Causes, symptoms and treatment of arthritis of the fingers. Forearm: “Twisting” at the wrists Technique for performing twists

In life you can often meet people with crooked and disfigured fingers. Many people believe that these are signs of old age, but this is not the case. Such terrible consequences are caused by a terrible disease - arthritis.

Arthritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the joints; it can affect any joint in the human body, but, as a rule, it occurs in the small joints of the fingers.

According to statistics, women suffer from this disease 2 or even 3 times more often than men. In general, about 15% of the world's population are familiar with this scourge.

The development of such a disease gradually leads the patient to immobility, and ultimately to disability. Successful treatment of arthritis of the fingers is quite possible, but only if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, when the disease is only at the initial stage. That is why, when the first signs of illness appear, you should immediately go to the hospital. Self-medication in this case is an unjustified risk.

Signs of illness

Arthritis has 2 forms:

  1. Acute;
  2. Chronic.

The main problem with arthritis is its occurrence, because it can appear completely unexpectedly, even if you feel well. This happens in acute forms of arthritis. But the chronic form of the disease is much more dangerous. The fact is that such an illness can pass almost unnoticed. It progresses over the years, eroding the body's strength.

General symptoms:

  • Prolonged pain in the morning;
  • Creaking in joints;
  • Malaise;
  • Formation of subcutaneous nodules;
  • Stiffness;
  • Joint deformity.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis: numbness, tingling in the wrists.

Signs of acute arthritis: high fever, severe joint pain and swelling.

First of all, this disease affects a small number of joints; it mainly affects the hands and fingers. When the fingers are bent, they can take on a number of forms that are typical for the manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis:

  1. Swan neck type;
  2. Spindle-shaped;
  3. Contracture (with skin necrosis).

In the case of such distortions, a person is deprived of the opportunity not only to work, but also to simply serve himself (hold a cup in his hand, fasten buttons, etc.).

In general, the symptoms of finger arthritis directly depend on the type of disease. This may be inflammatory pain, which is quite unpleasant and, as a rule, intensifies with any movement; in addition, it periodically occurs at night. So-called “starting pains” appear.

Over time, inflammation of the tissues that surround the diseased joints begins. An external change occurs in the joints themselves: they swell, their outlines change, swelling and redness of the skin appear, the skin itself becomes very hot in places of inflammation.

Causes of the disease

The sources of the disease can be a variety of factors. In general, they can be divided into several groups.

Common causes are primarily metabolic disorders. In this case, non-infectious arthritis occurs. This form of the disease usually affects older people, as well as those who have disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands and those who have microtraumas.

Infectious diseases - arthritis of the joints of the fingers often occurs in those who have had the flu, acute respiratory viral infections and colds many times. In addition, people who have had tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, brucellosis, chlamydia and dysentery are at risk. From time to time, arthritis occurs due to streptococci and staphylococci. Tonsillitis and other small focal lesions can lead to the disease.

Injuries – joint damage, bruises and operations.

Heredity - it is impossible to talk about the 100% influence of this factor, but due to the pathological structure of the joints that relatives may have, and arthritis in relatives, the occurrence of the disease is quite possible. Therefore, if such conditions exist, it is necessary to periodically go to the hospital for consultation.

Treatment of arthritis of the fingers

Before you learn how to treat arthritis of the fingers, you must remember: this disease can be successfully cured only if it is detected at an early stage and individual methods are selected. To do this, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics in time, because only this can reveal the type of arthritis and the cause of its occurrence.

If infectious arthritis is detected, the doctor will prescribe a course of vaccines, antibiotics and corticosteroids. All treatment is aimed not at eliminating symptoms, but at eliminating the source of the disease. In the acute form, analgesics with an antispasmodic effect, as well as non-steroidal drugs (anti-inflammatory), are used to relieve pain.

Chondroprotectors are used to restore damaged cartilage tissue and stop degenerative processes. In the event that such measures do not bring a positive result, biological response modifiers and antirheumatic drugs are used.

