How to get out of the army. Guys: read before you try to avoid the army

The need and expediency of military service in the army in our difficult times is determined by the citizen himself. There are not so few people who work from a young age, successfully earn money and arrange their future lives. Losing their job will be a big loss for them, and the question “How to avoid the army” will be very relevant.

On the contrary, young guys who are thirsty for service by character go through the school of life, develop their careers in the ranks of the armed forces and rise to high ranks. There are advantages to working in military service. The obvious ones are full social security, stability and early retirement.

So how can you avoid service and get a deferment from the army if you have other priorities in life?

Of course, it would be wise to do this within the limits of the law, because otherwise you risk facing a large fine or, worse, spending a long time behind bars.

According to the law “On Military Service and the Status of Military Personnel,” one can hope for exemption from military service or a deferment from the army.

Deferment from military conscription

Deferment is the postponement of conscription activities for military service due to any circumstances.

Deferment from service in the army of the Republic of Kazakhstan is granted:

  • to continue education;
  • for family reasons;
  • due to other circumstances.

The draft commission may grant a deferment from conscription for health reasons for up to 1 year.

Deferment for continuing education

Due to the continuation of education, citizens can receive a deferment only for the period of study.

A deferment for continuing education is provided in case of continuing education to the following citizens:

  • those receiving general secondary education in educational organizations;
  • those receiving full-time technical, vocational, post-secondary or higher education;
  • receiving postgraduate professional education.

Deferment for family reasons

For family reasons, a deferment from military conscription is granted to the following people:

  1. married and having one child (or more);
  2. who have a child not raised by their mother as their support (dependant);
  3. who are provided for by needy family members in the event that they are not fully supported by the state and they do not have close relatives.

On the last point, the list of those who need outside help and care:

  • father, mother, wife;
  • grandparents of retirement age or disabled people of group I or II, but only if the conscript’s parents are absent;
  • brothers, sisters who are disabled people of group I or II or under 18 years of age, in the absence of parents;
  • mother/father who has 1 or more children who are disabled people of group I or II or have not reached the age of 18, and is raising them without a spouse;
  • mother/father who has 1 or more dependent single relatives (father, mother, brother, sister) who are disabled by age or disabled people of group I or II, and supports them without a spouse;
  • one of the parents who supports the second, who is a disabled person of group I or II, and is raising 1 or more children under 18 years of age;

Postponement due to other circumstances

  1. teachers of educational organizations located in rural areas who have appropriate education and work in their specialty;
  2. doctors in rural areas who have appropriate education and work in their specialty;
  3. deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local representative bodies;
  4. persons against whom preliminary investigation or criminal cases are being conducted;
  5. ship crew members with appropriate education.

In such cases, a deferment is granted for the entire period of work, and in the case of a criminal case - until the end of the investigation by a court decision.

Exemption from military service in the army

There are a number of circumstances under which a citizen can be completely exempt from serving in the army. Military conscription is carried out 2 times a year: spring conscription - for the period from April to June, and autumn conscription - from October to December. Exemption from military conscription in peacetime is granted to persons who have reached the age of 27 and citizens declared unfit for health reasons that prevent them from serving.

If you have already read materials on the Internet on the topic of abandoning the army, then you know: in them the author begins to shame readers and scare them with a criminal article, or indignant people come running in the comments and reproach you for cowardice.

  • Is it possible to slope;
  • is it worth doing?
  • what does this threaten?

There are legal grounds for a temporary or permanent exemption, including obtaining an education, having a PhD degree, not being drafted, or having an illness incompatible with service. I list all the reasons for deferment in this article:

There's a cool infographic there. If you find yourself in the picture, rejoice! For the next year you will be walking around in your native Adidas, and not in camouflage.

In fact, the only way you have a reason for a slope that you don't know about is if you have health problems. It’s unlikely that you have a forgotten candidate of sciences crust lying around, or you forgot that you are a deputy or a happy father of two children. But it’s quite possible to forget – or not even suspect – about a diagnosis that will help you legally get out of the army.

But even here, not everything is simple. Contrary to popular stories, flat feet or high blood pressure alone are not sufficient reasons for you to forget the way to the military registration and enlistment office. You can’t just come to the commission and say that you have flat feet. This is not an Avada Kedavra spell that will defeat the military commissar on the spot. You will have to collect a lot of pieces of paper to convince the commission.

