Teenage alcoholism presentation. Causes and consequences" Childhood and teenage alcoholism - a problem of modern society

Peculiarities of alcohol consumption in ancient Rus'

In Rus', the main raw material for the production of alcohol was honey and therefore traditional intoxicating drinks were low-intensity: mead, beer, mash, and from the 10th century. and grape wine, and their intake was usually accompanied by a hearty meal, which together minimized the damage to health from drinking alcohol.

Alcohol during the Moscow State period

Since 1386, grape alcohol began to be imported to Russia.

In 1448-1474, the production of alcohol from rye raw materials began, after which it received the name bread wine or vodka.

  • Social factor: cultural and material standard of living, stress, information overload, urbanization.
  • Biological factor: hereditary predisposition / According to research, up to 30% of children whose parents abused alcohol can become potential alcoholics.
  • Psychological factor: psycho-emotional characteristics of the individual, the ability to socially adapt and withstand stress.

  • The social environment at school or on the street has a great influence on us. The desire to stand out or, conversely, to be like everyone else, leads to the fact that eventually the entire group of teenagers begins to drink alcohol. Failures in life and inability to rationally use free time are also causes of teenage alcoholism.
  • Some people think that this is cool, thereby they want to establish themselves.

According to the Center for Sociological Research of the Ministry of Education of Russia

  • Drink alcohol 81.8%

minors and

youth 11-24 years old;

  • Average age of onset

alcohol consumption – 13 years;

  • About 40% of children are for the first time

got acquainted with alcohol

aged 11 to 14 years.

Why do teenagers start drinking? (according to sociological surveys)

Consequences of drinking alcohol:



Spiritual nature

  • Diseases:

Social nature

  • CNS, CVS;
  • digestive organs, lungs, liver;
  • endocrine and reproductive systems.
  • Difficulties in relationships with family and peers;
  • Spiritual degradation: selfishness, lack of will, primitive thinking, cruelty, aggression,

hot temper, rudeness;

  • Headaches, hypertension.
  • Psychosis: nightmares, depression,
  • Problems in study and work (decreased memory, intelligence).
  • Antisocial behavior;
  • Conflict with the law;
  • Indifference to public life;
  • Narrowness of interests.

h feeling of anxiety, fear.

  • Inability to demonstrate human qualities: love, responsiveness, caring.
  • Chills, thirst, lack of appetite, trembling limbs.
  • Premature aging.
  • Death.

Types of pressure.

  • Friends pressure ( done in a friendly manner)

“Would you like to try it?”

  • Indirect, tempting pressure. ( inviting a person to try alcohol without direct pressure)

“Sasha invites you to a party,

most of the guys there will be drinking and smoking.”

  • The pressure of “teasers” and “nicknames” -

“Come on, don’t be a chicken (idiot, mama’s boy). Try".

  • Heavy pressure. –

"Let's. Better drink, or you're not my friend."

“Are you afraid? You are a coward!"

  • Follow these rules and protect yourself and your loved ones from this harmful habit.
  • Try to delay drinking alcohol, including beer, until you reach physical maturity. It is believed that a person reaches physical maturity when he becomes an adult, i.e. at the age of 18.
  • Take up physical exercise or your favorite sport, or dance sports. The benefits are triple: health benefits; you will have a great time in your free time; you will find friends with whom you will have common interests, for example, sports.

  • If you're thirsty, drink something non-alcoholic, even if it costs more than beer. Remember: alcohol removes water from the body, so it cannot quench your thirst. Not drinking alcohol means making a healthy choice. True friends should understand this and respect your choice.
  • Don't waste money on beer or other alcoholic drinks. It’s better to save them and spend them on something interesting, for example, on fashionable clothes, a new computer game, or on another trip to an Internet club or a disco.
  • Don't think you're the only one who doesn't want to drink alcohol. There are many such people.

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Goal: To increase the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents on the prevention of teenage alcoholism.

