How to make your pussy bigger with baking soda. Penis enlargement with baking soda

Not every member of the stronger sex is happy with the size of their penis, so you may be interested in a method of penis enlargement. Quite often, baking soda is used for this, which is considered not only effective, but also budget-friendly.

It can be used at home, which is an undeniable advantage for people who do not want to seek the services of doctors. You just need to know the recipes, as well as the basic ways of using soda for the genitals.

Baking soda is widely used as a household cleaning agent, as well as in cooking. Less often it is used as a medicinal component, for example, to get rid of heartburn. However, this is not all of its properties, because with the help of soda you can also affect the male organ. It is enough to understand how it affects the body in order to better understand its effect.

Sodium bicarbonate acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Therefore, it allows you to eliminate inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Naturally, preventing the development of the disease will have a positive effect on male function.

The soda solution is applied both externally and internally. The second method of use allows you to eliminate congestion in the pelvic area that occurs in people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

If a person also eats improperly, then such a lifestyle will lead to a weakening of the erection. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate congestion to improve male function and increase sensitivity during sexual intercourse.

By the way, if you use soda, then the immune system will be strengthened. This can be equated to the prevention of male diseases that weaken reproductive function. Therefore, the effects of sodium bicarbonate generally have a positive effect on health. Therefore, its use will allow you to achieve good results if you follow the instructions.

Use for sexual dysfunction

It is important to think not only about how to enlarge your penis with soda, but also how to correct sexual dysfunction. Because even if the size of the organ is impressive, but at the same time there is a poor erection, there will be problems during sexual intercourse. Therefore, first of all, you should focus your efforts on eliminating them, which is also done thanks to baking soda.

  1. As already mentioned, sodium bicarbonate increases blood flow in the reproductive organs.
  2. But it also neutralizes the negative effects of endogenous and exogenous factors. Therefore, people are recommended to drink tea soda, because it will activate secretion production and restore hormonal levels.

It also affects pathogenic microorganisms, inhibiting their growth. If it is necessary to enhance regeneration, then sodium bicarbonate is also used.

Considering the fact that an alkaline environment is considered destructive for pathogenic microorganisms, the solution helps to normalize the microflora.

However, it can only be used by men to improve reproductive function. Because girls have an acidic environment in their vagina, and they are forbidden to use soda.

Due to the fact that sodium bicarbonate removes heavy metals from the body, men's health is restored. This includes increasing the size of the penis, which will be discussed further in the article. It is worth understanding that any technique will only be valid if it is used regularly. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the recommendations, and then you will really be able to achieve results.

Methods of using baking soda to lengthen the penis

There are various ways that you can use baking soda to lengthen your penis. Reviews indicate that the effectiveness and duration of treatment depends on the chosen method. Please note that it is best to take comprehensive measures to achieve excellent results.

Taking soda orally

One of the main ways is to take soda orally, because this procedure allows you to cleanse the body and prevent the occurrence of tumors.

  • The substance activates all metabolic processes.
  • Metabolism will improve and weight will normalize.
  • By the way, this method also increases the activity of sperm, they become more viable.
  • Therefore, the method is especially useful for those who want to have children.

The method is suitable for the prevention of various problems, but not for treatment. If a person has serious health problems, then other treatment options should be considered. To do this, you need to consult with doctors, because soda is not a complete drug.

How to prepare the solution:

  1. You need to take 0.5 teaspoon of soda, as well as a glass of slightly heated milk.
  2. The two components should be thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  3. After this, you will need to drink the resulting solution.
  4. Repeat the intake every day, drink the mixture once a day. The duration of the course is about a month.

It will be useful to cleanse the intestines in order to maintain the level of immunity. The procedure will also improve blood supply to the prostate area.

To do this, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of soda in a liter of boiled water. You will need to do microenemas with the solution once a day, the course duration is a month.

Alkaline baths

Alkaline baths are a fairly popular method; they really improve the function of the reproductive organ. This procedure helps not only to enlarge the penis, but also to reduce the likelihood of developing prostatitis, as well as relieve inflammation of the penis. The entire body will be cleansed of toxins, as well as toxins, which will improve metabolism.

