Inflammation of colitis and incompatibility of the bauhinium valve symptoms. Insufficiency of the Bauginian valve: how is the pathology diagnosed and treated? Treatment of insufficiency of the Bauhinian valve

However, identifying this disease is not an easy task, even taking into account the introduction of cutting-edge diagnostic methods into practice. This fact is explained by the fact that the symptoms of this pathology are often confused with other diseases. For example, insufficiency of the bauginian valve is often mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome.

The not very successful diagnosis and treatment of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve is also explained by the fact that this disease has not been fully studied, and therefore causes some difficulties even for very experienced doctors.

So, in order to have a clearer picture of this disease, it is necessary to consider the main reasons that can lead to its development and the accompanying symptoms. It is important to study effective diagnostic methods and, of course, treatment methods.

2 Causal factors for the development of the disease

The reasons for the development of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve are the following:

  • developmental defects or congenital anomalies;
  • neurological diseases the person has;
  • the result of an operation or a severe ongoing inflammatory disease (as a result of adhesions or scars formed, the function of the valve may be impaired);
  • regular violation of the diet (for example, a person who abruptly refuses any food product, be it fish or meat, risks contracting a disease such as bauginitis);
  • the entry of various pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms into the human body can lead to the rapid development of bauginitis;
  • intolerance by the body of certain components in frequent cases can result in the development of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve.

In medical practice, there are many cases where impaired intestinal motility was the main cause of the development of bauginitis.

3 Clinical picture

As for the symptoms of this type of disease themselves, as mentioned above, they are so similar to other diseases that making a correct diagnosis is a real problem for modern doctors, they are very nonspecific.

So, the main symptoms accompanying insufficiency of the baunin valve are:

  • usual ongoing diarrhea or prolonged constipation;
  • frequent gurgling in the stomach;
  • pain in the right iliac region, which usually occurs half an hour after eating (the pain is not intense, but it continues periodically);
  • significant bloating;
  • increased flatulence.

However, as medical studies show, in most cases, each patient has an individual clinical picture.

It often happens that a doctor comes to such a diagnosis during an examination of a patient who came to a medical facility with complaints of another pathology.

This disease can also be detected during screening.

4 Thorough diagnosis

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. Today, there is a sufficient amount of modern equipment and methods that ultimately help to arrive at a competent diagnosis.

Irrigoscopy - this modern method of diagnosing diseases involves the introduction of a special contrast agent into the patient’s rectum and subsequent radiography. This research method provides effective assistance in visualizing the condition of the large intestine, how it functions correctly, and whether there are any significant violations of its boundaries.

With proper colonoscopy, you can very clearly see the entire Bauhinian valve. Colonoscopy allows specialists to observe first-hand the condition and functioning of the organ. In addition, the tip of a colonoscope is inserted into the patient’s small intestine, which makes it possible to examine the condition of the ileum, the mucous membrane of the small intestine, and also identify foci of the inflammatory process. If the bauhinium valve is insufficient, its sponges do not close completely, which results in the ejection of the contents of the cecum into the ileum, thereby causing an inflammatory process.

Capsule endoscopy almost always guarantees an accurate result in diagnosing a patient, but this method is not cheap. It is based on the fact that the patient must swallow a miniature video camera. To date, this method is the most reliable.

A study is carried out using the X-ray method and barium. On the eve of the study, the patient must drink a certain amount of a substance with a high barium content. After this, he is sent for an x-ray, where photographs of the abdominal cavity are taken to monitor the distribution of the substance drunk. However, it is worth considering that the research method used does not allow making an accurate diagnosis. To confirm the disease, the patient additionally undergoes an endoscopic examination.

5 Effective treatment methods

Valve insufficiency is a disease, the treatment of which must be carried out under the supervision of a qualified doctor, therefore, after confirming the diagnosis, the patient is admitted to a hospital. If bauginitis is infectious, the patient is sent to the infectious diseases department.

Treatment of bauginitis involves the use of drug therapy with the aim of not only eliminating the accompanying unpleasant symptoms, but also stopping the inflammatory process.

A well-established daily routine and diet are very important and of paramount importance. The routine involves getting up and going to bed at the same time. The same rule applies to meals, which should be taken 6-7 times a day. These rules will help to improve the dysfunction of the intestine, or rather, to regulate its peristalsis.

In the treatment regimen for insufficiency of the Bauhinium valve, an important role is given to the work of the entire nervous system of the human body, since constant stress and mental overstimulation are very undesirable during the period of illness.

The menu of a person who has bauginitis should not contain any spicy, fried or fatty foods that can only cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

If bauginitis has developed as a result of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria entering the body, then the doctor prescribes the mandatory use of antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

However, the prescription of such medications must be carried out very carefully so that their effect does not cause complications and does not disrupt the intestinal microflora. It is also necessary to ensure that the patient does not have an allergic reaction.

A patient with bauginitis is most often prescribed magnesium preparations, but since this disease is accompanied by a violation of intestinal flora, the following drugs are prescribed to normalize it:

If the disease is accompanied by severe bloating, taking activated charcoal, infusions of mint leaves and chamomile flowers will not hurt.

Bauginitis is a very unpleasant disease that can disrupt the established rhythm of a person’s life. But if you consult a doctor in time and begin effective treatment, the prognosis of the pathology will be favorable.

  • Causes and treatment of chronic gastritis in adults

Bauhinium valve. What is this? Where is it located?

What is and where is the Bauginian valve located?

Throughout the gastrointestinal tract one can find many sphincters, restrictions that separate one part from another and one anatomical functional part from others. This is presented so that the bolus of food moves in one direction, and the passage from one section to another, where digestion is different, is demarcated.

The Bauhinian valve or Bauchniian valve is an anatomical structure at the border of the small intestine and its distal ileum - ileum - and the beginning of the large intestine of the cecum - caecus, therefore the valve is also called ileocecal. Thus, chyme does not enter the large intestine. In the large intestine, mainly water is absorbed more than the actual digestion and absorption of nutrients, in contrast to the small intestine with a large number of enzymes. Each section has its own specific saprophytic microflora.

The ileocecal valve remains closed outside of digestion, and at the beginning of digestion, when food enters the stomach after half a minute - 4 minutes, it opens every half a minute - a minute and 15 ml of food passes into the next section of the intestine to undergo further processing. Food moves through peristalsis and when the pressure in the ileum increases, the tone of the valve increases and it opens.

