Exercises for knee joints. What exercises should you do to strengthen your knee joints and ligaments? Morning exercises for knees

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint symptoms: The disease begins with a slight cracking of the knee joints and slight stiffness of movement after sleeping or sitting for a long time, during long walking, when going up and down stairs. Pain may also appear in the healthy leg, because... it experiences additional stress when walking, when a person spares the sore leg. But this, as a rule, does not alarm anyone - a little warm-up and everything goes away. Over time, the condition worsens and the person is unable to fully straighten the knee.

The most common causes of arthrosis of the knee joint are injuries or repeated bruises, which result in bleeding into the joint. Changes begin in the cartilage, then changes occur in the bone, and the muscles are in constant tension.

* When starting treatment, you should remember that both monotonous loads are harmful to cartilage: long standing and long sitting, as well as sudden jolting loads. That's why, For arthrosis of the knee joint, exercises with weights and on an exercise bike are contraindicated.

* Patients with arthrosis of the knee joints need to sleep on a hard bed - in this case, the muscles completely relax and the joints rest.

* You need to get rid of excess weight.

* You cannot carry weights exceeding 4-5 kg.

* For stomach ulcers or gastritis, it is better to use ointments or gels for the knee joints instead of tablets.

* Surgery is required only when treatment is delayed and the process of cartilage destruction progresses. Therefore, it is very important to check the mobility of the knee joints in time, take an x-ray and begin treatment.

Mobility of the knee joint. How to check?

By performing the following tests you can check the mobility of the knee joints:

Test 1. Sit on the floor, bend your legs as much as possible with your knees up. Normally, the calf muscle should touch the back of the thigh.

Test 2. Stand sideways to the mirror, straighten your legs. Normally, the lower leg should be a natural extension of the thigh.

Test 3. Sit on a hard surface, straighten your legs as much as possible and press them to the floor under your knees. If the heels lift significantly off the floor, this indicates hyperextension in the knee joint. If you cannot straighten your legs completely and there is free space between your knees and the floor, it means that you have insufficient mobility of the knee joint.

In everyday life, adults rarely have to fully bend their legs at the knee joint. Therefore, without receiving sufficient loads, he gradually loses mobility. To prevent this, you need to do squats regularly. However, you should not get carried away with deep squats - this can lead to overload of the joint.

How to increase the mobility of the knee joint?

To increase the mobility of the knee joints, it is useful to go swimming, do therapeutic exercises and regular massage of the leg muscles. Regular exercises and self-massage strengthen the muscles of the lower leg and thigh, improve nutrition of the knee joint, and prevent its atrophy and limited movement. Most of the exercises in therapeutic exercises are simple: they are performed in the morning, or right in bed:

1. Lying on your back, wiggle your toes vigorously.

2. Make circular rotations with your feet.

3. Bend and straighten your knees.

4. Do scissors and bicycle exercises.

Together with physical therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint, physiotherapeutic treatment, mud therapy, and therapeutic baths are used.

Exercises for knee joints:

How to strengthen your knee joints?

Special exercises for the knee joints will help improve the mobility of the knee joints and strengthen them. Each exercise should be performed 10-12 times.

1. Stand up straight. On the count of 1-2, sit down, do not lift your heels off the floor; on the count of 3-4, stand in IP.

2. Stand with your right leg in front and your left leg behind. On the count of 1-3, lunge with your right leg, bending it, on the count of 4, return to the I.P. Then in the other direction.

3. Sit down, leaning on your hands. Bend your legs alternately, as if riding a bicycle.

4. Stand up straight, hands on your belt. At the count of 1-2, make a horizontal circle with your knees to the right, squatting slightly, at the count of 3-4, return to the I.P. Then in the other direction.

5. Lie on your back, bend your legs up (hips vertically, shins horizontally). On the count of 1-2, make a circle with your shins to the right, left.

6. Stand up, legs apart, hands on your waist. At the count of 1-2, squat slightly, bringing your knees together, at the count of 3-4, return to the I.P.

7. Get on your knees, hands on your waist. At the count of 1-2, sit to the right, at the count of 3-4, return to the first position. Then in the other direction.

8. Get on your knees, toes apart, hands on your waist. At the count of 1-2, sit on the floor between your socks, at the count of 3-4, return to the standing position.

9. Sit cross-legged. At the count of 1-2, try to stand up without using your hands, and at the count of 3-4, sit down again.

Exercises for knee joints.

Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint:

Physical exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint are performed in a lying or sitting position to minimize the load on the joints. Exercises should be done slowly, gradually increasing the load, depending on the degree of pain. Try to focus on the painful joint. Usually, after gymnastics and self-massage, the pain immediately subsides and joint movement is restored, or 20-30 minutes after exercise.

Start each exercise with 5 repetitions and gradually increase to 20. Practice time – 20 minutes 3 times a day.

1. Lie on your back, legs extended. Bend one knee, slightly lifting the foot above the floor, hold for 5 seconds, change legs.

2. Lie on your back, raise one leg, bent at the knee joint - bend and straighten the leg. Then with the other foot.

3. Lie on your back, stretch your legs, bend both legs at the hip and knee joints, straighten them.

4. Lie on your back, legs extended. Bend your left leg and press it against your body with your hands for a few seconds, then lower it to the floor and straighten it. Then with your right foot.

5. Lying on your back. Exercise “bicycle”, first at a slow pace, then faster.

6. Lying on your back, lift your straight leg 20-30cm from the floor and hold for a few seconds, lower it, then with the other leg.

7. Lie on your stomach, bend one leg at the knee joint, trying to touch your heel to your buttock, then the other leg.

8. Sit on a high chair or table and dangle your legs. This exercise should be done frequently throughout the day.

9. Sitting on a chair, raise your leg parallel to the floor (foot at a right angle), hold for 3 seconds, feeling the tension in the muscles of the lower leg and thigh, lower. Then with the other foot.

10. Stand up, grab the back of the chair with your hands, and move your right or left leg to the side.

11. Stand sideways to the chair, holding the back of the chair with one hand, swing your leg forward and backward. Then with the other foot.

Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint:

After therapeutic exercises, it is useful to immediately massage the knee joint. Basic massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading. If the massage is done once a day, then the duration is 15 minutes, and 2-3 times a day - 10 minutes each. Each self-massage technique is repeated 3-6 times. You need to massage both the sore and healthy leg.

1. Sit on the bed, left leg lowered, right leg straightened on the bed. Place your right hand above your right knee and your left hand below your knee. Stroking the knee with both hands in the opposite direction. Then the left knee.

2. Thoroughly rub the lateral surfaces of the knee joint with your fingers back and forth.

3. Rubbing the lateral surfaces of the joint with your palms along it back and forth.

4. Place your thumbs on the upper part of the knee, and use the pads of the other fingers in a circular motion (“spiral”) to rub the lateral areas of the knee joint. Then knead these areas - use your index, middle and ring fingers to press deeply and move the skin back and forth.

5. Finish the massage by stroking the knee joint.

Useful articles:

Special exercises for knees are part of a rehabilitation program after injuries, fractures, and arthritis to restore the mobility and strength of the muscles that provide flexion and extension of the legs at the knee. In this article we will not tell you how to pump up something, because it is dedicated specifically to rehabilitation issues.

What are the risks of a knee injury?

Typically, athletes who have damaged the meniscus or ligaments come to the traumatologist with knee pain. The remaining part turns to a specialist after complex fractures. Sometimes a fracture cannot simply be cast, especially in the knee. A regular cast can permanently immobilize a leg.

To avoid this, surgeons correctly assemble the broken bone, insert special prostheses and pins so that everything heals correctly and quickly.

After the cast is removed, the leg loses mobility. Especially after a knee fracture, it is not possible to move the leg - it hurts. The ligaments have lost their elasticity and flexibility. And a person cannot bend his leg even 90 degrees. This is where a set of therapeutic exercises comes to the rescue, which will strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the recovering leg.

If repair procedures are neglected, a knee injury can lead to complete immobility of the legs and, in severe cases, to a wheelchair. This justifies the need for rehabilitation measures.

