Measures to prevent various sexually transmitted infections. STI prevention measures

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs for short) are traditionally called sexually transmitted diseases. Venereal diseases (from Venus - goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology) is a group of infectious diseases whose pathogens are transmitted primarily through sexual contact. Currently, there are over 20 such diseases.

It is noted that in the last 30 years, stereotypes of sexual behavior have changed significantly throughout the world. The attitude of young people towards sex is becoming increasingly easy, and various social prohibitions in this area are easily ignored. Various forms of sexual behavior are becoming increasingly common in early adolescence and even adolescence. A simplified attitude towards early sexual relationships, indiscriminate, casual relationships with different partners greatly increase the risk of contracting an STI.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 300 million cases of sexually transmitted infections are registered every year around the world. The highest incidence of STIs is observed in the group of 20-21 year olds, then 15-19 year olds. The number of these diseases is also increasing in Russia. According to statistics, for the period 1990-2000. the number of STI patients has increased more than 100 times, and among young people under 19 years of age, the incidence has increased more than 35 times.

Hence the rapid increase in sexually transmitted infections. In the mid-90s. The incidence of syphilis in a number of cities has reached epidemic proportions. The number of registered cases of infection among adults has increased 33 times over 5 years, and among adolescents - 51 times. The incidence of gonorrhea and other STIs is also increasing.

Young people should be aware that the risk of contracting an STI increases with the number of sexual partners and the frequency of sexual intercourse. It is necessary to adhere to the rule, which should become an axiom: think about safety before, and not after, sexual intercourse.

Signs of sexually transmitted infections may not appear for a long time after infection. An infected person often feels healthy, but can still infect a sexual partner.

It should be noted that persons who are intellectually and morally immature or who reject the norms of generally accepted morality are more prone to promiscuity. For them, the purpose of communication is a fun pastime, a prerequisite for which is sexual intercourse. Usually in such cases, sexual intercourse is achieved on the basis of artificially induced sexual desire (use of alcohol, drugs, etc.).

Therefore, the general rules of prevention can be considered:

Abstinence from casual sexual intercourse and intimate contact of the genitals;

Mutual fidelity of uninfected partners;

Correct and consistent use of condoms.

Syphilis is traditionally considered the most terrible venereal disease. The causative agent of syphilis is Treponema pallidum, which looks like a thin spiral thread. Syphilis infection occurs through close contact between a healthy person and a sick person. The most common route is infection through sexual contact, but it is also possible through household contact, when infection occurs through a kiss, using household items (toothbrush, spoon) that the patient had previously used, or smoking the same cigarette with the patient.

Treponema pallidum penetrates the skin or mucous membranes shell through the smallest damage - abrasions, cracks, etc.

The first symptoms of syphilis appear 3-4 weeks after infection. They are characterized by the appearance of chancre at the site of introduction of pale treponema (small painless erosion or ulcer on a dense base). After 5-7 days of the appearance of hard chancre, the lymph nodes closest to it enlarge.

The listed symptoms are characteristic of primary syphilis, which lasts 6-7 weeks. By the end primary period Patients may experience general symptoms: malaise, increased body temperature, bone pain, headache.

Secondary period The course of the disease is characterized by the appearance of rashes on the skin of the torso, soles, palms, and mucous membrane of the genital organs. The rashes do not cause any discomfort and disappear spontaneously after some time. The secondary period of syphilis lasts on average 3-4 years.

Tertiary period syphilis develops in patients who have not received full treatment. This period is characterized by damage to the skin and mucous membrane, internal organs, bones, and also the nervous system.

It must be remembered that the sooner treatment begins, the higher the guarantee of complete recovery.

Rules for personal prevention of syphilis. After casual sexual intercourse, it is recommended to immediately after sexual intercourse thoroughly wash the genitals and adjacent areas of the body with warm water and soap. If you suspect a syphilis infection, you must contact the anti-venereal care center or the nearest medical facility.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by gonococcus. Gonorrhea is transmitted, as a rule, sexually from a patient with gonorrhea or from a bacteria carrier. During sexual intercourse, gonococcus enters the mucous membrane of the genital organs and urethra and causes local inflammation. Infection at home through infected household items is also possible - shared bed, linen, washcloth, towel, etc. with the patient.

