Yohimbine for weight loss. Yohimbine: form of release of the drug, principle of action and therapeutic effect Yohimbine how to drink

Sports nutrition specialist and gym trainer | more details >>

Graduated from: Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank. Specialty: social work, pedagogy. Courses on health-improving fitness and bodybuilding at the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, at the department of health-improving physical culture. Master of Masters in arm wrestling, 1st adult category in hand-to-hand combat. Prize-winner of the Cup of the Republic of Belarus in hand-to-hand combat. Prize-winner of the Republican Dynamyade in hand-to-hand combat.

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Date of: 2015-04-10 Views: 101 423 Grade: 4.6

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If you are involved in professional sports or are simply preparing your body for the beach season, then you have probably thought about using fat burners and increasing your performance during the training process. If we take almost any with a thermogenic effect, we will see that it contains yohimbine hydrochloride (Yohimbine HCL). In this article, I will analyze the beneficial properties of this substance, tell you how it is used in fitness and analyze the myth that is common among bodybuilders about increasing testosterone production with the help of this drug. So, Yohimbine is a substance obtained from the African plant Yohimbe, which grows in African countries and is sold in the form of an extract to increase male libido. The drug has a strong stimulating and sympatholytic effect. It is often used to treat impotence and improve libido in men.

Proven effect of Yohimbine on the human body:

  1. Enhances thermogenesis (fat burning).
  2. It lifts your mood, increases physical activity, and increases your heart rate.
  3. Enhances male libido in cases of its decrease caused by overwork or stress. Based on this property, yohimbine was included in the international list of drugs that can act as an aphrodisiac (a drug that increases sexual desire).
  4. Stimulates the central nervous system, improves concentration.
In simple terms, yohimbine is able to successfully mobilize fatty acids to release energy. This property is similar to the effect of ephedrine. However, yohimbine does not enhance the release of adrenaline, does not affect heart function, and does not increase blood pressure at reasonable dosages. The most important significant point for fat loss when taking yohimbine is the inhibition of alpha-adrenergic receptors. As a result, norepinephrine and catecholamine hormone are released more intensely, which leads to a fat-mobilizing and thermogenic (increased body temperature) effect.

Application in sports

Taking yohimbine before exercise can result in a much greater release of norepinephrine than a normal workout without the supplement. Since the concentration of alpha 2-adrenergic receptors is in problem areas in both men and women, yohimbine specifically blocks these receptors, its use is justified in the pre-competition period for better and high-quality burning of subcutaneous fat. Due to the effective stimulation of the central nervous system and increased motor activity, yohimbine will not be amiss to increase and improve its quality.

Yohimbine and testosterone

Many athletes, particularly bodybuilders, believe that yohimbine can increase testosterone levels. However, this has not been proven. This opinion exists due to the fact that yohimbine is part of many drugs that are used to treat impotence. As a result of taking these drugs, blood circulation in the genitals increased. This led to improved erections in men, with a corresponding increase in sexual activity. But all this also happens with high testosterone levels. That is, the ability of yohimbine to strengthen an erection does not yet indicate its ability. I would like to emphasize that the effect of yohimbine on testosterone levels has not been proven.

Preparations containing yohimbine

Preparations that contain yohimbine can be single-component or multi-component. Supplements containing only yohimbine:
  • Dosages and contraindications Yohimbine is usually taken 30-45 minutes before training. A safe dosage is considered to be 5-10 mg. However, if you do not experience discomfort, then you can safely increase it to 20 mg, which will enhance the fat burning process. The following side effects may occur when taken: fluctuations in blood pressure, excitability, insomnia, heart rhythm disturbances. If you experience these symptoms, you should reduce your dosage or stop taking it. Personal fitness training from the author of this article:
    • preparation of training programs and nutrition online,
    • weight loss and adjustment,
    • gaining muscle mass,
    • Exercise therapy for various diseases (including the back),
    • rehabilitation after injuries,

Yohimbine hydrochloride is used in bodybuilding for drying muscles; this excellent stimulant is also used for weight loss and increasing sexual activity. In its pure form, the substance is white crystals with a high melting point. The substance yohimbine is an alkaloid of the yohimbe tree, which is native to Central Africa. Initially, the drug was used to treat male potency, and only after some time scientists discovered other properties of this substance, which are widely used by athletes today.

How does the substance work?

