Sample summary of a lesson on teaching writing. Summary of a literacy lesson on the topic “Introduction of the concept of “syllable” (grade 1) Reinforcement of the material learned

Lesson summary

on teaching literacy in 1st grade



primary school teacher Salii E.A.


The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to prepositions as an auxiliary part of speech.

Lesson type : learning new material

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical, problematic

Equipment: individual cards with tasks for students; signal cards.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

-I wish you successful work and pleasant communication in class. Look at each other, smile and wish your neighbor good luck.

II. Updating students' new knowledge.

- Guys, we are on the “Island of Sounds”.

- How does a sound differ from a letter?

- What groups are sounds divided into?

- How to distinguish a vowel from a consonant?

- How many vowels? What types of vowels are there? (stressed and unstressed)

- Do you agree? (hard and soft, voiced and unvoiced)

- We'll carry out Game "Prove the word" using signal cards (raise the red signal - the first vowel sound, blue - a hard consonant, green - a soft consonant sound)

Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
The sparrow is happy about the weather -
Visited us a month ago...(March)

The forest, fields and mountains wake up,
all the meadows and gardens.

He knocks on every hole,

hums by the water.

“Wake up! Wake up!

Sing, laugh, smile!”

A pipe can be heard far away.

It wakes everyone up...(April)

A baby is running in bast shoes,
you can hear his steps.

He runs and everything blooms,
he laughs - he keeps singing.

Hid happiness in petals

on the lilac bushes...

“My lily of the valley, smell sweet!” –
the cheerful one commanded....(May)

The white snow is melting and melting.

Bear, don't yawn!

After all, water comes from full rivers

It pours over the edge.

Can flood the den,

A village and a road... (Flood)

Finally the river woke up

Turned from side to side -

The ice crackled, breaking -

So, soon...(ice drift)

The snow has melted from the fields
The nimble one runs...(stream)

I open my buds

In green leaves.

I dress the trees

I water the crops.

Full of movement

My name is...(Spring)

- What time of year are all the riddles about? (about spring)

- Remember what changes occur in nature in the fall? (the day gets longer, it becomes warmer, buds bloom on the trees, birds fly in)

- Make sentences about spring .

III. Discovery of new knowledge. Setting the lesson goal.

- I also made up sentences about spring, but the words fell apart. Help collect proposals.

Offer - Thisa combination of words or a single word that expresses a complete thought.

Warm birds of the region have arrived

the street has become warm

Snowdrops have blossomed in the forest

- Do you understand the proposal? Why? (no, the words are not related in meaning)

- What needs to be done for this entry to become an offer? (add word)

- Which? (small)

- Why are they needed in a sentence? (they connect words by meaning)

- Such small words are called prepositions.

-What other prepositions do you know?

- Can prepositions be used separately? (prepositions are used in speech only with other words)

Reading words with prepositions and finishing.

(- At the bush…..beetle)

V. Consolidation of what has been learned.

- “Choose the right preposition” (work in pairs)

Computer …. table. (ComputerON table.)

Apple tree...window. (Apple treeBEHIND window.)

- “Confusion” Correct the errors:

Grandfather in the stove, wood on the stove.
There are boots on the table, flat cakes under the table.
Sheep in the river, crucian carp by the river.
There is a portrait under the table, a stool above the table.

- Why do you need an excuse?

- What does incorrect use of prepositions lead to?

- “Find yourself a mate "(work according to the textbook)


cork, lasso, arch.

Arcana (Turkic - thick rope, rope), a long rope with a movable loop at the end for catching animals.

Arch - a structure in the form of a large gate of this shape.

VI . Reflection

Game "Tree of Fives"

There is a tree on the board.

-Guys, did our lesson bear fruit? (yes. Now we know what prepositions are). We need to hang fruit on our apple tree.

Children hang red apples on the apple tree - if they are sure that they have understood the topic perfectly, green apples - if they understand the topic, but are not completely confident in their knowledge, and a yellow apple - if they do not understand the topic, they do not know how to use prepositions.