The first signs of the disease usually appear 2-5 days after infection. In men, it manifests itself in the form of urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), which is characterized by burning pain in the urethra at the beginning of urination.

In women, gonorrhea is sluggish and unnoticeable. Almost all patients develop gonorrheal urethritis, accompanied by frequent urges and cutting pain when urinating.

If gonorrhea is not treated, the pathogen can quickly spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, affecting the joints, heart, and brain.

The best preventive measure against gonorrhea is the use of a condom, which equally protects both men and women from infection.

Genital herpes is an ulcerative lesion of the genital organs, the causative agent of which is the herpes simplex virus (a disease characterized by blistering rashes on the skin). Genital herpes is transmitted sexually and causes sores and ulcers on and around the genitals. Such rashes may appear every few weeks and last for several days, then may disappear for a long time. However, even after complete healing, the virus remains in the body and mostly causes periodic or irregular exacerbations.

The effectiveness of treatment of herpes simplex largely depends on the timing of treatment: the earlier it is started, the more effective.

Symptoms appear 1-4 weeks after infection. In men they are the same as in gonorrhea. In women, chlamydia often goes unnoticed.

A very common STI is trichomoniasis, affecting the vagina and urethra and revealing white or yellow vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. This is the most common sexually transmitted disease.

As a recommendation for the prevention of STIs, we will offer you advice given by American psychologist Dee Snyder to teenagers: “If you are going to engage in sexual activity, you must take the necessary precautions against sexually transmitted diseases. Of course, the first way to protect yourself is complete abstinence, but if you really can’t wait, then experts advise using a condom when you enter into a relationship with a girl whose infinite fidelity you are not sure of. So, you have double protection - against sexually transmitted diseases and against unwanted pregnancy.

Some girls feel insulted when their partner insists that he will use a condom if she herself uses contraceptives (birth control), as if he is suggesting that she is unhealthy. Guys, I dare say: better be offenders. And to you, girlfriends, I dare to recommend the following: buy condoms yourself, in case your boyfriend forgets about it. If he is offended by this, so much the worse for him. Insist that he use a condom."

To conclude this section, we note two points:

1. If you have obvious symptoms of the diseases described above or have concerns about whether you are sick, do not hesitate and contact your doctor immediately. If, after an examination, a sexually transmitted disease is detected, it is necessary to involve your sexual partner in the examination and treatment.

2. Remember: infecting another person with a sexually transmitted disease, if you knew you had it, is a criminal offense (Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1997). It is punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred to five hundred times the minimum monthly wage, or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to five months, or by correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or by arrest for a term of from three to six months.

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Topic: Sexually transmitted diseases. Prevention measures. AIDS and its prevention.

Purpose: to provide an understanding of the main sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), measures to prevent these diseases; determine the causes and methods of infection with skin and venereal diseases; To introduce students to AIDS and its prevention measures.

Venereal diseases (from Venus - the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology) are a group of infectious diseases whose pathogens are transmitted primarily through sexual contact. In recent years, the number of sexually transmitted diseases has increased several times. One of the main reasons is a freer view of sex and sexual relationships among young people. There are currently more than 20 STIs.

What are the dangers of STDs: damage to internal organs, paralysis and mental disorders, infertility, the birth of sick children and deformed children, family breakdown, degeneration of the nation

Statistics for recent years: The incidence of syphilis has increased 40 times. The number of cases of congenital syphilis has increased 20 times. STDs have become younger and people start getting sick from them at the age of 12-14. These diseases are most common in people aged 20-21 years, with 15-19 year olds in second place.

General rules of prevention Abstinence from casual sexual contact Mutual fidelity of young people Use of contraception If you suspect infection, contact a medical facility

Syphilis is considered the most terrible venereal disease. The causative agent, Treponema pallidum, enters the bloodstream not only through sexual intercourse, but also through cuts, abrasions, even kissing, smoking the same cigarette with a patient, and using household items (toothbrush, spoon). Signs of the disease appear 3-4 weeks after contact.

Horny rashes on the skin of the sole with syphilis. Smallpox-like rash on the skin with syphilis. Papular rash on the tongue with syphilis. Rash in the form of ecthyma on the skin of the trunk and upper limbs with syphilis.