In simple terms, yohimbine mobilizes fatty acids, releasing energy, which is very important for athletes, including bodybuilders. This action is somewhat reminiscent of the work of ephedrine. The only difference is that yohimbine does not release adrenaline, which increases blood pressure and overloads the heart. Yohimbine hydrochloride has the following effects on the human body:

  • Activates fat burning.
  • Stimulates physical activity.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, increases concentration.
  • Increases mental activity.
  • Stimulates libido and eliminates many sexual problems.

There are a few more advantages that cannot be ignored.

At the same time, the dietary supplement reduces appetite and, when used correctly, does not cause insomnia.

About athletes and for athletes – using the activator

The bodybuilding product is taken immediately before training. As a rule, alpha 2-adrenergic receptors are concentrated in problem areas in humans, and the action of the substance specifically blocks them. The drug is especially often used by athletes before competitions to actively burn subcutaneous fat.

Most athletes, including bodybuilders, believe that yohimbine increases testosterone levels in the blood. However, doctors neither confirm nor deny this belief. This fact has simply not been studied. The drug increases blood flow in the pelvic organs and increases sexual activity, but this is possible without a high testosterone content.

It is important to use the drug as recommended.

Dosing and effectiveness

Athletes know how to take the drug correctly - they drink the drug half an hour before training. A safe dose of the drug is from 5 to 10 mg. After several uses, the dosage can be increased to 20 mg. This will speed up the fat burning process. It is best to calculate the norm based on 0.2 mg per 1 kilogram of a person’s weight. For example, if an athlete weighs 70 kg, the daily dose is 14 mg of yohimbine. With constant use, this amount is divided into 3 doses - the first portion is drunk in the morning, the second at lunch, and the third in the evening.

When taking yohimbine, you need to follow a certain diet. For example, the amount of carbohydrates consumed should be kept to a minimum. In this case, it is necessary to increase the amount of protein in the diet. This will reduce the synthesis of insulin, which contributes to excess body weight gain. For weight loss, it is advisable to take the drug before meals so as not to reduce its effectiveness. To enhance the effect of the supplement, you can combine it with caffeine (200 mg per day) or drink brewed ground coffee.

In this case, it is advisable not to use ephedrine and ephedrine-containing substances if caffeine is chosen as an adjuvant. The list of substances that are not recommended to be taken with yohimbine hydrochloride includes all drugs that increase thermogenesis and reduce the synthesis of norepinephrine. The duration of taking the drug can be from 3 to 10 weeks.

Who should not use it?

Studies have confirmed the high effectiveness of yohimbine with a high level of safety. It is noted that no adverse effects should occur even when taking a single dose of 22 mg. The side effects that occur most frequently are:

  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Palpitations (tachycardia).
  • Overexcitement.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Migraine.
  • Dizziness.
  • Redness of the skin.

There is a short list of side effects.

There are few contraindications to taking the drug for bodybuilding, but it is advisable for people with the following health problems to avoid the drug:

  1. High blood pressure.
  2. Chronic kidney or liver disease (or a disease in the acute phase.
  3. Serious mental disorders.
  4. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects may occur half an hour after taking the drug. Weakness, loss of sensitivity in the limbs, lack of coordination of movements, severe headaches, and dizziness occur. Tremors of the limbs, increased heart rate, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation, lacrimation, and sweating may be observed. Most of these symptoms can persist for several hours at a time.

Purchase without risk

You can buy yohimbine hydrochloride for bodybuilding in pharmacies, sports nutrition stores and through online resources. However, on the manufacturer’s official website they offer the most affordable price for the drug, and in addition, there is no risk of purchasing a low-quality product. The price of fat burner tablets starts from 203 rubles for 50 pieces.

Most athletes leave positive reviews about this stimulant online. At the same time, an excellent fat-burning effect, improved general condition and increased concentration are indicated. As a result, the effectiveness of sports training increases significantly.

However, it is worth considering the fact that it is impossible to achieve an immediate effect with this substance; it takes some time to see the result. The drug only allows you to achieve a positive effect faster, and will not do everything on its own, without the effort of the person himself.

Fat from “problem” areas just doesn’t want to disappear? This means that you are not yet familiar with yohimbine, which quickly reduces subcutaneous fat reserves. Find out how to use it and get the perfect figure!

