Can thrush cause inflammation? Causes, signs and symptoms of thrush in women Candida as a cause of ovarian inflammation

The symptoms of chronic inflammation are remarkably similar to many of those caused by thrush. Fatigue, joint pain, digestive problems, and allergies can all be caused by inflammation, and they are, of course, part of the daily lives of many people with thrush. But considering these two processes separately is actually the wrong approach. This is because there is a powerful connection between chronic inflammation and thrush.

Byproducts produced by Candida include acetaldehyde, ammonia and uric acid. These harmful substances (along with a long list of other toxins) enter the bloodstream and cause a wide variety of symptoms. The inflammatory response is the body's way of fighting thrush and its byproducts. This inflammation contributes to many of the symptoms regularly associated with thrush.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is a sign that the body is trying to heal itself, such as after an injury or when harmful pathogens try to enter the human system. This is different from an infection. Infection is the result of bacteria, viruses or fungi, while inflammation is caused by the body's own. Inflammation is actually the body's way of dealing with injury or infection.

There are two main types of inflammation. Acute inflammation most people are familiar with, usually caused by a short-term illness or injury. This type of inflammation comes on quickly, is often localized, and disappears after a couple of days or a week. Chronic inflammation, however, is inflammation that lasts for a longer period of time, ranging from several months to several years. Symptoms of chronic inflammation include congestion, joint pain, weakened immune system, digestive problems and even weight gain. In the long term, this can be a debilitating and even life-threatening condition.

How do we know that thrush causes inflammation? A review of current research on thrush and inflammation found that “Candida colonization delays the healing of inflammatory lesions and inflammation causes microbial contamination. These effects can create a vicious cycle in which low-level inflammation causes fungal microbial contamination, and fungal microbial contamination causes further inflammation." So Candida Albicans not only causes inflammation; it also uses inflammation to colonize the digestive tract.

The Right Diet Can Reduce Inflammation

Certain types of food increase the risk of inflammation. These include trans fats, sugar, white bread and alcohol. It is these foods that should not be consumed on a diet when treating thrush.

To reduce inflammation, research suggests it's best to eat more vegetables, meats and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in walnuts, flaxseeds and fish oil. You can also add additional ginger and turmeric, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties.

If you follow a diet when treating thrush, any inflammation caused by an improper diet will decrease. This is because inflammatory foods are eliminated from the diet.

Be kind to your body

How you feel about your body in general can also affect inflammation. Obesity increases the risk of inflammation in the intestines, and this inflammation promotes the colonization of Candida fungi. It's a good idea to keep your weight under control, and cutting down on sugar intake is a great first step.

Getting enough exercise is also important as it reduces the levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the body. CRP is the body's marker for inflammation, and the higher the levels of this protein in the body, the more likely it is that the body is suffering from inflammation.

Thrush sufferers should always be careful not to overdo exercise, as intense exercise can weaken the immune system. However, activities such as yoga and walking can improve blood circulation and speed up the elimination of toxins. In addition, exercise helps you shed extra pounds and is good for your heart, respiratory system, and mind.

Research has shown that stress can also increase CRP levels in the body. And, as we know, chronic stress is one of the main causes of thrush. If you want to lower these levels and reduce inflammation, you need to find a way to relax.

Sports are a great way to cope with stress and anger. Try meditation or breathing exercises when you need to relax. Do things you love to do to keep your mind calm. Get quality sleep to feel rested. When fatigue sets in, you have no strength to cope with normal everyday activities, much less with thrush.

Thrush is sometimes treated like a mild runny nose. When I heard this diagnosis, I tensed up in anticipation of strategies and tactics to eradicate the infection. But the doctor at the district clinic waved her hand languidly: “Go! Never mind.” Why then do they obsessively advertise drugs that will instantly get rid of this disease? Still, is she sick or unwell, we asked gynecologist Tatyana Zhuravleva.

– Tatyana Stanislavovna, is thrush transmitted sexually?
– Children and adolescents, virgins, women who have not had sexual intercourse for a long time also often suffer from thrush, as do ladies in the heat of sexual intercourse. Therefore, in most cases, thrush is a symptom of problems in the body. Just because you have candidiasis doesn't mean you won't infect your partner with it. Again, sexually transmitted infectious diseases such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, and mycoplasmosis contribute to its manifestation. So this disease is on the verge.

