An age-related decrease in vital capacity of the lungs is associated with. Age-related features of human breathing

The vital capacity of the lungs, tidal and minute volumes in children gradually increase with age due to the growth and development of the chest and lungs.

In a newborn baby, the lungs are little elastic and relatively large. During inhalation, their volume increases slightly, by only 10–15 mm. Providing the child's body with oxygen occurs by increasing the breathing rate. Tidal volume of the lungs increases with age along with a decrease in respiratory rate.

With age, the absolute value of MOR increases, but the relative MOR (the ratio of MOR to body weight) decreases. In newborns and children of the first year of life it is twice as much as in adults. This is due to the fact that in children, with the same relative tidal volume, the respiratory rate is several times higher than in adults. In this regard, pulmonary ventilation is greater per 1 kg of body weight in children (in newborns it is 400 ml, at 5–6 years of age it is 210, at 7 years of age – 160, at 8–10 years of age – 150, 11 – for 13-year-olds – 130 – 145, for 14-year-olds – 125, and for 15 – 17-year-olds – 110). Thanks to this, the growing organism's greater need for O 2 is ensured.

The value of vital capacity increases with age due to the growth of the chest and lungs. In a child 5-6 years old it is 710-800 ml, in a child 14-16 years old it is 2500-2600 ml. From 18 to 25 years of age, the vital capacity of the lungs is maximum, and after 35 to 40 years of age it decreases. The vital capacity of the lungs varies depending on age, height, type of breathing, gender (girls have 100–200 ml less than boys).

In children, during physical work, breathing changes in a unique way. During exercise, the RR increases and the RR remains almost unchanged. Such breathing is uneconomical and cannot ensure long-term performance of work. Pulmonary ventilation in children increases by 2–7 times when performing physical work, and by almost 20 times during heavy loads (middle-distance running). In girls, when performing maximum work, oxygen consumption is less than in boys, especially at 8–9 years old and at 16–18. All this should be taken into account when engaging in physical labor and sports with children of different ages.

Physiologically the most important gases are O2, CO2, N2. They are present in atmospheric air in the proportions indicated in the table. 1.

In addition, the atmosphere contains water vapor in highly variable quantities.

From a medical point of view, hypoxia occurs when there is insufficient oxygen supply to tissues. A brief summary of the various causes of hypoxia can also serve as an abbreviated overview of all respiratory processes.

Each item below identifies violations of one or more processes. Systematizing them allows us to consider all these phenomena simultaneously.

I. insufficient transport of O2 by blood (anoxemic hypoxia) (O2 content in the arterial blood of the systemic circulation is reduced).

A. Reduced PO2:

1) lack of O2 in the inhaled air;

2) decreased pulmonary ventilation;

3) decreased gas exchange between the alveoli and blood;

4) mixing the blood of the large and small circle,

B. Normal PO2:

1) decreased hemoglobin content (anemia);

2) impaired ability of hemoglobin to attach O2

II. Insufficient blood transport (hypokinetic hypoxia).

A. Insufficient blood supply:

1) throughout the cardiovascular system (heart failure)

2) local (blockage of individual arteries),

B. Impaired blood outflow;

1) blockage of certain veins;

B. Insufficient blood supply with increased demand.

III. Inability of tissue to use incoming O2 (histotoxic hypoxia).

Mass events of an emotional and active nature are held before dinner. Before going to bed, it is necessary to provide calm, quiet games or activities without excessive physical activity. Under favorable meteorological conditions, educational, cultural, and physical education activities with children should be carried out outdoors.

The load in classes in sports sections organized on the basis of special and auxiliary boarding schools must be differentiated taking into account the age, gender, health and physical fitness of students.

Pedagogical and medical personnel must systematically carry out work on hygienic training and education throughout the entire period of the child’s stay in special and auxiliary boarding schools. Specialists from the territorial state sanitary inspection institution, treatment and preventive organizations, valeologists, psychologists, etc. are involved in the work.

Teaching and medical personnel are obliged to require students to comply with the established sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, maintain cleanliness of the premises and area, neatness of clothing and shoes, and proper hygienic behavior.

"Digestive system".

