How many times can you brew tea with one tea leaves? How to brew green tea correctly: instructions

Despite the fact that making tea seems quite simple, there are a number of rules that must be followed in order to enjoy a truly aromatic and tasty drink. Besides, in properly brewed tea All useful substances are better preserved.

Photo of black tea

How to brew black tea correctly? First of all, you need to choose a good quality brew. It is not recommended to buy bagged tea, since it is often made from low-grade raw materials, and flavorings, dyes, and flavor enhancers are often added to it.

So, the tea leaves have been purchased. Now you need to find suitable dishes. Metal is not suitable. It is also advisable to avoid glass, as it will not provide the temperature required for the brewing process. The best choice is porcelain. The teapot is washed, and before pouring tea into it, pour boiling water over it. This must be done so that the dishes are already hot when brewing. Only then will the tea leaf fully release its taste and aroma.

Water for making tea should only be fresh. It should reach the boiling point when bubbles appear on the surface. The kettle must be turned off immediately.

The tea leaves must be poured at the rate 1 teaspoon for one small cup, plus 1 spoon for the teapot. If the water is hard, you can add another spoonful of tea leaves. The same applies to loose leaf tea. But for small-leaf tea, you can pour less tea leaves. When the tea leaves are already in the bowl, you need to shake it a little so that all the leaves are distributed more evenly throughout the teapot.

Pour water over the tea using smooth circular motions, capturing all the leaves. It is advisable to brew tea in two or three steps. First pour in a third of the water, wait a minute, then another third, and then another. Then the teapot is covered with a lid, and all holes in it are covered with a napkin. It allows air to pass through, but does not allow essential oils to evaporate, thus making the tea more aromatic. Infusing time is about 5 minutes.

How long can you brew black tea?

There is an opinion that black tea can be brewed more than once. This is true. Some are accustomed to pouring boiling water over the same tea leaves two or even three times. So, how many times can you brew black tea, really? No more than once, maximum two times. Because even the highest quality and strongest brew will be practically tasteless after the fourth brew. Although, of course, everyone decides for themselves how many times to brew black tea.

Sometimes it happens that you cannot drink freshly brewed tea right away. Then the question arises: How long to store brewed black tea? Usually the tea leaves can stand for no more than an hour. After additional time, it loses its taste.

There are more than a hundred varieties of green tea and they all require special brewing technology. This is the choice of water temperature, dishware option, additional ingredients, and so on. But there are general brewing rules that can be applied to both Ceylon and Chinese green tea.

General requirements for brewing tea

Green tea is a delicate product; it has undergone an incomplete fermentation cycle, so it has not acquired the classic brown color. That is why the methods of brewing black and green tea are radically different from each other. How to brew green tea correctly to experience its proper taste and aroma?

There are several universal requirements that are observed by connoisseurs of this healing drink.

  1. Water. You need to pay special attention to its choice. Ideally, this is spring water, which, unlike tap water, is very soft. In urban environments, such water is difficult to find, so bottled drinking water or even tap water that has been left in an open glass container for at least 5 hours is suitable.
  2. Teapot. It can be thick-walled porcelain or clay. In the traditional Chinese sense, this vessel should be made of porous Yixing clay. This material allows the tea to breathe and absorb aromas. That is why, when one type of tea is brewed in it for a long time, each time it becomes more intense in taste and aroma.
  3. Calculation of the amount of brewing. It all depends on the type of tea, but on average it is 5-6 g per 200 ml of water. In a simplified version, take 2 tsp per glass of water. product.
  4. Brewing temperature. The universal water temperature for brewing green tea is 80°C. But there are especially delicate varieties of tea, consisting of a large number of tips and young leaves, that they can be brewed with water at a temperature of 65°C.

There are many types of tea ceremonies in the world, but true admirers of the drink always look up to the traditions of China. Here they really know how to competently brew green tea of ​​the rarest variety. They approach each stage of this philosophical process slowly and meaningfully, which is perhaps why they are able to understand the true taste of the divine drink.

