Arginine - instructions for use for men and women, indications, composition, release form, dosage and price. Arginine: what is it for and how to take it Arginine contraindications

A slender, toned body, a magnificent figure without an ounce of excess fat, activity, vigor and, as a result, success with the opposite sex. Millions of men and women dream of seeing themselves in such great shape, neglecting the obvious: we are what we eat.

And the basis of our diet should not be donuts and buns, whose harm is undeniable, but healthy foods containing useful substances. One of these substances is arginine.

Every year it gains more and more popularity among regulars of sports clubs and adherents of a healthy lifestyle due to its delightful and, it must be said, somewhat specific - in a good way - properties.

Strictly speaking, arginine is an amino acid, and it belongs to the group of conditionally replaceable ones: it can be synthesized by the body independently, but only under favorable conditions, in very limited quantities and at a certain age. That is why it is so important to ensure that your diet includes foods rich in this substance. But a diet poor in arginine will cause considerable harm to the body.

The main function of arginine is to participate in the production and transport of nitric oxide. In general, without this amino acid, the formation of nitric oxide is impossible in principle. Until recently, the general opinion of experts was that nitrogen compounds could only cause harm to the body.

However, at the end of the 1990s, scientists were able to make a real revolution with their discovery: it turns out that they are useful for humans and how! For which, by the way, these scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize.

For this quality alone, arginine could easily be ranked among the most important substances for health. Fortunately, the properties of the amino acid do not end there.

...what benefits does it bring...

One of the most powerful effects of arginine is vasodilation. The amino acid relaxes spasmodic vessels, pushes their walls apart, allowing blood to circulate more easily and quickly throughout the body, not staying anywhere longer than expected and delivering nutrients to all tissues and organs in a timely manner.

As a result, the functioning of the heart muscle improves, blood pressure decreases, and the activity of the brain, saturated with oxygen due to powerful blood flow, increases.

Accelerated blood circulation relieves the feeling of cold and numbness in the limbs and gives energy. And the rush of blood to the genitals of both men and women significantly increases potency and libido, increasing sexual desire and making intimate life much richer, more active and varied.

Arginine is essential for men. Like any other amino acid, it is part of protein - the main building material of muscles. Without it, forming a torso that attracts envious and admiring glances is a completely impossible task.

That is why bodybuilders, athletes and ordinary men, who always strive to be on top in everything, do not neglect arginine and often include products containing it in the menu or take it in the form of active dietary supplements.

It is noteworthy that this amino acid not only colors sexual life with bright colors, but also participates in spermatogenesis and improves the quality of seminal fluid. That is why, in increased doses, it is useful for those who are planning a new addition to the family.

The benefits of arginine for women are no less great. It not only helps keep weight at an optimal level, but also burns reserves accumulated over the years. Another wonderful property of this amino acid is to relieve apathy, improve your mood and give you a positive attitude towards yourself and the world.

If there is enough arginine in the body, then you won’t be able to become depressed and depressed. This happens due to the timely production of serotonin - the hormone of joy - in which arginine is also involved.

This amino acid has many other advantages:

  • it participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, thereby improving the functioning of the entire nervous system;
  • actively involved in immune processes;
  • being a powerful antioxidant, the substance protects cells from the effects of free radicals, the harm of which is well known;
  • good news for women is that arginine is part of collagen - it is responsible for the restoration, beauty, radiance and youth of the skin, as well as for muscle elasticity and excellent condition of cartilage;
  • it helps accelerate metabolic processes, helping the body quickly absorb substances coming from outside and eliminate fat reserves;
  • the benefits of this substance for people with high eye pressure are undeniable - it reduces the load on the vessels supplying the eyes and relaxes them, thus lowering the pressure inside the eye;
  • arginine will help cope with pain caused by spasms of the stomach muscles, as well as menstrual pain;
  • improves liver function, helping to rid it of toxins, and therefore cleanse the entire body of toxic poisons;
  • the substance removes ammonia from internal organs and tissues;
  • The more arginine in the body, the faster external wounds, bruises, and cuts heal.

...what harm does...

The daily dose of arginine for an adult is 6–10 g, the maximum limit is 20 g.