The digestive system combines the digestive tract and the digestive glands (salivary, gastric, intestinal, pancreas and liver).

The digestive tract is a continuous tube consisting of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines and anus.

1. Mechanical

2. Motor

3. Secretory

4. Suction

The wall of the digestive tract has a single structure:

1. Outer or serous membrane (consists of connective tissue)

2. Longitudinal muscle layer

3. Circular muscle layer

4. Intermuscular nervous systems between muscle layers

5. Submucosa (blood, lymphatic vessels and nerve plexuses)

6. Mucosa

Salivary glands.

6 salivary glands: 2 parotid, 2 sublingual, 2 submandibular.

Per day - 1.5 - 2 liters of saliva.

The protein mucin promotes the formation of a food bolus.

Enzymes: ptyalin (breaks down starch), maltose (breaks down disaccharides to monosaccharides).

Saliva contains lysocine.

The stomach is a hollow organ that holds 1-2 liters. The wall consists of a serous membrane and a three-layer muscular and mucous membrane.

Three layers of smooth muscle:


Internal oblique

External longitudinal

There is an entrance (cardiac part) to the stomach and an exit (pyloric part). Body and bottom.

The mucous membrane is uneven and has 4-5 longitudinal folds, and when filled they disappear. There are depressions on it - gastric pits, into which the ducts of the stomach glands open.

Gland cells produce gastric juice - 1.5-2 liters per day.

Enzymes (produced main cells of the stomach glands)

Hydrochloric acid (produced by parietal cells)

Mucus (produced by accessory cells)

Main fragment – pepsin– breaks down proteins. Formed with the participation of HCl from pepsinogen.

Chymosin- curdles milk.

Lipase– breaks down fats.

The pH of gastric juice is 0.8-1.5 in an adult.

Processes occurring in the stomach:

Secretion of hydrochloric acid

· Protein breakdown

The stomach produces the hormone gastrin. It is involved in the humoral regulation of digestion. Enters the blood and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Pavlov identified the reflex (carried out with the help of nerve impulses during eating) and the humoral (hormone gastrin) phase of nervous regulation.

Small intestine (5-6 meters). Includes:


· Ileum

In the small intestine, unlike the stomach, there is an alkaline reaction of pH - 7. Digestive enzymes are activated by bile.

The intestinal mucosa forms projections (villi) 1 mm high. They cover circular folds. There are 1500 villi on one square centimeter. Amino acids and glucose are absorbed into the blood vessels of the villi. And fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed into their lymphatic vessels. In the small intestine there is an enzyme - enterokinase, activated by trypsin, which is synthesized by pancreatic cells in the form of trypsinogen, and under the influence of enterokinase it becomes trypsin. Trypsin breaks down proteins into amino acids. The hormone secretin is secreted in the small intestine, stimulating the exocrine function of the pancreas.

Large intestine (length 1.5-2 meters). Food residues are deposited and removed from the body. The bulk of the water is absorbed. There are no enzymes here, but under the influence of microflora, plant fiber is broken down. It also synthesizes some vitamins B6 and K.

Sections of the large intestine:

· Caecum with appendix

Colon (ascending, transverse and descending)

· Sigmoid

The liver is the largest digestive gland (1.5 kg). Located in the right hypochondrium, enclosed in a fibrous capsule and covered on top by the peritoneum.

On the lower surface are the portals of the liver: the portal vein, the hepatic artery and the bile ducts, namely the common bile duct, formed by the confluence of the cystic and hepatic ducts.

The structural and functional unit of the liver is the hepatic lobule (hexagonal shape, 1-2 mm in diameter). Consists of liver cells that produce bile. The hepatic lobules are separated from each other by loose connective tissue, in which the triads of the liver pass - interlobular vein, artery, bile duct.

Liver functions:

· Liver cells produce 1500 ml of bile per day, which is deposited in the stomach. During digestion, bile flows through the duct into the duodenum.

· The liver is involved in metabolism.

· Takes part in hematopoiesis in the fetus

· Performs a detoxification function i.e. cleansing the blood of harmful substances that come from the intestines to the portal vein to the liver.

· Bile acids emulsify fats.