Periods of the disease The primary period is characterized by the appearance of erosion or ulcers (chancre) at the site of treponema penetration, most often in the genital area. Secondary period (after 1-2 months). A rash appears on the skin of the torso, soles, palms, mucous membrane of the genital organs, constant headaches, bone pain, and enlarged lymph nodes. The tertiary period is characterized by damage to the skin and mucous membrane, internal organs, bones, nervous system, the sensitivity of the legs is lost, the teeth are affected, and the nose collapses.

Tuberous syphilis in the form of ulcerated lesions on the skin of the lower leg in tertiary syphilis. Rash with secondary recurrent syphilis on the skin of the face. Rash with secondary recurrent syphilis on the skin of the foot.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by gonococcus. The incubation period averages 3-6 days. Signs of the disease: pain and pain during urination, profuse purulent discharge from the urethra, inflammation, frequent urge to urinate. If the disease is not treated, the pathogen affects the joints, heart, and brain. Prevention: after accidental sexual intercourse, thoroughly wash the genitals and surrounding areas with warm water and soap, treatment and douching with a solution of potassium permanganate, preventive medical examination (smear for gonococci), use of condoms.

AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This is the final stage of an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and transmitted through sexual contact and blood. Routes of transmission During sexual intercourse During transfusion of blood and its components When using a medical instrument contaminated with blood containing the pathogen During intravenous injections with nonsterile syringes among drug addicts The only way to combat AIDS is prevention.

Periods of HIV infection The incubation period lasts from 3 days to several months. The period of primary manifestations lasts from several days to 2.5 months, but can last up to 1 year. The period of secondary manifestations lasts from several months to 8-10 years. The period of lesions lasts from several months to 3-5 years. The main cause of morbidity and mortality from AIDS is not the virus itself, but other infections and diseases that the body cannot resist as a result of HIV infection.

Kaposi's sarcoma of the facial skin and mucous membrane of the soft and hard palate in a patient with AIDS. Ulcerations of Kaposi's sarcoma in the area of ​​the left leg in a patient with AIDS. AIDS patient.

Responsibility for contracting HIV infection, provided for in Art. 122 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Knowingly placing another person at risk of contracting HIV infection is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to one year. Infecting another person with HIV infection by a person who knew that he had this disease is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years.

AIDS is incurable and inevitably leads to death! There is NO vaccine for HIV infection! There is NO radical treatment method! You choose your own path!

Prevention of STDs

Prevention of STDs: emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (sexually transmitted diseases), prevention after casual relationships

The cost of prevention is 1200 hryvnia.

If you have had sexual contact with a casual partner, and there is no confidence in the “purity” of the person, there is cause for concern and quite serious. Even if the relationship took place using a condom, there is absolutely no guarantee that you cannot catch any sexually transmitted disease. Condoms are not always reliable. Their use should not be reassuring. For example, there is evidence that they do not always protect against papillomaviruses and viral hepatitis B and C. Not everyone knows how to use a condom correctly. Ideally, a condom should be put on immediately after taking off clothes, since it is very easy to transfer an infection from the partner’s genitals during foreplay. It doesn’t matter to the bacteria whether the host is the genitals or the hands.

If there was no condom at all, it’s clear that everything is bad. In addition to the risk of developing incurable diseases (or diseases that can cost tens of thousands of dollars to treat, such as hepatitis C), you can infect your wife or long-term partner. To prevent the risk of infection of regular partners, you will have to wait 2 months. It is after this period that you can get a reliable test for AIDS and syphilis. Other diseases can be diagnosed earlier - within 14-21 days after exposure. All this time you will have to be nervous, invent reasons to evade marital responsibilities and prepare a decent amount for the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Naturally, in the face of such a problem, humanity looked for a way out. What to do if sexual intercourse without a condom (or even with a condom, but with a casual partner) took place?

You can significantly reduce the likelihood of problems in a simple way (for men): immediately after contact, urinate. Then wash the external genitalia well with soap. Also wash your entire body from the navel to the knees. Even better if within 2 hours FROM THE START! sexual intercourse, after the procedures described above, apply a solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin. These solutions are produced in special packaging with a spout to make it convenient to pour the substance into the urethra. The technique is very simple: after urinating, insert the spout of the bottle into the opening of the urethra, clamp the mouth of the canal with one hand so that it tightly covers the tip, and squeeze out the contents of the bottle. As soon as the liquid begins to pour back and you feel distension in the urethra, you can stop the infusion. Now you need to clamp the mouth of the canal for several minutes (usually 5-10 minutes). This will be the exposure time of the drug. Theoretically, this is enough to kill the causative agents of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). In practice, this method is not absolutely reliable, although in most cases it helps to stay healthy. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires the correct technique and the medicine is not always at hand. The time to carry out prevention is limited.

