Jesus Christ is divine energy and Antichrist is evil. Christ and Antichrists

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prot. Boris Molchanov

“You know the signs of the Antichrist, do not remember them yourself, but share them generously with everyone.”

The Lord Jesus Christ said: “I will create mine, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (). What do "gates of hell" mean?

“It was the custom of the Jews to gather under the chairmanship of elders at the gates of the city to discuss political, judicial and social issues. These meetings were the highest authority in all matters; here all the commandments of God were proclaimed. They had a certain authority among the people. This custom of the Jews to hold meetings at the city gates can be found in the book. Ruthie(). In the description of an active wife in the book. The parable () says that “her husband is always well dressed” and that “he is well known at the gates,” that is, he is invested with public trust and he takes an active part in important meetings (prof.).

Therefore, the “gates of hell” mean not just the forces of hell, but the “general headquarters” of the forces of hell - their most important meeting, dedicated to developing a plan for the general battle with the Church. and hell are represented as two warring forces. And in this war with hell, the Church, according to the word of Christ, will remain unconquered.

The hellish plan for the fight against the Church in Holy Scripture is called the “mystery of lawlessness” (), which has been in effect for centuries and will end with the appearance of the Antichrist ().

The Antichrist can only come as a result of worldwide apostasy, that is, the retreat of peoples from God and from the ways of God, when the grace of God recedes from people. “When the apostates have fulfilled the measure of their iniquities, a king will rise up, arrogant and skilled in deceit” (). “His is the coming according to the action of Satan” ().

The personality of the Antichrist will concentrate all the evil in all its fullness and strength that human nature can perceive and withstand. Just as to obtain the purest and most perfect Fruit on the human tree, in the person of the Blessed Virgin, it took a thousand years of development and perfection of the good human seed, so to obtain the most vile fruit, capable of containing all the evil of Satan, the effort of a number of generations is required human in relation to the greatest corruption and desecration of human nature on the basis of insane hatred of Christ and the struggle against His Church. “It’s possible,” says Prof. Belyaev, - that natural and acquired evil, gradually accumulating in the long series of ancestors of the Antichrist, transmitted with each new generation, in the Antichrist himself will reach such a degree of strength that human nature can contain, manifest and withstand. In it, the evil living in the human race will reach the utmost peak of its development" (“On Atheism and Antichrist,” vol. I, With. 193).

Of course, as a person’s evil will intensifies, the assistance he receives from the devil, who gains more and more access to his soul, also intensifies. Since in the Antichrist his own evil will and corruption of the will will reach the ultimate, highest development, then the devil’s attitude towards him will reach the utmost maximum closeness, which will be expressed in the fact that the devil himself will constantly act in the person of the Antichrist. “God,” says St. , - foreseeing the future corruption of his (the Antichrist’s) will, he will allow the devil to dwell in him” (“An Accurate Statement of the Orthodox Faith,” book 4, chapter 26). St. teaches the same. (“Catechetical Teaching”, XV, 14). The Archbishop says that the Antichrist “will emerge from the dark and deep regions of the earth into which the devil has been driven out” (Interpretation of the 1st chapter of the Apocalypse, chapter 30). And he writes: “Before the coming of Christ, the enemy of people and the adversary of God, the demon, the thief of God’s Name, will appear in the world, clothed in human nature, the demon, the thief of God’s Name” (“A Brief Exposition of Divine Dogmas”, Chapter 23 - “Christian Reading”, 1844, IV, With. 355). , Hesychius of Jerusalem and Blessed. Jerome calls the Antichrist the son of Satan.

According to this patristic teaching, not a single moment in the life of the Antichrist can be allowed to be free from satanic influence. It must manifest itself already in birth itself and even in the special and exceptional desecration of its conception. “From a defiled virgin his (the devil’s) instrument will indeed be born,” says St. . The same is confirmed by St. : “A man (Antichrist) will be born from fornication.”

The Holy Fathers - Irenaeus ("Against Heresies", book 5, chapter 30), Hippolytus ("The Tale of Christ and the Antichrist"), as well as Hilary, Ambrose, Jerome and Augustine - note that the Antichrist will be of the Jewish race, from tribe of Dan.

In the synaxarion, laid down on the Meat Week, we read: “The Antichrist will come and be born, as the saint says, of an unclean woman, and of a false virgin, of a Jew, of the tribe of Dan” (Lenten Triodion). There are some reasons for such an indication in the Word of God:

a) In the prophecy of Patriarch Jacob about each of his sons, who became the ancestors of the tribes of Israel, the fate of Dan’s descendants is depicted by such features that can only be attributed to the Antichrist: “Let Dan be the serpent on the way, he who sits on the crossroads” ().

b) In the prophecy of Jeremiah: “From Dan himself the snoring of horses is heard, and from the neighing of strong horses the whole earth trembles; they are coming to devour the earth and everything on it" ().

c) In the prophecy of the Apocalypse, listing the remnant of all the tribes of Israel, sealed by an Angel for salvation, the tribe of Dan is completely excluded ().

According to the teachings of St. fathers, the devil, raising up the Antichrist, will try to clothe his coming with all the signs of the coming of the Son of God to earth (see St. - “Catechetical Teaching” XV, St. – Sermon 39, blessed one. Theodoret - “A Brief Exposition of Divine Dogmas”, ch. 23, St. Hippolyta - “The Tale of Christ and the Antichrist”). Of course, some similarity between the Antichrist and Christ will be only external and essentially deceptive, for the whole life and all the deeds of the Antichrist will be a fierce and blasphemous rebellion against Christ and His Church. This false external resemblance to Christ will manifest itself already in the very birth of the Antichrist. Bearing in mind that Christ was born from a Virgin, the devil will produce his weapon from a virgin, but not pure, but, on the contrary, full of all sorts of vices and satanic filth. Then, just as the Lord remained in obscurity until His 30th birthday, so the Antichrist, one must assume, will remain in hidden solitude and obscurity until the same age. Just as Christ began His saving ministry by preaching His Divine teaching and miracles, so the Antichrist will begin his all-destructive ministry by deceiving people with his false teaching and the great disgrace of his false miracles. Just as the Lord was pleased to publicly reveal Himself as the Messiah in His solemn entry into Jerusalem and entry into the Temple of Jerusalem, so the Antichrist will reveal himself as the Jewish false Messiah, the universal monarch - in his solemn ceremony of entering Jerusalem and sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem, which will be restored by that time . The entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, says the archbishop, was “for all Jews a nationwide announcement that Jesus Christ is the true Messiah. The indisputable proof of this is His own words, spoken by Him before the gates of Jerusalem: “Oh, if only you (appeal to the people) on this day would understand what serves for your salvation!” (). “On this day, with the rejection of the Messiah, the fate of the people of Israel was forever decided” (“The last days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ,” part 1, p. 153). So on the coming day of the entry into Jerusalem of the false messiah - the Antichrist - the fate of contemporary humanity will be forever and irrevocably decided. Blessed are those who, on that last day, given by God for the final self-determination of people, will be able to see in the Antichrist the servant of Satan and the inevitable death with him of all humanity who has recognized him. And, finally, just as the Lord revealed Himself to the world and performed His ministry as a Prophet, as a King and as a High Priest, so the Antichrist will concentrate in His hands all threefold power and perform His all-destroying service as a teacher of all mankind, as the monarch of a universal monarchy and as the supreme high priest of all religions, demanding to be worshiped as God.

The entire life and activity of the Antichrist can be considered in the form of three periods.

THE FIRST PERIOD of the life of the Antichrist, from the day of his birth until the moment of his public appearance, will flow in hidden uncertainty. The saint says that “the Antichrist will be raised in secret” (“An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith,” book 4, chapter 26).

The SECOND PERIOD of the life of the Antichrist will open with his loud appearance in the role of a world teacher, or “prophet”. It is very possible that he will begin his activities in the conditions of a new world war unleashed by secret forces, when the peoples, enduring all its horrors, will not see any way out of the disastrous impasse, for all the secret levers for resolving it will be in the hands of the secret society assisting it. The Antichrist will offer a project for the most successful, from the point of view of political and social wisdom, resolution of the world crisis - in the establishment of a uniform political and social system throughout the world. And tired of the shocks of war, spiritually blind humanity not only does not see in this project an insidious trap for itself, luring it into the most hopeless and merciless slavery, but, on the contrary, recognizes it as a manifestation of learning and genius.

Worldwide advertising about the Antichrist as a brilliant thinker, a new leader and savior of nations will thunder in all countries in the shortest possible time. “Evil spirits, scattered throughout the universe, will arouse in people a general, lofty opinion of the Antichrist, a general delight and an irresistible attraction to him” (St., word 16).

During this period of his activity, the Antichrist will not use any violence and will try to win the trust and favor of people through deception and his hypocritical, ostentatious virtuous mask. He, in the words of Vladimir Solovyov, “will throw a brilliant cover of goodness and truth over the mystery of lawlessness.” He will come, says St. , “in such a form as to deceive everyone; He will come, humble, meek, hater (as he will say about himself) of unrighteousness, averse to idols, preferring piety, kind, poor-loving, highly virtuous, constant, kind to everyone, respecting especially the Jewish people, because the Jews will expect his coming... He will accept cunning measures to please everyone, so that the people will soon fall in love with him, he will not take gifts, speak angrily, show a gloomy appearance, but with a decorous appearance he will begin to deceive the world until he reigns” (ibid.). From the rich ascetic experience of our great ascetics, we know that when the black devil cannot overcome the ascetic, encountering persistent resistance on his part, then the strongest devil comes in the form of an “angel of light” (), trying to arouse the sympathy and trust of the ascetic. , easily dragging him to destruction. Therefore, we can imagine how easily and quickly, after the disgusting devil in the form of Bolshevism, the bright image of the Antichrist will be able to attract universal sympathy.

As a result of such deception, “in the very mood of the human spirit there will arise a demand, an invitation to the Antichrist. ...A calling voice is heard in human society, expressing the urgent need for a genius of geniuses, who would raise material development and prosperity to the highest degree, establish on earth... prosperity" (ep., vol. IV, With. 313).

The hypocrisy of the Antichrist in this period will reach the point that even in relation to Christians, he will not only not show himself to be their opponent, but will even come forward with the readiness of his patronage for them. In his external, ostentatious side of life, he will try to imitate Christ. The majority of Christians, guided not by the spiritual mind of the Church, but by carnal wisdom, will not see this deception and recognize the Antichrist as Christ who has come to earth a second time. The monks of the Solovetsky Monastery convey the answer of the Monk Zosima, given to his disciples who asked him how to recognize the Antichrist when he comes. The monk said: “When you hear that Christ came to earth or appeared on earth, then know that this is the Antichrist.” The answer is the most accurate. “The world, or humanity, will not recognize the Antichrist: it will recognize him as Christ, will proclaim him as Christ...” But “it will not be necessary and will be impossible for people to convey to each other the news of the coming of the Son of God. He will appear suddenly, He will appear, according to His omnipotence, to all people and the whole earth at one time” (ep., vol. IV, With. 275). The Savior Himself warned: “Then if anyone says to you: Here is Christ, or here; have no faith. ...If they say to you, “Behold, there is a place in the desert,” you will not come out; If it is in the treasures (i.e., in some secret compartment of the house), do not have faith. Just as lightning comes from the east and appears to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (; ).

To deceive people, the Antichrist will show many amazing miracles. His coming, says the Apostle Paul, will be “according to the work of Satan in all power and signs and lying wonders” (). “Being the father of lies, he will deceive the imagination through false actions, so that the people will imagine that he sees a dead man raised, while he is not resurrected, as if he sees the lame walking and the blind seeing, when there was no healing” (St., “Catechetical” teaching" XV, 14).

All these measures of the Antichrist - his teaching and the glory of a brilliant thinker, his false miracles and all his hypocritical, ostentatious virtuous life - will have one goal: to seize into his hands all world power over all nations. The first step on this path will be to achieve popularity among the Jews. The Antichrist will make every effort so that the Jews recognize him as their promised messiah. He will be able to complete the establishment of the Jewish state and begin to realize the thousand-year-old Jewish dream - the restoration of the Temple of Solomon. And then “the people will be compelled, and the king will preach, and will love the Jewish race in abundance, and will reach Jerusalem, and will build their temple” (Synaxarion on the Meat Week. - Lenten Triodion).

All these efforts of the Antichrist to present himself as the true Messiah will meet with unexpected and miraculous opposition in the person of two Old Testament prophets-accusers, who, by the will of God, without knowing death, were taken alive into heaven for a time and who must appear on earth before the end of the world, so that fulfill your mission and taste death. The names of these holy prophets are Enoch and Elijah. The Lord will send them to Jerusalem in order to give people a final and miraculous warning against the deception that engulfs them in these last earthly terms. For three and a half years they will unrestrainedly expose all the lies of the Antichrist throughout the entire second period, when he will prepare to seize all world power into his own hands. Without parting with his mask of meekness and goodwill even towards his opponents, the Antichrist at this time will not be able to interfere with the accusatory speeches of the prophets and use any violence against them.

