Myocardial stroke symptoms. Heart attack and stroke: What symptoms should you be alarmed by?

No matter what diets we follow and no matter what healthy lifestyle we adhere to, cases of heart attacks, strokes and cardiac arrest continue to increase in number. This is why everyone should know how to behave if the worst happens. If you identify the disease correctly and in time, you can help yourself and those around you.

Myocardial infarction

- Pain in the body: neck, stomach, back, chin and arms, especially the left.
- Feeling of lack of air, wheezing, wheezing.
- Growing anxiety.
- Cough.
- Chest pain, angina.

Blood circulation problem

The prerequisites for a heart attack are angina pectoris. Angina attacks occur due to an insufficient amount of oxygen carried by the blood, and, consequently, the myocardium is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen. This continues for some time, but a moment comes when blood completely stops flowing to the heart through the narrowed lumen of the vessel, and then myocardial infarction occurs. In this case, it is important to take action as soon as possible.

During a heart attack, the victim's heart does not stop beating.

Heart failure

— Black veil before my eyes.
- Chest pain.
- Cardiopalmus.
- Dizziness.
- Lack of air.

- Weakness.

The problem is the “electrical” activity of the heart

The human heart is a unique organ consisting of a huge number of muscle fibers that work as a single mechanism. But at a certain stage, the coordinated work of these muscles is disrupted, and cardiac arrest occurs. Unlike myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest may stop the heartbeat altogether.

- Numbness of the face, arms or legs, very often on one side.
- Inability to walk, tremors of limbs.
- Headache.
- Increased sweating.
- Nausea, vomiting.
- Confusion, for example, forgetting names, places, inability to carry on a conversation.
— Fragmentary speech.

Brain problem

There are three types of stroke: hemorrhagic, ischemic and subarachnoid. When an ischemic stroke occurs, compression or blockage of blood vessels occurs as a result of thrombosis, embolism or other diseases of the blood vessels, heart or blood.

With the hemorrhagic type, they rupture, followed by hemorrhage into the brain, under its membranes or into the ventricles. The least common is subarachnoid stroke, which is of a traumatic nature: due to rupture of an arterial aneurysm or traumatic brain injury.

It is important to know how these 3 diseases differ

By understanding the reason, you can help yourself and others much more quickly.

In 60% of cases, heart attack and stroke lead to death due to delayed medical care.

Quite often, signs of the development of attacks of cardiovascular pathologies do not cause serious concern in patients and do not prompt an urgent visit to a specialist. Symptoms of heart attack and stroke conditions are similar to phenomena characteristic of various diseases, and many people, not knowing their diagnosis, self-medicate for a long time. Subsequently, this turns into serious problems for them.

Stroke and heart attack are pathologies that threaten serious consequences and premature death of patients, so it is extremely important to be able to recognize the approach of attacks in time in order to take measures to prevent complications. Signs of stroke and heart attack may vary in nature and severity, depending on the speed of development of pathological processes and accompanying complicating factors.

Symptoms of a stroke

When certain areas of the brain are damaged and the supply of oxygen to them is stopped as a result of blockage of the vessel, various functions of the body are disrupted. Destructive processes can spread widely due to a biochemical chain reaction, which will lead to irreversible changes and death. This is how development happens stroke, the approach of which can be recognized by the following characteristic symptoms:

  1. sudden numbness of the limbs on one side of the body;
  2. paralysis of the right or left side of the face and torso;
  3. sudden feeling of dizziness;
  4. disruption of the vestibular apparatus;
  5. loss of control over movements;
  6. temporary loss of balance;
  7. speech disorder;
  8. acute headache;
  9. visual impairment, partial blindness, double vision;
  10. difficulty thinking, confusion.

When a stroke attack develops, it is very important to provide qualified assistance in the first few hours. Otherwise, the situation can result in very serious consequences, disability and death.

Symptoms of a heart attack

With a lack of oxygen and nutrients reaching the heart, characteristic pain occurs in the chest. In this way, the organ makes it known about violations in its functioning. People may also experience chest tightness, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath. As a rule, such phenomena occur during periods of vigorous physical activity and disappear during rest. In cases where pain and other described symptoms are felt at rest, you should definitely consult a cardiologist. It is quite possible that these are typical signs of development myocardial infarction.