Important! Prevention and treatment of vascular spasms, as well as measures to normalize blood pressure, are mandatory, since arthritis is associated with poor circulation in the body.

Sleeping pills and sedatives are used, because the disease is characterized by irritability and sleep disturbance, which has a detrimental effect on the human psyche. In the treatment of hand arthritis, tinctures, ointments, rubs and creams with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are used.

Don’t forget about the nervous system, because the disease does not spare it either. For this reason, it is recommended to increase the level of vitamin B1 or thiamine in the body, which speeds up metabolism (tablets, injections, brewer's yeast).

In addition to taking medications, physiotherapeutic agents are used:

  • Diadynamic therapy – impact on the affected areas with low-frequency impulses;
  • Electrophoresis - introduction of novocaine, antibiotics and other drugs through the skin;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Ultrasound;

Already during the period of remission of the disease, mud applications and hydrotherapy are used. However, the use of all these funds is determined on an individual basis.

After the exacerbation is relieved, the attending physician prescribes therapeutic exercises. It is carried out at home and when maximum muscle relaxation is achieved:

The doctor also prepares a balanced diet, because the first cause of metabolic disorders is poor nutrition. It is recommended to eat liver, herring, salmon, vegetables and fruits, bran, walnuts and other foods that can enrich the body with antioxidants and vitamins D and E.

Treatment of arthritis of the finger joints with folk remedies is allowed. Their list includes infusions and decoctions of herbs, ointments and compresses with mumiyo, blue clay and mustard, and turpentine baths.

In extreme cases, when all methods are unsuccessful, the patient goes under the knife of a surgeon who performs joint replacement.

Behavior during illness

During the treatment period, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  1. Daily exercise and stretching (without additional load);
  2. Strict compliance with all instructions of the attending physician;
  3. Reducing the load on the fingers;
  4. Stable and complete rest at night;
  5. Food restrictions;
  6. Lifting heavy objects is not allowed.

Disease prevention

In order to reduce the risk of arthritis of the fingers as much as possible, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Do not neglect and promptly treat infectious and colds;
  • Control your weight (do not overload your joints);
  • Temper yourself and play sports;
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Reduce sugar and salt intake;
  • Instead of coffee and black tea, drink green tea and herbal drinks;
  • If possible, avoid injury and hypothermia;
  • You need to eat garlic every day.

In general, it is possible to cure such a terrible disease as arthritis of the fingers. The main thing is not to neglect your own health, lead a healthy lifestyle and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.

Crunches bring double benefits - decorative and functional. Exercise helps burn fat and achieve sculpted muscles. But behind the aesthetics lies an even more important reason to work out your abs. Crunches work all the abdominal muscles. Different types of exercise hit one zone or another more accurately. Plus, the muscles of the hips, lower back and even buttocks work.

Strong muscles in this area help stabilize the lower spine. As a result, your posture is corrected. It is even possible to reduce pain, if any, in the spine.

In addition, a developed press provides excellent functionality. You don't have to be a fighter to appreciate the ability to gracefully and easily move through space. The abdominal muscles are located in the central zone and are largely responsible for the comfort of body movements in any direction.

Execution technique

In a general sense, crunches are isolation exercises that involve bringing the upper body toward the pelvis or vice versa. To create a spectacular press, the “classics” – straight crunches – will suffice. There is a myth that the central abdominal muscles are divided into upper and lower. In fact, this division is conditional - one way or another, any profile exercise involves the entire muscle area.

About the different types that target different areas of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles - in the next section. Here we will look at how to properly do crunches on classic type abs.

The popularity of the exercise does not prevent a huge number of people from doing it incorrectly. Many are sure that there is nothing complicated in the technique of doing it - lie down on the floor and work with a pendulum. This is not so, there are nuances here, ignoring which you can “run” to the cubes for years. And along the way you’ll also get problems with your lower back.