The bauhinium valve is an obstacle to the return of food back to the small intestine with the entry of non-typical microflora and the development of putrefactive, fermentative processes, and stagnation. This may be the cause of dermatoses, an allergic reaction as a result of intoxication with insufficiency of the bauginium valve due to its inflammation, with pathologies inside the intestines of various types.

Method for treating primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve

The invention relates to medicine, namely to gastroenterology, and is intended for the treatment of primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. The method involves restoring the obturator function of the ileocecal valve by treating with magnesium orotate, prescribed orally at a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day for three months, then at a dose of 0.5 g 3 times a day for the next three months. The method provides treatment for primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve while eliminating the need for surgical intervention.

This invention relates to medicine and is intended for the treatment of primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve.

Violation of the obturator function (insufficiency) of the bauginian valve is a serious defect that leads to the reflux of the contents of the large intestine into the small intestine. A direct consequence of this is the colonization of the small intestine by foreign microflora with the development of putrefactive and fermentative processes and chronic enterocolitis. The absorption of microbial waste products leads to autointoxication and serves as a possible pathogenetic factor in diseases such as bronchial asthma, dermatoses, and allergic reactions. The prevalence and significant health consequences determine the relevance of adequate correction of the insufficiency of the bauhinium valve.

Magnesium orotate (commercial release form - the drug "Magnerot") is a combination of the trace element magnesium and the non-steroidal anabolic orotic acid for better absorption and fixation of magnesium in tissues. Indications for the use of magnesium orotate include cardiovascular diseases - angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, heart failure /1/. In gastroenterology and, in particular, for the correction of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve, this drug has not previously been used.

The theoretical justification for the use of magnesium orotate for the treatment of primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve is the hypothesis put forward by us that it belongs to the number of manifestations of generalized connective tissue pathology, denoted by the term “connective tissue dysplasia” /6/. This point of view is confirmed by the prevalence in patients with primary insufficiency of the bauginian valve of such external and visceral markers of connective tissue dysplasia as atrioventricular valve prolapse, splanchnoptosis, and some structural features of the musculoskeletal system, eyes, and skin.

Patient E., 34 years old, has been bothered for a long time by cramping pain and rumbling in the abdomen, bloating after eating, poor tolerance to dairy and fatty foods, unstable stools with alternating constipation and diarrhea, and weight loss. When studying coproculture, intestinal dysbiosis was repeatedly revealed, caused by a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, and an increase in fungi of the genus Candida. Repeated courses of treatment with antifungal drugs and eubiotics (Bifilact, Linex, Ocarin) provided only short-term improvement. The performed irrigoscopy documented the reflux of the contrast agent from the large intestine into the small intestine over a considerable distance, and the anamnesis data and numerous external and visceral markers of connective tissue dysplasia (asthenic physique, progenia, scoliosis, mitral valve prolapse, nephroptosis) convinced of the primary genesis of the insufficiency of the Bauginian valve. The patient refused the proposed bauginoplasty. Conservative treatment with magnesium orotate was prescribed at a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day for three months and 0.5 g 3 times a day for the next three months. After just 1.5 months of treatment, the patient noted an improvement in her health in the form of a significant reduction in abdominal pain, normalization of stool, and weight gain. Control irrigoscopy performed after 6 months did not reveal any signs of reflux enteritis. A repeat examination six months later did not reveal any clinical signs of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. Preventive courses of magnesium orotate are recommended 2 times a year.

Sources of information 1. Vidal reference book. Medicines in Russia: Directory. - M.: OUREE-AstraPharmServis, 2000. - S.B-1-229.

2. Vitebsky Ya.D. Fundamentals of valvular gastroenterology. - Chelyabinsk: Yuzh. -Ural. book publishing house, 1991.-S..

3. Martynov V.L., Makhov G.A., Ovchinnikov V.A. Creation of the obturator apparatus in case of failure of the Bauginian valve //Nizhny Novgorod Medical Journal..- 3.-P.22-23.

4. Martynov V.L., Ovchinnikov V.A., Almazov V.I. Long-term results of creating an obturator apparatus in the ileocecal region in case of failure of the bauginian valve // ​​Nizhny Novgorod Medical Journal. -1994.- 2-C. 20.

5. Stepura O.B., Melnik O.O., Shekhter A.B. and others. Results of using the magnesium salt of orotic acid “Magnerot” in the treatment of patients with idiopathic mitral valve prolapse // Russian Medical News. - I999. -T.4, 2.-P.64-69.

6. Russian Federation patent for the invention “Method for diagnosing primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve” / V.L. Martynov, A.V. Klemenov, published in BI 15, 05/27/00.

A method for treating primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve by restoring the obturator function of the ileocecal valve, characterized in that treatment is carried out with magnesium orotate, administered orally at a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day for three months, then at a dose of 0.5 g 3 times per day for the next three months.


Picture 1. 1- 2 -cecum; h- 4



-Quote book

Healthy and thick hair? - No problem! Healthy and thick hair? - No problem! &.

Overnight pickled cabbage. Start your day with the right vitamins! Cabbage belongs to the so-called

Rice will remove everything harmful. The secret of Tibetan lamas. Let's take o.

Elixir for gentle cleansing of the liver and stomach In general, I am wary of various medicines.

Today I had an appointment with a gastroenterologist and when I asked why antimicrobial drugs and some antibiotics help me if I have IBS, she answered me: “Don’t forget that your bauginium valve is not closing!” What it is and what it is eaten with, you can read the information below. I warn you right away, not for the faint of heart! Otherwise, we are all suspicious.

The bauginian valve (ileocecal valve) is an anatomical formation located at the transition point of the small intestine to the large intestine and provides isolation of the biotopes of the ileum and cecum, which differ significantly in physiological and environmental characteristics.

Violation of the obturator function (insufficiency) of the bauginian valve is a serious defect that leads to the reflux of the contents of the colon into the small intestine. A direct consequence of this is the colonization of the small intestine by foreign microflora with the development of putrefactive and fermentative processes and chronic enterocolitis. The absorption of microbial waste products leads to autointoxication and serves as a possible pathogenetic factor in diseases such as bronchial asthma, dermatoses, and allergic reactions. The prevalence and significant health consequences determine the relevance of adequate correction of the insufficiency of the bauhinium valve.

According to the mechanism of development, insufficiency of the bauhinium valve is divided into primary and secondary /2/, the approach to their treatment is different. Secondary is a consequence of acquired, often inflammatory, intestinal diseases, leading to dilatation of the ileocecal valve. Primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve occurs without obvious reasons and is a hereditarily determined inferiority of the intestinal valve apparatus.