All exercises for joints can be performed at home by laying down a fitness mat. Make sure there are no drafts in the room. The knees should not be exposed to even short-term hypothermia.

Exercises and technique

Like we said, you can do everything at home. We recommend purchasing a regular children's ball, as well as a fitball. If you have financial problems, a children's ball with a diameter of 15–20 cm, which can be bought at any children's store, will be enough. The ball should be light and have medium hardness (let's tell you a secret, you will use it during some exercises). This will be enough to restore the physical characteristics of the legs.

Rehabilitation is a multifaceted and complex process. Just like the knee joint itself.

Some elements included in the complex help strengthen all leg muscles, while others develop the joint in isolation. We will divide exercises into those that restore muscle tone and those that increase the mobility of the joint itself. You can’t do just one thing, because movement is ensured by the combined qualities of the knee joint, ligaments and muscles of the leg.

Let us note that if you have not had any injuries, but your knees have started to creak, or you are experiencing pain in them, then you should pay special attention to warming up before training or in the morning, after waking up. Let's start with her.

Morning exercises for knees

Below is a set of exercises to restore knee joint mobility after injury and prevent age-related changes.

Stage 1

  1. As soon as you wake up, lift one leg slightly up, bend it at the knee so that it is not difficult to hold it in the air. Bend your leg to the smallest possible angle and straighten it. We pull the toe towards ourselves so that the calf muscle tenses. Do this exercise for each leg 10 times.
  2. Now, from the same position, try to draw a circle with your toe. Try to keep the circle correct. Carefully follow with your eyes what your foot is drawing. In this case, mobility should only be in the knee. We don't touch the ankle. We pull the toe forward, as if there is an invisible sheet of paper in front of you, and you draw on it with your big toe. Draw 5 circles clockwise and 5 counterclockwise. Repeat the same for the second leg.

So now you are ready to get up. Let's move on to the next part.

Stage 2

We stand near the bed, feet shoulder-width apart. We place our right foot on the toe, transferring the center of gravity to the other leg. We tear the sock off the floor so that it hangs freely in the air. We perform flexion and extension of the leg at the knee. Bend as much as possible, touching the heel of the buttocks or the back of the thigh. We straighten it to the normal state so as not to injure the kneecap. For each leg, repeat the exercise 10 times (movement back and forth counts as one time). If it is difficult to do the exercise while standing, you can sit on a chair or the edge of the bed.

Next, lower your leg to the floor. Feet together, tilt the body and grab the front knees with both hands, resting your palms on them. Now your task is to draw a circle with the knee joint using your hands. We draw 10 circles in one direction and 10 back.

And the third exercise is to draw a circle with your toe on the floor. To do this, you need to slightly raise your leg so that the sock (and it stretches down) hangs freely above the floor. We draw 5 circles clockwise and 5 counterclockwise. We do the same for the other leg.

The above complex is a measure to prevent age-related limitation of knee mobility.

For example, salt (insoluble) may be deposited in the joint or there may not be enough joint fluid. And over time, ligaments become denser and lose elasticity, just like tendons. Therefore, such a morning warm-up will allow you to keep your knees in normal condition.

You can use these same exercises to restore mobility.

We said that it is impossible to pump up the leg muscles with such exercises in the usual sense. But for those who have been immobile for a long time, the word “pump up” is most suitable, along with the word “strengthen”. Now let's look at a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the knee joint.

Therapeutic complex for restoring and strengthening knees

The complex contains exercises related to the rehabilitation program after arthrosis and knee injuries, and helps strengthen them.

Lay out a rug and lie down on it with your back:

  1. We stretch our arms up behind our heads, palms facing the ceiling, toes pointing in the opposite direction. As you inhale, pull your socks towards you and begin to alternately stretch each heel down (parallel to the floor). At this time, the pelvis moves a little - this is normal. As you exhale, lower your socks down again. Don't hold your breath, just remember when to inhale and when to exhale.
  2. We lower our arms down parallel to the body. Raise your right leg and stretch your toes up. As you inhale, pull it towards you, as you exhale, away from you. We do this 5 times for each leg, feeling the stretch in the knee.
  3. From the same position, we begin to do a “bicycle” - 10 rotational movements with each leg in turn.
  4. Then the “bicycle” is done with both legs at once - 20 circles. Don't forget to pull the sock away from you.
  5. Now lower your legs, bend your knees 100 degrees (more than a right angle), spread your knees to the sides. Feet together. This . We spread our knees and bring them together - we do this 10 times.
  6. From a lying position, pull your knee with both hands towards your stomach. We press it and stretch our face to the knee. We do 5 stretching movements in this way.
  7. Then we clasp both knees with our hands and do the same.
  8. Bend your legs at an acute angle, feet shoulder-width apart. We place our right leg with our foot on our left knee and turn the knee of our right leg to the side and back. We do 5-10 stretching movements. Then we do the same for the second leg.
  9. Now it’s more difficult: when one leg is on the knee of the other, with the force of the latter, lift both legs, touching the first knee to the chest.
  10. With your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your right knee inward (to the left), touching it to the floor. Repeat 10 times for each leg.
  11. Now we need a ball (or roller). We sit on a chair and place the ball under our foot. We roll it forward and backward, left and right due to the movement of the knee joint. Make 10 movements with each leg in all 4 directions.
  12. We sit on the floor and do a butterfly from a sitting position. We don’t help with our hands; they are located between the legs and hold the feet.

The listed exercises for the knees can be done either one by one for each leg, or as a bunch, doing 3-4 exercises for each leg in a row.

  1. Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint are the same.
  2. We noted that this is a rehabilitation complex. Naturally, it involves not only the knees, but also all the muscles of the legs. Therefore, in addition to the above exercises, there are also different options for lowering and spreading the legs, scissors, etc. They do not touch the knee joint, so we deliberately omitted them.
  3. Instead of a ball, you can use a roller and roll it not on a chair, but while lying down.
  4. Joint exercises are not necessary. They are only needed if you have problems with your knees. When you feel that your knees are starting to give you trouble, it’s time to remember this complex.

The concept of “pumping up” implies a heavy load. This is out of the question here. You can pump up your legs when the problems with your knees go away - so try if you already have these problems.

Doctor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is rightfully considered one of the progressive doctors of our time. His kinesitherapy center has branches in various countries.

Treatment of joints according to Bubnovsky

For arthrosis, the Bubnovskys give various advice on how to prevent osteoarthritis and how to cure post-traumatic syndrome of joint diseases. The uniqueness of gymnastics is walking on your knees. For people with symptoms of arthrosis, exercise is initially excruciating and very painful. Bubnovsky suggested doing the exercises while exhaling the exclamation “Ha!” As the doctor says: “The disease must be exhaled.” When you exhale, the pain dulls and the exercise is easier to perform.

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint according to Bubnovsky

Some doctors do not approve of Bubnovsky’s technique and consider it a cruel test for patients. But, having studied the positive statistics, we can say that the system works and really helps.

At present, a single way to combat arthrosis of the knee joint has not yet been found. Experts are constantly conducting this search. It is worth paying attention to treatment according to Bubnovsky, because Sergei Mikhailovich put himself on his feet, overcoming his disability.

It is necessary to understand the essence of the technique and understand the recommendations given by an honored specialist in kinesitherapy. His exercises are a great substitute for medications. Seriously ill patients were saved with the help of Bubnovsky’s multifunctional simulator and his set of exercises. With a superficial understanding and application of the technique, you can harm yourself! Dr. Bubnovsky’s centers, a wide branch network, as well as Sergei Mikhailovich’s website will give all the necessary advice and recommendations.

Exercises for treating joints according to Bubnovsky

  1. It is necessary to wrap the crushed ice in a cloth and wrap it around your knees. Lean on chairs, carefully kneel down and walk around as much as possible. At first it is very painful, you need to take at least two steps, and over time increase the number to 15 steps in one approach.
  2. You need to kneel and sit on your heels, holding onto the supports with your hands. This task can cause severe pain. Hold for 5-20 seconds. When you lower yourself onto your heels, you need to pronounce the sound “HA!”, as if you are exhaling the disease from the joint. It will be difficult at first, place a cushion under your knees. Increase the duration of the exercise daily, up to five minutes.
  3. We sit on the floor, stretching our legs, take our big toes and pull them towards us. With this exercise we stretch the muscles and ligaments on and below the knee. Blood supply and nutrition to the joint tissues improve, the knee will move better.

