Injuries. Presentation on the topic “types of injuries” Injuries to body systems and their consequences presentation

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Trauma is a set of injuries that occurred in a certain group of the population over a certain period of time. The highest level of injuries is observed in men aged 20-49 years, and in women - 30-59 years old, and in all age groups this figure is significantly higher in men.

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There are the following types of injuries: 1) industrial; 2) non-productive (household); 3) agricultural; 4) road transport; 5) street; 6) children's; sports; injuries to military personnel: a) peacetime; b) wartime - combat, non-combat; 9) intentional injuries, etc.

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Industrial injuries.

Occupational injuries are injuries received in connection with production activities in industry, construction, and others; injuries sustained on the way to or from work while performing public duties. Causes of industrial injuries: organizational; technical; sanitary and hygienic; socio-psychological; climatic; biographical; psychophysiological; economic.

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Non-production injuries

Domestic injuries. This includes accidents that occurred outside of the victim’s work activities in a house, apartment, yard, personal garage, etc. The leading cause of these injuries (about a third of cases) is doing household work - cooking, cleaning and repairing premises, etc. Among the injuries, bruises, wounds, burns, etc. predominate. The hand is most often damaged.

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Agricultural injuries.

Factors: These include meteorological and natural conditions (heat, sunstroke, thunderstorms, hurricanes, frost, blizzards, river floods, etc.), injuries caused by domestic and wild animals, insects.

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Road traffic injuries.

Road transport injuries are injuries caused by various types of vehicles during their use (movement) in cases not related to the production activities of the victims, regardless of whether the victim was in the vehicle (driver, passenger) or outside it (pedestrian) at the time of the incident. Among the causes of death and injury to people on the roads, experts recognize a negligent attitude to compliance with traffic rules: speeding; running a red light; driving while intoxicated; not wearing a seat belt; jaywalking and running a red light, etc. 80% of road traffic injuries are caused by failure to provide assistance within the first hour.

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Street injuries.

Street injuries refer to injuries that occur on city streets and are associated with traffic. Its victims most often are children and the elderly. Street injuries vary depending on the seasons and time of day. The main factors of street injuries are: poor organization of street traffic, narrow streets with heavy traffic; insufficient lighting and alarm; poor training of transport drivers; violation of traffic rules by pedestrians; poor condition of streets, etc. About 46% of street injuries are related to alcohol abuse.

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Childhood injuries: domestic and school.

Currently, many times more children die from injuries and accidents than from childhood infectious diseases. In the occurrence of injuries, the anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of children, their physical and mental development, lack of everyday skills, increased curiosity, etc. are of significant importance. The causes of children's domestic injuries are: Improper care and insufficient supervision of the child. Lack of order in the maintenance of the household (unclosed roof exits, unprotected staircase railings, open hatches in basements, wells, etc.). Lack of special furniture and fences in apartments, playgrounds, and non-flammable clothing. Defects in education at home and at school, lack of skills for correct behavior in public places, etc.

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The main causes of sports injuries: 1) violations in the organization of training sessions and competitions; 2) unsatisfactory condition of training places and unfavorable conditions for their conduct; 3) unsatisfactory condition of sports equipment and equipment, clothing, shoes; 4) insufficient medical supervision; poor physical fitness of the athlete (long breaks in classes, lack of systematic training, overwork, etc.); 5) violations of discipline by athletes during training and competitions.

Sports injuries Sports injuries are accidents that occur during sports (planned, group or individual, at a stadium, in a sports section, on a sports ground) under the supervision of a teacher or coach. Accidents involving schoolchildren during physical education classes according to the school curriculum are not included in this group of injuries. Most often they occur during boxing, football, hockey, wrestling, motorsports, and gymnastics.

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Injuries to military personnel.

Military traumatism is a set of injuries suffered by persons in military service. There are: peacetime military injuries, that is, injuries that occur during training and education of military personnel; wartime military traumatism - damage during combat operations. The military traumatism group unites injuries of various natures from external traumatic factors - gunshot, explosive, chemical, radiation, thermal, and the like.

