What to do to never get sick. How to learn to never get sick? What to do to avoid getting sick

For example: all the norms given in this material are calculated for a 29-year-old man (height 178 cm, weight 75 kg), living in a large city and leading a moderately active lifestyle. If you are fatter, taller, older, etc. - make an amendment.


1. 2½ liters per day

This is the norm of daily fluid intake for a person of average dignity. The main thing is to remember: you will get approximately half of this volume from food. And with glasses and in the form of H2O, you only need to pour 1–1.5 liters into yourself.

Advice: Count not grams, but trips to the toilet: if you drink correctly, you should run to the urinal at least five times a day.

2. Determine your body mass index

I- body mass index
M– your weight, kg
H– your height, m

To understand whether you have become overly fat, square your height (in meters), then divide your weight (in kilograms) by the resulting number. The final number is your body mass index. If the result is in the range of 18.5-24.99, you are normal. Let's make a reservation - this is a very approximate assessment method, suitable only for ordinary people. For example, when calculating BMI, it does not take into account whether the “abnormal” weight is made up of fat or muscle. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is a sick fat man in these coordinates.

3. Combine correctly

30% - proteins
30% - fats
40% - carbohydrates

This is the optimal ratio of proteins/fat/carbohydrates in your diet. What does it mean? Let's say you have the same parameters as the average hero of this publication and your daily intake is about 2500 kcal. This means that you should get 750 kcal each in the form of proteins and fat, and 1000 kcal from carbohydrates.

Advice: if you lose weight, then no more than 1–1.2 kg per week, otherwise you will ruin your health. Evidence is at the link.

4. 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day

A rule popular among nutritionists, compliance with which should provide you with the necessary dose of minerals and trace elements. “A portion” is a handful, a brush (of one hand) with a boat. This is 1 apple, or a heap of spinach leaves, or 6-10 teaspoons of berries (or however many you can fit in a handful). The main words in this rule are “at least 5 servings.” More is possible, and even welcome.

5. Which is correct: prebiotics or probiotics?

Answer: both! Probiotics are any beneficial microorganisms, but we are now interested in those that help digest food (for example, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli from dairy products). And prebiotics are food components that you cannot digest, but bacteria will be happy with them. For a good life, microbes need oligosaccharides and dietary fiber; there are many of them in artichokes, wheat flakes, onions, garlic, bananas (look for other sources of prebiotics on our website).


6. Brush your teeth twice a day

No less, but no more. Why "no more"? Tooth enamel is a rather delicate and fastidious material; it can simply be damaged (erased) by too partial brushing.

Advice: Do not use a brush after eating or drinking acidic foods, such as fruit. They temporarily soften the enamel. Rinse your mouth with water (this stimulates saliva production) and wait 40 minutes so that the calcium contained in saliva strengthens your teeth. Now go through it properly with a brush.

7. 10 minutes of meditation a day

The necessary minimum for the prevention of distress and depression. Let's be clear: the amygdala, the emotional processing center of the brain, is so responsive that it reacts to threats that you haven't even realized or don't consider a personal threat - like news about a flood in Pakistan. But there is too much such news now, the amygdala is spinning like a top, and you are overwhelmed by a wave of anxiety out of the blue. Stop for a while, calm down, stop the top so as not to go crazy.

8. What is correct: if you sneeze, is it better to stay at home or still go to work and please your boss and colleagues?

Answer: sit at home! Otherwise, it will be like this: approaching the office, you will sneeze again, covering your mouth with your hand out of habit. Then you use it to grab the doorknob to enter the building, and as a result, by the end of the day, the virus will be on 50% of the surfaces inside the building. An epidemic will begin in the office, for which no one will thank you.

From the archive: to successfully resist infection, read the text “How to avoid getting sick in winter” on our website:

9. You should spend 20 seconds washing your hands.

Have you seen (at least on TV) how surgeons do this? So you do the same: three carefully, spend at least 2 seconds on each finger, don’t forget about the wrists, the places between the fingers and the space under the nails. And then dry with a paper towel (an electric dryer in a public toilet will blast you with germ-laden air from the environment - do you need that?).