How to brew Chinese tea

It is customary to brew Chinese tea in batches several times. This is not just a whim, but a necessity due to the technological process of producing tea itself. Lightly fermented green teas and oolongs are popular in this country. They can be brewed up to 10 times, so pouring is considered the best option for preparing the drink. What is it?

Classic utensils for brewing green tea leaves

Its essence is that the tea leaves are filled with hot water for just a few seconds. The insistence that Europeans are accustomed to does not occur as such. This is why tea can withstand such a large number of brewings and each time gives new notes in taste.

Green tea is brewed for traditional tea drinking in a gaiwan, a container with a lid specially designed for this purpose. First, the gaiwan is warmed up. This is done with water that has just boiled in a kettle. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. During this time, the water in the kettle has time to cool down to the required 80°C.

Pour the required amount of tea leaves into a warm and damp gaiwan and quickly fill ¾ of the water. Leave it in this form for only 2-3 seconds and quickly drain the water out. This first spill is necessary in order to soften the sheet and remove dust from its surface that may have covered it during production and storage.

  1. The softened sheet is again filled with hot water to the full volume of the gaiwan. Exposure time – 5 seconds. After this, the brew is poured into chahai - the so-called cup of justice, in which the drink acquires a uniform taste, color and aroma. From the sap, the drink is poured into bowls or cups.
  2. Then the second strait and subsequent ones are carried out. With each new spill, the soaking time of tea in water is extended by 5 seconds and can reach 2 minutes. This is the maximum time that takes place when brewing Chinese tea.

In this case, the answer to the question of how many times you can brew green tea will be 10. But this rule does not apply to all varieties of the product, so when purchasing, you need to clarify this point with the seller or study the information on the packaging.

Brewing Indian and Ceylon tea

The technology for producing green tea in India and Ceylon differs from that in China, which is why the product itself is coarser and less aromatic. To extract the maximum taste, smell and benefits from it, the infusion method is most often used.

At the rate of 1 tsp. 200 ml of water plus one more spoon is poured into the kettle with hot water, the temperature of which is not lower than 85 ° C. Infuse the drink for 2-3 minutes. This is the maximum time for green tea, since upon further contact with hot water, the infusion becomes bitter and components harmful to health may form in it.

Indian and Ceylon tea are not pre-diluted with water. This option for preparing and cleaning the sheet is not practiced. The infusion of this tea is always more intense in color than Chinese tea, but less aromatic and delicate in taste.

The Ceylon product can withstand one brew and gives a rich color and taste.

How long to brew green tea and can this be done several times? The Indian and Ceylon product does not require re-brewing. In this it is less economical than Chinese. However, most Europeans prefer to brew tea leaves instead of spilling them.

Porcelain, earthenware and even glass teapots are suitable for this method. It’s good if it comes with a strainer. While preparing the drink, the kettle is covered with a towel on top to maintain the maximum temperature of the water for the coming minutes. Later, the finished drink is poured into cups.

There is an option for brewing green tea in bags. For this purpose, special teapot sachets are used, which contain a larger volume of tea compared to a standard bag. This method is suitable when there is a shortage of time, therefore it is preferred by office workers.

How to drink green tea

Green tea must not only be brewed, but also consumed. How to drink green tea correctly and what causes some taboos? In China, this drink can be drunk up to 10 times, both during the day and at night, because their national culture includes night tea drinking. Europeans are not used to this regimen, so they tend to drink green tea in the first half of the day, as they classify the drink as a tonic.

It really invigorates, so it is better to drink green tea in the morning after waking up, before and after lunch, but no later than 18 hours. Experts recommend doing this every day to help the body cope with the lack of vitamins and other substances it needs.

In addition, the drink helps you lose weight, and this is proven by science. But to achieve the weight loss effect, it is drunk not after meals, but before. If you drink a cup of drink 30 minutes before lunch, you can reduce your appetite and prepare your body for active digestion of food, because green tea stimulates metabolism.