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Intentional injuries.

The group of intentional injuries includes injuries inflicted by a person on himself for the purpose of suicide or simulation, and injuries inflicted on the victim by another person by agreement with the victim.

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Injury prevention

accounting and analysis of all cases of industrial and non-industrial injuries according to their nature and location; – analysis of the causes and circumstances of injuries, information from all interested institutions; – development of medical, sanitary and hygienic measures to reduce injuries; – constant contact with the enterprise safety service; – training the population in self- and mutual-help techniques; – hygienic education of the population and promotion of a healthy lifestyle; – monitoring the implementation of measures to reduce all types of injuries.

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“Transport immobilization” - The Kramer staircase splint is universal. The tire is simple and easy to handle, permeable to X-rays. Hip fracture. The splint is modeled along the back surface of the lower leg, capturing the knee and ankle joints. Evacuation of victims with hip injuries is carried out on a stretcher in a lying position.

"Help for Trauma" - Movement. First aid. First aid for sprains. It is recommended to bandage the injured arm to the body. Muscles. First aid for bruises. Human skeleton. Connection of bones. Be healthy. Bone fractures. Musculoskeletal system. Clavicle fracture. Kerchief. Immobilization. First aid for fractures.

“First aid for injuries” - First aid for injuries to the pelvic region, spine, back. If the victim is not breathing, begin resuscitation. Trauma to the pelvic area. It is IMPOSSIBLE to apply splints to the legs if the victim is lying in the “frog” position. First aid for spinal injury. Injury to the spine, back.

“Medical care for injuries” - Apply a tight bandage to the injured area. Dislocations usually occur when a large force is applied. Providing first aid for open fractures. Maintain a patent airway. Prevention of musculoskeletal injuries. If possible, give the victim oxygen.

"Injuries" - Burn. Injuries. Fracture. Stretching. Dislocation. Contusion. First aid for various types of injuries. Injury. Electrical injury. Traumatic brain injury. Types of injuries.

“First aid for fractures” - Bleeding. First aid for fractures. Fracture of the radius. Edema. Fracture line. Classification of fractures. First medical aid. Typical fracture sites. Absolute signs of a fracture. Bone fracture. Cracks and breaks. Timely provision of medical care. First aid. Signs of a fracture.

There are 12 presentations in total

1 of 11

Presentation on the topic: Injuries

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bruise Ears b - closed damage to tissues and organs without significant disruption of their structure. Most often, superficial tissues are damaged (skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and periosteum). Usually occurs as a result of a blow with a blunt object or a fall. First aid for a bruise In case of a bruise, apply something cold through a cloth. An iodine mesh is applied to the bruised area only after 24 hours. It is impossible to use local irritants directly after an injury, as this will cause even greater swelling of the damaged tissues. Types of injuries

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sprain Sprain and rupture of ligaments is an injury that occurs as a result of the impact on the ligamentous apparatus of a joint of a load that exceeds the elasticity of the tissues. occur with sudden movements in the joint that exceed its normal amplitude and do not coincide with its normal direction. Ligament rupture is characterized by constant pain, hemorrhage at the site of injury, severe limitation of joint function and pain on palpation. When sprains and ruptures of ligaments, the limb, unlike fractures, is not deformed. In the first minutes after the injury, apply ice to the damaged joint, then secure the joint with an elastic bandage, but do not wrap it too tightly so as not to disrupt blood circulation. If the victim experiences a feeling of numbness in the bandaged limb, the bandage should be loosened. It is useful to again apply crushed ice in a plastic bag on top of the bandage to the injured area. The day after the injury, there is no need to apply ice; it is better to take warm baths and apply heparin ointment to the sore joint. For pain relief, you can give analgin or aspirin. If after 2-3 days the pain has not decreased and the swelling at the injury site does not go away, consult a surgeon. Types of injuries

