does not give negative reactions in combination with other medications, herbal remedies or folk remedies.

Homeopathic medicines for weight loss

The essence of homeopathy is to eliminate the problem with the substance that caused its symptoms, but in a minimal concentration. This can be compared to vaccination - it also involves the introduction of neutralized microbes to form immunity. Homeopathy for weight loss includes remedies to speed up metabolism and improve digestion. They include components:

  1. Antimonium crudum – antimony trisulfur. Its effect is to reduce the caloric intake of the diet, eliminate irritability due to malnutrition, and help the body adjust to a new eating regimen without side effects.
  2. Fucus vesiculosus - brown algae fucus removes toxins and normalizes metabolic processes. It is used to get rid of excess weight gained due to diabetes or thyroid diseases.
  3. Cimicifuga racemosa – black cohosh extract. It has a good effect on the female body, eliminates increased excitability, and regulates the production of female sex hormones. Taking the product helps to reduce weight gain caused by hormonal disorders.
  4. Ignatia is an extract of the Philippine ignatia shrub, which is designed to correct the psychological component of weight loss. The remedy is designed to stabilize emotions, the functioning of the central nervous system, relieve increased excitability, and eliminate anxiety. The drug is prescribed for bad habits of “chewing” stress with food or eating at night.
  5. Curdlipid homoeopathicae - natural lamb fat tail fat is designed to regulate lipid metabolism. The drug is prescribed for addiction to fatty meat foods. The component regulates liver function and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.
  6. Lycopodium clavatum is a club-shaped moss that has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Its use eliminates bloating, constipation, and flatulence. The extract is prescribed for signs of premature aging.
  7. Calcarea carbonica – calcium carbonate. The mineral agent affects the areas of the brain responsible for the feeling of hunger. It reduces appetite and can be used for liver pathologies.
  8. Graphites (graphites) - carbon. Designed to eliminate increased gas formation, cope with chronic constipation, get rid of a large belly and wide waist. The component is used for problems with the thyroid gland and hormonal disorders.
  9. Ammonium carbonicum – ammonium carbonate. Designed to normalize blood glucose levels and reduce cravings for sweets, improve well-being. It is prescribed in adulthood.
  10. Nux vomica - vomiting chilibuha. Removes toxins, fatty acids, has an antispasmodic effect, eliminates digestive disorders.
  11. Argentum nitricum (argentum nitricum) - silver nitrate (moon, devil's stone) - stabilizes the emotional component of weight loss. Helps with exhaustion, normalizes metabolism.

Over 200 components and remedies are used in homeopathy for weight loss. One of the drugs is Zlata gel. It is used topically for weight loss and cellulite removal. The composition of the drug includes oil extracts, essential oils, vitamins and plant extracts. The gel should be rubbed into problem areas of the skin twice a day for a course of three months. The first results will be noticeable within 2-3 weeks. Useful properties of the gel:

  • breaks down fat deposits;
  • reduces problem volumes;
  • accelerates metabolism, removes excess fluid;
  • makes the skin smooth, elastic, elastic, relieves sagging;
  • strengthens capillaries;
  • restores self-regulation;
  • tones, improves blood circulation;
  • activates cell renewal.

Appetex is a unique homeopathic preparation that consists of structured melt water of ancient glaciers and extracts of alpine herbs (saxifrage bluish and alpine clove). The use of drops helps to normalize metabolism and saturate the body with microelements and phosphates. Weight loss with the help of the product is achieved by inhibiting the production of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger. Drops are taken orally twice a day 15 minutes before meals. The dose depends on the goal of losing weight - from 10 to 20 drops.


The homeopathic remedy Cefamadar affects the centers of hunger and satiety located in the intermediate part of the brain. This leads to decreased appetite. The indication for taking the drug is the treatment of nutritional obesity. The tablets are chewed or swallowed and washed down with water. The dose for adults is 1 pc. 1-3 times/day, children 6-12 years old – 1 pc. 1-2 times, 3-6 years – 1 pc. in a day.

The drug is not addictive, it is recommended to take it 10 minutes before meals. If missed, do not take a double dose. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. At the beginning of therapy, appetite may increase. The product does not cause side effects; it is contraindicated if you are sensitive to the components (contains lactose and trituration Madara 250 mg).


Homeopathic Curdlipid granules are designed to regulate lipid metabolism. The active substance in their composition is lamb tail fat, which eliminates fatty liver degeneration and the consequences of impaired fat metabolism. It is recommended to combine the intake of granules with a low-calorie diet. Dosage: 5-7 granules 1-2 times/day, which dissolve in the mouth. After half an hour you can drink and eat.

The drug should not be taken at night because it can cause sleep disturbances and sometimes increase appetite. Curdlipid is recommended for women during the postpartum period. According to research, brunettes lose weight faster with the help of the drug than blondes. After 3-4 weeks of taking the granules, lasting results are observed. The minimum course of use of Curdlipid is three months.