After mastering these three exercises, you can move on to more complicated ones.

  1. You need to stand up, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and grab a support with your hands (you can grab a door handle). We squat so that our knees are at an angle of 90 degrees, keeping our back straight. First you need to perform 20 squats in one approach, over time we bring it to one hundred squats per day. Then let's try to do the exercise without support.
  2. We lie on our stomachs, grab our feet with our hands and pull them onto our buttocks. This exercise helps to stretch the front of the thigh.
  3. We kneel down, stretch our arms in front of us, and as we exhale, smoothly lower ourselves to the floor between our feet.
  4. We lie on our backs, spreading our legs slightly. Bend one leg, while not lifting the heel off the floor. Gently move the foot towards the buttocks, helping ourselves with our hands. We fixate for 4-6 seconds.

At the end of the exercises, a contrast shower. Perform movements smoothly; after exercise, it is forbidden to heat the joints.

My knees hurt, what should I do? Bubnovsky's exercises

Any diseases of the joints - inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic - do not go unnoticed by a person. They are manifested by two main symptoms - pain and impaired movement.

The joint may swell and become inflamed, the subchondral bone may become deformed, and calcifications may be deposited in the ligaments. But these manifestations are most often secondary and do not cause so much inconvenience to a person. It is stiffness and pain that make people look for ways to solve this problem.

Treatment of joints

Modern methods of treating joints are diverse. Traditional medicine suggests using decoctions, tinctures and compresses from various plants. Physiotherapists prescribe magnetic therapy and ultrasound electrophoresis. Alternative healers use acupuncture and apitherapy.

Traditional medicine offers comprehensive treatment, including:

  • medicines;
  • physical therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical treatment.

The main role is played by the use of drugs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, chondroprotectors.

Is this approach correct? Adherents of alternative treatment point to the lack of effectiveness, and in some cases the complete lack of results, with drug treatment.

Alternative Treatment

One of the adherents of alternative treatment is Sergei Bubnovsky. In contrast to traditional medicine, he shifts the emphasis in the use of joint treatment methods.

He puts physical therapy and physiotherapy in the first place, leaving only an auxiliary role for medications.

But Sergei Bubnovsky’s physical therapy and physiotherapy differs from what modern classical medicine offers us.

Dr. Bubnovsky pays special attention to diseases of the knee joints.

Diseases of the knee joints

Knees are a vulnerable part of the musculoskeletal system. Despite their complex structure, the loads are often excessive.

Weight, movement, injuries - everyone faces this. Older people and athletes are especially susceptible to injury. The first - due to poor vision, age-related clumsiness and fragility of bone tissue, the second - due to insufficient training and abuse of loads.

Diseases of the knee joints, according to Dr. Bubnovsky, can be divided into two groups:

  1. Arthritis is a disease based on joint inflammation. Arthritis can be caused by infections, autoimmune processes, reactions to another disease, or joint damage.
  2. Arthrosis is the destruction of joints due to insufficient nutrition and excessive stress.

Post-traumatic complications also occur in the form of one of these pathological processes. Acute injuries lead to joint inflammation, chronic injuries lead to gradual destruction or degeneration of the joint. In old age or in the case of predisposing factors, these processes occur in parallel, worsening the situation.


What should a person with knee pain do? He goes to a general practitioner, rheumatologist or orthopedist for treatment. If changes in the joints are not too pronounced, physical therapy may be the main treatment method. Traditional physical therapy uses heat on sore knees. Does this make sense?

Knees do not always hurt only because of inflammation of the joint or periarticular tissues. A frequent accompaniment of such diseases is muscle tension, which aggravates the pain. Exposure to heat relieves muscle spasms, and the intensity of pain is noticeably reduced. In addition, the thermal effect acts as a distracting factor and serves as an additional analgesic.

Thermal treatments for arthritis

Does heat cure joint inflammation? Any inflammatory process itself causes the production of heat in the affected organ. This happens due to increased blood flow and at the beginning of the disease it has a protective character. Increased blood flow means adequate nutrition, detoxification, and a busy immune system.

But then pathological mechanisms come into play, and hyperproduction of heat causes a local increase in temperature and redness of the joint. Increased blood flow leads to swelling, which increases pain and impairs joint mobility.

Heat physical therapy can relieve arthritis symptoms but prolong recovery.

Excessive heat during inflammation of the joints leads to a pronounced exacerbation of the process.

Thermal procedures for arthrosis

Since the main pathological process in arthrosis is dystrophy or malnutrition of the joint, it is impossible to cure it with heat. No amount of heating of the knees can increase blood flow in the muscles to such an extent as to restore its normal nutrition. This is especially true for situations where joint destruction has gone too far.

But thermal physiotherapy can alleviate the suffering of a person whose knees hurt. The mechanism of its action will be similar to that of arthritis.

Thanks to pain reduction, classical physiotherapy methods are popular among patients and doctors. But their effect is usually short-lived. And the person again faces the question: “What to do?”

Cold physiotherapy

Dr. Bubnovsky offers the opposite method of treating inflamed joints - cold therapy. Increased blood flow in the midst of inflammation carries not only nutrition and protective cells, but also damaging substances and stimulates pain receptors.

By treating a sore joint with cold, you can reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and slow it down. Cold does not eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but breaks pathological chains, promoting rapid recovery.

When exposed to cold, the blood vessels narrow, the release of inflammatory fluid into the intercellular space stops, and the swelling of the joint decreases. This leads to two positive effects:

  1. The range of motion in the knee is restored.
  2. The pain decreases, since the swollen tissues no longer compress the joint.

Cold exposure in medicine has been known for a long time, but many doctors are still afraid to treat sore joints with cold, so as not to worsen the situation. And this often happens when people begin to self-medicate. Cold physiotherapy should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.


Physical therapy in traditional medicine receives less attention than it deserves. And the exact exercises that are indicated for diseases of the knee joints are not always prescribed. Sometimes, when performing therapeutic exercises, unpleasant sensations arise that force patients to abandon further exercise.

But it is important to understand that a set of exercises must be done constantly. Routine gymnastics, even with a small load, can sometimes bring more benefits than expensive medications.

The method of treating the musculoskeletal system with movement is called kinesitherapy. And it is this option of physical therapy that Dr. Bubnovsky offers for the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis of the knee joints.

Therapeutic gymnastics by Sergei Bubnovsky

According to the method of Sergei Bubnovsky, exercises for diseases of the knee joints are performed on a special MTB or MTB-1 simulator. But you can do therapeutic exercises at home.

To do this, you need to purchase a rubber shock absorber. One end of it is securely attached to a furniture leg or on the wall, and the second - in the form of a loop - is put on the shin, in its lower part. To avoid unpleasant sensations, it is better to do gymnastics in thick socks.

Strength exercises

The purpose of strength exercises is to work the muscles hard. At the same time, blood circulation in them increases, nutrition of muscles and joints improves, and drainage function is restored.

Strength exercises according to Dr. Bubnovsky’s method are represented by the following complex:

  1. Starting position: lying on your stomach. The rubber shock absorber is pulled by the foot until the knee is fully bent.
  2. Position – standing. If you need to use two joints, exercises should be done lying on your stomach. The task is to straighten the leg at the knee joint with a rubber shock absorber, which is held by the hand.
  3. Position – standing, shock absorber held by hand. The task is to bend the leg at the knee with the traction of the rubber shock absorber. It is important to do the exercise so that your heel touches your buttocks. Performed alternately for each leg.
  4. Position – sitting sideways to the support. The shock absorber is fixed to it. The straight leg is first adducted and then abducted to the side as much as possible. The second leg can be bent. When performing these exercises, you may experience pain on the inside of your knee. The legs alternate.
  5. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but in this situation the leg is moved to the side as much as possible, stretching the shock absorber. Pain may be felt on the outside of the knee.
  6. Position – on your back, lying down. It is necessary to perform the press with shock absorber traction with one or two legs.