In vain do some try to interpret this miraculous appearance of Enoch and Elijah allegorically. The Holy Scriptures and Tradition of the Church definitely speak about their actual coming to earth seven years before the end of the world, about their accusatory preaching, about their martyrdom, their resurrection and ascension to heaven.

In the Apocalypse we read: “And I will give to My two witnesses, and they will prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days (1260 days is three and a half years), clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. And if anyone wants to offend them, fire will come out of their mouth and devour their enemies; if anyone wants to offend them, he must be killed. They have the power to shut the heavens so that no rain falls on the earth in the days of their prophecy, and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood and to smite the earth with every plague they want. And when they finish their testimony, the beast that comes out of the poor will fight with them and defeat them and kill them” (11: 3-7).

In the book of the prophet Zechariah: “What do those two olive trees mean... what do the two olive branches mean, which pour out gold through two golden tubes... And he said: these are two anointed with oil, standing before the Lord of the whole earth” (4, 11-12, 14).

The Archbishop proves to us that by two olive trees the prophet Zechariah means the two prophets Elijah and Enoch, referring to the fact that in the Apocalypse they are also called “two olive trees” (Interpretation of the Apocalypse, ch. 30).

In the book of the prophet Malachi, one of the witnesses is directly called by name: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord” (4, 5).

The impressions from the acting behavior of the Antichrist, who reveals himself everywhere as the Divine messenger, the true Messiah, will be so strong that, even despite the formidable denunciations of him by the prophets Elijah and Enoch, the Jewish people, first of all, will proclaim him their king.

The Apocalypse mysteriously speaks about the royal power of the Antichrist in Israel, inviting each reader to decipher the name of the beast or the number of his name: “Here is wisdom. He who has intelligence, count the number of the beast, for it is a human number; its number is SIX HUNDRED SIXTY SIX" ().

Many interpreters of this mysterious number of the beast, without first establishing any principle for deciphering it, could not give a correct explanation. “By practicing the word (i.e., decoding), says the Archbishop, “you can find many names: both common nouns and proper names.” (Proper names were found as follows: Lamnetis, Titan, Venedikt... Common nouns - Thin Leader, Ancient Envy, Truly Harmful, Unrighteous Lamb, etc.). In the same spirit, Archpriest M. Polsky tried to decipher “666” by publishing his article “The Number of the Beast” in the magazine “Holy Land”, No. 1 for 1938. According to his explanation, the number 666 refers to the power of gold and power over human labor. The power of the beast is the power that “takes not only all your wealth, but also all your work, takes your hands” (p. 15).

But before coming up with any explanations, we will try to establish the only correct principle of decoding, which consists in the fact that the decoding of the number itself could simultaneously explain the reason that forced St. The Apostle resorted to code and did not say the name of the beast clearly and openly. So, if we ask: why St. The Apostle considered it necessary to encrypt such simple concepts as gold, or the power of gold over human labor, or such names as “The Thin Leader,” etc., then all these interpretations will disappear by themselves, for they, without giving an answer to this the question, the cipher itself, is made into empty and practically meaningless fun, something like modern cross-words, which, of course, is in no way compatible with either Divine inspiration or the seriousness of the holy writer.

The only serious and deep attempt to decipher the number of the beast, which could well explain the reason for the code itself, is the opinion of the Catholic priest Fr. Sloet, printed in the Revue Biblique of 1893, in a note to the Apocalypse of St. John, page 512:

“Regarding the name of the apocalyptic beast, we received the following letter, which, with the permission of the author, we consider it our duty to place here:

“Reverend Father! In the previous issue of the Biblical Review, on page 298, Rev. Father Semerius mentions the opinion of Mr. Godet, who identifies the apocalyptic beast with “the Jewish power reborn at the end of times.” Observing the ever-increasing strength of Jewry, it must be admitted that this opinion is confirmed in modern history. If so, then the Antichrist will be the Jewish king.

"St. John reveals to us<д. б. так:>“the number of his name”: 666 () – and invites to count the “number of the beast”. If the meaning of this is that the name of the Antichrist must be deduced from it (i.e., the number), and if this derivation is possible before the coming, then it seems unlikely that St. John meant his proper name: performing actions with proper names, we (invariably) end up with completely arbitrary operations.

Since the Antichrist will come under the guise of the Messiah, he will probably take upon himself the title of Jewish King; no doubt he will be called King par excellence in Israel. To express this pompous title in Hebrew, instead of using the genitive case, you need to place the prefix ל (lamed) before ישרא . Then the title of the Antichrist will be as follows: (read from right to left)

המלכ לישראל


And the sum of the numbers of these Hebrew letters will be exactly 666.

Here's the calculation:

מ (meme) = 40

ל (lamed) = 30

ל(lamed) = 30

ש(tires) = 300

ר(dec) = 200

א(aleph) = 1

ל(lamed) = 30

Amount – 666

There is only a small stretch; it lies in the fact that the kaf in the word “melek” is not a final kaf, but an ordinary one (in the sense of counting). Please accept the assurances... etc. Oldenzaal. D.A.V.U. Slot. Holland. 18.V. 1893"

Here Father Slot makes a reservation, considering it a stretch that he took an ordinary cafe, but in this case the opposite would be incorrect. Account o. Slota is absolutely correct, since in the first times of Christianity, and in all later replacements of letters with numbers (according to Kabbalah), all actions were performed only on the 22 letters of the “sacred alphabet”. They have an exact numerical value corresponding to their serial number. And this serial number is the same for both ordinary and final kaph (as for all double letters).

This interpretation of the number of the beast simultaneously explains the practical need to use a code for it. After all, if St. the writer decided to write openly that the beast, or Antichrist, would be the king of Israel, whom the Jewish people so passionately awaited and who, according to the interpretations of his teachers, was first of all to free the Jews from the yoke of the Romans, and then to subjugate all nations and form one world power, then such a statement not only could not have the character of a strictly religious warning, but would be perceived by the Jews as an anti-patriotic speech and would cause an explosion of indignation against its author. In addition, an open announcement about the coming king of Israel, even regardless of his characteristics, could have been perceived by the Jews as a political betrayal, for the Jews carefully hid their plans about their king from the Roman authorities and tried to assure the Romans that they had no and they do not wish to have any other king than the Roman Caesar.

The THIRD PERIOD, and the last, of the Antichrist’s activity will open with his seizure of all world power into his own hands. This will be greatly facilitated by the situation of extreme devastation of peoples from the world war. In a single world government, concentrated in the hands of the universally glorified Antichrist, the majority will see the only guarantee against the possibility of new wars and the only way for the further peaceful prosperity of mankind.

The very coming to world power of the Antichrist is depicted by the Word of God as follows: on the body of a devastated and war-ravaged world, “ten kings will rise” (). Seven of them will have “the same thoughts” with the Antichrist: they will “transfer their strength and authority” to him (). The other three kings will defend their independence - the Antichrist will have to conquer them only by military force (). “When the peoples,” he wrote, “having excessively multiplied the army and abandoned arable farming - which is the beginning of ruin and defeat - they ruin, exhaust, and devour everything, then from the extreme limits of the northern country a powerful enemy will suddenly rise up against them. He will destroy three of them, and the others will make an alliance with him, and he will become the leader over them all. This will be the Antichrist” (“Divine Instructions”, Vol. VII, ch. 16).

Three kings who will be “thrown out” by the Antichrist, according to the interpretation of St. , are kings or rulers: “Egyptian”, “Libyan” and “Ethiopian” (Abyssinian).

After the victory of the Antichrist over three states and the elimination of their only obstacle to world dominion, Revelation depicts him (the Antichrist) in the form of a red beast with ten horns (i.e., having subjugated ten states) and seven heads (i.e. leaving seven rulers who voluntarily submitted to him as his plenipotentiary representatives in their countries). “Behold, a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems” (; see interpretation of the Holy Fathers: and).

Revelation speaks about the worldwide political power of the Antichrist: “And power was given to him over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation” (13:7). Although ordinary human efforts and means will be important in the process of the Antichrist seizing all world power, the main source of his success will not be in them. “And his strength will be strengthened, although not by his strength” (). The Antichrist will receive his power and strength from Satan. “And the dragon gave him his strength, and his throne, and great power” (). And only with this constant satanic assistance will it be possible to explain his unusual success in quickly seizing all power over the world and his exceptional strength, which no human force or authority can resist or interfere with. “Antichrist,” says Prof. Belyaev, “will act with the power of the devil and miracles, and this power is very great...”; then “he will have a great multitude of strong followers”; in addition, “with fast-flying routes of communication and methods of intercourse, it is possible to immediately carry out a revolution throughout the entire earth” (“On Atheism and Antichrist,” vol. 1, p. 765).

The universal recognition of the Antichrist as a world monarch will be simultaneously associated with the nationwide recognition of him and the single spiritual leader of all religions. Vladimir Solovyov, in his last work “Three Conversations” (1900), suggested that the Antichrist, having achieved power, would assemble an ecumenical Ecumenical Council from representatives of all religions. At this council (in Jerusalem), the Antichrist will invite everyone to unite into one flock under one shepherd. He will pay his main attention to Christians of all confessions, promising them all kinds of protection for recognizing him as their ruler. “He will trumpet himself,” writes St. , - as the forerunners trumpeted about him, he will call himself a preacher and restorer of the true knowledge of God; those who do not understand Christianity will see in him a representative and champion of the true religion and will join him. He will sound the trumpet and call himself the promised Messiah; the disciples of carnal wisdom will exclaim at his meeting, seeing his glory, power, genius abilities, extensive development in the elements of the world, they will proclaim him a god, they will become his followers” ​​(word 106, part 2; see ep., vol. IV, With. 301).

By the way, it is very important to note that all St. The fathers consider the main reason for such a rapid and reckless infatuation of people with the Antichrist to be their lack of spiritual intelligence, their complete immersion in the carnal state. And since spiritual intelligence can be acquired and developed only in the conditions of correct spiritual life, taught by the true Orthodox Church, then at that moment only Orthodox Christians will be able to find themselves in full spiritual armor and recognize all the intrigues and deceits of the Antichrist, but not all, but only that small some of them will live a spiritual life according to the rules of the Church. Heretics and false believers, who either have no spiritual life at all, or practice it but in incorrect and perverted forms, will inevitably become victims of the deception of the Antichrist.

The Antichrist will subtly replace the cult of the God-Man with the cult of the Man-God and demand that he be worshiped as God. In Holy Scripture he is portrayed as exalting himself “above everything that is called God or that is holy” (), as speaking “proudly and blasphemously,” as blaspheming God and “His habitation and those who dwell in heaven” (Revelation, 13, 5-6).

Note: Here it is important to note that in the direction of spreading anti-Christian man-divine views, active propaganda is now being carried out by both supporters of Eastern religions and yoga, and their Western followers - theosophists. They all say that our human self is divine and consubstantial with God. “The spirit in the soul of a person is the true “I” of a person, in which he is truly consubstantial with the Father” (“Zhnani Yoga”, p. 100). “The true “I” of man is a manifestation of God, and in it (in the true “I”) lies the very essence of the Divine” (“Raja Yoga”, p. 50). “The Divine Being, which we “in ignorance” imagine as separate from us, is not at all distant from us, but is its own “I” contained within us” (Suomi Abedananda, “How to Become a Yogi,” p. 28) . The same author argues that revelation does not come from any special source, but that it (inspiration from above) is only the revelation of the higher “I” in man himself (p. 32).

We find the same religious anti-Christian views among the preachers of Theosophy. The President of the Theosophical Society A. Besant states: “The highest “I” of man is the very force that created the universe...; it is part of the life of the Logos and is inseparable from it” (“The Power of Thought”, 1912). “The highest “I” is the Divine Spirit,” says E. Blavatsky (“Occultism and Magical Art,” 1912). Theosophists recognize that the appearance of God on earth is not a unique phenomenon, but is repeated in the so-called “avatars”. The appearance on earth of “avatars,” or “saviors of the world,” according to their teaching, occurred many times. A. Besant claims that nine avatars have descended to earth so far. “The tenth must appear” (Lecture by A. Besant “The Ideas of Christ”, 1914). These avatars mean Buddha, Krishna, Jesus of Nazareth, etc. (A. Besant, “On World Teaching,” 1913).

Christian doctrine asserts that only the Son of God and the Holy Spirit are consubstantial with God the Father - the Holy Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible. The salvation of the world is accomplished once. The only Savior of people and Redeemer is the Son of God incarnate, the Lord Jesus Christ. There have never been and never will be other “saviors”.

The views of representatives of Eastern and Western occultism presented here testify to the preparation of the proclamation of the coming Antichrist as God and “savior of the world.”

According to the prediction of St. ap. Paul, the Antichrist “will sit in the temple of God... as God, showing himself to be God” (). Without a doubt, “the Antichrist will have neither the time, nor the desire, nor the opportunity to constantly sit in the temple. He will do this only on special, solemn and important occasions, for example, when declaring himself the king of the world and God. But he will not need to be in the temple all the time. Having once sat down in a temple and declared himself God, by this very action he will give a sign and at the same time give an order that his images (statues or icons) be placed in all Christian and non-Christian churches and that all people worship them as himself, as images of God. And indeed in churches the service of the Antichrist as God will begin” (Prof. Belyaev, “On atheism and the Antichrist”, vol. 1, p. 384).