The traditional and only way to treat primary insufficiency of the bauginian valve is bauginoplasty - an operation to create an obturator apparatus in the area of ​​the ileocecal junction. The essence of the operation is to invaginate the terminal ileum into the cecum with fixation with gray-serous sutures or to recreate a semblance of a valve by applying seromuscular sutures between the base of the ileum and the wall of the ascending colon and between the base of the ileum and the wall of the cecum with the subsequent formation of a ventral and dorsal frenulum /3/. We took the bauginoplasty operation as a prototype.

However, this method of treatment is inevitably associated with operational risk and is impossible in patients with severe concomitant pathology, which excludes the possibility of using anesthesia and performing surgery. In addition, the results of bauginoplasty are not always satisfactory, which is associated with the development of intestinal obstruction or gradual destruction of the created prosthesis in approximately 13% of patients /4/. Therefore, the objective of the present invention is to expand the arsenal of means for restoring the obturator function of the ileocecal valve, increasing the effectiveness of treatment of primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve and eliminating the need for surgical intervention.

The problem is solved by a method of treating primary insufficiency of the bauginium valve by restoring the obturator function of the ileocecal valve, characterized in that treatment is carried out with magnesium orotate, prescribed orally in a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day for 3 months, then in a dose of 0.5 g 3 times a day for the next 3 months.

Magnesium orotate (commercial release form - the drug "Magnerot") is a combination of the trace element magnesium and the non-steroidal anabolic orotic acid for better absorption and fixation of magnesium in tissues. Indications for the use of magnesium orotate include cardiovascular diseases - angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, heart failure /1/. In gastroenterology and, in particular, for the correction of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve, this drug has not previously been used.

The theoretical justification for the use of magnesium orotate for the treatment of primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve is the hypothesis put forward by us that it belongs to the number of manifestations of generalized connective tissue pathology, denoted by the term “connective tissue dysplasia” /6/. This point of view is confirmed by the prevalence in patients with primary insufficiency of the bauginian valve of such external and visceral markers of connective tissue dysplasia as atrioventricular valve prolapse, splanchnoptosis, and some structural features of the musculoskeletal system, eyes, and skin.

In accordance with modern concepts, connective tissue dysplasia is based on a congenital defect in collagen synthesis, which predetermines the inferiority of the connective tissue matrix of the body /5/. Among the pathogenetic mechanisms of connective tissue dysplasia, great importance is attached to the deficiency of magnesium ions, which impairs the ability of fibroblasts to produce full-fledged collagen. This point of view made it possible to propose magnesium preparations for the treatment of one of the most well-known manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia - idiopathic mitral valve prolapse. Under the influence of a 6-month course of treatment of patients with mitral valve prolapse with the magnesium salt of orotic acid Magnerot at a dose of 3.0 g/day, positive dynamics were noted in the form of a decrease in the depth of mitral prolapse, the degree of degeneration of the valve leaflets, and the elimination of clinical symptoms of the disease /5/.

The favorable result of treatment with magnesium orotate for idiopathic mitral valve prolapse gave us the basis for the first time to test its effectiveness in another manifestation of connective tissue dysplasia - primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve. But since the result of treatment of this pathology was not obvious to specialists, and the author did not find information about its use in this situation in the information sources, it was necessary to conduct a study confirming the feasibility of using magnesium orotate for the treatment of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve.

We used magnesium orotate in the form of the drug Magnerot to treat 8 patients with primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. All patients had intestinal dysbiosis of II-III degree, clinical manifestations of ileocecal incompetence were represented by pain along the intestines, a tendency to loose stools, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, weight loss, general weakness. The duration of treatment and the dose of magnesium orotate were selected empirically and amounted to 3.0 g/day for the first three months and 1.5 g/day for the next three. During the treatment, the symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia were eliminated and the initially reduced body weight increased. At the end of the course of treatment in all patients, the disappearance of radiological signs of insufficiency of the Bauginian valve was recorded; during a control study of coproculture, normalization of the composition of the intestinal microflora was noted. Magnerot was well tolerated by all patients; no side effects were noted.

Thus, our experience indicates the possibility of normalizing the obturator function of the ileocecal valve in patients with primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve in a conservative way using treatment with magnesium orotate.

The proposed method of treatment is carried out as follows. A patient with primary insufficiency of the bauginium valve, in the absence of contraindications (urolithiasis, renal failure), is prescribed magnesium orotate orally at a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day with a small amount of liquid for three months, and then at a dose of 0.5 g 3 once a day for the next three months. To consolidate the therapeutic effect and prevent relapse of ileocecal insufficiency, it is advisable to prescribe magnesium orotate at a dose of 0.5 g/day in three-month courses 2-3 times a year.

An example of a specific implementation of the proposed method.

Patient E., 34 years old, has been bothered for a long time by cramping pain and rumbling in the abdomen, bloating after eating, poor tolerance to dairy and fatty foods, unstable stools with alternating constipation and diarrhea, and weight loss. When studying coproculture, intestinal dysbiosis was repeatedly revealed, caused by a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, and an increase in fungi of the genus Candida. Repeated courses of treatment with antifungal drugs and eubiotics (Bifilact, Linex, Ocarin) provided only short-term improvement. The performed irrigoscopy documented the reflux of the contrast agent from the large intestine into the small intestine over a considerable distance, and the anamnesis data and numerous external and visceral markers of connective tissue dysplasia (asthenic physique, progenia, scoliosis, mitral valve prolapse, nephroptosis) convinced of the primary genesis of the insufficiency of the Bauginian valve. The patient refused the proposed bauginoplasty. Conservative treatment with magnesium orotate was prescribed at a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day for three months and 0.5 g 3 times a day for the next three months. After just 1.5 months of treatment, the patient noted an improvement in her health in the form of a significant reduction in abdominal pain, normalization of stool, and weight gain. Control irrigoscopy performed after 6 months did not reveal any signs of reflux enteritis. A repeat examination six months later did not reveal any clinical signs of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve.


Picture 1. 1- frenuium valv. coli posterius; 2 -cecum; h- Bauhin's valve (upper and lower lips); 4 - ileum (according to Braus’y).

opens and allows the contents of the small intestine to pass into the cecum. The reverse movement is eliminated by closing the valve, which increases with increasing pressure from the cecum (Heile). Innervation of B. z. associated with n. splanchnicus and with n. vagus. Irritation of the first (according to Elliot'y) leads to closure, the second (according to Katz'y and Winter'y) - to the opening of the valve. According to the latest observations in animals, the action of the valve is regulated by the psyche. influences (Braus). Spasm and insufficiency of B. z. is currently attributed a large role in pathological phenomena in the area of ​​the cecum and intestinal tract.