It is recommended to take baths in the evening before going to bed. Soda affects the nervous system and relaxes. Therefore, a person will not only have an effect on the sexual organ, but will also fall asleep faster.

  1. To prepare a bath, you will need to dilute 500 g of baking soda using 3 liters of water.
  2. The solution should be poured into the collected water, and then take bath procedures for 30 minutes.
  3. It is recommended to take a contrast shower after a bath to enlarge the penis and improve health.

Concentrated baths will also be useful for those people who want to enlarge their penis. The advantage of the procedure is that there are no contraindications and no side effects.

The only thing is that you should not carry out the procedure if the leather surface is damaged. Because in this case there will be a burning sensation on the reproductive organ.

However, if a person wishes to enhance the regenerative function, then baths can be used. The skin will heal faster, although you will have to endure the burning sensation. The recipe helps to achieve a quick effect, and the result will be visible within an hour after the procedure.

Compresses with soda to increase the size of the penis

People who want to change the size of their penis recommend using compresses. Using baking soda would be a smart decision because it allows you to quickly achieve results. It will stimulate blood circulation in the right place, and therefore you can quickly notice a change in the size of the organ.

  1. To carry out the procedure, you will need to take a towel and apply baking soda on it, previously dissolved to a paste consistency.
  2. The action time will be up to 15 minutes, after which the mass must be washed off.
  3. If the penis turns red and feels warm, it means there is an effect. The main thing is to apply a nourishing cream to the skin after the procedure to prevent dryness.

Penis massage using soda

Proper massage in itself is a good way to change the size of the penis. However, it is better to do it together with a component such as soda. However, it is worth adding honey to it to soften the substance. Together, these ingredients will stimulate blood flow, which will increase penis size.

Note that this option can be used even in adolescence, because there are no contraindications. Massage can be done two to three times a day, and other components can be added.

For example, experts recommend using olive oil. It must be mixed with sodium bicarbonate so that a massage session can be performed. The oil will nourish the tissues of the organ, making them more elastic. Therefore, the epithelium will look healthy and feel pleasant to the touch.

Star with soda

  1. It is recommended to use an asterisk in a volume not exceeding the head of a match. You will also need to take a spoonful of baking soda and a small amount of water.
  2. The resulting mass should be applied to the genitals and left for 10-15 minutes. If a strong burning sensation occurs, then the product should be immediately washed off with water.

Side effects

When thinking about whether to use baking soda to increase penis size, you should think about the side effects. People often worry that the remedy will lead to a negative result. Note that soda has no special contraindications, so anyone can use it.

The only thing is that you should use the product with caution if there is damage to the skin - ulcers, cracks, scratches and abrasions. Because sodium bicarbonate can lead to burning and irritation of the epithelium.

You can check by applying a small amount of product to your hand and waiting 10 minutes.. If rash, redness and itching do not occur, then you can use baking soda for treatment.

As a rule, there are no side effects. Perhaps dry skin may occur, but this can be easily corrected with the help of an oil-based cream. Therefore, if a man wants to use soda, he need not worry about the negative effects of the substance. The main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly and observe the body’s reaction.

Even men with large dignity ask the question “how to increase the length of the penis?” It's more a matter of aesthetics, taste, and personal preference. Today medicine has several methods of penis enlargement in its arsenal, the best of which we will consider in this article.

Do you need to increase your penis size?

Firstly, the situation does not always require correction. If your penis seems small to you, just take measurements. Rarely does a pathology occur when experts agree with the man. This is called a micropenis, that is, in an erect state, the male dignity does not exceed 8 cm. If the length is from 10 to 15 cm, then this is quite acceptable. Sometimes a man wants to enlarge his penis because it looks small in a calm state. But the initial length and width of the organ do not in any way affect its size in an excited state. But a man wants his penis to stand out not only in bed, but also in the sauna, locker room, toilet, when he is in the company of other men.

Secondly, most men who want to go under the knife to enlarge their penis may experience dysmorphia. That is, his body does not seem to be what it really is. This happens with anorexia, when a patient who is too thin seems to still have extra pounds. A man with a normal penis size who decides to enlarge it is more likely to be helped by a psychiatrist than by a surgeon.