Yohimbine, or quebraquine, is a natural chemical substance extracted from the bark of the evergreen African tree of the palm family Yohimbe. It is sometimes called "yohimbe extract." The beneficial properties of the substance were discovered in 1892 by physician L. Spiegel. At first, the plant alkaloid was used to increase potency (nowadays it is considered the strongest aphrodisiac). Later it turned out that it is also effective in the fight against excess weight. Today the substance is popular as a powerful fat burner.

Quebraquin is successfully used by modern manufacturers of weight loss products. The active substance of dietary supplements is yohimbe extract. The drug is called Yohimbine hydrochloride. For convenient use, both products are compressed into tablets or capsules. Tree bark is added to tea mixtures.

Yohimbine is chosen by people who have tried many other remedies, but have not achieved results. The weight loss supplement helps control appetite and helps reduce body fat. The drug is legalized. It is supplied to pharmacies and sports nutrition stores, and sold on online trading platforms.

Additive effectiveness

Most work on the principle of destroying fat cells. Yohimbine is recognized as an alpha-adrenergic blocker. Its effect is different: by suppressing alpha and beta receptors, it inhibits the production of catecholamine hormones, which are responsible for the accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous tissue. The process is accompanied by a release of energy, so physical and mental activity increases. This makes the drug indispensable during weight loss training.

Other properties of quebraquine for weight loss:

  • improved blood flow and active breakdown of fat deposits;
  • increasing testosterone, which is responsible for accelerating the fat burning process;
  • transformation of fat calories into “heat”;
  • increased motor activity and increased physical endurance.

Fat burning occurs differently in both sexes. Women are prone to accumulating fat deposits on their thighs and buttocks. These are the so-called “problem” areas, the work on which is difficult due to the high content of insulin-dependent cells. The same alpha receptors prevent the breakdown of accumulated fat. Yohimbine acts on the required type of receptors locally, reducing weight and correcting the figure in the right places. For this reason, drugs based on it are more suitable for women.

Among other things, the plant-derived alkaloid demonstrates a positive effect on the entire body:

  • stimulates the central nervous system;
  • has an antidepressant effect;
  • improves blood flow to the genitals;
  • has a positive effect on sleep quality;
  • increases performance;
  • improves reaction;
  • has a general strengthening effect.

The substance is used to prevent obesity.

This is interesting! In 2006, the Serbian Institute of Sports Medicine conducted an experiment that confirmed the effect of quebraquine on fat burning. The two groups of athletes received the same training load and identical diet. One group took yohimbine, the other took placebo. The subcutaneous fat layer of the subjects taking the alkaloid noticeably decreased, in contrast to those taking the placebo.

Preparations based on yohimbine

There are many dietary supplements with yohimbe extract as the main component on the domestic market:

  • "Yohimbe forte";
  • "Super Yohimbe-plus";
  • "Yohimbe formula";
  • "Super Yohimbe formula";
  • "Yohimbex harmony";
  • “Yohimbe “Der Spiegel”;
  • "Superman Power Yohimbe Plus";
  • "Super Yohimbe Complex Male Strength";
  • "Achiv with Yohimbe";
  • Tea "Super Yohimbe".

The drugs differ in the amount of quebraquine extract they contain.


Yohimbine is the main “fat burner” in the composition of the corresponding drugs, but not the only one. Excipients of herbal dietary supplements based on it act synergistically, thereby enhancing the effect and contributing to the spectrum of action:

  • licorice root extract is an excellent helper in normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • muira puama bark is the best tonic for the nervous system;
  • Eleutherococcus root extract is a good tonic;
  • – a well-known remedy for dulling hunger;
  • niacin is an ally in the fight against cholesterol, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • damiana leaf extract – a mild antidepressant;
  • the fruits of the dwarf palm – a stimulator of the hormonal system;
  • oyster extract – hormonal stabilizer, antioxidant;
  • ginseng is one of the best metabolism boosters;
  • ginger root – enhancer of thermogenesis;
  • Ginkgo biloba is an antioxidant and antidepressant that has an anti-edematous effect;
  • vitamins E, C – antioxidants known to medicine;
  • selenium – an assistant in maintaining normal hormonal levels;
  • zinc – normalizer of fat metabolism and digestion;
  • chromium is an appetite “blocker”.


