A conspiracy to prevent a husband from living with his mistress. Lapel from a mistress

A strong conspiracy against the mistress will help to separate the husband from his mistress so that they hate each other, swear and quarrel. For this plot, you need to know the name of the homewrecker - this is enough for the mistress to become disgusted with your husband and quickly leave him alone. You need to read the text of the conspiracy near the church while standing on the street at the entrance to the temple. A prerequisite for a conspiracy against a mistress is to choose a time when the church service is over and the day does not fall on a major church holiday. Having chosen the moment, go to the temple and read words of a conspiracy against her husband's mistress who will quarrel them forever :

In a good hour, in a quick minute
I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed,
Praying to the holy images.
Angels fly to my call,
By their word my eyes see,
They look and notice everything.
I see the golden holy throne
Between three doors
The mother of mothers sits on it,
And the name of that mother is Eve.
And you are an old, seasoned wife,
And primordial strength has been given to you.
I pray to you with this power
Defeat my husband, God's servant (name),
With the servant of God (name), rival, break.
How can a fish not live on dry sand?
So that the servants of God (names)
Never be together.
Perch fish, crucian carp fish, carp fish,
How sick are you of the yellow sands?
So that you feel sick together
Servants of God (names).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Bow three times and, after reading the Our Father, enter the church. After the conspiracy, you need to light candles for the health of yourself, your husband and children, if you have any. The magic of the conspiracy will affect the rival on the same day and the lovers will begin to quarrel and swear until they are completely disgusted with each other. Reading a plot to make a husband forget his mistress once is enough and believe me, this is quite enough for the husband to leave his mistress and hate her for the rest of his life.

© Copyright: Magician


  • There is no need to search on Avito for how to get your husband back, use this surefire method. This quick plot to return your husband will help you quickly return your husband from your rival to your family with the help of magic. This is perhaps the fastest and surest method that works flawlessly and can definitely return an errant husband to his wife and children even after a divorce. A return plot against a husband should be read at home when the husband is at a distance and you don’t even know where exactly he is. You don’t even need this; the plot will work on your husband at any distance and will quickly make him return. For this conspiracy, neither candles nor photographs are needed; to get your husband back from his mistress you need his underwear - simply put, these are his underpants that he wore at least once.

  • If you don’t know how to get rid of your husband’s mistress forever, a plot to get rid of your husband’s mistress will solve this problem forever. If the husband went on a spree and does not show up at home or left the family for another woman, a strong conspiracy of the husband from his mistress will help, it is done at home and, of course, independently. There are many ways to get your husband back on your own and get rid of your mistress forever. Make this spell on your husband and it will help return your loved one to the family and restore the old relationship.

  • To remove a love spell, you need to turn away from your rival. If your beloved boyfriend, or even worse, your husband, has been bewitched and the family is collapsing, you urgently need to turn away from your rival. How to perform a lapel ritual yourself, but keep in mind that the magical ritual given below is very strong and requires special conditions, which in no case should be neglected. Prepare a church candle and a ritual knife with a wooden handle, which must be washed in the seven waters before cutting.

  • A spell from a rival on a piece of paper will forever help get rid of the homewrecker and remove the rival from your loved one - husband or man. In order for the rival to reject the man (husband) herself, at a distance from the lovers, an immediately effective conspiracy is made to get rid of the rival “a quarrel”. A conspiracy to get rid of a rival using paper and wind is a simple but at the same time the most powerful ritual that you can do yourself and get rid of your rival forever from a distance. A strong conspiracy against a homewrecker will not only help you get rid of your rival

  • An ancient ostuda conspiracy to eliminate a rival can be done if the name of the rival is unknown. A ritual to turn away from a rival is the best magical remedy for how to quickly and permanently eliminate a homewrecker and return your loved one to yourself. How to fight back and return your beloved man from your rival if you don’t know her name? When all known methods of persuasion have already been tried, but your rival still stubbornly stands in your way, holding the man near her, and you don’t even know what name your rival has and there is no photo of her. This strong conspiracy against a rival without the name of a homewrecker

  • The most powerful spell against a rival for a quarrel with a loved one works at a distance and helps to permanently eliminate the rival by forcing her to quarrel with your husband or man. A conspiracy against a rival, even without a photo, is effective immediately after reading. How to eliminate a rival from a distance, this conspiracy to quarrel with a rival, acting immediately and done without a photo of the rival, is the best way to use white magic without consequences and harm to preserve the family, love and relationship with a loved one, forever quarreling him with the emerging rival

  • Strong conspiracies to eliminate a rival will help remove the rival from a distance, once and for all pushing her away from her beloved man or husband. A conspiracy to eliminate a rival without her photo can be read at home to quickly remove the rival from your loved one. You can read the most effective plot to eliminate a rival from a distance to protect your spouse from infidelity. To cool a man’s sudden feelings for another woman, you need to read a strong plot to eliminate your rival by lock and key

  • A conspiracy that helps to get rid of a rival without knowing her name at a distance will work and will definitely help remove all rivals from your beloved man or husband using magic almost immediately after the ceremony. The most powerful conspiracy against a rival should be read on the street near the house where the man lives. If you need to break your husband’s connection with your rival, you need to read the plot near the house where you lived with your spouse. Proven and truly working conspiracies against rivals help women quickly eliminate their rival and return the man to themselves. Getting rid of a rival using magic

  • The best plot to make your rival fall behind and lose can be read independently at a distance from your rival in love affairs. The conspiracy against your rival will begin to take effect immediately upon completion of the ritual. You can’t even imagine how easy it is to eliminate your rival by saying a conspiracy and making her lose and your loved one switching to you. An ancient witchcraft plot against a rival, which helps to remove the rival with magic forever, has been read in Rus' for a long time. A conspiracy from a rival will definitely work at any distance. Don't waste time and start reading the plot on your rival

My husband has a mistress; they usually don’t know what to do in this case. This problem worries, of course, many women. Some ladies turn to black magic and look for conspiracies. But there are safer ways to save a marriage.

A marriage can end if the beloved husband has a mistress. Finding themselves in this situation, women are often lost. Many people don’t know how to restore their old family ties, how to make their husband forget his mistress and are scared. And the main thing, in this case, is not to panic. If there was true love in the family, you have to fight for it.

You just need to think through all the steps, and first, get over the knowledge of betrayal; there is no need to rush. It is not necessary to go to healers and witches; the effect of the conspiracy is unpredictable. There is no need to interfere with otherworldly forces in your family life; your own happiness is more valuable.

Why did the man go “left”? Maybe he didn’t get something in his existing marriage? The wife, first of all, will have to analyze her previous relationship with the walker to the left. Was she always affectionate and kind to her husband, fed her well, did she often refuse his intimate desires - the minimum set of questions that a woman should ask herself. And answer honestly, of course. It is a rare man who will be able to live in a place where there are quarrels, reproaches, insults and no respect for him.