To get the maximum benefit from tea, you need to drink the drink freshly brewed. It should not be hot or cold, but optimal for a pleasant tea drinking experience. A good tea leaf contains many antioxidants, micro- and macroelements, so it is useful to consume it between meals. In this case, the components of the drink will not interact with food and will be better absorbed by the body.

Lemon juice adds value to any tea

Despite the fact that tea is very healthy, it is not drunk instead of water. Clean drinking water, juices and fruit drinks should still be included in the human diet. Why can't you drink green tea in the evening or at night? This is harmful to the nervous system. In the evening, the whole body prepares for sleep, and a portion of the tonic will be superfluous. You should not drink expired tea; it may contain pathogenic microbes, and most of the beneficial substances have already been lost.

If we talk about a drink with additional ingredients, then tea with lemon and honey will be the healthiest. When is the best time to drink green tea with lemon? In the intervals between meals, especially in winter, when the body more often experiences hypothermia and is exposed to viral diseases.

There are many opinions about whether green tea strengthens or weakens. Rather, it normalizes stool, as it promotes good digestion. You can drink it for intestinal disorders, as it relieves spasms and helps cleanse and soothe the mucous membrane.

Green tea is a drink with the longest and most colorful history. There are many ways to brew it, consume it, and use it in cooking. Its extracts are widely used in dietary supplements, in Japan they are added to food, but nothing can be more pleasant and interesting than the classic tea ceremony.

Brewing tea correctly is a difficult art. Without knowing the secrets, you can spoil the most delicious and rich variety.

Tea is rightfully considered the most delicious, aromatic and healthy drink. And the British, without any right to do so 🙂, consider him their national treasure. In the sense that there are no tea plantations in the country of Foggy Albion, but there are more connoisseurs and connoisseurs than there are leaves on the bushes of a large tea “deposit”.

It just so happens that they are great masters at brewing. Below are tips from English chefs on how to brew tea correctly so that it meets the strictest expectations. (Source: Family Circle)

What kind of water should you use to make your tea tasty?

The ideal option for these purposes is mountain spring and spring water. It is clear that in urban life there is no need to talk about spring water, but even the most ordinary tap water can be significantly improved by filtering or simply standing in an open container for several hours.

Hard water with a value higher than 8 mg equivalents per liter should not be used - it is not suitable for properly brewing tea. Of course, not every household has a device for determining this very hardness, but just in case we will assume that it is more than moderate in hardness.

Hard water is not suitable for properly brewing tea. It must first be softened.

In order to soften the water, you need to add a pinch of sugar, salt or baking soda. Or you can use a more complex method, which consists in condensing the steam that comes out of the spout of a boiling kettle. The water obtained as a result of such manipulations will not only be soft and clean, but ideal, and ideally suited for proper brewing of tea.

Under no circumstances should you use a metal kettle. The best option is a porcelain vessel. By the way, the Chinese pay great attention to the types of clay - it must be special, “breathable” and imbued with the power of the place where it comes from. But we are unlikely to understand this Chinese magic, so we will limit ourselves to using a good, not too cheap porcelain teapot. It warms up better compared to earthenware, and is softer in texture compared to glass.

A little about the temperature of proper tea brewing

When you read culinary advice on how to properly brew tea, one general recommendation catches your attention - bring the water to a boil with a “white key”. What it is?

“White Key” is a condition when the water is filled with a mass of bubbles rising from the bottom. This moment should be “caught” accurately. If you keep water on fire, then when it gets on the tea leaf, it will decompose all its constituent elements, destroy the bouquet and chemical composition of the tea. On top of that, boiling water for a long time will become harmful to the human body. If you don’t wait, the tea simply won’t brew.

When brewing tea, “catch” the moment of boiling water with a “white key”. This is one of the main secrets of properly brewing tea.

Brewing tea correctly is an art not only to please the taste, it is also intended to achieve the optimal combination , activation of all the healing that is included in it.