Non-operative penis enlargement

If you have not yet abandoned the idea of ​​penis enlargement, then read more accessible and non-traumatic methods:

  1. Vacuum pump. A vacuum is created in a special pump, due to which the blood flow increases sharply and the penis becomes larger than before. And to prevent the reverse flow of blood and maintain the resulting size, simply clamp the penis at the base with a special ring. This method is used for, but its disadvantage is that the effect is temporary. When the effect ends, your organ will return to its previous size. There are negative consequences here too: boils, bruises, impotence, damaged blood vessels, loss of skin color and thickness. It's simply thinning out. The clamping ring can only be worn for a maximum of 30 minutes, otherwise you risk tissue death.
  2. Exercises and other techniques. How to increase penis size while at home? There are various techniques and exercises that, when performed for a long time, help to cope with the complex of a small penis. For example, ancient Arabic. It is based on daily kneading of the penis, pulling it back. Gradually you increase the massage time to a blissful 30 minutes, but in no case allowing yourself to reach orgasm. As soon as you feel it approaching, take a break. How does a penis grow in this case? It is believed that constant microtrauma, that is, dosed load, leads to tearing of the tissues of the penis, the growth of new cells, and an increase in the cavernous bodies. The man is required to be careful, precise in his actions, and change hands, since any increase in the load on one side of the penis leads to its curvature and further complications.

How to increase penis length - traditional medicine

Increasing the size of the penis has become relevant, so medicine has developed several methods that will help increase the length and width of this organ.


An excellent procedure, especially if you are wondering how to increase the width of your penis. A bloodless method, which is based on introducing only one’s own cells into the penis’s body.

During the manipulation, fat is pumped out from any part of the body with a special thick hollow needle and pumped into the penis. Due to this, additional volume and width of the penis are formed.

The collection of adipose tissue is painless, as a cannula with a rounded end is used. That is, when administered, it does not injure the nerves and blood vessels, but simply pushes them apart, and the fat cells are sucked into the syringe using a vacuum. There are almost never any consequences, since the adipose tissue belongs to the patient, there is no rejection. Instead, hyaluronic acid is sometimes used, but the effect lasts for a year and the procedure has to be repeated.

Is it possible to increase penis size permanently?

In the well-known practice of a surgeon, there are several methods: cutting the ligament, which is located in the pubic area, pulling out part of the penis from the pubic area. This part of the organ is hidden before surgery. The surgeon fixes the muscle and performs plastic surgery of the pubic area. You should not expect that after such procedures it will immediately increase by 10 cm. The most effective is considered to be an increase in the organ by 5 cm. If, nevertheless, this result seems small, then the surgeon will give you recommendations on how to increase the size of the penis, following which you can add another 1- 2 cm at home.

Indications for prompt resolution of the issue

To perform the operation, not only the patient’s desire is important, but also the initial size of the penis:

  1. When the penis is less than 9 cm, that is, the specialist is dealing with underdevelopment of the penis, when every millimeter is important.
  2. With a length of about 12 cm, the operation is performed simply to improve the size and achieve a pronounced result.
  3. If the length is more than 12 cm, the operation will already be complementary in nature.

After surgery, you should abstain from sex. The timing depends on the type of surgery. For example, when lengthening the penis, at least 3 weeks of strict regime, when increasing the width - 4 weeks, and if operations were combined, then at least 1.5 months.

If you are not very worried about the size of your penis, you are a supporter of everything natural, then try it. It is based on herbal ingredients that do not have an irritating effect. The cream is applied twice a day, rubbed in with massage movements. According to manufacturers, it not only promotes the growth of the sexual organ, but also prolongs sexual intercourse, makes the erection bright, stable, and long-lasting. If you do not feel pleasure from sex, ejaculation has become premature, the erection has weakened, then Penon penis enlargement cream is what you need. You can buy the drug on our website, the price corresponds to the quality, and one tube lasts for 1.5-2 months.

You can enlarge your penis in different ways. After a detailed consultation with specialists, perhaps even a psychologist, you can choose the method that suits you best.

It is difficult to find a man who is completely satisfied with the size of his penis: some consider the organ not long enough, others think it is too thin. However, even if women themselves admit that the length of a man’s penis is not important, its diameter directly affects the level of sensations women receive during sex. And therefore the question of whether it is possible to increase the thickness of the penis is so relevant for owners of not too large penises.