To bring about the return of your husband from your mistress, you need to improve your relationship with him. The wife needs to change her behavior, tie her husband to her, think about good conditions in the house, so that both feel comfortable in the family nest. Eliminate possible reasons for going “to the left.”

When a wife makes terrible scandals about her mistress, you should expect trouble for her, first of all. If the husband is not having a light affair, but a serious relationship on the side, he, taking advantage of his wife’s aggressive attack, will pack his suitcase and run away to his new lover. No, we must choose not the path of scandals, but play a subtle and cunning game.

Husbands do not often leave the family, so you need to think through everything carefully. The reason must be sought not only in this beloved, but also in yourself. How long has it been since your wife went to the hairdresser, and how long has it been since she changed her outfit? When was the last heart-to-heart conversation with your husband? When was the last passionate sex you had with him? Subject everything to analysis, cold and impartial. Psychologists say that after marriage you cannot completely immerse yourself in everyday affairs; you need to take better care of yourself than before the wedding.

From now on, the wife should always be in a great mood, she should look very attractive so that her husband would be happy to see her every time he returns home. If you have extra pounds, you need to rush to the gym and lose them. Never forget about regular visits to the hairdresser. The house always needs order - cleanliness, comfort, tasty and varied breakfasts, lunches, dinners. The wife needs to remember what food her husband likes best and delight him with delicious dishes every day.

It is imperative to increase the husband’s expenses; for this, the wife must come up with supposedly necessary purchases and entrust them to him. She should also come up with new activities for her husband that will take up significant time. You need to praise your husband for the work done and do not forget to kiss him. Thus, the spouse will have neither time nor money left for a new lover.

Anyone who walks “to the left”, surrounded by warmth and attention, will definitely think about it. A clean, comfortable apartment, a well-groomed wife, regular high-quality sex - well, why should he give up all this? He'll think right.

How to get rid of your mistress using a conspiracy

If your spouse has another woman on his side, you definitely need to get rid of her. After all, she can easily destroy your family union and take your husband away from the family. Persuasion and entreaties to return are not always effective and efficient. That is why it is simply impossible to do without the use of magic and special spells.

How to get rid of your husband's mistress

A conspiracy against a mistress will help alienate the husband from the annoying woman and punish her for his actions. Their relationship will become less passionate and ardent, and will soon cease altogether. Your husband will begin to show more interest in you than before and will return to the family nest. This way you can take revenge on your mistress.

Preventive measures that discourage your husband from “walking” to the left

  • Try to involve your beloved husband in family concerns and affairs as often as possible. Ask him to take a walk with the child, go for a family walk in the park together, or engage him in renovating an apartment or a summer cottage. Instill in him a sense of responsibility for the family.
  • If you have any guesses about who your husband’s mistress is, tell him “by chance” about her habits, relationships with other men, or illnesses. Do it in such a way that he doesn't guess your assumptions.
  • Spread rumors about your spouse's mistress. This method is best left for later. If the first two methods were ineffective.
  1. You shouldn’t throw constant hysterics and scandals at your husband about his leftist adventures. Not every man can tolerate scandals in the family. Otherwise, he will look for a quieter place and still go to his mistress.
  2. There is no need to spy on your betrothed. In the end, he will find out about her and this may not turn out well for you.

In order to return a man to your family, you need to make a lot of effort. Don't try to do this in a violent way. Try to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. Find out his opinion on this circumstance, find out the reason for his adventures. You need to make sure your man loves, appreciates and respects your relationship. He should want to return home from work, and not go in search of new adventures.

How to make your loved one leave his mistress

How to behave with your husband's mistress

If your spouse’s mistress has an unbalanced character, you will immediately understand it. From the first days she will pester you with calls, try to meet you, talk and find out who your husband will live with. She can easily start a scandal right on the street, demand an explanation from you and make your life simply unbearable. In such cases, it is recommended to remain completely calm and not react to provocations. You have to be smarter. Only by maintaining composure will you be able to take revenge on your betrothed’s mistress, punish her for your actions and get rid of her forever.

If your rival is more beautiful and much younger than you, she can be very dangerous for your family. Such women very rarely stop in the middle of the path; they always complete their plan to the end. They stop at nothing and actively fight for happiness with their new lover.

These women don't need a man for 24 hours. They need it in order to buy expensive jewelry and outfits and have a good time. They simply “extract” money from him and demand a lot of attention. They are rarely suitable for long and strong family relationships.

If your opponent is like this, you should be patient. Wait until your husband “walks up.” Soon he will definitely understand who really needs it, and who uses it as needed. Only by waging a “cold” war can you take revenge on your husband’s mistress.

How to get your mistress away from her husband

Remember, a “narrow-minded” mistress is unlikely to be able to resist your wisdom and your intelligence.

Lapel in incense

To permanently push your mistress away from her husband and return him to the family, use the following text of the prayer. You need to prepare to read it. Be sure to go to church for a church service and confess to God. Buy a candle and incense in the same temple. Return home and begin the ritual in the evening. Clear the table of unnecessary things; it should be empty. Place a church candle on the table and light it. Place the incense on the table and set it on fire. Say a prayer, and then open the windows and doors in the room. This is done so that the “lapel” disappears from your home.

“Smoke, smoke, spread out under your feet! Find God's servant (husband's name)! Look for him everywhere: in the mountains, in the seas, in the sands, in cities! As soon as you find him, do everything so that your husband stops walking, so that he asks for forgiveness for sleeping with someone else! Amen!".

"Mirror" lapel

In order to separate lovers forever and get rid of your rival, the following prayer will help you. It is quite strong and works almost one hundred percent.

“Let the servant of God (her name is mistress) forget the way to my beloved forever, forever and ever! Let him become the most disgusting for her, the ugliest, the most unnecessary! Let the passion of the servant of God (say her name - mistress) subside for the servant of God (say his name - husband), and break against my mirrors!

Before reading it, you need to prepare your mirrors. There should be seven of them. If your house does not have the required amount of them, you can borrow them from your relatives or girlfriend. Just remember to keep the secret. Do not tell anyone about the ritual being performed. Arrange the mirrors so that they are staggered. The middle of the room must be left empty. In the middle you need to place photos of your spouse. He should be depicted alone on them. Arrange them in any order. Sit in the “lotus” position, relax, throw all bad thoughts out of your head and only then read the text of the prayer. Say your prayer clearly, without hesitation and with confidence. After you have spoken your words, you must leave the room for an hour. An hour later, enter it again and collect the photo cards with mirrors. You need to destroy one of the photographs and one mirror. Thus, you can forever quarrel between lovers and take revenge on your rival. Prayer also works very well to drive a mistress away from her husband, to punish and take revenge on her for her actions.

How to get your husband back from your rival

It is very difficult to quarrel between a man and his mistress if their love affair lasts for quite a long time. It's another matter when it's a little romance on the side. In this case, the husband has not yet had time to form an attachment to the new woman. They don't have a common life like you do. There are no children together and few mutual acquaintances. They still have very little in common. That is why separating lovers will not be difficult. It will be very easy for you to take revenge on your mistress, because you are much wiser and more experienced than her.