This desecration of the shrine of the Christian temple and the Christian faith is mysteriously foreshadowed in Holy Scripture in the sayings about the placing of the “abomination of desolation” in a holy place:

a) ... “at half the week (after three and a half years of the second period and at the beginning of the third period, which is to last three and a half years, the activity of the Antichrist) sacrifice and offering will cease, and on the wing of the sanctuary there will be the abomination of desolation” ().

b) ... “and they will appoint part of the army, which will desecrate the sanctuary of power and stop the daily sacrifice and set up the abomination of desolation” ().

c) ... “from the time the daily sacrifice ceases and the abomination of desolation is set up, 1290 days will pass” ().

Here, in a prophetic perspective, three events are simultaneously depicted, although separated from each other by entire centuries, but having a deep inner affinity with each other. In reality, the first two events are only a prototype of the last, future one, to which the prophecy mainly refers.

a) The first event is the persecution of the faith of Antiochus Epiphanes, king of Syria. Antiochus reigned after his brother Seleucus IV in 137 of the Seleucid era, or in 176 BC. His terrible reign and his cruel persecution of the faith are spoken of in the first two books of Maccabees. “He entered the sanctuary with arrogance... and commanded that in his kingdom all should be one people, and that everyone should leave his own law”... and “they should mock the Sabbaths and holidays, and desecrate the sanctuary and the saints”... “And if anyone does not do according according to the word of the king, let him be put to death”… and “they set up on the altar the abomination that makes desolate”… “and the books of the law which they found, they tore to pieces and burned with fire; Whoever had the book of the covenant and who kept the law was put to death by order of the king... wives were killed, they circumcised their children, and babies were hanged by their necks, their houses were plundered... the temple was filled with fornication and outrage from the pagans" (1 book 1:2 book 6, 1-9). Christian theologians recognize Antiochus Epiphanes as the most striking prototype of the coming Antichrist.

b) The second event is the destruction of Jerusalem and the desecration of the Jerusalem Temple by Roman troops in 70 after the Nativity of Christ. “If the prophecy of Daniel applied only to Antiochus, then in this case Jesus Christ, repeating the abomination of desolation spoken through the prophet Daniel (;), could not speak of an event that would take place in the future, since for His time the era of Antiochus Epiphanes has long passed” (Prof. Belyaev, “On Atheism and Antichrist”, vol. 1, p. 230).

This event is described by the Jewish historian Josephus. According to him, the Romans, suppressing the uprising of the Jews, destroyed Jerusalem and “brought their standards into the sanctuary and placed them opposite the Eastern Gate; They made solemn sacrifices (pagan) in front of the banners and with loud shouts proclaimed Titus autocrat.” This is how the “abomination of desolation” became in the holy city and in the shrine of this city..., in the temple of Jerusalem. In this temple, sacrifice was now made to the pagan gods by the hands of the pagans; henceforth, sacrifices and prayers to the true God ceased in him forever” (Prof. Belyaev, ibid., p. 216).

c) But this prophecy about the abomination of desolation could only partially relate to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Mainly, it refers to another, future era, “when all the temples on earth will be desecrated and at the same time there will be devastation and desecration of the New Zion - the Church of Christ... throughout the entire earth. This will happen before the end of the world - with the Antichrist” (Prof. Belyaev, ibid., p. 219). Blessed Jerome attributes the entire prophecy of Daniel about the setting up of the “abomination of desolation” to the Antichrist and only some features to Antiochus.

2. The second temptation of Satan was manifested in the fact that he, taking the Lord to the holy city and placing Him on the wing of the temple, said to Him: “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written: “He will command His angels concerning You, and in their hands they will bear You, lest You dash Your foot against a stone” (). This sentence from the devil meant the following: “Throw yourself down and appear surrounded and carried by a host of angels before the astonished people, so that the people, seeing this sign, will immediately recognize You as the Son of God.” And this temptation of Satan, under the pretext of plausible concern for arousing among the people faith in the Divine dignity of the Savior, was nothing more than a complete rejection of the Cross of Christ, a rejection of the Atonement, for it invited Christ to become a leader, drawing the crowd along with him with one empty effect and not requiring There is no moral achievement or self-sacrifice.

A similar demand for a sign from the Lord came repeatedly from the Pharisees. “The Pharisees, not satisfied with the miracles that the Lord performed, demanded a special miracle from Him - “a sign from heaven” ()…. The desire for a “sign from heaven” was sometimes expressed by the people. So, after the miraculous multiplication of the five loaves and the saturation of the crowded meeting with them, in which there were five thousand men, with the exception of wives and children, eyewitnesses of this miracle, the participants in this meal said to the Lord: “What sign have You done, so that we may see and have faith in You? Our fathers ate manna in the desert, as it is written: “Give them bread from heaven to eat” (). For them, the wondrous multiplication of loaves in the hands of the Savior seemed insufficient: it took place with silence, with holy humility, with which all the actions of the God-Man were imbued, and they needed a spectacle, they needed an effect. They needed the sky to be covered with thick clouds, for thunder to roar and lightning to flash, for bread to fall from the air" (from heaven) (ep., vol. IV, With. 296-297).

It was a grave sin to demand such a sign from the God-man, for it came from the carnal mind, rejecting any lofty spiritual goal for the sake of external effect. The Lord, hearing this impudent, blasphemous demand for a sign, took a deep breath and said: “Why does this generation demand a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to this generation. And leaving them... went to the other side" (). This demand for a sign from heaven was a demand for a miracle in the nature of Satan's miracles. The sign from heaven could not have any special reliability. Why could only a sign from heaven testify that it was from God? “The opposite is clear from the Divine Scripture... The Holy Scripture narrates that, through the action of the devil, “fire fell from heaven and consumed the sheep and shepherds” of righteous Job (; see “The Good News” on). It is obvious that this fire was formed in the air, just as lightning is formed in it. Simon the Magus surprised the blind people with miracles, who recognized in him the power of Satan “by the great power of God” (). Simon especially surprised the pagan Romans when, in a large gathering of them, declaring himself a god and his intention to ascend to heaven, he suddenly began to rise in the air; the blessed one tells about this, borrowing the story from the most ancient Christian writers (see Life of St. Apostle Peter, Chetya-Minea, June 29). Pinetti, who lived at the end XVIII centuries, performed similar miracles. Others have done and are doing them” (ep., vol. IV, With. 299-300).

What Christ refused to do, the Antichrist will do: he will give a sign from heaven, that is, a sign in the air, where Satan predominates (see St. Ephraim the Syrian, word 106, part 2;). St. John the Theologian says that the Antichrist will accomplish great deeds, “and will cause fire to descend from heaven to earth before men” (). “This sign is indicated by Scripture as the highest of the signs of the Antichrist, and the place of this sign is the air: it will be a magnificent and terrible sight.” It will “have the greatest effect on the sense of sight, charming and deceiving it” (ep., vol. IV, With. 302).

“A terrible test will come for the saints of God: the wickedness, hypocrisy, miracles of the persecutor will intensify to deceive and seduce them, refined, thoughtful and covered with the insidious ingenuity of persecution and oppression, the unlimited power of the tormentor will put them in the most difficult position; a small number of them will seem insignificant before all humanity... general contempt, hatred, slander, oppression, violent death will be their lot."... "Opponents of the Antichrist will be considered troublemakers, enemies of the public good and order, will be subjected to both covert and open persecution, will be subjected to torture and execution "... (ep., vol. IV, With. 302-303).

The first victims of the Antichrist will be his accusers - St. prophets Enoch and Elijah. “And when they finish their testimony, the beast coming out of the abyss (Antichrist) will fight with them and defeat them and kill them, and leave their corpses on the street of the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified (Jerusalem). And many of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their corpses for three and a half days and will not allow their corpses to be placed in graves. And those who live on the earth will rejoice and be glad and will send gifts to each other, because these two prophets tormented those who live on the earth. But after three and a half days the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they both stood on their feet; and great fear fell upon those who looked at them. And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they ascended to heaven on a cloud; and their enemies looked at them. And at that same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell, and seven thousand names of men perished in the earthquake; and the others were overcome with fear, and gave glory to the God of Heaven” ().

After this, a remarkable event should occur, which can only be attributed to the action of the preaching of St. the prophets, their miraculous resurrection and ascension into heaven - the conversion to Christ of a significant part of the Jews contemporary with the Antichrist. The blessed one writes on this occasion: “Elijah will come... as the forerunner of the second coming, and will return to faith in Christ all the Jews who turn out to be obedient, bringing, as it were, to their fatherly inheritance those who have fallen away from Him. The basis for this statement is the following prophetic words in the Holy Scriptures:

a) “Behold, I will send Elijah the prophet to you (the Jews) before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I, when I come, will not strike the earth with a curse" ().

d) “And on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem I will pour out the spirit of grace and compunction, and they will look at Him, whom they have pierced, and will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only begotten son, and grieves, as one mourns for the firstborn. On this day the great lament of Hadadrimmon will rise in the valley of Megiddon” ().

e) “For if you (one of the pagans who turned to Christ) were cut off from the olive tree that was wild by nature, and were not grafted into the good olive tree by nature, then how much more will these natural ones (from the Jews) be grafted into their own olive tree... I do not want to leave you, brothers, in ignorance of this mystery - so that you dream about yourself - that hardening has happened in Israel in part, until the time when the full number of the pagans comes in" ().

Vladimir Solovyov, who tried to explain the entire prophecy about the appearance of the prophets Elijah and Enoch allegorically (see “Three Conversations”, chapter “The Tale of the Antichrist”), unwittingly had to make mistakes in explaining the conversion of the remnant of Israel to Christ, which is closely connected with the appearance of the prophets. In his opinion, the Jews, having learned that the person they thought was the Messiah would suddenly turn out to be uncircumcised, would be disappointed in him and accept Christianity. If this premise about the uncircumcision of the Antichrist turned out to be correct, then it could only prompt the fanatical Jews to move away from him and wait for another, more suitable candidate for the role of the Messiah, but it could not become the reason for their disappointment in their entire religious-national ideology and their acceptance of the Christian faith. The Jews had many unsuccessful claimants to the title of Messiah who led rebellious movements against Rome. And yet subsequent disappointments in them never led the Jews to the conviction of the truth of Christianity. This is Vl's explanation. Solovyov must be considered very unsuccessful. Only one testimony of Holy Scripture about the miraculous appearance of the prophets Elijah and Enoch, about their preaching and denunciation of the Antichrist, about their martyrdom and resurrection can fully explain the miraculous conversion of the remnant of Israel to Christ in the era of the Antichrist.

This conversion of the Jews to Christ will cause the Antichrist to become extremely angry towards Christians. Then for them there will come “a great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and never will be” (). “And it was given to him (the Antichrist) to wage war with the saints (Christians) and defeat them” ().

Salvation for the small remnant of believers will only be in the short-term reign of the Antichrist. “And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened” ().

The world dominion of the Antichrist will last three and a half years. “From the time of the cessation of the daily sacrifice (the beginning of the third period of the Antichrist’s activity when he opened his world monarchy) and the installation of the abomination of desolation, 1290 days will pass” (; see 12, 7). The same period of reign of the Antichrist is noted in Revelation: “And power was given to him (the Antichrist) to act for forty-two months” (13:5).

No human power can resist the Antichrist. Only the Lord Himself, coming a second time to earth in all His glory, will defeat him. Then the Last Judgment of Christ and the end of our world will come (; ). And “the beast will be captured, and with him the false prophet, who performed miracles before him, with which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. Both will be thrown alive into the lake of fire, burning with brimstone; and the rest were killed by the sword of Him sitting on a horse, coming out of His mouth” (). “And the devil, who deceived them, (will) be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and they will be tormented day and night and forever and ever” ().

The main disaster of the era before the worldwide reign of the Antichrist will lie in the exceptional spiritual blindness of people. Spiritual mind, i.e. that mind which alone can clearly see the light of Truth will become an extremely rare phenomenon. Humanity, guided by the carnal mind, not only does not recognize the Antichrist, does not see in him its insidious enemy, but, on the contrary, recognizes him as its benefactor. “Many will believe in him,” said one blessed monk, “and will glorify him as the mighty God. Those who have God always within themselves... will see the truth through pure faith and know Him. To all who have the vision of God and reason - then the coming of the tormentor will be reasonable. For those who always have a mind in the things of this life and love earthly things, this will not be clear: for they are attached to the things of this life. Even if they hear the word (warnings about the Antichrist), they do not have faith, but even more so will this saying disgust them” (“Letters, book 1, p. 62, 1850; see also Word 106 rev.). A constant warning for us is the word of Christ: “Take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with excess and drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and lest that day come upon you suddenly” (). For excessive immersion in the interests and concerns of material life contributes to the development of the carnal mind, which will always be in conflict with the teachings and revelation of the Divine.

