How to recognize stress. How to understand that you are stressed Why stress occurs

A free online stress test will show you how upset you are.

Positive and negative effects of stress

If you have some important test ahead, for example, an exam or important business negotiations, then light stress, on the contrary, is useful.

In this case, it activates the body’s forces to solve problems, mobilizes the body’s reserve capabilities to solve the problem.

Stress gives a man confidence in his abilities. Moreover, the reason for the lack of male potency is actually not a stressful state, but a long-term absence of it. As a rule, only a person who is unprepared for a stressful situation, who is too “pampered”, can get into trouble with stress.

And stress rejuvenates women, helps them reveal themselves, and motivates them to take action. Under its influence, a woman can show abilities that she herself did not even know about.

Stress management

For stress to be beneficial, you need to be able to manage it. For example, Dr. Aliyev invented the Key method.

Its basis is the use of negative stress energy to solve problems. That is, it seems to turn stressful energy in the right direction.

One of the stress factors is the inability to communicate. , and then stressful situations will only help in solving life problems.

Stress Prevention

To prevent stress, you can use the RETRI method - a method of psychological self-safety that serves to protect against stress.

The RETRI method includes three components (three “RE”): 1) muscle RELAXATION; 2) age REgression; 3) Reconstruction of individual experience based on the subconscious.

This method teaches you to take care of your nerves, offers various exercises to relieve nervous tension caused by a stressful situation and further activate the “collected” vital forces to solve the problem that caused the stressful state.

Very often, the cause of vulnerability to stress is the reactions to stressful situations that we acquire in early childhood. Children's methods of protecting themselves from stress must be independently changed to adults. This is the basis of the RETRI method.

The stress self-regulation method is based on the following skills:

  • Muscle relaxation.
  • Observation of bodily sensations.
  • Creating and maintaining a positive attitude towards life, a positive emotional state and peace of mind.
Take a stress test
To determine what level of stress you are currently at, take this test.

INSTRUCTIONS: Carefully read the question (statement) and choose one of the proposed answers.

Stress that keeps us within our comfort zone can help us cope with a task, motivate us to do our best to achieve a result, and stay safe. But sometimes tension overwhelms, spoils mood and relationships, and leads to a number of serious problems with physical and mental health. Information on how to understand the state of others and your own will be useful to everyone: family members, work team members, office managers, athletes.

The trouble is that life is full of disappointments, it requires maintaining the same pace; for many, time flies so quickly that there is no opportunity to concentrate on oneself and take a closer look at loved ones. Regardless of occupation, knowing the causes and symptoms of stress can help everyone take steps to reduce its harmful effects and improve their quality of life.

Stress is the body’s reaction to various types of threats. When the brain assesses a situation as threatening, the nervous system releases a flood of stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol. They prepare the body for extreme measures: the heart beats faster, muscles tighten, breathing quickens, blood pressure rises, and senses become more acute. These physical changes help increase strength, endurance, speed up reactions, and improve attention. If tension does not lead beyond the comfort zone, a person under stress remains focused and energetic with its help. In an emergency situation, this tension can save lives, giving additional strength to defend or escape. With the help of productive stress, you can quickly solve problems at work and in sports, and prepare for exams.

But beyond your comfort zone, stress ceases to be beneficial and can cause serious damage to the body and mind. The body responds to stress by preparing to mobilize. If activity is not needed, the body responds - immobilization (immobility) - the person may lose consciousness.

The consequence of chronic stress is an inadequate response of the nervous system to daily stress factors. An argument with a friend or a traffic jam causes such a violent reaction, as if it were a matter of life and death. This reaction leads to health problems every day.

Chronic stress interferes with the functioning of all body systems:

  • weakens the immune system, a person under stress constantly experiences various ailments, is susceptible to colds, autoimmune diseases;
  • upsets digestion, affects appetite and weight; a person under stress changes his eating habits, becomes indiscriminate in his choice of dishes, and suddenly loses or gains weight;
  • affects reproductive function; decreased libido, significant hormonal imbalances, impotence are common consequences of stress;
  • increases blood pressure, increases the risk of heart attack, and sometimes stroke;
  • Nervous stress accelerates the aging process due to its effect on the endocrine and other systems.

Health problems, changes in behavior, signaling to others and the doctor about the disease:

  • depression and anxiety, resulting in fussiness;
  • rapid weight change;
  • skin diseases - eczema, urticaria;
  • sweating;
  • involuntary twitching of large and small muscles;
  • poor digestion, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation;
  • sleep problems;
  • memory impairment;
  • inability to concentrate on the topic of conversation or professional task;
  • depressive mood, expecting only negative things from life;
  • anxiety;
  • restlessness and agitation;
  • irritability, anger, mood swings from balance to sudden outbursts of anger;
  • neglect of duties, appearance, hygiene;
  • voluntary isolation from society, reluctance to spend time with friends, loss of interest in hobbies.

These changes are not produced by sudden stress, but by long-term accumulated tension.

Causes of stress

Situations that cause stress are called stressors. As a rule, stress factors have a negative meaning: a tiring work schedule, tense family relationships. Stressors include everything that places increased demands on a person. Therefore, positive changes can also cause tension: a wedding, buying a home, a child entering university, waiting for a promotion at work. The origin of stress can be internal, it is self-generated when we worry too much about something.

Common external causes of stress:

  • changes in life;
  • difficulties at work or study;
  • difficulties in relationships;
  • financial difficulties;
  • busy work schedule;
  • parenting.

Internal causes of stress:

  • chronic anxiety;
  • pessimism;
  • rigidity of thinking (the power of stereotypes), lack of flexibility, the ability to adapt to the situation;
  • constant negative dialogue with oneself;
  • unrealistic expectations;
  • perfectionism;
  • low stress resistance.