How to legally withdraw from the army due to health reasons

To make your diagnosis sound convincing, start collecting certificates and statements about examinations and treatment. Preferably from kindergarten. I am not kidding! Advanced mothers fold all the papers and carefully preserve them until the time when the child receives the first summons.

And from the age of 14-15, the child, that is, you, is quite capable of collecting certificates on his own. If a conscript has been regularly visiting doctors for his illness over the past few years, has been in the hospital 1-2 times, and all this is confirmed by documents, then the chance of getting a deferment is high.

It’s another matter if you hold a summons in one hand, and with the other you frantically type “schedule of illnesses 2017 army” into the search engine in the hope of finding your illness in this list. Think about it: a person under 18 has never seen a doctor, and at 18 he suddenly gets sick? There are no fools sitting in military registration and enlistment offices.

Read it, and perhaps you will have more fun looking at your upcoming youth in boots.

How to avoid the army in 2017 “on the run”

In the nineties, people massacred “on the run.” That is, they simply flushed the summons down the toilet and did not open the door if they saw strong guys in uniform through the peephole. Now this scenario does not work. If you are on the run, you will not be able to get a job officially, because the employer is required to submit information to the military registration and enlistment office.

You won't get a passport, but that's the least of your worries. It is quite possible to get a fine of up to 200,000 rubles, or even go to prison for two years. Therefore, I warn everyone who is planning to run away from the army in 2017: one rash act will ruin your life, and you will never get anything back.

Read before deciding whether to serve or not.

How to get out of the army for money

I'll be brief: no way. In the best case, your “benefactor” will simply take the money and disappear, and in the worst case, you will go to court for a bribe.

If you read the article and realized that you won’t be able to mow, then start preparing for the service in advance. The better you prepare, the easier it will be for you to serve, and the faster this year will fly by. In this article I share the most valuable information:

It’s a pity that no one told me about this, especially about number 6.

P.S. Do you want to ask me a question, complain about life, or brag about how you served? Write in the comments!

Everyone knows that conscript service of young citizens of the Russian Federation in the armed forces is an obligation, the foundations of which are laid down in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the procedure and rules are determined by the relevant federal law and a number of other regulatory documents. The plan for the number of young people called up, approved by decree of the President of Russia twice a year, is being fulfilled much ahead of schedule - this indicates the popularization of military service, increasing the status of servicemen, and improving conditions of service.

In 2019, the majority of young men themselves want to join the army in order to improve their physical fitness and learn the skills of using the latest types of weapons, rather than thinking about how to “drop out” from the army. Despite all the positive changes, some young people still avoid the army. For such conscripts and parents of young men, we remind you of criminal liability for evading military service.

Criminal liability for those who decide to “refuse to leave the army”

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains a separate article for draft dodgers under number 328. This article provides for the following punishment:

  • a large fine, which can reach 170,000 - 200,00 rubles;
  • temporary imprisonment (arrest) for a period of up to six months;
  • imprisonment of the accused conscript for up to 2 years.

However, in this article the very vague formulation of “evasion of conscription for military service” is given as a crime. To clarify this formulation, a resolution of the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation was issued, which clarified what exactly constitutes “evasion.” So, for example, faking any illness in order not to go into the army is pure draft evasion - this applies to guys who want to “exclude from the army due to health, if healthy,” and for such an act the judge will definitely apply the specified criminal article .

Also, a situation is regarded as a crime when a young man fails to come to the military registration and enlistment office several times, having previously received the appropriate summons if the purpose of the failure to appear was the desire not to go to the army. However, it is unlikely that the young man will be able to prove that he ignored the summons for any other purpose.

We draw the attention of conscripts and their parents that in relations with the military registration and enlistment office you should under no circumstances leave everything to chance. You must control all stages of the process yourself, or use legal support from our organization. You can consult with us for free in any city in Russia - the telephone numbers are listed in the Contacts section (the call is free). Remember that childish pranks and sloppiness in these matters can result in a prison sentence and a criminal record.

Who is exempt from conscription under federal law?

Federal law provides for categories of young conscripts who are exempt from conscription for military service. Here it should be emphasized that it is to obtain release according to the law, and not “to evade the army legally,” which means evasion from the army is a criminal offense. One of the most significant categories of young people receiving exemption from the army by law are young men whose health status was compared by the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office with the category “limitedly fit” (corresponding to the letter indicator “B”). According to official statistics from the Ministry of Defense, 27.4% of conscripts are exempt from the army due to health reasons. According to our statistics, among the conscripts who contacted us, more than 72% of the guys had “non-conscription” diseases after basic research. Call us, we will advise you and explain how to organize a medical examination.