10. The dirtiest things in the world

  • Faucet handles in office kitchen
  • TV remote control in a hotel
  • Refueling nozzle

These are the things on which researchers have found the greatest concentration of pathogenic bacteria. Wash your hands after every contact!

Diagnosis and treatment

11. Health indicators

  • 120/80 - normal blood pressure
  • 140/90 - increased
  • 95/65 - reduced

Everything in between is borderline, and if they are repeated frequently, then this is also a cause for concern.

60-80 beats per minute - normal heart rate (HR).

3½ liters - lung capacity

In heavy smokers, this figure may be halved, shortness of breath will appear, and physical activity will be difficult.

12. Which is correct: take antipyretic drugs or endure until the last minute?

Answer: endure until the last moment - until the moment when the temperature exceeds 39.5º or stays above 38.5 for more than three days. After all, temperature is your main internal medicine. When it rises, the body launches protective reactions inherent in nature, and it is more difficult for viruses/bacteria to survive in a hot environment. And if the time has come to bring down the temperature, do not forget to also call a doctor - self-medication leads to victims.

13. First aid for a fracture

The main thing to remember is that you should not apply a splint or fixation bandage yourself. With an open fracture, sharp edges and fragments of broken bones can damage large vessels and nerve fibers. When closed, without the help of professionals it is generally difficult to determine whether it is a dislocation or a fracture. As first aid, until you get to the emergency room, take a pain reliever and apply ice every 10 minutes for 10 minutes (at least for an hour).

Advice: If you think you are seriously injured, do not drink or eat while the ambulance is traveling. You may need emergency anesthesia, and it cannot be done on a full stomach.

14. 3 signs of a stroke

If you saw that someone seemed to have been hit on the head with a pillow, do not rush to accuse him of excessive drinking, but rather check him. If at least one sign is present, call an ambulance. Also diagnose yourself if something goes wrong.

1. Ask for a smile. A sign of a stroke is a crooked smile due to weakness of the facial muscles on one side of the face.

2. Ask to speak. If the subject speaks illegibly, indistinctly, or simply does not understand the question addressed to him, it may be a stroke.

3. Ask to raise your arms 90° and keep them in that position. If it doesn't hold, call an ambulance.

15. 3 rules for taking medications

1. Keep to the schedule
“Three times a day” means strictly every eight hours, and not as necessary. The main task is to maintain the concentration of the drug in the body at the same level, and this can be achieved by eating the tablets strictly according to the schedule.

2. Wash it down with water
Coca-Cola, lemonade and port are canceled. Any drink that contains sugar, carbon dioxide and anything else can enter into a chemical reaction with the tablet, and pure water is indifferent to drugs.

3. Read the contraindications
And also the principle of action of the drug. For example, if you see effects similar to those of alcohol, beware! If you swallow a couple of decongestant pills that constrict blood vessels and drink strong alcohol, their effects will overlap, and the risk of internal bleeding will increase significantly.


16. Quiet hour rules

A short nap during the day is a great way to perk up and reboot your mind. But what does this vague word “short” mean?

  • 10–20 minutes A classic way to return to life refreshed. You fell asleep shallowly, so you will wake up easily
  • 30 minutes Bad option. It threatens you with so-called sleepy inertia - a state when you wake up and feel exhausted and tired, as if you had a beer hangover.
  • 60 minutes During an hour of sleep, all the recently acquired facts and knowledge fit into your head. If you didn’t sleep the night before the exam, pokemar for at least an hour in the morning.
  • 90 minutes Full-cycle daytime sleep: you have time to be in both the slow-wave sleep phase and the fast sleep phase. You wake up - you are alert, your head is clear, you think quickly and clearly.

17. Don't use gadgets before bed

22 - the level of the sleep hormone melatonin in your blood will decrease by this percentage even late in the evening if you sit at the computer for an hour. The brain perceives screen backlight as an analogue of daylight and slows down the production of melatonin. Take a break from any screen an hour before bed, it’s better to read a real book.