Lit.: Kolodny A. O., “Journal of the Russian Doctor”, 1921, No. 3; Rozanov V. N. and Yurasov I. V., “Bulletin of surgery and border. region,” vol. XI, book. 31, 1927; Braus H., Anatomie d. Menschen, V. II, V., 1924; Rauber A. u. Kopsch F., Lehrbuch d. Anatomie d. Menschen, Abt. 4, Lpz., 1920; Heile V., Mitteilungen aus d. Grenzgebieten d. Med. u. Chir., B. XIV, H. 4, 1905, Zentralblatt f. Chirurgie, 1921, J* 15; Blauel, Bruns Beitrage z. klin. Chirurgie, B. LXVIII, H. 1,1910. K. Esshgov.

Big medical encyclopedia. 1970.

See what “BAUGINIEV VALVE” is in other dictionaries:

Bauhini's valve - (Valvula coli s. Bauhini, s. Tulpii) colonic valve. This name in anatomy refers to the valve located at the junction of the last loop of the ileum into the large intestine. This flap consists of two transverse folds protruding into... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Bauhin's valve - (anat. valvula Bauhini; S. Bauhin, Swiss anatomist) see Ileocecal valve ... Big medical dictionary

BAUGINOSPASM - BAUGINOSPASM. Spasm, as well as insufficiency of the Bauginian valve, have attracted the attention of surgeons in recent years, thanks to the accumulated large amount of observational material on the long-term results of appendectomies performed for ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

Valve - (valva, PNA: valvula, BNA, JNA) in anatomy, part of a hollow organ, formed by one or more folds of its inner shell; prevents contents from moving backwards. Aortic valve, see Aortic valve. Aortic valve (v. aortae, ... ... Medical encyclopedia

ILEUS - ILEUS, intestinal obstruction; represents a condition in which an obstacle arises throughout the intestine to the movement of its contents. Left to its own course, I. depending on the type of obstruction, it leads... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

ileocecal valve - (v. ileocecalis, PNA; v. coli, BNA, JNA; synonym: Bauhinian valve, ileocecal valve, colon valve, ileocecal valve, colon valve) K., located at the junction of the ileum and the cecum and... ... Big medical dictionary

CECAUM - (caecum, s.typhlon). E. S. is also developed, like the entire intestine, and is a derivative of the internal germ layer. Already in the third month of intrauterine life, the S. k. can be clearly distinguished in the large intestine, initially located under the liver, and ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

bauhinospasm - (bauhinospasmus; bauhin's valve + spasm) spastic contraction of the muscular sphincter of the terminal part of the ileum; causes temporary intestinal obstruction ... Big Medical Dictionary

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Insufficiency of the Bauginian valve

The Bauhinian valve (ileocecal valve) is a natural seal between the small and large intestines. It ensures the unidirectional movement of intestinal contents from the ileum (the final section of the small intestine) to the cecum (the starting section of the large intestine). Normally, these sections of the digestive tube differ significantly in microbiological and physicochemical characteristics.

Insufficiency of the bauginian valve promotes reverse reflux from the cecum (caecum) into the ileum (ileum). The small intestine becomes contaminated with the microflora of the large intestine, and inflammation develops - chronic enterocolitis.

Subsequently, the stomach, pancreas, and often the liver and bile ducts are involved in the suffering. Adhesions appear in the abdominal cavity. The waste products of microbes enter the bloodstream and poison the entire body - which is why insufficiency of the bauhinium valve can be complicated by the development of bronchial asthma, skin diseases, and allergic conditions. Pathology of the heart and nervous system occurs. Due to a defect in the ileocecal valve, metabolic disorders and endocrinological problems appear.

Primary insufficiency of the bauginian valve is considered as a symptom of congenital dysplasia (underdevelopment) of connective tissue. Along with a defect in the ileocecal valve, such patients experience mitral valve prolapse, increased joint mobility, prolapse of the kidneys, and asymmetry of the auricles.

Secondary insufficiency of the bauginium valve is often the outcome of inflammatory processes in the intestine.

The pathology manifests itself as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and possible constipation. There may be bad breath, rumbling in the intestines, flatulence (bloating), bitterness in the mouth. I suffer from nausea, belching, heartburn. I am concerned about increased fatigue, palpitations, dizziness, and decreased body weight.

Insufficiency of the Bauginian valve is diagnosed on the basis of irrigoscopy data (x-ray contrast examination of the colon). Primary ileocecal valve failure can be highly suspected if there are other signs of connective tissue dysplasia.

Following a diet and taking medications alleviates the patient’s condition. A method for treating primary deficiency using magnesium orotate has been proposed. The valve defect can be eliminated surgically.

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Diarrhea, flatulence, belching, abdominal discomfort.

Yes, what is your question.

I am diagnosed with baugenitis with infiltrate and a 5 cm polyp; during colonoscopy, the infiltrate was taken for histology, the result was negative. What does this mean? What needs to be done next?

This largely depends on the type of polyp and what was found on histology (I don’t understand what a negative result is; there needs to be a clear conclusion), plus you need to know your age and family predisposition to cancer.

Good evening everyone! My ultrasound showed that there is no bauhinium valve, what does this mean and how to treat it, I feel worse every day, my temperature does not jump to 37.2 or lower, and there is no gastroedocrinologist in the village where I live.

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The information posted on the site is for educational purposes only and is not a guide to self-medication.


Several decades, even years ago, it was difficult to reliably determine the cause of intestinal failure in many cases. Modern diagnostic equipment and techniques make it possible to visually assess its structure, identify defects and establish an accurate diagnosis. One of them is insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. What kind of pathology is this? To answer the question, you need to understand the structural features of several parts of the intestine, learn about the causes of the pathological process and the symptoms that appear. To restore the patient’s intestinal functions, a set of therapeutic measures will be required.

What is a bauhinium valve and what are its functions?

For a simple person not associated with professional medicine, the phrase “bauhinium valve” evokes a certain association - this is some kind of partition. Indeed, this organ in its structure is a special, dense fold that connects two sections of the intestine - thin and thick. Another name for the organ is the ileocecal valve.