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Objectives: Discuss the causes of bad habits; Reveal the mechanism of addiction; Give recommendations for working with teenagers on the problem; Involve parents in preventive work to prevent alcoholism zzzz

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Motives for drinking alcohol: - Specific defects in upbringing (negative example of parents, permission of parents to drink alcohol in their presence). - Customs and traditions of the social environment (holiday feasts). - Disadvantages in educational work (organization of recreation and leisure for adolescents). - Quite a lenient attitude in society towards the consumption of alcoholic beverages (plus comparative availability and cost). - Assessment of refusal to drink as a manifestation of ill will towards others. - Company pressure. - Moral immaturity of adolescents..

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Three stages of intoxication Stage 1 – mild intoxication. Stage 2 – moderate intoxication. Stage 3 – severe degree of intoxication.

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Development of alcoholism: stage 1 – initial adaptation to alcohol. Stage 2 – mastering the stereotypes of alcohol intoxication. Stage 3 – mental dependence on alcohol. Stage 4 – physical dependence on alcohol.

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Mental dependence: Irritability. Excitability. Frequent mood changes. Conflict. Aggressiveness. The daily dose of alcohol increases.

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Physical dependence: Hangover syndrome. Anxiously depressed state. Increased sweating. Minor trembling in hands. Heartbeat. Tearfulness. Memory impairment.

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Factors that increase the risk of becoming familiar with alcohol: Biological: Characterological. The desire to constantly be the center of attention of others. Peculiarities of family education: - hypoprotection - hyperprotection

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Memo - handout 1. In the fight against alcohol use by teenagers, you should act consistently: ♦ Learn everything about alcohol and the consequences of its use. ♦ Don’t wait for trouble. Warn her appearance. ♦ Be an example for a child. ♦ Teach confident refusal, convince him of the right to say “no”. ♦ Listen to the child, hear him; support, love, and not just provide financially.

In adolescents, tolerance to alcohol is very low (50 - 100 ml of vodka), and the younger the age at which intoxication first occurred, the lower it is. With constant consumption of alcohol (up to 2–3 times a month), a teenager’s resistance to the effects of alcohol increases. The lifestyle characteristic of an “alcoholic” company is mistakenly perceived by a teenager as normal and natural. Drinking alcoholic beverages on weekends, before a disco and while relaxing with friends is considered natural. Instead of an active social life, the range of interests is narrowed to problems discussed in an “alcoholic” company.

The consequences of regular alcohol use among adolescents are much more serious and dangerous than alcoholism in adulthood. 1. Early weakening of sexual functions. Infertility, early abortions. 2. The danger of contracting sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis B or C, and HIV infection. 3. Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. 4. Liver damage, development of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis. 5. Disorders of the pancreas (pancreatitis, peritonitis). 6. Disruption of the cardiovascular system. 7. Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract develop. 8. The appearance of various inflammatory diseases in the lungs, bronchi, larynx, nasopharynx (chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pneumosclerosis, pulmonary tuberculosis). 9. Reduced immune defense of the body. 10. Irreparable damage to the endocrine system. 11. Possible development and very complex course of diabetes mellitus. 12. Changes in blood composition, anemia, etc. 13. Various disorders, mainly in the emotional and volitional sphere.

Treatment of childhood alcoholism It is very important to diagnose the disease as early as possible and begin treatment to avoid the development of complications. Teenage alcoholism is quite difficult to treat, due to the inability to use certain medications due to the patient’s early age. It is better to carry out treatment in a hospital under the mandatory supervision of doctors; home treatment is excluded.

Prevention of teenage alcoholism Personality is formed from childhood. Therefore, the prevention of alcoholism begins, first of all, in childhood and adolescence, with the formation of a mentally and physically healthy personality. Prevention of child and adolescent alcoholism should take place simultaneously in several directions: 1. Prevention of alcoholism at the family level. 2. Prevention of alcoholism at the school level. 3. Prevention by the state

Motives for teenage drinking

The effect of alcohol on the body

Alcoholic mental disorder

Who will stop the teenagers

Teenage alcoholism

Childhood and teenage alcoholism is a problem of modern society

“Children and adolescent alcoholism is a problem of modern society.”

More than 80% of teenagers drink alcoholic beverages. According to Rospotrebnadzor in Russia, a third of underage boys and a quarter of girls drink daily.

