Write a children's fairy tale about school. Funny stories for children about school

Varvara Fedotova

Man, gentleman and sparrow

Once upon a time there lived a man who had food for two days, but not a penny in his pocket! Then the man got ready to go into the forest to chop wood. I chopped some wood and at the same time caught a sparrow, maybe it will come in handy. Arriving home, the man began sorting through the firewood, and the idea came to his mind to sell all the firewood and buy boards and a bridle. So I did. I built a sled out of boards with holes for the legs and covered the top so that the holes were not visible. He attached a small bridle and harnessed the sparrow. The man took this structure out onto the road and began to pretend that a sparrow was carrying him and the sleigh. The people are surprised, but the master liked it the most!

How much do you want for a sparrow, man?

I'll drop my silver cap!

Man, have your brains all dried up?!

Not less! Look how strong he is, my sparrow!

The master had no choice but to pay the peasant as much as he asked, he really liked the strange sparrow! Well, after such a successful deal, the man lived and lived and knew no sorrow!

Mikhail Kasyan

Questions for three days

Once upon a time there lived a king, and he had three sons: one was smart, the other was so-so, the third was a fool.

One day the king called his children together with their beloved ones, and the father said this:

Whoever wants a reward must answer the questions: Who is the strongest? Who is the lightest? Who is smarter than everyone? You have three days.

Three days have passed. The smart one says: “The bear is the strongest, the feather is the lightest, the owl is the smartest.”

The middle one answers: “The wind is the strongest, the needle is the lightest, the books are smarter than all.”

The fool claims: “The earth is strongest, it holds us all. The wind is lighter for everyone. And the smartest man of all!”

Who received the award? Well, of course, you're a fool!

Anfisa Zorina

How grandfather taught grandmother a lesson

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. Grandma was lazy and grumpy. When my grandfather wanted to eat, he asked his grandmother: “Cook me some porridge, old woman!”

And the old woman answered: “Cook it yourself, and feed me too!”

“Okay,” says the grandfather, “come on, whoever gets the water into his pot slowest will cook.” And we will carry it with a sieve and a thimble from the stream. Choose!

Grandma chose a sieve, it’s bigger. The woman carries and carries water, but there is no more water in the pot. And the grandfather quickly filled his pot with a thimble.

Although the thimble is small, water does not escape through the holes! And grandma had to cook porridge!”

Maxim Tsai

How the man got the bread

Once upon a time there lived a man. He didn’t have anything to drink or eat, and he didn’t have a penny at home. But one day he chopped wood, sold it and bought paint. He caught a frog, painted it, put it in a jar and placed it on the window.

Then the gentleman was driving past, saw the jar and was amazed.

What, man, is this overseas miracle?

Yes, the frog is magical and makes wishes come true.

Like this? Come on, show me!

Well, look! I don’t have an ax now, but now...

Frog! Frog! Magic ear! Make sure there is an ax in my oven!

And the man poked the frog with a stick. The frog croaked, and the man took an ax out of the oven.

Well, it's a miracle! - the master admires, - How much will you take for a frog?

Ten gold coins!


The frog is magical!

Okay, I'm buying it!

So the master bought a frog. But the peasant lived, chewed bread, and did not know grief.

Polina Nemtyreva

About laziness

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman; they were both very lazy and constantly quarreled and swore. One day the old man says: “Clean up the house, old woman!” And his wife answered him: “Clean up yourself!” They argued until they decided whoever fell asleep first should clean up. They sat down at the table and began to sit. They sat for an hour, sat for two, three, and on the fourth they couldn’t stand it and they both fell asleep. And the hut remained so dirty!

Material from Letopisi.Ru - “Time to go home”

Tale about school

A terrible crisis occurred in Fairytale Land. Salaries fell, there was no one and nothing to eat. The characters decided to look for a better fate. And they went to work at school. And you will soon find out what came of it, my friend...