What should I do if more than two hours have passed? As a half measure, prophylactic antibiotics are suitable. They are given for a short period of time and are effective against bacterial infections (eg gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis). Antibiotics do not work against viruses and the risk of contracting hepatitis C, AIDS or papillomavirus infection remains.

Fortunately, there is a method that does not have these disadvantages. It has been used in our practice for more than 16 years. Effective up to 72 hours after sexual intercourse. Acts on both bacteria and viruses. For To prevent STDs, deep instillation of medication is used- ointment-based antiseptic. Technically, this is done like this: a Nelaton catheter 18 cm long is inserted into the urethra. The procedure itself is absolutely painless. After insertion of the catheter, the urethra is filled along its entire length - from the bladder to the external opening - with medicine. The antiseptic medicine, being made on an ointment basis, remains in the urethra even after urination, as it lubricates the walls of the urethra. Try washing off anything greasy from the surface without soap. It won't work. In the same way, the medicine remains on the walls of the urethra. Using this technique, several goals are achieved:

  • Firstly: the entire length of the urethra is treated.
  • Secondly: the exposure time of the drug increases to several hours. This is critically important: the longer the medicine remains on the surface of the mucous membrane, the more effectively it disinfects.
  • Thirdly: the composition of the drug is effective against bacterial and viral infections and at the same time spares the mucous membrane of the canal.
  • Fourth: the most important advantage is the effectiveness of prevention for up to 3 days. There is probably no need to describe why this is convenient.

Why is this method so effective?

The fact is that washing with chlorhexidine or miramistin can disinfect the urethra only to a depth of 5 centimeters. If more than 2 hours have passed after contact, the causative agent of the sexually transmitted disease penetrates higher and can no longer be “reached” by conventional means. We use a long catheter, with which we can treat the entire length of the urethra. One more point: the effect of chlorhexidine or miramistin lasts exactly as long as the person keeps the channel clamped, that is, 5-10 minutes. Such exposure is not sufficient to eliminate many pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases. We use a medicine that has an ointment base, that is, it can remain on the surface for a long time and even be absorbed. The therapeutic concentration of such a drug can be detected even several hours after the prophylaxis procedure. All of the above advantages of our method have led to the fact that it can be used within several days from the moment of infection.

Why is this possible: Every sexually transmitted disease has an incubation period. This is the period of time from the pathogen entering the body to the onset of symptoms of the disease. During this period, the bacterium or virus adapts to new conditions and multiplies to such an extent that it can cause manifestations of the disease. You can compare the incubation period to the germination of grain planted in the soil. The grain lies unchanged for some time, then swells, sprouts and roots. The most vulnerable period is precisely this interval between the grain entering the soil and the rooting of the plant. The same principle applies to sexually transmitted pathogens. If you apply an antiseptic to the pathogen at a time when it has not yet adapted to new conditions, you can eliminate it quite easily.

In what cases is prevention necessary?

Always when there was contact with a stranger. Even if it was with a condom.

Is it profitable to do prevention?

The cost of prevention is less than the cost of a set of tests for sexually transmitted diseases. If we compare the cost of prevention with the cost of treatment, the difference is simply huge. If we talk about intangible aspects, then the preserved relationships and family situation are worth taking preventive measures after unprotected sexual intercourse. The most valuable thing is that you maintain your health.

Can prevention hurt?

All components used in the antiseptic composition can be easily purchased at the pharmacy and, of course, they are approved for use in medical practice. The catheter used to administer the medicine is designed in such a way that it cannot damage anything. The procedure is very well tolerated. Almost painless.

Is this procedure reliable?

Throughout the entire period of application of this method, there was not a single case when a patient fell ill after prophylaxis.

Cost of prevention after an accidental relationship: 1200 hryvnia.