Preschool and primary school age

The second period is preschool and primary school age.

First period - early childhood

Third period - adolescence and adolescence

The introduction to alcoholic beverages of children and adolescents most intensively occurs in three age periods:

Alcohol abuse is one of the current problems

our time. Widespread sales and advertising of beer and alcoholic beverages, social, economic and psychological tension, disorganization or the high cost of normal leisure and recreation contribute to the growth of alcoholism among the Russian population.

Alcohol increases appetite, cures anemia, improves sleep

facilitates teething. Alcoholization of children and adolescents is facilitated by an alcoholic environment, which consists of close relatives who drink.

The pedagogical illiteracy of parents is manifested in existing prejudices and misconceptions about the healing effects of alcohol:

Causes of teenage alcoholism

At the age of ten, alcoholic drinks are tried for the first time either by accident or out of interest; After 14-15 years, the following reasons become the most typical: “everyone drinks and I drink”, “persuaded”, “for courage” and others. Introducing alcohol into the family is one of the main problems: Children, watching adults at holidays, begin to think that drinking alcohol is the norm and an obligatory component of family “feasts”.

Family relationships can push a teenager towards alcoholism

negative interpersonal relationships within the family; excessive care from parents; worship and permissiveness, indulgence in all the weaknesses and desires of the child, etc. Television, advertising and other media play a major role in teaching teenagers to drink alcohol.

Motives for teenage drinking

"The desire to follow traditions"

Chemicals are mediators of pleasure

In the subcortical structures of the brain (diencephalon), chemical substances are released - mediators of pleasure (endorphin, endoethanol). Each person is capable of producing his own narcotic-like substance - internal morphine or internal alcohol.

3 - Diencephalon (thalamus and hypothalamus)

Alcohol and opioids (endorphins)

They are normally found in small concentrations in the blood of healthy people who have never abused alcohol or opiates. Special receptors, enzymatic and immune mechanisms are involved in the exchange and utilization of these substances. It is with them that the pathogenetic mechanisms of chemical dependence are associated.

The mechanism of development of alcohol dependence

After drinking wine, the brain stops releasing its own endoethanol until the alcohol is metabolized. As a result of regular alcohol abuse (after 5-6 years), the brain stops producing it completely. Therefore, in the morning after drinking alcohol in the evening, the head, muscles, joints hurt, the mood drops sharply, the person is incapacitated. This condition in everyday life is called a hangover, in medicine – abstinence syndrome or withdrawal syndrome. The patient suffers from an acute deficiency of endoethanol, which is necessary to maintain emotional and physical tone. This forces a person to take a dose of alcohol in the morning. The need to recover from a hangover is an unconditional sign of incipient alcoholism. The loss of the gag reflex after taking large doses of alcohol is a reliable sign of alcoholism, the stage when one can still hope for successful treatment.

Pathological changes in the personality of alcoholics

The nervous system is the most vulnerable to the effects of alcohol. The consequence of this is: large tremors in the hands - alcoholic tremor - the characteristic gait of an alcoholic: a completely sober person walks with his head raised unnaturally proud, his chest protruded and his hands pressed tightly at the seams, and his high-thrown feet make his movement extremely comical. Personality degradation is also manifested in a kind of alcoholic humor, when a stupid joke, either one’s own or someone else’s, can generate a burst of laughter throughout the day. Another manifestation of degradation is pathological deceit. Alcoholics are very unreliable people: they never keep their word, or rather, they promise something that they are obviously unable to fulfill. Almost all alcoholics suffer from pathological jealousy, the root cause of which is the obligatory development of impotence. A huge proportion of murders motivated by jealousy are committed by alcoholics.

Dynamics of changes in the appearance and internal organs of an alcoholic

Attitudes of schoolchildren towards drunkenness depending on age

The study was conducted in Russia.

Boys aged 16 are less judgmental than girls about the drunkenness of others. Children aged 9 years (equally girls and boys) find it most difficult to clearly express their attitude towards drunkenness. But, starting from the age of 13, girls expressed their attitude towards the drunkenness of others more clearly than boys.

Schoolchildren's attitude towards drinking alcohol in company

friends (per 100 surveyed).