Prayer for separation from a rival

This prayer is very strong and effective in the fight for your family happiness. With her magical help, you can not only take revenge on your rival, but will also help you return your beloved to the family nest. To complete it you will need your husband's clothes. It must be worn, not new. You need to wash it in a basin. You need the water obtained after washing clothes to wash your feet. Then you need to pour it in the same basin under a tree. Try not to be noticed by anyone at this moment. The tree must be female - aspen, birch, apple, cherry, and so on. And say this prayer:

“I will get up, blessing myself, and cross myself, I will go out of my house, from all the doors, from the last door to the gate and from all the gates to the blue sea, the wide open air. There are twelve brothers standing there, all of whom have twelve wives. I will shout out and call their names: one is melancholy, the second is dryness, the third wife is heartache, the fourth is headache, the fifth is mental illness, the sixth is desire, the seventh is torment, the eighth is hard-on, the ninth is sleeplessness, the tenth is boredom, the eleventh is hot blood, the twelfth is ardent love. Oh, you twelve demonic wives, may the servant of God (name) be surprised by my article, wounded by my mind, subdued by this conspiracy word, captivated for now, forever and endlessly. You, wives, give him sadness and melancholy, so that he yearns for me, God’s servant (name), misses me, screams in a loud voice, cannot live without me for a minute, a second, not a day to pass, not a single night to pass: not at all. a clear moon, nor a red sun. As soon as the light rose in the morning, my name would come to mind, he would be bored, sad, and scream in a bad voice. Let the other girl seem to him like a terrible tigress, like a fiery cloud, like a tadpole owl, and I would be like water to him on a hot afternoon, and food on a severe hunger. Be, all my words, strong, strong, sticky. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

You will soon notice improvements in your relationship with your husband. You will be able to return your spouse to the family, as well as punish the homewrecker. To prevent this situation from happening to you, be sure to take preventive measures. Love and appreciate your spouse. Don't make him jealous. Make your family life quiet, calm and carefree. Look after your appearance, eat right, watch your weight. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages and behave with dignity. Your spouse will definitely appreciate this and will not look for love affairs on the side.

Visitor reviews


Hello girls! I faced a similar situation, I still can’t get over it. We lived with my husband for 20 years, didn’t know any grief, gave birth to 2 children, bought a house in Crimea. Lately, I began to notice how the relationship had cooled sharply, I began to linger on work or not coming home at all, for various reasons, he began to hide his mobile phone because he had not been observed before, but I generally keep quiet about sex and compliments, a friend had a similar situation, she advised me to turn to one guy who at one time opened her eyes. I called, his name is Alexey, discussed my problem with him, after which he wiretapped my husband’s phone, I controlled all incoming and outgoing calls, and also had access to all correspondence, including WhatsApp and Viber and regular SMS, after which I found out that My husband has a second family and also a 5-year-old child, there is still a stone in his soul, even though we haven’t lived for a year, he moved in with her. Better the bitter truth than living in a constant lie.

Irina, I would also like to use Alexey’s help. Could you write me a personal message?

We all need Alexeis like this, girls whose husbands are cheating, to at least find out the truth

Irina, please help me, write Alexey’s phone number. I really need help!

And I would like to know more

And I also need such an Alexey

Hello! Please tell me, is it possible to install wiretapping on any phone?

Hello Irina! I also really need such a device, please tell me.

I knew for a long time that he was cheating on me. My husband couldn’t do anything. I have a small son, he’s not even two years old, please help me bring my husband home.

Through another vein, my family was torn apart, I want my husband back, to take revenge on him, he is to blame for the death of my mother and mistress

Girls, private detectives provide such services. Look on the Internet.

Girls and women. What conspiracies and what “Alexeys” can we talk about? look at yourself in the mirror, if you don’t like yourself, then how should a husband love you, not well-groomed and not confident? The main thing is to love yourself, develop and then your husband will not only not leave, he will not take his eyes off you, so that you don’t turn away from him somewhere. Good luck to everyone, peace of mind and of course sincere love.

No matter how much you feed the wolf, it still looks into the forest. What does appearance have to do with it? It's not about appearance. But I would say, look at

lovers. Men go where there is no everyday life and no problems.

Yes, Olesya, everything is correct - you need to love yourself, but you shouldn’t return traitorous husbands - having betrayed once, he will betray you more than once, you’ll only waste time, don’t cling to the old, forgive and let go, no matter how difficult it is for you, and the sooner you let go of the old, unnecessary the faster something new will come, but good or bad depends on ourselves, and also advice - evil gives rise to evil, there is no need to take revenge on anyone, neither the ex, nor the homewrecker, life will punish them, time will show that the evil that they generated will return to them, personal experience, my beloved husband betrayed me 3 times in 17 years, left, shed buckets of tears, waited, forgave, took me back, and then I realized that life passes by and it’s not worth gluing back what is broken, it’s better to throw away and buy a new, better one, I’m 42 and I just have to live I began to overestimate my attitude towards myself, towards men and towards life in general, love yourself, your parents, children, do not wish harm to anyone, forgive your offenders and tomorrow will definitely be better than yesterday, good luck and love to everyone

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Conspiracy on your husband: how to get him away from his mistress and return him to the family

A spell on your husband will come in handy in many cases. The ritual will help return the faded feelings of a spouse, discourage him from his mistress, or put a powerful “amulet” against betrayal. Read how to bewitch your loved one and do it right.

How to bewitch your husband?

Even the strongest feelings can pass over time. The reasons may be different - you are tired of everyday life, your wife has lost her former attractiveness or has become a wife, a rival has appeared who is trying her best to take her husband away from the family. Any problem can be solved.

Before you bewitch your husband with the help of a conspiracy, analyze - what caused his cooling? First you need to solve the problems, and then do the love spell. Otherwise, the return of marital love will be short-lived - over time, old unresolved problems will again ruin your relationship.

  • Have you lost your attractiveness? Stop wearing a greasy robe at home, try to always look good for your man
  • Have you tormented your husband with constant scandals and reproaches? Try to resolve conflicts peacefully. Praise and thank your spouse more often, do not allow quarrels, but talk about what is unpleasant for you, calmly
  • Or maybe you have completely dissolved in your spouse and forgotten about your own interests? Fill your life with hobbies and new events. Be a well-rounded person

And only then “finish off” the changes with a love spell.

Spell on husband's shirt

This plot will help tie a man to you forever. He will stop paying attention to other women and will start paying more attention to you.

To perform the ceremony, buy a new white shirt made of natural fabric. A man should like the item, so try to make a choice based on his taste.

Give the shirt to your husband - he should wear it at least once. After this you can do the ritual.

