Detritus in coprogram. Detritus in coprogram - what is it? What does detritus mean in a coprogram?

These are small fragments of processed food and dead bacterial cells formed as a result of the action of digestive enzymes. Normally, a healthy person excretes formed feces of dense consistency, containing a high consistency of detritus.

The coprogram indicator itself cannot indicate any pathology, but when mucus, leukocytes, and epithelial cells are detected in feces, an inflammatory process is diagnosed. An increased amount of detritus is observed with constipation and slow excretion of excrement from the body. At the same time, during the study, undigested fiber and feces of a solid consistency are revealed.

During diarrhea:

  • the volume of detritus decreases sharply;
  • the stool is loose and contains a lot of water;
  • digestion is impaired;
  • nutrients cannot be absorbed;
  • intestinal microflora changes;
  • in feces there are pathogenic microorganisms (up to 50% of the composition), epithelium, starch and other pathological components.

In case of inflammation of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder or common bile duct, the composition of feces includes fatty detritus, consisting of processed food fragments, bacteria, fungi and free lipids that could not be broken down due to insufficient production of bile acids and gland enzymes.

Research methods

Analysis of feces - a coprogram - is carried out using microscopy; the fragment is ground between glass slides and its composition is assessed. If the feces are too thick, add a small amount of water or sodium chloride solution and grind it with a glass rod until a smooth consistency is obtained.

To identify iodophilic microflora, crystals of fatty acids, drops of neutral lipids, staining reagents are used that change the color of the pathological component.

In microscopic analysis of feces, detritus constitutes the main background and is a mass of granular components. The more complete digestion of food occurs, the more detritus there will be and the fewer differentiated elements there will be.

When decoding the results of the coprogram, organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators are indicated. Based on the data obtained, the doctor evaluates the properties of feces, identifies pathological inclusions indicating the development of any disease of the intestinal tract, changes in acidity, microflora and the total volume of digested food fragments.

Permissible standards for detritus content

There is no clear quantitative indicator; in the results of the coprogram, one or more pluses are usually given opposite the “detritus” column.

  • large quantity – (++++++);
  • minimum content of detritus in feces – (+);
  • very small amount – (+/-).

When deciphering the coprogram, the doctor takes into account the presence of pathological indicators in the stool, the patient’s complaints, data from instrumental diagnostic studies and the general condition of the patient. Therefore, only a specialist can correctly explain the analysis answer.

Reasons for changes in detritus content in feces

For normal digestion of food, the pancreas produces special enzymes, the liver begins to actively secrete bile, and if organs malfunction, food stagnates in the duodenum and is not fully broken down and absorbed. As a result, the amount of detritus decreases or increases.

Reasons for changing coprogram results:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enteritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • intestinal infection;
  • colitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity.

The presence of detritus in the examined feces is not a pathology, but indicates the normal functioning of the digestive system. Inflammatory diseases and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract can be diagnosed by changes in acidity, additional detection of mucus, pus, red blood cells, traces of undigested fiber, a large number of leukocytes and bacteria.

Good day! Let me start with the fact that when my youngest child was 2 years old (this is a year ago), we encountered trouble with the gastrointestinal tract - constipation (week-long, feces like plasticine, it seems all red from pushing, but nothing comes out - sorry for the details), abdominal pain, refusal to eat. We were almost admitted to the hospital on suspicion of intestinal obstruction. It seems that we were seen by a professional (pediatric gastroenterologist), who prescribed Duphalac (we drank liters of it), mezim, bifidum, corn columns with...

Decoding the coprogram

Good afternoon. Please tell me the tactics. The boy is 9 months old. I have been on Frisopepe for a month due to an allergy to BCM. Liquid green stool several times a day, the rash does not go away. Due to the increased frequency of bowel movements, they began to give Baktisubtil. Al became yellow on the day of treatment, twice a day with a normal smell, the rash suddenly began to go away. But on the 6th day of treatment, the nature and frequency of bowel movements changed, heterogeneity, mucus and a pungent odor appeared. Bactisubtil was discontinued. The feces immediately became angry again, homogeneous in the morning, in the evening (until...

Fecal analysis in newborns and infants is a very important part of the diagnosis of many diseases. Such a study is prescribed for children under one year of age in the following cases:

  • A routine examination of the condition of the children's digestive tract, which is carried out at the end of the first month of life.
  • When a baby is admitted to the hospital, the coprogram is included in the mandatory tests along with blood and urine tests.
  • Before carrying out preventive vaccinations (to exclude contraindications).
  • In case of suspected pathologies of the digestive system, as well as other organs.

It is worth noting that a coprogram is not passed if the baby the day before received laxatives, sorbents, preparations containing iron and dyes. In such cases, indicators may change.