The pancreas performs intrasecretory and exocrine functions. The enzyme is pancryotic lipase, which breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids; trypsin – breaks down proteins and their breakdown products; pancreatic amylase - breaks down starch into disaccharides; maltose - breaks down disaccharides into monosaccharides.

Pancreatic juice flows through the duct into the duodenum.


· In the oral cavity. In infants, unconditioned food reflexes (swallowing, sucking) and the secretion of digestive juices are well expressed. In the first week of life, conditioned reflexes to feeding are formed. By six months, the baby's first baby teeth appear. By the end of the first year of life there should be 8 teeth. Bait is a must. By the end of the second year - 12 teeth. Total – 20 teeth. At the age of 6, the baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. The salivary glands are formed, but they produce little saliva. The child does not know how to swallow and this is due to drooling when teething occurs. By 8-9 months it stops. Per day - about 800 ml of saliva. The tongue of newborns contains taste buds. They are very sensitive to sweet and sour foods. The swallowing reflex is formed earlier than the sucking reflex.

· The length of the esophagus in a newborn is 10 cm. At 2 years old – 14 cm. At 10 years old – 18 cm. At 15 years old – 19 cm. In an adult – 25 cm. The mucous membrane of the esophagus is tender and easily injured.

· From the moment of birth, there is already an intensive growth in the volume of the stomach. In a newborn, the stomach has a round shape, its capacity is 10 ml and at the end of the first month - 30 ml. It is located horizontally. By the end of the first month it increases by 50 ml. End of the second month – 90 ml. By the age of one year, the stomach acquires a pear-shaped shape, its capacity is 300 ml and it is located vertically. At the age of 10 years - 800 ml, and in adults - 1500-2000 ml. The child takes on the shape of a horn by the age of 10.

· The gastric glands in children are morphologically immature and the gastric juice secreted in the first years of life contains a very low concentration of hydrochloric acid and has a slightly acidic reaction. Hence dyspeptic disorders in young children. With age, the acidity of gastric juice increases. In early childhood, gastric juice enzymes are inactive. The function of hydrochloric acid develops by the age of 5.

· Digestion in the duodenum is carried out with the help of pancreatic enzymes. The exocrine and intrasecretory apparatuses of the pancreas develop until the end of adolescence. In newborns, the pancreas is poorly developed, weighing 2-4 grams, by the end of the year - 10-12 g, and in an adult - 75 g. By the age of two, the secretion of protease and lipase enzymes increases. The length of the small intestine in children in relation to the length of the body is greater than in adults. The mucous membrane is well developed. This causes intense absorption. There are fewer villi than in adults. The muscular layer is poorly developed, hence weak peristalsis and frequent constipation. In case of poisoning, a child is recommended to drink a liter of 0.1% potassium permanganate solution.

The cecum is meek, it acquires a typical adult appearance by the age of 7 and is located in the ileum. The rectum is 5-6 cm long, without bends.

"Respiratory system"

The trachea is divided into 2 bronchi:

Right (shorter and wider).

The bronchi and trachea reach their maximum length at 14-16 years. The mucous membrane of all respiratory tracts of children is abundantly supplied with blood vessels, tender, vulnerable, since the glands that secrete mucus are underdeveloped. The lumen of the larynx and trachea is narrower in children than in adults. All this makes children susceptible to inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs (laryngitis, sinusitis, protitis, tonsillitis).

The lungs in children grow due to an increase in the volume of the alveoli. The very thin walls of the alveoli of children are covered with a network of blood capillaries and gas exchange occurs through the walls of the alveoli and capillaries. There is gas exchange between the blood in the capillaries and the air filling the alveoli.

In a newborn - 0.02 mm (diameter of the alveoli).

The terminal bronchiole forms several generations of respiratory bronchioles. Respiratory bronchioles expand into the alveolar ducts and alveolar systems.

In an adult, the diameter of the alveoli is 0.2 mm.

The lungs grow rapidly up to 3 years of age, and also from 12-16 years of age (second growth spurt).

Lung volume increases 10 times by the age of 12, and 20 times by the age of 16.

Gas exchange increases with age.

The breathing movement is controlled by the cerebral cortex. And in the medulla oblongata there is a respiratory center.