A heart attack can happen suddenly or develop gradually. The slow course of the pathology is characterized by vague symptoms that do not clearly indicate problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system. During the course of an acute heart attack, pronounced signs are observed, by which it is easy to determine the cause of the sudden deterioration of the condition:

  • acute constant pain spreading to the upper limbs, abdominal cavity, area of ​​the shoulder blades;
  • a feeling of strong, continuous pressure in the chest, which does not leave in a calm state and intensifies with exercise;
  • the appearance of cold sweat on the forehead;
  • change in the color of the skin of the face, acquiring an earthy tint and pronounced pallor;
  • increased breathing, shortness of breath;
  • a chilling feeling of fear, panic;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

If the described symptoms appear, you must urgently call an ambulance, and before it arrives, try to alleviate the victim’s condition - calm him down, provide access to fresh air, and allow him to take heart medications allowed in such cases.

By learning to distinguish the first signs of a stroke and heart attack, you can provide timely assistance and save the lives of many patients, both your loved ones and people who happen to be nearby.

There are many reasons that provoke the development strokes. There is evidence that stroke does not differ significantly between women and men.

Most often, signs of disease development in women become the pathophysiology of the fertile period and the onset of menopause, men face this problem to a greater extent due to poor lifestyle and as a consequence of professional activity.

As a result of a stroke, blood flow to a certain part of the brain may decrease or stop. Then patients experience a decrease in brain performance.

Today, two types of stroke are known:

  • Ischemic;
  • Hemorrhagic.

In both cases, the brain stops receiving the necessary oxygen and nutrients, and subsequently its cells die.

Symptoms of a stroke

Before we talk about the symptoms, let’s find out what a stroke is. This is a sharp disruption of blood flow in brain cells.

May be a consequence:

Today, people from 20 years of age to old age can face the disease. At a young age, women are more likely to experience stroke, especially during pregnancy; after 70 years, men are more likely to suffer from stroke.

Read about it also on our website.

A doctor or paramedic providing assistance can determine the symptoms of a stroke in a patient. Their decision occurs after a series of examinations and diagnostics.

Based on a long-term study of the disease, it was possible to identify the main symptoms indicating the presence of a stroke:

  1. General brain symptoms are indicators of several brain disorders:
    • My head is spinning;
    • Bad condition;
    • The patient becomes deaf or reacts violently even to quiet sounds;
    • Problems with coordinating your movements and movement in general.
  2. Symptoms depending on the source of the problem:
    • Unexpected paresis;
    • Complete or partial paralysis;
    • Blindness or pupillary displacement;
    • Speech disorders;
    • Problems with independent movement;
    • Impaired muscle tension in the occipital region.

To prescribe the correct treatment, general symptoms must be confirmed by data:

  • computed tomography;
  • blood tests, etc.

Ask your doctor about your situation

The first signs of the disease in women

The first signs of a stroke- this is how the patient himself feels and how the people around him see it all, which is an indicator of the need for medical care. Everyone should know about such manifestations so that when faced with a disease they can correctly identify it. The first and main signs of a stroke are considered to be damage to the nerve endings of the head and body.

It is easy to identify a stroke by asking the patient to do the following:

  1. Smile– has an unnatural appearance, the position of the corners of the lips is different due to impaired contractions of the facial muscles;
  2. Raise your hands up– actions are uncoordinated, the limb on the affected side is powerless (does not rise), hands drop regardless of the patient’s actions, no strength is felt when shaking hands;
  3. Say something– due to the lesion, speech will be slow, difficult due to muscle paralysis.

There are other signs of a stroke that confirm the fact of its presence, but these signs also indicate that the patient is at a stage when many processes will be irreversible. This means that the faster assistance from medical staff is provided, the more likely it is to avoid the negative consequences of the disease.

By the way, ischemic stroke can be recognized before destructive processes begin in the brain. These include short-term ischemic attacks or hypertensive crises. If you identify them in time, you can prevent the development of a stroke. Insufficient oxygen saturation of the brain can be determined independently at home through a survey.

To establish the presence of a disease, it is enough to receive two positive answers to the following questions:

  • Headache, unable to find the location of the pain. This soreness is not the result of increased blood pressure, overwork or weather conditions;
  • Constantly feeling dizzy, especially strong when trying to move;
  • There is noise in the head, permanent or periodic;
  • Problems with short-term memory, the logic still works in the right direction;
  • Having trouble sleeping, and performance deteriorates.

The presence of at least two positive answers should be the first signal that the processes of stroke development may be starting. In this case, the patient must be shown to a specialist.

First aid

When you have been able to identify at least a few signs of a stroke, you should provide emergency care; any delay could cost the patient his life.