Is it possible to increase the thickness of the penis?

Regular and consistent performance of certain manipulations can help increase the size of the penis in diameter.

Almost all techniques are based on the property of body tissues to grow with increased blood flow. Under such conditions, cells begin to divide more actively, and tissue growth occurs.

However, in order to stimulate penis enlargement, additional help is required, a kind of catalyst. In the male body, this role is played by testosterone, a sex hormone that, among other functions, is responsible for the formation and growth of secondary sexual characteristics.

What are the ways to make your penis thicker?

Safely increasing penile thickness can be achieved through several methods, but they all require patience and regularity.

4 most common ways to get a fat penis:

  • vacuum pump;
  • extender;
  • manual technique;
  • surgical intervention.

Manual technique

A method characterized by simplicity and the absence of any investments, which helps to increase the penis both in length and width. Its popularity is also due to the absence of the risk of causing harm to the organ.

The point is to perform various exercises. The maximum benefit will come from manipulations performed during an erection. At the initial stages, the load should be small, and over time the intensity and complexity of the exercises increase.

Like any training, exercises whose goal is to increase the glans penis and overall thickness are performed by preheating the tissue. The easiest way to do this is to rub the organ with a washcloth soaked in hot water.

Before you begin, the penis must be lubricated to reduce the risk of tissue damage.


  • The procedure begins with stroking.
  • With the help of increased pressure, maximum erection is achieved.
  • One hand is placed at the base of the penis, the other gently pulls the head. This action lasts for 1 minute, then the pressure is gradually reduced.
  • Grasping the head with your hand, pull until a slight pain is felt, leave in this position for 30 seconds, release, and after resting for 10 seconds, repeat again.

A similar device can be found on the shelves of sex shops. After using the pump, the cavernous bodies of the organ are filled with blood, as a result of which the head of the penis enlarges.

The disadvantage of this method is the fragility of the result. After some time, blood circulation returns to normal, the penis regains its original parameters.

However, constant use of the device leads to stronger and longer erections and normalization of potency. If you use the pump regularly, it can increase the size of your penis.

An extender is a device that enlarges the penis without pain. Such devices are less common than vacuum pumps, but they are very effective and, according to manufacturers, are not capable of causing harm to the organ.

How to use the device:

  • The member at rest is fixed in the device.
  • Using a special mechanism, the organ is pulled.
  • Leave it in this position for some time. Thanks to external influences, the growth of new cells in the tissues of the organ is activated, and the volume and length of the penis increases.
  • Every week the tension force is increased slightly.

The course of treatment lasts from several weeks to a month, but the first positive changes can be seen after 14 days.

An undoubted advantage of this method: the achieved result lasts until the end of life.


Surgical intervention aimed at increasing the thickness of the penis is one of the most serious and complex methods. In order to achieve the desired size, adipose tissue or part of the muscle from the man’s abdomen is used. As a result, the penis becomes 1–2 cm larger in volume.

It is difficult to decide on such an operation: it has a long recovery period and the risk of complications.

Possible consequences include:

  • change in organ shape;
  • the appearance of bumps;
  • loss of sensitivity and pain during erection;
  • necrosis of transplanted tissues and others.

Having found out how you can increase the thickness of the penis, and having chosen the appropriate method, you can begin to solve the problem.

  • sexual dysfunction.
  • The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

    A person is designed in such a way that throughout his life he regularly changes his appearance in search of ideal beauty and increased self-esteem. Girls and women lose weight, gain weight, curl and straighten their hair, cut it and add extensions, visit beauty salons and lie under the surgeon’s scalpel. And men do not shy away from such procedures, but the powers that be have one more concern. A small penis size causes a lot of trouble. Therefore, those with more than modest dignity are overwhelmed by thoughts: should they undergo surgery, use pills, or perform penis enlargement at home? Surprisingly, it is the last option that is quite accessible and effective. There are ways to grow a penis without going under the surgeon’s knife, the main thing is to use the methods correctly and not harm your health, so first you need to figure out whether you really need to experiment on yourself at home.

    Is there a standard for penis size?