Age features:

The newborn has an abdominal type of breathing, frequent and superficial (48-60 respiratory movements per minute).

At an early age (up to 3 years), the main respiratory muscle is the diaphragm. Therefore, the type of breathing is also abdominal.

With age, the respiratory rate decreases, because... intercostal muscles develop and as the intercostal muscles and chest develop, a new type of breathing is formed - chest breathing (from 7-8 years).

At 1-3 years of age, breathing rate (35-40 movements per minute)

At 7-8 years old (18-20 breathing movements)

Adult – 16 breathing movements.

During muscle work, breathing increases 2-3 times.

Oral defects:

The oral cavity is separated from the nasal cavity by the hard palate. It is formed by the palatine processes of the maxillary bones and the horizontal plate of the palatine bone. If they do not join each other along the midline, then there is a defect in the hard palate - a cleft palate. The voice is nasal, speech is slurred, and surgical intervention is required.

Age-related features of physiological indicators during the breathing process:

1) Tidal volume (with a quiet breath. In a newborn - 50 cm3, in a child - 140 cm3, in a teenager - 300 cm3, in an adult - 500 cm3).

2) Reserve expiratory volume (the amount of air that can be further exhaled after a quiet exhalation. Adult - 1500 cm3, teenager - 1200-1300 cm3, child - 900-1000 cm3.)

3) Inspiratory reserve volume (the amount of air that can be additionally inhaled after a quiet inhalation. Adult - 1500 cm3, teenager - 1200-1300 cm3, child - 800-900-1000 cm3)

4) Vital capacity of the lungs (sum of lung volume.k)

Average age indicators of vital capacity:

Boys have 100-200 ml more.

10 years – 1600

12 years – 2300

15 years - 2600

VC demonstrates the ventilation function of the lungs and the functionality of the lungs. If these indicators are below normal, this indicates pathology.

Age-related characteristics of blood.

1. Hematopoietic organs - organs in which blood cells develop (red bone marrow, lymph nodes and sileen, thymus. In the prenatal period, this function is performed by the liver (occupies the entire abdominal cavity)). All blood cells mature in red bone marrow. Red bone marrow is found in the cells of spongy bones (flat and short bones and in the epiphyses). In young children, red bone marrow is also found in the medullary cavities of the long bones. But from the age of 4, the process of replacement with adipose tissue (yellow bone marrow) begins.

(look in the book for the functions of blood: transport, protective, thermoregulatory. + blood composition, plasma and formed elements)

ESR changes with age (norm - from 2-14 mm/h, 7-12 years - no more than 12 mm/h, in adults - from 4-15 mm/h)

The rate of blood clotting at all age stages is the same (every 3-5 minutes).

Red blood cells.

The cytoplasm of the blood contains hemoglobin.

By the 12th day of life, the number of red blood cells is within the normal range. In newborns this amount is higher.

Hemoglobin consists of protein and an iron-containing part. The amount of hemoglobin in a newborn is one and a half times greater than in adults. (210 grams per liter). Subsequently, the amount of hemoglobin decreases and by the age of 16 it is 120-140 grams per liter.

A decrease in red blood cells leads to a decrease in hemoglobin below 100 g/l. This indicates the presence of anemia (anemia).

Anemia occurs due to hunger. The child is pale, pale skin, poor appetite, increased fatigue. In the spring, urban schoolchildren develop anemia due to deficiencies of vitamins and microelements. Prevention – a set of foods rich in iron and vitamins.

Fetal breathing. Respiratory movements in the fetus occur long before birth. The stimulus for their occurrence is a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood of the fetus.

The breathing movements of the fetus consist of a slight expansion of the chest, which is followed by a longer decline, and then an even longer pause. When inhaling, the lungs do not expand, but only a slight negative pressure arises in the pleural fissure, which is absent at the moment the chest collapses. The significance of the fetal breathing movements is that they help increase the speed of blood movement through the vessels and its flow to the heart. And this leads to improved blood supply to the fetus and oxygen supply to tissues. In addition, fetal breathing movements are considered a form of lung function training.