The group of complex homeopathy preparations for weight loss includes Fucus Plus. This is an anorectic that reduces body weight in grade 1-3 obesity caused by a sedentary lifestyle and overeating. It contains brown algae fucus, which removes toxins from the body, normalizes metabolism, and lowers cholesterol levels. Taking granules reduces appetite, improves intestinal motility and digestion processes.

The drug eliminates swelling and increases performance. The granules are taken half an hour before meals or an hour after meals. They are dissolved under the tongue. Dosage: 8 granules 3-5 times/day for a course of one and a half months. Taking the medication is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding; an overdose is accompanied by diarrhea. It should be remembered that the drug does not block calories, does not have a diuretic, fat-burning or laxative effect.

Duration of treatment

Like the dosage, the duration of treatment with homeopathy depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. The indicators are influenced by the number of extra pounds, habits, age, gender, and lifestyle of a person. The average treatment time for normalizing body weight in severe obesity is 18 months. To speed up the effect, you need to monitor your diet and exercise. Without this, the use of homeopathy will only help awaken the body's internal potential and increase its defenses.


You can buy homeopathic remedies for weight loss in pharmacies or specialty stores. Approximate prices for drugs in Moscow will be:


Excess weight is a common problem, and many methods have been developed to combat it. In cases where treatment for excess weight is necessary and diet in combination with physical activity is not able to help, homeopathic medicines are successfully used. The secret to the effectiveness of losing weight with their help is that they eliminate the causes of metabolic disorders, restoring and normalizing the functioning of the body.

Unlike traditional medicines, homeopathic medicines have almost no contraindications or side effects. But one should not be mistaken about the complete safety of drugs; their incorrect use can also be harmful to health.


  • Non-toxic, and as a result do not have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys or other internal organs;
  • Virtually no side effects;
  • Eliminate the causes of metabolic disorders and allow you to maintain the achieved results even after the end of the course.


  • Long treatment period (3 months or more);
  • Increased sensitivity to the individual characteristics of the body;
  • Complex treatment regimens.

Weight loss drugs

Homeopathy, as a direction in medicine, has firmly entered modern life; many practicing homeopathic doctors and even entire clinics have appeared that use exclusively such drugs for treatment. Homeopathy treats various diseases, as well as obesity, helps normalize metabolic processes and get rid of extra pounds. And depending on the essence of the problem, doctors prescribe various drugs: Fucus Plus, Cefamadar, Curdlipid and others.

Treatment of obesity is often associated with diets and dietary adjustments, which can cause stress in the patient or so-called dietary depression. It is difficult for a person to give up the usual food and it is psychologically difficult to reduce its quantity. Cefamadar tablets are aimed at reducing appetite and gaining a feeling of fullness, with their help you can avoid difficulties with diets, so they are often prescribed in combination with other therapy.

Cefamadar tablets contain an extract of a plant called Calotropis gigantea, they are non-toxic, have no side effects and are not addictive.

The principle of action of Cefamadar is to act on the brain centers responsible for the feeling of fullness and appetite. In addition, the bark extract of this plant, which is also included in Cefamadar, helps reduce fat deposits, tones and strengthens the body. Take Cefamadar tablets one at a time, three times a day 15 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is determined individually by the attending physician and can be adjusted during the treatment process.

Indications for use of Cemafadar - obesity due to regular overeating or unbalanced nutrition.


  • Age up to three years;
  • Allergy to the drug.

In Russia, Cefamadar is produced by the pharmacological company Megacom. The dosage form is tablets; you can purchase the drug in pharmacies.


Curdlipid helps normalize metabolic processes in the body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. According to clinical studies, it effectively fights obesity in combination with liver and gallbladder diseases.

Curdlipid is used to treat:

  • Overweight;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Gallbladder diseases.

Curdlipid is available in granules that need to be absorbed. The dosage and duration of use are prescribed by the doctor, depending on the problem and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. The main active ingredient of the homeopathic remedy Curdlipid is very highly diluted.

It is believed that small doses of fat tail fat help reduce lipid levels in the body and lead to a decrease in the thickness of the layer.

Kurdlipid is produced by the OLLO company, founded in 1991. She has her own laboratories, conducts clinical research and produces a large number of homeopathic remedies (more than 100 items).

The occurrence of side effects when taking the drug Curdlipid is unlikely, but in rare cases, if taken in the evening, insomnia develops. There are also cases of the opposite effect, when the patient does not lose weight, but vice versa.

Fucus Plus

Fucus Plus tablets have proven themselves in the treatment of the initial stages of obesity. Positive results from taking the drug are visible already on the fourth day, and at the end of the Fucus Plus course, patients lose on average up to 5 kg of weight. Fucus Plus tablets contain 6 homeopathic medicines that complement each other well.

  • Graphites. Used for various skin rashes, obesity due to thyroid dysfunction, constipation and stomach problems.
  • Hydrastis. Used for enlarged thyroid gland and constipation.
  • Fucus. Prescribed for problems with the thyroid gland, skin rashes, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.
  • Phytolacca. Helps with constipation, constant hunger, purulent formations on the skin and obesity.
  • Carbo vegetabilis. Used for obesity, bloating, cravings for sweets and increased appetite.
  • Prunus spinosa. Helps well with swelling.