First aid should be provided as follows:

First aid from medical professionals is considered timely making a diagnosis and determining the correct treatment.

Stroke treatment

Stroke treatment is carried out according to one principle, consisting in the implementation of the following stages: timely emergency care, inpatient treatment, rehabilitation in a special center (sanatorium). Let's learn more about each of the stages.

What an “involuntary witness” should do was discussed above. Now we will learn about the actions upon the arrival of an ambulance. First of all, the specialist determines the degree of neglect of the disease. His main task is to accompany the patient to the hospital for further inpatient treatment in the intensive care unit.

Directly when transporting a patient:

  • The doctor needs obtain blood pressure data. Read about it here.
  • Administer medications, restoring the functioning of the cardiac system and normal breathing.
  • Also ambulance does not have the right to transport patients in a coma with impaired blood supply to the brain and critical condition of other internal organs. In this case, the treatment team leaves the medical institution.

Inpatient treatment begins with resuscitation. Patients should initially be examined by a neurologist and neurosurgeon. Depending on the advanced stage of the disease, the severity of the patient’s condition and the type of stroke, further treatment is carried out.

Ischemic stroke

In general, the main tasks of therapy specialists are:

The patient is placed on the bed with his head raised slightly higher than his body. Medications that dilate blood vessels must be used. Particularly important collaterals, which have substitution functions. Droppers are used.

The administration of fluids must be controlled, as they can cause increased swelling of the brain. Must be used simultaneously diuretics drugs for hypertension are used with extreme caution. If the patient experiences increased arousal, be sure to use barbiturates.

Hemorrhagic stroke

Goal of therapy:

The patient is transferred to a special bed. The head is located much higher than the body, and a heating pad filled with ice is applied to it. The feet are covered with heating pads with boiling water. It is necessary to relax the muscles; to do this, the bend in the knees increases or a bolster is placed under the knees.

In the treatment of this type everything medicines are aimed at increasing coagulability and promoting vascular thrombosis. Throughout treatment, the blood is constantly checked for a coagulogram. If there is severe swelling and is accompanied by meningeal symptoms, take it with extreme caution. puncture spinal cord to extract large amounts of cerebrospinal fluid.

Also, stroke treatment can be carried out in the neurosurgical department, through surgical intervention. This treatment is applied only to patients in young and middle age, when lateral hematomas and blood infusion into the cerebellum are present.

Indications for this method are:

  • Without effective relieving swelling with medications and other methods;
  • Occurrences signs of tissue compression by hematoma;
  • Availability suspicion of re-infusion of blood into the brain.

The main treatment is first day when operations are carried out without delays. Doctors open the hematoma cavity and remove its contents by puncture. At the same time, it is necessary to remove blood clots. If necessary, vascular ligation is performed.

Drugs and traditional methods of treating stroke

In the treatment of ischemic stroke, the main ones are droppers:

Treatment folk remedies involves the use of special plants, physical exercises and massages, as well as proper nutrition. Traditional medicine is often used in combination with drug treatment for greater effectiveness.

The most effective in the treatment of stroke are considered to be infusions of pine and fir cones, which are available in pharmacies or can be prepared independently.

Read more about it in our similar article.

Herbal infusions often used during the rehabilitation period are:

  • Sage– restores speech;
  • Plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, walnut, eyebright, strawberry, calendula flowers, agrimony;
  • Celandine;
  • Dioscorea Caucasian;
  • Thyme for rubbing during paralysis;
  • Juniper for rubbing and oral administration for paralysis.

The first signs of a heart attack

To prevent complications, you should listen to your body and detect the first signs heart attack and prevent its development.

The first signs include:

  • Appearance snoring, sudden cessation of breathing;
  • Selection blood from the gums, their soreness;
  • Swelling feet and legs;
  • Appearance arrhythmias;
  • Soreness, radiating to the left shoulder;
  • Problems with breathing, shortness of breath;
  • Permanent headache;
  • Frequent going to the toilet at night.

Diseases such as heart attack and stroke are based on the same vascular damage, most often of a sclerotic nature. Despite the difference in the clinical picture, similar disorders lead to heart attack and stroke, namely metabolic disorders caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, if we start from afar, then the harbingers of a heart attack and stroke are exposure to stress, poor nutrition, both in terms of diet and diet, leading to the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, and a sedentary lifestyle.