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dislocation Dislocation is a violation of the integrity of the articular surfaces of bones under the influence of mechanical forces or destructive processes in the joint First aid Fixation of the damaged limb with a scarf, splint, etc. Apply something cold to the affected area. Minor dislocations can be adjusted on their own if there is no bone damage. Reduction is carried out back to the mechanism of injury. Reduction of the articular ends is carried out only by a doctor in order to avoid additional injuries in the future - functional treatment (gymnastics, massage, etc.). For old dislocations (3 weeks after injury) - surgery. For pathological dislocations - treatment of the disease that led to the dislocation. Surgery is sometimes necessary to restore function. Types of injuries

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electrical injury Electrical injury is a painful condition of the body caused by exposure to electric current. A person who has received a general or local electrical injury should be placed on a flat surface, be sure to call an ambulance and take the following actions: 1. Check the pulse, and if it is absent (circulation stops), perform an indirect massage hearts; 2. Check breathing, and if it is not there, perform artificial respiration; 3. If there is a pulse and breathing, the victim should be placed on his stomach and at the same time turn his head to the side. This way the person will be able to breathe freely and will not choke on vomit; 4. Burns resulting from electrical trauma should be covered with a bandage, which must be dry and clean. If your feet or hands are burned, you need to place rolled bandages or cotton swabs between your fingers; 5. Inspect the victim for other associated injuries and, if necessary, provide assistance; 6. If the person is conscious, it is recommended to give him liquid to drink in large quantities; Types of injuries

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Traumatic brain injury Cranial injury - damage to the bones of the skull or soft tissues, such as brain tissue, blood vessels, nerves, meninges. First aid: lay the victim on his back and monitor his condition (pulse, breathing); if the victim is unconscious, then he needs to be turned on his side (prevention of tongue retraction, as well as vomit entering the respiratory tract if vomiting occurs); apply a bandage to the wound on the head In case of an open head injury, cover the edges of the wound with bandages and then apply a bandage. Signs. general weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, amnesia Types of injuries

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Wound - a violation of the anatomical integrity of the integumentary or internal tissues throughout their entire thickness, and sometimes also of internal organs, caused by the mechanical impact of the wound. First aid for any injury is aimed at: stopping bleeding (at least temporarily), protecting the wound from secondary contamination and penetration into it germs, relieve pain in the victim and provide rest to the injured part of the body. To do this, it is necessary first of all to expose the part of the body where there is a wound: the victim’s clothes or shoes are carefully and, if possible, painlessly removed, and if this is difficult, they are cut at the seams. Types of injuries

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Fracture A bone fracture is a complete or partial disruption of the integrity of the bone under a load exceeding the strength of the injured skeletal area. Fractures can occur either as a result of trauma or as a result of various diseases accompanied by changes in the strength characteristics of bone tissue. First aid If there is bleeding, stop it. Determine whether the victim can be moved before qualified medical personnel arrive. It is not recommended to carry or move a patient with spinal injuries or multiple fractures. apply a splint. A splint can be any object that will prevent movement in the damaged limb (grabbing the joints above and below the fracture site). If access for medical personnel is difficult or impossible and there are contraindications to moving the victim, ensure that the damaged areas are as completely immobile as possible, after which a stretcher with a solid base is used, to which the victim is securely fixed. Types of injuries

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A burn is damage to body tissue caused by high temperature or the action of certain chemicals (alkalis, acids, heavy metal salts, etc.). Burn There are 4 degrees of burn: 1) redness of the skin, 2) formation of blisters, 3) necrosis of the entire thickness of the skin, 4) charring of tissue. First aid Providing self- and mutual assistance plays an important role. Its main goal is to stop the effect of the damaging factor on the victim. So, for example, in case of a thermal burn, it is necessary to eliminate the contact of the victim with the source of the burn and cool the affected surface (under cool running water, for at least 15-20 minutes (only if the integrity of the skin is not compromised); relevant no later than 2 hours after burns), in case of electrical injury - interrupt contact with the current source, in case of chemical burns - wash off or neutralize the active substance, etc. Types of injuries

