NATRUM MURIATICUM - Lectures on homeopathic MATERIA MEDICA. Sodium muriaticum (homeopathy, indications for use) Sodium muriaticum 200 homeopathy indications for use

Natrum muriaticum - Sodium Chloride - sodium chloride.

The drug Natrium muriaticum can be used for homeopathic treatment of children.

Natrium muriaticum homeopathy - indications

Common complaints:

  • Cold;
  • Fever on the lips;
  • Headaches in schoolchildren, especially girls;
  • Problems after emotional shock.

Characteristic symptoms:

Thirst and need for salty food.

Feels worse in the sun.

During your stay at sea it can be better or worse.

Discharge that resembles egg white.

The child looks withdrawn.


Worse: when doing intellectual work, in the sun, at 10 o’clock in the morning, while at sea.

Better: in the fresh air, after sweating, while at sea.

Typical child behavior

Children who are prescribed the homeopathic drug Natrium muriaticum are usually introverts. They are calm, love solitude and are very sensitive to the experiences of others. If they are upset, they run to their room and cry there alone, without showing their feelings to others. Sometimes the mothers of such children describe them as outwardly calm and detached, although in fact they require maximum love and attention. These are not restless children, but shock or serious family problems, such as parental divorce, death or loss of loved ones, can cause them to become hysterical and lead to even deeper withdrawal.

As they grow up and go to school, you will notice that such children have difficulty making friends, study hard and take everything very seriously. At parties or just in groups, they often stand to the side and watch others play or talk. Such children prefer sad, melancholic music. They prefer to be alone when reading, retiring to their room or some quiet place where no one will disturb them. In homeopathy, Natrium muriaticum is used to treat both acute and chronic diseases.

Natrium muriaticum - indications for use

Face - indications for the use of Natrium

  • Stomatitis on the gums, tongue, oral mucosa.
  • Cracks on the lips and in the corners of the lips.
  • Fever on the lips or face.
  • Fever on the lips after exposure to the sun.

Head - indications for the use of Natrium

  • Headache after being upset or working too long.
  • Worse in the sun.
  • Worse from noise, light, reading.
  • Knocking (like hammers) headache.

Nose - indications for the use of Natrium

  • Hay fever, cold with white discharge resembling egg white.
  • Runny nose that precedes a cold.
  • In homeopathy, Natrium muriaticum is used to treat a child with a cold or hay fever that is accompanied by loss of smell or taste.

Sleep - indications for the use of Natrium

  • A child has insomnia after an emotional shock.

Table salt is such a common food product that it was considered completely useless for medicine. But only those who do not rise beyond the tissue level think so. Salt in its pure form does not really have any constitutional effect.

You will meet thin subjects who have all the symptoms of table salt: they consume it in large quantities, but they do not absorb it. Salt is excreted in their stool, but is not included in life processes. This is a typical Natrum muriaticum debilitation with desire for salt. We see the same thing in lime patients. Children get enough calcium from food, as well as table salt, and our task is to give the body calcium or salt not in the form that is directly absorbed by them, but in the form that is necessary for the “inner man”, the deep mechanisms; then the depletion of Natrum muriaticum will soon go away, and the disturbance of calcium metabolism will also disappear. Our small doses are not intended to provide the body with salt, we treat internal illness, put the “inner man” in order, and then the tissues receive enough salt from food. All medications must be prescribed in the form required. We can potentize the drugs higher and higher until the secret spring is activated.

Natrum muriaticum acts long and deeply. The medicine has an amazing effect on the patient’s body, making amazing changes that remain for a long time if the medicine is prescribed in high dilution.

Much can be understood by studying the appearance of such a patient; one can only look at him to say: this person looks like Natrum muriaticum. An experienced doctor learns to distinguish patients by appearance: the skin is shiny, pale, waxy, it seems that it is lubricated with oil. An amazing special kind of exhaustion. Exhaustion, weakness, nervous exhaustion, neurasthenia.

This remedy has a long series of mental symptoms: hysterical state of mind and body; crying alternates with laughter; uncontrollable laughter at inappropriate times; long, spasmodic laughter. It is followed by tears, deep melancholy, nothing makes you happy. The patient does not pay attention to the fact that everything is so wonderful that she should be happy - she is sad and cannot get out of this state. She is insensitive to external impressions, easily becomes sad, and gets sad over nonsense. She remembers all the unpleasant episodes of her life and worries about them. Consolation aggravates her mental state, sadness, tearfulness, and sometimes causes anger. She seems like she needs to be consoled, but she furiously rejects sympathy. Along with melancholy, headache appears. She paces around the room in anger. The patient is extremely forgetful; cannot count anything; cannot think anything through; forgets what she was going to say; loses track of what he is listening or reading. Severe mental prostration.