Breathing of a newborn. The occurrence of the first breath of a newborn is due to a number of reasons. After ligation of the umbilical cord in a newborn, the placental exchange of gases between the blood of the fetus and mother stops. This leads to an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the blood, which irritates the cells of the respiratory center and causes rhythmic breathing.

The reason for the first breath of a newborn is a change in the conditions of his existence. The action of various environmental factors on all body surface receptors becomes the irritant that reflexively contributes to the occurrence of inhalation. A particularly powerful factor is irritation of skin receptors.

A newborn's first breath is especially difficult. When it is carried out, the elasticity of the lung tissue is overcome, which is increased due to the surface tension forces of the walls of the collapsed alveoli and bronchi. The formation in the alveoli contributes to the reduction of surface tension forces. surfactant. It is believed that in order to stretch the lungs, a certain change in the shape of the chest with age is necessary, matching the force of contraction of the respiratory muscles and the extensibility of the lung tissue. If the muscles are weak, stretching of the lungs will not occur and breathing movements will not occur.

After the first 1 to 3 respiratory movements occur, the lungs are fully expanded and evenly filled with air. During the first inhalation, the air pressure in the lungs becomes equal to atmospheric pressure and the lungs stretch to such an extent that the layers of the visceral and parietal pleura come into contact with each other.

The chest grows faster than the lungs, so negative pressure arises in the pleural cavity, creating conditions for constant stretching of the lungs. Creating negative pressure in the pleural cavity and maintaining it at a constant level also depends on the properties of the pleural tissue. It has high absorption capacity. Therefore, gas introduced into the pleural cavity and reducing the negative pressure in it is quickly absorbed, and the negative pressure in it is restored again.

The mechanism of breathing in a newborn. The child's breathing patterns are related to the structure and development of his chest. In a newborn, the chest has a pyramidal shape; by the age of 3 it becomes cone-shaped, and by the age of 12 it becomes almost the same as that of an adult. The upper ribs, the manubrium of the sternum, the collarbone and the entire shoulder girdle of a newborn are located high. All ribs lie almost horizontally, the respiratory muscles are weak. Due to this structure, the chest takes little part in the act of breathing. This is accomplished mainly by lowering the diaphragm.

Newborns have an elastic diaphragm, its tendon part occupies a small area, and the muscle part occupies a large area. As it develops, the muscular part of the diaphragm increases even more. It begins to atrophy from the age of 60, and in its place the tendon part increases.

Since infants mainly breathe diaphragmatically, during inhalation the resistance of the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity must be overcome. In addition, when breathing, you have to overcome the elasticity of the lung tissue, which is still high in newborns and decreases with age. One also has to overcome bronchial resistance, which is much greater in children than in adults. Therefore, the work spent on breathing is much greater in children compared to adults.

Changes in breathing type with age. Diaphragmatic breathing persists until the second half of the first year of life. As the child grows, the chest moves down and the ribs take on an oblique position. In this case, mixed breathing (thoraco-abdominal) occurs in infants, and stronger mobility of the chest is observed in its lower parts. Due to the development of the shoulder girdle (3–7 years), chest breathing begins to predominate. From 8 to 10 years of age, gender differences in the type of breathing arise: in boys, a predominantly diaphragmatic type of breathing is established, and in girls, a thoracic type of breathing is established.

Changes in the rhythm and frequency of breathing with age. In newborns and infants, breathing is arrhythmic. Arrhythmicity is expressed in the fact that deep breathing is replaced by shallow breathing, the pauses between inhalations and exhalations are uneven. The duration of inhalation and exhalation in children is shorter than in adults: inhalation is 0.5 - 0.6 s (in adults - 0.98 - 2.82 s), and exhalation - 0.7 - 1 s (in adults - from 1.62 to 5.75 s). From the moment of birth, the same relationship between inhalation and exhalation is established as in adults: inhalation is shorter than exhalation.

The frequency of respiratory movements in children decreases with age. In the fetus it ranges from 46 to 64 per minute. Up to 8 years of age, the respiratory rate (RR) is higher in boys than in girls. By the time of puberty, the respiratory rate in girls becomes greater, and this ratio remains throughout life. By the age of 14–15 years, the respiratory rate approaches the value of an adult.

