How to help a drinking person: bay leaf. The use of bay leaves in the treatment of alcoholism Tincture of bay leaves with vodka for alcoholism

Getting rid of alcoholism using folk methods is possible only in its early stages. Bay leaf for alcoholism is one of the most effective and proven folk methods. Its use is possible without the knowledge of the patient if relatives cannot obtain consent or convince them to use medicinal methods.

With alcohol addiction, the body is less able to remove toxins naturally. A person who takes folk remedies for drunkenness from bay leaves experiences unpleasant symptoms when drinking alcohol:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • diarrhea (loose stools).

The use of infusions and decoctions of laurel helps remove toxins from the body and causes a persistent aversion to alcohol. In rare cases, one dose of a remedy with bay leaf is enough to create a persistent aversion to alcohol.

The healing properties of bay leaves for alcoholism are due to the content of biologically active substances that help speed up metabolism and relieve withdrawal symptoms.

The plant contains vitamins A, B, C, PP and microelements that help restore immunity, cleanse blood vessels and normalize digestion. It also contains substances such as:

  • potassium – has a mild diuretic effect, restoring water-salt balance and reducing swelling and sweating;
  • butyric acid – activates metabolic processes and promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • Camphor – stabilizes heart function, normalizes blood pressure.

Important! In folk medicine, laurel leaves and roots are used, which, when dried, equally retain beneficial substances.

Alcohol addiction is often accompanied by irritability, imbalance and insomnia. Linalool contained in laurel reduces the release of stress hormones, has a mild sedative effect and reduces the patient's agitated state during withdrawal symptoms.

Recipes with bay leaves

Recipes for treating alcoholism with bay leaves can be divided into decoctions and alcohol infusions. They can be prepared from bay leaves alone or include other plants to enhance their effect.

Decoctions based on bay leaves are rarely used in treatment, since they need to be drunk in large doses, and the person himself must express a desire to get rid of his addiction. They are most often used to alleviate the consequences of binge drinking and cleanse the body.


To prepare a simple decoction you should take:

  • water – 100 ml;
  • Noble laurel leaves – 4 g.

Pour the raw material with water, bring to a boil, then keep on low heat for 20 minutes. Cool and strain the grounds. Drink 2-3 sips throughout the day. In 1 day, a person should drink 2 glasses of decoction.

By adding lovage to the composition, you can prepare a remedy that has slightly different properties that enhance the healing effect. The preparation method corresponds to the previous recipe. You need to drink about 250 ml per day in small sips.

For bay decoction with thyme you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 15 g thyme herb;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Mix and pour boiling water over the raw materials, cover and leave for 3 hours. Drink 30 ml 3 times a day before meals.

For a three-day course of cleansing the body of alcohol, bay leaves are brewed in a thermos. Place 10 leaves in a container and add 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 3 hours, then strain through a sieve and cool. This remedy should be drunk 3 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals for 3 days. Take a break for 1 week, after which repeat the course.

This decoction should be consumed during the remission stage, as it has diuretic properties and stimulates the rapid elimination of toxins, helping the body return to normal.


If the patient refuses treatment, tinctures are prepared. When preparing them, bay leaves are infused for a long time in alcohol, so they can be added to alcoholic drinks without the knowledge of the addicted person.

Vodka with bay leaves for alcoholism is prepared according to the following proportions:

  • 1 glass of vodka;
  • 2 laurel leaves;
  • 1 laurel root.

Grind and mix all the raw materials, add vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Divide 200 ml of the finished drink into several servings and give it to the addict to drink.

In folk medicine, several types of plants are known (centaury, bearberry, etc.) that help get rid of alcohol addiction. To enhance the effect, a tincture of bay leaves for alcoholism can be prepared with their addition.

The combination of lovage root and bay leaf after drinking alcohol causes severe vomiting. Adding such a tincture to alcohol can stop the development of addiction in the early stages. To prepare you should take:

  • 1 lovage root;
  • 2 laurel leaves;
  • 100 ml vodka.

Leave in a dark place for 10 days, then strain and add to alcohol.

You can use pumpkin seeds instead of lovage. The use of such an infusion gives another effect - indigestion. To prepare it you should take:

  • 200 ml vodka;
  • 2 cups unroasted pumpkin seeds;
  • 2 bay leaves.

Grind the seeds, add laurel, add vodka. Leave for 12 days, then strain and add to alcohol.

You can prepare a three-component tincture with bay leaf:

  • crushed laurel leaves - 3 pieces;
  • grated lovage root – 1 piece;
  • thyme herb – 1 teaspoon;
  • 200 ml vodka.