In obstetrics and gynecology we work in the following areas:

  • Vaginal discharge in women, discharge during pregnancy
  • Ultrasound diagnosis of Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities

We treat such problems.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs for short) are traditionally called sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases(from Venus - goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology) is a group of infectious diseases whose pathogens are transmitted primarily through sexual contact. Currently, there are over 20 such diseases.

It is noted that in the last 30 years, stereotypes of sexual behavior have changed significantly throughout the world. The attitude of young people towards sex is becoming increasingly easy, and various social prohibitions in this area are easily ignored. Various forms of sexual behavior are increasingly found in early adolescence and even adolescence. A simplified attitude towards early sexual relationships, indiscriminate, casual relationships with different partners greatly increase the risk of contracting an STI.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 300 million cases of sexually transmitted infections are registered worldwide every year. The highest incidence of STIs is observed in the group of 20-21 year olds, then 15-19 year olds. The number of these diseases is also increasing here in Russia. According to statistics, for the period 1990-2000. the number of STI patients has increased more than 100 times, and among young people under 19 years of age, the incidence has increased more than 35 times.

Hence the rapid increase in sexually transmitted infections. In the mid-90s. The incidence of syphilis in a number of cities has reached epidemic proportions. The number of registered cases of infection among adults has increased 33 times over 5 years, and among adolescents - 51 times. The incidence of gonorrhea and other STIs is also increasing.

All STIs, including syphilis, have become younger, they All Children and adolescents aged 12-14 years are most often infected.

Young people should be aware that the risk of contracting an STI increases with the number of sexual partners and frequency of sexual intercourse. It is necessary to adhere to the rule, which should become an axiom: think about safety before, and not after, sexual intercourse.

Signs of sexually transmitted infections may not appear for a long time after infection. An infected person often feels healthy, but can still infect a sexual partner.

It should be noted that persons who are intellectually and morally immature or who reject the norms of generally accepted morality are more prone to promiscuity. For them, the purpose of communication is an entertaining pastime, a prerequisite for which is sexual intercourse. Usually in such cases sexual intercourse

is achieved on the basis of artificially induced sexual desire (use of alcohol, drugs, etc.).

Therefore, the general rules of prevention can be considered: abstinence from casual sexual contact and intimate contact of the genitals; mutual fidelity of uninfected partners;

correct and consistent use of condoms.

Syphilis traditionally considered the most terrible venereal disease. The causative agent of syphilis is Treponema pallidum, which looks like a thin spiral thread. Syphilis infection occurs through close contact of a healthy person with a sick person. The most common route is infection through sexual contact, but it is also possible through household contact, when infection occurs through a kiss, using household items (toothbrush, spoon) that the patient had previously used, or smoking the same cigarette with the patient.

Treponema pallidum penetrates the skin or mucous membranes shell through the smallest damage - abrasions, cracks, etc.

The first symptoms of syphilis appear 3-4 weeks after infection. They are characterized by the appearance of chancroid at the site of introduction of pale treponema (small painless erosion or ulcer on a solid base). After 5-7 days of the appearance of hard chancre, the lymph nodes closest to it enlarge.

The listed symptoms are characteristic of primary syphilis, which lasts 6-7 weeks. By the end primary period Patients may experience general symptoms: malaise, fever, bone pain, headache.

Secondary period The course of the disease is characterized by the appearance of rashes on the skin of the torso, soles, palms, and mucous membrane of the genital organs. The rashes do not cause any discomfort and disappear spontaneously after a while. The secondary period of syphilis lasts on average 3-4 years.

Tertiary period syphilis develops in patients who have not received adequate treatment. This period is characterized by damage to the skin and mucous membrane, internal organs, bones, and the nervous system.

It must be remembered that the sooner treatment begins, the higher the guarantee of complete recovery.

Rules for personal prevention of syphilis. After casual sexual intercourse, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the genitals and surrounding areas of the body with warm water and soap immediately after sexual intercourse. If you suspect a syphilis infection, you must contact the anti-venereal care center or the nearest medical facility.

Gonorrhea- a venereal disease caused by gonococcus. Gonorrhea is transmitted, as a rule, sexually from a patient with gonorrhea or from a bacteria carrier. During sexual intercourse, gonococcus

enters the mucous membrane of the genital organs and urethra and causes local inflammation. Domestic infection through infected household items is also possible - shared bed, linen, washcloth, towel, etc. with the patient.