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Types of injuries Concussion - general damage to the body due to a sharp mechanical effect of an air, water or sound wave, impact with the ground or water, etc. contusion The victims need complete rest, emergency medical care and urgent hospitalization. In the future, for persistent movement disorders (paresis, paralysis), physical therapy is carried out, and for speech disorders, speech therapy classes and other special therapeutic measures are carried out. In the acute period after injuries and contusions of the brain, victims are advised to have a cold head and complete rest. The patient must be placed on his side (when vomiting, vomit may enter the respiratory tract). With an open skull injury, stopping bleeding, both internal and external, is in the foreground. After injuries and contusions, it is undesirable for the patient to work in noisy and cramped rooms; heat is contraindicated for him. A course of pine baths or baths using valerian root, peony root, lemon balm herb, and hops has a good effect on patients.

Traumatism TRAUMATISM is a set of injuries that occurred in a certain group of the population over a certain period of time. The highest level of injuries is observed in men aged 18 years, and in women 18 years old, and in all age groups this indicator is significantly higher in men.

Occupational injuries OCCUPATIONAL INJURY is an injury received by an employee at work and caused by non-compliance with labor protection requirements. Causes of industrial injuries: Organizational Technical Sanitary-hygienic Social-psychological Climatic Biographical Psychophysiological Economic

Domestic injuries HOUSEHOLD INJURIES include accidents that occurred outside of the victim’s work activities in a house, apartment, yard, etc. Domestic injuries are very high and have no tendency to decrease. The leading cause of these injuries (about a third of cases) is performing household work: cooking, cleaning and repairing premises, etc.

Road traffic injuries ROAD TRANSPORT INJURIES ARE INJURIES caused by various types of vehicles when used in cases not related to the work activities of the victims, regardless of whether the victim was in the vehicle or outside it at the time of the incident. Injuries in road traffic accidents are due to a large complex of reasons. Victims of road accidents often become disabled.

Causes of death and injury to people on the roads Experts recognize a negligent attitude to compliance with traffic rules: – speeding; -running a red light; –driving a car while intoxicated; – not fastened seat belt; – jaywalking and running a red light, etc.

Street injuries STREET REFERENCES INJURIES received by victims outside of work activities on the streets, in open public places, in the field, in the forest, etc., regardless of the reasons that caused them. -They are associated with the fall, -therefore their number increases significantly in the autumn-winter period. – The dependence of this type of injury on the time of day is revealed.

Causes of street injuries 1. Poor organization of street traffic, 2. Narrow streets with heavy traffic, 3. Insufficient lighting and alarm; 4. Violation of traffic rules by pedestrians; 5. Defective condition of street surfaces, ice, etc. 6. Parkour, alakurti and other extreme sports.

Causes of children's domestic injuries 1. Improper care and insufficient supervision. 2. Lack of order in the maintenance of the household. 3. Lack of special furniture and fences in apartments, playgrounds, and non-flammable clothing; 4. Defects in education at home and at school, lack of skills for correct behavior in public places.

Prevention of injuries Prevention of industrial injuries – Retrospective methods require the accumulation of data on accidents. This is where one of the main drawbacks lies. – Predictive methods make it possible to study hazards based on logical-probabilistic analysis, safety regulations, expert opinions, and special experiments.

Prevention of household injuries – Improvement of living conditions – Expansion of public services to the population – Rational organization of leisure time – Carrying out a variety of cultural events – Widespread anti-alcohol propaganda – Targeted work to create a healthy life – Organization of special commissions at housing offices to combat domestic injuries – Wide involvement of the public

Barachevskaya I.V.

Currently, the number of traumatological
patients make up a significant proportion
surgical patients. Injuries are the third most
frequency cause of death in the world population and
first among people under 45 years of age. Much
the number of victims in road traffic accidents, man-made
accidents, terrorist attacks. Still
household injuries remain high. Combined
and multiple injuries accompany
severe disturbances in vital functions and
high mortality.