If you constantly exceed the dosage, the amino acid can cause harm to the body: the skin and cartilage will begin to thicken. General weakness, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, and frequent abdominal pain should also be on your guard.

However, for some people, pure arginine and products containing it are completely contraindicated. In this case, do not expect any benefit from it, but harm is inevitable. Stop diagnoses include severe nervous disorders, such as schizophrenia, viral infection, arthritis, all kinds of infections, and diseases associated with impaired urea synthesis.

Expectant mothers, as well as those who are breastfeeding, should avoid taking additional amino acids, as should children and adolescents under 18 years of age - this substance is involved in the synthesis of growth hormone and, in elevated concentrations, can lead to increased production. Of course, arginine is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance.

...which products contain

Today, pure arginine can be purchased as a dietary supplement. For many bodybuilders, women who care about their appearance, as well as those whose sex life has sparkled with new colors after becoming acquainted with this substance, arginine capsules are a real salvation.

Moreover, after 30 years, the body, in which the mechanisms of aging and self-destruction inherent in us by nature are launched, ceases to produce this amino acid on its own.

The solution is a balanced diet. After all, some of it is contained in our usual food products. And the benefits of natural, natural arginine are much higher than from capsule, artificial ones.

Among the leaders in arginine content are pumpkin seeds, some types of nuts, meat, chicken eggs, legumes, cereals, fish (for example, tuna, flounder, carp, cod) and seafood. The table below will help you create a daily menu in such a way that it contains enough products containing the most beneficial amino acid.

The product's name Arginine content in 100 g of product, g
Pumpkin seeds 5,3
Peanut 3,5
Sesame 3,3
Pine nuts 2,4
Walnuts 2,3
Peas 2,2
Beans 2
Tuna 1,8
Chicken fillet 1,4
Pork 1,4
Beef 1,2
Buckwheat bread 1
Brown rice 1
Cod 1
Eggs 0,8
Kefir 0,8
Wheat flour 0,6
Full fat cow's milk 0,1

The pace of people's modern lifestyle is very high. Under these conditions, the consumption of energy and essential substances increases. The stronger half of humanity feels this need to a greater extent, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the male body. With insufficient production of elements or their intake from food, pathological changes occur that contribute to the development of diseases. Therefore, there is a need for additional nutritional components.

The pharmaceutical market offers drugs that consist of essential or conditionally replaceable protein components. In conditions of increased need for amino acids, dietary supplements are used as a subsidized food product. One of these medicinal substances is L-Arginine.

What is this? Many people are interested. This is a chemical compound that is synthesized in the human body and is present in metabolic processes. The amino acid is involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide, which has a vasodilator and neurotransmitter effect. Therefore, arginine is often used for potency, for which the substance has stimulating properties.

Beneficial effects of the substance

Additional intake of arginine is prescribed as a prophylaxis or treatment in conditions of suspected deficiency of the substance, taking into account its unique properties.

The drug has the following effects:

  1. Participates in tissue regeneration.
  2. Has an antitoxic effect.
  3. Removes decay products from the body.
  4. Stimulates the immune response.
  5. Helps normalize hormonal levels.
  6. Affects potency, increasing the erectile and reproductive capabilities of a man.
  7. Normalizes prostate function.
  8. Relaxes and dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow to organs.
  9. Increases the supply of oxygen to skeletal muscles and myocardium.
  10. Helps increase muscle mass.
  11. Stimulates the production of collagen fibers.
  12. Normalizes the sleep process.
  13. Increases performance.
  14. Positively affects memory.
  15. Normalizes glucose levels by increasing insulin synthesis.
  16. Stimulates growth hormone.
  17. Maintains the balance of cholesterol fractions, reduces the risk of formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  18. Reduces the amount of excess fat tissue.

Indications for taking amino acids

The wide range of actions of the substance determines the indications for the use of drugs containing arginine.

The following conditions can be named in which the prescription of dietary supplements is justified:

  1. As a metabolic therapy for diseases of internal organs, especially the cardiovascular system, during the rehabilitation period.
  2. As a subsidized drug to compensate for element deficiency during increased physical activity.
  3. In case of chronic pathology of the nervous system.
  4. In order to restore metabolic processes against the background of a diet.
  5. To stimulate male potency.
  6. Sports achievements in bodybuilding, given the ability to increase creatine levels.

