How to prevent the infestation of trees with tinder fungi. Are worms in cats transmitted to humans and how to prevent infection? How to prevent infection

Pathogenic bacteria, fungi growing on the trunks of living trees: chaga, honey mushrooms. Also worms: pork tapeworm, bovine tapeworm.

Question 2. How do grain crops become infected with smut fungi?

Most often, smut spores land on healthy grains during harvesting and threshing and remain on them until sowing. Together with the grain, the spores fall into the ground and germinate into the mycelium threads. The mycelium penetrates the seedlings of grain plants and grows inside the stem, feeding on its juices. By the time the cereals flower, the mycelium of the smut fungus reaches the ear. Here it grows strongly, forms a mass of spores, destroys the grains and turns them into black dust. The spikelets become like charred firebrands.

Question 3. What damage do tinder fungi cause to trees?

Polypores destroy tree wood, making it rotten, causing great harm to forestry, gardens and parks.

Question 4. How to prevent the infection of trees by tinder fungi?

The cardinal method of combating tinder fungus is the destruction of affected fruit trees, as they can become a source of infection of healthy fruit trees. You also need to prevent the ingress of tinder fungus spores: do not damage the bark of trees, heal all damage to the bark and large cuts in a timely manner, all broken branches must be cut off and covered with varnish, and prevent sunburn.

Question 5. What are the general characteristics of mushrooms?

Symbiosis - (from the Greek συμ- - “together” and βίος - “life”) is a mutually beneficial relationship between two or more organisms of different species, especially pronounced in mushrooms.

Similarities: These are types of interaction between living things.


Based on studying the material in the paragraphs and additional literature, compose a message “The diversity of mushrooms and their significance in nature and human life.”

There are about 300 species of edible mushrooms in our country. However, the number of species consumed as food is usually small. Most edible mushrooms are little known, for example, the umbrella mushroom, some types of row mushrooms, etc. The best edible mushrooms are porcini mushroom, boletus, boletus, boletus, milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, and autumn honey fungus. Summer honey fungus, russula, violet row, and trumpets also have good nutritional qualities.

Among the mushrooms there are also poisonous ones, but there are relatively few of them. First of all, we should mention the pale toadstool and the stinking fly agaric - deadly poisonous mushrooms for which there is no reliable antidote.

Fungi play an important role in the cycle of substances in nature - they decompose organic compounds into inorganic (mineral) ones, which can subsequently be absorbed by plants. Soil fungi play a huge role in soil formation - they enrich the humus (fertile) layer. Mycorrhiza, which is formed by fungi and plants, has a positive effect on the growth and development of plants.

The fruiting bodies of cap mushrooms are consumed by many animals: mammals, rodents, squirrels, badgers, wild boars, moose, roe deer), birds, land mollusks and many insects.

The importance of mushrooms in the human economy.

The virus that causes HIV infection, the last stage of which is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), is called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Some strains of HIV may be resistant to certain medications. Knowing how HIV infection spreads, it is easy to protect yourself and your loved ones. Read this article and you will learn how to protect yourself from HIV infection.


Method 1 of 2: Protect yourself

Find out how HIV infection spreads. Unfortunately, you may come across a lot of conflicting information about how this virus spreads. This virus is transmitted by contact of infected blood, semen, or vaginal secretions with broken skin or mucous membranes (ie, mouth, nose, vagina, rectum, exposed penis). HIV is transmitted through the biological fluids of an infected person: blood, semen, vaginal secretions during anal, vaginal or oral sex.

  • This means that you can kiss (as long as there are no wounds or cuts), hug and communicate with a person who has HIV without worrying about your health.
  • Don't assume that someone who doesn't have symptoms doesn't have HIV. People can have HIV for many years before developing AIDS, and anyone infected can transmit the virus.

Do not abuse alcohol or recreational drugs. Loss of control can lead to dangerous situations or rash decisions, which increases the likelihood of engaging in unprotected sex or other activities that carry a high risk of contracting HIV infection.

Treat sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The risk of HIV infection increases with concomitant sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections. Infections weaken the immune system and make a person more susceptible to HIV. Therefore, if you have a sexually transmitted disease, do not hesitate to get treatment for it. Today, medicine has vaccines against some sexually transmitted infections.