Add vodka to the herbal mixture and close the lid tightly. Leave for 3 weeks, then strain the grounds. Add the resulting product to alcohol in small doses.

Advice! The process of infusing the remedy requires from 2 weeks to 1 month, therefore, in order not to interrupt the course of administration, it is better to prepare several servings in advance.


Despite the fact that bay laurel is considered a common seasoning, its content of active trace elements and essential oils in large doses can harm people suffering from certain types of diseases. Its chemical components create additional stress on internal organs affected by alcohol, therefore treating alcoholism with bay leaves is contraindicated for:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.

Treatment with bay leaves achieves maximum effect only when a person recognizes the fact of craving for alcohol, since the main goal of therapy is remission and physiological dependence on alcohol. In case of chronic alcoholism, such folk methods must be used in parallel with the methods of traditional medicine to facilitate withdrawal from binge drinking and relieve withdrawal symptoms.

Important! When preparing infusions and decoctions, you must strictly follow the recipe. You cannot increase the recommended dosage of the components, since their incorrect ratio can lead to poisoning of the body weakened by alcohol.

How to cope with alcoholism if diagnosed? How to convince a drunkard to accept treatment if he does not want to be treated? Coding treatment does not always help, this has already been tested in practice. Treatment with medications is usually long-term and costs financial resources. Many people are now turning to traditional herbal treatments. Reviews about the use of herbs and roots against alcoholism are always positive. Decoction, steam, infusion are the main weapons in the fight against ailments. Let's look at how bay leaves are used for alcoholism.

Effect of laurel on the body

The active substances of bay leaves cause a drunkard to have a persistent aversion to any type of wine products. This was noticed by our grandmothers-healers, who successfully carried out treatment and coped with cravings for alcohol with the help of this plant. The laurel was placed directly into an alcoholic drink, then infused. After which this potion was given to a person suffering from alcohol addiction to drink.

Recipe one

  • 0.5 liters of vodka;
  • Bay leaf;
  • plant root.

Take a few pieces of bay leaves and the root of this plant. The root must be finely chopped. Place everything in a half-liter bottle of vodka, hide it in a dark place. Over the course of two weeks, shake the bottle several times and put it back in place. Afterwards you should drink a glass of this to the patient: this is the treatment.

Recipe two

  • 0.25 liters of vodka;
  • 2 pieces of laurel;
  • lovage root.

All ingredients are placed in alcohol. The anti-alcoholism potion is infused for 1.5 weeks in a dark place. Shake the bottle periodically. Afterwards you should give the drunkard a glass of this remedy. As a result of treatment with this infusion, the alcoholic will develop an aversion to strong drinks for some time. He, of course, will not associate this with an infusion of bay leaf and lovage root. Sometimes it is necessary to apply this bay leaf treatment several times in a row. When the patient has a strong belief that alcoholism is making him sick, he will stop drinking strong drinks.

Recipe three

  • pumpkin seed 2 cups;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf.

Separately pour a glass of alcohol into the crushed pumpkin seed and 2 leaves. The glasses should be hidden in a dark place for two weeks. After this, strain the infusion through gauze. Treatment of alcoholism with this method will consist of the following: you alternately pour the potion into the alcohol. The drunkard will begin a sad life: bay leaves will provoke an upset stomach, and pumpkin seeds will cause nausea and vomiting. The patient will begin to understand that alcoholism is making him sick and will stop drinking.

Decoction for stress relief

  • 10 pieces. medium sized bay leaf;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water.

A decoction will help a drunkard cope with stress. If a bay leaf infused with alcohol caused an aversion to alcohol, then the decoction is designed to calm the nervous system and relieve stress. To prepare the decoction, you need to rinse the laurel well and put it in a thermos. Then pour boiling water over the sheet and leave to stand for 3 hours. After this, the decoction can be taken 3 tablespoons before meals (25-30 minutes). Treat stress for three days, then take a break. This decoction for nervous alcoholism will not only relieve tension and stress, but also tone the body and cleanse it of toxins. Before drinking laurel decoction, consult your doctor. There may be contraindications! But the feedback from the action of laurel is very positive.

Alcoholism is a serious problem. In order to get rid of this harmful addiction, people are ready to take any action and use a variety of means.

Very often people wonder whether folk methods can help cope with this problem, and also how bay leaves are taken for alcoholism - even grandmother’s recipes.

The effect of bay leaf on the human body

In order to get rid of alcohol addiction using bay leaves, a decoction or tincture is used.

Many scientists agree that alcoholism develops due to a lack of potassium in the human body and the addict looks for a portion of minerals in alcoholic drinks. As a result, bay leaf is very often used for alcoholism, as it is very rich potassium.