Unrequited desire is a typical cause of Natrum muriaticum symptoms. The patient is unable to control her feelings and falls in love with a married man. She understands how stupid it is, but nevertheless lies awake, dreaming about him. A girl from high society falls in love with a coachman. She knows that all this is unreal, but she can’t help herself. In such cases, Natrum muriaticum will put her thoughts in order, the patient will come to her senses, surprised that she was so stupid. This remedy is suitable for hysterical girls.

If in mental symptoms Ignatia helps partially, but does not lead to a cure, Natrum muriaticum should be given. Keep in mind that Natrum muriaticum should be given at once if the underlying constitutional condition is too deep for Ignatia.

Aversion to bread, fats and rich foods.

Worry greatly harms the Natrum muriaticum patient and she is extremely emotional. The entire nervous system is in a state of restlessness, excitement, the patient is worse from noise, door knocking, bells, sharp sounds, music.

The pain of this remedy is sharp, stabbing, similar to an electric shock; convulsive contractions of the limbs when falling asleep, twitching, shooting pains. The patient is hypersensitive to any influences, she is excitable, emotional, and constantly in tension.

Complaints appear in a warm room, worse indoors, desire to be in the fresh air. Mental symptoms improve in open air. Sweating, catches cold easily, but in general it gets better in the fresh air, worse from overheating; worse from physical exertion leading to heating, but better from moderate exercise in cool air.

Both Natrum carbonicum and Natrum muriaticum have the tension of nervous processes common to sodium salts, but in the first medicine chilliness predominates, and in the second - warm-bloodedness.

Sick face, skin oily, shiny, sallow, yellowish, often anemic, covered with vesicular eruptions along the edge of the scalp, around the ears and on the back of the neck. Scaly and scaly rashes, with intense itching, oozing watery fluid, sometimes dry. After exfoliation, a shiny surface remains. Scales form in the ear canal, which peel off and leave a weeping surface. Watery blisters on the lips and wings of the nose, around the genitals and anus. Vesicular eruptions, white, oozing watery discharge, come and go. There is severe itching of the skin.

The skin becomes waxy and swollen. There is severe exhaustion, the skin looks dry, lifeless, and shriveled. Babies are like little old people. They have fuzz on their face, which disappears with the onset of recovery. Exhaustion comes from top to bottom. First, the collarbones begin to protrude and the neck loses weight, but the waist and legs retain their roundness. In Lycopodium the wasting also extends from top to bottom. The characteristic directions of action of drugs often help us distinguish them from each other.

The discharge from the mucous membranes characteristic of the drug is watery in nature, or it is thick and white, like egg white. Severe runny nose with watery discharge, although thick, white discharge corresponds to a chronic constitutional condition. Coughing up thick, sticky mucus from the throat in the morning. Viscous discharge oozes from the eyes. The discharge from the ears is thick, white and sticky. White and thick leucorrhoea. With gonorrhea, the discharge continues for a long time and becomes mucopurulent. There is a burning pain in the urethra that occurs only after urination.

Headaches are terrible, unbearable; tearing, squeezing, like a vice; it feels like the skull is about to crack. The pain is accompanied by knocking and pulsation. Pain as if small hammers were beating in the head. Knocking pain in the head in the morning when waking up. The pain occurs in the second half of the night. Severe nervousness and excitement in the first half of the night; The patient falls asleep late and wakes up with a pounding headache. Often the headache begins at 10.00 - 11.00 and lasts until 15.00 or until the evening. Headaches are periodic, occurring daily, every third or fourth day. Headaches in those living in malarial areas; they decrease after sleep; the patient is forced to lie down in bed and not move; better from sweating, pain combined with intermittent fever. During the chill, the head feels as if it will burst; the patient is delirious and drinks a lot of cold water. Head symptoms do not improve until sweat appears. Sometimes sweating improves all symptoms except headache.

There is another type of headache: the stronger the pain, the more sweating; sweat does not bring relief; cold forehead covered with cold sweat. If you wrap your head warmly, moving in the fresh air will make you feel better.

Headache due to visual impairment, with inability to quickly accommodate. Headache worse from noise.

The pain fills the entire back of the head and even spreads down the spine, which is observed after brain diseases, hydrocephalus.

Damage to the spine, with increased sensitivity to pressure; irritated spine. The vertebrae are very painful, and the patient suffers greatly due to aching pain along the spine. Pain in the spine increases from coughing, as well as from walking; decreases when lying on a hard surface, from pressing the back on something hard; The patient can sit with a pillow or arm pressed to her back. You will find women suffering from dysmenorrhea lying down with something hard under their spine.

Nervous trembling throughout the body. Twitching of muscles, trembling of limbs, impossible to keep limbs still, just like Zincum.