The effect of alcohol on the body

Alcohol acts like drugs and typical poisons - first stimulating, then paralyzing. The highest centers are paralyzed first. With frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, disturbances in the functioning of various organs are first observed, and then anatomical changes appear in them.

The effect of alcohol on internal organs

The harmful effects of alcohol affect all systems of the human body (nervous, circulatory, digestive, reproductive, respiratory). Hemorrhages are found in the gastric mucosa; in patients with alcoholism, gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum are detected.

Liver and kidney tissue changes

liver vessels become less elastic, fatty degeneration of the liver is observed - cirrhosis of the liver. Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver: complete collapse of this organ causes unbearable pain, severe itching of the skin, swelling of the face and legs, and a significant increase in the abdomen due to the accumulation of large amounts of fluid. This is followed by suffocation and painful death. The respiratory organs, gonads and skeletal system are also affected. The picture shows a normal liver and a yellow liver of an alcoholic: above - appearance below - section of the liver.

The effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system

Alcohol damages the heart muscle, leading to severe illness and increased mortality. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy develops. An increase in heart volume is detected by X-ray examination. Even healthy people may experience heart rhythm disturbances after a large dose of alcohol. Alcohol abuse contributes to the development and progression of hypertension, coronary heart disease, and is often the direct cause of heart attacks.

The effect of alcohol on the endocrine and reproductive system

Alcohol has a harmful effect on the endocrine glands and primarily on the sex glands. Decreased sexual function is observed in 1/3 - 2/3 of alcohol abusers and in patients with chronic alcoholism. As a result of alcoholic impotence, men easily develop various functional disorders of the central nervous system (neuroses, reactive depression, etc.). In women under the influence of alcohol, menstruation stops early, the ability to bear children is reduced, and pregnancy toxicosis is more common.

Alcoholic mental disorder

Delirium tremens - alcoholic psychosis - occurs in patients with chronic alcoholism against the background of a hangover syndrome. Delirium tremens is characterized by a predominance of true visual hallucinations. They are characterized by a multiplicity of images and mobility. Most often these are Insects (bugs, cockroaches, beetles, flies) and small animals (cats, rats, mice). Less often, patients see large animals and people, sometimes having a fantastic appearance. Characteristic are visions of snakes, devils, as well as deceased relatives (the so-called wandering dead)

Irresponsibility of parents can lead to dire consequences

Teen alcoholism statistics

Parents introduce their children to alcohol in 60.5% of cases, 76.9% of adolescents who systematically take alcohol study poorly, 23% study at an average level, 1.5% study better than the average level. Approximately 50% of teenagers who drink alcoholic beverages read little, while 19% of them do not read books at all. In 58% of families, only the father drinks alcohol. 53% of children who drink alcohol do not have sufficient control and attention from their parents. 51.7% of families of teenagers who frequently drink alcohol are characterized by a tense psychological climate, where constant quarrels and even fights occur. 91% of families where teenagers regularly drink alcohol are socially unstable families.

Alcohol abuse and life expectancy

Systematic alcohol consumption leads to premature aging and disability; The life expectancy of people prone to drunkenness is 15–20 years shorter than the statistical average.

Formation of a negative attitude towards alcohol in the minds of a teenager

All efforts must be directed towards forming a negative attitude towards alcohol in the minds of a teenager.

Parental drunkenness creates: on the one hand, extremely unfavorable conditions for the moral education and intellectual development of children and adolescents; on the other hand, it contributes to their early initiation into drinking alcoholic beverages; early introduction to alcohol and its systematic use in young years lead to drunkenness and early development of alcoholism. consumption of alcoholic beverages can delay the formation of ethical and moral categories, the development of higher forms of thinking, aesthetic concepts; With life views and beliefs still unformed, a teenager under the influence of alcohol often becomes more susceptible to examples of negative behavior.

Who will stop the teenagers

Prevention of teenage alcoholism

Prevention of alcoholism at the family level. Prevention of alcoholism at the school level. Prevention by the state.