The cost of dietary supplements based on plant alkaloids varies depending on the manufacturer and the number of tablets (capsules) in the package. Thus, the price of a package of 30 “Super Yohimbe Plus” tablets is about 900 rubles, out of 90 pcs. – 3500 rubles. The average price of a 30-capsule package of Yohimbe Forte is 300 rubles. The cost of a package of “Achiv with Yohimbe” of 50 capsules is 830 rubles.

Yohimbine tea

Herbal tea “The Power of Yohimbe” is a mixture of yohimbe bark, green and black tea, hibiscus, muira puama bark, Chinese lemongrass, ginseng, ginger, damiana leaves and strawberry pieces.

Super Yohimbe Tea is a green flavored drink made from yohimbe bark, hibiscus, green tea, strawberry and damiana. The color and taste of tea depends on the degree of brewing.

The preparation of the drink in both cases is as follows: 1-1.5 tablespoons of the dry product are poured with 250 ml of water at a temperature of 90 degrees and brewed for at least 3 minutes.

The price of a 100 gram package of herbal tea and Super Yohimbe tea is about 250 rubles.

Yohimbine hydrochloride

The substance, chemically synthesized in laboratories, is the main component of the drug of the same name. The action of yohimbine hydrochloride is more powerful: the release of the active substance occurs several times faster than that of herbal supplements.

Yohimbine hydrochloride is available in sachet form (white powder with a bitter taste), but is more often sold in tablets.

1 tablet contains 5 mg of active substance. Excipients are: potato starch, calcium stearate, lactose monohydrate.

Pack of 50 pcs. tablets cost about 240 rubles.

How to take for weight loss

Preparations based on quebraquine extract and yohimbine hydrochloride have different recommendations for use.

Taking Yohimbe dietary supplements

Quebraquine extract supplements should be taken with or immediately after meals with plenty of water. The tablets are swallowed whole without chewing them. The best time to take is the first half of the day. Taking in the evening should not occur later than a few hours before bedtime.

Take 1-2 capsules per day (depending on the content of the extract). The daily dose of plant extract should not exceed 2000 mg. The average course duration is 4 weeks. The interval between courses is 2-4 months.

Taking Yohimbine hydrochloride

The optimal amount of yohimbine hydrochloride for weight loss is no more than 30 mg per day (6 tablets). Take the drug in parts - 5-10 mg (1-2 tablets) at a time. The dose is considered safe. It is better to start taking tablets with a minimum dose, gradually increasing it. You cannot chew them - they are washed down with plenty of water. Complete absorption in the digestive tract occurs half an hour after administration. Disappears after 5-6 hours.

Recommended time for taking is morning. Breakfast from the moment of taking the supplement occurs only 4 hours later. In the interval, it is permissible to drink only water and coffee (caffeine enhances the fat-burning effect of the active substance). Strict restrictions are due to several points:

  • consumption with food increases insulin levels in the blood;
  • shortening the interval between taking the drug and food minimizes its fat-mobilizing properties.

Yohimbine hydrochloride for weight loss is always taken on an empty stomach. If physical activity is planned on the day of administration, the dose is taken 1 hour before training. The effect of the tablet begins 30 minutes after administration.

The optimal duration of the course is 2-3 weeks, the maximum is 10 weeks. Longer use causes the body's addiction and lack of reaction. The recommended break between courses is 2 months.

How to enhance the effect?

You can improve the effect of taking the supplement by playing sports and switching to predominantly protein foods:

  • meat;
  • nuts;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products;
  • egg whites;
  • buckwheat;
  • low carb vegetables and fruits.

The consumption of carbohydrates and fatty foods should be kept to a minimum.


If you forget about the rules for taking quebraquine, there is a risk of encountering the main symptoms of an overdose:

  • headache;
  • weakness throughout the body;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • increased salivation;
  • impaired coordination;
  • increased sweating;
  • stomach pain;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

An overdose is likely when consuming 200 mg or more of yohimbine hydrochloride per day. Symptoms go away on their own within 2-3 hours.

Contraindications for use

A course of weight correction using drugs based on quebraquine should not be started if the following indicators are present:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • arterial hypotension or hypertension;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • depression;
  • mental disorders;
  • tendency to worry.

The combination of quebraquine with alcoholic beverages and antidepressants is unacceptable; use by pregnant and lactating women and children is prohibited. During menstruation, dietary supplements and medications with a plant alkaloid are taken with caution: large doses contribute to a strong rush of blood to the pelvis.