Stomach and liver problems are closely related. The stomach is distended with gases. Lump in the stomach after eating. The food seems to take too long to digest. Worse after eating. Vomiting whitish mucus brings relief. Strong desire for cold water, sometimes drinking brings relief, sometimes there is an unquenchable thirst. In the liver area there is a feeling of fullness with stitching, tearing pain. The intestines are distended with gases. Slow bowel function, difficulty defecating, hard stools in the form of an accumulation of feces. Slowing of the bladder. You have to wait a long time until the urine begins to flow out, and then it is emitted slowly, interrupted, and there is not enough strength to expel it. After urination, there is a feeling that some of the urine remains in the bladder. The patient cannot urinate in the presence of strangers and cannot urinate in a public toilet. There may also be repeated urges that force you to urinate frequently.

This remedy, along with Natrum sulphuricum, has been used by homeopaths to clear up cases of chronic diarrhea, diarrhea in old soldiers.

Natrum muriaticum helps well with female diseases, with painful menstruation. This remedy has a wide variety of menstrual complaints: menses too scanty or too profuse, delayed or too early. Based on these symptoms, you cannot make an individualization; it is necessary to identify the constitutional condition. Examine each organ to collect as many symptoms as possible. Examine each organ, but not physically, since the manifestations of the disease will not indicate a remedy, but study the symptoms.

As you can see, medications affect the human body at different rates; some of them act particularly long-lasting and deeply. Natrum muriaticum is one of them. Natrum muriaticum acts very slowly, taking a long time to produce results, so this remedy corresponds to complaints that develop slowly and for a long time. This does not mean that it cannot act quickly: all drugs act quickly, but not all are able to act slowly; Long-acting medications can help with acute conditions, but short-acting medications do not work for chronic conditions. Also understand for yourself the “gait”, rhythm, and frequency of action of the drugs. Some remedies correspond to a constant fever, some to an intermittent fever, others to a spasmodic fever. We observe three different rhythms in Aconitum, Belladonna and Bryonia, three different "gaits", three different speeds; We see the same thing in Sulfur, Graphites, Natrum muriaticum, Carbo vegetabilis - also different forms, rates of development of the disease state. Some doctors will not hesitate to prescribe Belladonna for persistent fever, but with this remedy the symptoms arise very quickly, violently, that is, their nature has nothing in common with constant fever. This does not appear to be a typhoid condition. Belladonna and Aconitum do not have typhoid manifestations, even if formally all the symptoms are present. Make sure that the remedy chosen not only has the totality of symptoms, but also suits the nature of the case. The case of typhoid fever has a similarity in Bryonia or Rhus, but not in Belladonna. Our duty is to follow the truth in everything.

Natrum muriaticum is a long acting remedy; its symptoms continue for many years; it is characterized by slowly developing, long-lasting, deep-seated symptoms. It takes a long time before the patient comes under its influence, even with sufficient sensitivity.

Chill begins in the morning at 10.30; every day, every second day, every three or four days. Chilliness occurs in the extremities, which turn blue; a throbbing headache and a rush of blood to the face appear; delirium, constant incoherent speech, manic actions. Symptoms intensify until the onset of an attack of congestion. When the attack is fully developed, a desire for cold water arises. Despite the chills, warmth and wrapping up do not bring relief, but I crave cold drinks. It is natural to suppose that, when experiencing severe chills, people usually crave warmth, but the Natrum muriaticum patient cannot bear it. The patient mutters through his teeth, rushes from side to side, there are pains in the bones, as if they were splitting, and vomiting, which is characteristic of a congestive state. When it is hot, the patient becomes so hot that the heat almost burns the fingers, and the patient falls into a congestive sleep or stupor. Sweat improves the condition, it eases the pain, and after a while the headache goes away. Severe chills, fever and sweat. Sometimes such attacks can occur in well-built, strong people, but usually this is the lot of anemic and emaciated people who have long suffered from malaria; protracted, chronic cases. Complaints do not always have such a long prodromal period. This medicine is especially indicated for those people who have been living in malarial areas for a long time; anemic, often edematous; in old cases, when we are faced with the effects of treatment with arsenic and quinine, the drugs with which the old school suppresses fever whenever it arises. The patient’s illness remains inside and becomes even stronger than it was, and the fever occurs again and again, which is characteristic of this illness; material doses of drugs cannot change the nature of the fever, make it not intermittent. The same remedies, which are only partially similar, will change the nature of the disease, so that no one can cure it. Homeopathic medicines cure intermittent fever if taken correctly. If this could not be done, then the condition becomes so confused that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to cure this case. First of all, the master must understand the case and clarify it so that it can be treated. Few can boast that they have not confused a single case of malaria, since in many of them the picture was insufficiently developed, masked, there may be no individual symptoms at all, especially in those cases that have already been tried to be treated homeopathically.

There is no regularity in the nature of Natrum muriaticum, so it is characterized only by intermittent fever. If the fever becomes uniform, wait: either the patient recovers, or the patient clearly shows the features of another remedy. There are other medications that can restore order in your case. Often confused by incorrect prescriptions, they become clearer after using Sepia. Vivid cases of head congestion, back pain and vomiting are cleared up with Ipecacuanha. The cure after using the right homeopathic medicine is permanent; the fever does not return after it.