Presentation on the topic: Alcohol and teenagers

In Rus', the main raw material for the production of alcohol was honey and therefore traditional intoxicating drinks were low-intensity: mead, beer, mash, and from the 10th century. and grape wine, and their intake was usually accompanied by a hearty meal, which together minimized the damage to health from drinking alcohol. Peculiarities of alcohol consumption in ancient Rus'

Alcohol during the period of the Moscow State Since 1386, grape alcohol began to be imported into Russia. In 1448-1474, the production of alcohol from rye raw materials began, after which it received the name bread wine or vodka.

3 factors in the formation of alcoholism Social factor: cultural and material standard of living, stress, information overload, urbanization. Biological factor: hereditary predisposition / according to research, up to 30% of children whose parents abused alcohol can become potential alcoholics/. Psychological factor: psycho-emotional characteristics of the individual, the ability to socially adapt and withstand stress.

The social environment at school or on the street has a great influence on us. The desire to stand out or, conversely, to be like everyone else, leads to the fact that eventually the entire group of teenagers begins to drink alcohol. Failures in life and inability to rationally use free time are also causes of teenage alcoholism. Some people think that this is cool, thereby they want to establish themselves.

According to the Center for Sociological Research of the Ministry of Education of Russia, 81.8% of minors and youth aged 11-24 drink alcohol; The average age of onset of alcohol consumption is 13 years; About 40% of children first became acquainted with alcohol between the ages of 11 and 14 years.

Why do teenagers start drinking (according to sociological surveys)

Alcohol taken is quickly absorbed and enters the blood. From the blood, alcohol enters the tissues, where it is distributed unevenly. Since it dissolves well in lipids - fat-like substances that nerve cells are rich in - its greatest accumulation occurs in the brain. It is these cells that die first.

Consequences of drinking alcohol:

Types of pressure. Pressure from friends (done in a friendly manner) “Would you like to try?” Indirect, tempting pressure. (inviting a person to try alcohol without direct pressure) “Sasha is inviting you to a party, most of the guys there will drink and smoke.” The pressure of “teasing” and “nicknames” - “Come on, don’t be a chicken (idiot, mama’s boy). Try". Heavy pressure. - "Let's. Better drink, or you're not my friend." “Are you afraid? You are a coward!"

A MESSAGE TO TEENAGERS: Follow these rules and protect yourself and your loved ones from this harmful habit. Try to delay drinking alcohol, including beer, until you reach physical maturity. It is believed that a person reaches physical maturity when he becomes an adult, i.e. at the age of 18. Take up physical exercise or your favorite sport, or dance sports. The benefits are triple: health benefits; you will have a great time in your free time; you will find friends with whom you will have common interests, for example, sports.

If you're thirsty, drink something non-alcoholic, even if it costs more than beer. Remember: alcohol removes water from the body, so it cannot quench your thirst. Not drinking alcohol means making a healthy choice. True friends should understand this and respect your choice. Don't waste money on beer or other alcoholic drinks. It’s better to save them and spend them on something interesting, for example, on fashionable clothes, a new computer game, or on another trip to an Internet club or a disco. Don't think you're the only one who doesn't want to drink alcohol. There are many such people.

Always make healthy choices!

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Systematic drinking over several years usually leads to the development of so-called chronic alcoholism. This is already a serious illness. The first signs are expressed in psychological dependence on alcohol. The drinker develops a fairly stable desire to repeat drinking sessions, the desire to create a certain situation for drinking and to give himself another pleasure of “psychological comfort.”

At this stage, you can still stop yourself through an effort of will and return to your normal sober life. And if this does not happen, the drunkard rises to the second stage of chronic alcohol disease. He drinks alcohol more and more often, more regularly, although, as it seems to him, in small doses, in moderation.

The nature of drunkenness and the clinical picture of alcohol intoxication in adolescents has its own characteristics compared to those in adults. Teenagers very often start drinking not so much for the feeling of intoxication caused by alcohol, but for the sake of curiosity, imitating adults. Of no small importance is the increased desire for independence and self-affirmation.