The relevance of the topic lies in the great
number of victims among various
population groups, year-round
injuries and seasonal increase
street injuries and road injuries.


The concept of trauma and traumatism
Soft tissue bruise
Muscle rupture
Sprains and ligament ruptures
Long-term compartment syndrome
Definition and classification of fractures
Clinical picture of fractures
PMP for fractures
Definition of wound, types of wounds
Clinical picture of the wound
First aid for the wounded

The concept of trauma and traumatism

The concept of trauma and injury. Types of injuries.

Trauma (damage)

A disease caused by immediate
excessive impact on the body
external agents leading to disruption
in organs and tissues of the anatomical
integrity, physiological functions and
accompanied by local and general
body reaction


injuries affecting
under certain circumstances
the same population groups.

Types of injuries

Depending on the reasons and location

Classification of injuries. According to the conditions of occurrence

1.Non-production nature:
Sports, etc.
2.Production related:
3. Deliberate:
military, etc.

Classification of injuries by type of damaging factor

Radiation, etc.

Classification of injuries by nature of damage


Classification of injuries according to the location of application of the traumatic force


Classification of injuries by time of occurrence

Acute (immediately after a single
Chronic (after repeated
exposure to a traumatic agent)

General principles of providing primary care for injuries

Termination of exposure
Temporary stop of bleeding
Pain relief (complex
anti-shock measures)
Applying an aseptic dressing

Stages of care for trauma patients

Ambulance at the scene
Outpatient clinic
- emergency room

Soft tissue bruise


soft tissues and
internal organs without visible
anatomical changes in place

Clinical picture of the bruise

Local pain
intensifies through
for some time (after
Skin changes

PMP for bruises

Pressure bandage
Elevated position
Cold locally

Muscle tears

Muscle tears

Occurs when there is severe overstretching and
overexertion (heavy lifting)
More often - rupture of the abdominal muscles, extensors

Types of muscle tears


Pain (at the moment of rupture is comparable to
electric shock)
Function – sharply reduced or absent
On palpation - tension defect

Clinical picture of muscle rupture

PMP for muscle rupture

Pressure bandage

Sprains and ligament tears


Closed soft tissue injury
occurring when there is a sharp and sudden
strong movement that exceeds
limits of elasticity of ligaments,
tendons and muscles, but with preservation
their anatomical integrity.
When crossing the elasticity barrier
ligament rupture occurs.

Causes of sprains

Clinical picture of sprain

Local pain
Movement restrictions
due to pain
More often - ankle
Less commonly – knee

PMP for sprains

Fixing bandage
Pressure bandage
Locally cold

PMP for sprains

Pressure bandage
Locally cold



articular surfaces with
violation of their anatomical
relationships and
integrity of the capsular ligamentous apparatus

Classification of dislocations

- pathological
3. By timing

Clinical picture of dislocation

Pain, intense at the time of dislocation, gradually
Forced position, springy
resistance when removed from it
Change in joint configuration (smoothness)
contours, the head is palpated in an atypical
Empty glenoid cavity
Range of motion is limited

Clinical picture of dislocation

Shoulder dislocation deformity

Making a diagnosis for a dislocation

Radiography in
2 projections

PMP for dislocation


Crush syndrome (long-term crush syndrome, traumatic toxicosis crash syndrome)

Compartment syndrome

A peculiar pathological
condition caused by long-term
(more than 2 hours) by crushing soft
tissues of the extremities, which is based
lies ischemic muscle necrosis,
intoxication with necrosis products
development of the renal-hepatic

A syndrome occurs

limbs from compression

Pathogenetic factors

toxemia due to
absorption of decomposition products
- blood loss


Muscle crushing occurs, subcutaneously -
fatty tissue, blood vessels, nerves.
After being freed from the rubble,
toxic substances accumulated in tissues,
rush into the bloodstream
A picture resembling shock appears
Kidney tubules are blocked by protein
destroyed muscle tissue (myoglobin)
surge arrester