    In fact, strictly fixed indicators cannot exist in principle. It is generally accepted that a penis less than 8 cm long is a deviation from the norm. Whether this is true or not is up to the man to decide. Indeed, in real life, everything depends on the opinion of the owner of such an organ and the preferences of the other half. Moreover, doctors have long debunked the myth that only a huge phallus can satisfy a woman. It has been proven that the size of the penis does not affect this in any way.

    If the desire to take measurements from your “friend” nevertheless appears, then this should be done correctly. The penis should be as erect as possible, and the ambient temperature should not be lower than room temperature. Measurements are taken from the pubis to the head along the back of the penis, held at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body. It is better to determine the circumference using a soft ruler.

    For centuries, a strong half of humanity has measured the genitals in order to record optimal data. In fact, it turns out that these parameters are individual and determined by heredity. But officially registered indicators exist. Today we know:

    1. Only 1% of men have micropenises - up to 8 cm.
    2. Small penises - 8–12 cm - are found in 2%.
    3. A normal organ is 12 cm in 55% of the stronger sex.
    4. Skittles over 15 cm are considered above average.
    5. Phalluses 20 cm long or more are considered impressive.

    Those men who, after taking measurements, feel that their penis is too small should read this article and decide: is it even worth doubling the size of the penis at home?

    Ways to enlarge an organ

    Centuries-old searches have given modern men dozens of technologies and recipes to achieve the ideal, which do not require special skills or the help of doctors. Any home method will cost exactly as much as the owner of a modest penis will spend on additional devices or supplements.

    The most careful way to enlarge the penis at home is through special physical exercises. There are two such ways:

    1. Before gymnastics, you should warm up the penis using a warm bag of cereal, applying it to the organ one by one from all sides. Then you need to bring the erection to an incomplete erection, wrap your fingers tightly around the base and begin a slow upward movement, as if pulling out the penis. You should not touch the head. It is recommended to start genital gymnastics with 20 repetitions, daily increasing the “turns” up to two hundred times. When you achieve a strong erection, you should stop exercising and continue after relaxing.
    2. The second exercise is performed with the entire palm. The penis is grasped and squeezed for about 10 seconds. If the organ protrudes above the hand, then you should do the exercise with two palms. During compression (strong, but without pain), the penis must be pulled to the left, right, up and down.

    Reviews on forums contain information that such “workouts” at home help to enlarge the penis by up to two centimeters in a month.

    This technique of “growing” a penis is considered very ancient. According to some reports, the technique was used by Indians and Africans. Jelqing involves performing certain massage movements reminiscent of milking. This therapy is very popular and has proven itself only on the positive side.

    The method will be successful if the rules are strictly followed and lubricant is used. It is not recommended to use improvised means such as soap or shampoo. “Milking” is performed when the penis is no more than 75% erect. The technique consists of performing a whole set of movements aimed at lengthening and thickening the penis. The purpose of jelqing is to increase blood circulation in the organ, filling the cavernous bodies, due to which the penis grows. Two months of training will significantly increase the size of the cells, and, accordingly, during sexual intercourse, more blood will flow into them, and the penis will become larger.


    A fairly effective home method that allows you to increase blood flow to the penis. First, the organ is warmed up with a warm compress. Difference from exercises and jelqing - it does not matter whether the penis is erect or not, the movements should be similar to masturbation, but slow and with a strong grip.


    A popular device among men, it allows you to “grow” in length and width and even out your sexual dignity at home.

    By design, extenders are loop, vacuum and belt. The first type is the most affordable, but less convenient to use compared to other types of devices. It is recommended to enlarge the penis using an extender for several hours a day. You need to choose the type of device based on personal preferences.

    Hanging loads

    Quite traumatic for home use, but an old and frequently used technique. The effect is achieved by applying weight to the cavernous bodies, which helps to lengthen the erection. Such exercises do not have any effect on thickness.

    The procedure looks like this:

    • the penis is warmed up by massage;
    • A string is glued in front of the head with an adhesive plaster;
    • a load is attached to a rope.

    The first attempts to maintain weight should not exceed 15 minutes, then the procedures can be “heavier” and their time increased. The head of the penis should not go numb under the influence of the load. If this happens, you should reduce the weight.