It should be noted that the conscript has the right to appeal the decision to declare him fit for military service, as well as the opportunity to conduct an independent medical examination. We provide legal support at all stages right up to obtaining a military ID - we advise free of charge by phone numbers listed in the Contacts section. We remind you once again for those who are interested in “how to get out of the army on health grounds” that in 2019, for simulating symptoms of an illness at the military registration and enlistment office, a conscript faces criminal liability. A thorough medical examination should be carried out to look for diseases - practice shows that many young men do not even realize that they are entitled to exemption from the army for health reasons by law.

Know your rights, conduct a body examination before a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, if you have questions or need help, call us.

One two three four,
I burned the summons in the toilet!
I'll lie down in bed and rest,
Ehh, no desire for war!

This year I turned 24 years old and graduated from university. Back in March, when the pre-graduation pain in the seat had just begun to appear, the military registration and enlistment office was already interested in me, which, quietly hiding, had not reminded of itself for the last four years. At that time, I had a lot to do, I had to find time and do something, I didn’t even want to join the army in the reserves. I had to sit down and think, and then take action.

After a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, I actually pulled out a referral with my teeth to three doctors, a psychiatrist (before entering the university, they diagnosed accentuation of character traits, Article 5B, at that time it gave a year and a half deferment, now they take such an article), a neurologist (once diagnosed with VSD, removed), to a therapist (once I had first-degree MVP, removed), tried to get a referral to an allergist, and was carefully sent to a direct request.
As a result, I can advise you in advance, you can start six months in advance, go through all possible doctors. Tell doctors that you don’t want to go into the army, you want to be fully examined. You need to go to an endocrinologist, neurologist, therapist, surgeon, allergist, ophthalmologist, dentist, psychiatrist. Actually, to all the doctors who will be on the commission. An allergist, psychiatrist, or neurologist can really help if you don’t have any diseases. Actually, that’s what happened to me; I put off seeing an allergist until the last minute and underwent a full examination by a neurologist, therapist and psychiatrist. I came across an adequate psychiatrist, asked if I wanted to serve, received a negative answer and diagnosed mild neurosis, said that this was absolutely not a guarantee, and advised me to go and lie down at the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health in Novinki. The neurologist did not reveal any symptoms of VSD, but based on my complaints, he diagnosed “Vegetative-vascular dystonia with an asymptomatic nature.” I didn’t lie to any doctor, I answered all questions honestly, for example, complaints to the neurologist were simply honest answers to his questions, for example:
- Do you have dizziness or migraines?
- Very rarely.
- They lost consciousness.
- Yes, once upon a time it was.
etc. I advise you to behave in the same way with all doctors. There is no point in lying to anyone. And in general, honesty in life is justified, it is always a good weapon when a lie in many cases can turn against you.
According to the therapist and other doctors, I was absolutely healthy. But both of these diagnoses moved me to the 12th group of conscripts. This group can only be drafted into the most relaxed and non-responsible branches of the military, such as a construction battalion, and only when there is a shortage, which usually does not happen with us. I didn’t go into detail because I absolutely didn’t want to take any risks; I needed a complete, stable slope away from the army. Therefore, at the most recent examination by a psychologist, when asked “did you use drugs?” I answered honestly: “yes,” which shocked the psychologist, who ran around and consulted with someone there for about fifteen minutes, and then referred me to a psychiatrist. He shook his head, complained that I was spoiling my entire future with such statements and asked me again twice. I said that I don’t use, I’m not addicted, but I used and tried. Then this gray-haired doctor sent me to hell. For examination. It was worth asking to do this back when I was seeing a psychiatrist at our city psycho-neurological dispensary, but then I didn’t go to the mental hospital, but decided to wait for the decision of the military registration and enlistment office.
The minimum diagnostics in the “new products” is two full weeks, although it is not clear why, all procedures and doctors are completed in a day or two without rushing, the rest of the time you just try to keep yourself busy with something. I told the attending physician that I came here to get a diagnosis and not to go into the army. I don’t use drugs, I’m a normal person, so I don’t want to serve. A dense flow of conscripts accelerated the process and after 11 days I was already free, diagnosed with neurosis, which freed me from military service for several years. It also imposes restrictions on service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB, some departmental and law enforcement agencies, as well as on driving aircraft. There are no restrictions on driving a car, any other type of work or possession of firearms. So my life before and after the psychiatric hospital did not change at all.
There is absolutely no need to be afraid of the madhouse; they are very loyal to conscripts there. Or more precisely: everyone puts a bolt on them, so the worst thing that can happen there is mortal melancholy. It’s also not worth mowing there and pretending to be an ordinary Schweik. It is very difficult to leave there without a diagnosis; there are no mentally healthy people. Any trait of character, thinking, psyche that characterizes a person as an individual is a deviation. So if you are an original, passionate person, then that means you are even more accentuated. People came out from there with the article “absent-mindedness,” which also does not impose any significant restrictions, like my diagnosis, it only gives a deferment of only a year. It is also impossible for a normal person to come out with the article psychopathy, schizophrenia or something similar, this person must either be suicidal or really sick. The risk here is zero, and the guarantee that the army can be given up or some other body tends to one hundred percent.
The doctors also suggested another effective way to me: you just need to tell me during the medical examination that you wet the bed occasionally at night. They will put you in the hospital for two weeks, repeat in the hospital a couple of times, enduring the coolness of the night and the humiliating state of health. They will diagnose enuresis of a psychological nature and send you home. Or a bribe. But both of these methods involve deception and violation of the Criminal Code, so they did not suit me.

