The most powerful protective mantras. Energy cleansing and protection techniques

There are situations in life when the situation seems hopeless. Troubles are coming from all sides. They say that in such cases one can only rely on God. In the Christian tradition, people turn to prayer. In the East there is another way to protect yourself from grief and misfortune. These are protective mantras - a set of ancient sound combinations.

In this article

How to choose the right protective mantras?

Follow a simple algorithm, and you will have only the most necessary magic formulas in stock:

  1. Sorting by destination. You don't need all the mantras in a row. Define a purpose, and then look only for those that serve that purpose. State the terms clearly. If you want to strengthen your immune system, then you need mantras that protect against diseases. If you are worried about gossip and gossip, look for a mantra against slander. Of course, there are universal sacred sounds that must certainly be included in the arsenal.
  2. Own feelings. Having chosen the appropriate ones, listen to them in a calm environment. Watch what emotions the performance evokes. The mantra should be to your liking. If the sounds do not find a positive response, then this option should be abandoned.
  3. Degree of effectiveness. The next step will be to test the sound formula for effectiveness. The effect does not occur immediately, but after a week, as a rule, the first results already appear. If the practice brings positive changes, then the choice was right. It is wiser to choose those sacred verses that give quick and lasting results.

How to correctly read mantras for protection?

The same rules apply to the reading of protective mantras as are recommended for the performance of all sacred sounds.

  1. First of all, you need a calm atmosphere so that you are not distracted.
  2. The second important condition is the inner attitude and firm belief in one’s own strength.
  3. The third condition is correct posture. Ideally, a basic yoga asana (Lotus pose). However, you can just sit comfortably on the mat. The main thing is to keep your back straight.
  4. At first, the mantra is repeated using an audio recording. Then you can move on to independent reading. You need to listen to how your own voice sounds and feel how your body reacts to the sound.
  5. Count the number of repetitions. It must be a multiple of nine. The maximum effect, according to ancient treatises, is achieved by a circle of 108 repetitions. To keep the correct count, yogis use rosaries.
  6. In practice, visualization is often used to enhance the effect. For protective formulas, you can imagine an energy cocoon, a reflective shell, or a deity to whom the prayer is addressed.
  7. After finishing the meditation, remain in place for a couple of minutes to allow the results to take hold.

Cleansing sound

Effective protection depends on strong energy. Therefore, the first step is to cleanse the energy system of elements that interfere with its full operation. Start practicing the following phrase:


It contains both a protective function and a cleansing effect. The sound formula will strengthen the immune system and eliminate pathogenic environments from the body. Energy channels will return to normal, and general healing of the body will begin. Chronic diseases will recede. Thanks to cell regeneration, rejuvenation processes will begin in the body.

The mantra is designed to be used 3 times a day. The practice uses a classic circle of 108 repetitions. If a specific organ or area of ​​the body is bothering you and you want to influence it, then during meditation you should place your palm on this area.

Mantras for any adversity and misfortune

Building such a barrier will take time and patience. You need to repeat the protection mantra regularly and at least 9 times during one meditation. The duration of the course is 15–20 days. The recommended time for exercise is in the morning after waking up, so that the protection remains in effect throughout the day. If you pronounce the mantra in the evening, its vibrations will protect you during sleep.


Supreme Indian God Shiva

Shiva belongs to the triad of the most powerful Indian gods. Her protection makes a person practically invulnerable. There is a legend about how a protection mantra dedicated to Shiva stopped the god of death. And if death itself recedes before prayer, then no misfortunes or misfortunes are scary for those whom Shiva protects. Tradition offers two variations of prayer. The first one is not too difficult to remember; it consists of three words.


Repeat this phrase every day 108 times, while creating an image of Shiva in front of your mind's eye. Then this god will protect your life from any unpleasant events and hostile attacks.

There is also an extended version of the mantra that provides enhanced protection. But it will be more difficult to learn.


Goddess Kali, the wife of Shiva, can also take you under her wing and protect you from various misfortunes. They address her like this:


In Indian mythology there is a character named Narasimha. He looks like a man with the head of a lion. This image represents Vishnu, another of the supreme gods.