    Using the pump

    The principle of operation is the effect of low pressure on an organ placed in the device. Blood begins to flow strongly into the penis and flow weakly. The device is quite popular among those consumers who want to increase the thickness of the penis.

    Before using any special device, it is better to watch videos that describe in detail the rules of use.

    It would seem, what does sodium bicarbonate have to do with the male reproductive organ? The most direct. This product can be used at home in several ways:

    • massage;
    • scrubbing;
    • soda baths;
    • compress.

    Such ancient folk remedies for penis enlargement increase blood flow in the penis and have an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. According to users, after just a few procedures the penis is noticeably enlarged.

    Dietary supplements for potency

    Today, there are all kinds of drugs that can quickly achieve the desired result in enlarging the male reproductive organ. These are creams, balms, gels, sprays, which, depending on the purpose, can be short-term, long-term or auxiliary.

    “Fast” ones are used immediately before sex and affect the penis for no more than 2 hours. “Long-term” drugs are used in strict accordance with the instructions for the regimen. “Helpers” are used in conjunction with other methods to enlarge the penis and increase potency, including at home. Their tasks are to dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the organ.

    In addition, men use herbs, pills and hormones in an effort to quickly change the size of their “big brother”.

    Using cream is considered a safe home technology. Unlike chemical medications, this natural drug will gently and carefully make the penis larger and increase libido.

    MaxiSize contains only herbal ingredients:

    • collagen and elastin;
    • protein and amino acids;
    • triethanolamine.

    This natural composition makes MaxiSize cream effective and safe for health. The secret is vasodilation, blood flow and tissue healing. At the same time, the ointment has no contraindications for use, does not have a negative effect on other organs and tissues, and does not cause addiction or allergies.

    The gel contains only safe biologically active components:

    • extracts from thistle and lichen;
    • Peruvian maca;
    • horny weed extract.

    The “stress-free” product increases the penis up to five centimeters in length and up to three in volume in just one course of use, and the first effect will be noticeable after seven days of use.

    For those whom nature has not endowed with impressive masculinity, the effective Dominator spray has been created. Natural composition of the drug:

    • essential complex of nutmeg, patchouli, chamomile oils;
    • pectins and tannins;
    • vitamin premix - iron, potassium, calcium and zinc.

    Manufacturers of the drug guarantee penis enlargement, improvement in the quality of sexual contacts and elimination of natural and post-traumatic deformations of the organ. All substances are useful in themselves, and in interaction with others, they increase skin elasticity and prevent sexually transmitted infections.


    It is believed that PriAp will allow you to enlarge your penis with just one course of therapy at home. The 100 percent natural composition of the drug literally “drives” blood to the pelvic organs, improving erection and preventing the development of prostatitis. After a few days, the enlargement of the penis will be visually noticeable. The following components will provide this:

    • ironwood extract;
    • extracts from aloe and ginger;
    • D-panthenol and L-carnitine;
    • biotin;
    • ashwagandha and ginseng;
    • seaweed.

    In addition, PriUp calms a man’s nerves and prevents misfires in bed.

    Rasputin gel

    Rasputin Gel is a popular home remedy for penis enlargement. Quickly and safely makes the penis grow in thickness and length, easy and comfortable to use due to its pleasant texture and delicate aroma. Gel "Rasputin" significantly improves sex life thanks to the following components:

    • arginine;
    • Kelzana;
    • ginger extract;
    • extract from golden root.

    Rasputin's formula does not contain a single chemical component, does not cause side effects and has no contraindications.

    How to achieve better results?

    The result of the above is that it is possible to enlarge the male sexual organ at home. If the effect seems insufficient, then it is better to seek medical help and transplant muscle tissue. The method is complex and expensive, because after the operation you will have to go through rehabilitation and such a step can be taken, perhaps, only in a critical situation.

    There are plenty of techniques and home methods for penis enlargement without a surgeon’s scalpel. If you have serious intentions, all that remains is to choose the most convenient free folk method for yourself or use special devices at home, or you can simply use disposable attachments or give injections. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to “grow” your dignity to gigantic proportions, but you will definitely be able to increase confidence in your abilities and please the woman you love. And exercises and massage are useful for normal functioning of the penis and maintaining an erection for decades to come.