1. Sources of Yohimbine

First, let's look at the names. There is Yohimbe - this is the tree itself, and the bark of this tree contains the alkaloid Yohimbine, which has an effect on the body, otherwise called quebraquin - a plant alkaloid with a stimulating effect, an aphrodisiac obtained from the bark of the Yohimbe plant. Used for weight loss, drying muscles, increasing libido in men and women.

The formula of the substance is C21H26O3N2. In its pure form it is colorless crystals with a melting point of 235-237 ° C. It is poorly soluble in water, well in alcohol. The study of this group of alkaloids was stimulated by the search for the active principle of a well-known veterinary drug, the so-called “Equine pathogen”.

Yohimbine is the main alkaloid of the Yohimbe tree (Pausinystalia johimbe Pierre ex Beille), of the Rubiaceae family, growing in central Africa; yohimbine is also obtained from the bark of the South American plants White quebracho (Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Schltr.) and Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. ex Kurz), family Kutrovye (Apocynaceae). Yohimbe bark contains 0.5-1.5% indole alkaloids. The main alkaloid is yohimbine, the rest are isomers of yohimbine, ajmalicine, alloyohimbin, corynantheine, dihydrocorynanthen, corynantine (rauhimbin).

2. Effects of yohimbine on the human body

2.1. The effect of yohimbine on the human nervous system

The main and most studied mechanism of yohimbine's effect on the body is the ability of yohimbine to suppress alpha2-adrenergic receptors. By suppressing these receptors, yohimbine increases the level of norepinephrine in the body, which causes the heart to beat faster, blood circulation improves, and motor activity increases.

When used systematically, yohimbine inhibits MAO (monoamine oxidase) and this gives a pronounced antidepressant effect - your mood improves, life begins to play with new colors even in cloudy autumn weather.

Good tolerability and rapid rate of absorption and excretion of the substance were established. When consumed with fatty foods, a decrease in blood concentration was observed. Scientists have shown that even high doses do not lead to the development of side effects, moderately increasing the heart rate and breathing, while lowering blood pressure. Yohimbine had a significant effect on the psyche, initiating a number of psychostimulating effects: excitement, improved mood, etc.

2.2. Effect of yohimbine on appetite.

Back in 1984, scientists conducted an experiment using yohimbine on mice; it turned out that yohimbine suppresses appetite in both fat (suffering from hereditary obesity) and ordinary mice. This is explained by the effect of yohimbine on the above-mentioned alpha2-adrenergic receptors. In this study, it was found that 2.4-4.6 mg of yohimbine/kg body weight reduced the food consumed by rodents by 49-62% in the first days and by 56-72% on the 13th day of the experiment. The mice drank water in the same normal quantities.

2.3. The effects of yohimbine on the genital area.

Yohimbine causes sexual arousal in both men and women, since its mechanism of action is associated with the stimulation of the nerve endings of the spinal cord, which are responsible for sexual arousal. The second mechanism of excitation is associated with the ability of yohimbine to greatly increase blood circulation in the pelvic area - in men this causes an erection, in women the release of lubrication and increased sensitivity. Improves psycho-emotional background and sexual sensations, helps eliminate feelings of discomfort, uncertainty, stiffness and fear. Increases libido and potency. Weakens the effect of serotonin, the excess content of which in the body causes depression and nervousness. A very important point - yohimbine increases libido in men and women, without affecting testosterone levels.

Yohimbe effect on men.

Yohimbe (or yohimbine) stimulates potency, enriches sexual sensations, enhances orgasm, helps control ejaculation and significantly prolongs sexual intercourse, has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, stimulates the centers of the lumbar spinal cord that control erection; increases energy and endurance, improves overall well-being.

Yohimbe is recommended for use by men seeking to achieve new levels of satisfaction in their sexual life or suffering from various forms of secondary sexual disorders, as well as people engaged in vigorous physical activity. Used for chronic fatigue syndrome, increases endurance during physical activity.

The effect of yohimbe is very effective, as it does not depend on the physical and mental state of a person (fatigue, stress, depression). However, it is not recommended to take yohimbine with Viagra/Levitra/Cialis on the same day at the same time.

Yohimbe effect on women.