Decompression exercises

In order to restore normal joint function, it is not enough to do strength exercises alone. It is important to strengthen the drainage function of the joint and improve blood circulation in its structures. Exercises that create conditions for unloading the joints are called decompression.

They are performed as follows:

  1. Position – standing on all fours with the rubber shock absorber stretched. The goal is to bring the hip forward as much as possible. The movement should be sharp.
  2. Position – lying on your back. The shock absorber is attached to the support as high as possible, and the other end to the shin. The task is to touch the heel to the floor. The exercise must be done without bending your legs.
  3. The position is the same as for the second exercise. However, the leg is held by the hands and bent at the knee. The task is to touch the heel to the buttocks.
  4. The exercise is similar to the second, only performed on the side.
  5. Position – on your back as far as possible from the support. The task is to bend your leg at the knee and bring your thigh to your stomach.
  6. Position – on the side. The shock absorber is fixed on the leg that is higher. The goal is to bring your knee forward so that it touches the floor in front of your stomach.

When performing strength and decompression exercises, pain in the muscles and crunching in the joints are possible. This is not a contraindication to physical therapy using the method of Sergei Bubnovsky.

Kinesitherapy, like any other treatment method, is not a panacea for joint diseases. Movement therapy can be very effective with the right approach, but in severe cases of arthrosis, endoprosthetics cannot be avoided.

Treatment of joint diseases should be rational and comprehensive, using the most appropriate methods in each specific case.

Source: medovet.com


No matter how old a person is, no matter what kind of work he does, what kind of sport he enjoys, there is absolutely no guarantee that he will remain healthy until old age.

At the same time, sometimes people’s carelessness regarding their health is amazing. A person will endure until the last moment and only when he can no longer get out of bed, only then consult a doctor. And this happens all the time.

If you ask an ordinary passerby whether he has ever felt knee pain in his life, he will most likely answer positively. But whether he took any measures to eliminate the disease, the answer is negative.

But because everyone's knees hurt. And this is one of the most common answers.

A person agrees to endure pain if others feel this pain and also suffer.

But this is a fundamentally wrong way to pose the question. Indeed, in most cases, a person leads an inactive lifestyle because of this, and pain appears. The knee joint does not perform its function. And as a result, the person cannot walk.

Yes, there are cases when problems with the knee joint arose after an injury, and in this case it is very important not to make mistakes in tactics and not rely on the fact that everything will recover on its own.

The knee joint is one of the most important and largest joints in the human body; it is thanks to it that a person can take a step and raise his leg. It is thanks to the knee joint, or rather the muscles and tendons, that a person can rotate his leg in three planes.

It is this joint that is constantly subject to great physical stress, and as a result, problems often arise in its functioning. Wear, overload, injuries - this is a small list of what patients complain about when they come to the doctor for an examination.

It is worth recalling that diseases in the knee joint arise due to a person’s lack of mobility in everyday life. With an inactive lifestyle, the blood supply to the knee joint is very small, which in turn also negatively affects the functioning of the joint.

If the capillary network does not provide oxygen and nutrients to the knee joint, then pain quickly occurs when the leg muscles become weak, blood flow weakens and poor nutrition of the joint. Next comes arthritis, arthrosis, which manifests itself through constant pain, which can develop into tissue changes and disability. However, do not forget that knee pain can be a symptom of hip disease. That is why, when treating a knee joint, it is imperative to diagnose the hip joints.

To prevent this from happening, the knee joint must be well nourished. Nutrition of avascular cartilage is carried out through the capillary network. When moving under the weight of the body, the articular cartilage of the lower extremities is compressed like a sponge, and unused tissue fluid is squeezed out of it. When unloading, the pressure in the cartilage drops, and the cartilage, like a sponge, freed from pressure, expands, and absorbs fresh, nutrient-rich tissue fluid. Thus, with every step, the cartilage is nourished. The intensity of metabolic processes in the joint cavity also depends on the blood supply to the periarticular (periarticular) tissues - muscles and ligaments, as well as on the state of capillary blood flow, which depends on the motor activity of the joint. From here the meaning of the phrase becomes clear: “ Movement for a joint is life" Of course, in the case of a healthy joint.

But if there is no full movement, then illness and pain develop.

  • Pain in the knee joint occurs: due to injury (damage to cartilage, tendons, periarticular bursae)
  • in case of joint mobility impairment
  • for inflammation
  • arthritis
  • arthrosis
  • during overloads
  • osteoarthritis
  • Osgood-Spatter
  • Baker's cyst
  • muscle failure
  • infections, etc.

There are many more diseases and each of them deserves a separate article. But all diseases of the knee joint can be united under one slogan; they all arose due to human laziness or incorrect tactics.

Based on the fact that the human body is a complex mechanism in which most of the processes occur under the influence of stress and physical activity, then the human body needs to be treated with movement. Modern kinesitherapy does just that.

Each individual disease in most cases occurs due to insufficient nutrition of the joint, and nutrition is not found due to weak muscles. And in order to restore nutrition, you need to return strength to the muscles, then the health of the knee joint will return.

At the Dr. Bubnovsky Center, the knee joint is treated through exercises performed on an MTB simulator in decompression mode (that is, without friction in the joint and axial load).

There are 20 mandatory exercises that must be performed correctly to restore the functioning of the knee joint; they are described in the author’s book “Knees Hurt - What to Do?”, but each exercise, their order and the weight of the burden are selected individually for each patient. An analogue of MTB exercises are exercises with rubber shock absorbers. Most exercises for knee rehabilitation should be performed with 15-20 repetitions in one series. These exercises should be performed fairly easily for the first two to three weeks, that is, without excessive force when stretching the rubber shock absorber. With each cycle of exercises (12), the number of shock absorbers can be increased, following an increase in leg strength. You should not stomp on one effort. It is necessary to feel some discomfort during tension, that is, to overcome it. But there is no need to rush to increase the number of shock absorbers.

Exercises can be divided into several groups:

The first group of exercises is strength;

The second group of exercises is decompression, that is, when they are performed, the articular surfaces do not rub against each other.

It is important to remember that before any independent work, you need the help of qualified specialists. If your knees hurt or their function is limited, if you want to prevent the destruction of joints or restore them after an injury, consult a kinesiotherapist to select an individual exercise program according to the method of Prof. Doctor of Medical Sciences S.M. Bubnovsky. An instructor-methodologist will help you master the correct technique for performing them. The main thing is to choose the right path to restore health to your joints, and not just drown out the pain with a pill! Modern kinesitherapy methods will definitely help you! After all, it is much easier to do exercises regularly than to walk using crutches.

One of the most common joint diseases in the world is arthrosis. At the age of 45, up to 15% of the population suffers from it; at the age of sixty, every third person suffers from this disease, and at the age of seventy, every second person suffers from this disease. Of course, there are exceptions, such as herbs, which can become a provoking factor in the development of arthrosis at a young age.

Arthrosis is one of many diseases that inevitably overtake the older part of the population.

Pain in the joints occurs during movement, but at rest it is practically not bothersome. As a rule, painkillers are ineffective. Various warming ointments, compresses and mud help best. Blood tests usually show no visible changes. The disease can be detected using X-rays or MRI.

Arthrosis is characterized by dystrophic damage to the cartilage tissue of the joint. With age or as a result of injury, the amount of fluid in the core of the intervertebral discs decreases, due to which the elasticity and mobility of the joints decreases. Arthrosis most often affects the knee and hip joints. You can often find arthrosis of the big toe. A knee with arthrosis often makes itself felt by pain while walking or squatting.

Effective treatment of arthrosis

The approach to treating this joint disease should be comprehensive. First of all, you need to contact the clinic at the first manifestations of the disease. Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Many symptoms of arthrosis are similar to those of other joint diseases, but the causes of their occurrence and treatment are very different from each other. Therefore, self-medication can not only be useless, but also have a negative impact on the course of the disease.