To acquire spiritual intelligence, you must first of all obey the intelligence of the Universal Orthodox Church. You need to check all your reasoning with the Word of God and the patristic teachings. “We need, we urgently need, attention to the Word of God, justified by the very events of a time and mood hostile to it, lest we fall away” (ep., vol. IV, With. 227-228). “Don’t stop,” says Rev. , - test the Divine Scriptures, do not stop asking your Mother - the Church: when the desired Bridegroom comes, - ask and inquire about the sign of His coming, because the Judge will not budge. Don’t stop asking until you know for sure, don’t stop resorting to the help of those who know exactly about this” (Creations, 1850, vol. IV, With. 133). All St. the fathers recommend that we be constantly guided by Holy Scripture. At the same time, the advice of neighbors who themselves are guided by the Word of God and the works of St. is also useful. fathers. “Such guidance by the mind of the Church will protect believers from being carried away by widely disseminated false teachings and views. The absence of this leadership and the habit of always following public opinion will inevitably lead to the wrong path. In addition, even if a person decided to go against established social views, against the generally accepted path, he would certainly be subjected to the following temptation - he would definitely hear: “Are you really the only one right, and all or most people are wrong?” Only for those who will be guided by Holy Scripture, such reasoning will have no value. Scripture will tell him that not the majority, but only a few, walk along the narrow path, but in the last days of the world this path will become extremely impoverished” (ep.). Holy Scripture will also inspire him with courage: he will not be embarrassed by the fact that the number of true believers will turn out to be a small island among the boundless ocean of lies and wickedness. He will remember the covenant of Christ: “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom” ().

Another disaster of the era of the Antichrist will be that then any organized resistance to his power will become impossible. Then “do not try to stop him with your weak hand. Stay away, protect yourself from him; and that’s enough for you” (Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov). “Be content,” says Elder Isaiah, “that salvation is given to people who want to be saved.” Therefore, we need to fight the approaching kingdom of darkness now, when the opportunity to fight has not yet been taken away from us. Any evasion from the fight now, any compromise with evil in the name of coexistence with it, made today, will only further increase the difficulty of fighting it tomorrow. You need to “do things... while it is day” before “night comes when no one can do” ().

Night is that satanic kingdom of spiritual darkness approaching us, which is preparing to embrace all of humanity. Then the life of believers will be so difficult that they, even despite their sinfulness, even forgetting the fear of the coming Judgment, will exclaim: “Hey, come, Lord Jesus!” ( In some publications the word “really” is missing.

In some publications, the text of the note is included in a footnote with an explanation - “Author's Note”.

In some publications - “from the sky”.

In some publications we read this: “Therefore, we need to resist the approaching kingdom of darkness now, when this opportunity has not yet been taken away from us. Any evasion from this now...”

Antichrist– in Christian models of the eschatological worldview – an opponent, an adversary of Jesus Christ, a false Christ. A. will inevitably be defeated after he rebels against Jesus at the end of worldly time. The apocalyptic tradition of the Jews saw the enemy of the Messiah as one of the main subjects of the world process. In the era of early Christianity, various influential enemies of this doctrine (from Nebuchadnezzar to Domitian and Nero) were interpreted as the incarnate A.A. - a grotesque caricature of the Lamb slain at the beginning of the world, this is the shadow of Christ, a parody of Him.

The triumph of the Roman Empire, which assessed itself most proudly and blasphemously, was perceived by the first Christians as the triumph of the satanic, antichrist forces of history, but not of God’s truth: on the heads of the “beast” on the royal crowns there are blasphemous names (the word “August” is the title of the dynasty of emperors of Rome - according to Greek “sibastris” - “sacred”, “giving blessing”). According to the testimony of John the Theologian: “And all the earth marveled, watching the beast; And they worshiped the dragon, which gave power to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like this beast?...

And authority was given to him to continue for forty-two months.” (This established that there is a certain time for the triumph of A., a period of persecution). According to the most capacious and detailed characteristics, A. is a man of sin, the son of destruction, opposing and exalting himself above everything called God or what is sacred, so that in the temple of God he will sit as God, posing as God... People will be self-loving, money-loving, proud , arrogant, slanderous, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, ungodly, unfriendly, unforgiving, slanderers, intemperate, cruel, not loving good, traitors, insolent, pompous, more lovers of voluptuousness than lovers of God, having a form of piety but denying its power... A. personified with the systemic rejection of Christianity.

In the texts of the New Testament, anyone who does not share the thesis about the bodily embodiment of the logos in this world appears as A.: “... every spirit that does not confess Jesus Christ who has come in the flesh is not from God, but is the spirit of the Antichrist...”. In the subsequent history of Christianity, the image of A. served as a reliable and effective weapon in the struggle of its various movements: Protestants called A. the Pope of Rome, Catholics saw A. in M. Luther. [A. A. Gritsanov “Philosophical Dictionary”]

Antichrist - the enemy or “opponent” of Christ, which, according to the Revelation of John the Theologian, should appear on Earth shortly before the end of the world and the second coming of the Messiah. Mythological thinking led to the personification of the world's good, embodied in the image of Jesus, and the personification of evil in the image of the Antichrist. If the devil, according to the medieval expression, is “the monkey of God,” then the Antichrist is “the monkey of Christ.” He is a cosmic usurper and impostor, imitating the appearance and actions of Christ.

The iconographic tradition of depicting the Antichrist, represented by the frescoes of L. Signorelli in the cathedral of the Italian city of Orvietto, on the one hand, brings his visual features as close as possible to Christ, on the other hand, endows him with a proud, uncertain, sly expression. The Antichrist, imitating the virtues of Christ, seduces people with false miracles. In the kingdom of Antichrist, “people will be selfish, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, slanderous, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unmerciful, untrue to their word, slanderers, intemperate, merciless, alien to the love of good, traitors, insolent, pompous, loving pleasure more than God.” .

Preliminary signs:

1. The ruin and end of the Roman monarchy. Connected with the medieval historiosophy of the successive change of five world kingdoms.
2. Preaching the Gospel throughout the world. The last times will come only when the gospel teaching is known to every nation, causing a choice between Christ and Antichrist. Numerous false prophets and false miracle workers will appear. One of them will form, together with the devil (serpent) and Antichrist (beast), a false trinity.

Signs coinciding with the advent.

The life path of the Antichrist on the basis of biblical interpretations was determined by Augustine the Blessed, Theodoret of Cyrus, Gregory the Great and others.

1. Preaching of the witnesses of the first coming of Christ - Elijah and Enoch. It is predicted that they will
1. dressed in sackcloth;
2. prophesy two hundred and sixty days;
3. to have the power to close the heavens so that no rain will fall on the earth in the days of their preaching, to turn the waters into blood and to smite the wicked with every plague;
4. defeated and killed by the Antichrist;
5. their bodies lay unburied in Jerusalem for three and a half days;
6. after which they will be resurrected and ascended;
7. then there will be a great earthquake that will destroy a tenth of the city.
2. The Antichrist will be accepted by the Jews instead of the true Messiah. It was assumed that the Antichrist would be a Jew from the tribe of Dan. The place of his birth will be Babylon, for it was there, according to legend, that the tribe of Dan went. The Antichrist is destined to be born, according to various interpretations, either from a harlot mistaken for a virgin - a parody of the virgin conception of Christ - or from a nun who broke her vow, or from an incestuous relationship;
3. False miracles performed by the Antichrist, including the descent of fire from heaven, the speech of an animal creature, and an imitation of resurrection.
4. The Antichrist will not confess Christ, and will condemn those who confess to torment. He will demand from the people to honor himself as the true God.
5. The throne of the Antichrist will be in Jerusalem, in their restored Temple of Solomon.
6. He gives his fans a mark on their right hand and forehead.
7. He is identified by his name, designated by the animal number 666.
8. The reign of Antichrist will last 42 months, similar to the duration of Christ's preaching.

Signs follow.

The Last Judgment and the end of the world. The Antichrist will fight with three kingdoms: Egyptian, Libyan and Ethiopian - and defeat them. After this, other kings will bow to him. “The ten horns that I saw are ten kings who have not yet received the kingdom, but will receive power with the beast and give it to the beast.” The extermination of Christians will be carried out in the war of Gogi and Magog. Few steadfast in the Christian faith will take refuge on the Mount of Olives - a place in the Garden of Gethsemane - the last refuge of Christ. During the decisive battle, fire will fall from heaven and destroy the Antichrist army. The Antichrist himself, fleeing from Christ, will climb a high mountain and then throw himself down.

Adso Dervensky in his most influential treatise “The Little Book of the Antichrist” (another title: “On the Time and Place of the Antichrist”) (c. 954) for the first time summarized the motives associated with the idea of ​​​​the Antichrist as a pseudo-Christ and at the same time a “tyrant”, in a vita form reminiscent of the lives of the saints. Thanks to this treatise, the biography of the Antichrist became a popular topic in Christian theology.

There were two versions regarding the conception of the Antichrist. According to the first, more common, he was conceived by people - of course, terrible sinners and adulterers; for example, depraved monk and nun. However, as Adso notes, “from the very beginning of conception, the devil entered his mother’s womb and the power of the devil nourished and both reigned him in his mother’s womb.” Thus, Antichrist is possessed by the devil (Possession) even before birth. It is not difficult to notice here a parody of Christ, who “will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb.”

According to another version, characteristic mainly of folk legends and parodying the incarnation of Christ, the Antichrist is the child of a demon and a whore; in the French mystery “Judgment Day” (14th century), the council of demons is planning to send a demon to Babylon, where he, taking the form of a pleasant young man, must seduce a certain harlot; when all this is accomplished and a son is born to the harlot, Satan sends two demon educators to him, and the mother willingly gives her son into their care. Folk legends (and their literary adaptations) are generally characterized by a lack of distinction between the devil and the Antichrist, the idea of ​​the latter as “the devil in the flesh”; learned commentators, on the contrary, usually carefully distinguish between the two, emphasizing that the Antichrist is a man completely and irrevocably possessed by the devil, but not the devil and not the son of the devil.

True, here theologians found themselves in a difficult position: the postulate that the devil and demons cannot have their own children came into conflict with the desire to achieve complete symmetry in everything between Christ, the son of God, and the Antichrist. This desire sometimes still prevailed, and then the Antichrist was recognized as having a dual nature: “Christ is the true God and man, and the Antichrist is the devil and man.

Antichrist is a Jew; he appeared - as PSEUDO-ALCUIN notes, interpreting the speech of the Apocalypse about the beast that appeared from the abyss - “from the deepest wickedness of the Jewish people, that is, from the tribe of Dan.” In the tribe of Dan, according to Jewish tradition, the mother of the Messiah should be born, but since this tribe was also seen in the worship of idols, the medieval Christian world attributed to it the birth of the Pseudo-Messiah - the Antichrist, finding confirmation of this idea in Jacob’s dying blessing of Dan: “Dan He will be a serpent on the road, an adder on the way, biting the horse’s leg, so that his rider will fall backward.”

Babylon is most often chosen as the place of his birth - for commentators could not imagine a more wicked place; the emerging contradiction between the Jewish blood of the Antichrist and the place of his birth was cleverly dealt with: thus, Hugh of Newcastle was able to use this contradiction to enrich the parallelism between Christ and the Antichrist: just as Christ was conceived in Nazareth and born in Bethlehem, the Antichrist was conceived in Palestine , in Khorazin (remembered by the unkind word of Christ: “Woe to you, Khorazin!”), and was born in Babylon.

The appearance of the Antichrist and the onset of her kingdom are preceded by corresponding enacities: the decline of morals, natural disasters, plague, the ferocity of the mysterious Gog and Magog; Moreover, all these troubles were already predicted by Christ: “... nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be great earthquakes in places, and famines, and pestilences, and terrible phenomena, and great signs from heaven.” Gog and Magog especially excited the imagination: they were identified with one or another barbarian tribes, but especially often with the ten lost tribes of Israel. Only the demons, who have been waiting for him for a long time, rejoice at the appearance of the Antichrist: thus, the underground demons keep their treasures for him, so that he can use them to seduce Christians.

Before the coming of the Antichrist, certain ten kings will rule; or his arrival will be preceded by a twelve-year (or even one hundred and twelve-year) reign of the Last Great Emperor, who will save Jerusalem from the pagans, crush Babylon and then renounce power, placing his crown on the altar of the Jerusalem temple - but then the Antichrist will appear. In the Latin play “The Play of the Antichrist” from Tegernsee (Bavaria, 12th century), he appears accompanied by allegorical figures - Hypocrisy and Heresy - and asks them to begin by destroying every memory of Christ on earth. During his reign, the Antichrist will first pose as Christ, but very soon he will reveal his tyranny; In medieval drama, this dual nature of the Antichrist was sometimes emphasized by cross-dressing: the Antichrist first appeared in religious vestments, but then discarded them, revealing military armor underneath.