Straight crunch technique:

  • Lie on your back with your legs at right angles or on a bench. Hands behind your head, elbows to the sides. In a simplified version, the arms are kept crossed on the chest. The lower back must be fixed on the floor.
  • Without engaging the lower and middle back, bring the upper back towards the pelvic area as far as possible. Before starting the movement - inhale, during the process - exhale. Twisting is the rounding of the spine. Don't just lift your back off the floor. In the final phase, hold for 1-2 seconds, tensing your abs as much as possible. Then slowly, keeping your muscles tense, return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary.

Direct abdominal crunches, like other options, are done either for relief - with a large number of repetitions, or for mass - with a small number of repetitions. The “relief” option is much more popular. This problem is solved by adhering to the “3-5x12-25” scheme, that is, they do 3-5 sets of 12-25 repetitions.

  • during the lifting phase, you don’t need to pull yourself by the neck - there’s no need for help from the press;
  • the task is not to flex and straighten the back, but to bring the polar points of the abdominal muscles closer together; while performing crunches, imagine that you are doing an accordion curl on your abs, rather than lifting your torso;
  • the exercise must be done slowly, feeling each segment of the trajectory;
  • one of the indicators of competent execution is muscle burning already at the end of the first approach;
  • the chin should not touch the chest;
  • When performing crunches, do not help yourself with your back;
  • in the negative phase - lowering the body - do not throw your back, but slowly lower it.

Types of crunches

In addition to the classic version, there are many others. Their task is to help work out the abs from different angles. Let's look at the most popular and effective types.

Reverse crunches

This exercise is no less effective. It is designed for the lower abdominal muscles. It is performed in the opposite way - the abs are worked by lifting the legs, not the body. The exercise can be done lying on the floor or on a bench.

Reverse crunches on the press are performed as follows:

  • starting position – lying on the floor; It is recommended to keep your arms extended along the body - this will help you feel the movement; when training on a bench, you need to hold on to the top of the bench with your hands;
  • lift your legs up, concentrating on your abdominal muscles and exhaling smoothly; The lower back should be slightly raised - this promotes better contraction of the abs;
  • slowly return your legs and lower back to a position close to their original position; do not let your muscles relax, do not lower your legs all the way to the floor - your abs should be constantly tense.

Side crunches

Side crunches have many variations. All of them are designed to work the oblique abdominal muscles. It is to these exercises that we owe the spectacular clear lines on both sides of the cubes.

Let's consider the technique of performing the classic version - lying on the floor:

  • starting position - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees and turned to one side; put your hands behind your head;
  • exhaling, tense your oblique muscles and, raising your shoulders up, twist your body;
  • as you inhale, return to the starting position, remembering to keep your abs tense.

It is necessary to concentrate on the work of the lateral muscles and the work of the shoulders. You should not follow the body with your elbows and head. The chin does not need to be pressed to the chest. The key is to focus on your abdominal muscles. This will help you perform the exercise correctly.

The exercise, from a technical point of view, is more complex than the direct and reverse versions. Therefore, there is no need to strive to increase momentum until the skills appear.

Hanging crunches

An effective, but technically and physically challenging option for those who have already mastered less complex exercises. The difficulty partly lies in the inability of beginners to immediately grasp the difference between simple sit-ups and straight crunches.


  • starting position – hanging on the crossbar upside down, on bent legs; the torso is lowered down, hands behind the head, back straight; before starting the movement, you need to get rid of the inertial swaying of the body;
  • as you exhale, rounding your back, lift your torso up; the buttocks also rise slightly;
  • while inhaling, slowly lower your body; if inertia occurs, you need to linger for a couple of seconds at the bottom point, dampening the swing.

There is no need to strive for full amplitude. Correct abdominal crunches are always an attempt to achieve maximum muscle tension. In the context of this exercise, it is better to raise the body to parallel with the floor - in this phase the load on the abs is peak.