Someday I’ll write in continuation of how I spent time in a magical land and what you need to have a relaxing time there.

The country's military registration and enlistment offices are tasked with recruiting the required number of people during the autumn or spring conscription, who will then serve in the army. If there is an acute shortage of guys, then the competent authorities begin to intensively look for those who deliberately evade conscription. Such people are subject to sanctions, including those provided for in the Criminal Code.

Let's look at the most popular questions asked by young people under the age of 27.

Can there be criminal liability?

Yes, if the conscript tries to avoid the army using clearly illegal methods. These include bribing officials, falsifying medical certificates, and purchasing official documents. The court may impose severe punishment. For example, for giving a bribe (Article 291), a serious fine (up to 200 thousand rubles) or imprisonment for up to 8 years is provided.

Is it possible to “run away” from conscription until the age of 27?

The simplest solution how to get out of the army. The answer to the question is no! If you ignore the subpoenas, you will automatically fall under Article 328 (Part 1). That is, draft evasion. Of course, unless you have valid reasons. But, as a rule, those who have the appropriate documents about a serious illness and other papers exempting them from service do not run away from the military registration and enlistment office.

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What happens if you hurt yourself?

You will receive a deferment for the duration of treatment. Is the game worth the candle? Of course not! By cutting off your finger or breaking your arm, you are causing damage to your body. No one will exempt you from service. By the way, there have been cases when, as a result of causing harm to one’s own body, a person was prescribed a medical examination. If it turns out that he is mentally ill, then treatment is prescribed. There is a possibility that a citizen will “dismiss” the army. But he will have to register with the dispensary, which limits him in many ways.

Are there legal ways to avoid service?

Yes. For example, have a wife and two children. In this case, the citizen will not be subject to conscription. But remember that starting a family is a very important step. If you suddenly decide that you can simply “make” children just to avoid military service, then remember about child support. Girls will not raise children alone, respecting your intention to “get out” of the army.

Another legal way is to serve in government agencies. For example, in the police, fire service or authorities that control the flow of drugs and identify people distributing psychotropic substances.

Finally, you can earn an advanced degree. But training is not for everyone, and before choosing such a path, you should think carefully. Teaching will become your life's work.

Is it possible to buy a military ID?

Theoretically, yes. If you have money, you can buy whatever your heart desires. But this act is a crime. Since you will pay money for the document, you will fall under the article “giving a bribe”, plus other articles will “pop up”. For example, complicity in a crime and forgery of documents. You cannot buy a military ID! But you can get it legally.

Are there force majeure circumstances?

Yes. You are released from service in the following cases:

  • Your brother or father died while serving. Or received injuries or wounds, which then led to death.
  • You are the caregiver of a brother or sister. At the same time, they have no one else but you.
  • You are caring for a close relative who has lost the ability to work. But at the same time, it must be systematically controlled.

Thinking how to get out of the army, remember that Russian legislation does not sleep. And anyone who tries to deceive the system will be severely punished. You need to act legally.

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