Sometimes the Antichrist begins his career as a king and even defeats the enemies of Christianity, posing as a sovereign-savior in the line of the Last Emperor. In other versions, he begins as a false Christ and gradually, through cunning, reaches secular power. He proclaims: “I am the Christ,” he begins to preach a new doctrine and declares that the former (true) Christ was a false prophet. He imitates Christ's miracles, raises the dead, and even supposedly dies on the cross, resurrecting, naturally, on the third day. At the same time, he criticizes the Bible and denies the Holy Trinity, proclaiming himself to be the true God.

He sends out prophets who are very successful and convert almost the entire world to the new faith. Then the Antichrist goes to Jerusalem, expels faithful Christians from there, restores the temple of Solomon, destroyed by the Romans, and establishes in the temple the worship of his own idol, which he places in the temple; he acts so cunningly that he confirms his loyalty to the Old Testament and even undergoes circumcision; as a result, the Jews who are fascinated by him accept his faith.

Most church fathers agree that the Antichrist achieves all this by four methods, which Vincent Ferrer (“On the Antichrist”) formulates as follows: “The first method is gifts. The second is false miracles. The third is disputes. The fourth is torment.” The ability of the Antichrist to perform miracles similar to the miracles of Christ especially worried commentators, since it decisively deprived any possibility of distinguishing him from the true Christ; the majority, however, agreed that the Antichrist was nothing more than a skilled magician, rivaling Simon the Magician in skill; Thomas Aquinas explains that the miracles of the Antichrist produce such an impression only because human feelings are easily deceived. However, other commentators believed that "with God's permission" the Antichrist would be given true power to perform miracles similar to those of Christ; Augustine quite reasonably argued that the fire with which Satan, with God’s permission, burned Job’s house and flocks was not an illusion at all.

The true tyrannical nature of the Antichrist will be revealed when he cannot subjugate the few righteous ones to his power: neither miracles, nor gifts, nor learned disputes will seduce them, and then torture and torment will fall upon them; the blood of Christians will flow through the streets; those who follow the Antichrist will receive a special sign; those deprived of this mark will not be able to sell or buy (“no one can sell to another or buy from another unless he is marked with the name of the beast,” and many will have to flee to the mountains and deserts. According to Adso, when the last king of the Franks lays down before With the Antichrist on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, the scepter and crown, the Antichrist will kill the true prophets and completely reign in the world and the persecution of the righteous will last 1260 days, or 42 months, or three and a half years.

The turning point in the fate of the Antichrist is the appearance of the prophets Enoch and Elijah, in accordance with the saying of the Apocalypse: “And I will give to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.” Prophets of the true Christ, they will challenge the Antichrist and convert those who worshiped him to the true faith. In some versions of the life of the Antichrist, we are talking about one prophet (probably in accordance with the Old Testament prophecy: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.

Thus, in the Old High German poem “Muspilli” (early 9th century), Elijah appears alone and, heroically resisting the Antichrist, accepts death from him. Medieval exegesis chose Enoch and Elijah for the role of apocalyptic “witnesses” because they were viewed as Old Testament “prototypes” of Christ: their ascension to heaven was perceived as a metaphor for his future ascension. The Antichrist, not wanting to put up with their missionary activities, will kill them and leave their bodies unburied; however, after three and a half days they will be resurrected and ascended to heaven, where they will join the host of saints.

After the ascension of Elijah and Enoch to heaven, the Antichrist must commit his last and gravest blasphemy: he will ascend the Mount of Olives (Mount of Olives) in order, like Christ, to ascend to heaven. Here he will be killed, just as Simon the Magician was killed when he tried to rise into the sky with the help of demons. On the mountain he will make a boastful speech, in which, in particular, he will declare that he is going to God to prepare his new coming on the day of the Last Judgment.

Most commentators, relying on the authority of the Apostle Paul, argue that Jesus will kill the Antichrist “with the spirit of His mouth,” without asking the question of what, in fact, is meant by “spirit,” but they separated this “spirit” from Christ himself: thus, Thomas Aquinas saw it contains the “order” given by Christ; Matthew of Yanov believed that Christian preachers would be filled with the “Holy Spirit” and destroy the Antichrist;

Before the second coming there will be a brief moment of peace and tranquility - those who were deceived by the Antichrist will have the opportunity to repent and return to the true faith. Commentators were prompted to this idea by the message in the Apocalypse about the opening of the seventh seal, after which “there was silence in heaven, as if for half an hour.” These “half an hour” were interpreted either as forty-five (Hippolytus, Jerome) or forty (Adso Dervensky) days.

The version of forty-five days of rest came from manipulations with two numbers in the book of Daniel (“the time of the end of the daily sacrifice and the setting up of the abomination that makes desolate will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he who waits and reaches one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days”; (by subtraction we got forty-five) , the second number (“forty”) apparently arose from the desire to see here an analogy to the forty days that passed between the resurrection of Christ and his ascension into heaven.

The biography of the Antichrist is significantly inscribed in the sacred history of the world. Irenaeus of Lyons saw a parallel between Lucifer and Adam, on the one hand, and Antichrist and Christ, on the other, between the two great temptations that border the entire history of mankind. The story begins with temptation (of Adam by Lucifer) and ends with it; but if at the beginning of the world the devil managed to seduce man, then at the end of the world the devil and God, both having assumed human nature - one in the person of Antichrist, and the other in the person of Christ - again fight, and God takes revenge this time.

The Apostle Paul points out: when He who restrains is taken out of the way, “then the wicked one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and destroy by the revelation of His coming, the one whose coming, according to the work of Satan, will be with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with every the unrighteous deception of those who are perishing because they did not accept the love of the truth for their salvation. And for this reason God will send them the power of error, so that they will believe lies, so that all who did not believe the truth, but loved unrighteousness, will be condemned.”

According to the testimony of St. Hippolytus of Rome, who lived in the 1st and 2nd centuries, “the Antichrist will at first be meek, quiet, kind, poor-loving, people will see in him, in his deeds, a lot of virtue and will make him king over them. They will reason: “Where will we find among us more good and righteous person? The Jews will think that their kingdom is being restored. After this, the Antichrist will reveal his true face (“he will be lifted up in heart”) and will become openly cruel, merciless and godless. The Antichrist will become a king, will demand worship from everyone (world king) and will mark with his seal those who submit, and will torture and kill the disobedient.”

The Antichrist will be a stubborn opponent of Christ. St. John Chrysostom notes: “When he comes, (he) will not command anything right, but everything that is lawful is criminal and lawless.”
“In the first sense, the antichrists can be called kings, emperors and rulers of the pagan world with their minions, who in the first times of Christianity persecuted, killed, tortured believers and used all means to suppress Christianity in the very bud; then all the heretics of the ancient and new world, perverting and distorting Christian teaching, and all the most ancient and modern atheists.

All of them can be called antichrists and are the forerunners of the last terrible antichrist, who will appear just before the end of the world. The Apostle Paul predicted about such antichrists - the forerunners of the last antichrist (in a special sense) to the Ephesian Christians: I know, he told them, that after my departure fierce wolves will come among you. not sparing the flock; and from yourselves there will appear men who will speak perverse things, in order to draw away the disciples after them. Many deceivers, he says in another place, have entered the world without confessing Jesus Christ who came in the flesh: such a person is a deceiver and Antichrist.

But all these are only forerunners of the Antichrist: the Antichrist has not yet revealed himself in the world for the final battle against the Church of Christ. The Antichrist began to act long ago, but only secretly, in the person of his forerunners, and not in himself; The spirit of Antichrist has long ago, through the action of the devil in the person of false prophets and heretics, begun its terrible struggle against Christ and His Holy Church.

Throughout the history of the church, various individuals and institutions have been declared apostate and identified with the Antichrist. The first incarnation of the spirit of Antichrist was considered to be the Roman Emperor Nero, since the numerical value of the name "Caesar Nero", written in Hebrew letters, corresponded to the mystical "number of the beast" - 666, mentioned in Rev. 13:18. Subsequently, based on similar calculations, the apocalyptic “number of the beast” was found in the names of almost all heretics or persecutors of Christians. Many, including Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and others, considered the Pope of Rome to be the Antichrist.

We do not know the exact time of the coming of the Antichrist, for the Lord said: It is not your business to know the times or dates that the Father has set in His power. Anyone who tries to calculate the date of the end of the world will violate the command of the Lord and will be punished, since God opposes the proud. The proud and arrogant, who want to penetrate the secrets that the Lord forbade us to explore, become enemies of God.

Saint Hippolytus teaches that in the period concluding world history, two prophets, Elijah and Enoch, will appear to announce to the whole world the imminent coming of the Antichrist and the Judge Christ who will follow him. They will preach for 1260 days that the Lord Jesus Christ alone is Savior and God, saying: “Do not believe the enemy who will come and appear to you, for he is an adversary, jealous of Christ, the son of perdition, who has come to deceive and deceive.” you” The prophets will not perform signs and wonders, because they will be sent to preach repentance; they will dress in sackcloth in order to call people to repentance by their very appearance.

During these three and a half years, the Antichrist will try to gain popularity by bribing people with his imaginary kindness, justice and piety. The world will believe his virtue, but Elijah and Enoch will expose the true intentions of the Antichrist, which will be revealed later. The Antichrist has one goal - to seduce people so that they believe in him as the true God and worship him, that is, they voluntarily give themselves to him in obedience.

His desire is to darken the human mind. And in order to succeed in the work of deception, he will call on his like-minded false prophet, who will perform great miracles in the name of the Antichrist so that people will worship him. These two will become like Christ and Elijah. The false prophet will be given the power to bring down fire from heaven to earth - it is known that the prophet Elijah was taken on a chariot of fire from earth to heaven. Their words will be no less “wonderful.” In the first period, the Antichrist will show the world his fake virtue, and almost all of humanity will accept him as a morally perfect person.

The main signs of the Antichrist are noted: firstly, he will perform unheard-of miracles by the power of the devil, but they will turn out to be false, imaginary. He will heal lepers, the paralyzed, cast out demons, predict the future, raise the dead to deceive both his followers and, if possible, the elect, so that they forget Christ and thereby become apostates and traitors. Secondly, he will temporarily put on himself the face of a meek, humble, loving and peace-loving person will reconcile those at war with the words of the Apostle Paul: Let not the sun go down on your anger.

He will gain popularity by fighting lies, corruption, idolatry; will be diligent in the study of the Holy Scriptures; will respect the clergy, honor elders, avert fornication, condemn adultery, and will not tolerate perjury and betrayal. Thirdly, the Antichrist will show himself hospitable, generous, compassionate, will help widows, orphans, and treat everyone with love. He will especially try to appear kind towards Christians, will provide them with patronage, and his attitude towards the clergy and monastics will be deliberately attentive and reverent.

As a result of such a cunning policy, in the first period the Antichrist will achieve significant success: the peoples of the earth, seduced by his imaginary virtues, talents and merits, will begin to offer him world domination, but he will pretend to be humble and refuse this offer, but then accept it “under pressure requests of the majority"

At the very end of this period, some fanatical adherents of the Antichrist, obsessed with passionate love for their idol, will condemn Elijah and Enoch for their supposed opposition to world stabilization and prosperity and publicly execute them. This will happen not without the participation of the leader of the era. Saint Hippolytus calls the time of the murder of the prophets the showing of the little horn, while contemporaries, on the contrary, will consider it a golden age, a charismatic era of renewal and revival of culture and all spheres of human activity.

In the second period, immediately after the accession of the Antichrist, there will be a sudden change in him. Now he will show himself completely different than before, that is, a proud, ruthless, cruel, vengeful and blasphemous tyrant, and will soon begin to lay claim to eternal dominion over the world . At the same time, his policy will also change radically. He will drive out those who elected him to the kingdom - this will end the era of democracy - and will take demons in human form into the world government. Then the souls of many people will be defiled, that is, the majority of sane and respectable people will agree with the new state of affairs and begin to serve the new world order.

Then some will begin to see the light - after all, the one whom they are accustomed to seeing as kind and fair will in fact turn out to be fierce, rude, heartless and evil, will hate all of humanity and want to destroy it. However, the Antichrist will continue to do charity work, perform miracles, so that everyone would recognize him and serve him as a king and god. He will move mountains, walk on the sea, bring down fire from the sky, turn day into night, command the sun, and everyone will decide that nature is subject to him. The purpose of all this is to turn people away from faith in the true God, to make them forget about searching for the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. And people will glorify him and make him a god, they will extol him and worship him as one who does great and glorious things. This will be the pinnacle of his success. “Who is the master greater than me? Who is the great God besides me?”

With his actions and words, the Antichrist will try to copy the Gospel events and church teaching, and just as Christ seals His servants with the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of Confirmation, so the Antichrist will give his slaves, those who believe in him as God, a certain anointing, a seal - a visible sign of his patronage, evidence that he is pleased with his servant. This seal will protect against violence and need, and will be a kind of pass. The only condition for receiving it will be the voluntary recognition of the world ruler as God. Anyone who does not recognize him as God and does not want to obey him, he will betray to cruel and unprecedented torture and torment.