This valve has the main purpose - it tightly covers the final section of the small intestine (ileum or ileum) and the beginning of its thick section (cecum or caecum), does not allow mixing of the microflora of these sections, and the reverse “reflux” of intestinal contents. If such a phenomenon does occur and is repeated regularly due to dysfunction of the bauhinium valve, a focus of inflammation may develop in a person’s intestines. A dangerous process can affect not only the intestines, but also spread to other organs involved in digestion - the stomach and pancreas, liver, gall bladder. Inflammation is accompanied by intoxication of the body, causing allergic reactions, diseases of the respiratory system, heart, blood vessels, and metabolic disorders.

Why does ileocecal valve insufficiency occur?

The Bauhinium damper may not cope with its functions for a number of reasons. The main one is the anatomy of the organ. The ileocecal valve can be endowed with congenital anomalies and defects. The septum is capable of acquiring changes during development, growth of the human body and in adulthood. Insufficiency of the bauhinium valve may be associated with:

  • with surgical operations performed in the abdominal cavity, especially in the presence of complications;
  • with inflammatory processes developing in the stomach, liver, kidneys, ovaries, and other parts of the intestines;
  • with pathogenic microorganisms entering the digestive system;
  • with diseases of a neurological nature.

What symptoms are used to determine pathology?

Some symptoms help to suspect insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. They are not specific to the pathological process in question, but often indicate a general “disorder of digestion and intestinal function.” The patient may note several manifestations:

  • tendency to increased formation of gases that remain in the intestines for a long time, causing a feeling of seething in it;
  • stool disturbances are possible, both diarrhea and constipation occur;
  • the presence of heartburn, which may be accompanied by belching and even vomiting;
  • there is a bitter taste in the mouth, an unpleasant odor is possible;
  • periodically (usually after eating) mild pain is observed in the right side;
  • deterioration in general well-being, frequent feelings of weakness and extreme fatigue;
  • the appearance of dizziness, disruption of the rhythmic functioning of the heart (increased rhythm);
  • decreased appetite and body weight.

What diagnostic methods are needed to confirm the disease?

If there is a suspicion of dysfunction of the ileocecal valve, the patient may receive a referral for instrumental diagnostics. He is invited to undergo tests (their choice is determined by the availability of certain equipment in the medical institution, as well as the patient’s ability to carry out diagnostics for a fee):

  • colonoscopy (total);
  • irrigoscopy (involves administering contrast through the rectum, then using a radiograph).

Features of treatment

After diagnosing insufficiency of the bauhinium valve, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment. Its features depend on the degree of violations that occurred and the reasons that caused the process. The patient must switch to the correct daily routine and diet.

Correction of ileocecal valve insufficiency can be performed surgically or using drug therapy.

What does the new way of life involve?

The doctor’s first requirement is that the patient immediately switch to a new diet, which should not include heavy, “junk” food. It includes animal fats, salted, smoked, fried, spicy foods, and any type of alcohol. Coffee, soda, and strong tea are prohibited. Diet is important. You should eat 4 or more times a day, the average serving weight should not exceed 300 grams.

To restore the health of patients diagnosed with “bauhinium valve insufficiency,” treatment with folk remedies is possible. The use of any of them is permitted only after consultation with a doctor.

Use of medications

To eliminate dysfunction of the bauhinium valve, a specialist may prescribe the following drugs:

  • magnesium orotate, its composition combines the components - magnesium and orotic acid (non-steroidal anabolic), they are necessary to restore the valve to lost muscle qualities;
  • drugs to stimulate intestinal motility, increase the tone of its muscles (Coordinax, Proserin);
  • for restoration and regulation of microflora;
  • antiemetics (Cerucal);
  • vitamins (C, group B).


Surgical intervention is carried out using “gentle” methods, after which the risk of complications is reduced. The specialist performs one of the following manipulations:

  • insertion of staples into certain areas of the valve, which helps restore its size (performed during colonoscopy);
  • ileocecal valve repair (laparoscopic procedure).

Specialists of narrow specialties can take part in treatment (if indicated).

The invention relates to medicine, namely to gastroenterology, and is intended for the treatment of primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. The method involves restoring the obturator function of the ileocecal valve by treating with magnesium orotate, prescribed orally at a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day for three months, then at a dose of 0.5 g 3 times a day for the next three months. The method provides treatment for primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve while eliminating the need for surgical intervention.