As the problem worsens, the symptoms of ill health increase. Attacks of angina pectoris, or, as it is also called, angina pectoris, indicate that cardiac ischemia is increasing. If the intervals between attacks become shorter, the attacks themselves are longer and more difficult to stop, this is direct evidence that any strong irritant, physical activity or psycho-emotional stress, can lead to a heart attack. The immediate warning signs of myocardial infarction are the following: shortness of breath, increasing pain and tightness behind the sternum, and discomfort in the chest area. The pre-infarction state is also characterized by nausea, dizziness, pale skin, sticky cold sweat, confusion (fainting).

It must be said that these symptoms are not specific, they can precede both a heart attack and a stroke, the only difference is that a stroke is more characterized not by heart pain, but by headache. In addition to the listed signs, the following may indicate an impending stroke: numbness of one half of the body, the whole or any part (half of the face, lips, arm, leg), temporary loss of vision or the appearance of spots before the eyes, dizziness, loss of coordination, disorientation, disturbance speech, confusion. A sharp, causeless headache, especially in people suffering from hypertension, can also indicate a pre-stroke condition.

If you notice similar symptoms in a person, indicating that a heart attack or stroke may develop, measures must be taken immediately. The most correct thing would be to provide the person with complete rest, fresh air (unbutton clothes, open the window) and call an ambulance, staying with him until the doctor arrives. Of the medications, you can only give what the attending physician prescribed if the patient already had a history of the disease. There is no need to give painkillers before the ambulance arrives, as this can blur the manifestations of the disease, thereby complicating diagnosis. Adequate treatment undertaken at the stage of precursors of heart attack and stroke will stop their further development.

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Stroke is a common pathology in which a rupture or blockage of a blood vessel in the brain occurs, resulting in the disruption of blood circulation to this important organ.

  • Types and features of stroke development
  • Causes of pathology
  • Precursors of the disease
  • Symptoms of ischemic disease
  • Symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke
  • How to recognize a stroke in a person
  • First aid
  • Diagnosis of stroke
  • Treatment of ischemic stroke
  • Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke
  • Prevention

According to statistics, the disease affects from 0.1 to 0.4% of the population, depending on the country of residence. The risk of developing the disease depends on the age and gender of the person.

It is generally accepted that the pathology mainly affects men. However, recently, representatives of the fairer sex of different ages have increasingly begun to suffer from the disease. This is why it is important to know the symptoms of stroke in women.

Types and features of stroke development

There are 2 types of stroke, depending on the type of damage to the blood vessels:

  • ischemic - diagnosed when blood vessels are blocked;
  • hemorrhagic - characterized by rupture of blood vessels.

The development of stroke in women and men differs:

  1. The greatest risk of developing the disease in women occurs over the age of 60; in men, the risk appears already at the age of 40.
  2. The risk of getting affected in old age is the same for both sexes.
  3. At the age of 18–40 years, the pathology is most often diagnosed in women.
  4. The likelihood of developing the disease increases during pregnancy.
  5. In women, the disease is more complicated than in men.
  6. The number of deaths due to stroke is higher in girls.
  7. Most young girls do not pay attention to the symptoms of ischemia.
  8. Women are much worse than men in returning to their former rhythm of life after illness.
  9. Girls, due to their tendency to stress and anxiety, are more prone to brain stroke.

Causes of pathology

The sudden development of a stroke occurs due to the impact of various negative factors on a woman’s body:

  • hormonal imbalances due to mastopathy, polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • regular prolonged migraines;
  • pregnancy - during pregnancy, the amount of estrogen increases, increasing blood clotting and platelet production;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • high pressure;
  • smoking over the age of 30 years.

There are factors that cannot independently cause the occurrence of pathology, but increase the risk of its development several times:

  • progression of somatic diseases;
  • improper diet - eating fatty, high-calorie, spicy foods;
  • regular feeling of fatigue;
  • getting into stressful situations;
  • tense physical and emotional state;
  • development of dangerous infectious pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity, increased amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Poor blood circulation in the brain can occur under the influence of one or more of the above factors.

Precursors of the disease

Stroke in women never occurs just like that. The development of the disease is always preceded by signs of impaired blood supply to the brain.

The first signs of a stroke in women:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • the occurrence of tinnitus;
  • speech difficulties;
  • forgetfulness, memory problems;
  • numbness of the arms, legs, facial muscles;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

The occurrence of stroke in women is manifested by atypical symptoms:

  • mental disorders appear - confusion, fainting, loss of ability to navigate in space;
  • neurological signs - nausea, hiccups, weakness;
  • constant feeling of thirst, dry mouth;
  • sharp pain on one side of the body or face;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • loss of vision;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • chest pain.