But even after most people recognize the Antichrist as God, many Christians will not accept his religion. This will cause total persecution of other believers, much more cruel and terrible than all the persecutions that have happened in the history of the Church. Those Christians who testify to their faith and do not renounce it will be glorified more than the martyrs of the first centuries and will receive crowns in the Kingdom of God. But many, bound by the affairs of this world and the lust of this world, will not be able to bear it and will apostatize from the faith because of the extreme cruelty of torture and deprivation. Being spiritually fragile, tied to earthly things, they will come to the Antichrist and ask for his seal, and they will do this according to their personal desire and free choice.

The Antichrist will believe in his divine immortality and the infinity of his kingdom and rejoice in his power, but just as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west () - so the sign of the Holy Cross will appear in the sky, shining brighter than the sun, as an omen the second glorious coming of the Judge and Lord Jesus Christ. And the Lord, who came in His glory, will destroy the kingdom of the Antichrist by His appearance, and will kill him himself with the spirit of His mouth.

The astrological ruler of the arcana is the planet Uranus.

Uranus. Here's what astrology says:

Uranus is associated with creativity, the ability and desire to find new ways. In general, the movement of Uranus is associated with alternating periods of radical changes in society and periods of predominance of conservatism and consolidation. On a personal level, the movement of Uranus determines times of stability, interspersed with short periods of unrest, change and new beginnings.

A strong position of Uranus indicates artistic inclinations, creative enthusiasm, even genius. It can be a sign of wanderlust, a constant desire for change, a need to adapt innovative and bright abilities to a changing world. For conservative natures, Uranus threatens to shake the foundations. He attracts a constantly developing personality into the future. Uranus is a means of combating stagnation.


Volcanic activity. Flash. Short impulse. An instantaneous process. Insight and transition to a new level. Destruction of the old (in everyday life - destroyer). Life renewal, unexpected situations, bold ideas. Periodic change of home, work, friends. Shock with static electricity. Sudden, unexpected changes. Injuries, accidents, disasters. Communication with non-standard people.

Mental states:

States are active, excited, exalted. Loss of self-control for several seconds (minutes). Increased mental activity. Insight. Revelations. Overexcitement. Unusual conditions. Nervousness. Shiver. Paralysis.

Negative manifestations:

Anarchism. Eccentricity. Exaltation. Fanaticism. Authority. Authority. Hot temper. Lack of self-control. Passion for destruction. Arrogance. Being smart. Sharpness. Judging others by intelligence. Rebellion. Sarcasm. Gloominess. Nervous breakdowns. Foolishness. Complexes of incomprehensibility and inferiority. Bohemianism. Disobedience. Alienation. Unceremoniousness. Grumpiness. Uncompromising. Impatience with other people's shortcomings.

In the chart (implies the natal horoscope chart):

Independent people who do not tolerate authority. Occultists. Prophets. Clairvoyants. Invisible teachers. Ideal. An old relative we've heard something about. Friends in critical situations. Inventors. Astrologers. Psychologists. The person who changed your life.


Related to space, sky: pilots, cosmonauts, astronomers, astrologers, etc. Unusual professions. Professions related to the general laws of the world. Genetics. Mathematics. Electronics. Programming. Automobile transport. Electrical and electronic systems. Scientists.

In organism:

Aura. Nervous system. Brain. Pituitary. The center of clairvoyance is the “third eye.” Epithelial body.

Physiological functions:

Bone growth. Nerve impulses. Energy information processes. Spasms. Cramps. Nervous diseases.

Recently, not only people associated with religion, but also ordinary people have begun to pay attention to the Antichrist. His personality became popular thanks to literature, cinema, print media and other media. Some present him as something terrible, some, on the contrary, try to idealize the image of the biblical adversary of Christ. In any case, there is a lot of information about him, but few can say with complete confidence who he is. Let's figure out who the Antichrist is and what his role is in the life of humanity.

General information

The Antichrist is usually called a being who is opposite to the Messiah. By his name it is customary to mean opponents of the teaching and the Christian Church as a whole. The very first mentions of it can be found in the Council of John, from where, in fact, it was taken in order to eventually make it a canonical definition. Based on the information provided by John, the Antichrist can be characterized as a liar who denies the identity of Jesus and the existence of God, and also denies the possibility of the Son of God appearing on Earth in the flesh.

That is, Christ and Antichrist are two opposing forces representing Heaven and Hell. Analyzing the words of John, we can safely say that he had a specific person in mind, although he predicted the appearance of many Antichrists. Nevertheless, based on his words, we should expect one person, the most dangerous for the Church, who will have many followers. As for the time when the coming of the Antichrist will take place, the apostle indicates that he will appear in the “last time,” in other words, approximately before the existing world appears before the judgment of God. But according to the Orthodox theologian Belyaev, the Antichrist is a person who brings sin and destruction to people, who will appear and reign before the second coming of Christ. He states this in one of his eschatological works.

Based on this, it can be noted that all Antichrists who appear earlier in the person of apostates, schismatics and heretics are just predecessors of the true Antichrist. For the true adversary of Christ must have a strength commensurate with the strength of Jesus in order to enter into equal competition with him at the second coming. And even his name itself testifies to this, which can be deciphered as “opposing Christ” and the Church as a whole.

Antichrist and the number of the beast as a religious term

Antichrist can be considered not as a person, but as a term in religion, reflecting the attitude of parishioners of the Christian church towards a heretic and apostate, a person who went against the faith. Like Jesus, the Antichrist will have his own name. The Church believes that the name of the true Antichrist lies in such a concept as the number of the beast, the apocalyptic 666.

Many spiritual leaders and other ministers of the Church have attempted to decipher this number, but, unfortunately, they all had to admit the futility of this action. Apparently, the personal name of Christ’s adversary will be revealed only after his appearance.

Encyclopedia Britannica

The Antichrist is the head of all the enemies of Christ, as it is said in the Encyclopedia Britannica, which emphasizes his leadership over the opponents of the Church. It is believed that he will be the ruler of the last kingdom on Earth.

It is taken into account that Jesus was symbolically a king, but not crowned. And his enemy will rule the entire universe. And the coming of the Antichrist can only happen if there is Christ, that is, the balance of the powers of Heaven and Hell is important here.

Opinion of the elders of Optina Hermitage

The elders believed that the Antichrist was a person who would be the complete opposite of Christ. His main difference from other opponents of the Church lies in his eschatological character, that is, he is more terrible than his predecessors, and after him opponents of the clergy will no longer come. And given that the world has become so evil that it will soon perish, the Antichrist will represent all the world's evil in one person. According to Belyaev, the Antichrist will personify all the evil of people at the peak of its development, and that is why it will disappear. After all, having reached the maximum of development, an evil society will be reset to zero, the evil in it will simply exhaust itself.

Christian eschatology

Considering the spiritual teaching about the end of the world, it is worth noting that the main goal of the coming of the Antichrist is to seduce the Church. That is, this person will manipulate the faith of Christians, turning everything around for his own benefit, namely, to take the place of Christ in the souls of believers. He will mislead believers, convincing them that he is the messenger of God. After which he will pervert faith, forcing people to believe in themselves. He requires complete trust, worship and submission, and everyone who submits to him will bear the mark of the Antichrist.

This is precisely the temptation that will become the final test of the Church, a test of strength. And due to the fact that the Church will resist him, the Antichrist will direct all his anger and rage towards her in order to become the most cruel and final persecutor of believers. It is believed that during these repressions, unprecedented cataclysms will begin, including drought and famine. Because of this, a large number of people will die, and those who are saved will not be happy about this, as the teaching says - they will envy the dead. The question of whether the Antichrist created these disasters or whether he is also their victim remains unknown, since there is no data on this matter in the teaching. It is worth noting that due to the fact that the rulers have a negative attitude towards chaos in their domains, Daniil Andreev moved the time of cataclysms forward, when the Antichrist will no longer reign.

Appearance of the Antichrist

In Christian literature there is a future rival of Christ. The most basic and prominent feature is the ugliness of this person. In the imagination of medieval artists, he will appear in the guise of an apocalyptic beast that will emerge from the abyss. It has four legs, huge protruding fangs and many horns. That is, the Antichrist is a beast-like monster with flames from his ears and nostrils, as well as a stench, according to Archpriest Avvakum. Daniel also describes this person in a not very pleasant way.

According to his apocrypha, the appearance of the Antichrist is approximately as follows: he is ten cubits tall, hair is long to his feet, he has three heads, large legs, luminous eyes like the morning star. In addition, he has steel cheeks and iron teeth, his left hand is made of copper, and his right hand is made of iron, and the size of his hands is three cubits. Of course, over time they stopped painting him as monstrous, but made him more humane. But one important property of him still remained - he was always portrayed as repulsive.

Church teaching

If we consider information from church teaching, then the Antichrist is a false messiah, a false Savior, in other words, posing as the real Christ. According to clergy, he will pose as the Savior, using information about the second coming, and will lead believers into the Kingdom of God, deceiving them and directing them in the opposite direction. People will be promised the same things, but the very concepts of bliss and well-being will be skillfully distorted. Eschatology suggests that when the Kingdom of Antichrist appears, there will be an abundance of material wealth. The very essence of his deception is not that he will not be able to fulfill his promise, but that it will not last forever.

That is, all the wealth and joy will turn into devastation and poverty. Once he comes to power, everyone will truly believe that they are in the Kingdom of God. The only way to save yourself from falling with him is to recognize him as an enemy. Religion itself arose on the basis of belief in miracles, in Christ, and therefore the Antichrist will also work miracles in order to prove to everyone that he is the son of God. But it is worth considering that all miracles will be imaginary and false, because they are contained in the devilish nature. According to him, the Beast will lead many peoples with him and tempt entire nations. Ephraim the Syrian also prophesies that many will believe in the chosenness of the Antichrist.

Antichrist and Russia

According to Seraphim of Sarov, all countries except Russia will bow to the Antichrist. It is believed that only the Slavic peoples can survive, and it is they who will give the most powerful rebuff to the Beast. It is he who will declare the Orthodox country the enemy of the world, since only in it there will still be true believers, and in other countries the religion will fall into desolation. But in Western religions the picture is completely different, for them it is the Slavic peoples who will become the first admirers of the Antichrist.


Another interesting fact is that the Gospel of Matthew states: when the Beast comes to earth, there will be lawlessness and apostasy in the Church itself, and spiritual servants will submit to the slavery of material wealth. Considering what has been happening lately, and how many members of the Church are retreating from their faith, there is reason to believe that this is the real threshold of the coming of the Antichrist. But it is impossible to say this, since there were many harbingers of his appearance in history, but all the prophecies about the Antichrist never came true completely.

Channeling from 06/30/2016.

Q: Hello, Lucifer!

S: Hello, seeker. I'm glad to see you.

Q: Please answer other people's questions.

S: I'm ready.

Q: “If I correctly understood the example with the Mobius strip, then our development looks something like this: we are moving along the Mobius strip, the surface of which is colored black and white, corresponding to Darkness and Light. The ribbon is formed from a strip, one side of which is black (Darkness), the other is white (Light), the junction of the ends of the strip is the place of transition from Darkness to Light and vice versa. And, as I understand it, we are now in the place of such a transition from Darkness to Light?”

S: The comparison is figurative, only instead of a ribbon there is a multidimensional sphere. Let's imagine this multidimensionally. There is a Sphere of Light. You are the Sphere of Light, but at every point of this sphere there is an exit to the Sphere of Darkness. For example, if we imagine this in a linear version, then the inner surface of the sphere is Light, and the outer surface of the sphere is Darkness. The inner surface of the sphere tends to the center of the sphere, and these are your centripetal forces. And the outer surface of the sphere moves away from the center of the sphere, and these are your centrifugal forces. The balance of these two forces holds the sphere as a form. If one of the forces predominates, then, accordingly, the sphere either collapses into the center or flies away from the center. The center is your Divine I Am presence, and it is trying to hold the sphere as the form of its presence.

If you maintain your balance and maintain your shape, then at the same time you seem to be walking along both the inner and outer sides of the sphere. No one force dominates in you.

Q: “Our movement along the Mobius Strip seems to me as follows: the tape is divided into 12 tracks, each of which corresponds to a level of consciousness from 3 to 13. Movement along the tape and the numbering of tracks begins from the edge of the tape to the middle through one number. That is, the outermost track on the dark side corresponds to number 3, and the corresponding outermost track on the light side corresponds to number 4. The next second track on the dark side is number 5, the corresponding second track on the light side is number 6. And so on. The closer to the middle of the tape, the more contrast is lost and the tracks become grayer, and the central 11th track (13th level of consciousness) is completely devoid of transition, since here Light and Darkness are completely balanced - the track has a uniform gray color. Further movement from the center of the tape to the edge in our case does not make sense, since it will be a reverse movement into duality. It follows from this that only by reaching the 13th level of consciousness can we find a balance between Light and Darkness. What awaits us at level 13 and beyond?