This invention relates to medicine and is intended for the treatment of primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. The bauginian valve (ileocecal valve) is an anatomical formation located at the transition point of the small intestine to the large intestine and provides isolation of the biotopes of the ileum and cecum, which differ significantly in physiological and environmental characteristics. Violation of the obturator function (insufficiency) of the bauginian valve is a serious defect that leads to the reflux of the contents of the large intestine into the small intestine. A direct consequence of this is the colonization of the small intestine by foreign microflora with the development of putrefactive and fermentative processes and chronic enterocolitis. The absorption of microbial waste products leads to autointoxication and serves as a possible pathogenetic factor in diseases such as bronchial asthma, dermatoses, and allergic reactions. The prevalence and significant health consequences determine the relevance of adequate correction of the insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. According to the mechanism of development, insufficiency of the bauhinium valve is divided into primary and secondary /2/, the approach to their treatment is different. Secondary is a consequence of acquired, often inflammatory, intestinal diseases, leading to dilatation of the ileocecal valve. Primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve occurs without obvious reasons and is a hereditarily determined inferiority of the intestinal valve apparatus. The traditional and only way to treat primary insufficiency of the bauginian valve is bauginoplasty - an operation to create an obturator apparatus in the area of ​​the ileocecal junction. The essence of the operation is to invaginate the terminal ileum into the cecum with fixation with gray-serous sutures or to recreate a semblance of a valve by applying seromuscular sutures between the base of the ileum and the wall of the ascending colon and between the base of the ileum and the wall of the cecum with the subsequent formation of a ventral and dorsal frenulum /3/. We took the bauginoplasty operation as a prototype. However, this method of treatment is inevitably associated with operational risk and is impossible in patients with severe concomitant pathology, which excludes the possibility of using anesthesia and performing surgery. In addition, the results of bauginoplasty are not always satisfactory, which is associated with the development of intestinal obstruction or gradual destruction of the created prosthesis in approximately 13% of patients /4/. Therefore, the objective of the present invention is to expand the arsenal of means for restoring the obturator function of the ileocecal valve, increasing the effectiveness of treatment of primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve and eliminating the need for surgical intervention. The problem is solved by a method of treating primary insufficiency of the bauginium valve by restoring the obturator function of the ileocecal valve, characterized in that treatment is carried out with magnesium orotate, prescribed orally in a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day for 3 months, then in a dose of 0.5 g 3 times a day for the next 3 months. Magnesium orotate (commercial release form - the drug "Magnerot") is a combination of the trace element magnesium and the non-steroidal anabolic orotic acid for better absorption and fixation of magnesium in tissues. Indications for the use of magnesium orotate include cardiovascular diseases - angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, heart failure /1/. In gastroenterology and, in particular, for the correction of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve, this drug has not previously been used. The theoretical justification for the use of magnesium orotate for the treatment of primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve is the hypothesis put forward by us that it belongs to the number of manifestations of generalized connective tissue pathology, denoted by the term “connective tissue dysplasia” /6/. This point of view is confirmed by the prevalence in patients with primary insufficiency of the bauginian valve of such external and visceral markers of connective tissue dysplasia as atrioventricular valve prolapse, splanchnoptosis, and some structural features of the musculoskeletal system, eyes, and skin. In accordance with modern concepts, connective tissue dysplasia is based on a congenital defect in collagen synthesis, which predetermines the inferiority of the connective tissue matrix of the body /5/. Among the pathogenetic mechanisms of connective tissue dysplasia, great importance is attached to the deficiency of magnesium ions, which impairs the ability of fibroblasts to produce full-fledged collagen. This point of view made it possible to propose magnesium preparations for the treatment of one of the most well-known manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia - idiopathic mitral valve prolapse. Under the influence of a 6-month course of treatment of patients with mitral valve prolapse with the magnesium salt of orotic acid Magnerot at a dose of 3.0 g/day, positive dynamics were noted in the form of a decrease in the depth of mitral prolapse, the degree of degeneration of the valve leaflets, and the elimination of clinical symptoms of the disease /5/. The favorable result of treatment with magnesium orotate for idiopathic mitral valve prolapse gave us the basis for the first time to test its effectiveness in another manifestation of connective tissue dysplasia - primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve. But since the result of treatment of this pathology was not obvious to specialists, and the author did not find information about its use in this situation in the information sources, it was necessary to conduct a study confirming the feasibility of using magnesium orotate for the treatment of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. We used magnesium orotate in the form of the drug Magnerot to treat 8 patients with primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. All patients had intestinal dysbiosis of II-III degree, clinical manifestations of ileocecal incompetence were represented by pain along the intestines, a tendency to loose stools, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, weight loss, general weakness. The duration of treatment and the dose of magnesium orotate were selected empirically and amounted to 3.0 g/day for the first three months and 1.5 g/day for the next three. During the treatment, the symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia were eliminated and the initially reduced body weight increased. At the end of the course of treatment in all patients, the disappearance of radiological signs of insufficiency of the Bauginian valve was recorded; during a control study of coproculture, normalization of the composition of the intestinal microflora was noted. Magnerot was well tolerated by all patients; no side effects were noted. Thus, our experience indicates the possibility of normalizing the obturator function of the ileocecal valve in patients with primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve in a conservative way using treatment with magnesium orotate. The proposed method of treatment is carried out as follows. A patient with primary insufficiency of the bauginium valve, in the absence of contraindications (urolithiasis, renal failure), is prescribed magnesium orotate orally at a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day with a small amount of liquid for three months, and then at a dose of 0.5 g 3 once a day for the next three months. To consolidate the therapeutic effect and prevent relapse of ileocecal insufficiency, it is advisable to prescribe magnesium orotate at a dose of 0.5 g/day in three-month courses 2-3 times a year. An example of a specific implementation of the proposed method. Patient E., 34 years old, has been bothered for a long time by cramping pain and rumbling in the abdomen, bloating after eating, poor tolerance to dairy and fatty foods, unstable stools with alternating constipation and diarrhea, and weight loss. When studying coproculture, intestinal dysbiosis was repeatedly revealed, caused by a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, and an increase in fungi of the genus Candida. Repeated courses of treatment with antifungal drugs and eubiotics (Bifilact, Linex, Ocarin) provided only short-term improvement. The performed irrigoscopy documented the reflux of the contrast agent from the large intestine into the small intestine over a considerable distance, and the anamnesis data and numerous external and visceral markers of connective tissue dysplasia (asthenic physique, progenia, scoliosis, mitral valve prolapse, nephroptosis) convinced of the primary genesis of the insufficiency of the Bauginian valve. The patient refused the proposed bauginoplasty. Conservative treatment with magnesium orotate was prescribed at a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day for three months and 0.5 g 3 times a day for the next three months. After just 1.5 months of treatment, the patient noted an improvement in her health in the form of a significant reduction in abdominal pain, normalization of stool, and weight gain. Control irrigoscopy performed after 6 months did not reveal any signs of reflux enteritis. A repeat examination six months later did not reveal any clinical signs of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve. Preventive courses of magnesium orotate are recommended 2 times a year. Sources of information 1. Vidal reference book. Medicines in Russia: Directory. - M.: OUREE-AstraPharmServis, 2000. - S.B-1-229. 2. Vitebsky Ya.D. Fundamentals of valvular gastroenterology. - Chelyabinsk: Yuzh. -Ural. book publishing house, 1991.-P.238-239. 3. Martynov V.L., Makhov G.A., Ovchinnikov V.A. Creation of the obturator apparatus in case of failure of the bauginian valve // ​​Nizhny Novgorod Medical Journal. - 1993.- 3.-P.22-23. 4. Martynov V.L., Ovchinnikov V.A., Almazov V.I. Long-term results of creating an obturator apparatus in the ileocecal region in case of failure of the bauginian valve // ​​Nizhny Novgorod Medical Journal. -1994.- 2-C. 20. 5. Stepura O.B., Melnik O.O., Shekhter A.B. and others. Results of the use of magnesium salt of orotic acid "Magnerot" in the treatment of patients with idiopathic mitral valve prolapse // Russian Medical News. - I999. -T.4, 2.-P.64-69. 6. RF patent for invention 2150110 “Method for diagnosing primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve” / V.L. Martynov, A.V. Klemenov, published in BI 15, 05/27/00.


A method for treating primary insufficiency of the Bauginian valve by restoring the obturator function of the ileocecal valve, characterized in that treatment is carried out with magnesium orotate, administered orally at a dose of 1.0 g 3 times a day for three months, then at a dose of 0.5 g 3 times per day for the next three months.