Wait until the night when the Moon rises. Take a shirt, set its collar on fire from the flame of a wax candle and read the plot:

After the collar burns, the fire must be extinguished and the shirt must be hidden in a secluded place. Make sure your husband doesn't find the cache by accident.

At this point the ritual is considered completed.

Conspiracy from a mistress

In the old days, women who wanted to keep their husbands away from their mistresses read strong conspiracies. They helped turn the beloved man away from his rival and return him to the bosom of his family.

Such conspiracies operate on the principle of a lapel and “extinguish” the chosen one’s feelings for a stranger.

Before performing the ceremony, you need to go to church and undergo a confession ceremony. On the same day, purchase incense and a wax candle from the church store.

In the evening, when you come home, sit down at the table, light a candle and incense. Read the plot:

Important: Before you start reading the plot, set yourself in a positive mood. Mentally thank your husband for all the good things he has done and is doing for you, remember what you can praise him for. Draw in your imagination happy pictures of a joint future, and try to forget about grievances.

A simple conspiracy: how to get rid of your husband's mistress forever

If your rival does not allow you to live in peace and interferes in your family life, you can read this plot.

  • Church candles. They need to be bought on Friday, in the morning at the nearest church store
  • Incense. You can use incense sticks or burn essential oils in an aroma lamp. Choose the scents that suit you best
  • A handful of sea or table salt. Salt is an excellent conductor of energy, which is why it is often used in magical rituals.

In the evening, after sunset, sit at the table. Light a candle and incense. Get in a positive mood and read the plot to prevent your husband from cheating:

After you say the cherished words, wait until the candles burn out completely. Then go outside and pour salt into the ground. The ritual is best performed on the waning moon.

“White” conspiracy to keep your husband from going out

Any kind of love spells and lapels are a way of interfering with the consciousness and will of another person. Therefore, a priori they cannot be harmless and will certainly bring negative consequences.

Love spells and rituals usually affect a man’s health and well-being, as well as his character. If you don't want to take risks, use harmless affirmation conspiracies.

  1. Meditation on food. Popular Vedic practice. It is believed that the food a woman feeds a man is filled with feminine energy. And whether it will be positive or negative depends only on you. Therefore, every time you prepare food, think only good things about your husband. Mentally say: “My husband is faithful to me. He considers me the best of women. He is successful, strong and healthy."
  2. Meditation while cleaning. The same applies to the space around you. Whatever thoughts and emotions you put in order, this is the atmosphere that will reign in your home. Try to think only about good things while cleaning, repeat positive affirmations

How to consolidate the effect of the conspiracy?

To make a love spell as effective as possible, you can reinforce its effect:

  1. Give your husband a pleasant surprise. Arrange a romantic dinner, invite him to the cinema or give him a certificate for the entertainment he has long dreamed of. For example, a flight in a wind tunnel or a parachute jump. The brighter the man’s emotions, the stronger the effect.
  2. Practice gratitude. Say “thank you” for everything he does for you, even for the little things.
  3. Refrain from advice and initiative - let the man make decisions himself, even if you think he won’t cope
  4. Don't reproach or scold. Express all complaints through “I-messages”, talk about your feelings, and not about his misdeeds. Not “you’re so inconsiderate and rude,” but “I hate it when you’re rude to me, don’t do that again, please.”

If you follow these rules, the power of the love spell will never wane.

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Koshechka.ru is often asked questions about family life, and one of the most popular is how to get your husband away from his mistress? Of course, this situation seems hopeless, because you know about the existence of a rival, moreover, you are aware that he communicates with her.

What's in the article:


A husband who doesn’t even hide the fact that he has a mistress is certainly a person worth praising! Yes Yes! He sits “on everything ready,” as they say, a direct refutation of the phrase that you can’t sit on two chairs. How can you sit still? And both women revolve around him and look for ways to lure him into their networks. It is quite possible that Excessive attention will only make him behave worse. Or maybe he’ll decide to say goodbye to both of them altogether.

It is clear that the husband will not want to make a scandal, sort things out, and when he hears the word “psychologist” he does not at all experience the same enthusiasm as a deceived wife who is trying with all her might to save the marriage. And sometimes independently. It’s as if a husband is a closet that you can put wherever you want.

  • talk to him,
  • find out what you don't like him about,
  • try to understand your shortcomings,
  • get better.

If you try all these recommendations, it will become clear that your husband has only lost respect for you and is convinced that your mistress is even better than he first thought about her. No, he is not going to leave you or go to her forever. On the contrary, he, as they say, “caught the wave” of impunity. Well, that's good: there is a wife who is now blowing dust off him, and there is a mistress. He is not her husband, which means there are no obligations to her, and you can have a couple of others.

Let's use common sense

Everything that was said above was perhaps a little harsh, but it is necessary for you to understand what the situation really looks like and not have any illusions.

If you read somewhere advice on how to get your mistress away from your husband without a scandal, then the most sensible and correct thing in such recommendations is that a scandal is not needed. This is true. Accusations, insults, blackmail, threats will not make anyone better. The mistress will happily rub her hands.

Unpredictability or scandal?

It happens that your husband expects you to start making trouble, and your mistress is “good.” He might start texting or calling you. How to behave?

Be literate! Very often, the best way to discourage is to literally do nothing about this situation, let it go, and give the man all the freedom of action. Let your spouse decide for himself what to do.

the site imagines how much such advice may surprise you! And you will continue to look for other methods on how to drive your husband’s mistress away forever. If you are so impatient to do something, just below you will read about what methods are sometimes used to make your mistress remain a thing of the past.

But let’s fantasize for now on the topic: what will happen if you leave these “doves” alone?

Sometimes a mistress appears because the husband is tightly controlled. He seeks and craves freedom, which is why he gets himself a passion on the side in order to feel like a winner. So let him feel like that. It is not a fact that the mistress will remain as desirable when she turns from a “forbidden fruit” into a “permanent diet.” Then he will want to get her away from himself, and quickly!

Folk remedies

We are all witches at heart! And therefore, for some, the question of how to get a husband away from his mistress is best solved by folk remedies. Let's talk about rituals.

Ritual with an ancient spell

Lover - shoo!

Another secret. But the recipe is suitable if you know who the mistress is, at least what her name is. Some folk remedies are carried out with plants, berries, herbs, etc. For example, in order to perform this conspiracy, take:

  • a simple white piece of paper,
  • pencil,
  • dried hawthorn fruits.

Write the name of the homewrecker on a piece of paper, tear it into small pieces, putting as much emotion into this action as possible, this will turn out well.

Now scatter the pieces of paper on the floor, on top of the hawthorn rash, previously crushed to a fine powder.

Almost everyone who is thinking about how to get a husband away from his mistress is looking for strong conspiracies that would help 100%. But the main thing in this is your personal female magic. For example, when you move on to the culmination of this ritual, all the power will lie in your hatred of your mistress. Then the ritual will really have a powerful effect. Trample these leaves, imagining that you are trampling her, the homewrecker. But remember that you are doing this for the good. As a result, the husband will return, the family will be reunited. There is no need to read any conspiracy during this ritual. After sweeping the room and forgetting all the bad things, tune in to a happy and friendly life.