It is for this that it is necessary to strictly adhere to the brewing rules, even the slightest deviation from which can lead to disruption of the favorable balance of substances in the infusion. Everything is important: including the time of drinking the drink. According to English experts, 20 minutes after brewing, tea will become unfit for drinking, since as a result of prolonged brewing, the solution will become saturated with substances harmful to human health.

How to brew tea correctly? Step-by-step instruction

Wash the teapot in advance to remove any old tea leaves and dry it. Fill the kettle with fresh water and boil it over low heat.

After groups of small bubbles appear in the water, causing it to become slightly cloudy, remove the kettle from the heat and wait until the water cools to 80-85 degrees.

Don't waste time and while the water is cooling, rinse the teapot 3-4 times with boiling water to warm it up.

Pour dry tea into a warmed and slightly damp teapot at the rate of one teaspoon of tea for one cup of water included in the teapot, plus another spoon for the teapot itself. The tea prepared in this way will be of medium strength.

Allow the dry tea in the teapot to swell for a few seconds.

Pour 2/3 or half of the cooled water that fits into the teapot. Close it with a lid and a napkin on top so that the holes in the lid and spout are closed.

Now let the tea brew. It is not recommended to brew loose-leaf black teas for more than 5 minutes, and small-grade black teas for more than 4 minutes. If all the above rules regarding the condition of the teapot, the softness of the water, its boiling with a “white key”, and pouring twice, the optimal infusion time will be 3.5-4 minutes. Exactly that much, and not a minute more.

Somewhere in the middle of this process, add water to the teapot, making sure that there is space between it and the lid. Cover the kettle again with the lid and napkin.

At the end of the infusion process, add water to the very top. This threefold filling helps the water cool more slowly.

The foam that appears during the infusion process is a sure sign that your actions are correct. You should not remove it, because many useful substances accumulate there, for example, essential oils. After completing the infusion process, stir the foam with a spoon in the kettle.

How to brew green tea correctly?

Almost the entire process is similar to brewing black tea. The difference concerns infusion time and pouring patterns. You can infuse green tea for no more than 8-10 minutes. You can fill it 3-4 times. During the first pour, pour water in a layer of 1 cm, after 3-4 minutes water is added to half the kettle, after another 2-3 minutes - to the top or three-quarters of the kettle, after 2 minutes - to the top.

Important! Find out if a green drink is good for you - AND - especially important! If you are preparing to become a mother, can you drink green tea?

How to brew red and white tea?

To brew red and white teas, you can use two methods:

  1. Pour a double portion of red tea into a very hot dry kettle (see how to brew black tea correctly) and leave for no more than 2 minutes, then add 2-2.5 cm of water, after another minute or two, add water to half the teapot, and after another 2 minutes to the top (almost). Brewing time 4 minutes.
  2. Pour a triple portion of tea into a very heated dry infuser, fill it with water to the top and brew (hold) for 3 minutes, during which time pour boiling water over the outside of the kettle.

English connoisseurs of white tea believe that this divine drink of emperors and future babies should be brewed at a temperature of exactly 85 degrees Celsius, arguing that only in this case will it reveal all the magical power of its subtle, refined aroma.

How to brew yellow tea?

There is one important nuance in the correct brewing of yellow tea - a soft mode with a reduced infusion time. Yellow tea can be drunk immediately after the first pour (1-1.5 minutes), then brew it again (second pour - 3 minutes) and again (third pour - 4 minutes).

By adhering to all these simple principles, you can easily prepare tea that will not only delight you with its unique aroma and taste, but will also bring great benefits to your body.

The golden rule of tea drinking

Interestingly, tea can both excite and calm.

Remember three magic numbers: 2-5-6,they will help you drink tea correctly.

The calming effect of tea occurs 2 minutes after brewing, the stimulating effect - after 5 minutes, and just a tasty drink with a faint aroma - after 6 minutes (this is exactly how long it takes for essential oils to evaporate).

The balanced and beneficial properties of tea manifest themselves in full only 15 minutes after brewing, some medicinal (for example, antimicrobial) may manifest themselves after a while, but after 7-8 hours they finally turn into either a “special remedy” or a real poison!