The first signs of the disease usually appear 2-5 days after infection. In men, it manifests itself in the form of urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), which is characterized by burning pain in the urethra at the beginning of urination.

In women, gonorrhea is sluggish and unnoticeable. Almost all patients develop gonorrheal urethritis, accompanied by frequent urge and cutting pain when urinating.

If gonorrhea is not treated, the pathogen can quickly spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, affecting the joints, heart, and brain.

The best preventive measure against gonorrhea is the use of a condom, which equally protects both men and women from infection.

Genital herpes- ulcerative lesions of the genital organs, the causative agent of which is the herpes simplex virus (a disease characterized by blistering rashes on the skin). Genital herpes is transmitted sexually and causes sores and sores on and around the genitals. Such rashes may appear every few weeks and last for several days, then may disappear for a long time. However, even after complete healing, the virus remains in the body and mostly causes periodic or irregular exacerbations.

The effectiveness of treatment for herpes simplex largely depends from timing of treatment: the earlier it is started, the more effective.

Symptoms appear 1-4 weeks after infection. In men they are the same as for gonorrhea. In women, chlamydia often goes undetected.

A very common STI is trichomoniasis, affecting the vagina and urethra and revealing itself as white or yellow vaginal discharge with a foul odor. This is the most common sexually transmitted disease.

As a recommendation for the prevention of STIs, we will offer you advice given by American psychologist Dee Snyder to teenagers: “If you are going to engage in sexual activity, you should take the necessary precautions against sexually transmitted diseases. Of course, the first way to protect yourself is complete abstinence, but if you really can’t wait, That the ex-

Perts advise that when you enter into a relationship with a girl whose infinite fidelity you are not sure of, use a condom. So, you have double protection - against sexually transmitted diseases and against unwanted pregnancy.

Some girls feel insulted when a partner insists that he will use a condom if she uses contraceptives (birth control) herself - as if he is suggesting that she is unwell. Guys, I dare say: better be offenders. And to you, girlfriends, I dare to recommend the following: buy condoms yourself, in case your boyfriend forgets about it. If he is offended by this, so much the worse for him. Insist that he use a condom."

To conclude this section, we note two points:

1. If you have obvious symptoms of the diseases described above or have concerns about whether you are sick, do not hesitate and contact your doctor immediately. If, after an examination, a sexually transmitted disease is detected, it is necessary to involve your sexual partner in the examination and treatment.

2. Remember: infecting another person with a sexually transmitted disease, if you knew you had it, is a criminal offense (Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1997). It is punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred to five hundred times the minimum monthly wage, or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to five months, or by correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or by arrest for a term of three to two years. six months.

Questions and tasks

1. Infections transmitted sexually, and the reasons conducive to infection STI.

2. Brief description of STIs.

3. Measures to prevent STIs.

4. Criminal liability for infection with venereal illness.

AIDS and its prevention

In addition to the well-known sexually transmitted diseases (infectious, predominantly sexually transmitted), which include syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, in the early 80s. in the USA, and also 2-3 years later in Western Europe and a number of other countries, a previously unknown disease began to spread. Studies have shown that this disease is characterized by a slowly progressive defect in the human immune system, which leads to the death of the patient from secondary lesions associated with a disorder of the immune system. This disease was named acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

AIDS - This is the final stage of an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and transmitted through sexual contact and blood.

HIV infection in its final stage (AIDS) was first described in 1981 in the USA. In the 80s The spread of HIV infection has been noted in Europe, Australia, and Asia. According to WHO, the number of people infected with HIV in the world in 1992 reached 12 million people, of whom 2 million people developed AIDS.

The highest percentage of infected people is among the population of the Caribbean, Central Africa, USA, and Western Europe. Mostly city residents are affected. In the territory of the former USSR, HIV infection has been registered since 1985. According to the Russian Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS, as of January 1, 2000, 29,190 people infected with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were registered in Russia, of which 398 were AIDS patients, among children infected 761, AIDS patients 127.

The causative agent of the disease is the human immunodeficiency virus. There are two known modifications of the virus - HIV-1 and HIV-2. The virus dies at a temperature of 56 ° C for 50 minutes, at 70-80 ° C - after 10 minutes, and is quickly inactivated by ethyl alcohol, ether, acetone, 0.2% sodium hypochlorite solution and other disinfectants.