– How does it get into our body?
“She doesn’t come from anywhere, she’s always with us.” Thrush is most often caused by Candida, a type of fungus that is normally present in the body. Candida is present on the skin and mucous membranes (mouth and intestines) of most healthy people. Under certain conditions, this fungus becomes aggressive and begins to multiply rapidly, which leads to thrush, which causes an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

– What conditions favor its appearance?
– The first sign is decreased immunity. The growth of fungus can be provoked by taking antibiotics, which destroy not only harmful bacteria, but also beneficial organisms that control the growth of yeast, sudden climate change, stress, and previously suffered sexually transmitted diseases. Candida is also activated in endocrine disorders, for example, diabetes mellitus contributes to the creation of an acidic environment due to the presence of high blood sugar levels, HIV infection, and also during pregnancy, especially in the last three months. This is due to increased levels of sex hormones, which lead to a change in the vaginal microflora from moderately acidic to highly alkaline, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of fungi.
In addition, hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman lead to a decrease in immunity and the activity of leukocytes, which also contributes to increased proliferation of the fungus in the genital tract of the expectant mother. The pathogen can affect many organs and systems of the fetus, but is more often limited to the umbilical cord, skin, oral mucosa and bronchopulmonary system. If the microbe spreads significantly, the consequences for the fetus can be severe, even death.
By the way, it feeds yeast fungi, causing their active growth, and taking birth control pills.
Recent studies have found that women with recurrent vaginal yeast infections are also prone to seasonal pollen allergies. Therefore, if standard treatment is not effective, then you should consult an allergist. During treatment, sexual intercourse and the use of antibiotics should be avoided.

Candidiasis (thrush)
– an inflammatory fungal disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes, the genitourinary and other (respiratory, digestive, nervous) systems of humans. Candidiasis is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

– What is the standard treatment for thrush?

– There are many drugs. Some are used topically: cream, vaginal tablets or suppositories, others are used orally: tablets or capsules. Some are contraindicated during pregnancy. It is important to remember that all drugs for the treatment of candidiasis should be prescribed by the attending physician, based on the individual characteristics of the woman - a tendency to allergies, the condition of the liver and kidneys, and the characteristics of pregnancy. Otherwise, the farewell to thrush promised by advertising may drag on for a long time, and none of the many drugs will provide a guarantee against subsequent relapses.

Self-medication during pregnancy can be dangerous for both the woman and the baby! But it is a fact that simultaneously with treating thrush it is necessary to look for and eliminate the cause of immunodeficiency and strengthen one’s own microflora. By the way, thrush is often combined and also has similar symptoms with other infections of the genitourinary organs: trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, genital herpes. Symptomatic treatment based on external signs alone, based on guesswork about the internal cause of the disease, is at best ineffective.

– Folk remedies such as a 5-10% solution of borax in glycerin topically (in the vagina), as well as brilliant green, are considered more gentle.
– They act only on the surface, stopping the growth of fungi and reducing the symptoms of itching and discharge, but do not destroy the pathogen. They have no side effects and are used in the treatment of candidiasis in the first trimester of pregnancy, when taking almost any medications is contraindicated. Using a gauze swab treated with one of these solutions, wipe the vaginal walls overnight. Baths with sea salt are also useful. You should not exclude multivitamins, since hypovitaminosis is a very common cause of immunodeficiency and a favorable background for the development of side effects of medications.

– What do you think about prescribing dietary supplements for the treatment of this disease? The entire Internet is replete with advertisements for the use of drugs with bacteria inside or on tampons.
– Their effectiveness in treating thrush has not been proven. You should also be careful with drugs that stimulate the immune system. And there is no need to treat your husband for thrush if he is healthy.

– Do men get thrush too?
- Yes. True, candidiasis occurs 10 times more often in women than in men. Physiologically, fungi of the Candida family take root very poorly on the male genital organs; the fungus is simply washed out of the urethra with urine. Therefore, the manifestations of this disease in men are a rather alarming symptom, indicating a decrease in the body’s immune defense or the presence of other sexually transmitted infections. But in both cases, thrush manifests itself by burning and itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia, pain during sexual intercourse, and urination. In men - a white coating on the head of the penis, in women - cheesy discharge from the vagina.
The acute form of the disease lasts about two months, when the fungus quickly multiplies in an environment favorable to it and forms foci of inflammation in the vagina and external genitalia. If treatment for thrush is not started in a timely manner, candidiasis can become chronic. Due to their high adaptability, microorganisms are able to hide from the effects of drugs: they penetrate into the cells of multilayered epithelium, where they can exist unhindered for a long time.
Yeast-like fungi affect not only the external and internal genital organs, but also others. As a rule, such patients are diagnosed with dysbiosis and various gynecological diseases that reduce local immunity. Often a secondary infection occurs, sexually transmitted (mycoplasmosis, viral infections), and then the diagnosis of thrush becomes significantly more difficult. Chronic thrush is more difficult to treat, and an advanced form can lead to serious complications: pelvic inflammation, adhesions, infertility, and intrauterine infection of the fetus. By the way, infection with thrush by the mother of a newborn occurs in 70% of cases.