18. 9-11 hours a day

Note to parents: schoolchildren aged 6–12 years old should sleep this much in order to study normally and not get sick. For teenagers 14–17 years old, 8–10 hours is enough. And the parents themselves are entitled to 7–9 hours a day, and no less! All the talk about how you can sleep for 4 hours and make up for the deficit on weekends is sick nonsense.

19. What is correct: open the window at night and shiver in your sleep or bask in the warmth?

Answer: There is no need to suffer in any way, but remember that 18°C ​​is the ideal temperature in the bedroom. 24 is no good anymore. 4 hours after you fall asleep, your body temperature reaches the lowest possible level - this ensures you deep sleep and rest. But if the room is hot, you won’t cool down and you won’t get enough sleep.

20. Sleep apnea

Periodic (up to 15 times per hour) and short-term (from 30 seconds to 3 minutes) cessation of breathing during sleep. If you snore, if you are fat or jocked, this can happen. Apnea damages blood vessels, leads to impotence, depression and, finally, death. The main danger is that the sufferer may not even know that he has sleep apnea. If you don’t get enough sleep and walk around sluggishly all day, although you sleep a lot, go to a therapist or straight to a somnologist.

From the archive: a complete portrait of apnea - in the article “How deep sleep can kill you” -

The question can be posed even more broadly. How to avoid getting sick at all? Around me, unfortunately, people are constantly getting sick. Colleagues, friends, acquaintances... And according to my feelings, more and more often. Usually these are common colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and their derivatives...

Recently I wondered why this happens. What am I doing that others may not be doing and have sketched out a “Mental Map” on this topic. Here's what I got:

(The diagram will open in full size when you click the mouse)

From this map I decided to make a short article of recommendations. I think that if you adopt even just a few of these recommendations and elevate them to the rank of habit, there will definitely be a positive effect.

By the way, my family also gets sick, but lately it’s noticeably less often. Little by little, I try to implement the points from these recommendations into their lives.

In general, I share the opinion that a person can only naturally get sick from colds. The remaining sores have various causes related to heredity, lifestyle, way of thinking and other not always “transparent” factors. You can read more in these articles: and

The recommendations below will be a good preventive measure against many diseases, but above all against common colds. Everything described here is personal experience over many years. Many of the recommendations may seem trivial to you, but they are all important. And the maximum effect, in my opinion, is achieved precisely by the combination of practiced methods.

1. Internal installations

1.1. Don't feel sorry for yourself

Often illness is a manifestation of subconscious or conscious self-pity. Plus the desire for others to feel sorry for you. It is important to learn to take responsibility for your life. And translate “self-pity” into “noble anger at oneself” :).

1.2. Set yourself the goal of “Don’t get sick”

More precisely, the goal should sound like this: “I am always healthy.” Run this goal with others every day, and it will be an excellent preventive “vitamin” :)

1.3. Set yourself big goals

Those who have big and responsible goals in life have no time to be sick. Verified :)

1.4. Positive attitude towards life

It has even been proven by scientific research that optimists get sick less often than pessimists, and the illnesses themselves go away easier and faster. I think there is something to think about here. Is it possible to remake yourself if you are a “hardened” pessimist is a big question. But I personally believe that nothing is impossible.

2. Internal practices

Here I include various psychophysical systems that have a positive effect on the state of the body and its health (with proper practice). What I regularly do is yoga, meditation and qigong. For me, this is all, however, components of a traditional family martial arts school, which I have been doing for many years.

Many more similar practices can be included here. It is only important to find a good school or a good teacher for them. I don't recommend practicing from books.

3. Hardening

It would seem that this is the most banal and well-known thing, but few people actually do it. There are many hardening methods. Just Google this topic. I practice three fairly simple ones:

1. Heliotherapy. This is actually sunbathing, sun hardening. In general, I really love the sun, we obviously don’t have enough of it in Siberia :). That's why I try to go to the sea every year. Sunlight, among other things, promotes the production of vitamin D, which is very important for maintaining immunity. Sunbathing is not recommended from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

2. Walking barefoot. A very simple and effective method: outdoors in summer, indoors in winter. There are many bioactive points on the feet, plus temperature hardening occurs. Another good thing is special massage slippers.