The whole Tale about school on one page Ali Baba

unexpectedly I found myself at school. And I saw a noisy crowd of children around me. Some rushed into the hall, quickly swept away mountains of buns, others rushed in circles after each other, so it was not safe to be in their path. Suddenly a melody was heard, and everyone languidly reached out to the rooms and soon disappeared behind closed doors. Ali Baba wanted to see what was happening there. He magically turned invisible and entered one of the rooms where little robbers sat decorously and diligently wrote out incomprehensible squiggles. But as soon as the melody began to sound again, these sweet children again turned into robbers, flying away with a boom and seizing everything and everyone in their path in a whirlwind. Harlequin

Harlequin ended up at the school by accident, but he fit in well with the teaching staff. His liveliness, lightheartedness and ability to make people laugh attracted the attention of his colleagues. Vasilisa was crazy about him. Even Baba Yaga lost sleep. The male half of the teaching staff was indignant. The troll pointedly despised the merry fellow. But all this together did not bother our hero much. The new job completely consumed his time. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Baba Yaga lived in this world a long time ago... She lived well in the dense forest in a house on chicken legs with her beloved Cat! But difficult times came: the Serpent Gorynych flew away, the princes and wise maidens disappeared, even Koschey became mortal...! Granny began to think about how she should live! She decided to dress up and go out into the world!

She walked and wandered for a long time or a short time, but decided to try her luck by getting a job at a school. She stood in front of the school and said: “Hut-hut, come to me...”. But nothing happens! And then Cinderella and the Snow Maiden noticed her! They took her to the naughty house! And there was children's laughter and noise, running around and bustle, children's pranks... Grandma thought and thought that she would feel good here. But how wrong she was! Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Vasilisa the Wise Having left the fairyland, she went in search of work at school. How long or short she walked, she finally found herself in a huge city, where she could find a decent school for herself. At the first school, she was told that all the vacancies were already filled and her services were simply not needed here. At the second school they didn’t talk to her at all. Tired, Vasilisa approached the third school, opened the door and found herself in a spacious lobby. The director of this school was none other than Koschey himself! Vasilisa was offered to work as a primary school teacher. Out of despair, poor Vasilisa gave her consent and began to prepare for the new school year. Cinderella and Malvina came to her aid, who already knew how to work in a team under the leadership of Koshchei. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Water he lived, as he was supposed to, in a swamp.

Leeches, frogs, everything is as it should be. Well, of course, I’m tired... Life among reptiles rarely turns out to be happy...

After some thought, Vodyanoy moved to the city, and not just any city, but to the capital, away from his old friends, so that Kikimora, Baba Yaga and Koschey would not bother him.

In accordance with the new educational initiative (author - Tinker Bell Fairy), Vodyany without any pedagogical education was hired to work at the school. Swimming teacher. He met new colleagues there, whose names were Colombina, Snegurochka and Malvina.

And everything would be fine, but Goblin turned out to be the head teacher there....

Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Dwarf Before working at the school, he was a very rich and successful resident of the Fairytale Kingdom. But a crisis struck and all his wealth evaporated; he had to look for a place where he could earn his daily bread.

The gnome remembered that a long time ago he graduated from a pedagogical institute and even worked for a short time as a teacher in a new school. He came to the nearest school to get a job with the director, who turned out to be... Koschey.

Koschey told the Gnome that he had a vacancy for a computer science teacher. The Dwarf agreed, but he was very concerned that he was completely behind the times, Decided Dwarf to learn intelligence from my school colleagues, and they turned out to be Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Beautiful. We met the Dwarf Baba Yaga and Vasilisa with distrust, allocated him the most inconvenient time for classes and the class where they would be held, the most glitchy, but they didn’t tell him about all this... Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Goblin I decided to work as a supply manager at a school. Moreover, he had no experience whatsoever. For 100 years he guarded the wealth hidden in a hiding place, which was located in the very center of the magic cave. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Oh, how I didn’t want to Brownie leaving such a cozy and comfortable HNK office! “And why exactly didn’t HNK stay in the oil market? Why was it, the “Good Oil Company,” destined to cease to exist? And its general manager clicked everything - the Nutcracker! If only someone more or less could occupy the office that was vacated after the collapse of the company Well-to-do. But no, a kindergarten settled there. What kind of salaries are there? Is it possible to work for that money?

I’ll go to school to work, Brownie decided. Having searched enough and uselessly on the Internet for the same ones, like Siamese twins, school websites, Domovoy decided to ask which school he should choose, his old acquaintance, the wise long-liver Baba Yaga. And she advised him of the school that Vodyanoy, Koschey, Kikimora, Troll, and Ali Baba graduated from long ago, and the one in which Shrek, Cat and Miracle Yudo now work. And the director of that school was simply a Fairy, smart, talented, and simply a sorceress... Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Emelya made a small fortune in furnace transportation population, but being too lazy to “save for a rainy day,” met the crisis with his characteristic indifference and hope for the almighty Pike. And everything would have been fine, but Pike got sick, grew old and with a creaky hand, literally and figuratively, fulfilled Emelina’s wishes.