Only a doctor can prescribe a set of measures including drug treatment, physiotherapy, diet and physical therapy, which can stop the further development of arthrosis. Since treatment is most effective in the early stages of the disease, it is advisable to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of a knee joint disease.

The importance of physical activity for arthrosis

One of the aids in the treatment of arthrosis is therapeutic exercises. One of its main principles is “do no harm”! Depending on the stage of the disease, a set of exercises is formed. In the early stages of the disease, vigorous movements are an excellent way to improve joint mobility and increase blood flow.

If the joint has already begun to deteriorate, then vigorous exercise can only worsen the patient’s condition. Therefore, before starting a complex for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint, it is necessary to consult a competent specialist.

A physical therapy trainer selects an individual set of exercises that can help you and will not harm your joints. For the acute period of the disease, exercises are selected aimed at improving lymph flow, blood supply to the joint, relaxing the muscles around it and reducing pain.

During the remission stage, the emphasis is on strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the joint and restoring its functions.

Rules for performing physical therapy

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint is based on three principles - caution, regularity and gradualness. It is recommended to perform all exercises either sitting or lying down. There should be no vigorous exercises “through pain” in a complex. The load increases gradually, as does the range of movements.

The duration of the exercises should be a few seconds, but they must be repeated several times a day. One of the main principles of performing any treatment complex is the regularity of its implementation. Exercises from time to time not only do not bring results, but can also have the opposite effect, causing an exacerbation of the disease.

Exercises for the knee joint

All exercises for therapeutic effects do not tolerate sudden movements and are performed smoothly and slowly:

  • Lying on your back with straight legs, stretch your heels without stretching your toes. This exercise relieves muscle tension well and also helps improve metabolic processes in the knee joint;
  • Lying on your back, extend your arms along your body. Raise your straight legs alternately 15 cm from the floor. The back and lower back are pressed tightly to the floor;
  • Lying on your back, arms along your body. Raise the leg bent at the knee to the stomach one by one;
  • Exercise "bicycle";
  • Lying on your back, perform swings with straight legs at a height of 20 cm from the floor in a horizontal plane;
  • Lying on your side, lift the upper leg to a small height. The lower leg is bent at the knee. Perform on different sides;
  • Lying on your stomach, arms along your body. Perform alternate bending of the legs at the knees;
  • Lying on your stomach, arms along your body. Perform lifts with a straight leg to a height of 15-20 cm from the floor, with the toe facing toward you. In this exercise, it is important that the pelvis and chest are pressed tightly to the floor, and the lifting is accomplished by tensing the thigh muscles;
  • While sitting on a chair, perform relaxed swings of the leg, bending and straightening the knee joint.

Static exercises for the knee joint

These exercises are performed several times at intervals of ten seconds:

  • Sitting on a chair, raise your leg, straightening it at the knee joint and hold for up to 30 seconds. Then perform the exercise with the other leg;
  • Standing at the back of a chair, rise on your tiptoes and stand for up to 60 seconds. After doing this exercise several times, you can repeat it in a dynamic version;
  • Standing at the back of a chair, lean on your heels and hold out for up to 60 seconds. It is recommended to carry out this exercise in a dynamic version, that is, change positions more quickly;
  • Standing at the back of a chair, perform smooth transitions from “heel” to “toe”, as if in smooth wave movements, forcing the blood to rise more actively to the knee joint.


After completing a therapeutic set of exercises, it is recommended to perform self-massage of the thighs, its front and side surfaces. It is performed for three to five minutes by vigorous rubbing from bottom to top, from the knee to the groin. It should be “warm” and comfortable. No pain is allowed.

Recommendations from nutritionists for patients with arthrosis of the knee joints

One of the factors contributing to the development of arthrosis is excess weight. Losing body weight has a beneficial effect on the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joints. However, reducing the patient's weight alone cannot cure arthrosis.

A balanced diet must be included in the complex of therapeutic measures. Patients with arthrosis should include as many fruits and vegetables in their diet as possible. Among the fats, vegetable oils should predominate, for example, olive, sesame and butter in small quantities. As for meat, preference should be given to chicken, turkey and veal. Any fish is recommended, but not fried.

Particular attention should be paid to lactic acid products, especially cottage cheese and natural yogurt. Buckwheat is the best cereal. Only whole grain baked goods can be consumed.
Much attention is paid to the complex of vitamins that should be consumed by everyone suffering from arthrosis. In addition to chondroprotectors, it is necessary to consume a complex of B vitamins. All this can be selected for you by your attending physician, in accordance with your stage of the disease, your physical condition and preferences.

Video - Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint

A set of physical therapy exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint

With gonarthrosis, degenerative changes in the articular cartilage occur with painful manifestations and a decrease in the functionality of joint mobility. The process of pathological changes in cartilage is irreversible, but to prevent further undesirable consequences and emerging complications, a set of special treatment measures is provided.

Therapeutic gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint, supplemented by massage, allows you to stop the process of damage to the structure of cartilage tissue and maintain the amount of physical activity necessary to maintain a satisfactory quality of life. It should be remembered that physical education should not be traumatic and is not recommended if there are individual contraindications. The effectiveness of the positive effects of treatment and preventive procedures in the early stages of the disease is significantly higher.

Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint.

Physical exercises are performed mainly in sitting and lying positions to minimize the traumatic load on the joint. The set of exercises should be performed with a gradual increase in load, avoiding sudden pain. It is necessary to focus on the condition of the diseased joint. Correctly distributed load, after gymnastics and self-massage, will be manifested by the restoration of all usual joint movements 25-30 minutes after completion of classes.

Therapeutic exercise is performed by alternating each exercise (starting with 5 repetitions and gradually increasing up to 20 times). Charging should be done regularly: 20 minutes three times a day.

  1. While lying on your back, you should bend both legs at the knee and hip joint at the same time. Carry out movements: alternately bending and then straightening your legs.
  2. Pose by lying on your back and stretching your legs. The knee of one leg should be bent and the foot slightly raised above the surface, fixing the position for 5 seconds. Change the exercised leg.
  3. Without changing your position, raise one leg, bending at the knee joint. Perform movements - bending and then straightening the leg. Perform the exercise with each leg in turn.
  4. The basic starting pose remains the same. Bend your leg and fix it for a few seconds in a bent position, pressing it to your body, followed by relaxation and return to its original starting position. Repeat with alternating legs.
  5. Without changing the starting position, lift the straight leg to a height of about 30 cm (from the heel to the surface) and hold the leg for 5-8 seconds. Repeat alternately with both legs.
  6. Continue lying on your back and perform the leg rotation exercise – “bicycle”. It is necessary to maintain the pace: from slow to faster.
  7. Roll over onto your stomach, then bend one leg at the knee, while trying to reach your buttocks with your heel. Perform by alternating legs.
  8. Sit on a chair and raise your leg with your foot straight to a position parallel to the floor and hold for 3-5 seconds until a certain tension is achieved in the muscles of the thigh and lower leg. Perform with each leg alternately.
  9. Stand behind a chair and grab the back of it with your hands. Move each leg to the side one by one, repeating the movement several times.
  10. Turn sideways to the chair, leaning on the back of the chair with one hand and giving your body a stable position. Perform repeated swinging movements of each leg forward and backward.
  11. Sit on a chair or suitable cabinet (a certain height is required) and dangle your relaxed legs. The exercise is recommended to be performed more frequently every day.

Treatment according to Bubnovsky

Among the various treatment methods, a special place is occupied by the author's treatment system, developed and patented by Doctor of Medical Sciences. CM. Bubnovsky. The essence of the method is therapy without drugs, using physical exercises and movements that have a therapeutic effect (kinesiotherapy - movement treatment), and physiotherapy.

Kinesiotherapy is based on the study and practical use of deep knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, human psychology and pedagogy in the treatment process. Gonarthrosis, in this scientific direction of research, is considered as a disease caused by processes associated with insufficient blood supply, muscle wasting, and loss of joint fluid. By compensating and restoring the changes that have occurred, it is possible to achieve psychophysiological normalization of the patient’s condition and create comfortable life sensations from an improved quality of life.