Yohimbe extract is a powerful aphrodisiac, that is, a substance that has a stimulating effect on sexual activity. Aphrodisiacs affect men and women. Yohimbe leads to vasodilation and a powerful flow of blood to the genitals, while simultaneously slowing down its outflow. This effect is associated with the expansion of pelvic vessels in both men and women. In combination with increased blood flow in the pelvis, Yohimbe affects the adrenergic receptors of the brain, which leads to increased activity of the sexual arousal center located in the spinal cord. The effect on brain structures is also expressed in the elimination of feelings of uncertainty, constraint and fear. Thanks to psycho-emotional liberation, Yohimbe enhances feelings of intimacy, giving sexual contact bright colors.

First of all, it is recommended to take it for women suffering from frigidity. Yohimbe also gives an excellent effect when a woman does not want intimacy due to depression, stress and other strong psycho-emotional stress. In this case, yohimbe eliminates anxiety and uncertainty, including natural pleasure centers, which causes an increase in libido in women. In addition, yohimbe increases the synthesis of vaginal secretions, relieving the problem of vaginal dryness during sexual intercourse.

Yohimbe will perfectly help women cope with sexual dysfunction that has developed as a result of the use of drugs that lower blood pressure. In this case, the substance yohimbe eliminates the effects of antihypertensive drugs on the central nervous system, due to which natural sexual desires return.

In addition to using yohimbe for medicinal purposes, you can use the supplement simply as a sexual stimulant in absolutely healthy men and women. In this case, partners will receive amazing sensations, more vivid orgasms and enjoy unforgettable intimacy.

2.4. The effects of yohimbine on a person's weight or yohimbine for weight loss.

Let's first look at the weight loss process itself. Otherwise, sometimes it hurts to look at the poor guy in the gym who is trying to lose excess weight from his stomach by doing abdominal exercises. So, spot reduction of fat is impossible! This means that when a person goes on a diet, he loses fat from all areas, and not from just one specific one. The fact is that fat is stored in cells (liposomes) in a substance called triglycerides. Under the influence of two stress hormones (adrenaline and norepinephrine), the breakdown into glycerol and fatty acids begins. This is called lipolysis. The resulting substances begin their journey through the bloodstream until they are used by the body as energy, or, if such a need no longer exists, they return to their original state (fat). Now you understand that fat breakdown is a pure chemical reaction that is triggered by hormones. And they travel through the blood that washes our entire body. It is impossible to force blood to wash only the abs and, accordingly, it is impossible to force hormones to break down fat only in one place that is priority for you.

Adrenaline and norepinephrine interact with tissues and organs through a number of receptors. To simplify, let's consider the main ones - alpha2-adrenergic receptors and beta3-adrenergic receptors. Beta receptors cause lipolysis (reduction in fat cell size), and alpha receptors “pull the rope” to their side and prevent fat burning. What does yohimbine have to do with it, you’ve been thinking for the 3rd minute. And yohimbine (and pure yohimbine hydrochloride) blocks alpha receptors, thereby reducing the fat-suppressing effect of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Therefore, yohimbine, taken an hour before training, stops alpha receptors and increases the effectiveness of your workout significantly! If you take yohimbine immediately before training, you will experience a more powerful release of norepinephrine, which does not occur during normal training. As a result of the studies, it was proven that the content of fatty acids in the blood of exercisers after taking yohimbine becomes twice as high. Then these fatty acids are safely burned and you lose that very hated fat.

Many experts claim that problem areas, so-called fat deposits, form in the abdomen, legs and thighs. This is due to the fact that there are much more alpha-adrenergic cellular receptors in these places. And yohimbine is unique precisely in that it blocks them - i.e. fat will be burned exactly where we need it.

It should also be taken into account that yohimbine “fights” with insulin for the same receptors and insulin always “wins”. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of yohimbine, it is recommended to take it either on an empty stomach or an hour after eating and not to eat carbohydrates during the action of yohimbine (do not eat sweets, potatoes, white bread, pastries, pasta). You can eat meat. Fatty foods do not neutralize yohimbine like carbohydrate foods, but they reduce the rate of absorption. Looks like we've sorted it out.

3. How to take Achiv with Yohimbe
Achieve with Yohimbe


As we have already found out above, the most suitable time to take the drug is morning. Yohimbine is taken on an empty stomach before training. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached approximately 45-75 minutes after administration. In plasma, 82% of yohimbine is protein bound. Evenly distributed in tissues. Metabolized in and outside the liver. The half-life of yohimbine after a single dose is from 0.25 to 2.5 hours. After 24 hours, yohimbine is practically undetectable in the urine. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys. When the drug is administered orally in recommended doses, drug accumulation does not occur.