Natrum muriaticum not only eliminates the predisposition to intermittent fever, but also makes the patient healthier, less susceptible to frequent colds; Thus, the susceptibility to both colds and the frequency of their occurrence goes away. The tendency to periodicity leads to recurrence of symptoms. We know that each attack paves the way for the next. Each new attack of fever is more destructive than the previous one. Allopathic drugs enhance this tendency, while homeopathic drugs eliminate it. Homeopathic treatment puts the body in order, which makes it easier to cope with diseases. Until the predisposition is eliminated, the patient will get worse and worse until he reaches complete exhaustion.

Children born in malarial areas often suffer from malnutrition. They have a voracious appetite, severe hunger, they eat a lot, but they are losing weight all the time.

Conditions that develop during pregnancy. The mammary glands decrease in size, the entire upper body loses weight. Severe soreness of the uterus. Leucorrhoea is white at first, then turns green. A woman catches a cold from any draft. Pain during intercourse, with vaginal dryness; sensation as if from splinters in the walls of the vagina; pain, as if from an injection. Dryness of all mucous membranes; Wherever there are mucous membranes, dryness occurs. The throat is dry, red; fishbone sensation when swallowing; it is impossible to swallow food without drinking liquid; stitching pains throughout the esophagus.

Most people, having heard about the sensation of a fish bone stuck in the throat, prescribe Hepar; this is a well-known old key symptom. It is also found in Nitricum acidum, Argentum nitricum. Alumina and Natrum muriaticum, but each remedy has a different symptom.

Hepar: The tonsils are swollen, swollen, purple, indicating purulent tonsillitis. The patient is sensitive to the slightest draft, pain in the throat occurs even if the patient puts his hand out from under the blanket; he sweats at night, but the sweat does not bring relief; he is sensitive to any impressions; every sensation seems to be magnified tenfold.

Nitricum acidum: yellow spots on throat; bumpy, jagged sores in the throat, or the throat is purple and sore. Horse urine smell.

Argentum nitricum: severe hoarseness, damage to the vocal cords. The throat is swollen and gaping; the patient really wants cold things: cold water, cold air. Suitable for cases where cauterization of cervical ulcers has occurred.

Natrum muriaticum: extreme dryness of the mucous membranes, as if they were about to crack; chronic dryness without ulceration. Copious catarrhal discharge, similar to egg white, with dryness of the mucous membranes, when there is no mucus on them. The patient is very sensitive, especially to changes in weather.

Each medicine has its own “gait”, its own sequence of action, and this sequence must be kept in mind all the time.

Natrum muriaticum helps with old edema, especially with swelling of loose tissue. Sometimes they occur in serous cavities, and cerebral edema also appears after acute illnesses. Acute spinal meningitis, when there is extreme nervous tension, constant throwing back of the head, constant nodding twitching of the head. Acute illnesses leading to hydrocephalus or spinal cord irritation. Sometimes it works for ascites, but more often it is effective for edema of the lower extremities. Acute swelling after scarlet fever; the patient is hypersensitive, starts in his sleep, jumps up in confusion at night; Protein and casts are found in the urine.

In edema after malaria, Natrum muriaticum, if curative, usually returns the original fever. There is only one known path to cure: from top to bottom, from inside to outside, in the reverse order of the symptoms. If we get something else, then this is only an improvement, but not a recovery. If symptoms return, this gives hope; this is the only possible path to recovery.

Skin symptoms are noticeable. In old, chronic cases the skin appears transparent, as if the patient were covered with edema; skin waxy, oily, shiny; other remedies for oily, shiny skin are Plumbum, Thuja, Selenium. These remedies also have a profound effect on the body. Medicines that can cause such amazing changes must work quite deeply.

The medicine is effective after childbirth if the woman in labor does not come to her senses; she is weakened and irritable; lochia long lasting, abundant, white; she is losing hair on her head and genitals; milk disappears, or the child does not absorb it. Effective for postpartum pain, with insufficient contraction of the uterus, while the uterus is in a state of prolonged hyperemia. The patient is worse from noise, music, and door knocking. She really wants salty things, while she has an aversion to bread, wine and fatty foods. Sour wine upsets the stomach. Natrum muriaticum will clear up the case, restore lactation and put the case in order.

This medicine is necessary for chlorotic girls with oily skin, greenish or yellowish skin color, whose menstruation comes once every two or three months. Menses profuse or scanty and watery. When the symptoms coincide, this remedy can relieve chlorosis and restore a healthy appearance, although not immediately. It can take years to return to health after typical chlorosis. When you cut your finger, it seems as if water is flowing instead of blood; menses look like leucorrhoea; it is a condition of pernicious anemia. Natrum muriaticum penetrates deep into the processes of life and returns the color to the patient's cheeks.