As mentioned earlier, to treat alcoholism, a decoction or infusion is made with bay leaves according to a specific recipe, which enriches the addict’s body with potassium. Among other things, this folk remedy perfectly cleanses the liver and has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Note! Also, to saturate the body with potassium during treatment for alcoholism, it is recommended to use honey, which should be consumed daily, several spoons before meals.

According to numerous reviews, it is the bay leaf that has a miraculous effect against alcoholism and after consuming a few sips of this drug it completely turns the addicted person away from alcoholic beverages.

Recipes with bay leaves for alcoholism

Folk remedies for drunkenness such as bay leaves are very popular and are considered very effective, since they can not only help a person get rid of his addiction, but also restore his health.

Currently, there are several popular decoctions that are aimed at ridding a person of alcohol addiction:

  1. Bay leaf tincture - to prepare this potion you will need the plant itself and vodka. Two laurel leaves are taken and its root is added to them, all this is poured with 250 grams of vodka and infused for 14 days in a cool, dark place. After this period, the resulting infusion is filtered and given to the alcoholic, who should drink it, preferably in one gulp.
  2. To prepare another infusion, you should prepare bay leaf, vodka and lovage root. All ingredients should be placed in a container and filled with vodka. After this, you need to shake everything well and leave to infuse for ten days in a dark and dry place. After the infusion is ready, it is recommended to give it to a person dependent on alcoholism. Almost everyone who drinks this drug experiences nausea and vomiting. Such manifestations can discourage the desire to drink alcohol for a long time.
  3. You can also prepare a decoction from bay leaves and water. To do this you need 20 grams of bay leaf and 500 ml of water. The ingredients are placed in a container and brought to a boil. After the resulting consistency boils, you should leave it to simmer over low heat for about ten minutes. Then the broth is cooled and consumed once a day, one glass.


To ensure that treatment for alcoholism with bay leaves does not give rise to health-related complications, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who specializes in the treatment of this pathological process before using any remedy.

  • if a person is diagnosed with a stomach ulcer;
  • constipation appears systematically;
  • revealed;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder.

As mentioned earlier, you should use any means to treat alcoholism only after consultation with your doctor, who will be able to evaluate the benefits at a high level and select the most suitable remedy.


Bay leaf is a unique medicinal plant that is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

Based on this medicine, decoctions and infusions are made to cleanse the body and to get rid of alcohol addiction.

After using them, a person refuses to drink alcohol for a long period of time. But, despite all the benefits of this medicinal plant, not everyone is allowed to use it.

Video: Treatment of alcoholism recipe No. 3

Alcoholism has long been on the list of diseases that affect the psyche and cripple internal organs. Unhealthy cravings for alcohol can be successfully blocked using the methods offered by traditional medicine. However, most Russians simply cannot afford the latest drugs and procedures to help them get rid of drunkenness. Therefore, recipes that have been tested by more than one generation of traditional healers are used. It is much easier to get a medicinal plant than an expensive special medicine. Sometimes the ingredients for preparing an anti-alcohol remedy are at arm's length.

In every kitchen, among the seasonings, you will definitely find a bay leaf. In ancient times, winners of the Olympic Games were awarded with a wreath of laurel. Nowadays, with the help of dried parts of this plant, you can overcome addiction to the bottle. In the article we will look at treatment for alcoholism with bay leaves: recipes, reviews and contraindications.

Healing properties of laurel

Laurel leaves, as well as roots, have been used since ancient times to treat a whole list of ailments. The widespread use of such drugs is justified by the properties of the plant:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • painkillers;
  • diuretic;
  • calming.

The latter property allows the use of infusions and decoctions of laurel to relieve hangover syndrome. As you know, after a binge, an alcoholic feels causeless anxiety and becomes restless. Bay leaf helps get rid of a hangover, especially if used in combination with other herbs that have a sedative, that is, calming, effect.

Treatment with bay leaves for alcoholism is based on the development of a conditioned reflex to aversion to alcohol. After drinking vodka infused with bay leaf, a person will feel unwell in the form of nausea and vomiting. If such a drink is given to a drunkard regularly, he will no longer receive the expected pleasure and relief after drinking alcohol. Often, after several unsuccessful attempts to get drunk as usual, even the smell of vodka will become disgusting to a person.

We can say that in its effect on an alcoholic, bay leaf is an analogue of drugs containing disulfiram. An alcoholic feels bad after drinking, so he stops drinking completely.

Bay leaf medicine recipes

Folk remedies for drunkenness, which include bay leaves, are most often prepared in the form of vodka infusions and decoctions. There are recipes where laurel root or leaves are used in tandem with other plants. Be that as it may, a person with alcohol addiction will not voluntarily undergo treatment, knowing that the tincture will cause a deterioration in well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to infuse vodka on a bay leaf discreetly, so that the patient does not find out that they are going to treat him.