With wishes for a pleasant and healthy tea party!

Most people prefer green tea. It quenches thirst well in the summer heat, tones up, and brings only benefits to the body. Of course, to get maximum pleasure and benefits from drinking tea, you need to choose. Depending on the variety, tea can be brewed several times. When purchasing tea in a specialized store, it is worth checking with the seller what subtleties exist when brewing a particular variety, and whether it can be refilled. Many people are interested in the question, how many times should you brew your favorite drink? Let's try to figure it out.

Repeatedly. Don't think that this is done to save tea leaves. In China, when brewing tea, a lot of tea leaves and small utensils are used. Tea is brewed in spills, unlike European tea drinking. Strait is a slang word, it is used by true tea lovers. Strait brewing is repeated and rapid brewing for 5-15 seconds. The time increases gradually. If the first spill is 5 seconds, then the second is 10 seconds.

How many times can you brew green tea? High-quality tea leaves can be steeped up to 4 times; some varieties can withstand more steepings. What is more remarkable about the straits? Using a large amount of tea leaves and a small teapot, you can get a rich infusion. The drink is obtained without bitterness, since the substances responsible for strength and bitterness are revealed only after one minute.

Preparing oolong tea

Oolong is an expensive Chinese tea that is brewed up to ten times. From brew to brew it reveals new aromas and tastes. How many times can you brew oolong tea? When brewing in a glass, it will be possible to brew tea without loss of quality only a couple of times. The tea leaves fully unfold, imparting all their beneficial properties to the drink.

When brewing in a teapot, the number of infusions increases. Their exact number depends on compliance with the basic principles:

  • the faster the infusion drains, the more infusions can be made;
  • the more tea leaves are used in the process, the faster the infusion needs to be drained;
  • the less time the tea leaves are in the water, the more tea leaves can be made;
  • The colder the water, the longer the tea opens, and it can be brewed more times.

If you brew Alishan oolong or Tie Guan Yin, you should know that after 15 seconds the tea leaves rolled into balls will not change their appearance. The infusion will be almost transparent. With each spill, the tea leaves will unfold into large leaves, and the taste and aroma will unfold. Therefore, you should not wait for the leaves to fully expand. As soon as the tea is brewed, you need to drain it and fill it with water again.

How to brew tea correctly

The procedure for brewing green tea requires a serious approach.

Classic way. This method is most often used by Europeans who are unfamiliar with the Chinese Straits. The kettle must be warmed up; to do this, hold it over the fire or heat it with boiling water. After this you need to pour in the tea leaves. Leave the kettle for two minutes, then fill the tea leaves a third with hot water. After a couple of minutes, add water.

Tea cups should also be warm so that the poured tea does not immediately cool down. On average, brewing green tea takes no more than 4 minutes. To ensure the same taste in cups, it is poured in small portions.

Properly brewed tea will reveal an amazing aroma and delicate taste. You need to drink it slowly, enjoying every sip. The drink should leave a strong and long aftertaste.

Secrets of brewing other types of tea

Black tea cannot be re-brewed. It is better to brew Indian or Ceylon black tea correctly once in order to immediately obtain a rich infusion. It is believed that tea that has stood for more than an hour not only loses its beneficial properties, but also becomes harmful.

Tea bags are disposable. It is already of low quality, and if you brew it a second time, you can cause serious harm to your health.

Pu-erh tea is designed for repeated brewing. This tea is brewed with high temperature water. The minimum quantity for brewing pu-erh is five, the maximum is ten. Of course, these figures are very approximate; it all depends on the quality of the tea and its storage conditions. You need to look at what kind of infusion you get, how rich the color is, and whether you can still smell the aroma. The first brew lasts 30 seconds, and the fifth brew lasts 2 minutes.

Repeated brewing helps to reveal the unique shades of aroma and taste of your favorite drink. Lovers and connoisseurs of quality tea prefer varieties that require repeated brewing. This tea is delicious, aromatic and healthy.