So he had to get off the stove and go to school to get hired. A biology teacher, of course, since he planned to clone Emel Shchuka, so to speak, with the help of children. And the director Myshilda and the head teacher Baba Yaga met Emelya. It must be said that we were greeted without enthusiasm. And they didn’t want to take it. It’s good that their physical trainer, Goblin, turned out to be an acquaintance. Put in a good word...

The eighth grade that Emelya received was by no means not only Vasilis. That is, Vasilisa, of course, was there too, a local beauty, but in addition there were also the irrepressible Kikimora, the ill-mannered and good-natured Shrek, and the Troll and Koschey... Emelyushka didn’t know that there were such children. His laziness was blown away by the wind, and the poor fellow had to work hard! Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

The snake decided to radically change its life on Monday. For example, learning to fly. But where to start this difficult task? I’ll have to ask my uncle for advice - Zmey Gorynych, or Myshilda - she knows everything in the world. And at the same time, visit the school, maybe her talents will be useful there. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Cinderella came to class, saw the wary eyes of the children and she wanted to support and reassure them. She smiled at them, greeted them and invited them to meet. The guys began to introduce themselves and tell a little about themselves: Snegurochka. Malvina, Columbine, Shrek, Nutcracker, Goblin. The brownie was upset about something and did not want to talk about himself. Kikimora, on the contrary, was cheerful, talked a lot about herself, and gradually the whole class calmed down, became active and friendly. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Carlson lived on the roof because they didn't let him go home so he could didn't scratch the furniture. By profession and vocation, Carlson was a pilot. However, he was not accepted as a pilot. And this is understandable, well, who would want to be carried by a strange man with a propeller. So Carlson went to work at school. The Kid just said that there is no biologist at their school.

In his free time, Kolobok liked to walk with Patrick. One day, friends saw beautiful girls and decided to meet them. But they were turned away. Of course they were upset, but then they went to play football.

[[File:M8UDxwnnI9w.jpg - incorrect file name Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.


Colombina was looking for fun and relaxation everywhere, and quite by chance she came to study at a Russian school. She immediately knew it would be fun. Columbina is actually from an Italian fairy tale, but the Italian language is very fast, she did not have time to express her opinion about computers at school to other Italians, everyone interrupted her and she was tortured by the Italian mafia. Arriving in Russia, Colombina began to learn Russian; at school she had someone to practice with. I learned the same root word “[Kolobok]”, he also worked at this school, probably also came from abroad. Columbine only attended a computer science class, since she did not understand anything in other lessons. But in this lesson she learned a lot of Russian words: BLUETOOZ, WIFI, INTERNET, etc. Computer science at the school was taught by a man named [[Shrek,]] he dressed in a green suit and looked like Joseph Prigogine. Colombina was sad that she had no friends in Italy, and at school she found a Russian friend, her name was [Snegurochka]. Columbina thought that their friendship would last for many years, but spring came and the Snow Maiden suddenly melted. Columbina cried for a long time, and forever ceased to believe in the friendship of peoples. Columbina graduated from school with a medal. In Italy it’s scary to wear gold on the streets, so she ordered herself a silver one. She received a letter of gratitude in Russian to her parents and the entire Italian clan that raised Columbina. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

The Cat came to school for a better life. And there - only animals and fairy-tale characters work. The Cat was glad that he was among his own. You are your own, but you need to find a soul mate! He walks along the corridor of the first floor and meets Myshild! Here's to happiness! The Cat asks, licking his lips, how is her work at school. Mahilda complained about physical education teacher Koschey. He pesters and says all sorts of obscenities. The cat reassured me and said that he would not give offense. Myshilda asked how the Cat got a job at school. He pointed his paw at the buffet and said that by the smell he knew where he would serve and teach proper nutrition to his students.