Crunches with legs raised

An interesting variation that combines dynamics and statics. It's done like this:

  • starting position – lying on the floor, back pressed to the floor; raise your bent legs so that your knees are perpendicular to your body; hands behind the head or on the chest;
  • exhaling, smoothly lift your body, trying to touch your knees with your head; at the same time, do not forget to round your back and keep your lower back pressed to the floor;
  • in the climax phase, pause for a second and then smoothly lower your body; The abdominal muscles are constantly tense.

Bench crunches

Every gym has an incline bench that allows you to work on your abs from a different angle. The greater the angle of inclination, the more difficult it is to perform the exercise. The technique is like this:

  • starting position – on a bench, legs fixed with soft bolsters, hands on chest;
  • the biomechanics of movement are similar to the “classics” - having mastered straight crunches, it will not be difficult to achieve good technique here; exhaling, do twists, rounding your back;
  • lower as you inhale; beginners can work full-amplitude - with a slight fixation on the bench at the lowest point; For more experienced people, it is better to pump the press with a truncated movement - this way the muscles will receive a greater load.

Double crunches

This is an abdominal crunch exercise aimed at both zones at once - upper and lower. It is a combination of forward and reverse crunches. One of the most effective options that does not require additional devices.


  • starting position - lying on the floor, legs raised and slightly bent at the knees, hands behind the head or in front of the chest;
  • on exhalation - simultaneous lifting of the body to the legs, and legs to the head;
  • after fixing the body and legs for a couple of seconds, they are slowly lowered, maintaining abdominal tension.

To enhance the effectiveness of the exercise, you can avoid lowering your upper body completely. A slightly raised lower back and pelvis also make the double crunch more effective.

Crunches on a fitball


Despite the benefits of abdominal training, you need to be careful. Some exercises, such as hanging crunches, are not recommended for those suffering from high intraocular pressure or intracranial hypertension. Ignoring the recommendation may make the problem worse.

In general, before starting training, you should consult your doctor. Especially for those who have problems with blood vessels, heart, spine, and respiratory system. You should not load your abs during pregnancy.

Common mistakes

Let's look at the most common misconceptions. Many believe that the principle “the more repetitions, the better” works here. In fact, the effect comes from powerful muscle tension combined with concentration. And with this approach it is difficult to go beyond 15-25 repetitions. If it turns out more, then something is wrong.

To work out your abs, 2-3 workouts a week are enough. In the future, when the body gets stronger and the abs are a priority, you can perform a set of exercises more often. But at first there is no point in loading the muscles more intensely - they also need recovery.

Six packs will not appear if the diet is not followed in parallel with training. Ignoring diet will require a lot of repetition to be effective. And this is impossible. The same applies to the use of weights. Many people think that if the cubes don’t appear, it means they need to pick up a barbell plate. This is a mistake - without an integrated approach, you won’t see cubes, even with pancakes, even without them. The more important thing is not chasing the scale, but mental concentration and less fat consumption.

Training program

Next, we have prepared for you a abdominal training program, which includes crunches. Until you have gained experience, you can try the one presented in the table. With experience comes an understanding of your capabilities and needs. And along with this comes the ability to create your own effective programs.

The complex is designed for a month. It is recommended to train twice a week, for a total of 8 training sessions per month. Heavy and light workouts alternate.

1 Heavy
  • Hanging crunches – 4 sets of 10-15 reps
  • Straight crunches – 3 sets of 15-20 reps
2 Lightweight
  • Bench crunches – 3 sets of 12-15 reps
3 Heavy
4 Lightweight
  • Straight crunches – 5 sets of 10-15 reps
5 Heavy
  • Crunches on a bench – 3 sets of 12-15 reps (possible with a little extra weight)
  • Oblique crunches – 4 sets of 12-15 reps
6 Lightweight
  • Straight crunches – 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Reverse crunches – 2 sets of 12-15 reps
7 Heavy
  • Crunches on a bench – 3 sets of 15-20 times (possible with a little extra weight)
  • Double crunches – 3 sets of 15-20 times
8 Lightweight
  • Straight crunches – 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Crunches are basic exercises for the abdominal muscles, especially the rectus abdominis. Weighted crunches are the key exercise for creating sculpted abs.