– But thrush is not a fatal disease?
– No, but it can cause complications such as inflammation of the urethra and bladder, damage to the cervix, spread of infection beyond the genitals, including damage to large areas of skin and mucous membranes.

– Is it true that tight underwear can also cause thrush?
– Wearing tight-fitting synthetic underwear, tight-fitting synthetic trousers, overuse of panty liners and tampons prevent the penetration of oxygen. The fact is that normally the vagina maintains an acidic, oxygen-rich environment, favorable for the proliferation of lactic bacteria. When environmental conditions change - the absence of oxygen and alkalization - lactic bacteria are replaced by those for whom these conditions are favorable: gardnerella and other bacteria that live in an alkaline environment and do not use oxygen.

– Does diet, for example, excessive consumption of flour and sweets, play a role in the development of the disease?
– If you are diagnosed with thrush, you will have to limit sweets, flour, spicy foods and love bifido products. Of the so-called probiotics - preparations containing normal bacteria that should normally live in the body, only bifidobacteria preparations can be taken. It is necessary to introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables, porridge and cottage cheese into the menu, drink kefir, fermented baked milk, Varenets, and yogurt. The disease can also be provoked by fasting, excessive exercise, going to the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool.

– Is there a way to prevent thrush?
– So that thrush does not affect your quality of life, does not dictate your behavior in intimate relationships, promptly treat various diseases of the genitourinary system, observe the rules of personal hygiene, do not neglect contraception, and do not get hypothermic.

Larisa Sinenko

Today, one of the most common urogenital diseases is thrush in women, the symptoms of which significantly worsen the quality of life of the fair half of humanity.

Thrush, or candidiasis, is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi, a certain amount of which functions in the human body throughout life. In conditions favorable for reproduction, the number of these microorganisms actively grows, provoking the development of the disease.

According to medical statistics, of all types of disease, vaginal candidiasis is the most common, the symptoms of which appear both in women who are sexually active and in girls before puberty. Laboratory studies have revealed the similarity of vaginal and intestinal samples of candida in patients of different ages, which indicates different routes of infection.

What is thrush in women? This is an inflammatory process in the vagina, an imbalance of microorganisms that produce lactic acid and fungi, when the number of the latter increases sharply. Several factors can contribute to the growth of fungi.

Reasons for appearance

Why does thrush occur? Modern gynecology identifies several reasons for the occurrence of this disease in a woman’s body. Often the causes of thrush in women are due to:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • stress and nervous tension.

Overwork, weakened immunity due to taking antibiotics, birth control pills or other hormonal drugs, pregnancy, metabolic disorders, sexually transmitted and chronic diseases lead to the growth of a colony of Candida fungi.

Stress and increased anxiety reduce the body's resistance to various diseases. Frequent viral diseases, poor diet, lack of physical activity and bad habits lead to a decrease in the overall tone of the body, metabolic disorders and other health problems.

Taking antibiotics also negatively affects the entire body. While saving you from a dangerous infection, antimicrobial drugs also destroy all beneficial bacteria, which leads to the suppression of the body’s protective functions and at the same time creates conditions for the development of a fungal infection.

The use of hormonal drugs, as well as pregnancy, is accompanied by an increase in progesterone levels, which contributes to changes in the composition of the microflora and prepares an environment favorable for the proliferation of the fungus. Candidiasis is very dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the baby. If the expectant mother is not provided with qualified assistance in a timely manner, then as a result, she may infect her child as he passes through the birth canal.

Gynecologists indicate that symptoms of thrush in a woman can occur when changing sexual partners, even if he has no signs of the disease. Men often suffer from this disease asymptomatically, being only carriers of the infection. Therefore, in order to cure candidiasis and avoid its relapses in the future, both partners must undergo a course of treatment.

In addition, doctors point out that more serious sexually transmitted infections are often masked under the guise of thrush. They can occur in parallel with a fungal disease and, if diagnosed incorrectly, cause serious complications. Such infections include:

To determine a clear treatment regimen, you should undergo all the necessary tests and strictly follow the doctor’s prescriptions.

The frequency of thrush is influenced by the presence of chronic diseases in a woman. Patients suffering from liver cirrhosis, chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis and those with HIV status are prone to relapses.

The causes of thrush in women are varied; identifying the main one in a specific clinical case can be quite difficult. This can only be done at an appointment with a gynecologist.