Homeopathic medicine Natrium muriaticum is a sea salt, mainly consisting of a compound of a metal - sodium with a non-metal - chlorine. It is a large white crystal, highly soluble in water at any temperature. The substance has a pronounced salty taste with bitterness.

In cold climates, natrium muriaticum is obtained by evaporation of seawater (for example, in the UK) or by natural evaporation of seawater in the sun. Another method of extraction is from ancient sediments. This salt is distinguished by the presence of fresh organic residues.

In addition to sodium chloride, which gives a salty taste, sea salt contains the following ions:

  • magnesium, which adds bitterness;
  • iodine, which is an impurity from aquatic vegetation;
  • fluorine;
  • calcium;
  • potassium

In addition to sodium chloride, sea water contains Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). The presence of calcium and fluorine is explained by the fauna living in the water (for example, plankton). In addition to homeopathy, sea salt is used in medicine (otorhinolaryngology) and physiotherapy (preparation of saline solutions, use for inhalation).

The effect of sea salt extends to many body systems. The action of sodium chloride is based on the properties of the anion, that is, the negatively charged chlorine ion. As a result, natrium muriaticum acquires anti-inflammatory properties, effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes and skin.

But this substance treats not only inflammation, but also allergic skin reactions, such as eczema. This effect is explained by the ability of salt to retain liquid and relieve dryness and flaking.

Natrium muriaticum helps stimulate the body's protective properties and improve the condition of the immune system.

The drug affects the nervous system, brain functions and metabolic processes of the body. In particular, it stabilizes chlorine metabolism, which is the most important process in iron metabolism. Most homeopaths agree that it is disturbances in chlorine metabolism that lead to anemia.

Natrium muriaticum in the form of a fine aerosol used for inhalation helps to liquefy sputum and remove it from the lungs. Also, natrium muriaticum relieves inflammation of the bronchial tree.

Solutions of sodium muriaticum are used to irrigate the nasal cavity. Weak saline solutions help cleanse the mucous membrane of mucus produced by pathogenic microorganisms. This effect is achieved due to the ability of natrium muriaticum to stimulate the production of natural secretions by the mucous membranes.

The anti-inflammatory effect of sodium muriaticum is especially used in the treatment of neoplasms. Salt dressings are used for skin tumors; sessile salt baths are used to treat gynecological tumors. The antiseptic properties of natrium muriaticum are used in the treatment of inflammation of the gums, tongue, mucous membranes of the oral cavity and larynx.

Indications for use

  1. for osteochondrosis, arthrosis, osteoarthrosis and arthritis;
  2. for hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, VSD, coronary heart disease;
  3. for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, especially injuries - radiculitis, polyneuritis, neuritis, plexitis;
  4. for the treatment of psychological and mental disorders - sleep disorders, depression, emotional exhaustion;
  5. to eliminate the consequences of fractures and cracks of bones, sprains and ruptures of ligaments, inflammation of ligaments - tendinitis and paratenonitis, sprains and muscle ruptures;
  6. for the treatment of dermatitis and dermatoses, psoriasis, chronic eczema, dermatological diseases that occur against the background of nervous shock;
  7. for the treatment of inflammation on the skin: boils, purulent wounds;
  8. to prevent the appearance of age-related pigmentation;
  9. in complex therapy of bronchitis, asthma, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis;
  10. in complex therapy of gynecological and urological diseases;
  11. in dentistry, for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes - stomatitis, periodontal disease, etc.;
  12. in complex therapy of neoplasms, both benign and malignant, on the skin and neoplasms of the genital organs;
  13. for varicose veins and other vascular diseases;
  14. for cosmetic purposes, for example, for anti-cellulite massage, as part of masks for hair, body and face, scrubbing products.

Farrington application

Natrium muriaticum can be used in a variety of ways. Ernest Albert Farrington had his own opinion about sodium muriaticum. Farrington was an American homeopathic scientist.

Farrington personified the drug with the image of a woman. This constitutional type had an asthenic physique, pale skin, high sebum secretion and acne. The women had unstable emotional behavior, suffered from headaches, were underweight with a good appetite and a taste for salty foods. Herpetic rashes were often observed on the lips.

The homeopath believed that sodium muriaticum would be useful for:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • scurvy;
  • increased fatigue;
  • bee stings as an antidote;
  • problematic skin of the face and body;
  • weakening of muscles, paralysis;
  • diseases of the nervous system – tics, headaches;
  • overwork;
  • anemia.

Farrington recommended the use of sodium muriaticum as a salt sitz bath for delayed menstruation. He also recommended salt baths to improve metabolism, for diseases of the nervous system, skin and paralysis. Among other things, rubdowns with concentrated saline solutions were recommended for paralyzed patients.

For bee stings, it is necessary to apply local compresses to the affected areas. For anemia, scurvy, overwork, sodium muriaticum solutions are taken orally in the sixth, twelfth and thirteenth dilutions. The specific dosage is selected by the homeopath depending on the severity of the disease.