Lapel with a broom from a homewrecker

You need to take a new broom and sweep the house with it, saying:

Lapel with salt

Take a napkin. Pour salt on it and whisper:

Repeat all these words three times. Repeat this lapel for a week. On the final day, you need to take the salt to the homewrecker’s doorstep. She must step on this salt. You also need to pour salt into the pockets of the faithful. But the rash is in such quantities that it is not noticeable! Also, when preparing food for him, sprinkle lapel salt.


However, sometimes, if the husband has left for someone else, neither psychology nor any rituals can save you. Advice to take care of yourself and not think about how he could do this, too. In these cases, the best “psychologist” is God, or those Higher Powers in which you believe. Sincere and purest prayer will help bring peace to the family.

If you don’t know how to get your husband away from his mistress, then any prayer, not even necessarily a special one, will help. If you need something special, then, for example, there is this one:

Desperate attempts

Sometimes not everyone knows how to get a husband away from his mistress on their own, so they resort to help... friends, acquaintances, and sometimes even strangers! For example, on social networks they ask you to call or write SMS to your mistress’s phone, sometimes to her page. Needless to say, what will the husband think in this case?

Of course, when you have been deceived and betrayed, it is difficult to think objectively. But it’s better not to wash dirty linen in public. There is no need to hope that people will regret or help in any way. Moreover, how will you feel later if you end up staying together?

The most complete description in all details - a love spell to make the husband leave his mistress with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

How I bewitched my husband and, with the help of magic, was able to force him to leave his mistress and return to his family

Yes, I independently cast a strong love spell on my husband and bewitched him to me forever. I was able to force the man I loved to return from his mistress to his family using magic. Now my husband and I are together again and everything is fine with us. And then my story of how I bewitched my husband.

The husband left the family after more than 9 years of family life, when the son entered first grade. One day after work he came home and said that he had found someone else and he would no longer have anything with me. That same evening he packed his things and went to her. For a week I lived as if in a dream, I didn’t know how to live without him, how he could do this. At work, one woman said that the way to “kill yourself” was to bewitch your husband to yourself or order a love spell from sorcerers. The thought stuck firmly in my head and all day at work I could only think about my husband’s love spell:

  • what consequences can there be after a love spell on my husband for me and him,
  • how quickly will the love spell I make work?
  • what will happen after the love spell with my husband and me,
  • what kind of love spell is better to do on your own in order to be sure to bewitch your beloved husband and return him to the family,
  • what is the strongest and fastest magic of love,

I don’t remember how I spent the day at work, counting every minute so that the working day would end and I would come home and bewitch my husband and return my beloved to the family. On the way home, I bought candles at church and poured holy water, and when I arrived home I found a photo of my husband on which I planned to use a love spell. In the evening, after putting my son to bed, I cast a love spell on my husband using a photo and went to bed. At that time, I didn’t even know what would happen after the love spell and whether it would work or not.

On the second day, at lunch, my husband came to my work and called me on the phone and suggested we have lunch together. He spent the whole lunch asking me for forgiveness, and I just cried with joy. I don’t regret at all that I cast a love spell on my husband and if necessary, I would repeat the ritual again. Now we have a loving and happy family and I know that now my beloved will never cheat on me or leave us, because I have bewitched my husband to me forever!

There are moments in people's lives when love ends and feelings between loving hearts cool down. At such moments, the other person is very sad and hurt, because his feelings are still “attached to his soulmate,” his heart is “torn to pieces,” and his soul does not find peace. At such a moment there is a feeling as if “the earth is spreading under your feet” and it seems that life is over. But on

If you decide to bewitch a person yourself, then it is best to use a strong love spell that will act instantly and which cannot be removed. The effect of the Siberian love spell is immediate and, acting through the subconscious of a person, will very quickly make him feel love attraction and a strong craving for you. With the help of magic and the action of a love spell, his consciousness

How to quickly and profitably marry a rich groom? A conspiracy to create a family, read as a prayer in church near the icon of the Virgin Mary, is the most powerful and fastest-effective love spell for a guy or a man to get married. If you already have a loved one or an adult man, make this easy but very effective love spell at home that will help you marry

If your husband likes to take a walk from you or you have doubts about his fidelity, dispel them with the help of magic. Every time your loved one leaves the house, whisper after him about your husband’s fidelity, which will allow you to talk him out of betrayal: Go where you went, you will still come back. From me you will go as a gelding, In my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Amen.

Today I will tell you about several of the most powerful dry spells that can be used without harm to both of you. Prisushki (prisushki - whispers for love) about which we will tell the magician have been tested by me more than once and have always allowed me to quickly attract a guy or an unmarried man. Only here is a proven whisper - it will allow you to dry up on the man you love or the guy you like

A good way to bring a loved one home after a quarrel and awaken a feeling of love in him will be this powerful conspiracy - a prayer for return. This plot is usually read if your husband leaves you or your boyfriend leaves you. I read this conspiracy several times - a prayer for the return of love and feelings from a young man who abandoned me while studying at the institute and always

This is the most powerful love spell that cannot be removed and is done in a cemetery and is called a black wedding love spell. Having decided to perform a ritual of black magic for love and read a love spell in a cemetery, know that you are bewitching a person to you forever. This should only be done if you yourself are ready to live the rest of your life with him and accept him with all his

A thousand love spells

“I am writing to you out of despair. Only the woman whom her husband left for a young mistress can understand me. I lived with my husband for twenty-nine years. We got together when we were eighteen, and now we are already forty-seven. Everything happened in life, just like in all other families. I gave birth to two daughters for him, and now he has two grandchildren.

I also went through a lot with him. After the accident, she nursed him for two years, spoon-fed him, washed him, wiped his food, sat with him at night, never closed her eyes... She went out, and a year later he started drinking and drank for almost three years. I fought for him, didn’t give up, and managed: in the end, he was coded.

He stopped drinking, and to support him, I sold the house I inherited from my mother and bought him a new car. It was this car that caused the trouble. He once gave a ride to a twenty-year-old woman, and he liked her. And by that time that woman already had three children from different men. She grabbed my husband.

She sees that he doesn’t drink and has a car, but she needs to pull the boys. I went to her and asked her in a good way: leave him alone, you won’t need him in a few years, and you’ll break our family. But why the hell, she started screaming like that, calling me names like that... Not every man is capable of swearing like that.

And my husband lost his mind, runs to her and says:

“I became younger with her.” Then she started playing with him: she would call him, then she would kick him out. If you come without money, leave. As long as he has money, he tolerates him. He begs me:

“Katya, give me at least some money, I can’t live without it, borrow it somewhere, I’ll take it to her and look at her with at least one eye.” I look at him, and my heart is torn to pieces. I’ll give him money, he runs to her, and I’m at home crying. Or I go to her house and stand under the windows. And she deliberately opens the curtains and walks around in a bra, as if she knows that I’m peeking from behind the bushes. Such torment, if only you knew!