V. Lesson summary

- What new did we learn in the lesson? (we got acquainted with prepositions, learned to use them in oral and written speech).

-What was difficult?

MBOU "Mikhailovskaya Secondary School"
Lesson summary
on literacy teaching on the topic
“About the same thing in different ways”
Prepared and carried out
primary school teacher
Tarkina Tatyana Nikolaevna
Lesson 5.
Subject. About the same thing in different ways
Target. Help the little schoolchild realize that, indeed, we speak differently in different situations.
Objectives: to develop speech of certain styles, those that correspond to the tasks and conditions of real communication of children; observe types of speech and guide students to construct appropriate statements; cultivate perseverance and respect for the subject.
Planned results.
Personal UUD: orientation towards compliance with moral and ethical standards, towards showing a kind attitude towards people.
Cognitive UUD: critically evaluate the information received, correlate it with one’s own experience, with previously acquired knowledge.
Communicative UUD: enter into educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates; participate in dialogue, in general conversation.
Equipment: traffic lights (red, blue, green)
During the classes
1.Lesson organization
2. Updating knowledge
- Did any of the adults manage to guess the rules of speech encrypted in the drawings? Collect as many greetings as possible into your collection of polite words. You walk through the rows with a large beautiful envelope (with a box, etc.), and the guys, touching it, say their word or expression.
– Now imagine that you need to say hello to someone. Is it possible to pull a greeting at random from our piggy bank or does it have to be chosen? (You have to choose.) Why?
We greet different people in different ways. And often with the same person, but in different settings, for example, with a friend on the street and in class, you will also greet differently. But maybe this happens not only when greeting? Let's think about it.
3. New theme
– Imagine that your mothers and grandmothers are getting ready to listen about the weather for tomorrow, sit down to watch the TV and suddenly hear: “Bad weather! I don't like this one! Gloomy, no sun." (Or: “Nice weather! Sunny! I really like it!”)
- Can it be like this? Why aren't weather reports like this? Is it possible to hear similar words somewhere or should you never say that? (You can. For example, on a weekend morning you look out the window...) This means that we talk about the weather differently in different cases. It all depends on why we are speaking: we want to accurately communicate something or draw it in words, express our attitude.
But this happens when we talk not only about the weather, but about everything that surrounds us. The primer will help us check this idea (pp. 16-17).
Physical education minute
– On page 16 we meet two new heroes. Who do you think it could be?
Having discussed the children’s assumptions, we inform that the first is an artist, but a special one: he draws not with paints, but with words. Writers are such artists of words. You listen or read what they wrote, and you seem to see everything that is happening, you imagine a picture drawn with words. The second hero is a scientist. He knows a lot and tries to talk about everything in a businesslike manner, not drawing, but explaining, providing accurate information. These heroes came for a reason - they brought with them difficult tasks. Shall we try to fulfill them?
– Look at the picture. What is she talking about? (About autumn.)
- What would you call it? (Most likely, the name “Autumn” will be suggested.) Look at this picture through the eyes of a scientist and prove that autumn is painted. List its signs that you see. (Answers are listened to.)
– And now (you switch to a more emotional, mysterious, lyrical tone) let’s try to find words with which to paint this picture. Take a closer look at it, imagining yourself as an artist...
- What can you say about rowan? What do the berries hanging on it look like? What would you compare leaves floating on water to? What about falling leaves? And a string of birds?.. (Children’s verbal sketches, perhaps whole sentences, are listened to and discussed.
– Do you think we have completed the first task of our new acquaintances? (The guys will probably answer in the affirmative.)
– Yes, we managed to talk about the same thing, about autumn, in different ways: as a scientist and as an artist drawing with words.
– The second task of the heroes who came to us in the primer. They ask to read the lines they wrote and find out which words the artist came up with and which words the scientist came up with. Reading students will help me read. And everyone else listens and decides who the author is. But first, let's be clear: how will you know whether a line was written by a scientist or an artist? (If we see, imagine a picture that is drawn, then it was created by an artist. If we simply learn something, something is communicated in a businesslike manner, then this line is a scientist.)
– Let’s agree: my assistants and I take turns reading two or three lines at once, and you compare and decide. And then I ask about each line. If you think that it was written by an artist, clap once (he was the first in the drawings), but if a scientist, clap twice. It's clear?
We advise you to pass on to reading students only the lines “written by a scientist” (these are the first, fourth, sixth and eighth). Everyone else reads expressively, drawing with a voice.
Physical education minute
4. Consolidation
– Was our assumption confirmed that one and the same thing can be talked about in different ways? This is a very important new “secret” of our speech that we managed to unravel. His main words are even included in the title on the left page. (The title is read in chorus together with all the reading children.) How is it different? (Communicate like a scientist, and paint with words like an artist paints.)
– Look at the right page. Our heroes appear again near the picture. But here they are of a different size – smaller. Now this is a conventional icon that will often appear and will always tell you how to speak: communicate in a businesslike manner or draw in words. (You can find these icons among the task symbols on page 5.)
– What do you think, since both icons are placed next to the picture, what task do the authors propose to complete? (Tell from the picture both like a scientist and like an artist.)
This option is also correct: first read the passages below and ask to determine who they were written by, a scientist or an artist of words.
The hedgehog is a small predatory animal with a short tail and spines on its back. During the day, the hedgehog hides under a pile of pine needles and leaves, and at night it comes out to feed. (According to V. Gerasimov)
When it got dark, I lit the lamp, and the hedgehog ran out from under the bed. He thought that the moon had risen and began to run around the room, as if through a forest clearing. (According to M. Prishvin)
Woodpeckers have a long, sharp beak and a sticky and very sharp tongue. The woodpecker flies all day from tree to tree and always finds pests. (According to V. Gerasimov)
A big-nosed head in a red cap appeared from the hollow of a tree. Hello, woodpecker! (According to N. Sladkov)
5. Lesson summary
- Who liked the lesson?
- What do you remember?