The respiratory rate in children is much greater than in adults and changes under the influence of various influences. It increases with mental arousal, slight physical exercise, and a slight increase in body and environmental temperature.

Changes in the respiratory and minute volumes of the lungs and their vital capacity with age. The vital capacity of the lungs, tidal and minute volumes in children gradually increase with age due to the growth and development of the chest and lungs.

In a newborn baby, the lungs are inelastic and relatively large. During inhalation, their volume increases slightly, by only 10–15 mm. Providing the child's body with oxygen occurs by increasing the breathing rate. Tidal volume of the lungs increases with age along with a decrease in respiratory rate.

With age, the absolute value of MOR increases, but the relative MOR (the ratio of MOR to body weight) decreases. In newborns and children of the first year of life it is twice as much as in adults. This is due to the fact that in children, with the same relative tidal volume, the respiratory rate is several times higher than in adults. In this regard, pulmonary ventilation is greater per 1 kg of body weight in children (in newborns it is 400 ml, at 5–6 years of age it is 210, at 7 years of age – 160, at 8–10 years of age – 150, 11 – for 13-year-olds – 130–145, for 14-year-olds – 125, and for 15–17-year-olds – 110). Thanks to this, the growing organism's greater need for O 2 is ensured.

The value of vital capacity increases with age due to the growth of the chest and lungs. In a 5-6 year old child it is 710-800 ml, in a 14-16 year old child it is 2500-2600 ml. From 18 to 25 years of age, the vital capacity of the lungs is maximum, and after 35 to 40 years of age it decreases. The vital capacity of the lungs varies depending on age, height, type of breathing, gender (girls have 100–200 ml less than boys).

In children, during physical work, breathing changes in a unique way. During exercise, the RR increases and the RR remains almost unchanged. Such breathing is uneconomical and cannot ensure long-term performance of work. Pulmonary ventilation in children increases by 2–7 times when performing physical work, and by almost 20 times during heavy loads (middle-distance running). In girls, when performing maximum work, oxygen consumption is less than in boys, especially at 8–9 years old and at 16–18. All this should be taken into account when engaging in physical labor and sports with children of different ages.

Balakina Victoria., Eliseeva Olga., Mendel Anna., Reshetova Elena., Sergeeva Anastasia., Kiryukhin Egor.

Man is by nature inquisitive. He is interested in everything that concerns the structure and functioning of his own body. Breathing plays a special role. We experience breathing more than any other physiological function. We can observe our breathing, we can control it. Our performance, health and, ultimately, life largely depend on what and how we breathe. Vital capacity (VC) is the volume of maximum exhalation after maximum inhalation. Vital vital capacity is not the same in different people and varies within very significant limits, but in the same individual it can be very close during the active period. Vital vital capacity is greatly influenced by gender, age, height, climate, altitude, as well as health status and sports activities. Vital capacity increases up to 18 years of age due to the development of the chest and lungs. From the age of 18 to 32, it remains at the same level, and then begins to gradually decrease. Women have less vital capacity than men.



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Study of changes in the vital capacity of the lungs from various factors GBOU secondary school No. 1024 8 “A” class

Hypothesis: Changes in vital capacity of the lungs are determined by the characteristics of muscle activity and depend on age, gender, sports and smoking. Object of study: Vital capacity of the lungs of class 8 “A” students. Subject of study: Changes in vital capacity of the lungs. Purpose of the study: To study changes in the vital capacity of the lungs of students depending on sports, smoking, age and gender. Objectives of the study: 1. To study the features of changes in the vital capacity of the lungs depending on the participation in various sports. 2. Study the dynamics of lung vital capacity indicators. 3. Identify the factors that determine changes in the vital capacity of the lungs.

Breathing is a set of processes that ensure a continuous supply of oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body and the removal from the body of carbon dioxide that is constantly formed during the metabolic process.

Respiratory tract Respiratory tract: Upper: Nasal cavity Nasopharynx Oropharynx Lower: Larynx Trachea Bronchi

The lungs occupy all the free space in the chest cavity. Each lung is covered with a membrane - the pulmonary pleura. The chest cavity is also lined by a membrane - the parietal pleura. Between the parietal and pulmonary pleura there is a narrow gap - the pleural cavity, which is filled with a thin layer of fluid, which facilitates the sliding of the pulmonary wall during inhalation and exhalation.