Narisimha - incarnation of Vishnu

The protection mantra addressed to this powerful being is called Narasimha-Kavacha. The first part indicates the name, the second is translated as the word “armor” or “chain mail”. The method of use has this peculiarity. The text itself must be read over a bowl of clean water at least 9 times (18, 36, 54, 108). When the water has absorbed the power of Narasamha, it should be drunk. Here is the sacred text:


A person who chants Narisimha receives powerful armor that protects him from the negative influence of others. This shield will stop not only banal envy and discontent, it will protect you from a serious energy attack. In addition, Narasimha-Kavacha heals diseases, removes the evil eye, damage and other energy-informational infections.

Prayer to Narisimha:

Universal protective mantras

In addition to mantras that are addressed to specific deities, ancient scriptures mention universal protective formulas. There are no specific conditions for their execution; they are not tied to the time of day. Such a prayer will protect you in a moment of danger and save you from problems.


The following mantra is intended to protect against unpleasant and annoying people. It will eliminate the very situation of a collision with such types. In addition, the spell easily neutralizes the negative energy that clings to you, for example, when visiting a supermarket.


You may have heard about short bija mantras. They consist of a single syllable, but contain concentrated energy, and therefore there is no doubt about their effectiveness. By chanting the bija, you can create a whole symphony. For protection use the following mantra:

A mantra that is quite popular in India is used as an appeal for emergency help. Apply it in difficult times, and your guardian angel will protect you from trouble.


Ganesha mantra is also suitable for daily practice. It protects you from people who are plotting evil against you.



Full version of the Vajrasattva Mantra:

To prevent conflicts, refer to this sacred formula:


While at home, say it out loud. But in critical cases (for example, if there is an explosive situation), start reading the mantra to yourself. Potential conflict will be resolved. When reading a prayer, a person’s aura is cleared of disturbing vibrations, an atmosphere of calm is created, which makes conflict impossible.

Buddha's protective mantra and more

Buddha Gautama is a great Indian saint who has been revered in Asia for two and a half thousand years. He became the founder of Buddhism. This teaching is now one of the largest world religions. The wisdom of the Buddha is recognized not only in the East, but also in the West.

Buddha sitting in Lotus position

At the core of Buddhist philosophy is compassion for living beings. Therefore, Buddha is always ready to come to the aid of those who need it. If you turn to this saint in prayer, he will ward off trouble, protect you from offense and protect you from hostile influence.

The root protective mantra is powerful and is used to cleanse space from dark energies. Space refers to your home, body and mind. To completely clear the room of accumulations of negative energy, repeat the mantra at least 27 times:


There is a famous mantra associated with Buddha:


It perfectly cleanses a person’s consciousness of evil thoughts and emotions and brings the mind into harmony.

From the Buddhist tradition came the Mantra of Great Knowledge, used to protect the body from disease.


Yogis are confident in the effectiveness of this scale. The ancient formula strengthens the immune system and expels pathogenic microbes from the body. A person gains health and longevity. The effectiveness of prayer increases if mudras, ancient hand gestures, are included in meditation along with singing.

As for the next mantra, it can provide protection for a whole year. It is important to choose the right time for the ritual. This is your date of birth. Your task is to keep it in memory. A mantra pronounced 108 times on this day will give a charge for the next 12 months. If you manage to meditate, then within a year you will not encounter illnesses, unpleasant situations and hostility from others.



For those who practice sacred singing, internal vibrations become more positive and harmonious. The mantra not only restores health to the body, but also promotes spiritual growth. The aura becomes bright and even. Openness attracts well-meaning people to you, and envious people mysteriously disappear from your life.

Now we will study protective mantras from various situations that may somehow threaten us.





OM, The Gita says that omkara, the sound “OM” is the sound vibration of God.

Harir is translated as the supreme Lord.

Vidadyan can be translated as - yes it will.

Mother'- that is, “to me.”

Sarva raksha- all kinds of protection.

Nyasta– can be translated as “at rest” or “being”.

Angri padmah – padmah– feet, angri padmah- Lotus-like feet. Lotus-shaped feet.

Patagendra Prishte– on the back of the king of birds, Garuda, or simply on the back of the king of birds. Each demigod has his own animal on which he travels. Shiva on the back of a Bull. Garuda has an immaterial body, since God himself sits on it.

Dara- sink. An object that makes sounds. You can blow the conch shell. Anyone who has been to India knows that before opening the altar they blow a conch shell. The word Ari (Darari consists of two words - shell and disk) means disk.

Charma- shield.

Asi– sword. Charm asi- shield and sword.

Gada– mace or club, ishu – translated as arrows.