Characteristic symptoms

How does thrush manifest in women? The first signs of this disease appear clearly:

Many gynecologists urge you to refrain from intimacy during treatment in order to prevent injury to the inflamed mucosa.

The occurrence of thrush in women, its symptoms and treatment are always interrelated. Treatment of chronic candidiasis will differ from those prescribed for primary infection. Therefore, if you suspect the development of this disease, you must first consult a doctor.


In order to find out how to treat candidiasis, you need to consult a specialist. Making an accurate diagnosis depends on the complete clinical picture that the doctor will draw up, based on test results and data from a gynecological examination in the chair. Self-medication in this case is very dangerous. This can lead to the development of severe forms of chronic candidiasis, provoke the spread of infection to other organs and tissues of the body, and cause complications in the treatment of concomitant infections.

At an appointment with a gynecologist, the patient needs to be prepared to answer in detail all the questions he will ask. In this case, you should be as frank as possible, because the treatment plan and the outcome in the fight against thrush directly depend on this.


Detection of thrush in women and treatment of this disease in the early stages of the disease guarantees a quick recovery. This should be taken with full responsibility. If you have symptoms of thrush, you need to seek help as soon as possible. This will help cure candidiasis in a matter of days, avoid relapses and get rid of annoying symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of thrush in women consists of normalizing the vaginal microflora and reducing the number of the causative fungus. Your doctor may prescribe oral antifungal or antimicrobial medications or combination topical medications:

  • ointments;
  • creams;

The best one in this particular case will be the one that the doctor prescribed individually.

The use of medications initially prescribed by a doctor may be useless or ineffective if used repeatedly. This happens because some types of fungi can develop resistance to the components included in the drugs. An interrupted course of treatment, non-compliance with doctor's recommendations, incorrect dosages of medications and self-medication can cause the development of chronic candidiasis, lead to diseases of the cervix, and cause inflammation of the bladder and urethra.

There are several ways to reduce the manifestations of thrush if an appointment with a gynecologist is not possible in the near future for some reason. Frequent washing with the addition of baking soda will eliminate severe itching and soothe irritated mucous membranes. You can relieve pain with baby powder or cream.

At the first signs of infection, it is necessary to follow a diet and eat properly, limit the consumption of sweet and spicy foods, flour products, carbonated drinks, it is better to eat more vegetables, fruits, and drink more water. It is worth giving up sexual intercourse, eliminating heavy physical activity, and getting more rest.


In order to prevent thrush from appearing in the vagina, you must first follow the rules of personal hygiene:

  1. During menstruation, you should use tampons for no more than 4 hours at a time, and change pads when they are full.
  2. Each woman should have individual personal hygiene products: towels, napkins. They should always be dry and clean.
  3. There is no need to use antibacterial intimate hygiene products or toilet paper with a strong odor and bright color. This can increase the acidity of the microflora.
  4. It is recommended to wear loose, non-tight clothing made from natural fabrics, and avoid wearing tight synthetic tights and trousers. Among the variety of underwear models, it is worth choosing women's cotton panties; it is better to avoid thongs altogether.
  5. Treatment with antibiotics should be accompanied by the use of probiotics, which protect the intestinal microflora from possible changes. Taking hormonal medications should be under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment of chronic diseases, as well as sexually transmitted infections, must be carried out in a timely manner.

Thus, the essence of treating candidiasis lies in a correct lifestyle, compliance with personal hygiene rules and timely consultation with a doctor.

Most likely, these simple rules will help reduce the number of relapses of the disease or completely forget about such a nuisance as thrush.

Thrush or candidiasis is an infection caused by a fungus of the genus candida. In general, it is not a terrible, but very nasty itchy phenomenon that can occur both in the vagina in women and on the penis in men. The itching can be so severe that the person literally jumps up and has an irresistible desire to scratch a certain place.

Why did this fungal infection get such a “milk” name? It's very simple: if candidiasis affects the vagina, whitish cheesy “flakes” appear inside it, which then turn into discharge of the same color.

If the fungus settles on the penis, it becomes covered with a white “milky” coating. In this case, the genitals itch equally and constantly in both sexes.

The reasons for its occurrence

In both girls and women, the normal environment in the vagina is moderately acidic: its microflora consists mainly of lactobacilli. As long as such an environment inside the vagina remains, and lactobacilli multiply and function normally, they create a kind of barrier to the development of a fungal infection.

The hormone estrogen is responsible for favorable living conditions for lactic acid bacteria in the female body: its balanced production contributes to the formation of natural microflora.