Vodka tincture

This recipe is one of the most popular, because a drunkard will not refuse to drink alcohol. To prepare the infusion you will need two bay leaves and 250 ml of vodka. The ingredients are poured with alcohol and left in a dark place for two weeks. After the specified period, the alcoholic is asked to drink the entire glass of the drug. After such a treat, nausea and vomiting occur, which prevents further drinking of alcoholic beverages.

Decoction of bay leaves

The product is prepared in the proportion of 4 grams of laurel leaves per 100 ml of water. The mixture is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. The cooled broth should be filtered and added a few sips to the alcoholic’s food and drink, so that he consumes about two glasses per day, but no more. Medicine prepared in advance should be stored in the refrigerator.

Bay leaf and pumpkin seed remedy

As mentioned above, folk remedies for alcoholism are not limited to bay leaves; they may also contain other readily available components. To prepare the next medicine, you need to take a glass of crushed pumpkin seeds, two bay leaves and pour it all with a glass of vodka in a glass container. After two weeks in a dark and cool place, the infusion is ready to fulfill its mission. After drinking the drug, the alcohol addict will experience all the delights of nausea that appears simultaneously with indigestion.

Bay leaf and lovage

Treatment of drunkenness with lovage causes the same unpleasant symptoms for an alcoholic as remedies with laurel, which is why they are mixed to obtain an even more pronounced effect. A combination of these plants is used as an infusion and decoction.

To obtain an infusion, two bay leaves and a teaspoon of crushed lovage root are poured into 100 ml of vodka. The mixture is infused for two weeks, and then the alcoholic is given to drink the entire dose at once. A severe attack of nausea after this is guaranteed.

The decoction is prepared in the same proportions, only water is used instead of vodka. After mixing the ingredients, boil them for about ten minutes over low heat, cool, and then strain.


Despite the fact that bay leaf is widely used as a fragrant seasoning, it is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. If one leaf per liter of soup is a safe dosage for everyone, then a concentrated tincture of bay leaves for alcoholism can be harmful in some diseases and conditions. So, contraindications for use are:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • constant constipation;
  • chronic cholecystitis.

It is also prohibited to use bay leaf if a pregnant or lactating woman suffers from alcoholism. In early pregnancy, such drugs can cause uterine bleeding and miscarriages.


Many people of different genders abuse alcohol. Not only medications are used to eliminate the problem. Treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies at home is a method proven over the years to cure a sick person from alcohol addiction. An alcoholic is physically and mentally attached to drinking alcohol, so seriously that he cannot stop on his own. When medications do not cope with the problem, folk recipes are used to combat drunkenness.

What is alcoholism

A mental illness in which there is excessive regular consumption of alcohol - alcoholism. It is not uncommon for a man or woman to become dependent on alcohol. First, addiction occurs on a psychological level, and later on a physical level. When a patient suffers from alcoholism, his performance decreases, moral values ​​disappear and his health deteriorates greatly. As a rule, therapy for this disease is carried out with medication, but treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies at home is also used.

The main external symptoms of alcohol dependence:

  • heavy drinking periods (daily consumption of alcoholic beverages for a long time);
  • alcohol provokes the emergence of social nigredo (decrease in the level of social well-being);
  • increased threshold for alcohol rejection, absence of nausea, vomiting after drinking large doses of alcohol;
  • withdrawal syndrome (hangover) is one of the obvious symptoms of alcoholism;
  • external pronounced signs (aging of the skin, swelling of the veins, the appearance of bruises on the skin).

Folk remedies and methods of treatment for alcoholism

There are many options that provide a real chance to treat alcoholism at home. Home methods are based on herbal decoctions and infusions, products prepared from various natural products. Folk remedies against alcoholism are used for independent or anonymous treatment of a person.

The main goal of folk therapy against alcoholism is to induce disgust for alcoholic beverages and its complete rejection. There are two main principles, taking into account which alcoholism is treated with folk remedies at home:

  1. It is necessary to achieve an absolute feeling of disgust for alcohol. Often this effect is achieved by taking drugs that cause vomiting, stomach upset and other unpleasant consequences. For example, alcoholic drinks are combined with natural ingredients that have a disgusting taste or appearance.
  2. The second rule for effective treatment of alcoholism at home is the use of psychotherapeutic techniques (suggestion/self-hypnosis, persuasion). A psychologist, doctor, priest, traditional healer, or one of his friends or relatives can influence a patient with alcoholism.
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