The hero of one joke, famous for treating guests to the most delicious tea, revealed his secret before his death: the main thing is to pour in more tea leaves. However, not everything is so simple, especially when it comes to green tea, in which nature itself has built a powerful potential for unique taste and amazing aroma.

How to brew loose leaf green tea correctly so that it reveals its qualities as clearly as possible and retains its beneficial properties? The secret, according to experts, is not so much in the amount of tea leaves, but in the nuances. Everything is important: the material from which the teapot is made, the temperature of the water, as well as how many times one portion of tea leaves was brewed and, of course, its quality and grade.

Requirements for dishes

Dishes for boiling water and brewing tea must be heat-resistant, keep warm for a long time and do not contain foreign odors. You must follow the rules for caring for such products (they should not be washed with chemicals) and storage (kettles should not be kept near odorous products). Interestingly, true tea connoisseurs try to have several teapots for different types of drink so that the taste and aroma of each remain ideal.

Experts are tolerant of the brown coating on the walls of teapots: in their opinion, this thin film protects the drink from any contact with external factors. If, for aesthetic reasons, you still need to get rid of plaque, this should be done not with detergents, but with regular baking soda.

The material from which the dishes are made is important. In order to choose the “right” kettle, you need to compare advantages and disadvantages of different products:

  • a glass teapot is inexpensive, good in terms of aesthetics (allows you to observe the life of tea leaves “behind the glass”), but does not retain heat for long;
  • in porcelain and earthenware, the water remains hot for a long time; these dishes are beautiful, but can be quite expensive, especially porcelain options;
  • in a ceramic teapot, the water temperature does not decrease for a long time, which allows the taste and aroma to unfold most fully;
  • earthenware helps tea leaves, as experts say, to “breathe”; such products have one drawback - they are quite rarely found in stores;
  • metal utensils hold heat well, but there is a high risk of buying a low-quality product that does not fully meet its purpose, made from materials that can be oxidized (aluminum teapots are definitely not suitable for brewing).

As for the shape of the product, this is a matter of taste for each person, but round teapots with a small spout are considered classics - it is in them, according to experts, that the richness of the tea leaf is revealed most clearly.

Special utensils will be required for those who will brew tea on the slab - they will need a teapot with a strainer-separator. The fact is that the bars contain a lot of tea crumbs, and if they end up in the cup after brewing, the impression of the drink will be ruined.

Brewing water temperature

Water for making tea must not only be of high quality (bottled without gas, pure spring water or filtered tap water), but also heated to a certain temperature. When brewing green tea it is +85 o C(acceptable values ​​are +80 and +90 o C). It’s not difficult to “catch” the right moment - the kettle is removed from the heat as soon as its contents begin to make noise and air bubbles rush upward. This state of water is called “silver”; the liquid continues to retain the oxygen it contains.

Different types and varieties of tea cannot be approached with the same standards: what is good for black tea (it is brewed at a temperature of +95 o C) is unacceptable for green. And semi-fermented oolong teas, depending on the degree of their fermentation, must be heated to 75 - 90 o C (for details, see the materials on brewing such amazing drinks as Japanese green and).

How to properly prepare green tea: instructions

The preparation of the drink begins with simple mathematical calculations: according to experts, a small heaped teaspoon of tea leaves is enough for one serving of tea (200 - 250 ml).

Correct proportions when dealing with green tea are very important. If, for example, you make the drink too concentrated, you may experience a rapid heartbeat and headache. If you are greedy with the brew, it will not be as tasty as it could be.

The procedure for preparing green tea is as follows::

Based on this recipe, you can prepare green tea with various additives. However, while jasmine tea is usually a finished product (the brew consists of tea leaves and jasmine petals), then when using other ingredients, a different approach is needed. For example, to make tea with ginger, a decoction is first prepared from the sliced ​​root and this liquid (instead of ordinary water) is poured into the tea leaves.