At the first break, the administration came to the buffet: director Ali-Baba, head teacher Zmeya, deputy for security Troll. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Koschey Before the crisis, he was already retired, but had additional income from all sorts of riffraff. But Koshchei had a bitter thought that in his old age he lived alone. The crisis, a terrible horror, made Koshcheev’s life even more bitter. And his faithful friend Baba Yaga, Bone Leg, advised him to go to Zabolotnaya school. “Go, Koshcheyushka, to the Zabolotnaya school. You will pass on all your worldly wisdom to the little paws. Maybe you will find a true friend. There are a lot of teachers there..." - Baba Yaga told Koshchei.

Koschey didn’t think for long. I went for a walk to the Zabolotnaya school in the evening. Just take a walk and casually see what’s going on at school. He walks and sees a red maiden meeting him - Vasilisa.

“Here, Vasilisa, I want to work at school, teach the kids,” says Koschey. "I will teach children the right to live, how to honor the law, well, and other wisdom." “Come, Koschey, work,” Vasilisa tells him, “you just need to undergo a medical examination. Is your health enough?”

Koschey did not undergo medical examination. He undermined his health in his young years with all sorts of stupid things: he smoked a lot, he played dirty tricks on kind people. Koshcheevo’s right never came to Zabolotnaya school! Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Malvina Before the crisis, she worked as an administrator at the Pinocchio Theater together with Harlequin. The twists and turns of fate forced Malvina to leave her partner. In search of a better life, Malvina turned to Ali Baba for help. But Ali, having squandered all his treasures, was himself broke. According to rumors from Hollywood, Shrek was very successful, and Malvina went to him for help. It so happened that she had to communicate with Shrek’s new wife, Myshilda. The latter, after listening to Malvina, advised her to go work at school, since the crisis also left its traces in Shrek’s film studio.

After visiting theaters and studios and working as a “socialite” on television, Malvina decided to listen to Myshilda’s advice and go to work at school. She was hired on a probationary period to work at Baba Yaga's school. It was an unusual school school for deviant children. The children of Vodyanoy, Goblin, Kikimora, Troll and others studied there. Remembering the experience of raising Pinocchio, Malvina decided to try herself as a teacher at the MHC.

And the students in this school were Harlequin, Ali Baba, Fairy. But where to start? The troll decided to meet the parents of the students. And that's who he saw: dad Harlequin and mom Harlequin... Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

How great it was to live in a magical world inhabited by the charming inhabitants of the Fairy Valley! This is a wonderful place filled with myths, magic and enchantment. The Fairy Valley is a whole kingdom, each inhabitant of which has his own, extraordinary talents, and together the fairies do very important work - they take care of nature and help the seasons change each other: they help the leaves change color, the sun's rays melt the snow, animals, those remaining for winter hibernation must get out of their burrows and dens.

I, the Tinkerbell Fairy, believe that my talent for repairing pots and kettles is not as important as the skills of other fairies. But a ruthless crisis forces me, Tinkerbell, to teach human children to love nature. Oh horror, I I teach about the world around me! Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

In one fairy-tale forest lived the good Chemical Fairy. When the crisis hit, she decided to get a job at a school. Since she was friends with Vodyanoy and Troll, she invited them along with her. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Once upon a time Miracle Yudo. He lived not alone, but with Kikimora, who had big financial needs. Therefore, when the crisis occurred, their relationship was interrupted. Kikimora could not come to terms with the fact that Miracle Yudo lost his job and stopped funding all her requests.

Miracle Yudo suffered a little and recovered quite quickly from such a loss. After studying the market, he decided to go to school to find a job.

The school was run by Kolobok. He was a kind person, so without any questions he was hired and appointed as a class teacher in the 11th grade, teaching the subject of physics.

Satisfied, Miracle Yudo left the director's office and ran into Baba Yaga at the door. Their eyes met, and he turned to her with a request to take him to the 11th grade to get acquainted. Baba Yaga offered him her services, announcing that she herself taught chemistry in this class and had studied each student well. This is how certain relationships arose that led them to mutual sympathy. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Once upon a time at the beginning of his career, Shrek worked in Hollywood as Shrek. But fate threw him far from his native place, to Russia, where he met Koshchei. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

At the school where I came to work Nutcracker, the school director was Myshilda. The Nutcracker knew her before, but they forgot their differences, because... It was urgently necessary to organize Olympiads and competitions in all subjects. They involved Cinderella and the Fairy in this work.

The fairy waved her magic wand and the pumpkin turned into an interesting project, which could be submitted to the competition. Cinderella processed a lot of information and wonderfully prepared the students for the Olympiad.