The human lungs consist of tiny pulmonary sacs called alveoli. The alveoli are densely intertwined with a network of blood vessels - capillaries. The epithelium secretes a special fluid that lines the alveoli. Its functions: prevent the alveoli from closing and kill germs that have entered the lungs. In the alveoli, gas exchange occurs between the blood and the surrounding air by diffusion.

The exchange of gases between atmospheric air and the air in the alveoli occurs due to the rhythmic alternation of the acts of inhalation and exhalation. Inhalation and exhalation involve the intercostal muscles, the diaphragm, as well as a number of auxiliary respiratory muscles: scalene, pectoral, trapezius and abdominal muscles.

Vital lung capacity (VC) VC is one of the main indicators of the condition of the external respiration apparatus, widely used in medicine. The vital capacity of the lungs is the maximum amount of air exhaled after the deepest inhalation.

Research methods: Methodology for determining height Methodology for determining vital capacity using a balloon Calculation methods for determining vital capacity

At the first stage, lung volume is measured using a balloon. To obtain greater measurement accuracy, it is advisable to use a balloon that, when inflated, has a shape close to a sphere.

At the second stage, the height of all group members was measured using a stadiometer.

The third stage included checking the reliability of the obtained experimental data with the average calculated values ​​for height and age. To assess the individual value of vital capacity, in practice it is customary to compare it with the so-called proper vital capacity (VC), which is calculated using various empirical formulas

Results of measuring vital capacity among classmates

Tabular values ​​of lung volume All students have indicators above the average lung volume.

Comparison of the vital capacity of the lungs of classmates with the calculated one

Results of measuring vital capacity among classmates by gender Average result for girls: 2750 Average result for boys: 3400

Comparison of indicators of students with different physical training

Recommendations for playing sports: Korovkina A., Sergeeva A., Eliseeva O., Perevozova Yu., Tverezaya E., Reshetova E. It is recommended to do gymnastics Orlov A., Saprygin A., Mukhamad H. It is recommended to do football Kiryukhin E., Pakhlyan S. ., Pronina S. It is recommended to engage in cycling Zabotin N., Lopatina A. It is recommended to engage in athletics Shcherbakov V., Mendel A. It is recommended to engage in swimming

If we compare the lungs of a smoker and a healthy person, we will immediately notice the difference. Pulmonary partitions made of connective tissue absorb the smallest particles of soot. Such a plaque appears literally from the first cigarette smoked. Soot and dust particles clog the lumens of the bronchi and bronchioles, narrowing them, which leads to shortness of breath during exercise and a sharp decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs by 950 ml.

Conclusions: 1. Vital capacity of the lungs is one of the main indicators of the state of the respiratory system. 2. The normal value of vital capacity depends on the gender, age of a person, his physique, the degree of development of the chest and respiratory muscles. 3. In various diseases, it can change significantly, which reduces the ability of the patient’s body to adapt to physical activity. 4. A significant factor that reduces vital capacity is SMOKING! 5. A person involved in sports has a large lung capacity. 6. Recommendations were given to group members on choosing a sport.

Thank you for your attention!

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Performed; Lashkeevich E.N. Vital capacity of the lungs, methods of determination and age characteristics.

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VC of the lungs is the volume of air that a person can exhale after taking the deepest breath possible. If a person can no longer continue to exhale, this does not mean that his lungs are completely empty. The contents of the pulmonary alveoli that remain in them after complete exhalation are usually called residual. Vital capacity and residual volume form the total lung capacity (TLC). In other words, TEL is the volume of all air that the lungs are able to accommodate as a result of maximum inspiration. A residual lung volume of ¾ TLC is considered normal in most cases. In a calm state, a healthy body consumes an average of 0.5 liters of air per breath. After normal exhalation, the lung tissues contain a certain volume of gas, which is called reserve. At the same time, the amount of air that can be inhaled after a normal inhalation is called additional.