Application according to Vithoulkas

Giorgos Vithoulkas was a Greek homeopath who was dedicated to teaching and practicing homeopathy. He is considered the "reviver" of homeopathy in 20th century Greece. Before Vithoulkas, the practice of homeopathy was practiced by a very limited number of Greek doctors.

Giorgos Vithoulkas believed that patients who need to take sodium muriaticum have an unstable emotional background, are closed personalities, and introverts. The character is secretive and timid. In terms of physique, these people are slender, even thin, with thin and graceful limbs.

  • for arthritis;
  • for migraines;
  • for the treatment of herpes on the lips;
  • in the treatment of stomatitis;
  • in complex therapy of depression;
  • patients who have had malaria;
  • with intercostal neuralgia;
  • with nervous tics;
  • for the treatment of skin allergies and eczema;
  • with gastritis.

For the treatment of gastritis and neurological diseases, natrium muriaticum is recommended to be taken orally in the sixth, twelfth or thirteenth dilution.

The exact potentiation must be chosen by the homeopath depending on the extent of the disease.

Application according to Berwick

William Boericke is an American homeopath of the second half of the 19th century - the first quarter of the 20th century. The doctor was engaged in medicine and social activities. Thanks to his efforts, at the end of the 19th century, cities with a population of 50,000 or more had at least one homeopathic hospital.

William Boericke believed that excessive consumption of ordinary table salt could lead to edema, dropsy, and changes in blood composition. According to Boericke, it is the breakdown products of salt that accumulate in the joints that cause gout and rheumatism.

  • with anemia;
  • in the treatment of chlorosis;
  • in the treatment of certain forms of fever;
  • for the treatment of skin diseases;
  • for indigestion and diarrhea;
  • with reduced immunity;
  • to improve performance and eliminate fatigue syndrome;
  • for endocrinological diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism);
  • for depression;
  • in the treatment of symptoms of respiratory diseases: cough, sore throat;
  • in the treatment of herpes;
  • in the treatment of constipation;
  • when gums are damaged from scurvy and stomatitis;
  • for gynecological/urological diseases;
  • for mental disorders;
  • for rhinitis.

Boericke recommended dilutions starting from twelfth and above for oral administration. He believed that it was this kind of potentiation that led to the best results. Oral intake is recommended for constipation, low immunity, mental disorders, anemia, chlorosis and fever.

For the treatment of runny nose and other symptoms of respiratory diseases, Natrium muriaticum in a 13% dilution is recommended as nasal drops. Herpes and skin rashes are recommended to be treated with salt baths. For scurvy and stomatitis, local rinsing with a solution prepared from this substance is recommended.

Application according to Kent

James Tyler Kent was an American homeopath. His main achievement was a collection of symptoms of diseases - the Repertory of Homeopathic Medicines.

Kent believed that patients in need of treatment with natrium muriaticum had a lean physique and a delicate mental structure. They are prone to conflicts and resentment. Emotionally unstable. Often, they develop seals around the corners of their mouths and herpetic rashes on their lips.

  • for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • with inflammation of the respiratory tract and lungs;
  • in case of disruption of the central nervous system;
  • for the treatment of blood and vascular diseases;
  • for gonorrhea.

Application according to Grangeorge

Didier Grangeorju is a homeopathic pediatrician from France. He considered natrium muriaticum in the context of childhood diseases.

According to Grangeorge, patients requiring homeopathic treatment are thin, especially in the upper part of the body. They have thin arms and narrow shoulders. Most suffer from asthma, herpes and constipation. By nature, these children are secretive, uncommunicative, and begin to speak late.

Granzhore believed that the use of Natrim muriaticum was necessary:

  1. for eczema;
  2. for constipation;
  3. in the treatment of asthma;
  4. with herpes.

Dilutions (sixth, twelfth and thirteenth) are selected individually, depending on the degree of the disease.


There are no contraindications to the use of Natrium muriaticum.

Possible side effects

In most cases, the use of the drug is not accompanied by side effects, but sometimes the following may occur:

  • local allergic reaction;
  • increased secretion of mucous membranes.

Precautionary measures

Natrium muriaticum should be used with caution in case of hypersensitivity to iodine. And also the concentration of salt in the solution should be strictly controlled by the homeopath.

Natrium muriaticum is a well-known substance in alternative medicine. According to most homeopaths, it can cure many diseases, especially inflammatory processes and pathologies in the human body.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about Natrium Muriaticum

About Sodium Chloride (Natrum Muraticum):

Synonyms: Natrium muriaticum, sodium chloratum

Natrium muriaticum is a homeopathic remedy introduced by Hahnemann. Available in forms that are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Many will be surprised by the fact that behind such a serious name hides the well-known, most common table salt (sodium chloride). Since this compound is present in almost all tissues of the body, this remedy has a stimulating, tonic effect on it. Natrium chloratum (another name for the drug) is considered in homeopathy to be a fairly serious medicine that can help with many diseases.