It has been proven that spores of fungi of the genus candida normally also colonize the vagina in small quantities. Only, while lactobacilli are in force, the number of these spores is insignificant, so a person does not feel their presence in any way.

If a change occurs in the vaginal microflora, the number of lactobacilli decreases significantly, the acidity level increases and the environment becomes extremely favorable for the proliferation of fungi. As a result, candida becomes active, begins to grow and multiply - thrush occurs.

Taking antibiotics

All other things being equal, if a person is generally healthy, thrush most often develops after antibiotics. Even a gynecologist or urologist who discovers thrush in a patient who does not suffer from chronic diseases first of all asks the question: “Have you taken antibiotics recently?”

In destroying harmful bacteria, these potent drugs do not act on the principle of “target strikes”. They kill all bacteria that are not resistant to this type of antibiotic. Therefore, the “beneficial inhabitants” of the microflora living in the intestines, vagina, mouth and even on the skin can suffer.

The consequence of the death of lactobacilli, as noted above, is a change in the microflora of the internal environment of the body in an acidic direction, and this contributes to the proliferation of the fungus.

Thus, in cases of strong or prolonged exposure to antibiotics on the body, thrush can develop not only in the vagina in girls and women, or on the penis in men, but also in the intestines, in the oral cavity, as well as on the surface of the skin and nails.

Having untreated or chronic diseases

Chronic infections, diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) - all these are also causes of thrush. All of these diseases weaken the immune system, affect the natural microflora, and are accompanied by the growth of fungal infections.

Well, STDs also serve as an independent channel for transmitting thrush from person to person. This means that if one of the sexual partners already has it, then the other will most likely get it too.

Weakening of the immune system

A decrease in the body's immune forces associated with stress, hypothermia, vitamin deficiency, and overwork can also lead to candidiasis.

Reduced immunity for any of the above reasons is characterized by changes in hormonal levels, and therefore a violation of the acid-base balance. And we already know: if the microflora changes in an acidic direction, conditions arise for the proliferation of fungi.

Pregnancy period

Pregnant women experience hormonal changes that are so dramatic that they can be compared to a hormonal storm. And not just strong, but also long-lasting.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to acid-base “imbalance”, leading to an increase in the acidity of the vaginal microflora. And as we remember, such an environment is favorable for the development of candidiasis.

Symptoms of thrush

We found out why men and women get thrush and what it is. But what characteristic signs allow us to determine that it is she and not something else?

Actually, milky and cheesy discharge from the vagina or penis is the most important symptom of candidiasis.

In addition to this, thrush may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Since the mucous membrane of the vagina or penis is irritated by the fungus, both women and men may experience extremely unpleasant sensations during urination: burning, pain.
  2. The genital area may become quite red and swollen. In this case, the white coating already mentioned above will appear on top of the reddened mucosa. For men it’s just a coating, for women it’s something like curdled flakes with a slight sour smell.

  1. Sexual relationships cease to be enjoyable: during sexual intercourse, severe discomfort, pain, burning or itching may occur.
  2. In girls, all of the above manifestations of the disease before menstruation can also intensify.

Actually, the listed symptoms of thrush in themselves force it to be treated, since the sensations in its carrier are extremely unpleasant, and the quality of life, including sexual life, is noticeably reduced.

How dangerous is it if left untreated?

To convince you of the need for treatment, here are a few more examples of negative consequences:

  1. Untreated thrush can lead to deeper inflammation of the genitourinary system, for example, in women it can affect the urethra and bladder, and the cervix. In men - provoke inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin.
  2. From the genitals, candidiasis can spread to other parts of the body: the mouth, stomach, intestines, external skin, nails.
  3. Thrush that is not cured during pregnancy is terrible for the unborn baby: while passing through the birth canal, he can become infected with candidiasis from the mother. And since newborns have not yet developed their own immunity, the disease can be very difficult.

Can thrush occur in men?

Yes, and we have already mentioned this more than once. Dear men! Please do not underestimate the danger of candidiasis for you: this is not a purely female disease!

  1. Take care of your health and receive timely treatment for any diseases, because they can weaken your immunity, and this, as we have already understood, is a favorable factor for thrush.
  2. Be vigilant in your sex life, as candidiasis can be contracted from a sexual partner.
  3. Carefully follow the rules of intimate hygiene.

If you become:

  • it became painful to urinate,
  • the head of the penis burns,
  • the skin on the penis itches relentlessly,
  • I feel indecently want to scratch the causal area,
  • the penis is covered with some kind of whitish coating - you know, this is how thrush appears.

These are the most characteristic symptoms and a reason for an urgent visit to the urologist!

What to do if you notice symptoms of candidiasis?