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Thus, we can distinguish the following volumes that characterize the human lungs: Respiratory (normal breathing) - for a healthy person, the norm is approximately 500 ml. Reserve (residue after normal exhalation) – 1500 ml. Additional (allows you to inhale more air) – 1500-2500ml. Residual (fills the pulmonary alveoli after full exhalation) – 1500 ml. Capacity characteristics of the lungs: VC – (sum of respiratory, reserve and additional volumes) – 4500 ml. TEL – (sum of vital capacity and residual lung volume). The average lung capacity is 6000 ml. FRC – functional residual capacity – 3000 ml. The air that remains in the lungs after normal exhalation at rest. In fact, it is the sum of the residual and reserve lung volumes. All of the above values ​​are approximate values ​​for the average healthy adult. These values ​​can vary significantly (30% or more) depending on physical and age indicators.

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Diagnostic methods The most common and accessible way to determine vital capacity is spirometry. It consists of measuring the volume of liquid displaced by the air exhaled by the subject. To obtain the most reliable results, the procedure is repeated several times and the average value (sometimes the maximum) is used as the final indicator. For more accurate diagnosis, spirography is used. This type of examination is a graphical recording of changes in breathing dynamics over a certain period of time.

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To assess the individual value of vital capacity, in practice it is customary to compare it with the so-called proper vital capacity (vital capacity), which is calculated using various empirical formulas. So, based on the height of the subject in meters and his age in years (B), VEL (in liters) can be calculated using the following formulas: For men, VEL = 5.2×height - 0.029×H - 3.2; For women, JEL = 4.9×height - 0.019×H - 3.76; For girls from 4 to 17 years old with a height of 1 to 1.75 m, VEL = 3.75 × height - 3.15; For boys of the same age, with a height of up to 1.65 m, VAL = 4.53 × height - 3.9, and with a height over 1.65 m - VEL = 10 × height - 12.85.

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What affects lung capacity? The answer to this question directly depends on the state of human health for which the research is being conducted. For a healthy person, vital capacity is significantly influenced by his physical development, gender, age, occupation and lifestyle. For example, in people who intensively engage in outdoor sports (running, swimming, boxing, etc.), the respiratory system and, in particular, the lungs are much more developed. The difference is especially great compared to people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

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Age-related characteristics of vital capacity The vital capacity of the lungs, respiratory and minute volumes in children gradually increase with age due to the growth and development of the chest and lungs. In a newborn baby, the lungs are malloelastic and relatively large. During inhalation, their volume increases slightly, by only 10–15 mm. Providing the child's body with oxygen occurs by increasing the breathing rate. Tidal volume of the lungs increases with age along with a decrease in respiratory rate. With age, the absolute value of MOR increases, but the relative MOR (the ratio of MOR to body weight) decreases. In newborns and children of the first year of life it is twice as much as in adults. This is due to the fact that in children, with the same relative tidal volume, the respiratory rate is several times higher than in adults. In this regard, pulmonary ventilation is greater per 1 kg of body weight in children (in newborns it is 400 ml, at 5–6 years of age it is 210, at 7 years of age – 160, at 8–10 years of age – 150, 11 – for 13-year-olds – 130–145, for 14-year-olds – 125, and for 15–17-year-olds – 110). Thanks to this, the growing organism’s greater need for O2 is ensured. The value of vital capacity increases with age due to the growth of the chest and lungs. In a 5-6 year old child it is 710-800 ml, in a 14-16 year old child it is 2500-2600 ml. From 18 to 25 years of age, the vital capacity of the lungs is maximum, and after 35 to 40 years of age it decreases. The vital capacity of the lungs varies depending on age, height, type of breathing, gender (girls have 100–200 ml less than boys). In children, during physical work, breathing changes in a unique way. During exercise, the RR increases and the RR remains almost unchanged. Such breathing is uneconomical and cannot ensure long-term performance of work. Pulmonary ventilation in children increases by 2–7 times when performing physical work, and by almost 20 times during heavy loads (middle-distance running). In girls, when performing maximum work, oxygen consumption is less than in boys, especially at 8–9 years old and at 16–18. All this should be taken into account when engaging in physical labor and sports with children of different ages. 

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