Disorders of sexual manifestations of libido in men can be caused by a number of factors, and in order to determine the true cause of the pathology, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Treatment of physiological erectile dysfunction requires the use of therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the cause of the problem. The influence of psychogenic factors can be eliminated with the help of dietary supplements, which have a restorative and tonic effect on the entire body.

What is Yohimbine hydrochloride

Quebraquine or yohimbine is a plant alkaloid obtained from the bark of the yohimbe tree and has a stimulating effect on the human body. The drug Yohimbine hydrochloride is used to treat psychogenic erectile dysfunction and as a fat burner in sports nutrition. The effect of the active substance of the drug has been studied in detail to determine whether it has a harmful effect on the body. The study results revealed good tolerability of the drug and the absence of significant side effects.

Yohimbine has a pronounced symptomtolytic effect (opposite to the action of the sympathetic nervous system), due to which it has an antidepressant effect and, in small doses, helps improve sleep and remember dreams. The drug belongs to the group of adrenergic stimulants that have a significant effect on the basic functions of the body. In addition to the stimulating effect, the active ingredient of the drug has the following positive properties:

  • pronounced lipolytic effect, which manifests itself in blocking alpha receptors responsible for fat accumulation;
  • stimulating the production of testosterone (the main male sex hormone);
  • normalization of cognitive functions (memory, attention, imagination).

Composition and release form

The potency stimulant Yohimbine hydrochloride is available in the form of tablets, the color of which varies from white to white-yellow. Pills are packaged in 50 pcs. in plastic containers. One tablet contains 5 mg of yohimbine hydrochloride and auxiliary components:




Alkaloid of the yohimbe tree, native to Africa, an aphrodisiac

Potato starch

Pharmacologically neutral drug excipient

Calcium stearate

Emulsifier, used to stabilize the compound of naturally immiscible substances


Filler, crystallization mixture of lactose monohydrate and cellulose powder


Tablet shell made of cellulose raw materials, designed to protect against premature absorption of the active substance in the stomach

Pharmacological properties

According to its pharmacological action, the drug belongs to alpha2-adrenergic blockers (drugs that are capable of shielding alpha-adrenergic receptors from contact with a mediator circulating in the blood). The mechanism of action of yohimbine is to prevent the passage of impulses through adrenergic synapses, thereby causing dilation of arterioles and precapillaries. The active substance affects predominantly presynaptic central and peripheral alpha2-adrenergic receptors.

An increase in the flow of sympathetic impulses from the central nervous system leads to a sympathomimetic (stimulating) effect, due to which motor activity increases and the ability to have sexual intercourse is restored. The drug eliminates inhibition of erection caused by a delay in the release of adrenaline due to stimulation of alpha2-adrenergic receptors. Disinhibition of the spinal centers, which occurs under the influence of the active component, promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs and blood supply to the cavernous bodies.

The active substance of the drug has a high rate of absorption and excretion. Complete absorption of yohimbine in the digestive tract occurs within an hour after taking the medicine. There is no cumulative effect when using the product in the recommended dosage. Reaching maximum concentration in the blood plasma, the active component of the tablets binds to proteins and is metabolized in the liver, where 80% of the drug compound is broken down. The half-life of yohimbine ranges from 0.25 hours to 2.5 hours.

Indications for use

The pharmacological properties of Yohimbine hydrochloride determine the scope of its use in therapeutic practice. The drug is intended for the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men. This drug is not prescribed to women, but the use of an adrenergic stimulant in minimal doses is not prohibited. Representatives of the fairer sex can use yohimbine as a fat burning agent after prior consultation with a doctor. Direct indications for the use of the drug, according to the instructions, are:

  • psychogenic impotence (erectile dysfunction arising from psychological factors);
  • functional impotence (persistent erectile dysfunction, the determining factor of which is physiological reasons);
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • atony of the bladder (loss of tone of the bladder walls, loss of urinary continence);
  • menopause in men (age-related impairment of the functionality of the gonads);
  • decreased libido (sexual function disorder, which is characterized by weak sexual desire);
  • anorgasmia (sexual disorder manifested in the inability to achieve orgasm).

Instructions for use of Yohimbine hydrochloride

Due to the fact that the adrenergic stimulant has a pronounced effect and affects the main systems of the body, instructions on how to take Yohimbine should be provided by the doctor who prescribed these tablets. Dosage is based on the patient's health, age, and known response to stimulants. Instructions for use contain general recommendations on the method of administration and dosage regimen.