To compile the most adapted set of exercises in each case, depending on the severity of the disease and clinical manifestations, the selection of an individual treatment plan is provided. This technique eliminates the use of warming ointments (gels). To relieve pain, the joint is cooled by exposure to cold water or ice during treatment procedures.

By improving the developed exercises, consolidating the positive results and using the accumulated knowledge, the idea of ​​​​creating therapeutic MTB simulators (MTB - Bubnovsky multifunctional simulator) was implemented. This type of exercise machine can be used at home.

Using massage as an addition to exercise therapy

A professional massage treatment course can only be carried out by a specialist with special medical training. Massage helps to activate microprocesses in the tissues adjacent to the joint: increase capillary blood flow, stimulate cellular metabolic processes, improve nutrition of damaged cartilage structures.

You can perform self-massage quite successfully - it has a significant auxiliary therapeutic effect. Massage movements are performed on your own using stroking and rubbing movements. Massaging passes are applied successively to the area of ​​both knee joints (healthy and sick).

The progress of self-massage is represented by the following sequential stages:

  1. Assume a sitting position in bed with one leg extended horizontally on the bed and the other leg relaxed and lowered.
  2. On the leg that is on the bed, the hands are placed below and above close to the joint, with the right hand on top of the joint and the left hand below.
  3. Stroking back-and-forth movements are carried out.
  4. Move your hands to both sides of the knee joint and use your fingers to perform active rubbing movements up and down relative to the leg.
  5. Next, similar rubbing movements of the lateral periarticular surfaces are performed with the palmar surfaces of the hands.
  6. Having assumed a supporting position for the thumbs at the top of the joint, the remaining fingers make intense rotational and circular movements along the sides of the joint.
  7. Without changing the disposition of the hands, kneading movements (with displacement of skin areas) are carried out with three fingers (index, middle, ring) of both hands.
  8. Carry out final stroking movements on the joint with the palms of both hands.

The duration of the procedure should be at least 15 minutes. In the case of 2-3 times repetition during the day, you can proceed from the 10-minute duration of each session.

Predicted treatment results

In all cases, subject to systematic procedures, as a result of the use of physical therapy and self-massage, the following positive changes are noted:

  • nutrition of joint elements and adjacent tissues improves;
  • pain syndrome is relieved;
  • motor functional indicators of the joint improve;
  • the amplitude of performed movements increases;
  • the structure of cartilage tissue improves;
  • relapses of the disease are prevented.


Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis are designed to improve joint mobility by unlocking it. If you do it daily, the degenerative process can be preserved for a long time or even lead to its retreat. Our topic today is exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint.

Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint is designed to strengthen the muscles around the joint

Therapeutic exercises for knee arthrosis

To understand what joint blocking is, let us remember that it is not for nothing that arthrosis is called deforming:

  • Destruction of hyaline cartilage is accompanied by simultaneous thickening of the subchondral bone
  • In the later stages, hard calcium growths – osteophytes – appear on the destroyed cartilage surface.

Osteophytes of the joints play a protective role: if they were not formed, the head of the bone would completely collapse.

The negative role of osteophytes is precisely in blocking the joint, which ceases to move and rotate freely.

Prescription of exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint

Physical exercise, massage, manual therapy - this is a set of measures that can restrain joint calcification, partially breaking it down

However, what should be the therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint?

Many patients make the serious mistake of trying to put as much stress on their sore knee as possible by squatting up to a hundred times a day. Imagine that you suddenly start driving a car with a worn-out chassis over long distances. What can happen? That's right - the car will most likely break down. But this would not happen if you replaced individual parts, which would improve driving performance.

In our case, the role of such repairs will be played by correctly selected exercise therapy.

We do not yet plan to replace individual parts of our ODS, but it is within our power to strengthen them.

Strengthening the periarticular muscles and ligaments will strengthen the bone joints themselves and the “walking”, that is, the motor functions of our musculoskeletal system.

Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint is thus intended not for the joint itself, but for the femoral and tibia muscles.

Along the way, the back muscles, pelvic, gluteal, extensor muscles of the toes, etc. will be involved.

Video: Gymnastics for arthrosis

Requirements for therapeutic exercises

Gymnastics cannot be done:

  • with increased arterial or intracranial pressure
  • on critical days
  • at elevated temperature
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • immediately after operations
  • for serious cardiovascular diseases

If your knees hurt a lot, then you need to start exercises with static exercises.

Static exercise creates stress on the muscles and ligaments, leaving the joint itself motionless

Examples of static exercises for the knee

You can perform them standing, sitting, lying down. Only squats are excluded.

Static exercises for gonarthrosis should be performed while maintaining the immobility of the knee joint

  1. Straight leg raises: The exercise can be performed while sitting on a chair (on the floor), lying on your back, on your stomach, or on your side. It is important to use all of these positions to develop the joint in all directions.
    • We alternately raise one leg and then the other:
      • the leg should be straight at the knee
      • the height of the leg lift can be either large or up to 20 cm - it’s all the same
    • The essence of the exercise is to hold the leg in an elevated position for some time:
      start with 10-15 seconds, then gradually increase the time you raise your leg to 30 seconds or more
    • Tension should be felt in the muscles of the thighs and lower legs
    • Slowly lower your leg and relax it for a few seconds.
    • We produce ten such lifts in total.
    • The rhythm of movements should coincide with breathing:
      • on the way up we take a breath
      • while holding the leg - holding the breath
      • lowering down, exhale
    • You can use a more dynamic version of the exercises:
      • Hold the leg at the lifting point - one to two seconds
      • You still need to lower your leg slowly and smoothly
  2. Bent leg raises: These lifts can also be performed in any position.
    • Bend the leg at the knee at an angle of 90˚
    • Raise the hip without changing the angle of the bent leg
    • We hold the leg in the same way as described in the first exercise.
    • Lowering your leg, relaxing
    • Repeat 10 times
    • In the dynamic version we reduce the time the leg is held
  3. Foot rotation
    • In a sitting or lying position, place your legs at a distance of the length of your feet
    • Turn your feet outward and hold them with muscle tension
    • Align your feet and relax
    • Now turn your feet inward until your big toes touch.
    • We also linger in this position and then return back
    • The exercise can be performed with both straightened and bent knees
  4. Emphasis on the toe or heel: The exercise is usually performed while standing, but for elderly and weak patients a sitting option can be recommended.
    • We rise on tiptoes, holding on to the back of the chair
    • We hold this for up to one minute.
    • Slowly sinking to our heels
    • Now we place the emphasis on the heels, and lift the toes of the feet and pull them towards us
    • Slowly lowering ourselves onto our toes
    • We make rolls:
      • One foot with emphasis on the toe, the other on the heel
      • Then we change the position of the legs
      • Try not to bend your knees

At the end of the gymnastics, it is advisable to massage the front and side surfaces of the thighs, starting from the knee to the groin.

Exercises for knee arthrosis can be combined with massage

Dynamic gymnastics for joints

When the pain has passed, you can begin more active gymnastics. This does not mean that you immediately need to run, jump or squat: start with simple exercises, combining them with knee massage.

Video: Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint for the elderly


Examples of dynamic exercises for gonarthrosis

  • While sitting or lying down, slowly bend and straighten the right and left legs alternately, without lifting the feet from the floor
    At the same time, you can stretch your knee with your hands
  • Bend and straighten with your feet off the floor
    You can support your knee with your hands
  • Pull the bent knee up with your hands
    Lowering the leg, straightening it
  • Sitting on a chair, leaning on the back
    • Legs straightened, with emphasis on the heels, hands holding on to the seat
    • We tilt our torso towards our knees, simultaneously bending our knees and lowering our feet to the floor.
  • We step forward and backward in a sitting position:
    two or three steps forward and the same amount back
  • We roll from toe to heel, while the knee joint moves and bends freely
  • Lying on your back, with your legs bent, perform the “bicycle” movement.

Warming ointments for arthrosis improve the effect of therapeutic exercises.

They can be rubbed into the surface of the knee directly during exercise, combining them with a massage.

To prevent gonarthrosis, as well as during remission, you can use the exercise therapy complex given in the video below.