Signs of a stroke primarily depend on which side of the brain is affected. Thus, if the right hemisphere is damaged, signs of the disease will appear on the right side of the body and, conversely, if the left hemisphere is negatively affected, the organs located on the right will suffer.

Symptoms of ischemic disease

Ischemic stroke can cause dangerous consequences in women, and this type of pathology has its own additional symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • swallowing dysfunction;
  • convulsions, paralysis;
  • severe headache that occurs for no reason;
  • slurred speech;
  • mental excitement;
  • numbness of the limbs on both or one side.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke is quite rare in women - it is diagnosed in only 8% of patients, and is always associated with a transformation of the blood vessels of the brain.

This type of disease has additional manifestations:

  • intolerance to bright light;
  • slow pulse;
  • intense unbearable headache;
  • fainting;
  • paralysis;
  • dysfunction of speech and vestibular apparatus.

How to recognize a stroke in a person

The least consequences of a stroke are observed when medical assistance was provided within 2 to 3 hours after the attack.

It is important to identify the disease in a timely manner and call an ambulance. If you suspect that a person is developing a stroke, you should perform a simple test:

  1. Ask the patient to smile. If the smile is crooked and one side of the face remains motionless, the person is likely to have had a stroke.
  2. A person should try to hold his arms parallel, extended forward, for some time: if the blood flow to the brain is disrupted, this will be impossible - the limbs will begin to lower or move to the side.
  3. Asking a woman her name will allow you to evaluate her speech and degree of consciousness.
  4. Ask to show your tongue. With pathology, its tip will be curved in the direction where the brain damage occurred.

First aid

If a woman has a stroke, it is necessary to provide assistance correctly and in a timely manner before the doctor arrives:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. You have to stay calm - you can't panic. Excitement can be transmitted to the patient, which will aggravate his condition.
  3. The victim should be placed on a bed, sofa or ground if the attack occurred on the street. You need to place a pillow and clothes under your head.
  4. In the room you need to open a window - the patient needs fresh air.
  5. Unfasten constrictive clothing, belt, collar - breathing should be free.
  6. When vomiting begins, you need to prevent the vomit from entering the respiratory tract by turning the woman on her side.
  7. If possible, measure blood pressure. If the readings are high, give a drug to lower it, put a warm object under your feet.
  8. When the doctor arrives, you need to describe your actions, behavior and symptoms of the patient as accurately and briefly as possible.

The further course of the disease and the woman’s life depend on the timeliness and correctness of the provision of pre-medical care.

Diagnosis of stroke

When diagnosing an illness, a specialist examines the patient’s medical history. A neurologist examines a woman. An accurate diagnosis can be made by studying the results of blood tests:

  • biochemical analysis;
  • coagulograms;
  • lipid spectrum.

Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging make it possible to determine the localization area and parameters of brain damage.

It is important to distinguish a stroke from hemorrhage, oncology, epilepsy and infectious lesions of the membranes.

Treatment of ischemic stroke

Therapeutic methods of ischemic stroke are prescribed taking into account the cause of the development of the pathology. To begin with, doctors normalize the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, lyse the blood clot and restore blood circulation to the brain.

For this type of pathology, glycosides, antianginal agents, and antioxidants are prescribed. At the same time, therapeutic measures are taken to protect the brain from the formation of edema and structural changes.

When the patient’s condition normalizes, doctors recommend adjusting the diet. You should avoid salt, sugar, fatty foods, flour products, smoked meats, and eggs. The menu includes a large number of vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and cereals.

After an ischemic stroke, you should limit your water intake - its amount per day should not exceed 1 liter.

Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke

The hemorrhagic type of disease is treated by 2 methods:

  • conservative therapy;
  • surgical intervention.

The operation is carried out:

  • when detecting large or medium hemorrhage;
  • if, according to the results of CT or MRI, the patient’s condition has worsened;
  • if a hematoma of the cerebellum or brain stem has been diagnosed, which causes neurological signs.

Conservative treatment method is used:

  • when the woman’s condition is normalized and there is no neurological deficit;
  • when detecting small supratentorial hematomas.

When the disease occurs in the acute stage, antihypertensive drugs, selective and non-selective beta blockers are prescribed. It is necessary to use antispasmodics, calcium antagonists, and ACE inhibitors.

The consequences of an attack depend on the severity of the attack, the timeliness and correctness of first medical and pre-medical aid, and the presence of chronic diseases.