First of all, of course, visit a doctor. Women go to a gynecologist, men go to a urologist. To confirm the diagnosis, a smear is usually taken, which, after laboratory analysis, will give a confident answer, including about the specific type of fungus.

Remember, self-medication, independent choice of medications, as well as the use of all kinds of folk remedies (baths, douches) at home can only aggravate the course of the disease and even lead to complications.

Itching, burning and vaginal discharge are not limited to thrush; they are a frequent companion to other gynecological and urological diseases, such as vaginosis and trichomoniasis.

Therefore, only a doctor can diagnose or deny the presence of thrush, as well as prescribe the correct treatment, based on the results of tests and examinations.

How is thrush treated?

Use of medications

Once the diagnosis is made, antifungal drugs are usually prescribed. Most likely, for women it will be vaginal suppositories (suppositories) of local action, for men - a special ointment, also locally. For prolonged candidiasis, drugs for internal use in tablets can also be prescribed.

Maintaining hygiene and avoiding panty liners

To speed up the treatment of thrush, as well as prevent its recurrence, it is necessary to regularly wash your face and change your underwear. This applies to both women and men. Washing panties in a machine should be done at high temperatures.

Also, ladies are strongly recommended to at least temporarily (or better yet, permanently) stop using panty liners, especially colored and scented ones. It has been proven that they can provoke and even aggravate vaginal candidiasis, as they create a warm, moist environment on their surface.

Pads for critical days should also be chosen without fragrances with the most natural composition, and changed as often as possible. It is also better to avoid tampons until complete recovery.

Avoiding synthetic underwear

Continuing the hygienic topic, we note that the use of synthetic underwear when fighting candidiasis is highly not recommended, since synthetics prevent air circulation in the genital area and create a damp environment favorable for fungi.

Therefore, it is better to choose panties made from natural materials: cotton, linen, bamboo. In general, it is advisable to do this on an ongoing basis, but during the treatment of thrush it is mandatory.

Nutrition correction

In the process of treating thrush, it is necessary to pay attention to diet.

The following should be excluded from the diet or, at a minimum, seriously limited:

  • all types of sweets (replacing them with a moderate amount of fresh fruit);
  • foods rich in starch (potatoes, peas, corn, white rice, as well as white bread and other white flour products);
  • products containing yeast (baked goods, beer) and mold (blue cheese),
  • spicy, sour, pickled and smoked foods,
  • vinegar, ketchup, mustard, soy and other sauces and dressings.

Sugar and starch are an ideal environment for fungi, including candida. And sour and spicy foods, although harmful to fungal colonies, can increase irritation in the perineum.

But kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk products (without sugar!) should, on the contrary, be included in your daily diet.

Monitor your food reactions and monitor your diet. And be healthy!

Video: causes of thrush and its treatment

Update: December 2018

Vaginal candidiasis in women, the so-called thrush, is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa due to the growth of colonies of yeast fungi of the genus Candida.

Taking antibiotics, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, a decrease in the body's defenses after serious illnesses or against the background of prolonged stress or overwork, and poor hygiene are...

Symptoms of the disease can be either bright and intense, or they can be absent or subtle. If thrush is not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, the disease becomes chronic, often recurrent, causing severe discomfort and pain, which significantly worsens the woman’s well-being.

Signs of thrush in women

Since thrush is often asymptomatic, and it often accompanies other gynecological diseases, including hidden sexually transmitted infections, you should contact a qualified specialist to establish the correct diagnosis. With intensive proliferation of pathogenic fungal agents, pronounced thrush occurs in women, the symptoms of which are quite typical:

  • One of the signs of thrush in women is itching and burning in the vagina and in the external genital area. An internal burning sensation is especially intense when a woman crosses her legs; this is one of the tests for thrush ().
  • At the same time, the volume of discharge increases, it becomes white with a sour smell, but there may be no smell.
  • Thrush is characterized by the heterogeneity of the consistency of the discharge; they take the form of small lumps, similar to particles of cottage cheese, as they say, with a curd consistency, hence the name of vaginal candidiasis - thrush.
  • Many women who have been diagnosed with candidiasis complain of an increase in the volume of discharge at night, after various water procedures or after sexual intercourse.
  • A common symptom of thrush in women is redness and swelling of the labia minora and labia majora, spreading to the anus.
  • Inflammation, burning, itching, swelling of the vaginal mucosa provoke pain during sexual intercourse.
  • For the same reason, there may be pain when urinating.
  • It is not uncommon for candidiasis to be erased, when the symptoms of thrush in women are mild and only one of the listed signs may bother you.
  • Thrush in women often goes away on its own during menstruation, since the vaginal microflora becomes more alkaline, unfavorable for fungi.
  • The situation becomes more serious if the disease becomes chronic. Recurrence occurs more than 4 times a year, usually appearing a week before menstruation.
  • Often recurrent thrush is more difficult to treat and leads to complications when the intestines, bladder and other organs and tissues are involved in the pathological process.
  • Thrush often accompanies other infectious diseases, such as genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.