Dynamic movements are aimed at mobilizing the knee joint

Video: Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint

Gymnastics works wonders for arthrosis of the knee joint.

Such a complex disease as arthrosis of the knee joint requires an integrated approach. Among various treatment methods, therapeutic exercises play an important role. It improves metabolism in the joint and in the limb as a whole, helps increase overall muscle tone, and serves as a prevention of contracture (incomplete flexion and extension of the joint).

To maintain the functionality of joints, it is necessary to perform a set of physical exercises aimed at strengthening the peri-cartilaginous muscles and ligaments. Class time should be 30-40 minutes a day, and this time should be divided into several segments of 10-15 minutes. When performing exercises, a balance must be maintained between the state of rest and the time of stress on the joints. Many people need to rest joints affected by arthrosis every 4-5 hours, this is necessary for the regeneration of joint cartilage. Perform the exercises smoothly, increasing the range of movements gradually. When doing exercises, focus on the sore joint, imagine how blood flows to the knee and the joint is restored.

First of all, you should exercise every day, several times a day! This alone is often sufficient to significantly slow down the progression of the disease. Shoes should be comfortable, and it is advisable to have special orthopedic insoles inserted into them. It is necessary to use devices to unload the joints - knee pads, instep supports.


If you perform these exercises every morning 5-10 times every other day, your joints will be much more mobile.

In a lying position:

  • I stretch my arms along my body, pull my toes towards me, then pull my toes back;
  • hands to shoulders, elbows forward, spreading elbows to the sides - inhale, bringing them together - exhale;
  • arms along the body, alternately moving the left and right legs to the side and back;
  • hands to shoulders, perform circular movements with bent arms back and forth;
  • my arms are spread to the sides, I turn my body first to the right and then to the left.

Lying on your side:

  • I bend and straighten my legs at the knees;
  • I slowly move my leg to the side and return it back;
  • I bend and unbend the leg that is on top.

Lying on your stomach:

  • I alternately raise and lower my legs low;
  • I move my legs as if swimming in water.

It is very important to conduct the first gymnastics session in the morning, before a person gets to his feet and starts walking. Then the exercises should be performed three more times a day. After the evening session, it is recommended to apply a semi-alcoholic warming compress to the sore joint. And before going to bed, take a warm (36-36.5°) pine bath. This will serve as a home treatment package.


To treat arthrosis of the knee joint, walking on your knees is used - you need to take 400 steps on them. At first it will be painful and you will hardly be able to do the required amount, but over time it will become easier and you will be able to.

Exercises in water

Exercises in the pool are most preferable for those who experience pain while exercising under normal conditions. Training in water has its own favorable features. Firstly, it reduces body weight and, accordingly, the load on the joint, which makes it easier to perform exercises. Secondly, thanks to movements in the water, hydromassage of the skin and blood vessels is carried out, which has a beneficial effect on the joints and the body as a whole. For arthrosis of the knee joints, any exercises in water that involve bending your knees will be useful.


Types of physical activity such as running, jumping, squatting, lifting and carrying heavy objects should be excluded. It is necessary to limit fast and long walking, especially on uneven terrain, climbing uphill, walking up stairs, staying in one position for a long time - standing, sitting, squatting. It is also very important to normalize body weight - this will help reduce the risk of disease progression.

Real life experience

From 2003 to 2009, he was treated according to traditional medicine and ended up with stage 3 deforming arthrosis. He could barely walk on crutches, his knees and right foot were swollen. To somehow relieve the pain, I had to take furosemide half a tablet 3 times a week, bypassing the doctors’ advice. As a result, the attending physician refused treatment! I have a problem with my kidney, so all medications were contraindicated, because... Kidneys may fail. I did exercises without load for 3 years and there was a slow improvement. A year ago, my arthrosis deformans moved from stage 3 to stage 1. Now I can spend the whole day on my feet. Walking on hard things on your knees is still painful. I don’t take any medications other than half an aspirin tablet or a Citromon tablet. Therapeutic exercises without load 4 types of exercises for 2 hours a day. Plus a hot bath and massage. And this despite the fact that the arthrologist at the regional hospital said that at my age it is impossible to cure. It turns out it's possible. I realized that all non-steroidal drugs (including Aflutop, Teraflex) help for a certain time, but then they don’t help and the disease develops. You need to do gymnastics as much as possible per day, then you will see results.

I think that this positive experience will give you great incentive in the fight against your illness.


Physical therapy (physical therapy) for arthrosis of the knee joint

Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint is one of the main methods of treatment. She helps:

  • Maintain normal joint mobility.
  • Increase muscle strength and flexibility.
  • Control your weight.
  • Increase the performance of the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system).

A set of exercise therapy exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint:

  1. Lying on your back, bend and straighten your knees. Do the exercise 10 repetitions.
  2. Place a rolled-up towel under the knee hole. Straining the anterior thigh muscles, press your knee onto the towel and hold this position for 5 seconds. Do the exercise 10 repetitions.
  3. The exercise must be performed standing in front of a chair. Hold the table with one hand, grab the outer surface of the foot with the other, and bend the leg at the knee as much as possible. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Do 4 reps.
  4. The exercise is performed standing. Place the heel of your foot on a step or chair, your back straight, your knee as straight as possible. We tilt the body forward all the way, do not bend the leg at the knee! Stay in this position for 15 seconds. Do 4 reps. The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the hamstrings.
  5. The exercise is performed standing. Place your hands against the wall, bend one leg at the knee, the other (sick) leg is in front, straightened, located behind. Carefully lunge forward without lifting your heels off the ground. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Do 4 repetitions. The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the popliteus muscle.
  6. This exercise must be performed lying on your back. A cushion is placed under the knee area. The leg is relaxed. Slowly straighten your knee as far as possible. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Do 4 repetitions. The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the popliteal muscle.
  7. The exercise is performed while sitting. The leg is bent at the knee, the angle is approximately 45 degrees. Press your heel onto the floor and hold this position for 5 seconds. Do 10 repetitions.

For patients diagnosed with arthrosis of the knee joint, therapeutic exercises allow them to maintain a full range of motion.

Physical education for arthrosis of the knee joint

Complexes of physical exercises should be performed three times a week, preferably every other day, so that the muscles have time to recover. The number of repetitions gradually increases. To perform the exercises you will need an expander and a Swiss ball.

  1. The exercise is performed while sitting on a chair. One end of the expander is fixed on the chair leg, the other on the ankle of the leg being trained. The back is straight. Slowly straighten the knee by tensing the anterior thigh muscle. We start with 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
  2. The exercise is performed while lying on your stomach. One end of the expander is securely fixed, the other on the ankle of the trained leg. Slowly bend your leg at the knee. We start with 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
  3. The exercise is performed standing. We place the ball between the wall and the back, pressing it, thereby fixing it. Feet shoulder width apart. Slowly we begin to squat, keeping our back straight. We start with 3 sets of 10 repetitions.


Yoga for arthrosis of the knee joint is the best option for daily help for your body. To begin, the patient should consult with the attending physician. An individual selection of a set of exercises tailored to your condition is considered optimal.


Massage is one of the most effective methods of treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Massage is prescribed for arthrosis of the knee joint to reduce symptoms and improve the course of the disease. As a result of this treatment, blood circulation improves, muscle tone increases, flexibility and pain relief.

Exercise and rest are very important for people with this condition. Doctors almost always recommend running for arthrosis of the knee joint. But before running, the patient must accustom his body to daily exercises to increase endurance. First you need to get used to walking at a speed of 5 km/h or more. Such walks should last at least 30 minutes. Gradually the pace and time increases.

Conscientious and systematic implementation of all recommendations (physical therapy, massage, gymnastics) for arthrosis of the knee joint will help slow down the progression of the disease and maintain a normal lifestyle.