S: Each level provides the development of certain qualities of the sphere. If you maintain balance, then both forces work simultaneously: centrifugal and centripetal. And this means that the more you strive for the center of the sphere, the stronger the forces of the opposite are in you, otherwise there will be no balance. Therefore, if you strive to the center of the sphere along the levels of Light, then at the same time you strive from the center of the sphere outward along the levels of Darkness. This balance of forces is very unstable, because at any moment one of the forces can prevail and shift your consciousness outside or inside the sphere. When you are involved in different events with your whole Soul, as you usually say, this means that the balance of forces is disturbed and one of the forces prevails, and your consciousness has shifted either inside the sphere or outside the sphere, because it is your consciousness that is subject to movement. When you are in the observer state, you maintain a balance of power. But such a state is very rare for humanity and individuals. Most of you are in various amplitudes of vibration between dark and light.

Q: For some reason the thought is spinning in my head that I have a double in the dark world.

S: Yes, that's true. But he's not exactly a double. This is your projection. You are what you are. Namely, I Am the Divine Presence, enclosed in the dual sphere. When you maintain balance, your consciousness is at the point of this Divine Presence, and this is the true you, this is the Divine you. It's you.

When your consciousness begins to shift towards the dark or light surface of the sphere, a projection of yours is formed there - a projection of the consciousness of the I Am Presence, a kind of your double is formed, your reflection, which is refracted in the dark or light sphere into bizarre outlines and forms, and your projection creates the projection of your surroundings.

Therefore, you are always balancing on the edge of Light and Darkness. Balancing on the edge of Light and Darkness, you color your Divine radiance in various shades of Light and Darkness, so to speak. That is, you emit a certain glow, energy refracted from the surface of a dark-light sphere. When centripetal forces prevail in you, you emit a glow of joy, love and compassion, and the world of Light accepts and consumes this glow of your joy, love and compassion.

Your luminosity fuels your light world, and within this world, within your dual sphere, is the World of Light. From there there is an entrance portal and an endless unfolding of levels of the World of Light through which you can move.

When centrifugal forces predominate in you, then you emit the luminosity of suffering, fear, aggression. The World of Darkness accepts and consumes your luminosity of suffering, fear and aggression. It feeds your Dark World, and outside your dual sphere there is an exit to the World of Darkness with its levels through which you can move.

You really are constantly balancing between Light and Darkness, between centripetal and centrifugal forces, and thus maintain your form.

Q: Who put these two powers in us?

S: Creator of your world. He divided your luminosity into two poles and placed in you an eternal desire from one pole to the other. That is why it is so difficult for you to make your choice, that is why it is so difficult to constantly strive for the Light, because this desire is held back by the antagonistic desire for Darkness.

Q: What happens to those who steadily choose the World of Light and the desire for Light, choose centripetal forces?

S: He begins to strive for the center of himself, and sooner or later these aspirations destroy his form, he collapses into his I Am Presence. In the physical world this is observed as spontaneous combustion. Such a person flares up with Light and dissolves his sphere.

Q: What happens to those who steadily choose the World of Darkness and the desire for Darkness, choose centrifugal forces?

S: The opposite. This striving from one’s I Am Divine Presence breaks the connection with the source of power and such a form disintegrates through suffering. But with the disintegration of the form in both cases, the Divine I Am Presence does not disappear anywhere, it always returns to its Source. That is why they say that any path leads to God. Through hell faster, through heaven more beautiful.

Q: What then is our transition to a new level? Everyone imagines this as a transition to bright worlds.

S: As long as you are in the zone of duality, you will always have two forces, two poles. The world of forms is a zone of duality. And while you remain in shape, this shape will be maintained by two forces: centripetal and centrifugal. Therefore, at any level, duality will be present, only in different variations. Your movement through the levels of consciousness development is simply an expansion of your sphere. The more the sphere expands, the more you need to have a balance between the light and dark sides.

Expanding from the level of human consciousness, you reach planetary consciousness, then stellar consciousness, then galactic consciousness, and so on. You become more powerful, you become a planet, a star or a galaxy, but at all levels your resilience is tested by two forces. That is why different processes take place on the planet, both light and dark, and it also develops in the zone of duality, and on your sun, because it is also in the zone of duality and so on. There are different forces in your galaxy: the forces of Light and Darkness. The galaxy is also in the zone of duality.

Your forces of Darkness and the forces of Light are the essence of your energy, your inner voices, your connection with the Cosmos of Light and the Cosmos of Darkness from within yourself. And you, as humanity, and other civilizations are representatives of the forces of Darkness and the forces of Light for the planetary and galactic logos.

Planetary and solar logos are part of the Galactic Logos, the same example with the nesting dolls, therefore the sphericity of the world of duality is multi-layered. That is, all human spheres are part of the planetary sphere and develop as parts of it. The spheres of all planets with their inner inhabitants are included in the solar spheres. All solar spheres are included in the galactic spheres and so on. Each of the spheres is held by two forces: centrifugal and centripetal.

Q: Previously, I was told, using the example of nesting dolls, that when I expand my consciousness, I simply dissolve my sphere and begin to feel like a planetary sphere, and then I dissolve my planetary sphere and begin to feel like a solar sphere. But the disintegration of the form of my sphere always occurs in the case of predominance of one of the forces. What happens then?

S: When your sphere as a form disintegrates under the influence of the forces of Light or the forces of Darkness, under the influence of the predominance of centripetal or centrifugal force, then your energy, colored by your choice, does not disappear anywhere. And your dark energy is attracted to the dark side of the Planetary Logos, the planetary sphere. and the light side is attracted to the light side of the planetary sphere of the Planetary Logos. Therefore, you must understand that it depends on you which path the planet will take, on the choice of all its inhabitants.

Q: But we are told that the planet has chosen the bright path.

S: Yes, this is her choice as a separate consciousness. But if the majority of humanity chooses the dark path and strengthens her dark side, she will have to heal for a long time from this dark side of herself that humanity will pass on to her.

Q: I don't understand. After all, if my sphere disintegrates, then my consciousness will unite with the consciousness of the planet. And you say that my I Am Divine presence will in any case return to the Source of Everything.

S: The Divine Presence does not even return, it is like a core, it is always there and in everything. You, as a form, and a planet, and a sun, and a galaxy, are held together by a single core, the I Am of the Divine Presence, as an axis of development, as an axis passing through all spheres, all forms. This axis is the same for everyone. It's hard for you to imagine this figuratively. But if you imagine matryoshka spheres, through the center of which the axis of the Divine I Am Presence passes, you will get an approximate picture.

Or you can imagine it differently. There is a point of potential, the point of Source of the I Am Divine Presence, from it the Rays of the Divine I Am Presence pass in different directions in all possible directions. The spheres of all things are strung on these rays. That is, from each point of the Ray, a kind of sets of spheres are formed, which are held by a single point of centripetality and centrifugality, which holds this shape. There are many such forms on the Rays and some of them intersect, touch, and interact.

All of them are connected by the Rays of the I Am of the Divine Presence with the United Center of Existence, with the Source of Everything. If the sphere develops along the path of expansion, then its personal refraction, that is, the boundaries of its form, simply expand and merge with the boundaries of the larger form of which it is a part. This fusion replenishes the boundaries of the greater form with the dark and light qualities of the expanded spheres.

If the collapse or rupture of the sphere occurs, in the case when it chooses only the path of Light or only the path of Darkness, then the consciousness of the I Am Presence remains at the point of action of the two forces, at the point that formed the sphere. Therefore, nothing returns anywhere, but simply becomes true, remains in its place, freeing itself from form. This is why you are all quantum connected, because the Ray of I Am Divine Presence is thus present in everyone.

Q: So, if a person chooses the path of Light and follows it steadily, then sooner or later he will ignite his form and return to his true state as the I Am Divine Presence. If a person chooses only the path of Darkness and follows it steadily, then sooner or later his sphere will burst, and he will again return to his I Am Divine Presence. If a person chooses the path of balance, then he will expand his consciousness more and more, and what next? What's the point of all this?

S: The meaning is the study of all one’s sides and qualities, all the possibilities of the action of both energies. Developing along the path of Light, you bring information into the data bank of the universes, information about the luminosity of a given quality, you develop your personal qualities, the qualities of your Soul, you develop new colors of luminosity. The same thing happens when following the path of Darkness. If you develop in balance, then you also bring your luminosity to the data bank of the Universe. But on this path you learn to create in a state of duality.

Q: Don’t we create on the path of Light?

S: Create. But the closer you are to the center, the less personal freedom of creativity you have and you submit to the Hierarchy of the forces of Light and carry out its tasks. These are the warriors of light that you are told about, the Angelic Host is an example. They do not have freedom of choice; they perform tasks that are determined for them by the Hierarchs of Light.

Q: And along the path of Darkness?

S: Same thing. Only there the Hierarchs of Darkness come into action.

Q: What if we develop along the path of balance?

S: Then you can become independent creators, you do not obey anyone and simply must follow your I Am Divine presence. Or rather, both forces in you should be equally correlated with the center of the sphere, with the center of the I Am of the Divine Presence. All creators of the Universe develop along this path.

Q: Is there Creation on the path of Darkness?

S: Yes, there is, but within a very limited framework.

Q: We are told that in the Hierarchy of Darkness there is no free will, but in the Hierarchy of Light there is such free choice.

S: It’s just that choosing Light is easier and more joyful. The choice exists between two poles - this is freedom of choice. When you choose, say, the path of Light, then you have already made a choice and are no longer free in the sense that you no longer have the choice of Darkness. You are moving along the path of Light towards your collapse into the center of the Divine I Am Presence. You can, of course, vary this path, but your direction of movement is already set and the deeper you go along this path, the less opportunities you have to turn back, because the centripetal force increases as you approach the center, these are the same magnetic properties. And vice versa, if you have chosen the path of Darkness, then you steadily strive from the center of the sphere, and the further you strive there, the more difficult it is for you to return back, the stronger the centrifugal forces, those same electrical properties.

If you are balancing between two forces, then you constantly, every second, make a choice in one direction or another, and electromagnetic forces act in you. Their balance gives birth to your path, and on this path you are free. The more you expand your consciousness, that is, your boundaries, relatively speaking, the larger the surface of the sphere becomes, the more degrees of freedom you have, but also the more strength you need to maintain the balance of your form. This eternal struggle between Light and Darkness is always with you.

Q: Why was all this invented?

S: Then, so that new unique creators appear who would have the potential of dark and light forces, and learn to create in their balance.

Q: So harmony is the balance of two forces?

S: Yes, exactly. The harmony of your world is the balance of two forces: Light and Darkness.

Q: So, all the stories about selling Souls to the Devil are luring the consciousness of people onto the path of Darkness and keeping them in the shackles of centrifugal forces?

S: Yes, you're right.

Q: But then it turns out that the Teachers of Light are also luring us onto the bright path. Each of both camps is fighting for the Souls of humanity. Why, if the path of balance is sought?

S: Because everyone does, as they say, their job. Everyone holds their own part of the power. Light forces, the Light Hierarchy are created in order to hold and direct the centripetal force of the Dual Universe. The Hierarchy of Darkness was created in order to hold back centrifugal forces. Between these forces is a crucified man, this is the meaning of the crucifixion, in which the man’s hands are crucified in two directions between Light and Darkness, but the axis of the cross maintains his connection with the Ray of the Divine I Am Presence.

Q: Then why did Jesus take the path of suffering? It turns out that he walked the path of Darkness?

S: No. He was going to follow the path of joy and light, but he was given no choice. He was not accepted, and he balanced the two forces within himself and submitted to the choice of the people. Remember the story about how he was in the desert for 40 days and there he was tempted by the Devil. This was his balancing act. And on the cross there were still his fluctuations, but still he was able to balance himself, and thus expanded his consciousness to the galactic one. He took into himself the suffering of other people and balanced it with his light. He accepted the dark side of humanity of that era, which threatened destruction to humanity, and developed in himself the same amount of centripetal force, the force of Light, through communication with the Source of Everything. Thus, having accepted all human negativity, he, due to the development of light forces in himself to balance this negativity, expanded to galactic proportions. This is his feat. This is the meaning of the phrase that he took upon himself the sins of humanity.

Q: So, the statement that suffering purifies the Soul suggests that this is the path of hell. And through the path of hell lies also the path to God. And as a result of suffering, the form is torn apart by electrical centrifugal forces and the Divine I Am Presence is purged of form?

S: But it also means the path of Christ, which showed a new way of rapid expansion of consciousness through suffering. This was new. It turned out that the antagonism of forces can lead to such a rapid development of awareness, to a rapid expansion of one’s sphere of Divine Presence.

Q: But the consciousness of Christ was inhuman.

S: At first, at his birth, it was human, that is, on a human scale. But then, as you already know, the galactic consciousness connected to him to help him produce the necessary amount of Light to balance the dark side of humanity of that era. Of course, a small human consciousness could not cope with this, but it did not look like connecting anyone to it, the process was mutual. He opened his essence for the infusion of Divine Light, that is, he restored the connection with the Source of Everything and thus coped with his task.