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The invention relates to medicine, namely to gastroenterology, and is intended for the treatment of primary insufficiency of the bauhinium valve

This is an organic or functional failure of the ileocecal valve, leading to the reflux of the contents of the large intestine into the small intestine. It manifests itself as pain on the right in the iliac region, intensifying after a heavy meal of heavy food, dyspepsia, a grayish coating on the tongue and signs of intoxication. Diagnosed using coprogram, bacterial examination of stool, irrigoscopy and capsule endoscopy. Magnesium preparations and antibacterial agents are used for treatment. For therapeutically resistant conditions, bauginoplasty is performed.


K59.8 Other specified functional intestinal disorders

General information

The ileocecal valve is a horizontal, closed, labiform anatomical structure 25 to 28 mm long at the junction of the ileum and the cecum. Sometimes it is semi-open-slit-like, round, or represented by an elevation due to intussusception of the small intestine into the large intestine. The reflex rhythmic opening and closing of the bauginian valve ensures the passage of up to 4 liters of small intestinal chyme into the cecum. Normally, the valve is areflux and separates small and large intestinal biotopes, the physiological and environmental characteristics of which are significantly different. With insufficiency of the bauhinium valve, the clinical picture of cecoileal reflux occurs.


The development of the disease can be due to both the anatomical features of the ileocecal junction (primary obturator disorder) and pathological processes in this part of the digestive tract (secondary disorder). Experts in the field of clinical proctology name the following main causes of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve:

  • Congenital anomalies of the ileocecal valve. The anatomical defect of the bauginian valve usually has a dysontogenetic origin. The formation of her upper and lower lips may be disrupted due to teratogenic exposure to intrauterine viral infections, radiation, and embryotoxic chemicals during critical periods of intestinal maturation at 8–20 weeks of gestation.
  • Undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia. Insufficiency of the obturator function of the bauginium valve is provoked by the presence of connective tissue fibers with an altered structure in the intestinal wall. Collagenopathies are usually hereditary and systemic in nature, also manifested by spinal curvature, flat feet, varicose veins, myopia, etc.
  • Inflammation of the small and large intestines. Impaired contractility of the ileocecal junction is associated with infectious and non-infectious enteritis, colitis and inflammatory damage to the bauginium valve (bauginitis). In inflammatory processes, insufficiency of the obturator valve is associated with infiltration of the intestinal wall by cellular elements, local fibrous and sclerotic changes.
  • Stretching of the Bauginian valve. Functional failure of the valve separating the ileum and cecum is noted with coprostasis and increased pressure in the large intestine. Insufficiency of the ileocecal valve due to mechanical dilatation occurs suddenly (with acute colonic obstruction) or increases gradually (with dolichocolon, Hirschsprung's disease).
  • Surgical interventions. Iatrogenic variants of the disease are observed with damage to the bauginian valve associated with violations of surgical technique during operations on the small and large intestine. In addition, normal intestinal contractility in the transition zone may be lost due to the development of adhesive disease after appendicitis, right-sided adnexitis and peritonitis.


The mechanism of development of ileocecal valve insufficiency depends on the causes that provoked the disease. With congenital defects and mechanical dilation of the valve, the junction between the ileum and the cecum temporarily or permanently gapes. In patients with connective tissue dysplasia, increased elasticity of the fibrous structures is determined, which reduces the resistance of the valve to the pressure of the contents of the large intestine. Inflammatory and postoperative disorders are characterized by impaired contractility of the intestinal wall.

Further pathogenesis is caused by the reflux of colonic contents into the ileum, its colonization by foreign flora, fermentation and putrefactive processes. Bacterial overgrowth contributes to the development of chronic enterocolitis. Under the influence of absorbed waste products of intensively multiplying intestinal microflora, autointoxication occurs, immune reactivity decreases, and the body's allergic readiness increases. In the most severe cases, a cascade of ascending gastrointestinal reflux is triggered.


Most often, the clinical picture of insufficiency of the bauhinium valve develops gradually against the background of other pathologies of the digestive tract. Patients complain of pain in the right iliac region, which may intensify after eating large amounts of heavy food. The disease is characterized by the appearance of dyspeptic symptoms: belching with an unpleasant putrid odor, flatulence, discomfort in the epigastric region. The tongue of patients is coated with a grayish coating.

Another group of signs consists of extraintestinal symptoms resulting from functional intestinal failure. The presence of anemia is indicated by pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes, frequent headaches and dizziness, shortness of breath during exercise. With a long course of the disease, significant loss of body weight is observed. Violations of the general condition are represented by decreased performance, depressive states and increased fatigue.


In 100% of cases, when the obturator ability of the bauginian valve is impaired, bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO) is observed, which occurs due to the constant reflux of colonic feces into the ileal cavity. This leads to the formation of chronic enterocolitis, which is highly resistant to drug therapy. In this case, patients experience lienterea, steatorrhea and constant bloating.

With insufficiency of the ileocecal valve and inflammation of the mucous membrane, the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients are disrupted. Patients experience progressive weight loss, hypoproteinemic edema and symptoms of hypovitaminosis. Various forms of deficiency anemia are often identified. The most severe complication of the pathology is the penetration of microbial flora through the ischemic intestinal wall into the abdominal cavity with the formation of peritonitis.


Making a diagnosis with possible insufficiency of the Bauginian valve is often difficult, due to the rare occurrence of the disease and difficulties in instrumental examination of patients. Verification of the pathology involves carrying out a complete laboratory and instrumental diagnosis to establish the extent of damage to the ileocecal valve and the presence of complications. The most informative are:

  • Stool examination. In the coprogram, undigested food particles, a large number of muscle fibers and starch grains are found. The acidic reaction of feces indicates an acute inflammatory process in the bauhinium valve. Bacteriological culture of stool is also necessary to determine pathogenic bacterial flora.
  • Retrograde radiography of the intestine. Irrigoscopy with double contrast is highly informative in patients suffering from insufficiency of the ileocecal valve. During the study, reflux of the contrast agent into the lumen of the ileum and deformation of the contours at the site of the small-colic junction are revealed.
  • Video endoscopic examination of the intestine. Capsule endoscopy is used to study the condition of hard-to-reach areas of the small intestine. Based on the results of the photographs taken of the lumen of the small intestine, the condition of the mucous membrane, the presence of deformation of the bauhinium valve, and signs of the inflammatory process are assessed.