When there is too much stress

We are all different. Some cannot be broken by the strong blows of fate, others cannot withstand everyday troubles. Some people cannot see their life without constant tension, others cannot live normally without regular relaxation. For some, the need to speak in public plunges them into weeks of stress, while others are happy to be in the spotlight.

What can be done

Distinguish normal work stress from stress that overwhelms.

Learn to identify the symptoms of constant stress.

Discover factors that may influence stress tolerance.

Learn time-tested ways to manage stress.

Explore lifestyle changes that reduce stress.

Factors influencing resistance to stress

Stress resistance depends on various factors, but it is possible to increase it.

Awareness. Many people are so accustomed to overload that they do not realize it. Understanding will help you calm down and take steps to relax and relieve stress. This skill can be learned at any age.

Support from friends and family. The social environment has a major influence on a person's susceptibility to acute stress. Those who have the support of friends and family cope with stress more easily. The more lonely a person is, the less social activity he has, the more vulnerable he is.

Physical activity. Regular physical exercise lifts your mood, distracts you from problems, and breaks the cycle of negative thoughts that feed stress.

Important! Exercising outdoors is twice as effective in improving mental health.

Diet. The food you eat daily can affect your mood and resistance to stress. Semi-finished products, dishes containing refined carbohydrates, and sweet snacks worsen the condition. Fruits, vegetables, protein meals, healthy fats help cope with the ups and downs.

A sense of control—confidence in your ability to influence events—increases resilience.

Worldview. Optimists perceive changes in life with humor and are more resistant to stress.

Knowledge. The more information you have about acute stress and the situations that provoke it, the easier it is to cope.

Unfortunately, some people try to cope with extreme stress in ways that only make the problem worse. Alcohol, TV, excess food, aggression towards loved ones will not make life comfortable.

If your loved ones are stressed

Stress is a common phenomenon and can affect anyone who is demanding of themselves at work, in relationships, in raising children, or in managing finances.

To help a loved one under stress, you should not disappoint him with phrases like: “Everything will pass, don’t pay attention. For many, it’s even worse.” They don’t tell those who have obvious symptoms of pneumonia or a fracture. Stress is a real disease that has causes. Knowing that someone is starving or terminally ill will not reduce the problems of someone suffering from tension. This approach will only make the sufferer withdraw, left alone with his problems. It's better to show love and support: "I'm always ready to talk if you want." In a conversation, you need to encourage a person to share their experiences, express their feelings without hesitation, and together reveal the causes of stress. During a joint vacation, remind about hobbies that interested you previously.

If the tension noticeably increases, the person’s condition worsens, hints of suicide appear, the help of a professional is needed. Friends can help you find a doctor with whom you need to talk about your illness. The main thing is to approach the problem with understanding and compassion.

06/30/2007 Life consists of expected or unexpected events. They may be pleasant or not. Sometimes we are able to react calmly. But more often life makes us worry and experience stress.

Frequent stress or constant stress can affect a person to such an extent that serious disturbances occur, both physiologically and psychologically. Then the usual set of emotions gives way to worry or anxiety: the person plunges into a stressful state.

Fifty years ago, few people knew this word. It was only used by physicists to denote “an external force applied to an object and causing its deformation.” The term was borrowed from them by the Canadian psychologist and physiologist Hans Selye, who spent his entire life studying the defensive reactions that arise in humans under the influence of external and internal stimuli.

For the first time the concept " stress" appeared in his 1956 work "The stress of life" and, according to Selye's theory, denoted the mental stress that arises in a person under the pressure of difficult conditions - both in everyday life and in extreme situations.

State stress can be defined as the emergence of a need to resolve a conflict situation and adapt to new conditions.

Therefore, all serious life events cause stress: the birth of a child, starting a new job, changing apartments, illness or divorce.

In addition, little things that might not be given much importance also contribute: the boss said something tactless, they said at work that you look tired, your loved one doesn’t call, and much, much more...

How to identify stress?
It is difficult to manage stress because the irritants are not always in your control.
But pay attention to the early signs of emergence stress, - after all, the sooner you detect them, the easier it will be to cope with the causes and consequences of the malfunction brewing in the body.
Without a doubt, by trying to understand yourself, you will be able to qualitatively change your life, and taking the early signs of impending danger seriously will help you choose the right path that will help maintain health and longevity. How to recognize impending stress?!!
Here are the symptoms of emerging or existing stress. Consider each symptom carefully.
If you are truly under stress, you will certainly recognize it.

Signs of stress:

1. Increased appetite (constantly want to eat) or lack of appetite.
2. You start smoking more or drinking alcohol more often.
3. It is difficult to fall asleep, insomnia torments me.
4. Sleep poorly, restlessly, waking up often.
5. The perception of time has changed (everything moves unusually slowly; there is not enough time for anything).
6. You become irritable, restless, or cry often, sometimes for no serious reason.
7. Became unbalanced and cynical.
8. You lose your sense of humor.
9. You lose interest in sex.
10. Become distracted and forgetful
11. You become isolated and silent.
12. Jealousy, suspicion, and the feeling that you are being deceived appear.
13. You begin to stutter, confuse words, forget some (take a long time to remember) words.
14. Pessimism appears.
15. You fuss and get nervous.
16. It has become difficult to work.
17. Jaws and fists clench of their own accord, muscles tense. It seems that the back is stiff.
18. You often begin to experience headaches, nausea, heartburn, myalgia, increased blood pressure, dry mouth, pain in the eyes, trembling and chills, increased sweating, sometimes it seems to you that it is difficult for you to breathe.

If you find some of these signs in yourself, it's time to take steps to combat stress.
Are you interested in how exactly you can protect yourself from impending or upcoming stress?!!

This will be discussed in future articles.

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