Do not share needles or syringes. It is very easy to become infected with HIV by sharing needles and syringes. Blood from an infected person remains in the used syringe and needle, and the person who uses such a syringe may also become infected. In a number of countries, syringe exchange charities operate to reduce the spread of HIV among drug users, who often use the same syringe more than once.

Get circumcised. Circumcision reduces the likelihood of a man becoming infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. However, if you are a woman and have sex with a circumcised man, please note that this does not protect you from HIV infection. If you haven't gotten circumcised yet, you may want to think about it and take the plunge.

Take immediate action to prevent infection. If you have been in contact with someone who has HIV, seek medical help immediately. If you take a preventive course within 72 hours of infection, there is a chance that the virus will be destroyed. But it should be understood that emergency prevention does not provide a 100% guarantee. Studies have shown that post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV is very often ineffective, especially in men after anal sex.

Avoid contact with other people's blood or other body fluids. You cannot be one hundred percent sure that a person is not a carrier of HIV infection. So take steps to protect yourself. Avoid touching other people's blood if possible, and avoid contact with other body fluids that can spread HIV. These liquids include:

  • Sperm
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Rectal discharge
  • Breast milk
  • Amniotic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, and synovial fluid (usually you may encounter this if you work in the medical field)
  • Get medical help if you become pregnant. HIV infection can be transmitted from mother to child. If you become pregnant but are concerned that you may have contracted HIV, get the necessary tests and seek medical help immediately. This will reduce your child's risk of infection. However, for this you will need to take the help of a doctor.

  • Women usually have a planned caesarean section to reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to their baby.
  • Consult your doctor. If you are experiencing health problems, be sure to consult your doctor! If you are unable to see a doctor, many countries have government programs to help people with HIV. Find out if there are such programs in your area.

    Method 2 of 2: Talk to your partner

    Get tested as often as possible. Thanks to this, you can protect yourself and your partner from unpleasant consequences. Do everything you can to protect your partner if you have had contact with another person! Since some partners may lie and provide inaccurate information about their health, the safest option is to get tested together.

    Practice safe sex to prevent HIV. Only have unprotected sex if you are in a mutually monogamous relationship in which both you and your partner are not infected with HIV or another STD. Remember, prevention is better than cure. This is the best way to take care of yourself and your partner. Don't say "just once"! This one time could cost you your life. Methods for preventing HIV infection:

  • Male condoms
  • Female condoms
  • Condoms for oral sex (can be used by men and women!)
  • Use lubricating gels. Of course, it is impossible to prevent HIV using these products, but in fact, lubricating gels can protect you to some extent! By using a condom, you expose yourself to a serious risk of infection if the condom breaks. The best way to prevent a condom from breaking is to reduce the load on it. Gel lubricant can help you with this. It is better to use water-based lubricant. If you protect yourself with a condom, the oil can disrupt the structure of the latex, it can tear or lose elasticity.

  • Gel lubricant is important when engaging in anal sex; it is not for nothing that there are special high-strength condoms for anal sex. Breaking a condom during anal sex is more dangerous than during vaginal sex.
  • Use a condom correctly. Typically, learning how to use a condom is not difficult. This must be done. Remember, proper use of a condom during sexual intercourse greatly reduces the risk of contracting HIV infection.

  • Store condoms in a cool, dry place. Do not expose them to direct sunlight.
  • Also, pay attention to the expiration date. Make sure the condom has not expired.
  • Open the bag with your hands, not your teeth.
  • Position the condom correctly. The protrusion at the end (air reservoir) should be grasped with two fingers. If the condom touches the outside of the penis, it means you need to throw it away and use a new one.
  • Squeezing the tip of the condom with your fingers, you need to put it on the head of the penis and roll it with the other hand to the base of the penis. Using your fingers, carefully unfold the condom in the desired direction.
  • Don't forget to take precautions after sex. After sexual intercourse, you need to remove the penis from the vagina, carefully holding the condom to prevent it from slipping off. Remove the condom and throw it away.
  • Have sex in a monogamous relationship. The best HIV prevention is abstinence, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult to do this for a long time. The only form of sexual relationship that does not carry the risk of contracting HIV is a mutual monogamous partnership in which both members are not infected. Be intimate with only one person and get tested regularly if you want to protect yourself from contracting the infection.