Reading lesson 1st grade

Lesson topic: Russian alphabet.

The purpose of the lesson:

educational: master (repeat) the principle of constructing the Russian alphabet, apply in practice this principle of constructing the alphabet; learn the history of the creation of the Russian alphabet;

developing: mastering the basic concept - what the alphabet is - memory development (repetition of the order of letters in the alphabet), thinking (highlighting the main thing when completing tasks), proving your point of view, developing speech;

educating: mastering the skills of joint activities: coordination and coordination of activities with other participants when performing group work, developing the ability to evaluate behavior, assessing one’s capabilities as a result of reflection.

Lesson type : application of previously learned knowledge, generalization.

Equipment :

general class: computer; multimedia projector; an electronic application for the lesson, developed in the PowerPoint editor;

individual: textbook “ABC”, cards with tasks, counting sticks, colored pencils.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The bell rang loudly
The lesson begins.
We listen, we remember,
We don't waste a minute.

2.Buzz reading(allows you to practice and improve reading skills, promotes memory development, since children remember all the letters when reading) (5 min)

3.Speech warm-up(promotes the development of the speech apparatus, for further work in the lesson (Slide 2.3 - work on setting intonation)

4. Updating students' knowledge.

(Consolidate knowledge of the forms of printed alphabetic characters and their names.)

Black, crooked,
Dumb from birth
They will stand in a row -
They'll start talking right away. (Letters)

Game “Designing letters”. (Slide 4)

(O - P - N - E - L – B)

Take six counting sticks and form the letter O with them.

Move 1 stick to form the letter H.

Move 2 sticks to form the letter E.

Move 1 stick to make the letter b.

Place 1 more stick to make the letter B.

3. Setting goals; formulating the topic of the lesson.

Forming a word from these letters.(Slide 5)

Guys, look at the slide:

Let's make these letters speak: make a word out of them and find out the topic of the lesson. (Alphabet)

Tell me, will we study any letter today? Is there a problem in class today? This means that today we will repeat and generalize the knowledge acquired earlier. Then set a goal for the lesson.