Methods of entering the substance into the body

In the body, arginine is synthesized independently or comes from food. High concentrations of the amino acid are found in meat and fish products, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, peas, and cocoa beans.

Heat treatment reduces the amount of active substance. Therefore, when the need for protein increases, it is necessary to eat a large amount of food containing the chemical element, which is not always possible. In such a situation, the subsidy of arginine in the form of a drug is considered more appropriate.

Adverse effects of the supplement

In therapeutic and prophylactic doses, arginine is a drug that is safe for health. However, when taking supplements, in some cases there is a risk of exceeding the amount of protein entering the body.

Therefore, adverse reactions may occur:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Discomfort and pain in the abdomen.
  3. Reduced blood pressure.
  4. Allergic rash.
  5. Weakness.
  6. Tissue compaction and deformation of cartilage and articular surfaces of bone structures.
  7. Decreased immune status.
  8. Endocrine disorders.
  9. Chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Contraindications for use

The following conditions can be named when the additive is not used:

  1. Idiosyncrasy to a drug component.
  2. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding in women.
  3. Syncope and persistent decrease in blood pressure.
  4. Children and adolescents during periods of active growth due to the risk of developing gigantism.
  5. Frequent exacerbations of herpetic infection.
  6. Mental disorders.
  7. Concomitant oncological diseases.
  8. Impaired blood glucose tolerance.
  9. Autoimmune pathology.

Considering the likelihood of adverse situations occurring, you should consult a specialist before starting to take the drug.

Important! Self-administration of L-Arginine can bring benefits and harm. Therefore, you first need to determine the indications for use.

The best way to get the substance into the body is to eat foods containing arginine. If this is not enough, they resort to dietary supplements or official preparations containing the amino acid. Medicines usually have a complex composition. Carnitine and B vitamins can be used as additional components.

Doses of the substance

A specialist or trainer will tell you how to take the drug correctly. Dosages depend on the form of the drug and the purpose of administration. The normal content of the substance is 115 mg/kg per day. The average dose for an adult male is 3 grams per day. The maximum amount of amino acid should not exceed 10 grams. The duration of treatment ranges from 2 weeks to 1 month. You can repeat the course after 1-1.5 months.

For athletes, L-Arginine is produced in capsules of 500 mg or 1,000 mg in jars of 90 pieces. According to reviews of men who took dietary supplements, this amount is enough for several periods of taking the drug in order to obtain a high anabolic effect.

Features of reception for various conditions

The frequency of administration is determined by the indications for the use of arginine. For the treatment or prevention of a pathological condition, the daily dose is divided into 3 doses. Athletes need to take the supplement half an hour before exercise and after exercise to build muscle mass and get maximum results. In order to improve sleep and ensure an anabolic result, the amino acid is consumed in the evening. There is poor absorption of arginine along with fats. Therefore, it is necessary to limit fatty foods or maintain an interval of at least 2 hours.

The drug stimulates sexual function, increases erection, and improves stamina. According to reviews, the tangible effect of L-Arginine for men is noticeable on average from the fifth day of use. However, the instructions for use do not recommend combining the supplement with other stimulants for the treatment and prevention of impotence, so as not to get unwanted side reactions.


Arginine has a pronounced metabolic and stimulating effect; when used correctly, it does not cause negative consequences. This gives experts the right to recommend the amino acid as a supplement with a broad spectrum of action, as an adjunct or as a subsidized drug.

Arginine is a non-essential amino acid that helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and impurities and keeps the body in good shape. Our body produces this component itself, but sometimes it is not enough. This is why bodybuilders choose supplements with this component. But arginine can be beneficial not only for athletes. Let's find out who else might need it and why.

Beneficial features

Arginine is taken in order to:

  • remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • enrich the digestive system with nitrogen;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • help the production of hormones, including the hormone of happiness (serotonin);
  • improve liver function;
  • normalize sugar levels.
Our body can do all this itself by producing arginine. But there are times when this process is impossible - for example, during illness.

Important! There are many factors that influence the production of thisamino acids - age, gender, weight, bad habits, diet, genetic characteristics. Therefore, older people are often advised to take additional arginine.