The result exceeded all expectations. The project took first place in the competition, and the guys took prizes at the Olympiad. Here's the story. And at this time, the following amazing events happened to another character in our fairy tale.

Blots tend to creep into school notebooks. They do not sleep, they wait for the moment. Often, blots are hidden somewhere and then come out. Sometimes blots wander freely through our notebooks...

The Tale of Blot

Once upon a time there were blots. They did not have their own distant kingdom, the thirtieth state. They lived in school notebooks and were constantly hiding. Some blots were hidden all my life and never came out. This happened mainly in the notebooks of honors students. And some blots lived freely, walked wherever they wanted. This was observed, as a rule, in the notebooks of C students.

Vasya Metelkin fought a real battle with blots. He wanted to know where they came from.

...So he slowly begins to write, writes one word, then another... Then - clap! - he starts to rush, makes a mistake, and there it is, a blot, ready, right there.

One day Vasya even cried out of frustration. Suddenly he hears someone say to him:

- Are you crying because of me?

Vasya looked up. There was no one around. He pinched his hand and stopped crying.

And then he realized that Blot herself was talking to him.

- This is where you come from, why do all my dictations have blots? - Vasya shouted.

“And it’s your own fault,” said Blot. “You start fussing, jumping up, getting angry at someone you don’t know, biting your nails, in general, doing whatever you want, except calmly writing a dictation.”

Vasya thought about it. Or maybe it’s really his own fault?

During the school holidays, Vasya conducted an experiment. He sat down at the table and took out his watch. When they showed 9 o'clock, the dictation began. The grandmother dictated, and the boy wrote. At first he had a lot of marks, and even more disturbing thoughts in his head:

- Oh, dictation! How exciting! This is a test after all. And I always worry during tests.

But gradually Vasya accustomed himself to the idea that he should write calmly and drive away disturbing thoughts. The boy cultivated his willpower. He learned to write almost without blots. And this was his victory!

One day, Blot appeared to the boy, but he was not happy to see her. But Pomarka, not paying attention to the boy’s bad mood, told him:

- Let's see each other at school as little as possible, and only meet at home, in drafts. Let's chat about this and that, and then you will continue to study, and I will hide, as usual. Because the more I hide, the better.

...Vasya sometimes talks to Pomarka, only at home. While no one sees.

But Vasya knows that with the Blots you have to keep your eyes open!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

Where do blots live?

Why did Vasya write dictations with blots?

How did Vasya meet the talking Pomarka?

How did Vasya train his willpower?

Draw a Blot.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

The main victory is victory over yourself.
Hurry to do a good thing, the bad thing won’t keep up with you.
Tie the problem up with a string.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that if you have some kind of problem, then you need to take time to solve this problem, look for ways to get rid of it. Vasya found time during the holidays, attracted his grandmother, and entered into a real battle with the blots. He wanted to write dictations without mistakes, and he achieved great success!

A fairy tale about school is a fairy tale about real miracles, good deeds, and amazing transformations. School is always magic...

"Magic School"
Author of the tale: Iris Review

One day, five letters - A, K, L, O, Sh - got together and decided to form a new word. They came up with the word “school”. They scratched it on the ground with a twig. Soon builders arrived at this place and built a building, which they also called a “school.” Under cover of night, textbooks, globes, notebooks, pencil cases, pencils, brushes, and erasers entered the school. School desks and blackboards were brought here.

And soon knowledgeable people came.

“Let’s teach children in this building called “school,” they decided. – After all, if we don’t teach the younger generation various wisdom, then who will make new discoveries, move the world forward, go to unknown planets, treat people in new ways?

And since we will teach, we will be called “teachers”, and the children – “students,” they decided.

Soon real miracles began to happen in this building called “school”. Children turned from ignoramuses into smart people. Their knowledge base used to be small, but has become large!

In addition, from small children they gradually turned into big, adults, smart people.

And such miracles happened every year. The name “magical” was assigned to the school. The school is still standing. Children study there.

...This is the story that five ordinary letters told me - A, K, L, O, Sh, which once upon a time formed the new word “school”.

Questions for a fairy tale about school

What letters are used to form the word “school”?

Who built the school?

Who is the teacher in school and who is the student?

What wonderful transformations are happening at school?

Who are the know-nothings and who are the smart guys?

Can you call your school magical? And why?

What do you like most about school?

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