One day he came running from her madly, his shirt was torn, he was covered in blood. He says he got into a fight because of her. I came to her, and she was drunk and making love with a soldier on the sofa. Her kids are right there, and everything is in front of their eyes.

My husband is sitting, crying, hitting the table with his fist, saying that she will no longer have his legs. In the morning I got ready for work and went to see her. As I felt, I called him at work, and they told me that he was not there. I got ready and went to this woman. I walked in, the door was not closed, like a passageway. The room stinks and is a mess. She and some soldier are sitting at the table. There is moonshine on the table. And my husband sits on the sofa and looks ahead with glassy eyes. I turned around and went home, it became so hard for me that the white light was not nice.

Is there such a conspiracy so that the husband forgets his mistress, peace settles in his soul and love for me returns? With hope and respect to you, Katerina Menzikova.”

Wash your husband’s things, and in the last water in which you rinsed your clothes and over which you read a special love spell, wash your feet and pour it under the woman’s tree.

A female tree is a tree of the feminine gender, about which one can say “stood, swayed, beautiful, etc.” - that is, birch, rowan, viburnum, pine, spruce and so on. But not aspen.

I will get up, blessing myself, I will go out, crossing myself,

From your home, from all doors, from the last door

To the gates and from all gates

To the blue sea, wide freedom.

There are twelve brothers standing there,

They all have twelve wives.

I will shout out, call their names:

One is melancholy, the second is dryness,

The third wife is a heartbreaker,

The fourth is a headache,

The fifth is mental illness, the sixth is desire,

The seventh is torment, the eighth is hard-on,

The ninth is sleeplessness, the tenth is boredom,

Eleventh - hot blood,

The twelfth is ardent love.

Oh, you twelve demonic wives,

May the servant of God (name)

You will be surprised by my article,

By this charming word I am subdued, captivated

For now, forever and endlessly.

You, wives, give him sadness and melancholy,

God's servant (name), was sad,

Couldn't live without me for a minute, maybe a second,

Not a single night to pass:

Not when the sun is red.

In the morning it would be a little light to rise,

He took my name to mind,

Let him have another girl

She will seem like a scary tigress

Like fiery frequent, tadpole owl,

On a hot afternoon - with water,

In severe hunger - food.

Be strong, all my words,

Husband's love spell

A break in a relationship and indifference on the part of a chosen one have a negative impact on a woman. She begins to worry and get nervous - why is her husband indifferent or has left the family, is there a rival? An inferiority complex and irritability appear. A love spell on your husband will help bring back an elusive relationship.

It is important that the wife has the desire to return her loved one to the family. In this case, the chances of success are high. The energy of the spouses, even if they are not secured by a church wedding, is interconnected. Common life, children, memories provide a good platform for reunion. The forces of the elements are on the side of the family, they help to return the chosen one. Therefore, a husband's love spell usually ends in success.

After the relationship returns, follow 3 rules.

Conspiracy for personal belongings

To bewitch your husband, you should use things that he wore (from 1 month). New ones or ones that have rarely been worn will not work. This could be a tie, underwear, or a shirt. General everyday life allows the wife to use all possible methods of white magic; the husband’s love spell works quickly and effectively.

Perform a love spell late in the evening, during the waxing moon. There should be no one in the room. Light 3 red wax candles and place them in a triangle. Place a glass of holy or settled water in the center of the triangle. Take your loved one’s thing in your hands, press it to your chest, say 7 times:

“How true it is that water will not rush from the corner of the house and will not burn the threshold. It is so true that my beloved (husband’s name) will not leave me, will not find another for himself, will not press him to his chest, will not hug, will not caress me, will not leave me as a servant of God (his name) until the thing faithfully serves him. What is said will come true. Key. Lock. Language. Amen"

Sprinkle the item with water from a glass and put it under your pillow. Do not talk to anyone after performing a magical effect. The husband must wear the enchanted item constantly.

Option II

Take your spouse’s belt and discreetly write the word “Mine” near the buckle. Move the belt from the buckle to the end, saying:

“Strap-strap, my dear friend. Serve me together, (husband’s name) tie to me. Tie not by force, but by kindness and affection! Hug him as I will hug him, help him as I will help him! Warm in the cold, don't soar in the heat, be as gentle as my hand. I marked the strap, now there is a mark about me on (husband’s name)’s soul. My heart will feel it, the belt will lead me, my chosen one will find a path to me. Amen"

At the end of the belt, discreetly write the word “Mine” again. A charmed belt will help restore good relationships.

Spell for water, food

As soon as you understand that your chosen one is about to leave the family or has directly said so, food and drink spells will help you bring him back and bewitch your husband. Before serving food, read the spell words:

“Neither on a clear day, nor in bad weather, so that the servant of God, (husband’s name), would not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, his tears do not dry up, Dreams call him home to the servant of God (his name). The word is firm and will last forever. Amen"

Option II

Cook jelly from 2 berries (for example, cherries and raspberries, shadberry and currants). Read words about your husband’s love while stirring the jelly:

“Growing up apart, but now together”

You need to drink it together, preferably from the same mug.

Option III

If there are constant quarrels and scandals in the family, words for any food and drink will help to return your husband’s love:

“As Eve went for Adam, so you, servant (your name), go for the slave (husband’s name). So that they could live together forever, share bread and bed, keep up with each other, and not know life without each other. Where the slave (her name) goes, the slave (her husband’s name) goes. Amen"

Option IV

Say words that will help you bewitch your husband over red wine:

“Mother Most Holy Theotokos and Father Jesus Christ, I do not conjure wine, but return love. So that there will be love until the end of the age of your servant of God (husband’s name) and the servant of God (your name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

In the evening, treat your loved one to wine at dinner.

The plot is read with salt. It is important that not the entire salt shaker falls under the spell. Only the part you will use to salt your spouse’s food:

“Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so my husband would love me just as much and could not live without me, not a day pass, not an hour pass, not a minute pass by. Everyone would follow me and admire me. Amen"

Lapel from a rival

If you are sure that after leaving the house, your spouse went to his mistress, follow him with a love spell. Open the door and read:

“Earth-earth, light of the luminaries, I turn to you, who did not walk on you, did not commit their sins. The slave (husband's name) will follow you to the homewrecker, give him a hard road, burning tears, a sick heart. The further he gets from me, the harder it will be for him along the way. To pull him back, turn him back. So that he would suffer without me like the holy martyrs. Amen"

Option II

“For bread, for water, neither on a clear day nor in bad weather. So that the slave (husband's name) does not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, his tears do not dry up, his dreams call him back home to his slave (his name). The word is strong and will last forever. Amen"

Wrap a piece of bread in a scarf and put it discreetly in your husband’s pocket. This will help bring your husband home and return his love to you. It is important that the chosen one does not notice the love spell bread. Otherwise, the husband's love spell will not work.