For men

This amino acid is important for the male body, as it affects sexual life. Thus, a normal amount of arginine in the body increases sexual desire - with its help, blood vessels dilate and blood flow to the genitals increases. It also serves to protect the genitourinary system from inflammation and various diseases. In addition, fertility, namely the quality and motility of sperm, depends on this substance. It also increases performance and endurance.

For women

Improving sexual activity in women also depends on the level of arginine in the body. It also affects beauty - skin, nails, hair become better under the influence of the amino acid. Arginine is credited with a rejuvenating effect - the action of growth hormone is enhanced, which slows down aging. At the same time, the skin becomes noticeably more elastic.

For children

A deficiency of this amino acid can lead to a stop or deterioration in the child's growth. However, the use of additional substances only necessary if there are indications and advice from a doctor- otherwise, oversaturation with amino acids in the active period of growth will lead to gigantism.

Most often it is prescribed to teenagers when they experience hormonal imbalances that can negatively affect their health.

Did you know? To form 5 thousand proteins in the human body, 22 amino acids are needed.

In bodybuilding

In this area, this additive is used most often and most of all, and all because it helps bodybuilders build muscle mass, while fat will decrease. The substance also helps restore strength after hard training, and in case of injuries, accelerates their healing. However, there are still no facts that confirm all the positive properties of this substance. There is also reason to believe that there is no point in taking it without additional strong nitrogen donors.

For hair

Arginine helps restore hair from the inside- The supplement will be especially useful for severe hair loss. Since the amino acid dilates blood vessels, blood flow to the scalp is significantly improved, thereby accelerating hair growth.

The amino acid is included in many professional hair care products, as it reduces the effect of negative factors on the hair. It will be able to protect hair from the constant influence of dye and elevated temperatures (curling irons, hair dryers, in countries with hot climates).


Abuse of arginine can lead to negative consequences for the body. This only applies to cases where the substance is taken intentionally in the form of a medicine and without a doctor’s prescription. No harm will happen if the amino acid is produced in the body itself by eating the right foods.

People who have undergone heart surgery or are simply prone to diseases of this organ should avoid taking additional medication. There are also studies that indicate the substance is harmful for asthmatics. The sudden development of atherosclerosis can also cause the supplement to be taken in large quantities.

Important! Under no circumstances should you take arginine with coagulants (bleeding may occur).

People with hemophilia and diabetes should not use the substance without the knowledge of a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

With prolonged and improper use of arginine, the following side effects may occur:

  • deformation of joints and cartilage;
  • tissue compaction;
  • the appearance of abdominal pain, diarrhea (indigestion is common);
  • weakness, nausea;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

It is also worth considering that not everyone can take this supplement - It is worth giving up arginine in the following cases:

  • when there are nervous disorders (even minor ones);
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children during the period of active growth;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the drug.
Therefore, you need to take the substance only after a doctor’s prescription and following a certain dosage.

Indications and symptoms for use

Taking arginine is recommended for those who engage in heavy physical activity. There are also the following indications:

  • cirrhosis and fatty liver degeneration;
  • kidney diseases;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • infertility;
  • benign and malignant formations;
  • depression.

Instructions for use, portion

The portion depends on the dosage of the amount of arginine in each capsule of the drug. The most common tablets are 500 mg and 1000 mg of amino acid. There are also powders and liquid suspensions.

Important! It is impossible to exceed the norm of arginine per day (3 g) - an overdose will lead to side effects.

Three 500 mg tablets per day are enough. But for bodybuilders, the dose is increased to 9 g per day. However, beginners should start with minimal doses and gradually increase them.

For athletes, the following calculations are accepted: 115 mg per 1 kg of weight. Take 40 minutes before meals or before training. But it is possible both during sports and after, only the effect will be a little worse.

Products containing arginine

If we are not talking about athletes, then it is better to replenish the amino acid naturally - with proper nutrition.

It is important to eat beef or pork, as well as sea and river fish, at least at one meal.

Dietary supplement L-arginine

Most often, arginine is taken as a separate supplement. with the prefix “L” in the name. In the right doses, it helps the heart function, improves blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, and promotes weight loss. Each package of the drug contains instructions for use with the dosage of the amino acid. A course of taking a dietary supplement helps:

  • increase the level of growth hormone (growth) in the body;
  • improve mood, increase performance;
  • help teenagers who have problems with growth;
  • heal wounds, sprains or fractures;
  • help the kidneys cleanse the body;
  • normalize the timing of puberty in children;
  • improve potency.