Preparation and procedure for submitting a coprogram for a newborn and infant

If your baby is scheduled for a stool test, you must properly prepare your baby and collect the stool. This is very important for the accuracy of the indicators. To avoid difficulties in making a diagnosis and the need for repeated analysis, follow some rules:

  • Before collecting material, you should not give the baby laxatives, sorbents, place a heating pad on the tummy, or give enemas.
  • Stool must be collected in a special container with a spatula built into the lid, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • If the baby is already receiving complementary foods, then a few days before the test it is advisable to refuse it.
  • It is best to collect the material in a container in the morning and immediately take it to the laboratory. But there are situations when this is impossible to do. For example, if the baby defecated at night, the stool can be stored in a tightly closed container in a cool place until the morning. This can be done provided that the feces are immediately taken to the laboratory in the morning.
  • A nursing mother should temporarily avoid medications containing iron and dyes.

How to properly collect feces for coprogram?

  • Before collecting the material, the baby needs to toilet the perineum and genitals.
  • If possible, it is better to place the child on an oilcloth surface or sit on a potty before defecation (if age permits). This will make it easier to collect the feces.
  • You can put a self-made diaper from a diaper on your baby. It is acceptable to take material for research from a diaper with filler, but if possible it is better not to use this method: firstly, liquid feces will be immediately absorbed, and secondly, the indicators may not be entirely accurate.
  • It is necessary to take feces with a special spatula from several different places. Do not put the entire contents of the diaper into the container, just 10-15 grams is enough.
  • It is very important that urine does not get into the container along with feces.

To avoid the need for repeated studies, it is very important to adhere to all the rules. You can seek additional advice from a pediatrician or laboratory technician.

Coprogram in a newborn and infant: norm, interpretation

When examining children's feces, many indicators are taken into account, which helps to assess the health of the gastrointestinal tract. To determine whether any pathology is present, you should know coprogram norms in children under one year old:

Indicator name

Newborn, 1-8 months (breastfeeding)

Newborn, 1-8 months (artificial feeding)

9-12 months






Pasty, viscous.

Thicker consistency.

Formed soft feces.


Yellowish, sometimes with greenish tints.

Golden yellow, light brown.


pH (acidity)

Muscle fibers

Not detected.

Not detected.

Not detectable, or may be present in very small quantities and only digested.

Neutral fat

Absent or drops.

Absent or there is a small amount.


Fatty acid

Crystals in small quantities.

Not detected.


Yes, in small quantities.

Yes, in small quantities.


Digestible is not detected, indigestible may be a small amount.

Digestible is not detected, indigestible may be a small amount.


Not detected.

Not detected.

Not detected.

Iodophilic flora

No, or in minimal quantities.

No, or in minimal quantities.


Not detectable (or in very small quantities).

Not detected.

Not detected.


No, or just a few.

No, or just a few.

Not detected.

Red blood cells

Not detected.

Not detected.

Not detected.


Not detected.

Not detected.

Not detected.


Not detected.

Not detected.

Not detected.




Not detected.




Not detected.

For the accuracy of all indicators, the correct collection of material and timely delivery to the laboratory are very important.

What does detritus in the coprogram indicate in a newborn and infant?

Detritus - these are all kinds of small particles that represent various residual products of processed food, epithelial cells of the digestive tract and some bacteria. It is formed under the action of enzymes and intestinal microflora.

In the feces of newborns and infants, the amount of detritus can vary in different quantities. It is believed that the more there is, the better, because the presence of detritus indicates the correct functioning of the children's digestive tract.

It is worth noting that the presence of a large number of components other than detritus in the feces (mucus, blood, and so on) may indicate serious pathologies.

Deviations from the norm in the coprogram

Knowing the normal indicators of stool analysis of a child up to one year old, the doctor can judge the health of the gastrointestinal tract.


Possible reason

Change in stool consistency

Constipation, increased secretion, colitis, pancreatitis, dyspepsia, food poisoning, allergies. This also happens when teething.

Changes in acidity

In case of disturbances in the digestion processes, the acidity shifts to the alkaline side, and in case of dyspepsia - to the acidic side.

Mucus in stool

Blood in the stool

The appearance of scarlet blood is a sign of bleeding from the rectum, anal fissures. Streaks of blood - the presence of infectious diseases (for example, dysentery). With stomach bleeding, the stool usually takes on a very dark, almost black hue.

Increase in stercobilin

Hemolytic anemia, increased bile secretion.

Decreased stercobilin (stool becomes light-colored and acholic)

Hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, blockage of the bile duct.

Increased number of muscle fibers

Gastritis, pancreatitis, dyspepsia, increased peristalsis.

Leukocytes in feces

Infectious diseases, colitis, enteritis, errors when collecting material.

The appearance of bilirubin in stool

Long-term treatment with powerful antibacterial drugs, dysbacteriosis, increased motility.

Presence of proteins in stool

Foci of inflammation and bleeding in the digestive tract, dyspepsia (putrefactive).

Appearance of starch

Gastritis, pancreatitis, dyspepsia. It is also observed when the excretion of intestinal contents accelerates (in such cases, this carbohydrate does not have time to break down).

Lack of soaps

Pathologies of the liver and pancreas, malabsorption, dyspepsia.