  • Even if you are only in a relationship with one person, you or your partner could become infected with HIV without even knowing it. Therefore, be sure to undergo the necessary examination, even if you have been together for several years.
  • Keep toys clean. If you use toys during sex, keep them clean. Wash toys after each sexual encounter.

    Communicate! Ask your sexual partner if he or she has used intravenous drugs in the past. However, do not judge your loved one if they have had this experience in the past. Strive for open, trusting communication. Remember that if you want to protect yourself or your partner from getting HIV, you need to be honest with each other.

    • If you think you may have become infected with HIV, it is very important to get tested. You can get tested at a hospital or other health care facility. Alternatively, you can do the test at home.


    • Never make exceptions in taking safety measures to prevent HIV infection. One instance of unprotected sex or intravenous drug use can transmit the virus that later becomes the disease AIDS.

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    The tick is a carrier of more than 20 types of diseases, some of which can be fatal. What diseases are the most dangerous and what to do if you find a tick on your body or feel unwell after a country walk, how to provide first aid - we will talk about this and much more further.

    Which ticks are carriers of infections?

    There are more than 48 thousand species of ticks. They live everywhere, even in harsh Arctic and Antarctic climatic conditions. Those specimens that feed on blood pose a serious danger, as they are carriers of infections and viruses. These include:
    • Ixodes tick found throughout the territory, lives in darkened forest areas, park areas, and dachas. Two species of this genus pose a particular danger to humans: the taiga tick and the dog tick (they carry tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease).
    • In the southern regions there is a tick that is resistant to acaricides - Hyalomma. Its bite can lead to the development of spotted or Crimean (hemorrhagic) fever.
    • Meadow or pasture tick of the genus Dermacentor- inhabitant of forest edges, lawns, meadows, carrier of many infectious diseases.
    • Brown tick Rhipicephalus– Its main victims are dogs, but people can also be attacked.
    • Haemaphysalis– inhabitant of warm and humid coniferous and deciduous forests. Carries rickettsiosis and tick-borne encephalitis.

    Tick-borne infections

    Tick-borne infections are transmitted to humans through blood. The most common sites of injury are:

    • armpit;
    • groin area;
    • scalp under hairline;
    • chest, stomach and neck.
    The tick's saliva contains an analgesic, so humans do not feel the bite. The tick is most often discovered only after a day, when its belly increases almost 100 times. The bites of the male pose the greatest danger, since after being saturated with blood, he disappears on his own.

    Let us dwell in more detail on diseases transmitted by tick bites.

    This is a dangerous virus. Severe forms of the disease, complications caused by the virus, can cause paralysis and even lead to death. There are several types of the virus. In our country, the most common are: Siberian (easier to tolerate) and, the most dangerous, Far Eastern (from 20 to 40% of deaths).

    Symptoms of the disease may appear 2 weeks after the bite:

    • weakness, body aches, fever;
    • increase in temperature (up to 38-40 degrees).
    The disease can occur in several forms: febrile, meningeal, meningoencephalitic, poliomyelitis. Each of these forms has its own symptoms:
    • Feverish form (mildest)- causes headache, nausea, drowsiness, attacks of fever.
    • In meningeal form– the most common. In addition to symptoms identical to those observed in the febrile form, stiff neck, cramps of the arms, legs, and shoulders may occur.
    • The most severe form of the disease is meningoencephalitic. It is associated with brain damage, causing disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Epilepsy seizures, clouding of consciousness in the form of delirium and hallucinations, and paralysis may occur.
    • Poliomyelitis form has similar initial symptoms, after a couple of days the disease progresses sharply, affecting the muscles of the shoulders and neck. A person’s posture changes, movements are difficult, numbness in the arms and legs, which can lead to complete paralysis.

    If this disease is suspected, the following diagnostic procedures are performed:
    • laboratory blood test for polymer chain reaction;
    • they take cerebrospinal fluid and lymph for analysis, checking them for the presence of the virus;
    • do an antibody test.
    Treatment (early stage of the disease) - immunoglobulin therapy, bed rest, diet, vitamin complex.

    In severe and moderate forms, gamma globulin and drugs that maintain electrolyte-water balance are prescribed.