An important point in abdominal training is the number of repetitions. For abs, this number depends on your goals. If you want to burn excess fat, then do not use weights and perform the set to failure. If you want to stimulate the growth of your abdominal muscles, use weights, and the number of repetitions should be about 20. To form relief, you need to alternate the first and second approaches from one session to the next.

Do not extend too much during crunches - this will stretch the abdominal muscles, and thereby reduce the tone of the anterior abdominal wall.

Types of crunches

Twisting on the floor.

Muscles involved: rectus abdominis, cranial part, in other words “upper abs”, good for burning fat.

This option is the most common type of crunch and uses all the abdominal muscles. In this case, minimal load is placed on the lower back.

Technique: Lie face up on the floor, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, place your hands behind your head, and spread your elbows to the sides. Using your abdominal muscles, begin to lift (not jerk) the shoulder girdle from the floor towards the pelvis. From the top point, slowly return to the starting position.

Twisting with rotation.

Muscles worked: rectus abdominis (mainly upper) with emphasis on obliques.

Technique: Using your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders off the floor and lift your body towards your legs, but do not try to touch your thighs with your forehead or stomach. At the same time as you rise, slightly turn your torso to the right. Do the next repetition with a left turn.

Crunches on a bench with a downward inclination.

Muscles worked: Works the upper abs.

Technique: This exercise requires an incline bench. Lie on your back on a bench, bend your knees and place your feet under the support. Place your hands under your head, spread your elbows to the sides. Using your abdominal muscles, begin to lift your upper body and pull it toward your pelvis.

Crunches on the block.

Muscles involved: Abdominal work, suitable for stimulating muscle growth.

Technique: Choose a weight with which you will do 20 - 25 repetitions. Kneel down facing the pulley device, grab the handle of the pulley and begin to pull it down while bending toward the floor. The abdominal muscles should be in constant tension. Slowly return to the starting position.

Side crunches.

Muscles involved: working the obliques. This exercise is good for making your waist narrower.

Technique: Lie sideways on a bench so that the part of your body above your waist extends over the edge and you can freely bend your body up and down. Have someone hold your feet during the exercise. Bend at the waist, slowly lower yourself to the bottom position and just as slowly rise to the starting position.
In addition, this exercise can be performed on the floor, lying on your side, resting your elbow on the floor, begin to raise and lower your pelvis.

Reverse crunches.

Reverse crunches involve lifting the legs rather than the torso.

Technique: Lie on the floor and stretch your arms along your torso, or if you are doing this exercise on a bench, grab the edge of it with your hands, as shown in the figure. Bend your knees and lift your hips up until they are perpendicular to the floor. Using your abdominal muscles, pull your knees towards your chest. At the top point of the exercise, the knees should be as close to the chest as possible, and the pelvis should be completely raised above the floor, while trying not to straighten the legs, and do not perform reverse twisting using the thigh muscles.

Lying crunches

Classic crunches are the bringing of the lower ribs to the pelvic bones. The movement does not change depending on the use of different equipment. All variations of twisting are nothing more than a “game” with angles of inclination and the method of applying force. In the past decade, crunches have been considered the go-to ab exercise. In the newest theory, they are losing their importance to other, more complex exercises, but are still used for both amateur and professional training.

Working muscles, purpose of exercise

The purpose of the crunch is to work the rectus abdominis muscle. You can additionally include the transverse one if you retract the anterior abdominal wall. Options with changing the plane of the rotational exercise will allow you to use the oblique muscles too.