The contrast shower method is very simple: you start with warm water, then hot, then cold, then hot again, and so alternate hot and cold several times. Finish with cold water and then rub with a terry towel. It's best to do this in the morning.

4. Russian bathhouse. It is very good if you have the opportunity to visit it regularly. A lot has been written about the healing effects of the Russian bath, so I won’t go into details here. I will only say that hardening here occurs, as in the case of the previous method, - on temperature contrasts.

The main secrets of any hardening system: consistency and gradualness.

4. Movement

The more you move, the healthier you will be. I have never been involved in fitness or sports in the usual sense of the word, but I think that there are undoubtedly health benefits (if you don’t go to extremes).

In general, living in modern society, we move very little. But, as a rule, we are not aware of this. Although even in the bustle of everyday life it is quite possible to fill this gap. A striking example is walking. Walking is very useful. In addition, this is the best way to combat a growing belly :) But we walk very little (especially those who drive a car).

There is a recommendation to walk at least 10,000 steps every day. When I first started using a pedometer several years ago, I quickly saw that my figure was 3 times less. I had to analyze my typical day and take action: give up the car when traveling short distances, stop using elevators, etc. I still didn’t reach 10,000, but I came close :)

It is also very good to take regular walks in forests, mountains, parks and near water bodies. In general, where the air is cleaner :)

5. Dress appropriately

Actually the title says it all. We even have a saying in Siberia: “A real Siberian is not the one who doesn’t get cold, but the one who dresses warmly.”

5.1. Dress appropriately for the weather, even if you are driving. Practice shows that someday, for sure, something will happen to the car and you will freeze to death. And running to and from the car itself is quite enough to cause a cold.

5.2. Don't show off. Health is more important than image. Moreover, you can dress warmly and stylishly.

5.3. Don't rush to get rid of your hat in the spring, especially when the snow has not yet melted.

6. Home and life

Here are some healthy home habits that will keep you healthy.

6.1. Frequent ventilation of rooms.

6.2. Fairly frequent cleaning, both dry and wet.

6.3. Supports optimal temperature for sleep (18-20 degrees Celsius).

6.4. Maintains optimal air humidity of 45-55%.

6.5. Air purification and ionization using specialized equipment.

7. Prevention

Here I included all the measures, the regular use of which is an effective prevention of many diseases.

7.1. Eat good honey. I eat a little less than a teaspoon every morning. Remember that honey added to a hot drink loses most of its healing properties.

7.4. Eat more fruits.

7.5. Use oxolinic ointment, especially during periods of peak incidence (usually the transition periods in autumn and spring).

7.7. Try to provide yourself with more positive emotions.

7.8. Read about proper nutrition and implement recommendations into your life. Don't eat before bed (or better yet, after 7 p.m.). Ideally, keep fasts and fast. In essence, we are what we eat and what we breathe :)

7.10. Wash your hands often. And upon arriving home and before eating - always be sure.

8. Quick relief of symptoms

If “bullshit has happened” and you feel like you’re starting to get sick, it’s time to quickly stop the process.

I have identified several non-drug effective methods for myself:

8.1. Garlic in the nose. As soon as the first signs of a runny nose begin, I usually insert pieces of garlic into my nose at night. Pieces of garlic should be wrapped in a small piece of bandage or gauze so as not to burn the mucous membrane. As a rule, if done in time, one night is enough to completely eliminate the symptoms. Garlic is also very useful to consume internally. Just not before important meetings.

8.2. Three plates of honey. The method is used at the first symptoms of a sore throat. The method is very simple, although comical :). Take a regular flat, clean plate and grease it with a thin layer of honey. After this, you need to lick all the honey from the plate. During this process, the entire throat will be generously lubricated. After this, do not drink or eat anything for an hour. Three of these on plates a day, and cold symptoms are gone.