As mentioned earlier, the drug has two forms of release - granules (D3, C3, C6, C12) and drops (D3, C3, C6, C12). The active ingredient is sodium chloride (NaCl). This component is quite common in nature. Its crystallization occurs from an aqueous solution into dehydrated soluble cubes that have no color. It dissolves in three parts of cold water; it does not dissolve at all in pure alcohol. An aqueous solution of this substance is capable of dissolving water-insoluble substances such as Calc phos.

It is noteworthy that the first three dilutions are made by rubbing.

Depending on the diagnosis, 6, 12 or 30 dilutions of the drug are used.

Indications for use

Natrum muriaticum is used for:

    adrenal insufficiency, which is accompanied by a violation of water and electrolyte balance;

    headache, which is pulsating in nature, localized in the forehead and temples. The patient thinks he feels his brain pressing on his forehead, but feels better lying down. Painful sensations begin in the morning, while still in bed, are somewhat relieved when getting up, but grow with renewed vigor with intense movements. This symptom may also be accompanied by visual impairment. Sometimes the pain is localized in the occipital region, spreading to the neck;

    gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, which are accompanied by frequent and strong sour belching, as well as nausea and vomiting, aversion to flour, dairy and fatty foods, but a constant desire to eat something salty. Painful sensations in the stomach occur an hour after eating and have a burning and pressing character. These manifestations intensify after strong emotional shocks;

    cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis - a distinctive feature: the patient cannot urinate when other people are present nearby;

  • anemia;

  • tuberculosis;

    acne on sebaceous skin, which are mainly localized where the hair on the head begins;

    chronic urticaria, which becomes more intense after eating seafood or going to the sea;

    eczema in which the rash is localized at the border of hair growth, as well as behind the ears;

    diseases of the spinal column;

    cataracts at an early stage;

    thyrotoxicosis with palpitations, a feeling of fluttering or coldness in the heart, which becomes especially noticeable during nervous tension;

    rhinitis, which suddenly began, and is accompanied by bouts of sneezing. It goes away after a few days, but leaves consequences such as a stuffy nose and loss of smell;

    bronchial asthma in pediatric patients, which worsens when the weather changes;

    tracheitis, accompanied by a dry cough due to a sore throat and severe headaches localized in the forehead. Coughing attacks intensify in the evening and at night, relief occurs in a lying position;

    fever, accompanied by heavy sweat, thirst and chills in the afternoon. Herpetic rashes appear on the lips.

Natrum Muriaticum type patient

The constitutional type of such a patient is a thin and constantly cold person. Mostly these are women with a fair complexion, weak muscles and a thin neck. The patient constantly complains about his fatigue due to heavy physical or mental labor. The skin looks unhealthy, dirty and oily, and is affected by acne. His appetite is always excellent, his preference is for salty foods (he craves it all the time), and he drinks a lot of water. In addition, a distinctive feature of these people is a plump upper lip with a groove in the middle.

Women of the sodium chloratum type often experience uterine prolapse due to the fact that they have very weak muscles and ligaments. They have a weak bladder sphincter.

Resting while lying face up on a hard surface brings special pleasure to such patients. Feeling worse during the hot season.

Often women of this type wake up with a stuffy nose and a complete lack of sense of smell and taste.

Patients of this type are predominantly melancholic in nature - they are constantly depressed and saddened by something. They easily lose their temper, sometimes their irritability goes beyond the bounds of reason.

They can’t stand being pitied and consoled, so they keep all their problems to themselves and don’t share them with anyone.

Patients often experience menstrual irregularities.

Representatives of this psychotype often suffer from severe headaches that subside after sleep.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that sodium muriaticum is suitable for tired, thin, irritable patients who have been diagnosed with anemia.

Children with the makings of this psychotype are most likely to grow up slender and graceful. A characteristic feature that occurs quite often is a thin horizontal line that supposedly divides the lower eyelid into two. At a young age, the same line is characteristic of girls prone to hysterics.

Children of the Natrum Muriaticum type have an amazing sense of disharmony. Discord between parents can be very traumatic for a child - he will worry inside himself even to the point of physical illness.

As a rule, these children are obedient and flexible, they behave well and do not need strict discipline - one glance is enough for them.

Serious reproaches can lead to a hysterical child like Natrum Chloratum. Their reaction to criticism is very pronounced: in a fit of hysteria, they can fall to the floor, scream and kick. Attempts to regret are not perceived as desired; the child does not stop hysterical until the moment when he himself decides to stop.

How it affects the body

Natrium Muriaticum contains many minerals, as well as ions:

This drug has a beneficial effect on blood microcirculation and has a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Quite often, granules are used to prepare sea water, which is then used for external purposes.

A unique combination of microelements has a complex effect on the patient’s entire body, helps improve the functional state of the central nervous system, increases energy metabolism, and activates various metabolic processes.