I used this word several times in class, but did not give it a clear definition. Who can say what the alphabet is and what it consists of?

Conclusion 1: the alphabet is letters.

Game “Magic Transformations”.(Slide 6)( promotes the development of thinking, children remember which letters can be represented using ovals)

You have studied the “ABC” and now know all the letters of the Russian alphabet. Therefore, the next task should not be too difficult for you.

Remember the letters that contain ovals and add the missing elements on the task card so that the ovals turn into letters. (a B V R F Ъ Y Y Y YA)

4. Work in groups

Can these letters be called the alphabet? Why not?

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

Conclusion 2: the alphabet is all letters. (Slide 7)

Consolidating knowledge of the sequence of letters of the Russian alphabet. (Slide 6)

All 33 letters of the Russian language “live” in a big house called alphabet . They live together, because... Each letter occupies its own separate “apartment” in it, its own permanent place, that is, the letters in the alphabet are arranged in order. And this order is already familiar to you.

5. Order of letters in the alphabet

What letters are hidden behind the curtains in their apartments? (slide 8)

6. Exercise for the eyes

Conclusion 3 : The alphabet is all the letters arranged in order. (Slide 13)

7. Discovery of new knowledge (expanding the horizons of students)

Acquaintance with the history of the Russian alphabet and the alphabets of other languages.(Slides 9, 10,11,12)

I want to tell you a little about the history of the Russian alphabet, because... The alphabet we use today was not always like this.

Our ancestors, who lived at the beginning of the last century, used a different alphabet before: there were more letters, they were ornate and difficult to write. And they had different names.

Over time, it was decided to simplify the writing of letters, as well as get rid of duplicate letters.

And for almost 100 years now we have been using the alphabet that is familiar to us.

You probably noticed that I often repeated “our alphabet”, “Russian alphabet”. And this is not without reason. Why do you think?

Yes, indeed, more than 120 nationalities live in our country alone. And most of the peoples of our planet have their own language and their own writing; and, consequently, its own alphabet. The letters in them have a unique shape, name, order, and their number may vary.

Let's now remember, analyze everything said above and formulate a conclusion about what the alphabet is.

Conclusion 4 : The alphabet is all the letters of a language, arranged in order. (Slide 14)

8. Secondary consolidation.(Slide 13)

Compose a word using the first letters of the names of objects shown in the pictures.

Look at the pictures on the slide.

Highlight the first sound in each word, characterize it, and label it with the corresponding letter. Read the received word. (Winter)

Open your eyes.

9. Listening, analysis, expressive reading of V. Berestov’s poem “Reader”.(Slide 14) Read by a previously prepared student.

How good it is to be able to read!
There is no need to pester your mother.
No need to shake grandma:
“Please read it! Read it!”
No need to beg your sister:
“Well, read another page!”
No need to call, no need to wait,
Or you can pick it up and read it!

10. Work according to the textbook

Open p.82 let's read the Poem on this page in a chain.

11. Lesson summary.

12. Reflection.

Guys, what goals did we set at the beginning of the lesson? What goal have we successfully achieved? How would you rate yourself today? And why.

Depending on the composition of the class, as well as at the discretion of the teacher, the material can be studied in one lesson or divided into two lessons.

Topic: Writing the lowercase and capital letters L.

Lesson type: learning new material.


Introduce students to the written lowercase and capital letter L;

To develop the graphic skill of writing the letter L.

Correctional and developmental:

Correct and develop spatial orientation;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Cultivate positive motivation for the learning process.

Equipment: copybooks, velvet paper, sample templates for writing elements of a letter and a whole letter, cards for shading, letter boxes for individual and frontal work.

During the classes

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson

Getting students in the mood for work, checking readiness for the lesson. So, friends, attention,

After all, the bell rang,

Sit back comfortably

Let's start the lesson soon.

2. Learning new material

Updating students' knowledge

What letter did we study in reading lesson?