History of childhood alcoholism History of childhood alcoholism Children's alcoholism originated in ancient times. For example, in Burgundy there was a custom of giving a child wine from the latest vintage to try. In Germany, mothers were deeply convinced of the beneficial effects of cognac on infants, so many mothers often gave them a few drops of this drink to “stimulate appetite” and “improve digestion,” and the dosage was usually regulated by their own discretion or the advice of friends.

In Scotland, to “calm” children, they were given a pacifier dipped in whiskey or milk laced with alcohol. In Belgium, it was a common custom to treat children to vodka-juniper, and beer was often used instead of milk. In Austria, in the winter, poor children usually received a glass of vodka before going to school to “warm up and satisfy their hunger.”

In Russia, among the “lower class” population, it was customary to introduce children to vodka from infancy with a gradual increase in the dose of alcohol to several glasses. There was a popular belief that if you give children vodka, they will not drink when they become adults.

Misconception Children love low-alcohol drinks, and sometimes even their parents buy them for them. The jar is beautiful, the name is too, but you can’t immediately see that it contains alcohol. Well, those who are older just know that there is alcohol in the jars, and they drink to feel like adults. Moreover, in the names there are words such as rum or gin. Of course, there is actually no rum or gin in such drinks, but there really is alcohol. And they sell them to almost everyone, and are inexpensive. This is how the guys quietly get involved in alcohol.

Consequences of drinking alcohol: Children and adolescents who drink alcohol are susceptible to infectious diseases, since in fact alcohol weakens and loses the protective functions of the body (the immunity of an alcoholic child cannot cope with microbes that do not pose a danger to normal children). Pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections are some of the few diseases that are constantly present in such children.

Delayed mental and physical development is one of the main consequences. Such children, as a rule, have difficulty learning information at school; they are not attentive and absent-minded. Foolish in behavior. They perform computational operations with difficulty and make mistakes (sometimes they do not know the multiplication table). For such children, it becomes the norm to often skip classes at school and spend most of their time in the hallways of houses or in computer clubs.

Ultimately, as your body grows, the amount of alcohol you drink also increases. Alcoholic drinks - beer and cocktails - are replaced by stronger ones, such as vodka, wine, and alcohol. If they lack money in the future, teenagers do not disdain using colognes and cleaning products. At the end of all this, vodka alcoholism is formed, and then it’s not far from “delirium tremens” and treatment in psychiatric and drug treatment clinics.

THE EFFECT OF ALCOHOL ON APPEARANCE When drinking alcohol becomes frequent and regular, a phenomenon called hyperemia occurs in the body. This means that blood flows intensively to some areas of the tissue (for example, an area of ​​skin), but its outflow from this area is difficult. This is especially noticeable in bloodshot eyes and burst blood vessels.

From drinking alcohol, veins lose elasticity, become more vulnerable, and at the same time they expand; this phenomenon is observed not only in alcoholics, but also in people who frequently drink alcohol. Since alcohol impairs the body’s ability to perceive and absorb nutrients from food, increased weakness and fatigue may occur. Yellowness in the eye area or yellowed whites indicate serious problems with the liver. Dehydration and circles under the eyes are other consequences of drinking alcohol.

The effect of alcohol on the body A hangover is the most well-known symptom of drinking alcohol. But many people think that this is the worst consequence of use. In fact, the harm done to the body is much deeper. For example, if you drink wine three times a day, the risk of breast cancer triples. The risk of diseases such as liver, colon and rectal cancer also increases - these diseases are direct consequences of alcohol consumption. Let's go further: the risk of heart attacks, increased blood pressure, general malaise.

THE LIVER TAKES THE MAIN IMPACT In addition to the fact that the liver takes the main blow of alcohol and smoking, this organ is quite difficult to cure. Diseases associated with the liver are most noticeable at the age of one year. There are even opinions of famous doctors, for example, the director of the Medical Association for Combating Alcohol Dependence, Dr. Guy Radcliffe, who says that drinking alcohol once a week is dangerous, and over 35 is already harmful and destroys the body.

Tips for those who have decided to sharply reduce alcohol consumption: - avoid companies where it is customary to drink a lot; - always try to control the amount of alcohol you drink; - do not hesitate to refuse if offered a drink; - learn to relax in non-alcoholic ways: playing sports or other enjoyable activities.

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