The homeopathic remedy has a beneficial effect on the processes of microcirculation and blood supply to the vascular bed (peripheral), thereby increasing the functionality of the brain.

Toxic doses of the drug can provoke a severe inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, which will be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, severe pain and even death.

Sodium chloride in large quantities leads to profound changes in the metabolic process and provokes not only the manifestations of retention of chloride salts in the body, edema, dropsy, but also changes in the biochemical composition of the blood, resulting in anemia and leukocytosis. Also, substances that give symptoms similar to gout and gouty rheumatism are retained in the tissues.

Another manifestation of the effect of Natrum muriaticum on the body is thinness (a skinny neck is especially striking), which is characteristic of people with an excellent appetite.

The substance affects the secretion of mucous membranes - either the discharge is excessively watery, or the mucous membranes are very dry due to poor secretion. Fluids are distributed incorrectly in other tissues, and the nutrition of the skin is disrupted.

The secretion of the sebaceous glands becomes greasy, even oily, or, on the contrary, insufficient.

A rash appears on the skin, mostly dry, which is mainly localized in the folds of the joints and at the border of hair growth on the head.

Natrium chloratum can cause albuminuria caused by the physical effect of excess concentration, forming a hypertonic solution, which is dangerous for the epithelial lining of the convoluted tubules.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

According to the instructions for the drug, it has no contraindications. However, experts warn that it should be taken with caution by patients who are hypersensitive to iodine and its derivatives.

The likelihood of any adverse reactions to this drug is negligible, but in extremely rare cases an allergic reaction, local irritation or increased secretion of the mucous membranes may occur.

It is strongly not recommended to self-medicate and take the drug in dosages for your own reasons - the drug is quite serious and, if taken in the wrong dosage or if prescribed incorrectly, can cause irreversible processes in the body. The right decision in this case would be to contact specialists.

Analogues of the drug

Analogues of the drug in action are:

    Sepia officinalis

Included in the following multicomponent homeopathic preparations:

  • Riobeliton


    One of the most common drugs in classical homeopathy is Natrium muriaticum, also called sodium chloratum. The drug is made on the basis of sodium chloride, or table salt.
    Indications for use of sodium mureaticum, modern instructions for its use in classical homeopathy are the topic of this article.

    Natrium mureaticum (natrium chloratum) in homeopathy. Main indications for use or key symptoms of natrium chloratum

    In the homeopathic Materia Medica there are about eight hundred key symptoms of the remedy.
    Let's consider the main ones, those that make up the essence of the drug, essence.
    “Everything is medicine, and everything is poison - it’s all a matter of dose” - the phrase is attributed either to Paracelsus or to Hippocrates, it’s not too important. It is important that you are not confused about the substrate for this medicine. Table salt, which you use daily, and the potentized drug sodium mureaticum are two very different things. The drug is very effective for a number of conditions and is very often used with success.
    And if you have symptoms of sodium mureaticum, there is nothing to replace it with.

    Closed The fear of seeming funny, of being rejected, hides your emotions behind logic. Consequences of psycho-emotional trauma. Desire for salt, aversion to fatty foods. Herpes, crack on the lower lip.

    These are patients whose motto is: “do not offend and do not be offended.” They are very emotionally vulnerable, so they close themselves off. In grief, they cry into the pillow.
    Consequences of psycho-emotional trauma.
    They are willing to support with advice, but cannot openly show emotions.
    If they feel safe, they can be very talkative and emotional.
    They are worse from consolation. They can't stop crying if they feel sorry for them.
    They are afraid to seem ridiculous and funny.
    If they are attracted to someone, they pretend not to pay attention.
    Reliable, responsible.
    Does not like company, is especially shy when urinating, and likes to be alone.

    Nosologies for which Natrium mureaticum (natrium chloratum) is most often used

    Inflammation of the ENT organs and organs of the bronchopulmonary system.
    Hay allergy and bronchial asthma.
    Hypertension and coronary heart disease.
    Neurotic conditions and diseases due to psycho-emotional trauma.
    Inflammation of synovial bursae and joints.
    Kidney diseases and edema syndrome.

    Natrium mureaticum can be successfully used for other diseases. The main thing is the presence of at least a few key symptoms.

    Natrium mureaticum (natrium chloratum). Instructions for use

    Natrium mureaticum can be used in different potencies, from C-3 to C-100,000. There are also LM potencies.
    What potency to treat and how often to use the drug is decided by the homeopath, depending on the initial condition of the patient and his response to treatment.
    As a general rule, low potencies can be used more frequently, up to several times a day.
    High potencies - less often, up to once every few months.

    The main task of a homeopath is to maintain the activity of the body's defenses (homeopaths call this vital force) at a level sufficient to successfully fight the disease. Therefore, the homeopath determines the frequency of taking the drug and the potency in which it is used individually for each patient.

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