Option III

If your chosen one went to live with a rival, read the words 3 times a day in order to return your spouse, his love:

“I will take the heart of God’s servant (husband’s name), and carry it to the ice kingdom, to the cold state. So that the slave (name of the husband) does not love the slave (name of the homewrecker), cools his heart, does not carry her in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice stove. The devil and the devil are fighting, pinching, bleeding, not thinking, and not giving advice. So the servant of God (husband’s name) would fight and pinch the servant of God (the name of the homewrecker), get angry and swear, he wouldn’t think twice, he wouldn’t give advice. Century after century from now on. Amen"

Option IV

Looking at the growing month, say the words in a quick whisper to bring back your chosen one:

“A month, have you been in the next world? Have you seen my dead? Have you seen (husband’s name) alive? As you change place and light, sometimes you grow, sometimes you decrease, so you find me a slave (husband’s name) and bring me a slave (husband’s name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The power of wedding rings

The spouses' rings carry the strong energy of the family. A wedding ring is the oldest symbol of love and fidelity. This is a good talisman for the family. The magical power will begin to act if there is a sincerity in the desire to preserve the chosen one and faith in the successful outcome of the ritual.

Start the love spell during the waxing moon, light 3 candles. Place your wedding ring in a glass of holy water. Say the words 3 times:

“Holy water, calm me down. Help me, (your name), restore the faith and love of God’s servant, (husband’s name). Just as the rings sealed our marriage, so water and my words will unite us forever. Just as water flows here and there, so my beloved will return to me forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Love spells from a homewrecker.

One of the most powerful feelings that is given to a person is love. She can move mountains, give true happiness, but she can also bring a lot of grief and resentment. This bitter word is treason. How many tears were shed, grievances not expressed, nights without sleep. Anything can happen in life, and no one is immune from the fact that the person you love will meet another woman. All this can end tragically, even leading to the breakup of the family. There is no need to fall into despair, you just need to take measures that will help you regain your lost happiness. In such cases, you can resort to magical rituals to eliminate your annoying rival from your life. Our grandmothers also used such rituals. If some woman starts pursuing your loved one, it’s time to start using a spell from your rival.

A conspiracy to make a loved one turn away from his mistress.

You will need a blank piece of paper and a black pencil or felt-tip pen. On this sheet of paper, write the name of your opponent in large letters. When a strong wind is blowing outside, open the window, after tearing the piece of paper with your opponent’s name written on it into small pieces. Slowly throw these pieces out the open window, and at the same time read the words of this conspiracy:

After that, close the window and wait for the result in one week.

A conspiracy to make a loved one hate his mistress.

This plot is read over boiling water. Place any container with water poured into it on the fire, wait until the water boils. Looking at the boiling water, read the words of the conspiracy:

Then put out the fire, and looking at the cooling water, say the following words:

Only when the water becomes absolutely cold, pour the water into four glasses, then spray the four corners of your bedroom with this water, saying the following words:

A conspiracy to eliminate a rival and the husband’s longing for his wife.

Buy three candles at the church. Read the spell for the waning moon. When reading the plot, be alone at home. Lay a dark tablecloth on the table, place and light three candles on three corners of the table, and place a photograph of your husband on the fourth corner. Read the words of the conspiracy on the photograph in a clear, quiet voice:

After reading the plot, put out the candles and roll them up. Hide it in a place where no one will find them.

To quickly remove your opponent.

For this spell you will need a skein of red woolen thread. At any time of the day, as long as no one interferes with your business. You need to take a skein of red woolen threads, and tying knots on it, whisper the following words of the conspiracy:

Keep the skein with knots and don’t show it to anyone.

Conspiracy against a rival.

For three nights in a row, at an open window, on the waning moon, read the following words of the conspiracy:

You won't have to wait long for results. The conspiracy is very strong.

A strong conspiracy-prayer to get rid of your rival.

You will go out into an open space, preferably in a field, so that you are as comfortable as possible. Raise your hands to the sky and turn to higher powers with such a prayer spell.

After reading the plot, leave without looking back. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.

A conspiracy to ward off a rival.

Go to the market or store and buy a bag of poppy seeds. At your own doorstep, scatter all the poppies you bought. After this, read in a quiet voice:

This plot is read for twelve days. After this, expect a good result.

Conspiracy against a rival at home.

The plot is read during sunset. Open the window in your room, at this time you should be completely alone in the room in which you are performing the magic ritual. Raise your arms above your head, clasp your palms. Start reading the plot, pronouncing the words clearly:

The next day, go to church and light three candles for health, for yourself, your husband and his mistress.

A strong conspiracy - how to remove your mistress.

When you are outside the city, collect weeds and make a bouquet from them. After that, go to the cemetery, find a spruce there, and pick off the thorniest branch from it. This branch needs to be added to the previously collected bouquet of weeds. With this bouquet you have received, go back to the cemetery and place it at the gate leading to the cemetery. When you see a dead person being carried through the gate, take the bouquet and go with it to the house where your hated rival lives. Place the bouquet on the threshold and read these words:

After this, be sure to go to church and light candles for the health of everyone you can.

A conspiracy to separate a lover from her beloved.

For this plot you will need three red candles, a pen, and a piece of blank paper. At dawn, open the window and place candles in a triangle on the windowsill. At this moment you should be alone in the room. Write your opponent's name on a piece of paper. Light the candles, and separate one of the candles from the rest with a sheet with a name written on it. After this, say the following words:

After this, extinguish the candles and roll them into a ball. Bury this lump of wax deeper into the ground, preferably where your homewrecker walks. In the place where the enchanted wax is buried, spit three times and say the words that you read earlier. Then leave without looking back.

A food plot from a mistress.

Choose the most beautiful photo of yourself in which you look happy. Stick it in the pillow your loved one sleeps on. In the morning, when preparing breakfast, add a little salt to it, while whispering the words of the conspiracy:

Try to make him eat everything. Don’t tell anyone about this, even if the result pleases you.

Read the conspiracy against the husband's mistress to separate and the husband hated the mistress

If your husband has left for his mistress or is just about to leave you, this powerful conspiracy against your husband’s mistress will help, which will quickly make your husband hate his mistress and forget her. The conspiracy will help to quarrel between them and completely cool their feelings for each other and make the homewrecker disgusted with your loved one. You need to read the words of the conspiracy - the spells early in the morning at dawn. At dawn, go outside, raise your right hand above your head and say conspiracy against husband from mistresses :

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us, all Heavenly Power.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Untie the servant of God (name) from the servant of God (name).

Untie and forbid them to be together,

Eating and drinking together, sinning together in bed.

Intercede for me, Great Empress,

Free and protect from sadness, from grief, from betrayal by your husband.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Having said the plot, return home. Very soon the conspiracy will be able to separate the husband from his mistress, and he, having quarreled with her, will settle down and return to the family.