The table presents a comparative description of some symptoms of thrush, trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginitis (gardnerella). These are only the most characteristic symptoms that should not be considered as a diagnosis at all. Even the most experienced doctor, based solely on complaints and examination, cannot exclude the presence of other sexually transmitted infections in a woman, which often accompany thrush, therefore self-diagnosis and self-medication are unacceptable. Only the attending gynecologist should diagnose vaginal candidiasis and prescribe treatment.

Thrush Bacterial vaginitis Trichomoniasis
smell sourish the discharge has a fishy smell unpleasant fishy smell
discharge thick, whitish, reminiscent of cottage cheese, homogeneous, milky, increased amount of discharge liquid gray-whitish, abundant, sometimes foamy discharge is purulent, yellow-green, copious, foamy
discomfort itching and burning in the vagina, discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse and urination, the burning intensifies when a woman sits cross-legged irritation of the mucous membrane and vaginal itching intense external and internal itching, redness of the vaginal mucosa, urination disorders

Diagnosis of thrush

When visiting a gynecologist, a woman should be prepared to answer questions that the doctor may ask her in order to find out the clinical picture and symptoms that concern her:

  • Describe in detail all the symptoms that bother you.
  • When did they first appear?
  • How have the symptoms of the disease changed since their onset?
  • Describe the consistency, smell, color and amount of discharge.
  • What causes your condition to worsen, and what, on the contrary, helps?
  • Have you had similar symptoms before?
  • Have you been treated for any STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) before?
  • How many sexual partners do you have and are you sexually active?
  • How do you protect yourself, what methods of contraception do you use?
  • If you have a regular partner, does he have discharge from the penis?
  • Have you used any antibiotics or other medications recently?
  • Day of the last menstruation, is the cycle regular, how long do periods last and how many days does the menstrual cycle last?
  • Do you use douching, with what means and why? (not recommended because it is both useless and dangerous)
  • What chronic diseases do you have, are you suffering from now or in the past?

After collecting anamnesis, the gynecologist conducts an examination on the chair, taking the cervix.

During a microscopic examination of a smear in women with thrush, fungal mycelium is found in large quantities. However, this is considered a quick method, but not informative, since it does not provide information about the type of fungus that is causing the disease.

To find out the type of fungus, a bacterial culture of the smear should be carried out on special nutrient media, with further determination of the colonies formed, and their sensitivity, the susceptibility of Candida fungi to various. The quantitative factor of detected fungal colonies is also taken into account, since detection of a small amount is the norm with a healthy vaginal microflora.

Clinical studies and observations conducted by specialists indicate that thrush often occurs not as an independent disease, but in combination with other sexually transmitted infections. With thrush in women, the symptoms perfectly mask hidden infections, which have tended to become widespread in recent decades.

Therefore, a differential diagnosis of thrush with gardnerella, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and genital herpes is necessary. To do this, it is enough to consult a venereologist, undergo complex PCR tests for STIs, and also donate blood using the rapid tests RIF and ELISA.

In addition, in case of chronic thrush, the woman should undergo a comprehensive examination, since thrush is often the first to appear, so you should donate blood. If the norm is exceeded, then you need to contact an endocrinologist and continue to follow a diet.

Also, if a woman has thrush, she should be examined by a gastroenterologist - do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, take a blood test, take a stool test for a coprogram, and if there are indications, then undergo an FGS and other diagnostics.

If thrush has already caused complications in the urinary tract, then you should also visit a urologist, take a urethral smear, a Zimnitsky urine test, and an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys.

When should you definitely contact a gynecologist?

Complications of thrush

With chronic thrush, a woman may experience a number of complications:

The spread of fungal infection occurs in the absence of treatment, or a weak immune response to therapy. First of all, the cervix may be susceptible to the development of candidiasis, leading to cervicitis, the bladder - cystitis, and the urethra - urethritis.

The combination of an STI with thrush is especially dangerous; it is fraught with serious inflammatory gynecological processes leading to infertility.

With a slight development, thrush does not cause serious harm to a woman’s health, but constantly worries and creates discomfort for normal sexual life.