Fucus Plus tablets are used for:

  • Treatment of obesity caused by overeating or lack of exercise;
  • Tendency to be overweight during puberty;
  • Genetic predisposition to obesity;
  • Obesity due to dysfunction of the thyroid or gonads.

Side effects of Fucus Plus:

  • Possible stomach upset (if you are predisposed to this);
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Temporary exacerbation of chronic diseases (gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland).

While using Fucus Plus, you should limit your consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages.


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Homeopathy for weight loss - drugs that fight not excess weight, but the causes of its appearance. The effectiveness of homeopathic medicines is due to the presence of active ingredients of plant origin.

What is homeopathy for weight loss?

Therapy with homeopathic remedies for weight loss is a method based on stimulating the body to combat obesity. The composition of such drugs includes a whole range of useful components that affect the causes of obesity, eliminating them. At the same time, there is an improvement in well-being.

Weight loss occurs due to the restoration of metabolic processes and metabolism. As a result, fat deposits begin to actively disappear, and the person loses weight. Homeopathy for weight loss will be most effective if the drugs are selected by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient’s body.

The best homeopathic remedies for weight loss

Depending on the reasons that led to the appearance of extra pounds, the doctor may prescribe the following homeopathic medicines:

  1. Appetex. The medicine comes in the form of drops. They have a complex effect on the body and trigger the process of losing weight. The product contains structured water from the Swiss Alps, trace elements, alpine cloves and bluish saxifrage. Appetex suppresses appetite naturally. Thanks to this, a person begins to eat small portions of food, and the body begins to intensively consume fatty tissue.
  2. Tsefamadar. These homeopathic tablets reduce appetite by acting directly on the satiety and hunger centers located in the brain. The active ingredients of the drug are the dry bark and milky sap of the Calotropis gigantea plant.
  3. Fucus Plus. A homeopathic remedy of a combined type, which is prescribed for obesity of I and II degrees. It contains 6 components. Fucus extract not only improves digestion and speeds up metabolism, but also restores the functioning of the thyroid gland, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, eliminates swelling, normalizes blood pressure and improves performance.
  4. Curdlipid. The action of this drug is aimed at regulating lipid metabolism and suppressing appetite. If Curdlipid is combined with diet and physical activity, weight loss will be even more effective.
  5. Nova Figura (Dr. Theiss). Available in the form of capsules with extracts of fucus, rhubarb root and licorice root powder. These and other active ingredients have a complex effect: they dull the appetite, remove toxins and excess fluid from the body, and prevent the secretion of gastric juice. The medicine is a powerful biological stimulant, so it should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  6. Dietol-compositum. The drug is produced in the form of granules. The composition contains fucus, seaweed, and graphite. The drug is mainly used in the complex treatment of obesity.
  7. Lymphomyosot. The medication is available in the form of drops, tablets and solution for injection. Its action is based on 17 herbal components included in the composition. The medicine cleanses the lymph, removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. As a result, not only the extra pounds are lost, but also congestion is eliminated and cellulite is reduced.

Popular homeopathic remedies for weight loss also include:

  • Folium (Folium);
  • Graphites (Graphites);
  • Ignatia (Ignacia);
  • Argentum nitricum (Argentum nitricum);
  • Natrum muriaticum;
  • Calcarea carbonica;
  • Karsat Edas-136.

Instructions for the use of homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic medicines are produced in the form of granules, capsules, tablets, drops, and solutions. But more often those that are suitable for weight loss are in the form of granules or drops. When using them, you should adhere to the following rules of use:

  1. It is not recommended to pick up the granules. It is better to pour the contents from the jar into a spoon and then put it in your mouth.
  2. Do not use homeopathic medicine after using toothpastes and other oral products. In these cases, taking the medicine is delayed for 30 minutes.
  3. It is unacceptable to take 2 drugs at the same time. It is necessary to maintain an interval between doses of 30-60 minutes.
  4. Keep the granule in your mouth until completely dissolved, without chewing or swallowing it.
  5. The bottle with drops is shaken before use. Use the solution neat or add it to a small amount of water.
  6. Use homeopathic medicines 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals.

How to take homeopathic granules and drops is indicated in the instructions for use. To avoid the development of side effects, you must strictly follow it.

Duration of treatment

The duration of therapy and dosage regimen depend on the individual characteristics of the body. For example, the number of extra pounds, gender, age, habits, lifestyle, the presence of concomitant diseases in the patient.

On average, it will take 1.5 years to restore normal body weight. To get rid of several kilograms (5-10), 6-8 months of taking homeopathic drugs for weight loss will be enough.

You can speed up the process of losing weight with moderate physical activity and diet. All this will help strengthen the body’s internal potential and activate its protective functions.

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