Chapa this is an onion. Pashan is translated as lasso, fetters.

Dadanakh translated as “holding”, “x” is pronounced muffled, almost inaudible.

Ashtagunah. Ashta– eight, gunah – perfections. Ashtagunah– eight perfections.

Ashta bahuh. Bahuh– hands Ashta bahuh- one who has eight arms. This is Vishnu-tattva. This is the Lord who belongs to the Vishnu Tattvas.

May he protect me always and everywhere

The Supreme Lord, who sits on the bird Garuda,

Touching him with Your feet.

May He protect me with weapons,

Which He holds in His eight hands:

Shell, Disc, Shield, Sword, Mace, Arrows, Bow and Lariat.

May the Lord, who is omnipotent, protect me,

For he is filled with eight mystical perfections (powers).

(Anima, Magima, Lahima, Prabti, Ishita, Vashita...)

This Vedic tradition describes that the Lord has various incarnations on this earth. He comes to this Universe in his various expansions, in incarnations. In this case, we are talking about who came to this Universe in order to maintain the structure in this Universe. There is the original Lord, who is always in the spiritual world. And this Lord can appear here also. There can be countless incarnations of God. Therefore, he can come to this Universe under different guises. Such hypostases as Allah, Buddha. He can take any form, including the great giant fish that saved the ark of Manu.

There was such a Manu - the progenitor of humanity. And when the Ecumenical Flood began, our planet was not just flooded. And it flooded all the worlds to the top of the Universe. All worlds are from the Garbhadaka ocean. Garbha is an egg, there is water in the egg. On the lower planets there is water. This water rises at the end of the destruction of this Universe to the higher planets. And this is what happened in past times. Therefore, the Lord took the form of a giant fish that swims in this ocean. This Lord was dragging on his huge horn an ark in which all living beings were placed. In fact, he doesn't need to drag anyone anywhere. This is such a game. He wanted to play this way. God is omnipotent, but he has the same qualities that we have. Sometimes he even wants to practice martial arts. Destroy demons. Someone with the help of demons, and he can also come and destroy someone with his own hands. And when God destroys someone, the one whom He destroys receives the highest benefits. Therefore, it is said from the predictions now, and I don’t know who in Christianity, that, in the end, God the Punisher himself will come and destroy. And only a select few, only a few people, will go with him. This is also spoken about in the Bhavishya Purana, in the Purana according to predictions. That the Lord will appear as Kalki avatar and will destroy the demonic population on earth. That is, the parallels are very large.

Therefore, Lord Almighty can take any form, and the Vedas describe various forms of God in order to play certain roles in this Universe. He likes it, he comes to this earth with a specific mission. And here we can see that this form of it, one of the forms is so amazing - eight arms. And in each hand He holds different types of weapons. This form is so powerful and if the Lord holds different types of weapons, then it means the one that can destroy someone or the one that can protect us. Therefore, this prayer, this mantra, which is one of the components of Narayana-kavacha (Shield of God). In the past, this kavacha, Dvashta (there was such a person), by repeating it, received such power that no one could defeat him. Nothing could destroy him. And subsequently Indra or the demigod of heaven and the one who is responsible for the lightning, also in past times recited Narayana-kavacha in order to defeat the great demon, who was of enormous size. This is a whole story when the Brahmins performed entire sacrifices in order for this great demon to appear and kill the king of paradise. God himself created weapons and wields them perfectly. If we pray to a boxer, then we will have energy (shakti), we will also feel the ability to box. Also here. If we read the mantra to God, who possesses all these weapons, then we immediately gain tremendous experience and tremendous power of protection with these same weapons. This can be said to be one of these tantras, which is called Vaishnava tantra.

Women need to read such tantra now, because they are defenseless, no one understands them. This means that you will receive the protection of the God Sword rather than becoming an expert in swordsmanship. This is what tantra is all about: when you repeat a certain prayer to a certain incarnation of God, who possesses a certain weapon, you receive enormous power to protect with this weapon. Tantra means that you make contact with these types of weapons through the process of chanting this mantra. When a connection is established, friendship arises. As soon as some guy approaches you, he will not be able to do anything with you or will fall. This is a mantra specifically for physical protection from attack. You and I will study more mantras for protection from subtle entities. If you read it in Russian, it will have approximately the same power. But Sanskrit is the language of the soul. In general, mantras are combinations of certain sounds that have power. Therefore, usually in Vedic times, all mantras were chanted in Sanskrit.