They can be temporary or permanent. In some cases, a woman manages to fully recover after a stroke.

But in most cases the following pathologies occur:

  • paralysis of one side of the body;
  • muscle weakness and intense pain;
  • speech problems;
  • difficulties in perceiving the surrounding world - the inability to determine the size and shape of an object;
  • deterioration of memory, attention, coordination.

As a result of a hemorrhagic stroke, the patient may fall into a coma. The prognosis in this case is disappointing.


Preventive measures for the development of a stroke in the head include adjusting the diet: you need to give up salty, fatty foods, and eat more vegetables and fruits.

It is important to control your own weight, blood sugar levels, and constantly measure your blood pressure. You should stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is imperative to exercise daily and ensure proper sleep.

If alarming symptoms occur that indicate a stroke, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Similarities and differences between heart attack and stroke

The medical terms heart attack and stroke are often confused with each other due to their similarities. However, the difference between them is significant. Both pathologies occupy leading positions among the causes of human mortality. In this case, damage to the cardiovascular system comes first, and brain damage comes second.

The main difference between diseases is the target organ that is damaged when the pathological condition occurs. A heart attack is a disease of the cardiovascular system and is accompanied by necrosis of the heart muscle, while a stroke is a neurological disease that affects the brain.

What is a stroke

Stroke is a neurological disease that is characterized by acute disruption of blood circulation in the brain and is sudden in nature. In this case, neurological symptoms occur within minutes or hours.

The disease is divided into:

  • cerebral infarction, or ischemic stroke;
  • bleeding in the brain, or intracerebral hemorrhage;
  • hemorrhage into the subarachnoid space, or subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Neurological pathology ranks second in terms of deaths, second only to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Ischemic damage is based on necrotic brain damage. It most often occurs in people over 60 years of age with a history of heart disease or myocardial damage. The occurrence of cerebral ischemia is characterized by night time with preservation of consciousness.

The cause of cerebral ischemia lies in the narrowing of the cerebral arteries or blockage by a blood clot. When oxygen starvation occurs, brain cells die.

Among hemorrhagic processes, hemorrhages are distinguished:

  • intracerebral;
  • subarachnoid.

Intracerebral hemorrhage most often occurs during the day after overexertion or stress against the background of arterial hypertension, after hypertensive crises.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is typically caused by a ruptured aneurysm or traumatic brain injury.


The symptoms of stroke are based on general cerebral and focal neurological symptoms.

Among the general cerebral ones there are:

  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • drowsiness or psychomotor agitation;
  • headache accompanied by vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of landmarks on the ground.

Focal brain symptoms are characterized by the area of ​​brain damage:

  • impaired movement of the limbs in the form of paresis or paralysis;
  • speech or vision impairment;
  • change in gait.

What is a heart attack

A heart attack is a form of coronary heart disease, or ischemic heart disease, in which necrosis of the myocardium of the heart occurs of an ischemic nature. The basis of the pathological process is a violation of the blood supply to the myocardium.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The development of myocardial damage is based on blockage of the vessel supplying the heart muscle. In this case, obturation is caused by:

  • atherosclerotic plaque;
  • thrombosis;
  • spasm of the coronary arteries.

Myocardial infarction clinic

The main sign of ischemia and necrosis is a sudden sharp pain behind the sternum in the heart area, which can radiate to the left shoulder blade and arm. Rarely does the disease occur without pain.

The pain is intense. However, they are not controlled by taking nitroglycerin drugs within 1 hour. Pain decreases only after taking narcotic analgesics.

The second characteristic symptom is shortness of breath that accompanies heart failure. The pathology can be accompanied by arrhythmias, even cardiac arrest.

There is a connection between cardiac muscle ischemia and physical activity or stressful situations. In addition, the pathology may be preceded by a hypertensive crisis.

Common symptoms and differences

Common symptoms characteristic of stroke and heart attack include:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • pain syndrome;
  • high blood pressure;
  • shortness of breath.

The main signs that distinguish between a stroke and a heart attack are:

  1. A stroke is a lesion of the neurological profile, a heart attack is a lesion of the cardiovascular system.
  2. A stroke occurs due to impaired blood circulation in the brain, a heart attack due to a malnutrition of the organ.
  3. Cerebral infarction is a form of stroke when necrotic damage to the brain occurs.
  4. A heart attack is more likely to cause immediate death than a stroke.

Despite the differences, heart attack and stroke are serious pathological conditions in which first aid saves a person’s life.

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