The tablets are intended for oral use. Take the pills by swallowing the whole tablet and drinking a glass of water at room temperature. It is recommended to take the medication during meals. The duration of treatment should not exceed 10 weeks, during which the drug is used daily 1 to 3 times a day. If the desired effect occurs and there are no negative reactions from the body, treatment can be continued after a break of at least 2.5 months.

In the absence of a positive result or if an undesirable effect of the active substance of the drug on the body is detected, it is not advisable to continue taking the stimulant. If there are no changes in the condition for 4-5 weeks, you should consult a specialist in order to identify the true cause of dysfunctional disorders, which may be urological diseases, endocrine disorders, etc.


The maximum daily dose of the drug indicated in the instructions is 6 tablets, and a single dose is 2 tablets. Exceeding the recommended dosage will not speed up the onset of the expected effect from taking the stimulant, but may lead to overdose symptoms, which include:

  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • generalized paresthesia (manifests as a feeling of anxiety, loss of clarity of vision, impaired sensitivity);
  • increased sweating, lacrimation, salivation;
  • a significant increase in the level of norepinephrine in the blood plasma (feels like anxiety, causeless fear, rapid heartbeat);
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • memory disorder;
  • mydriasis (dilation of the pupil) in the absence of physiologically justified reasons (such as decreased light levels);
  • tremor;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • Strong headache;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting.

To eliminate the symptoms of an overdose of Yohimbine, an antidote is used, which is Clonidine. This drug is an alpha2-adrenergic receptor stimulant and has a hypotensive effect. Clinical manifestations of intoxication are eliminated immediately by consuming 0.1-0.2 mg of Clonidine. To stop panic attacks and hallucinations, benzodiazepines (psychoactive substances that have a sedative effect) are prescribed.

Side effects

The results of clinical observations indicate that the adrenergic stimulant is well tolerated by patients. The stimulating effect of the drug is manifested in fluctuations in blood pressure (BP), skin hyperemia, and increased agitation. The risk of negative effects increases with the concomitant use of other stimulants. The instructions for use of Yohimbine hydrochloride tablets indicate the following possible side effects of the drug:

  • headache, migraine;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • cramping pain in the epigastric region (gastralgia);
  • giving;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • hand tremors;
  • orthostatic hypotension (dizziness with a sudden change in body position);
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • periodic increase in blood pressure;
  • rapid heartbeat (tachycardia);
  • priapism (painful erection not associated with sexual desire).

If one or more signs of a side effect of the drug are detected, you must stop treatment and consult a doctor to determine the nature of the detected disorders. If the symptoms do not indicate intoxication of the body, there is no need to take an antidote, and after you feel better, treatment can be continued.


The peculiarities of the effect of an adrenergic stimulant on the body make its use dangerous for persons with disorders of the cardiovascular and excretory systems. The drug is not used in pediatric practice. Absolute contraindications to the use of Yohimbine are:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • severe renal or liver failure;
  • hypolactasia (inability to digest lactose);
  • allergy to tablet components;
  • simultaneous use of adrenergic stimulants and adrenergic agonists.

In the presence of some diseases, taking the medicine is allowed, but constant medical supervision and dosage adjustment are required. Yohimbine hydrochloride has the following relative contraindications:

  • cardiovascular pathologies (coronary heart disease (CHD), tachyarrhythmia);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • mental disorders;
  • increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma).

Drug interactions

Yohimbine hydrochloride, interacting with drugs of other groups, can provoke reactions, the results of which are presented in the table:

Group of drugs

Result of interaction


Potentiation of the action of antidepressants, increasing the risk of side effects


Antihypertensive drugs

Changes in the activity of blood pressure-lowering drugs


Adrenergic stimulant reduces the activity of anxiolytic


The level of Yohimbine in the blood plasma increases


You can buy an adrenergic stimulant based on yohimbine in city pharmacies or in sports nutrition stores. It is also possible to order tablets from online stores. The drug is dispensed upon presentation of a prescription written by a doctor, which should be taken into account when placing an order. The cost of a package containing 50 pcs. tablets, in Moscow and St. Petersburg varies from 208 to 415 rubles. The recommended average price of Yohimbine hydrochloride is 396 rubles.

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