8.3. Gargling with a solution of salt, soda, iodine. The method is good both for the first symptoms and for already quite advanced conditions. Actually, this solution in some way imitates sea water. I prepare it this way: in a glass of water - about one tablespoon of sea salt, half a teaspoon of soda and a few drops of iodine until the water turns a light brown color. Rinse - the more often the better.

8.4. Brewing rose hips. Buy a good, not old rosehip and steam it with boiling water in a thermos overnight. For greater effect, the berries can be crushed. Drink at least 3 glasses throughout the day.

8.5. Raspberries. Raspberries are an excellent natural antibiotic. You can use my grandmother's proven recipe - raspberry jam. But it’s even better to buy fresh or frozen raspberries (you can also use dried ones) and brew them.

That's all for me! Do not be ill!

Do you have anything to add? I will be glad to receive any feedback and comments.

This and other topics are discussed in more detail in my books in the series "The Phoenix Code. Technologies for changing lives."

Every year, thousands of people around the world are interested in the question of how not to get a cold, because it causes so much inconvenience and takes up time and effort. It is difficult to completely protect yourself from this disease, but it is possible to minimize the risks. To do this, you need to act comprehensively. By following simple rules, you can not only avoid getting sick, but also become healthier overall.

What should you do to avoid getting sick?

First of all, you should pay attention to your home, try to ventilate the room more often, because it is through the air that harmful microorganisms spread. It is also not advisable for the air in the room not to be dry; there are special humidifiers on sale to eliminate this problem, but even without them you can achieve this effect using wet cleaning. Despite the fact that during the cold season you want to stay warm, the temperature for sleeping should not be higher than 20 degrees Celsius.

You shouldn’t sit still for long, because movement is life. Sports and active leisure only have a positive effect on health. Try to walk more often, take walks before bed and you will soon notice that your health will become simply wonderful. Equally important is the emotional state and the absence of constant stress. They deplete our immune system, leading to a greater risk of getting sick.

Cold prevention

There are many ways to prevent colds. If you do this all year round, you can soon forget about this disease altogether. Even if it so happens that the cold does catch up, it will go away much easier and you will be able to avoid negative consequences. Tips for preventing colds:

  • Mandatory hand washing with soap, especially after visiting crowded places;
  • Saturation of the daily diet with vitamins. Their maximum quantity is in red and yellow vegetables and fruits;
  • Breathing techniques. When performing breathing exercises, the immune system is activated, which fights colds;
  • Getting rid of bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol have a detrimental effect on the body, causing dehydration, as a result of which the disease lasts longer;
  • Time to rest. Even in a busy schedule, it's worth finding time to let your body relax. It is important to get enough sleep;
  • Sport. Keeping your body in good shape is a very important point. Even regular exercise in the morning will make you healthier;

Hardening with cold water

In addition to all the above methods of prevention, there is one more. This . This method helps make the body more resilient to the influence of viruses and bacteria. Hardening affects the immune system, the blood vessels, due to the narrowing of which the blood flow to the internal organs increases. In addition, cold water will help you lose weight.

It's important to do it right. You can’t start by swimming in an ice hole or dousing yourself with ice water. The desired effect is achieved gradually. You can start hardening by gradually reducing the water temperature while taking a shower. It is advisable to reduce it by one degree every few days. If you prefer a quick dousing, then the scheme is the same. It is better to start with warm water and gradually lower its temperature.

Note! This method also has contraindications. You should not harden yourself with cold water during periods of exacerbation of a cold, with serious cardiovascular diseases, and asthma.

Fighting a cold is very unpleasant, so it’s better not to let it get to you. By following the tips for its prevention, you can improve your health, become more resilient to other diseases and feel great!

Why do some people practically never get sick, while others constantly visit the thresholds of hospitals and clinics? Why do some people calmly go through autumn and spring, without fear of catching the flu, while others “stuff” themselves with vaccines and still spend weeks in bed with a fever and weakness? Perhaps healthy people know some secret? Thinking about this, scientists have revealed 10 secrets of people who never get sick. Let's lift the veil of secrecy.