Mothers should definitely monitor the health of their baby: pay attention to the color, consistency of stool, impurities, as well as the presence of other symptoms. In case of any deviations, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe a coprogram and other tests. This is important for timely diagnosis and treatment of many pathological conditions.

Natalya Korol, pediatrician, especially for the site

Useful video

The concept of “detritus” sounds somehow dangerous and threatening. Therefore, when a patient finds out that this substance was detected in his analysis, he immediately asks the question, what is it? Young parents are especially frightened by detritus in their infant's feces.

In fact, the bulk of feces consists of it. These are tiny particles of digested food, as well as already destroyed bacteria. The amount of this substance can determine how well the body digests food. Therefore, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon.

Detritus in baby's stool

Parents of even the smallest children should not be afraid when they see the results of the analysis of this concept. Rather, on the contrary, this indicates that the baby’s intestines are working perfectly, and his diet is correct and varied. The mere presence of this substance in the mass of feces does not indicate a disorder or pathology of the child’s body, and is also not a symptom of any disease.

You should only worry if detritus in the stool of an adult or child is combined with any other components foreign to analysis, for example, mucus or blood. In this case, you need to immediately seek help from a specialist, who will most likely prescribe the patient all the necessary additional tests and examinations, as a result of which they will determine the reason for this change in the composition of feces. Perhaps this indicates dysbiosis developing in the body.

In other words, detritus in itself is the norm, and it can become a dangerous symptom and signal from the body about any problems with the gastrointestinal tract and its microflora only in certain combinations with other additional symptoms. Only a doctor can dispel or confirm any patient’s suspicions. In this case, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis on your own.

It is difficult to say in what quantity a healthy person should contain detritus in the feces; the norm varies depending on various symptoms. For example, the patient’s age and the individual characteristics of his body. It is enough to know that such a diagnosis is not a terrible dangerous disease. If there are still reasons for concern, then after appropriate tests the doctor will determine the causes of the problem, be sure to inform the patient about them and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Detritus in the coprogram itself indicates good digestion of food. But if there is a lot of detritus in the stool and mucus and leukocytes are present, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the intestines. All this suggests that coprogram is assessed not by one particular indicator, but by all indicators as a whole.

What is detritus and how is it formed?

Detritus is very small particles of digested food, destroyed epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract and bacterial cells. Under a microscope, detritus appears as amorphous, variable-sized, often granular formations, the origin of which is usually impossible to determine. Good digestion of food in the intestines is always accompanied by the excretion of a significant amount of detritus in the feces.

The formation of detritus is associated with the impact of digestive secretions on food, which include enzymes that live in the intestines of beneficial bacteria. In addition, the detritus includes the remains of the surface layers of the intestinal epithelium, leukocytes, erythrocytes, mucus, and so on. All components of detritus change so much that it is impossible to differentiate them from each other - they represent a single detrital mass.

A large amount of detritus is detected in soft, but formed feces, which is formed with a proper healthy varied diet. Liquid feces contain less detritus, while solid feces contain more.

How detritus is examined in a coprogram

To do this, stool is examined under a microscope. A small lump of feces is placed between two glass slides, crushed without adding liquid (a little is added only if the consistency of the feces is very dense) and examined under a microscope. There are also methods for determining detritus, according to which the feces must first be diluted with water, thoroughly ground and centrifuged. In this case, all large particles are deposited, and everything that is included in the liquid part is assessed as detritus.

The analysis begins with determining the amount of detritus in the feces; it is marked with (+) signs. The maximum amount of detritus is marked with five plus signs (+++++), the minimum - with one (+).

Little detritus (+) in stool can be seen with constipation when feces remain in the intestines for a long time. Very small amounts of detritus are indicated by a (±) sign. If the stool contains no detritus at all (this happens very rarely), then it becomes either crumbly or rocky. It is difficult to determine detritus in liquid feces, since it contains a lot of water. In a coprogram, the detritus also includes bacteria, which make up up to half of the feces.

In children

The presence of detritus in the stool of children is normal. This indicates the correctness and completeness of food digestion. At the same time, there is no standard for the content of detritus in a child’s feces. It’s simply one of the indicators of the correct functioning of the digestive organs, which is assessed in conjunction with other indicators.

The presence of a large amount of detritus in the coprogram in children, in combination with some other indicators, may indicate some kind of disease of the digestive system.

Thus, the combination of detritus with mucus and leukocytes indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the intestines.

Normally and with various pathologies

Normally, feces contain a large amount of detritus, single muscle fibers and very small amounts of fatty acid salts or soap. Under various pathological conditions, different changes in the normal parameters of the coprogram are detected.

For example, with constipation and delayed evacuation of feces from the colon, the coprogram will contain a lot of detritus and undigested fiber. If there is still mucus and altered leukocytes in the stool, then this will indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the large intestine - colitis . The presence of inflammation will also be indicated by a large number of destroyed epithelial cells and bacteria.

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