To protect your children, while repeating this mantra, you need to think about your children. Caring for children and caring for the elderly is the main responsibility of humanity. Unfortunately, in our progressive, civilized world, no one cares about them. In Vedic times, children and the elderly were given the very first aid.

This is one of the Narayana-kavachi mantras, which has 36 mantras.

Some mantras must be repeated 108 times, others thousands of times, but there are also those that require repetition a hundred thousand times to “revive” them, while taking any food or even water is prohibited.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Mantras for protection from enemies

How does the mantra work against enemies, why does its positive effect appear? When communicating with ill-wishers, a person spends too much energy, his strength is depleted - hence fatigue, neuroses, and depression. As a consequence - failures, problems in various areas (from health to career), scandals in the family. It turns out that the primary task is to protect your own nervous system, learn to disconnect from negativity, achieve harmony and peace.

Bring yourself into balance

It is easier to deal with obvious enemies - it is enough to exclude all communication with them. Unfortunately, much more often we have to deal with ill-wishers who hide behind fictitious sympathy, hypocritical sympathy, and deceitful words about friendship. Such people are real vampires, they suck out life energy completely shamelessly, with impunity, taking advantage of every opportunity.

Finding a hidden enemy is not difficult. After communicating with such a person, apathy, weakness, indifference regularly sets in - or, on the contrary, irritability increases sharply, tears come for no reason. Sleep and appetite are disturbed, and it is impossible to gather thoughts “into a heap.” The problem is felt even on a physical level: increased heartbeat, trembling in the legs and arms, nausea and headache may appear.

The only way to protect yourself is to surround yourself with an impenetrable cocoon that will prevent the outflow of energy. In this case, the simplest “basic” mantra will help "Om!", which perfectly cleanses the surrounding space of negativity and harmonizes the internal state. A universal remedy is considered to be a prayer addressed to the goddess of compassion:

  • “Om-Mani-Padme-Hum!”

It primarily affects the one who pronounces it - it strengthens against any evil, calms, gives strength and confidence.

Golden shower - or transparent waterfall

Setting up a defense is a rather complicated process that never works out the first time. It will take effort and patience. To begin with, you should choose a visual image that will be associated with an impenetrable shell that protects you from ill-wishers. It could be an egg-cocoon made of solar threads, a stone wall, streams of falling water or golden shower - a matter of taste. When it starts to work out, you should include reading the mantra for protection from enemies

  • “Gate-Gate-Poro, Gate-Poro-Som, Gate-Bodhi-Svaha!”

Sometimes you have to take preventive measures, anticipating the appearance of an ill-wisher on the horizon. A mantra will help clear your path from other people’s evil thoughts and negative emotions.

There are situations when, as they say, you can only rely on God. People tell scary stories, but one thing helped them - prayer. When there is nothing else left, a person utters familiar words, hoping for speedy salvation. Some of these texts that will help you in an emergency are protective mantras.

These ancient words are endowed with special power, giving you the last chance to save yourself in a difficult, dangerous or scary situation.

This can happen to each of us, it’s better to learn them by heart. Short protection mantras are easy to learn, and you can repeat them as many times as necessary, without restrictions. Amazing words in an ancient language have powerful energy of goodness. Each protection mantra will give you hope in your darkest hour. Try them, they won't let you down.

Mantras of ancient India

Many thousands of years ago people learned a great secret. The gods turned to them, giving them the most valuable thing they had - mantras. There are many legends about how they came to people, who first began to pronounce these magic words, and how such a tradition began. The essence is the same - scientists, historians and researchers cannot say exactly how and when mantras appeared. Priests and monks are sure that this is a gift from the gods, nothing less. They simply appeared in the sacred texts Vedas and Upanishads. Before this, there was not a single mention of mantras.

They are written down not only in sacred books, but also on the walls of Temples. There are only a few thousand mantras, many of them have not been preserved to this day or are zealously protected by monks. This is a great secret that cannot be revealed to everyone. The texts have great power, so giving them to the uninitiated is a big mistake.

A person must understand well that he is dealing not just with a set of words, but with the mechanism of interaction between Man and Space. The syllables of mantras are the syllables of the names of the gods of the Hindu pantheon. These names call for love, compassion, help, protection and healing. All goodness is concentrated in them and goes to the person who pronounces them correctly.