    Millions of men are in search of a safe and effective way to help enlarge their penis at home. Many of them managed to try the methods that are popular today. Someone was pleased with them. Others had to look for more radical options to solve an unpleasant problem.

    Popular methods of penis enlargement

    Penis enlargement is a procedure that can be done at home. You just need to know exactly how to do it. The effectiveness of the chosen therapy will depend on the regularity of its use and the involvement of known growth stimulants in the process. Most often, men prefer the following popular methods of enlargement:

    • Hanging weights;
    • Phytotherapy;
    • Massage therapy;
    • Vacuum discharge;
    • Application of cosmetic products in the form of creams and gels.

    Following a certain diet also helps to achieve the desired result. To increase the effectiveness of procedures, they should be performed in combination with each other.

    Before you start taking measures that will help increase the size of your penis, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the rules for their implementation. Only in this case will a man be sure that the chosen technique will not harm his organ and will not have a negative impact on his sex life.


    This option for penis enlargement is considered the simplest, most accessible and enjoyable.

    In addition, it is carried out free of charge and without the involvement of strangers, which is very important for most men.

    Massage not only has a positive effect on the penis, but also has a positive effect on sexual performance.

    The massage will be most effective if it is combined with treatment of the organ with special creams and gels that are designed to activate the growth of the penis. But even without them, the result will be noticeable.

    Massage therapy has a number of benefits:

    • It does not require financial investments;
    • It perfectly stimulates blood flow, due to which the erection is significantly enhanced and the appearance of stagnant processes in the pelvic area is prevented;
    • Stimulates penis growth and increases its thickness;
    • Has a beneficial effect on potency;
    • Prevents the development of malignant neoplasms;
    • Helps relieve sensitive areas of the organ and its skin.

    Experts have developed various self-massage techniques. Most of them are used for preventive purposes to prevent excessive stretching of the skin and injury to the penis.

    Jelqing method

    Jelqing is the most popular massage therapy option that guarantees positive results. When performing this procedure, a man must adhere to the following recommendations:

    When giving a massage, you need to make sure that it does not turn into regular masturbation. To do this, you should not loosen your grip on the phallus too much. After all, then the effect of jelqing will never be achieved.


    Healing herbs, when used correctly, help solve the problem of a too small penis. There are more than 100 different recipes for preparing effective remedies. Herbal infusions and decoctions have proven themselves especially well. They have a positive effect on erectile function.

    To get the expected result, you must take a course of herbal remedies prepared from the following plant components:

    1. Tribulus. Thanks to it, the production of luteinizing hormones is stimulated, which causes the release of testosterone into the blood.
    2. Ginseng root. It prevents the synthesis of a substance such as cortisol, which negatively affects the production of male hormones.
    3. Ginger root. The natural product reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents plaque from blocking the dorsal artery.
    4. Sagebrush. Weed grass has a positive effect on the tone of blood vessels. Due to this, the blood supply to the penis increases during erection.
    5. Aloe juice. It normalizes metabolic processes, thereby improving the formation of new erectile tissue cells.

    Folk remedies that activate the process of lengthening the penis additionally increase male fertility. In addition, many of these drugs act as biological stimulants that affect erection right before intimacy.

    By taking herbal drinks, a man increases his stamina and ensures maximum filling of the corpora cavernosa with blood. Read male enhancement.

    Vacuum pump and extender

    Men who practiced using a vacuum pump were able to fulfill their dream and become the owners of a large penis.

    This type of therapy is considered to be the most reliable, safe and effective today.

    Traditionally, special pumps are used to enlarge the phallus.

    They create low pressure around the organ, causing its tissues to draw in a lot of blood.

    This simple method stretches the cavernous bodies, which allows you to increase the diameter of the penis by about 1-2 cm.

    You can buy a vacuum pump in a specialized store, for example, a sex shop, or you can make it yourself. Ordinary glass jars are often used as a pump. At the same time, the use of cupping to enlarge the penis at home is carried out according to the medical principle and is hardly inferior in effectiveness to traditional methods.

    An extender is as effective as a vacuum pump. It helps to adjust the size of the penis and its shape.

    The achieved result will please a man for a long time if he begins to practice this method of enlargement every day. The device must be worn on the penis for at least 3 hours.