Peculiarity tea with lemon and honey consists in the fact that these ingredients (together or separately) are placed in a ready-made and slightly cooled drink (the optimal temperature for honey is +40 o C) so that the taste and beneficial properties of the drink are ideal. We wrote about why you can’t add honey to hot tea, and about the benefits and harms of tea with honey.

Green tea with milk prepared in different ways. The simplest is to add heated milk to hot tea in a 1:1 ratio. The second option eliminates the use of water altogether: 1 liter of milk is heated to 80 o C, 1 tbsp is poured into it. tea leaves and leave for 0.5 hours. Read about the benefits and harms of black and green tea with milk in the material.

Cooking methods

Various circumstances force us to use not only teapots, but also ordinary cups, thermoses, and some original devices to prepare green tea.

One of them is the modern teapot isipot (other names are “tipot”, “tipod”). This versatile teapot, made of glass or metal, is equipped with a button that allows you to brew tea leaves repeatedly using the pour-over method. The design makes it possible to get a quality drink in the office or on a trip.

The so-called “infusion ball”, made up of two deep spoons with holes, is quite easy to use. The structure is filled with loose tea, lowered into a mug, glass or other container, and heated water is poured.

You can do it even simpler - prepare tea in a cup without using any devices. For this, 1 tsp. The tea leaves are poured with hot water and, covered with a lid or saucer, left for about 2 minutes. The result will be better if the cup is preheated with boiling water.

It is customary to brew and in a cup. This option helps many people at work. But what experts do not recommend doing is using water from a cooler for brewing - in such devices it does not heat above 70 o C, and this heat is not enough to prepare green tea.

You cannot use a thermos to brew tea at all.: in this case, the process exceeds all acceptable standards in time - remaining hot water for a long time contributes to the release of large amounts of alkaloids and trace elements from tea leaves that pose a health hazard.

If you want to take a thermos with tea on a trip, you need to do this: brew the drink in the usual way in a kettle, and then fill the thermos with it (without tea leaves). Brand ratings, as well as information on which thermos is best to buy, can be found at.

How many times can you brew loose leaf green tea?

Is it permissible to brew loose leaf tea a second time? Yes, you can. It should be borne in mind that this is not at all about using morning tea, for example, during lunch or dinner. These options are unacceptable - old tea leaves accumulate substances harmful to the human body.

Repeated brewing is appropriate if it occurs within the same tea drinking session or tea ceremony. Some varieties of high-quality green tea can be brewed 7 times, and the taste and aroma will change, and not for the worse, but more often - on the contrary, especially if the brewing time is slightly increased from time to time. The approximate scheme is as follows: the first brewing should last from 30 to 60 seconds, the second – 1.5 minutes, the third – about 3 minutes.

The so-called Chinese infusion method is based on the property of green tea to reveal something new every time: the tea leaves are “exploited” until it is able to surprise a person with some unusual notes.

How should you drink?

You can truly enjoy green tea during the Chinese tea ceremony (this is discussed in detail in the article).

But even an “everyday” cup can bring pleasure, if you follow a number of rules:

  • green tea in a cup should be warm, but not scalding hot;
  • There is little benefit from cooled tea - it is not as tasty, and it no longer contains many valuable microelements, which a freshly brewed drink is rich in;
  • It is not customary to add sugar to green tea, but it is ideally complemented by such tasty and healthy products as honey and dried fruits;
  • snacks for tea should not interrupt its taste; these could be muffins, milk cookies, rice crackers;
  • you need to drink tea slowly, enjoying every sip;
  • It is not recommended to wash down the food you have eaten; it is better to postpone the pleasant event for half an hour, since green tea is a self-sufficient drink.

We talked about how much green tea you can drink per day in the publication.

How long does brewed tea last?

Brewed tea has a short shelf life - after 2 hours the microelements it contains oxidize, and the drink loses its valuable qualities. If green tea sits in a teapot or cup from evening until morning, then it is already a breeding ground for the growth of fungi and bacteria. An expired drink, according to ancient Chinese scholars, is “like a viper’s bite.”

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