The source of the infectious agent is a person at any stage of the infectious process. You can become infected with the virus through sexual intercourse, transfusion of blood and its components, or use of a medical instrument contaminated with blood containing pathogens. The possibility of transmitting the virus during sexual intercourse is due to trauma to the skin and mucous membranes of partners. The greatest degree of trauma occurs during intercourse through the anus, which determines the fastest rate of spread of the virus among homosexual men.

Transmission of the virus by kissing on the lips is unlikely. The possibility of transmission of the virus through “everyday” kissing, sharing cutlery, toilets, towels, etc. was rejected based on the results of long-term observation of families of infected people.

Transmission of the virus through transfusion of contaminated blood leads to infection in 80-100% of cases. There is a high risk of infection from intravenous injections performed with unsterile needles and syringes, which were previously used to perform the same procedure on an infected person. Drug addicts have the highest chance of becoming infected this way.

Transmission of the virus in dental practice, at cosmetic procedures, in hairdressing salons is theoretically acceptable, but for now

Not registered.

In our country, there is a tendency towards a mixed type of disease. Infections as a result of sexual contacts, transfusion of infected blood and nosocomial infections have been recorded.

complaints related to violation of the rules for sterilization of medical instruments.

The main direction in the prevention of HIV infection is considered to be teaching the population, starting from school age, correct sexual behavior: limiting the number of sexual partners and using condoms.

The next area of ​​prevention is ensuring strict compliance in medical institutions with the rules for the use and sterilization of syringes, needles and other instruments, as well as the use of syringes and disposable blood transfusion systems.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the health and life of each person primarily depends on himself, on his knowledge of risk factors and on the correctness of his chosen lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle, purity in gender relations, marital fidelity are the best prevention of AIDS. An important measure is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, as well as the fight against drunkenness and drug addiction.

Anyone who has a normal sex life, observes basic rules of personal hygiene, and does not drink alcohol or drugs can protect themselves from AIDS.

It should always be borne in mind that today HIV infection is spreading here in Russia, as in the West, mainly through sexual contact, and the number of infected people is steadily growing. Half of the cases of infection occur in the age group from 15 to 24 years. Most people infected with HIV remain outwardly healthy, i.e. the virus may not manifest itself for many years, and only special blood tests reveal the presence of infection in a person. A person may not know that he is infected, transmitting the virus to other people.

During HIV infection, there are four periods: incubation, primary manifestations, secondary manifestations, and the period of lesions.

Incubation period lasts from 3 days to several

The period of primary manifestations, associated with the dissemination (spread) of HIV infection, lasts from several days to 2.5 months, but can last up to 1 year.

Period of secondary manifestations lasts from several months to 8-10 years. Active immune restructuring is underway.

Duration period of defeats - from several months to 3-5 years. It begins from the moment when a disease indicating a decrease in immunity is first clinically noted. During this period, the development of simple and herpes zoster and furunculosis is possible. Fever and unmotivated weight loss are possible. Over time, new lesions appear. When they come

have a life-threatening nature, it is customary to talk about the development of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).

Many of the symptoms of AIDS are inherent in such diseases, How malignant tumors, pneumonia, diarrhea (diarrhea), etc.

The main cause of morbidity and mortality in people from AIDS is not the virus itself, but other infections and diseases that the body cannot resist as a result of HIV infection.

In conclusion, we note that so far there is no vaccine that protects against HIV infection. There is also no radical method of treating AIDS; AIDS is still incurable and inevitably leads to death.

Nature has given man a mind, using which he creates an artificial habitat for a more comfortable life. But this same mind should help a person learn to live safely in the real environment that he has created. Before you do something, you need to think about why it is needed and what it might lead to. Let's hope that reason will still win.

To conclude this paragraph, let's talk about responsibility. behind HIV infection as provided for in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 122 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states:

"1. Knowingly putting another person at risk of contracting HIV infection is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to one year.

2. Infection of another person with HIV infection by a person who knew that he had this disease is punishable by imprisonment for term up to five years."

Questions and tasks

1. HIV infection and AIDS, brief description and routes of infection.

2. Prevention of AIDS.

3. Responsibility for contracting HIV infection.

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