Did you know? In 2000, they wanted to make bodybuilding an Olympic sport, but this did not happen, and disputes on this issue are still ongoing.

So, we found out that only supporting the natural level of arginine in the body through proper nutrition will help you avoid taking additional medications. However, if the need to increase the amount of this amino acid does arise, special nutritional supplements will help normalize metabolic processes and improve well-being.

L-arginine is a partially replaceable amino acid that promotes the growth of muscle tissue, relaxation of the walls of blood vessels, improvement of blood circulation, and the fight against sexual dysfunction. At a certain period of life, the body's production of arginine becomes insufficient. The question arises in which products and dietary supplements to take arginine to compensate for the resulting deficiency.

Amino acids, such as L-arginine, are the material from which proteins are formed during biosynthesis. They take part in the production of hormones, vitamins, and mediators.

There are about 500 amino acids in total, but no more than 20 are involved in protein synthesis. Some are replaceable - produced by the body itself. An example of such a substance is glutamine. Others are essential, such as lysine. The third is partially replaceable, arginine.

A healthy adult body produces the amino acid in sufficient quantities. However, synthesis in elderly and disease-weakened men and women, children, and adolescents often cannot satisfy the organic need, so an external source is needed. L-arginine in foods and dietary supplements is also prescribed to athletes.

L-arginine is considered one of the main metabolic products of nitrogen-containing substances. The main role is to transform ammonia into urea, which is less toxic. The process of ornithine synthesis requires amino acids. Part of the substance is involved in the production of nitric oxide, resulting in a compound that dilates blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, and improves heart function.

What is it needed for

L-arginine is part of absolutely all peptides and proteins of the human body. The substance intensifies the synthesis of growth hormones, participates in the metabolic process, and reduces the level. Takes part in cell regeneration, body rejuvenation and mood improvement.

Despite all the beneficial properties listed, a specific question often arises - what is L-arginine for? The importance of amino acids for the body is due to the ability to produce the following effects:

  • Reduced signs of inflammation;
  • Increased synthesis of growth hormone;
  • Reducing the likelihood of heart attack, atherosclerosis, coronary disease, hypertension, thrombosis;
  • Elimination of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract in children born prematurely;
  • Normalization of kidney functions;
  • Increasing the effectiveness of sports exercises, training, improving physical performance, accelerating muscle growth;
  • Reducing pain in muscle tissue;
  • Erection treatment;
  • Increased libido;
  • Treatment of infertility, female and male;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Intensification of metabolic processes and reduction of body weight;
  • Acceleration of mental processes;
  • Reducing the risk of development and severity of dementia;
  • Hair strengthening;
  • Losing weight.

However, the amino acid also has powerful side effects. Excessive intake causes Alzheimer's disease and provokes a heart attack.

For men

In men, L-arginine stimulates sperm synthesis, promotes activation and increase in the number of sperm. 80% of sperm consists of arginine. It is especially important to take the amino acid for men with cardiovascular diseases.

The use of L-arginine in men reduces the level of nitric oxide in the blood, which has a direct effect on fertility.

Arginine also affects erection. The amino acid promotes:

  • Elimination of psychological problems of erectile dysfunction, manifested in restlessness, anxiety, and a tendency to mental stress.
  • Improving blood supply to the genital organs, due to relaxation of the internal muscles and dilation of blood vessels.

Erection improves significantly after combined use of L-arginine with pycnogenol. One study showed improvement in sexual function in 90% of men.


How to use

In accordance with the instructions for use of L-arginine capsules, the daily dose is 3 g, the frequency of administration is 2-3 times a day:

  • When taken twice, take 1.5 g at a time;
  • For three times, a single dosage of 1 g is indicated.

Capsules can be taken with food. The course lasts from 14 to 30 days. If necessary, the course is repeated, but not earlier than after 1 month.

L-arginine for bodybuilding is taken in capsule form. The daily dosage is increased to 9-10 g. In some cases, the dose is raised to 20 g or taken based on the calculation of 115 mg per 1 kilogram of body weight.