The unique power of words

The unique power of words is vibration. Sounds in the ancient language Sanskrit are pronounced with different timbres, frequencies, and create different vibrations. If you want to seriously engage in practices with mantras, then you need to take this into account. Correct pronunciation takes years to achieve and is practiced over and over again. You need to pronounce each word correctly, and then try to maintain the rhythm and tempo of singing.

Today you can find a lot of recordings from concerts of performers of religious chants and videos. There are many of them, so choosing your own combination of mantras to repeat will be easy. If you listen, these are very beautiful melodies, words that lift the soul to heaven.

You will feel special vibrations even if you just listen to the recording.

Scientists conducted an experiment - the sound of a mantra cleared the room of radioactive radiation, removed harmful chemical compounds and even reconfigured the magnetic field.

This is exactly how the protection mantra works - it removes everything hostile from your path, normalizes the situation in life.

Amazing things happen under the influence of a mantra - diseases are healed, for example. The whole point is that our lives have strayed from the course planned by the Universe. We have developed technology and technology; we have learned to go into space and cover enormous distances in a matter of minutes. But at the same time, the connection with nature and the forces of the earth is lost.

Mantra generates vibrations of space

People have become far from the original plan. Connection with the earth is very important. Previously, we constantly touched her, fed strength from Mother Earth. Today, the roads are paved with asphalt, we live on 5-10, and some even on 50 floors. The connection with the earth is very small, it breaks off as soon as a person rises higher.

Connection with the original plan meant that a person would be in constant interaction with the Universe, the Creator. Today, communication channels have become thinner, and some have been completely interrupted.

The vibrations of the mantra allow you to re-establish them, reconfigure them. When your computer starts to work poorly, slowly, and catches viruses and malware, you reboot it and turn on the antivirus. A few hours and your computer is working normally again. This is roughly how one can imagine the work of a mantra.

They completely restart your program, remove from the body everything harmful that threatens health and life. After this, the person feels much better, and his problems go away.

In case of danger, when you are scared, protective mantras will definitely help you. They will not only remove dangers and difficulties, but will also calm you down. It’s much easier to think and solve important issues with a clear head, right? Trust the vibration of these amazing chants, everything will be fine.

The most powerful mantras for protection

These texts are said if you are in a difficult life situation. It is unpleasant, puts pressure on you, and causes a lot of discomfort. This life has been going on for some time. A very powerful text that was found in the Varanasi temple complex (a sacred place for all Hindus) will help you break out of the vicious circle. The text is repeated from 7 to 108 times. If you are afraid of getting lost, then buy a rosary, they contain 108 beads. There is no need to do more repetitions in one day, this can only deplete your mental strength.


This short protection mantra is said when you need to make an important decision. If it concerns life, health, preservation of property. You need to repeat it slowly in a chant and silently. Try to pronounce each syllable clearly. “Om” is pronounced for a long time, reaching the vibration of the sound. Pronounce the remaining words slowly and clearly.


The third mantra should be on your tongue constantly. Did something dangerous or unexpected happen? Say it 7-28 times. It’s simple, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties learning it. Say it (out loud or to yourself), everything should soon return to normal. If you are very worried, worried and scared, repeat it many times. This will reduce anxiety and give you peace of mind and a clear head.


It's simple. The words are remembered by themselves, and the effect is invaluable. Help comes to those. who knows how to ask correctly.

Texts for dangerous situations

If you are in real danger, there is a threat to the life or health of you or your loved ones, then nothing should bother you - this is one of the last chances for salvation. The mantra has enormous power, which you will feel as soon as you start saying these words out loud or in a whisper. It is called the Mantra of Great Knowledge. This is one of the favorites of all Hindus.


No matter what happens, help will come. When you need it quickly, without delay, then say these three simple words 7-28 times:


When there is less and less hope, and you are in danger, these words will become salvation, a beacon among the black unknown. Learn them, be sure to remember them if necessary. They will send you salvation even where, it would seem, nothing can help.


This mantra is best suited for women and children. This is an appeal to the goddess of prosperity and fertility Lakshmi. She will protect and bestow maternal warmth. Contact her Lakshmi does not reject the requests of those who have opened their souls. In a moment of danger, she will save you and help you find a way out of a hopeless situation.


These texts will help you, don't forget them.

Help comes, you just have to ask

Mantras can be pronounced by anyone. They are neutral in their energy, they carry neither good nor evil - this is the voice of the power of Justice. It doesn’t matter what religion you profess, how old you are or what color your skin is - help from the Universe will come to you. We are all creations of the Creator. He loves us all equally.