    Lyme disease

    Lyme borreliosis tick-borne is a vector-borne infection transmitted by blood-sucking animals. It penetrates through the blood, affecting joints and internal organs. It is also called erythema migrans, due to its external manifestation in the form of a rash on the body.


    • The incubation period is 1-2 weeks, after which the first symptoms appear, in many ways similar to flu-like conditions (fever, weakness, body aches), the peculiarity is that you feel stiffness in the neck muscles.
    • A ring-shaped redness appears around the site of the lesion, which expands to the sides over several days. Erythema can reach a diameter of more than 50 cm.
    • The acute period is characterized by: nausea, headache, photophobia, hyperesthesia, frequent vomiting, pain in muscles and joints.
    • Stage II is characterized by cardiac and neurological symptoms; dangerous diseases such as meningitis with neuritis, radiculoneuritis, myocarditis, etc. may develop. The most common manifestations: shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, chest pain.
    • blood test for increased ESR and leukocytes;
    • biochemical analysis to detect increased AST activity;
    • serological tests - PCR, ELISA, etc.
    Treatment of Lyme disease is carried out with antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline, doxycycline or amoxicillin group. For damage to the nervous system, heart and joints, penicillin (ceftriaxone) is used. At the same time, desensitizing therapy is carried out to relieve allergic symptoms.

    After suffering from the disease, the patient is under the supervision of doctors (infectious disease specialist, therapist and neurologist) for a year to identify the chronicity of the infection.


    This is a rare disease for our country; it is a bacterial infection and affects several systems and organs at once (kidneys, heart, brain, lungs).

    Primary symptoms include: redness on the skin, swollen lymph nodes, aching joints, a flu-like state (chills, general malaise, fever, lack of appetite, etc.).

    If a disease is suspected, a blood test is performed for antibodies (serological tests).

    Main treatment: antibiotics of the tetracycline group are used.

    Babesiosis is acutely infectious. The disease has not been studied enough; only about 100 cases have been described in the medical literature of the world. Its symptoms are in many ways similar to piroplasmosis: fever, anemia. People with reduced immunity are most susceptible to this disease: after operations, elderly citizens, and AIDS patients.

    Diagnosis is difficult because the disease is poorly understood. To confirm the diagnosis, a smear and blood are taken to check for the presence of the pathogen, and a complement fixation reaction is used.

    Treatment: use the drugs tiagren, albagrin, acarpine, etc. In severe cases, blood transfusion is performed, bed rest is recommended.

    Spotted fever

    This name goes to several diseases transmitted by ticks: rickettsia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Siberian spotted fever, Mediterranean, etc.

    Symptoms of the disease:

    • very high temperature (up to 41 degrees), accompanied by general malaise, severe chills, profuse sweating, vomiting;
    • frequent headaches;
    • trembling and pain in muscle tissue;
    • the appearance of a rash in the abdomen, back, buttocks, arms and legs;
    • the lymph node enlarges in the area next to the bite.
    Diagnosis begins with an epidemiological investigation and examination of the patient. A blood test (PCR method) and serological tests (to detect specific antibodies) are performed.

    Treatment is antibiotic therapy (doxycyline, chloramphenicol, etc.), antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.


    Ticks are carriers of this disease. People are very susceptible to this infection, although the disease is not transmitted from person to person. The following forms can occur from an insect bite: bubonic, ulcerative-bubonic, generalized.

    Primary symptoms:

    • severe headache;
    • nausea with vomiting;
    • fever, chills;
    • a rash on the skin, after 12 days it begins to peel off.
    Specific lesions depend on the form of the disease. Most often these are: damage to the lymphatic system, ulcers, hallucinations, confusion.

    Diagnosis and treatment are carried out in a hospital setting. Antiviral, detoxification therapy, and long-term antibiotic treatment are carried out.

    Trees occupy a special niche in gardening. They require less care and do not bear fruit every year. In addition to various insects and birds that interfere with successful growth, the main enemies of “domestic” trees are tinder fungi.