Almost any version of the exercise involves the muscles of the front thigh. If the technique is incorrect, it will also damage the neck muscles. The gluteal muscles work as stabilizers; the back muscles are activated only if you twist from an upside down position on a horizontal bar or wall bars.

Workout Features

The specifics of crunch training depend on the goal. Typically, during the period of gaining general physical fitness, a beginner uses classic crunches on the floor, 10-15 repetitions, with a concentration on muscle contraction in the peak phase. Rest for about 60 seconds between sets.

In recreational aerobics, other modes are used - for example, a minute of twisting and 30 seconds of rest. This work helps to increase local muscle endurance. It gives some tone, but not as significant as power modes. Endurance ab training is useful for hiking, running, and other circuit work. But for aesthetics it is not the best option.

When a person can perform more than 15 repetitions, it is recommended to complicate the exercise by using fitballs to begin with, and then, if there are no problems with the lower back, using incline benches. At the same time, reverse crunches and hangs on the horizontal bar are included in order to smoothly move on to more effective movements - raising your toes to the bar in a gymnastics style.

Another progression is possible - a person is taught to do crunches with weights, or in a simulator. This is a more promising option for hypertrophy, but the shape of the abs (deep abs or lack thereof) still largely depends on genetic characteristics.

Variations and technique of exercise

Classic straight crunch on the floor

Classic straight crunch on the floor

From a lying position with feet on the floor, at a distance of about one foot length from the buttocks, the stomach is pulled inward, and at the same time the lower ribs are brought to the pelvic bones. Hands are placed freely behind the head; there is no need to lock with your fingers. At the top point, a conscious contraction of the muscle (“clamp”) is performed for 3-4 seconds, then return back.

Technical errors:

  • “pulling” the head with the hands;
  • lifting by “working” with the legs, when they try to “stand up” in full amplitude, and move their feet, creating inertia;
  • relaxation of the straight abdominal wall, work using the neck muscles (“nodding” the head)

Diagonal twist

Diagonal twist

From the previous starting position, the opposite shoulder is brought to the pelvic bone. You should avoid the same mistakes plus lifting your pelvis off the floor. Both pelvic bones should be pressed using abdominal retraction

Twisting can be supplemented with static exercises like the plank pose in all its variations in order to practice the skill of retracting the abdomen and getting rid of the “bulging” of the abdominal wall faster.

There are many abdominal exercises, but the most effective and accessible are crunches. And they are accessible because their implementation does not require special equipment; most often, training takes place without the use of sports equipment such as a bench or. But it is this technique that allows you to achieve.

When performing the training, a person seems to twist towards the center of the abdomen. Hence the name. When training, it is important to follow the correct twisting technique, which will use the right abdominal muscles.

Types of crunches and exercise techniques

The main types of twisting include:

  • basic;
  • reverse.

Basic is the most popular option for performing exercises. These crunches can be done on the floor, on an inclined or horizontal bench. The simplest in this group are straight twists. As a rule, they are included in any set of exercises designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles. This technique allows you to achieve good results.

How to do straight crunches on the floor

Straight crunches (twisting) are a simple and at the same time effective exercise that is included in every complex that works the muscles of the abdominal wall. The most popular option, which does not require additional equipment, is lifting the body from a lying position on the floor.

In order to perform this twist, you need to sit on the floor, bend your knees, and press your feet to the floor. Bend the upper limbs at the elbows and tuck them behind the head, while the right elbow should clearly point to the right, the left to the left. Slowly lift your shoulder blades off the floor, making sure that your elbows are still pointing to the sides and your chin is not pressed to your chest. The permissible distance is about a fist. Also, do not strain your neck; use the strength of your abs to lift yourself up. Do three sets of 20 exercises.