Increasing the dose can cause a lot of side effects such as diarrhea, a significant decrease in blood pressure, weakness, and nausea. If side effects occur, the dosage is reduced.

The drug must be washed down with plenty of water - at least 1 glass. Take L-arginine on average 1 hour before the start of training. For sports, it is recommended to drink arginine on an empty stomach, preferably 5 hours after consuming fatty foods.

After training, dietary supplements are taken to improve nutrition and muscle development. If an athlete uses, you must first drink L-arginine.

The instructions say that regular use is dangerous due to addiction, so you need to take breaks in using the amino acid.

In which products

Protein foods are rich in arginine. The amino acid is found in products:

  • Dairy products;
  • Meat and meat products, including liver;
  • River and sea fish;
  • Nuts, especially pine nuts, and seeds (pumpkin);
  • Peas;
  • Coconut pulp.

Contrary to popular belief, L-arginine is not found in gelatin.

Reviews and price

Arginine is contained in the following drugs:

A drug Dosage, mg Quantity, pcs price, rub.
Solgar, tab 1000 90 1885
Solgar, tab 500 50 806
Nature's Bounty, capsules 1000 50 1441
Nature's Bounty in capsules 500 50 645
Now L-Arginine, capsules 500 100 1237
Arginine 3000, ampoule 25 ml 1 60
NOX 6000, ampoule 25 ml 1 60
Doppelhertz VIP, capsules 3000 mg per 4 capsules 120 852
GNC 500 90 1199

Athletes recommend taking arginine to gain muscle mass. It is believed that the product is most effective for pumping. For many women, dietary supplements have become a salvation during menopause and when losing weight. The amino acid normalizes cardiovascular activity, lowers blood pressure, and reduces sagging skin. Arginine for men helps eliminate signs of impotence.


Your feedback on the article:

Tablets L arginine Solgar, 1000 mg - a highly effective food supplement developed by doctors from the American company Solgar. The dietary supplement is a valuable amino acid that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and maintains an optimal balance of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. In addition, the drug activates the synthesis of growth hormone, promotes weight loss and improves wound healing. L-arginine is also useful for prostate health.

Composition of the dietary supplement L arginine Solgar

One tablet of Solgar L-arginine contains 1000 mg of active amino acid and several accompanying components: organic cellulose, glycerin, silicon oxide, magnesium stearate and stearic acid.

The drug is free from gluten, dyes, preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, milk proteins, yeast and soy.

Beneficial features

Arginine, being a natural amino acid and synthesized in small quantities by the body, is involved in all physiological processes. With its help, the production of nitric oxide is accelerated, which helps to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

By maintaining optimal blood glucose levels, the substance has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body, which is very important for those suffering from diabetes.

In addition, Larginin Solgar has the following beneficial properties:

  • stimulates muscle growth:
  • eliminates pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • increases mental abilities, especially in old age;
  • activates the immune system;
  • protects the liver;
  • restores kidney functionality;
  • blocks fat deposition;
  • removes ammonia and lactic acid from the body;
  • promotes collagen production.

Regular use of the drug increases endurance, gives strength and vigor, increases the level of somatotropin and glycogen.

Important. L arginine is especially necessary at an early age, since the child’s body is unable to synthesize it. For adults, the amino acid is considered conditionally essential - the production of the substance decreases in weakened and sick people, as well as in old age.

Benefits of L Arginine for Men

Speaking about the beneficial properties of the drug, one cannot fail to mention that a sufficient amount of arginine is very important for the stronger sex. More than two-thirds of the seminal fluid consists of this substance, and its deficiency often leads to male infertility.

The amino acid not only improves the quality of ejaculate, but also increases blood flow to the genitals, thereby creating favorable conditions for a stable and long-lasting erection.

In addition, L-argininot Solgar has a beneficial effect on prostate health, preventing the development of inflammation and tumors. And everyone knows about the use of amino acids in bodybuilding - it not only nourishes the muscles, but also increases endurance and the impact of training.

benefits for women

For women, the drug is interesting, first of all, for its ability to fight excess weight, prevent the development of cancer, reduce symptoms of depression, and increase the body's endurance.
Doctors often call L-arginine from Solgar “vitamins of youth,” confirming the participation of the drug in the production of many hormones that support health and longevity. The amino acid, by correcting the functioning of the endocrine glands, helps cope with excess oily skin and hair, and stimulates collagen synthesis.