1. They are less stressed

Researchers at Duke University (USA) have proven that stress destroys the heart and immune system. It was also found that people exposed to stress have a high chance of contracting bacterial infections. Moreover, scientists say that it is extremely important to protect the nervous system of high school students, because stressful situations can threaten them with serious health problems in the future. You can combat this problem with the help of special relaxation techniques, as well as through physical exercises that allow you to quickly relax.

2. They eat a spoonful of brewer's yeast a day.

This simple food supplement satisfies the human body’s need for B vitamins (riboflavin, biotin, niacin, thiamine and folic acid). Without these substances, the body cannot fully absorb fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, B vitamins are key to maintaining healthy hair and skin, as well as producing hormones that support the immune system. These substances promote the production of antibodies and white blood cells, thereby improving immune status. You can use brewer's yeast in soups and sauces, bread and popcorn.

3. They eat less

Back in the 1930s of the last century, scientists proved that animals that were fed half as much throughout their lives lived twice as long. In subsequent years, scientists have found that reducing calorie intake eliminates many health problems - cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. In people who eat 25% less than usual, the body is cleared of “bad” cholesterol and blood pressure normalizes. It is only important to remember that a sharp reduction in calorie content is unsafe for the body, and therefore in the early stages it is enough to limit the consumption of sugar and flour products.

4. They do not strive for absolute sterility

Balance in everything is important for a person’s harmonious existence. The ratio of beneficial and opportunistic microbes plays an important role here. It has been proven that people who strive for absolute sterility get sick twice as often. But a truly healthy body balances somewhere between the hyper-cleanliness of the developed world and the wretched environment of our ancestors. Beneficial bacteria help reduce inflammation, improve metabolism and boost immunity. At the same time, the presence of opportunistic bacteria helps the body tolerate inflammation more easily. This means that you need to be in full contact with nature, without trying to perfectly clean food before consumption. Simply washing them is enough.

5. They choose herbal remedies

Today there is a lot of talk about the dangers of medications, the lion's share of which are artificial chemical components. Of course, they have a therapeutic effect, but at the same time they cause a blow to the body, provoking the development of other diseases, primarily stomach diseases. That is why people who never get sick are fans of herbal medicines that support the immune system, destroy germs, normalize blood pressure, in general, affect all organs and systems of the body. Take, for example, regular green tea. Regular consumption of this tea burns fat and normalizes metabolism, lowers cholesterol and controls blood sugar levels.

6. They have many friends

Research shows that people who make contact easily and have many friends are much less likely to suffer from infectious diseases and have strong immunity. Moreover, a 2008 study by Swedish researchers found that individuals with higher social support had a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. On the contrary, lonely people who do not communicate well with others are more likely to consult doctors with complaints of stress, depression, nervousness and heart disease.

7. They maintain their acidity level (pH) at normal levels.

According to some alternative medicine specialists, in a healthy person, the body's systems function between completely alkaline and completely acidic environments, that is, their acidity is balanced. If the pH level decreases, a condition called acidosis occurs, in which acidity increases. At the same time, a person’s breathing quickens, fatigue appears, and stomach problems begin. According to some experts, the fashion for American food, which is high in meat and sugar, has led to an epidemic of acidosis in the world. You can avoid this by regularly eating alkaline foods - dark greens, asparagus, green beans, carrots, cucumbers and avocados.

8. They eat garlic

Garlic is known to act as a powerful antioxidant and antibiotic. It protects the body from colds and helps to recover faster after a long illness. In addition, garlic has proven effective in maintaining blood cholesterol levels and normalizing blood pressure. At the same time, garlic in the form of a dietary supplement is not as effective as a natural product, which is enough to consume a clove a day.

9. They cleanse the body regularly

Many chemicals known today simply did not exist several centuries ago. Dioxins, phthalates and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) all have toxic effects on the body. Perhaps the appearance of these compounds is responsible for the increase in the number of cancers and liver pathologies. There is a high probability that by reducing the level of toxins present in the body, digestive problems, fatigue, acne and muscle pain will go away. The detox program is based on limiting the consumption of meat, sugar, wheat, dairy products, alcohol and caffeine. A visit to a bathhouse or sauna will be beneficial. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should discuss detox programs with their doctor.