How to do reverse crunches

With reverse twists, the lower abs are worked out. When performing this technique, it is not the body that rises from the floor, but the legs. To perform this twist, you need to lie on the floor, stretch your arms along your body, and bend your legs at the knees. Raise your legs at a 90° angle. Tighten your abdominal muscles and pull your knees toward your chest. At the limit, you need to completely tear your pelvis off the floor surface, and press your knees as close to your chest as possible. At the same time, make sure that your legs are bent at the knees.


To perform this technique, you need to lie on the mat, put your hands behind your head, and your elbows pointing to the sides. Bend your legs at the knees and place your full foot on the floor. Exhale and lift your legs and torso towards each other. Your knees should be as close to your chest as possible. Freeze, then slowly return to the starting position.

This technique can be made a little more complicated if desired. For example, you can only lower yourself onto your shoulder blades, and keep your shoulders and head suspended. You can also hold your legs up, using them only in the upper limit.


This training helps to shape a thin waist. The main load falls on the oblique abdominal muscles. To perform side twists, you need to lie on a mat or sit on a bench. When performing this type of exercise, the presence of an assistant is allowed to fix the legs.

You need to lie sideways on the bench. In this case, the body should partially protrude so that it can be bent both up and down. Bend your body at the waist, slowly lower yourself down, and then slowly return to the starting position. This exercise can also be performed on the floor; to do this, lie on your side, rest your elbow on the floor, and then slowly raise and lower your pelvis.


To perform this technique, you need to lie on a mat with your knees slightly bent. Tear off your shoulder blades and immediately return to the starting position without relaxing your stomach. The training must be performed at an intense rhythm. Its essence is that during the training, the abs are always tense.

Second option: lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet flat on the floor. Bend your elbows and press them to your body, fists near your chin. Tighten your stomach and lift your head, neck and shoulder blades off the mat. Without changing your position, describe a clockwise circle with your torso, while your hips and feet should not move. Repeat 10 circles for each side. In the future, this number can be increased to 25.


This technique is used to work the upper abdomen. The oblique muscles of the abdominal wall and the upper abs experience the load. Twisting is done with a twist. Lie down on the mat, tighten your abdominal muscles, lift your body at once and slightly turn your torso to the side. On the next repetition, the torso will need to be rotated in the opposite direction. In this way, alternating right and left turns are carried out.

Lying on a horizontal bench

In this position, it is possible to perform straight and lateral twists. This option is especially popular in gyms. The load falls on the middle and upper press. This exercise differs only in that in the starting position the legs are elevated. Otherwise, this technique is similar to those described above. The height of the elevation may change over time, because with the development of the abdominal muscles, the previous height may subsequently prove to be insufficient.

Hanging crunches

When twisting in a hanging position with leg lifts, the lower abs are loaded, as well as the rectus femoris muscles. The lower part of the abdominal wall and the muscles of the groin area are tightened. To complete this exercise, you need:

  • Take a small jump up and grab the horizontal bar with your hands. If it is high, out of reach, you can substitute a bench. It is important that while hanging with your arms and legs straight, you do not touch the floor surface. If your grip is too weak, you can use straps.
  • Straighten your arms and legs, bend your back slightly at the lumbar region.
  • Inhale, hold your breath, move your legs back slightly and jerk them as high as possible. When performing the training, the legs should remain straight (but not static at the knees). With trained hamstrings, you can bend your legs slightly, while maintaining the angle in your knees until the end of the training.
  • Raise your hips above your lumbar spine.
  • At the highest point, tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible and try to maintain this position for a few seconds.
  • Slowly lower your legs, and after a moment repeat the technique again. If you find it difficult to exercise with straight legs (slightly bent), then you are allowed to bend them more. But at the same time, the angle in the knees should be maintained throughout the entire training.

Video: crunches on the press from the lower block

A sculpted belly is the real pride of girls. Often, in order to maximally load the abs, make it not only flat, but also pump up the abs, you need to put in a lot of effort, and sometimes even figure out how to increase the intensity of the exercise. There are many abdominal exercises. You can improve resistance to the force of the abdominal muscles by performing exercises with a lower block.

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