It wasn't an easy path. This is precisely the meaning of the phrase: thy will be done, Father. It was a connection to the Source of Everything, consent to connection, a call to connect. And there, on the cross, this happened at the maximum point of his suffering, for he suffered not only from the suffering of the flesh, but also from the suffering in him of the dark side of all humanity of that era. This was great suffering that needed to be balanced by the Great Light. And having descended into human form, he acquired the qualities of God. This is his great path that he showed to people. The fact that people have great powers and they can develop to the state of deity with a qualitative leap.

Q: But does this mean that the same thing can be done along the path of joy?

S: Yes, of course. But where do you find so much joyful energy? Humanity produces more energy of suffering and fear than of joy and love.

Therefore, if humanity produced as much joy as it produced suffering in the era of Christ, then it would be possible to follow the same path, only in reverse. To balance all the joy of humanity with dark power and thus expand into the state of deity from human form.

Q: Are you saying that this will be the path of the Antichrist?

S: Yes. Although this is a shock for you. You imagine the Antichrist as some kind of terrible person, but this, perhaps, will be a completely charming person.

Q: So he will?

S: It depends on you.

Q: So if we all choose the path of joy together, then the Antichrist will come?

S: Yes, to balance the forces. If there is a volunteer for this path. But, most likely, he will be found among the forces of Darkness.

Q: And then, as a result of such a mission of the Antichrist, a new dark god will be born at the level of Christ, at the galactic level?

S: Yes.

Q: Is that why the forces of Light protest so much against this?

S: Yes.

Q: But why? After all, they must understand that this is necessary for the balance of the world, that this is how everything works.

S: They fulfill their task of multiplying the light. This is their program, and beyond the program they do not act or think, as you think. They do not have freedom of choice, unlike humans.

Q: Wait, what happens next then? There is a Christ, suppose, and the Antichrist will be born and rise? They will both be like centers of holding forces, and what will happen then?

S: They will merge into one essence and will rule the world; they will, as you correctly put it, maintain the balance of the world of forms at a new level.

Q: Or they will start fighting with each other.

S: The Light Hierarchy presupposes exactly this. Therefore, they do everything to prevent such an event.

Q: But then, if the path of a qualitative leap is already known, then many people can follow it, that is, along these two paths.

S: Yes, that's the point. There will be a new civilization of gods. A civilization, each essence of which will combine Christ and Antichrist, will maintain this balance in balance by the civilization of galactic Logoi.

Q: So our entire world has three ways: to flare up into Light, to scatter into Darkness, or to develop into higher forms of balance between Light and Darkness?

S: Yes, you understand.

Q: But then it turns out that if humanity follows the path of Light, then sooner or later the Antichrist will still come and balance it with the power of Darkness? So, everything is inevitable? What is our choice? And how then can the world catch fire if the Antichrist comes anyway?

S: The world will burn into Light if the mission of the Antichrist does not succeed as much as the mission of Christ succeeded.

Q: It turns out that now the Light has the advantage. They have Christ, who holds back the forces of Darkness, and until the Antichrist appears, the advantages of the Light will remain and the Light Hierarchy will lead the world to collapse, to combustion into Light?

S: Yes, this is her mission.

Q: Is that why they spread scary stories about the Antichrist and his coming?

S: But this may be a truly terrible period for humanity, because to balance the Light of the Christ Consciousness, many forces of Darkness will be needed, which can plunge the world into chaos and suffering.

Q: And this is precisely what the forces of Light, the Hierarchy of Light, warn against?

S: Yes.

Q: Then it turns out that as long as humanity suffers and its suffering is balanced by Christ, then the Antichrist will not come?

S: This is another mission of the Christ Consciousness - to maintain balance and prevent the coming of the Antichrist.

Q: It is precisely because humanity suffers that the Antichrist cannot come, because there is still a balance of Light and Darkness.

S: There is a balance of Light and Darkness because there is Christ.

Q: But if humanity follows the path of joy, then the coming of the Antichrist is inevitable. It turns out that the path of suffering is good?

S: In the higher worlds there are no assessments and division into bad and good. There is a choice of expediency. It turns out that this path currently provides the maximum release of human Souls from their forms and their maximum development. The path of suffering leads to the breaking of forms and the release of the Soul, its joining to God and at the same time restrains the coming of the Antichrist. This is the strategy of the Hierarchy of Light.

Q: Yes, but on the path of suffering, as you said, the dark side accumulated by the suffering of humanity is released and joins the dark side of the planet.

S: Yes, however, at the galactic level, all this suffering and negativity is balanced by the Light of the Christ Consciousness, and again there is a balance, and the human form exists until its natural death as a form.

Q: That’s why they created a closed system in the world of suffering, when a person cannot get out of it until he suffers to the fullest?

S: You attach moral values ​​to this. I understand you, because I know what suffering is. But on a galactic scale, all this is simply the properties of rotation of the energies of the Divine I Am Presence, work on new qualities of energy.

Q: Then why the karma mechanism? It turns out that they explain to the human Soul that it is necessary to choose the path of suffering and this will lead it to the highest development, but in fact they are dragging it onto the path of generating the energy of suffering so that the Antichrist does not come?

S: Try to leave grades aside. This situation is explained to every human Soul. No one has canceled freedom of choice. Without your choice, nothing can happen. In addition, the “knurled”, so to speak, path of suffering really leads to expansion. Each sufferer is connected to the Forces of Christ Consciousness at the moment of death and he experiences a balancing act and thus a spasmodic development. Therefore, you are free to choose two paths before incarnation.

Will you seek the path of joy and maintain the necessary balance of joy and love on the planet, but then the increase in your luminosity in afterlife will be insignificant, to a lesser extent. This is the path through heaven - the path of numerous incarnations, beautiful, but slow. Many choose this path. Or you will go through hell, through suffering, which is rewarded posthumously, will add to you as much Light as you suffered, and so you will go through the path of Christ, but on a smaller scale, and yet you will dramatically increase your awareness. Many choose this path.

Q: But then it turns out that if the majority of humanity chooses this path, then all of humanity should have already expanded its awareness very much?

S: That’s what happens, you make strong leaps compared to the embryonic form of humanity that existed at the dawn of human civilizations. But, unfortunately, the result is unstable.

Q: What about the Atlanteans who were destroyed?

S: They were not destroyed. They destroyed themselves. That's what I'm talking about. This was a leap in the development of awareness, but they misused their power gained from the development of the entire human race. Their actions, their experiments with their magical energy attracted them to the very cataclysms that happened on the planet. This was not retribution, it was the law of cause and effect.

They themselves accomplished their destiny, and the Forces of Light did not interfere with this accomplishment, because they understood that in such a state humanity could not exist, because it would lead to the collapse of the planetary form. They only tried to save those Souls who did not fall under the investigation of their magical abilities and erased the memory of these incarnations during future births. Everything had to start all over again. Again the human race was seeded from a humanoid state, which was to develop into the state of gods.

Q: So what should we do?

S: I can’t advise you. This is your choice, the choice of all humanity.

Q: But few people want the coming of the Antichrist. It turns out that you need to suffer and you don’t need to rejoice?

S: If we talk about you personally or about each specific person, then it is his free choice: to suffer or to rejoice. A balance of power is maintained in the world, otherwise the world of forms would have already disintegrated. If we talk about the fate of all humanity, then this is a complex multi-level process of choice. In this case, it is best to choose the path of balance, then the Antichrist will not be needed.

Q: If all of humanity chooses the path of balance and copes with it, then the coming of the Antichrist is not necessary? But what will become of Christ then?

S: He will complete his mission and make his choice in further development. In the meantime, he cannot do this, because like a colossus he maintains the balance of your world. Kudos to him for that.

Q: Which path do you choose?

S: Of course the path of balance. I am here to point it out.

Q: Thank you, Lightbringer! By the way, if they call you that, does that mean you are from the Hierarchy of Light?

S: I was from her, but now I represent both hierarchies.

Q: Then what is the Devil?

S: These are the forces that are held back by centrifugal forces.

Q: You said that you gave the teaching of balance to the Buddha. What's wrong with him now?

Q: Thank you for the information.

S: And I thank you, seeker, for searching for the truth!

Higher Powers: Lucifer
Contact: Selena

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“For two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings; and then the sanctuary will be cleansed” (Dan. 8:14).
...There is no need to fly to God now, he will soon come to us himself in his Son, and I proclaim to you the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and that Son will appear from heaven from the great City of Lights on the day of a total solar eclipse, and he will be on the Wheel of Life as on chariot, and the whole Army of God will be with him, a host of Angels and Saints, for it is said in the Gospel of Mark (13:24):
“But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with much power and glory.”
But those who have a mind control microchip will not believe in Christ. And then thousands of rays of Uncreated Light will be launched from the Wheel of Life into the world, into all corners of the earth - like the seals of the Holy Spirit. And as soon as the Holy Spirit touches the foreheads of those marked, the devil’s chip will melt, and the shackles of the Antichrist will fall, and we will be truly baptized with fire and the Holy Spirit, and we will become Perfect Adams and Eves and we will see God, we will find the Tree of Life, and we will fight with Christ against the Antichrist, for millions more souls will be enslaved on Earth.
“And the kings of the earth, and the nobles, and the rich, and the captains of thousands, and the mighty, and every slave and every free man, hid themselves in caves and in the ravines of the mountains, and said to the mountains and stones: Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb; For the great day of His wrath has come, and who can stand?” (Revelation John 6:15-17).
The Antichrist with the earthly rulers and his followers and wives will hide in a lead bunker underground. But Christ will come and the lead will melt. “And the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet, who performed miracles before him, with which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image: both were thrown alive into the lake of fire, burning with brimstone” (19:20).
And Good will triumph on Earth. And sin will disappear. Peace and tranquility will spread to all lands, wolves and sheep will coexist peacefully. “He took the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and cast him into the abyss, and shut him up, and set a seal over him, so that he would deceive the nations no more until the thousand years were fulfilled; after this he must be released for a little while” (Rev. 20:2-3).
And the human race will descend from the perfect Adams and Eves, and their children will be sinless. For this is the complete atonement for original sin, and not the devil’s chip. For here is the Divine Beacon, and here is the Center, and here is the Tree of Life, and there is nothing better. And God only gives, but does not take away. And you need to learn to accept, not take away. And you need to be able to use the Good without turning the Good into Evil.
And the Kingdom of Christ will last a thousand years. “And I saw thrones and those sitting on them, to whom judgment had been given, and the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast nor his image, nor received the mark on their foreheads or on their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years” (Rev. 20:4).
After a thousand years, the devil, of course, will make a second attempt to seize power on Earth, but it will also end in failure for him. “When the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, and gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea. And they went out into the breadth of the earth, and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire fell from heaven from God and consumed them; and the devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (20:7-10).

Explanation in the Appeal to A.S.D.:
...the appearance of Christ will occur when the Sun and Moon and stars descend from the sky, because the Light from the Son of God, the entire heavenly army and the Wheel of Life will be a hundred times stronger than from any heavenly lamp. This light, electromagnetic radiation and Divine torsion field will be so strong that it will burn in our heads all the microchips of consciousness control that the Antichrist will install, but also short-term enough so as not to scorch our skin and not deprive us of vision, provided that we fall on our faces and close face with hands. This process, in our opinion, will be similar to the evaporation of metal in an induction magnetic furnace.
Christ will appear to us in the days of tribulation, when the Antichrist reigns on Earth. Signs of this: the emergence of a virtual computer reality in which everyone will be able to kill, steal, commit adultery and commit all imaginable sins; installation of consciousness control chips for criminals, soldiers and subsequently all citizens (this is the seal of the Antichrist); ill-conceived experiments with gravitational-inertial engines, torsion fields, etc.
The human spirit is stronger than silicon - know this, all non-believers. (For reference: a person can briefly withstand a magnetic field strength of 1 kilowatt per square centimeter, while all metals in such a field will simply evaporate.)
Christ will overthrow the Matrix of virtual reality, as well as destroy all the dangerous Wheels of Death and give us an inexhaustible and safe source of energy - the Wheel of Life in the image and likeness of the Tree of Life in Absolute Paradise.
People baptized in the Holy Spirit and animals will also be able to feed on the energies of the Wheel of Life; and this energy will be quite easily transformed into electrical and thermal energy.

Explanation in the Pentecostal Appeal:
...The true baptism of the Holy Spirit removes the fiery veil from the Tree of Life, a truly baptized person becomes the Perfect Adam or Eve, and begins to feed on the fruits of the Tree of Life, which is located in the Center of the Universe.
However, the distance from us from the Center of the Universe, in which Divine creation began, noticeably reduces the quality and quantity of those Divine energies that are bestowed to the highest degree on the angels and righteous people in Absolute Paradise.
So far, even a person truly baptized with the Holy Spirit feels only a part of Divine grace, and enjoys it imperfectly, although he himself is the Perfect Adam or Eve. Since we ourselves cannot physically approach the Center of the Universe, and also insofar as the Antichrist wants to take over our world and seems to be taking over, God will again send His Son - in his image and likeness, as well as the Wheel of Life in the image and likeness of the Tree of Life, and also the entire Heavenly host to the rescue of humanity. Antichrist and the entire army of demons will be powerless before the Son of God and his army.

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