10. They get enough sleep regularly

It has long been proven that lack of sleep adversely affects health. In a tired body, deprived of proper rest, the number and effectiveness of immunocytes decreases sharply. Moreover, in response to constant lack of sleep and fatigue, the level of the hormone cortisol increases in the blood, which threatens the body with the development of stress and even depression. To avoid this, it is important to review your daily routine, go to bed earlier, and give up coffee and strong tea in the evenings. I wish you health and longevity!

So, scientists are busy cloning sheep, they have almost deciphered the human genetic code - in a word, well done, long live science! But there is no reliable cure for the common cold; many people don’t even know the simple ones and don’t follow simple measures to avoid getting sick.

Meanwhile, colds and flu- the first enemies of a bodybuilder. Both of these completely throw you out of your training rut. Moreover, it threatens with severe complications. So, here’s a rule for you: in the fall and spring you need to consciously focus on prevention.

How to do this and not get sick? Read the article.

If you play sports, a cold or flu can seriously disrupt your training process or, even worse, “reward” you with severe complications that prevent you from training.

So. It makes direct sense to take care of seasonal prevention. Fortunately, its remedies have been known since ancient times.

Video: how to avoid getting the flu, a simple solution

Differences between colds and flu

Do not be confused, colds and flu are different diseases. Colds, just like the flu, are caused by viruses (there are more than 200 types), but these are special “super-surviving” viruses.

Scientifically, they are called rhinoviruses and coronaviruses, and they swarm around us all year round. But the causative agents of influenza are virus A and virus B; they selectively rage in autumn and winter, causing massive seasonal epidemics.





Normal or increased (38 gr.)

Lasts for several days (if above 39, call a doctor)


Absent or small

Body aches

Usually, often strong



Often very strong.
May last 2-3 weeks.

Usually dry

Usually, maybe with mucus.
May intensify.


Similarity of symptoms colds and flu is explained by the fact that they are, in fact, the same reaction of your immune system to the “invasion” of viruses, no matter what.

Reflecting an attack, the body releases special biochemical compounds into the blood - kinin, cytokine and histamine. These substances fight viruses, but at the same time, unfortunately, they cause us a lot of inconvenience: they dilate the blood vessels in the nasal passages.

They increase mucus production, cause general weakness, pain in muscles and joints, and in addition increase body temperature (especially severe with the flu). With a cold, all these symptoms are usually less pronounced; usually the case is limited to a runny nose, irritation in the throat, sneezing, coughing and headache.

It was once believed that a person “caught a cold” due to cold weather - he got cold, got his feet wet, and so got sick.

It has now been established that the weather has essentially nothing to do with it; respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract are provoked by viruses (they are of a viral nature, as doctors say).

How, then, can one explain that indisputable fact that in cold weather we get sick much more often than in warm weather? There are a variety of theories on this matter. Some scientists believe cold winter air is to blame.

A “leakage” begins in the nose, and together with the mucus, we involuntarily “swallow” the viruses that are always present in our nasal sinuses. Others hold a different point of view: the whole point, it turns out, is that in cold weather people spend more time in rooms with stale air, where viruses accumulate in incredible concentrations.

Cold or flu precautions to avoid getting sick

Since there is no quick-acting cure for colds or flu, prevention remains the best method of combating them.

Here are some useful tips on what to do to never get sick:

HYGIENE reduces the risk of getting sick

Viruses easily “settle” on any hard surfaces, such as door handles, railings, barbells, dumbbells, and exercise machine handles. So, the best way to prevent a cold is to wash your hands more often.

Keep in mind that any antibacterial soaps in this case will be no more useful than usual. Because colds are caused not by bacteria, but by viruses.

Well, this soap doesn’t work on them. To infect you, viruses must first “fix” themselves in the nasal passages, so sticking your fingers up your nose is not recommended.

OVERTRAINING increases the chance of catching a cold

Moderate physical activity strengthens the immune system, but long-term intense training, on the contrary, lowers it, making it a vulnerable target for both colds and flu. Don't want to get sick! Train in moderation!