Attention. L-arginine from Solgar works only in the absence of alcohol and psychostimulants. The drug is also incompatible with nitroglycerin.

L arginine - indications for use

Solgar, L arginine is used in medical practice as one of the components of metabolic therapy, as well as for the prevention of many ailments and replenishing amino acid deficiency in completely healthy people.

L-arginine compensation is necessary in the following cases:

  • dystrophy;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels (ischemia, atherosclerosis);
  • CNS disorders;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • anemia;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, stress;
  • epilepsy;
  • recovery period after operations and serious illnesses (heart attack, stroke);
  • increased mental and physical stress;
  • weakened immunity.

The ability of L arginine to increase creatine levels in muscle fibers has made the substance popular among weightlifters and bodybuilders. Taking amino acids is especially important when gaining weight - under the influence of the substance, muscles acquire relief and volume.

Instructions for use

Doctors advise taking the drug in courses. For an adult, in the first 10 days, 2 tablets per day are enough - in the morning and before bed, during meals. Next, focus on how you feel - the dosage can be left the same or reduced by half.

The instructions for use state that the duration of the course should not exceed one month. After 10–30 days, it is permissible to resume taking the drug.

How to take arginine for bodybuilding?

Experienced bodybuilders say that athletes should consume 9–10 grams of the amino acid per day. Of course, a higher dosage will give a better effect, but it will also provoke many unpleasant symptoms: nausea, low blood pressure, diarrhea.

Some bodybuilders prefer to independently calculate the optimal dosage of arginine, based on body weight - 115 mg of active substance per 1 kg of weight. The tablets are taken an hour before training, washed down with plenty of water.

In bodybuilding, the drug is used on an empty stomach, avoiding its combination with fatty foods. In order for Solgar L arginine to be fully absorbed, it is necessary to consume undesirable foods at least 5 hours before arginine.

Advice. If you drink a protein drink before your workout, you should take the supplement first and then drink the shake.

To prevent addiction to the drug, it is necessary to periodically take breaks between courses of use.

Contraindications and side effects

According to doctors, patients with oncology and kidney pathologies, in particular anuria, should refrain from taking the amino acid.

Other contraindications to the use of L-arginine:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance or additional components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mental disorders (schizophrenia);
  • herpes virus.

With an excessive dosage, side reactions may occur in the form of sleep disturbances, exacerbation of herpes infection, and increased excitability.

The amino acid is prescribed with caution to people under the age of 18, as well as to patients suffering from arthritis.

Consumer Reviews

Finding bad reviews for Solgar, L arginine, 1000 mg is quite difficult. More than 80% of buyers claim that a course of taking the supplement significantly improves well-being, improves mood and restores strength. Arginine reduces blood pressure well, eliminates headaches, as well as discomfort and heaviness in the legs. The last point is especially pleasant for women who are forced to spend the whole day in heels.

The stronger sex, in turn, notes a decrease in inflammation of the prostate gland, increased libido and erection, and prolongation of sexual intercourse. Older men suffering from shortness of breath and heart problems report significant improvement in their well-being after a month of taking the pills.

Many buyers noted in their reviews a decrease in mental fatigue, improved memory and attention, and the disappearance of heaviness in the head and tinnitus. L-arginine Solgar is also liked by young people involved in weightlifting. For them, this is the drug of choice during the period of preparation for competitions, when they need to gain weight.

Where to buy L arginine from Solgar?

You can buy Solgar, L-Arginine, 90 tablets on the remote pharmacy website or in the iHerb online store using this link.

In the first case, you will most likely encounter inflated prices and unknown quality of the product, while on Iherb a certified product is sold directly from the manufacturer. And ease of navigation, ease of use and the presence of the Russian language will make the ordering process as comfortable as possible.

Regular intake of L arginine from Solgar will quickly restore the functioning of the entire body, strengthen the immune system and help you lose 3-4 extra pounds. Just do not forget to consult a doctor before starting treatment, since the drug has contraindications and, in case of overdose, can cause not very pleasant symptoms.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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