    What kind of mushroom lives on a tree

    • The tinder fungus is oblique and leafy. They develop under the bark of a tree and reach 3m in length and 40cm in width. I have two states: fresh and dry. The color is dark yellow. They grow mainly on deciduous trees and cause white rot.
    • Leafy tinder fungus. The biggest view. They mature up to 1m and 40kg. They live on the bases of old trees. The color of the caps is yellow-gray, the undercaps are white, and the legs are light. Used fried, boiled or dried as food.
    • Tinder fungi are sulfur-yellow. From 5 to 30cm. While the young are bright orange and shaped like cones, they darken with age and take on the shape of fans. Develops on deciduous and coniferous trunks.
    • Birch. They live on dead birch trees. Their shape resembles a convex plate of white or gray color. 5-20mm in diameter. Causes severe rotting and destruction of the tree.
    • Winter. The hat is hairy and white, 1-10 cm in diameter. Are edible.
    • Scaly polypore, pied variegated, haretail. Cream-colored mushroom with dark spots. It lives on broad-leaved trees and is consumed only when young.

    How to save trees

    Whatever the type of tinder fungus, they all harm and destroy the structure of the tree to some extent. Experienced gardeners have learned to deal with them. First of all, protect the barrel from various damage. A hole in the bark is an ideal place for fungal spores to “populate”. If it does happen that it was not possible to save it, they are treated from the base to the first branches with various gardening agents, and the bodies of already sprouted mushrooms are cut off and burned.

    Until recently, it was a completely fatal disease. Before the invention of antibiotics, it was possible to save the life of a person who had developed sepsis only by amputating the affected limb (if he was “lucky” with such a location). Now the patient’s chances of survival when sepsis develops are much greater, but they increase even more with the earliest possible diagnosis.

    What causes sepsis

    Purulent microorganisms that enter the blood cause the formation of toxins, which give rise to severe poisoning of the body, known as blood poisoning. The symptom (one of the first) in this case is an increase in temperature, but it is also characteristic of a host of other diseases, which is why the correct diagnosis is often made with a delay. It has long been clear how to treat blood poisoning with antibiotics, but they are not very useful for the body, so it is better to try to avoid sepsis.

    Prevention is better than cure

    Parents teaching their children to be clean and diligently treating even the smallest abrasions are aimed, among other things, at preventing such dangers as blood poisoning. A symptom in the form of a rapid pulse in parallel with a high temperature should alert anyone whose skin has recently been damaged and not carefully treated. Disinfection of even a minor scratch is mandatory! And if the wound is deep enough, and even particles of dirt, dust, small stones, or animal hair have gotten into it, it is strongly recommended to see a doctor. Sepsis can be “caught” by careless sterilization of medical instruments in the event of surgery, but here you already have to trust in the integrity of doctors. But the health of your own organs (both respiratory, genitourinary, and digestive) depends only on you and will provide an additional guarantee against infection.

    Signs of sepsis

    Even after receiving a very small wound, it is better to carefully monitor it for some time to make sure that blood poisoning has not begun. The symptom is swelling around the damaged area, which is accompanied by fever and should make you immediately rush to the hospital. If all this is accompanied by hardening of the injury site, a change in skin color, rashes (perhaps even all over the body), your suspicions may begin to develop into confidence. Most likely, negligence led to trouble, and you have (another) swollen lymph nodes to confirm this. However, the most frightening sign is if crimson “snakes” begin to crawl from the wound. This suggests that sepsis is no longer limited to injury, it has begun to steadily spread throughout the body, and your life directly depends on the experience and speed of action of doctors.

    Treatment of sepsis

    Now that you have read how to recognize blood poisoning, we can talk about its treatment. First of all, we must remember that trouble cannot be treated at home, with homemade or folk methods: only in a hospital, only by doctors. And only after the necessary tests that will clarify which bacteria caused sepsis. Based on research results, antibiotics are prescribed in large quantities, which are most effective against a specific pathogen. Often a drip is required. At the same time, the wound is thoroughly cleaned and necrotic tissue is removed (naturally, if there is free access to the wound). To improve, special nutrition, vitamins, and special serums are prescribed. And only then - drugs that will weaken the harmful effects of antibiotics.

    But it’s better not to let a possible disaster reach such proportions. It is entirely possible to carry antiseptic wipes in your bag to treat minor scratches and abrasions. In case of more serious injuries, you should immediately contact a clinic.

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