Thrush can be the first sign of serious diseases, such as HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, etc. And if, after treating it once, thrush returns, this indicates a weakened immune system, and candidiasis is a signal, indicator, external manifestation of a decrease in the body’s defenses or a violation of metabolic or hormonal processes. ().

In case of recurrent, frequent thrush in women, the symptoms of which are vivid, simultaneously with the treatment of candidiasis, the cause of decreased immunity should be found and eliminated. Otherwise, thrush may occur again and again. In our article, you can learn in detail about the medications used to treat vaginal candidiasis, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of use.

Prevention of thrush in women

First of all, you should always maintain intimate hygiene, do not use tampons for more than 4 hours, often change pads both daily and during menstruation - this is very important!

When using antibiotics () to treat other diseases, you should take various probiotics before and after treatment that normalize the intestinal microflora (all)

Adequate and timely treatment of any diseases, including chronic diseases, STDs or hormonal imbalances.

To prevent thrush, a woman should wear only cotton underwear, avoid tight-fitting, compressive underwear - thongs, tight tights, jeans.

Do not use hygienic antibacterial gels, soaps for intimate hygiene, colored scented toilet paper, which can affect the acidity of the microflora.

If a humid environment causes an exacerbation of thrush in a woman, she should dry herself thoroughly after swimming, not stay in a wet swimsuit for a long time, it is ideal to have a spare dry swimsuit when relaxing on the shore, which you can change into after swimming.

The symptoms of chronic inflammation are remarkably similar to many of those caused by thrush. , joint pain, digestive problems, and allergies can all be caused by inflammation, and they are, of course, part of the daily lives of many people with thrush. But considering these two processes separately is actually the wrong approach. This is because there is a powerful connection between chronic inflammation and thrush.

By-products produced include acetaldehyde, ammonia and uric acid. These harmful substances (along with a long list of others) enter the bloodstream and cause a wide variety of symptoms. The inflammatory response is the body's way of fighting thrush and its byproducts. This inflammation contributes to many of the symptoms regularly associated with thrush.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is a sign that the body is trying to heal itself, such as after an injury or when harmful pathogens try to enter the human system. This is different from an infection. Infection is the result of bacteria, or fungi, while inflammation is caused by the body's own. Inflammation is actually the body's way of dealing with injury or infection.

There are two main types of inflammation. Acute inflammation most people are familiar with, usually caused by a short-term illness or injury. This type of inflammation comes on quickly, is often localized, and disappears after a couple of days or a week. Chronic inflammation, however, is inflammation that lasts for a longer period of time, ranging from several months to several years. Symptoms of chronic inflammation include congestion, joint pain, weakened immune system, digestive problems and even weight gain. In the long term, this can be a debilitating and even life-threatening condition.

How do we know that thrush causes inflammation?
A review of current research on thrush and inflammation found that “Candida colonization delays the healing of inflammatory lesions and inflammation causes microbial contamination. These effects can create a vicious cycle in which low-level inflammation causes fungal microbial contamination, and fungal microbial contamination causes further inflammation." This not only causes inflammation; it also uses inflammation to colonize the digestive tract.

The Right Diet Can Reduce Inflammation

Certain types of food increase the risk of inflammation. These include trans fats, white bread and. These are the products that...

To reduce inflammation, research suggests it's best to eat more vegetables, meats, and foods rich in fat, which can be found in walnuts, flaxseeds, and fish oils. You can also additionally add and, both have anti-inflammatory properties.

If you follow a diet when treating thrush, any inflammation caused by an improper diet will decrease. This is because inflammatory foods are eliminated from the diet.

Be kind to your body

How you feel about your body in general can also affect inflammation. Obesity increases the risk of inflammation in the intestines, and this inflammation promotes the colonization of Candida fungi. It's a good idea to keep your weight under control, and cutting down on sugar intake is a great first step.

Getting enough is also important as it reduces the levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the body. CRP is the body's marker for inflammation, and the higher the levels of this protein in the body, the more likely it is that the body is suffering from inflammation.

Thrush sufferers should always be careful not to overdo exercise, as intense exercise can weaken the immune system. However, activities such as walking can improve blood circulation and speed up the elimination of toxins. In addition, they help you shed extra pounds and are good for heart health, respiratory health, and the mind. stress and anger. Try meditation or breathing exercises when you need to relax. Do things you love to do to keep your mind calm. Get quality sleep to feel rested. When fatigue sets in, you have no strength to cope with normal everyday activities, much less with thrush.

The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL CARE. The author is not responsible for the possible consequences of treatment, procedures, exercises, diet, influence or use of drugs contained on the site. The publication of this information does not replace the advice of your doctor or other health care providers. The reader should consult a physician or other health care professional before undertaking any treatment.

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