Clinical picture

3 periods
The period of increase in edema and vascular
failure (1-3 days)
The period of acute renal failure is from 3 to 9-12 days)
Recovery period

Clinical picture in the first period

General state
Pale skin
Pulse – frequent
BP not changed
In a few hours:
The swelling is increasing
Tachycardia is increasing
Blood pressure decreases
Body temperature
diuresis decreases
Urine is lacquered

Local changes in the first period

Lots of abrasions
Uneven bluish coloration

Clinical picture in the second period

Tachycardia is moderate
Death of the patient on days 5-7

PMP for compartment syndrome

Tourniquet at the base of the limb (up to
extraction from the rubble)
Remove from the rubble
Replace the tourniquet with an elastic bandage
Locally – cold
Elevated limb position
Transport immobilization
Anti-shock measures
Immediate hospitalization

Definition and classification of fractures


All sorts of things

Fracture rate

limbs – 50%
Lower limbs – 31%
Pelvis, spine -12%
Skull bones -6%

Classification of fractures

Because of
according to the mechanism of occurrence
According to the location of the fracture line
By number of damages
For damage to internal organs
By the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes
By location of bone damage
By displacement of fragments

Classification by reason of origin

1. Congenital

Classification by mechanism of occurrence

1.from compression:
Cobbled together
2.from bending
Torsion bar

Classification according to the location of the fracture line

Transverse (fracture line
perpendicular to the axis of the bone)
Longitudinal (the fracture line passes
along the axis of the limb)
Helical, spiral

Classification by number of damages


Classification according to damage to internal organs by bone fragments


Classification according to the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes


Classification by location of bone damage

2.Metaphyseal (periarticular)
3.Epiphyseal (intra-articular)

Classification by displacement of bone fragments

1.No offset
2.With offset:
Primary displacement (action
damaging force)
Secondary displacement (due to muscle traction
or support on an injured limb)

Types of displacement of fragments

At an angle
By lenght

Clinical picture of fractures

Signs of fractures

limbs by

Metacarpal fracture

Hip fracture

Diagnosis of a fracture

Availability 1
(search actively)
X-ray in 2

Complications of fractures

Damage to internal organs
Damage to neurovascular bundles
Soft tissue injuries

PMP for fractures

PMP for fractures

1. When open:
aseptic dressing
No fragments in the wound
2. Analgesics or all
antishock complex
3. Transport
4. Local cold
5. Transportation to
medical institution

Transport immobilization

damaged part of the body on
period of delivery of the victim
to a medical institution

Types of transport immobilization

1. Primitive (use of healthy
body parts)
2. Improvised (with improvised
3. Standard tires:
Fixation (Kramer, Filberg,
Fixation-distraction (splint

Definition of wound, types of wounds

Wound is a violation of the integrity of the skin, mucous membranes and the surface of internal organs as a result of mechanical or other

Wound is a violation
skin integrity
integument, mucous membranes
shells and surfaces
internal organs in
result of mechanical
or other influence.

Classification of wounds

According to the presence of infection
By type of wounding weapon
Because of
In count

Classification of wounds by depth

without damage with damage

Classification of wounds according to the presence of infection Gaping DIFFERENT TYPES OF WOUNDS

First aid for the wounded

An approximate sequence of actions when providing primary care to a wounded person

Temporary stop of bleeding
Prevention of infection
Anti-shock measures

PMP for abdominal wounds with eventration of internal organs into the wound

Lay down with legs bent
Treat the edges of the wound with iodonate
Cover the organs with a sterile napkin with
Place a cotton-gauze ring around
prolapsed organs
Fix the bandage

PMP for penetrating chest wounds

Place the victim in a semi-sitting position
Treat the edges of the wound with a solution
Apply an occlusive dressing

In providing assistance to trauma patients, the timeliness and usefulness of the medical care provided plays a significant role in saving lives.

In providing assistance
trauma patients
significant role in the rescue
life plays timeliness and
usefulness of the rendered
medical Provide assistance on
capable at the required level
only qualified
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