Find this letter in the letter box and show it (work takes place on the spot and at the board).

Open the copybooks according to the bookmark. What letter does Vova suggest we learn to write?

Showing and learning the written letter L

The teacher writing the elements of the lowercase letter l on the board with an explanation. Tracing the lowercase letter l with your finger on velvet paper, laying out the lowercase letter l on a desk made of elements.

Children writing elements of the lowercase letter l in the air (the teacher, standing with his back to the children, shows how to write, the children repeat).

Working with copybooks

Now let’s write the elements of the letter in copybooks.

Checking your posture, the position of the pen in your hand, the position of the notebook. Repeating the rule:

I’ll open my notebook and put it on an angle.

Friends, I won’t hide it from you, I hold my hand like this.

I’ll sit straight, I won’t bend, I’ll get to work.

Trace the elements of the lowercase letter l in the copybook using dots. First, the elements are circled by dots, then written independently. Students can be called to the board one by one. The number of elements circled and independent writing of elements is regulated by the teacher depending on the individual characteristics of the students.

Guys, by combining these two elements, what letter do we get?

Showing the writing of the lowercase letter l by the teacher on the board with an explanation. Children write down the lowercase letter l in dotted copybooks and independently. Some students may be called to the board to write the letter.

Finger gymnastics

“Running man” - the index and middle fingers “run” along the table. First, the exercise is performed with the right hand, then with the left. The hands alternate 2-3 times, then the hands are shaken.

What letter does the “running man” look like?

Starting with the letter L.

Show it again with your right hand, your left, both at the same time.

3. Fixing the material

Showing and writing syllables with lowercase letter l

First, the writing of closed syllables is practiced: al, ol, ul; then - open: la, lo, lu, ly. Students lay out syllables from the cut alphabet, write them down in copybooks, as well as on the board. The emphasis is on connecting letters in a syllable.

Physical Minute Let’s place our feet with the letter L

(students repeat the words)

As if dancing, hands on hips

(actions up to the teacher).

Leaned left, right

(performing actions in accordance with the text).

It turns out fine.

Left, right, left, right.

Performing a border

4. Summing up the lesson

What letter did we learn to write in today's lesson?

During the classes

1. Learning new material

Showing, examining and writing the elements of the capital letter L and the letter itself

We learned to write the small letter L. What letter l do we still need to learn to write? (Large, capital L.)

In what cases do we start writing words with a capital letter?

Work on learning and writing the capital letter L is similar to studying and writing the lowercase letter L: showing the writing of the elements of the letter with an explanation, writing the letter by the teacher on the board, examining it in copybooks, writing in the air, tracing on velvet paper, laying out the letter from template elements, writing at the blackboard, a letter in copybooks.

2. Fixing the material

Recording syllables with the letter being studied. Working with letters and copybooks

Writing syllables with capital letters - La, Lo, Lu, Ly. Students lay out a given syllable from the box of letters, then write it down in copybooks, based on the teacher’s explanations and demonstration on the board, as well as the example given in the copybooks. The emphasis is on connecting letters in a syllable. The work is carried out in copybooks and at the board.

Exercise for the eyes

First graders are looking for the letter L on a magnetic board. The letters are located at different heights. Children turn their heads, look up, and look down.

Writing a word, several words, a simple sentence in a workbook (depending on the level of preparedness of the class and the individual abilities of the students)

Allah, soap. Alla has soap.

Before writing, the word is pronounced clearly and drawn out, laid out from a split alphabet, pronounced syllable by syllable, the number of letters, vowels and consonants is determined, which letter to start writing with and why. The spelling of the word in copybooks is analyzed, the word is circled by dots, then the children write it down independently. When writing, a word is not divided into syllables.

When writing a sentence, first-graders count the number of words in it, repeat which letter to start writing the sentence with, what goes at the end of the sentence, and work with its diagram.


Performing the “Swans” exercise given in the copybook (at the teacher’s discretion)

3. Summing up the lesson

What letter did you learn to write in class?

When do we start capitalizing a word?

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