How can you tell if you've overtrained or not? Scientists suggest that bodybuilders rate the degree of their fatigue every morning on a seven-point scale (1 point is the lowest level, 7 points is the highest) and record this data in their training diary.

If you rate your fatigue at 5 or more for several weeks in a row, then there is a tendency towards overtraining. It turns out that the intensity of the training needs to be reduced.

PROPER FOOD AND SLEEP- the key to a healthy body

Every bodybuilder knows that building muscle mass requires good, long sleep and a healthy diet containing enough fruits, vegetables and protein.

But all this is no less important for strengthening the immune system. Sleepless nights, psychological stress, poor diet, and excessive alcohol consumption weaken the immune system, and therefore make you more susceptible to colds. Sleeping well is a simple answer to the question - “What should you do to avoid getting sick?”

VACCINES will help against the flu

It is almost impossible to create an effective vaccine against colds, because... Its causative agents are more than 200 different viruses. But there are vaccines against flu to prevent illness, and in considerable quantities. Since different types of viruses are responsible for influenza epidemics in different years, the vaccine required varies from year to year.

Doctors recommend getting vaccinated against influenza primarily for people over fifty, children and adolescents, pregnant women (after the first three months of pregnancy), and everyone else. Who suffers from chronic diseases. Like asthma, heart disease or diabetes.

Of course, so as not to get sick flu shot will not hurt everyone else; Its effectiveness in healthy young people is reported to range from 70 to 90 percent.

It can be done at any time throughout the “flu season,” but it is best to do it in October or the first half of November. The fact is that the vaccine begins to act in full force 1-2 weeks after vaccination.

The most common side effect of the flu shot is soreness at the injection site. If the area is slightly sore for a day or two, consider this as confirmation that your immune system has responded to the vaccine.

If the pain is very severe or prolonged, or some other unpleasant symptoms appear. Contact your doctor immediately.


A real breakthrough in mankind’s eternal struggle against colds and flu was the emergence of new antivirus agents, which attack upper respiratory tract infections at the very site of infection - the nasal passages. These drugs inhibit the ability of the virus to invade cells and multiply there.

At the moment, cold remedies such as Pleconaril and AG 7088 have already been developed.

As for the flu, Amantadine and Rematadine can be used both for prevention. The same goes for treating influenza. However, due to a number of side effects, healthy people are not recommended to resort to these drugs.

Two medications, zanamivir (Relenza) and oseltamivir (Tamiflu), can relieve flu symptoms and shorten the duration of the disease. Both are available by prescription and should be taken as soon as flu symptoms appear.

TO TRAIN OR NOT TO TRAIN - that is the question in order not to get sick

The best thing you can do if you experience cold or flu symptoms is to stop exercising and wait until the symptoms pass. If you are still drawn to the gym like a magnet, check your condition using the so-called “neck criterion”.

If all your symptoms are observed above the neck, moderate exercise will not harm you. If the symptoms spread to the chest, then the matter is more serious - pneumonia or bronchitis is possible. If you want to avoid serious illnesses, slow down!

In this case break from training simply necessary. For any illness associated with a sore throat, high fever, sore muscles or inflammation of the glands, you should rest until complete recovery.

The causes of the syndrome have not yet been precisely established. Scientists suggest that a cold injures the liver, and it stops producing special “energy” enzymes. Hence the constant fatigue. Well, myocarditis is an inflammatory heart disease.

If at one time you greatly overtrained and brought yourself to coronary heart disease and even asthma, then training even with a slight runny nose can seriously worsen your condition.

For the true ones bodybuilding fans For whom any forced pause in training is a burden, it is difficult to refuse classes, but for training in a state of illness you can pay too high a price.

Remember this! The same myocarditis will knock you out of bodybuilding not for a week or two, but for many months...

And don’t worry about losing muscle mass: studies have shown that muscle mass after 2-3 years of exercise seriously decreases only after a month of complete “downtime.” Well, all the weekly “losses” return after the first 1-2 workouts.

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