In a general blood test, symptoms of nonspecific inflammation are observed - an increase in the level of leukocytes and ESR. A biochemical blood test may reveal a decrease in the level of total protein and dysproteinemia. In difficult cases, culture of small intestinal aspirates is performed. To confirm SIBO, various carbon-labeled disaccharide breath tests are performed.

First of all, the failure of the ileocecal valve is differentiated from inflammation of the valve. These diseases are characterized by a similar clinical and instrumental picture, but in the case of bauginitis, irrigography does not detect signs of reflux of the contrast agent from the cecum. In case of exacerbation of valve insufficiency, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with acute appendicitis. To examine the patient, in addition to the proctologist, a gastroenterologist and a surgeon are involved according to indications.

Treatment of insufficiency of the Bauhinian valve

When developing patient management tactics, the causes of the disease and the severity of clinical symptoms are taken into account. In the absence of gross anatomical changes in the area of ​​the ileo-cecal junction, conservative therapy with the prescription of medications that affect individual parts of the pathogenesis is possible. The treatment regimen may include medications such as:

  • Magnesium orotic salt. The use of the drug is indicated for primary valve failure due to connective tissue dysplasia. The supply of magnesium ions in a form convenient for absorption replenishes the magnesium deficiency characteristic of hereditary collagenopathy and improves the ability of fibroblasts to synthesize full-fledged collagen.
  • Antibiotics. For dysbiosis caused by colonic bacterial overgrowth syndrome, semisynthetic derivatives of rifampicin are most often prescribed. Elimination of pathogenic microflora helps reduce autointoxication of the body. For patients with chronic intestinal infections, antibiotic therapy is carried out taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora.

In case of therapeutic resistance of a functional disorder, insufficiency caused by gross congenital or acquired anatomical changes in the Bauginian valve, surgical correction methods are used. The operation of choice is bauginoplasty, during which the arefluxity of the ileocecal junction is ensured by the formation of new interintestinal relationships.

Prognosis and prevention

The outcome depends on the degree of organic defect of the bauhinium valve and the timeliness of detection of the pathology. The prognosis is relatively favorable for patients who underwent early surgical treatment of ileocecal valve insufficiency (the effectiveness of the operation reaches 87%). To prevent the disease, early diagnosis and adequate treatment of inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract are necessary. Patients are advised to monitor their diet and include foods rich in plant fiber in their diet.

At the junction of the ileum and the cecum there is a bauginium valve - the inflammatory process that develops in this place is classified by medicine as bauginitis. This disease is rarely primary and independent; it is considered to accompany enteritis and colitis.


Bauginitis can develop for several reasons:

  • chronic violation of the diet, exclusion of any components from the menu - for example, complete refusal to eat meat and/or fish;
  • pathogens entering the body with food;
  • individual intolerance to specific foods.

The development of this disease can be caused by impaired intestinal motility, and certain nervous and/or endocrine pathologies.

Signs of bauginitis

The symptoms of this pathology are very similar to any other diseases of the digestive system:

  • pain in the right side (iliac region) - mild, periodic, most often occurs 30-40 minutes after eating;
  • bloating, greatly increased gas production even when refusing specific foods that lead to flatulence;
  • bowel dysfunction - the patient may have diarrhea and chronic constipation.

When you press on the abdomen (especially on the area of ​​the right hypochondrium), you can clearly hear a rumbling sound, and the pain at this moment will be more severe.

How is it diagnosed?

Bauginitis is a disease that is almost impossible to diagnose on your own, without the help of professionals. The doctor will definitely take into account the symptoms described above and prescribe additional/clarifying studies:

  • fluoroscopy - enteritis and/or colitis is detected;
  • colonoscopy - the doctor will note an enlarged, swollen bauhinium valve;
  • bacteriological examination of material from the intestines - the level of violations of the microflora of the digestive tract is established.

In some cases, if the patient’s condition is particularly serious, the doctor may prescribe an endoscopy - this allows diagnosing mucosal atrophy.

Treatment methods

Bauginitis should be treated exclusively in a hospital - it is necessary to conduct dynamic monitoring of the patient. Treatment of the disease in question should be carried out only with the use of complex therapy - it is important not only to remove the symptoms, but also to relieve inflammation/swelling of the bauginium valve.

Drug treatment

If this inflammatory process has developed as a result of pathogens entering the body and is of an infectious nature, then doctors prescribe antibacterial and antiviral drugs. Such medications are selected on a strictly individual basis - treatment of bauginitis should not lead to complications in the form of an allergic reaction to drugs or disruption of the intestinal microflora.

Whatever the etiology of bauginitis, the patient receives the following prescriptions:

  • Tanalbin/Bismuth/Kaolin - drugs that have enveloping and astringent effects;
  • Polyzyme/Abomin - enzymatic drugs;
  • anticholinergic drugs.

Treatment of the inflammatory process in question in the intestinal valve can lead (and in 98% of cases this happens) to serious disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. And first of all, there are dramatic changes in the composition of the microflora, the treatment of which is carried out with the following drugs:

  • bifikol and enteroseptol;
  • atropine sulfate and metacin;
  • intestopan and colibacterin.

Antispasmodics must be prescribed - bauginitis can provoke severe spasms and intestinal colic.

If symptoms of body intoxication or chronic constipation appear, treatment should be carried out with the addition of activated carbon to the prescription sheet.

Folk remedies

Treatment of bauginitis should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a physician and with the use of medications. But this does not mean that folk remedies will be inappropriate - some of them can have an impressive effect. Moreover, they are unlikely to be able to relieve inflammation and swelling, but it is quite possible to improve the composition of the microflora after taking antibacterial/antiviral/anticholinergic drugs. These include:

  • a decoction of chamomile flowers and mint leaves;
  • tincture of cinquefoil roots;
  • a decoction of blueberries and bird cherry fruits - can be done separately, or as a mix.

It is imperative to follow a diet: exclude any foods/dishes that can irritate the intestines or actively affect gas formation. In the first days of bauginitis, the patient experiences profuse diarrhea, which leads to dehydration. Therefore, when prescribing treatment on the first and second days, a complete ban on food intake is introduced - the patient is only allowed to drink plenty of fluids.

B auginitis involves the use of physiotherapeutic procedures in the treatment process. Diathermy, mud applications/baths, and intestinal irrigation have proven themselves well. Treatment of the inflammatory process in question can be completed in specialized sanatoriums.

Bauginitis is a rather unpleasant disease because it disrupts the usual rhythm of life. But if you contact specialists in a timely manner and follow all medical recommendations/prescriptions, the prognosis is favorable.

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