    It is removed only when necessary to go to the toilet and during bathing. If possible, you should wear the extender constantly.

    Cargo usage

    Another simple method to increase the length of the phallus. You can use improvised objects as weighting agents, for example, a bottle of water. Before lifting the load, be sure to warm up the tissues of the penis with a light massage. It is also necessary to adhere to a number of rules:

    Cosmetic preparations

    It is recommended to supplement the selected methods of enlarging the phallus with cosmetic preparations that accelerate the growth of the penis. Modern companies offer a huge variety of products.

    However, most of them turn out to be dummies that bring absolutely no results.

    Cosmetic preparations that allow the penis to add length and volume in width are produced in the form of a cream, ointment or gel. They differ from each other in composition and duration of action. According to the latter indicator, these funds are divided into several groups:

    1. Long-term. The product must be used for at least 1 month every day. Its effect lasts about six months after completion of the course.
    2. Fast-acting. Ideal for enlarging the organ before intimacy. Such products allow you to achieve the desired result in 5 minutes. They retain their effect for no longer than 3 hours.
    3. Auxiliary. They are recommended to be used in combination with devices that are designed to enlarge the phallus.

    Before purchasing the product you like, you should carefully study its composition, as well as the instructions. You should immediately familiarize yourself with the properties of the drug so that after using it you know exactly what to expect.

    All cosmetics are divided into several groups according to their composition. Products in the form of ointments and gels are:

    Almost all modern drugs contain exclusively natural ingredients. They are safer and allow you to achieve positive results. Hormonal drugs have ceased to be popular, as they have a lot of side effects.

    Operating principle

    Manufacturers of miracle products for penis enlargement promise a solution to the most important male problem. They also make the sensations during sex more vivid and the intimacy itself lasting.

    In fact, all creams and gels work on several principles:

    Regular use of cosmetics perfectly stimulates blood circulation and improves potency. These products provide such an effect on the male body due to their constituent substances and extracts.

    Positive traits

    It’s not for nothing that many men prefer creams and gels for penis enlargement over other existing methods. They are attracted by the advantages that these funds have:

    Creams and gels enable a man to save on expensive penis enlargement surgery. In addition, not everyone is able to decide on such a radical procedure. Therefore, cosmetic products are the most preferred.

    Side effects

    Manufacturers are trying their best to convince men that their products are completely safe for health. Therefore, it allows men to experience only positive emotions.

    In fact, sometimes unpleasant side effects occur from gels and other similar products.

    They force a person to abandon the use of this method of enlarging the phallus.

    After anointing the penis, a man may begin to feel a strong burning and itching, which is localized in the area of ​​the scrotum. Such reactions occur due to overly sensitive skin or intolerance to a particular component of the drug. An overdose of the drug is also possible.

    This reaction can easily occur if a man mistakenly purchases a counterfeit of the original product. By the way, this is one of the reasons why manufacturers always indicate that they guarantee the effect only if you use the drug purchased on their official website.

    The best cosmetics

    Among the huge assortment of various products, the action of which is aimed at enlarging the penis, the following products stand out on the good side:

    The following can also help increase the size of the penis:

    • . The manufacturer promises that thanks to this creamy composition, the penis will increase by 1-2 cm per week. Its volume will also become larger. It will grow by about 30%. This effect is ensured by the content of natural substances in the product, namely proteins, amino acids and beneficial extracts.
    • . This product comes in the form of a spray. It has a short-term effect. In just 5 minutes, the spray enlarges the organ to about 5 cm. It also increases the sensitivity of the penis and prolongs sex.

    Expert opinion

    Most doctors are convinced that the only way to enlarge the phallus is through surgery. However, this method is very dangerous. In addition, it gives a temporary effect.

    Therefore, men are still trying to find a simpler and cheaper way to solve the problem with the size of the organ.

    Any method of penis enlargement that is carried out at home can indeed add a few centimeters to an insufficiently large organ. But men should understand that such procedures often lead to the development of unpleasant health consequences.

    If, despite serious risks, they still want to make their phallus a little larger, then they should seek help from a specialist. He will tell you the most effective and safe option for penis enlargement, which will save a man from his complex.

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