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint - the best physical education

The positive effect of gymnastics on the knee joint This physical exercise improves blood circulation in the knee joint. Due to this, inflammation is relieved and bone and cartilage tissue is restored. Any physical exercises performed with a certain frequency help improve overall tone, discipline and increase self-esteem. Immediately noticeable is that the range of motion increases and sleep improves.

can be performed from a sitting position

The exercises themselves do not take much time. It is best to do them in the morning, without jumping out of bed right away, but by stretching the joint, doing a light massage. Already during the day, if there is a suitable opportunity and the appropriate environment, you can use the video https://video.yandex.ru/users/idealbodyorg/view/123/, which shows basic exercises suitable for performing with arthrosis of the knee joint. All exercises are simple, accessible and do not require special equipment. You may just need a chair or an exercise ball.

Set of exercises

The largest set of exercises is in the lying position. This can be done in the morning in bed to relax the muscles and “disperse” the blood. But it’s better to move to a mat on the floor. Having thrown away all unnecessary thoughts, you need to focus on your joints and consistently perform the following exercises:

  • with straight legs, bend your feet with your toes towards you,
  • alternately lower and raise both legs at the hip joint,
  • from the starting position, when the leg is bent 90 degrees in weight, it straightens and bends again, then the same is done with the other leg,
  • from the same starting position, both legs bend and unbend alternately like a “bicycle”,
  • straight legs in weight are brought together and spread like “scissors”,
  • lying on your side on a bent supporting leg, raise and lower your upper straight leg,
  • alternately pull your leg towards you, bending the knee and without lifting your feet from the floor,
  • lying on your stomach, alternately bend and straighten your leg at the knee joint,
  • lying on your stomach, alternately raise and lower your straight legs,

After the exercises while lying down, you can move to a chair and perform several exercises while sitting:

  • Leaning your hands on a chair, quickly bend and straighten your knees,
  • Unbending the knee, straighten the leg and hold it over the canopy.

Exercises from a sitting position are good because they can be performed at work, without attracting special attention to yourself and without taking a long break from the work process. If arthrosis has not yet entered the stage of serious destruction, gymnastics for the knee joint allows you to perform the following exercise while standing. From a standing position, leaning on the back of a chair, we squat, lifting the heel off the floor.

scissors exercise

Rules for performing gymnastics for the knee joint

You should not start classes in full swing, no sudden movements. As soon as the slightest pain appears, exercise should be stopped. Each exercise is done slowly, but at full amplitude. The intensity with which gymnastics is performed for the knee joints is determined by the phase of arthrosis. It is best to repeat the exercises several times a day in short bursts.

It is very important to listen to your condition and choose a complex that is suitable for the moment of the disease. Starting with simple exercises, as you become more proficient, you can increase the load, but without Olympic zeal. Without systematically performing the exercises, you can’t expect any effect. There are certain requirements for what to do.

If almost any clothing fits, then the shoes must be special. To avoid damaging your foot, it is not recommended to exercise barefoot. Sneakers should have a rubber sole two to three centimeters thick. At the same time, it should be soft and elastic, but the top should preferably be leather.

exercise "bicycle"

Shoes should not be tight, otherwise blood circulation will be impaired and calluses may rub. To do this, there should be a free distance of one centimeter from the toe of the shoe to the tip of the big toe. Such shoes must have two instep supports for transverse and longitudinal support of the foot. If over time the pain subsides and you feel an improved general condition, then everything is being done correctly.

How does pathology manifest itself?

Arthrosis is a disease mainly of older people. This is the result of the fact that over time the cartilage becomes thinner, shock-absorbing properties are lost, pain occurs, and a cracking sound appears in the knee. Primary arthrosis occurs after an infection or injury in childhood. At first, such deformation does not cause any problems, but by the age of 45, the symptoms of arthrosis become fully apparent.

Other causes of arthrosis of the knee joint include varicose veins, excess body weight, and flat feet. It is important not to miss the onset of the disease itself, when it is possible to prolong the functionality of the knee as much as possible and prevent serious consequences. The first sign is pain in the inside of the joint, which is typical in the morning, but during the day the knee may not bother you at all. It is necessary to try to unload the knee joint.

It is not permissible to make efforts while overcoming pain. It is necessary to eliminate the causes that provoke unpleasant sensations, for this it is proposed:

  • weight loss,
  • maintaining a routine with long sleep and long walks,
  • massage and self-massage (but not the joint itself),
  • wearing special shoes with arch support,
  • refusal of a profession associated with microtraumas of the knee.

This entire complex and timely actions will allow you to avoid serious drug exposure, and sometimes surgical intervention. Realizing that it is impossible to cure arthrosis, you need to get used to the idea that you will have to change your lifestyle. As they say, saving a drowning person is the work of the drowning person himself. And with a diagnosis of arthrosis of the knee joint, special gymnastics will help you stay afloat.

It is necessary to take care of the strength and health of your knee joints so that your mobility does not decrease with age. We often take healthy knees for granted and fail to notice impending problems until everyday activities, such as lifting heavy objects or climbing down, become painful. Try following the steps below to strengthen your knees so you can stay active for as long as possible.


Part 1

Knee health

    Learn the basic anatomy of the knee. The knee is the largest joint in the entire human body. It is formed by the lower end of the femur, the upper end of the tibia, and the patella (kneecap). These bones are connected by ligaments and cartilage, including the meniscus, which acts as a shock absorber at the junction of the femur and tibia.

    Be aware of the most common knee injuries. The knee is one of the most stressed joints in the human body, making it susceptible to a variety of injuries. The more you know, the easier it will be to avoid situations that could lead to new injuries or aggravate existing ones.

    • The iliotibial band (IT) is a band of denser muscle tissue that runs from the hip joint to the knee joint on the outside of the leg. PBT helps maintain knee stability during physical activity. As a result of too much stress, it can become inflamed and cause pain (the so-called PBT syndrome). Runners, hikers, and physically active people often experience this type of injury.
    • The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is often injured while running, jumping, or landing poorly. Other ligaments can also be damaged.
    • The meniscus acts as a shock absorber that protects the knee from bone impacts and can be easily torn when turning, rotating, or braking.
  1. Learn how the knee is affected by other parts of the leg. The quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteal muscles act as stabilizers of the knee joints. It is important to keep these muscles in good shape to promote knee health and protect them from injury.

Part 2

Exercises to strengthen your knees

    Strengthen PBT. Before you begin your workout, spend some time stretching and warming up your PBT. This will help strengthen your knees.

    • Stand up, place your left foot in front of your right and raise your arms above your head. Bend your upper body to the left as much as possible without bending your knees. Then switch legs and repeat the same thing: place your right leg in front of your left and lean to the right.
    • Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. Place one leg on top of the other, bring your knee as close to your chest as possible and hold this position for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise with the second leg.
    • Before performing the main exercises, walk a little at a brisk pace to stretch and warm up your PBT.
  1. Perform recovery exercises after surgery. If you have had knee surgery or knee replacement, you may need special exercises and stretches to increase your range of motion. Ask your doctor when you can start stretching exercises after surgery. The following exercises are usually recommended:

    Train your quadriceps muscles. These muscles are located on the front of the thighs. Strong quadriceps muscles strengthen your legs and improve mobility. Do exercises to develop these muscles.

    Strengthen your hamstrings and the muscles that are located on the back of your thighs. Stretching these muscles daily and exercising them at least twice a week will help relieve knee pain and increase mobility.

    Strengthen your thighs and buttocks. The hip flexors and buttock muscles also play an important role and provide leg mobility. Strengthen these muscles to avoid putting too much stress on your knee joints. In addition, many exercises for the hips and buttocks also strengthen the hamstrings and muscles.

    Try doing restorative exercises that tone the muscles throughout your body. If you have weak leg muscles, this will also negatively affect the condition of your knees.

    • Yoga exercises are accompanied by low loads and increase the tone of the leg muscles.
    • Swimming is also a great and safe way to strengthen your legs and knees and increase their flexibility.
    • Walking and cycling keep your legs and knees toned and prepare them for more challenging activities.
  2. Be careful when performing jumps. Jumping, such as jumping rope, helps strengthen your leg muscles, but if done incorrectly, you can damage your knee. If you do decide to do such exercises, learn to do it correctly. When landing with straight legs, the knee joints experience high pressure, which can lead to injury. To prevent injury, land with your legs bent and your shins vertical. If you don't keep your shins vertical when landing, you can get injured - try not to jump in this situation.

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