White magic and a simple spell over water will help you stop loving a person after a breakup. It happens that people break up and it doesn’t matter who the reason for the separation was, man - husband or woman - wife, a conspiracy will help relieve the severity of separation and stop loving a loved one and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you just need to change the words in it from slave to slave. To stop loving someone forever, you need running cold water. This could be tap water, a river or stream. Near running water, say the words of the spell seven times to cool the feeling of love and help you stop loving

Love drying made using this method is very strong and has a long-lasting effect. The following love spell is equivalent to the effect of a light love spell, but it is very convenient that the magic words of the spell - love spells are spoken when meeting a person and do not require special preparation other than memorizing the short text of the love spell. If you decide to dry up your loved one so that he will “dry for you”, yearn for you and fall head over heels in love, use this particular love dryer after which your loved one will begin to dry out and miss you on the same day, experiencing a craving for communication and meeting. To do the drying yourself when meeting a person, tell him after

The most powerful cemetery love spell is done during the day in a photo right on the cemetery and gravesite. This ritual belongs to black magic and is done once and for life. Remember, a love spell cannot be removed either on your own or with the help of sorcerers. To conduct an independent ritual for love, take a photo of the person you want to bewitch to you and, having found a grave with a similar name in the cemetery, enter the gate and leaning the photo against your heart (bare skin) say the words of a black cemetery love spell on eternal earthly

You can make this powerful love spell using a photograph of your beloved girl and church candles yourself at home. To cast a love spell, you need to purchase three candles from the church and bring them home to read the love spell. In the evening, when the moon appears in the sky, get ready for the ceremony. Before performing a love spell, place a photo of your beloved girl on the table and place a candle in front of her so that it does not fall. Twist the remaining 2 candles together; to do this, warm them up a little. Light the twisted candles and say a love spell

You should read a black plot for melancholy on your own if you need to quickly make a person feel love-sickness about yourself. The plot will help to evoke in a guy or man who is at any distance from you - even in another city or another country - a feeling of true love, yearning for loneliness without communicating with you. If you need an easy and quick ritual that will make a person feel bored and sad, unable to sleep until he calls or writes to you first, read this love spell that I will teach you now. By the way, you can read this plot on the husband with whom you are married or your ex-hubby, instilling in him a strong and real feeling of love and a desire for communication

This is perhaps the most powerful and fastest-acting love spell that you can read on your own at home. To read a love plot, you need to have a photo of your loved one, which will be rendered unusable during the love spell ritual, so take this into account when choosing a photo for a love spell. Rituals using a person’s photo are very common and you can read a variety of love conspiracies, but the one that the conspiracies tell today has the strongest and fastest impact on your loved one - a guy, a girl, a man or a woman. This particular love plot is suitable for all occasions, because it can be read any day and at any time of the day.

Calling a dear and beloved person is a love spell that needs to be done if, with the help of magic, you need to bring back the person who left you. Calling a dear and beloved person (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife) helps not only with the help of a strong invitation to force a person to come or call urgently. When they ask me “is it possible to get my husband back if I make a strong appeal”, my answer is yes. This ancient ritual helps restore relationships after a strong quarrel or divorce, restoring relationships that were once lost. A strong invitation to meet your loved one is a whole magical ritual that is performed independently by several

Casting a love spell on a loved one with prayers is a very common ritual of white magic for love. Magic words to make your loved one fall in love with you without consequences for yourself and him are read in the temple. Conspiracies to open for you magic words on how to make a loved one fall in love with you or meet your soul mate who will marry you, for this you need to read the most powerful spell yourself - a prayer for love and quick marriage. This must be done in church after reading all the most powerful prayers for marriage. To cast a love spell in church using prayer, you need to buy 5 candles - 4 for prayers to the saints for marriage and love, and the fifth for your health from the icon of Pantelemon. Before

Very strong love spell words spoken to water in a glass at the front door will make your loved one very bored and force him to always return home. Read a quick love spell on water any day and at any time - this easy ritual can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife of cheating. As soon as the person leaves the threshold of the house, place any bowl or glass of water at the threshold inside the apartment (house) and say a love spell on the water three times in a row

How to get your beloved girl or woman back if she left you? A strong and proven conspiracy will help in order to return your beloved after separation and again awaken her love and interest in herself. After breaking up, go to church and perform a white magic ritual to return love from your loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave the change to the farmer (telling them to put it on a common candle). Within 3 to 7 days after the spell to return, your beloved will return to you and your relationship and love feelings will be completely restored. A conspiracy to bring back your beloved that needs to be read in

A strong conspiracy to return love and relationships will help you bring your husband home after a quarrel or divorce, which you need to read at home - at home where you lived with your husband. Looking for a working and quick way to get rid of your rival and return your beloved man, a conspiracy to return feelings of love and warm relationships as before (until the moment of separation) will help. A conspiracy to return someone who abandoned you is read during the day; also, in order to return a person with a conspiracy, the lunar cycle is not important; any day is suitable except Sunday and major church holidays. Before reading a plot that can quickly bring back your husband, beloved man or ex-husband, put out the yeast dough. When

It is not easy to instantly return a husband with the help of prayer - to return a loved one to the family, the wife needs to read a prayer for the return of her husband 3 days in a row - morning, afternoon and evening, and only on the fourth day the prayer for return will work and the husband will return to his wife. This most powerful prayer for family reunification, read with candles in church, has enormous power and quick action, often capable of bringing the husband back to himself and the children in one day and making peace after any quarrel. The prayer as a reliable way to quickly return a husband is read by abandoned wives whose loved ones have gone to a young mistress. After reading a prayer for the return of her husband, the infidel very quickly came to the family and repented of

If your beloved man or boyfriend has stopped coming in and doesn’t write to call and is avoiding meeting you in every possible way, a strong conspiracy will help so that the right person calls you urgently, and this conspiracy works very quickly. This plot must be read to force your loved one to call, write or come to the person he is calling. This ritual can make your sweetheart sad and make him not only remember your existence, but also call you or come to meet you. A call spell will make the person you need remember about you and immediately call the phone. To perform a fail-safe ritual to remind yourself of yourself, go to an open window in your home

The effect of the conspiracy to return and enlighten is very strong and begins immediately after it is carried out. Wherever your loved one is, even in another city, he will have a strong desire to see you and will not disappear until he returns to you. In love, like in war, all methods are good and the result depends on the choice of weapon. What if your loved one left for a rival? Here the best weapon is to independently read a strong conspiracy to return a loved one, this method is a very strong and sure remedy that a loved one will not be able to resist. This ancient conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to bring back a husband who had left home after a quarrel with his wife.

There is a good white plot for marriage, after reading it you can quickly and successfully get married. You need to read this plot on Easter and this can be done by any woman or girl who does not have a fiancé or who is so indecisive that he does not propose marriage to you. This conspiracy will force your betrothed to quickly marry the one who, on Easter week, read the words of the Easter conspiracy for him for a quick and successful marriage - read on

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