If you decide to practice mantras and meditation, you should not think that you are doing something sinful or objectionable. A mantra is not a conspiracy, it is not a magical ritual. There is no magic in these words in the sense in which we are accustomed to seeing it. This is natural communication between man and the Cosmos in a language understandable to both.

The special property of these sacred texts is that they do not ask for help, love or luck for a specific person. On the contrary, by pronouncing it, you wish peace and prosperity to all living things, and all living things in return send you their blessing, increased several thousand times. This is how your interaction with the whole world happens.

What do we mean by negative? Of course, our emotions, our state of mind. External circumstances affect all people differently: some people become depressed because of one event, while others are not upset at all. However, regardless of how someone reacts to life circumstances, we all often experience irritation and anger, frustration and resentment. Negative emotions can poison more than one day of life, cause not only loss of spirit, but also physical illness, and this should not be tolerated.

Sources of negativity can be very diverse; several main ones can be identified:

  • information flow from the outside (media, Internet, communication in society and family, etc.);
  • inability to rest, psychological overload, lack of sleep;
  • annoying little things (sounds, lights, distractions, bad weather, etc.);
  • high expectations and disappointments;
  • internal dialogue, winding up;
  • lack of personal time and privacy.

Of course, you can fight negativity in different ways - develop equanimity, a positive outlook on events, practice various meditations and use auto-training. One of the wonderful ways to overcome unpleasant emotions and bring back the colors of life is the practice of mantras. to harmonize energy and get rid of negativity.

It has long been known that the world is filled with all kinds of vibrations: sound, field, energy and mental. “Woe from Wit” is a very accurate saying. In fact, we create all the negativity that gnaws at us with our own mind, with our thoughts. If a person is full of hope and optimism, then the vibrations of his thoughts will be high - they will not only give strength, health, confidence, but will also create a shield from the negative emotions of others. Such a person attracts people like himself - positive and smiling. The other, full of despondency and resentment, generates low vibrations, which makes him always upset, depressed, more often sick and does not believe in the positive outcome of his affairs. To such a person, everyone around him will seem envious, enemies and indifferent scoundrels. To reconfigure your mind to the positive, you can not only project positive emotions, learn not to be discouraged, see the positives in everything, never lose hope, endure failures stoically and wisely, avoid insults and outbursts of anger, but also use proven tools of the ancients to help you technician: yoga, meditation and chanting mantras. By practicing mantras, a person has the opportunity to directly influence the surrounding reality and his own state. Negative emotions are also vibrations, vibrations of our mind, therefore, in order to eliminate them, we need to return calm to the mind, and mantras do a great job with this.


If other forms of Tara provide support in something specific, then Green Tara helps to cope with any obstacles on the path of life, including negative emotions, sadness, grief and frustration. This mantra fills you with peace, gentleness, and helps you not to lose hope for success in business.

A strong protective mantra that gives stamina and strength is an appeal to Rama - the ancient prince, the incarnation of the god Vishnu. Rama was a national hero who defeated an evil demon that even the gods could not crush. The mantra has an active masculine character and sounds like this:


This mantra bestows goodness, perfection, cures despondency, calms the mind, and helps overcome difficulties. Also another mantra to Rama:

OM SRI RAMAYA NAMAH bestows spiritual strength.

One of the most powerful mantras for eliminating negativity and for protection is the mantra for the god Shiva - the great intercessor and teacher. His mantra against negativity is also the strongest. Shiva is highly revered by Hindus as a deity-standard of self-improvement and constant self-knowledge. He was able to overcome the three main obstacles to enlightenment: the desire for wealth, lust and possessiveness. The mantra is very good at eliminating negative influences, bringing harmony, fearlessness, confidence in strength, endurance, helping to keep the mind under control and getting rid of evil influences. Quite a common mantra. It sounds like this:


Mantra for the warrior goddess Durga - a protective mantra. It protects against dark forces, dispels negative influences, destroys apathy, and helps overcome obstacles. Gives you the opportunity to influence circumstances.


Mantra for negativity also the most powerful is the mantra of the bodhisattva of compassion Avaloketishvara (Chenrezi), which helps to develop spiritual strength, inner resilience, and compassion. It protects against inner anger, anger, and aggression. Also quite famous:


It is also called the six-syllable mantra.

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