What do seamstresses, cutters and tailors do? Children about the profession of a tailor Dressmaker's profession.

Details Updated: 07/12/2019 17:18 Published: 05/08/2017 10:18

A tailor is a person who makes clothes from various materials.

History of the profession:

The craft of tailoring dates back to the 3rd century BC. on the territory of Ancient Greece. Slaves were often exploited in the workshops. At the head of the work process was a master tailor, who was directly involved in sewing products. Slaves often acted as assistants, whose duties included pressing and cutting material.

During the Middle Ages it was extremely in demand. The craftsmen were respected, creating chic outfits for noble people and even monarchs.

Features of the profession:

The tailor is a creative profession that is in significant demand in the labor market. A specialist must have excellent self-control and remain patient in various situations. Sometimes you have to deal with particularly capricious clients. The buyer may not be satisfied with the quality of the finished work, despite discussing all the nuances regarding the appearance of the item. In some cases, material damage occurs due to incorrect modulation or inaccurate patterns.

Despite the possible risks, a good tailor will never be left without work, because people will constantly buy clothes. Work as a tailor is quite complex, because you not only need to know your business perfectly, but also be able to please customers.

Despite the opportunity to earn good money, the profession has its drawbacks. It is contraindicated for people with poor vision, impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the heart and respiratory system. Many tailors complain of blurred vision and back pain due to prolonged sedentary work.


The tailor is a specialist engaged in tailoring clothes for different categories of the population. His responsibilities include cutting and joining together certain components of the fabric. Additionally, he selects the fabric in accordance with the purpose or wishes of the client, takes measurements and finalizes the item during the manufacturing process. The tailor also overcasts the edges and loops of the item, sews on fittings, and designs fasteners, sleeves and the bottom of the item.

The working tools of a tailor have long been a needle, thread and scissors. With the advent of the 19th century, craftsmen began to actively use sewing machines.

Important qualities:

  • patience;
  • ability to concentrate;
  • responsibility;
  • presence of artistic taste;
  • accuracy;
  • stress resistance;
  • concentration;
  • tact;
  • excellent vision;
  • communication skills;
  • fine motor skills are well developed.

Skills and knowledge:

A tailor must know modern fashion trends, features of artistic design, and also be proficient in design and cutting technology.

Work is impossible without the ability to correctly use professional tools. At the same time, a specialist must be able to distinguish between the design and cut details when sewing, repairing or updating products; grind parts, carry out wet-heat treatment, carefully trim inaccuracies.

Prospects and career:

Profession tailor provides for several areas of activity. Ateliers, clothing repair shops, clothing industry enterprises and private companies need the services of such specialists. Additionally, there is a chance to teach a specialty in sewing schools.

The tailor sews different clothes for children and adults, men and women, for all seasons. The master knows how to choose suitable styles and fabrics. This is not always easy to do. Everyone understands that underwear should be made from chintz, and a fur coat should be made from fur, and not vice versa! But calico fabrics, silks, and furs are very different. Fabrics come in different colors, patterns and different widths. The threads in them can be woven in different ways. There are so many tricks here!

Sometimes the names of professions change depending on who is engaged in this profession: a woman or a man. If a man is a tailor, then a woman is a dressmaker. And if a man is a weaver, then the woman will be called a weaver.

Of course, these days in tailoring, as in any other business, machines help people. But there are still many jacks of all trades left in this profession. Do you know where to find them? When you walk down the street with your mother, read the signs more carefully and you will see where it says “ATELIER” in big letters... That’s where real tailors work!

You can’t do any business without a tailor. Does the doctor need a gown? Needed! Does the actor need a suit? But of course! Does a clown have a funny outfit? Does the military need a uniform? Mom needs a kitchen apron? Kitchen aprons, however, many mothers sew themselves. Mothers and grandmothers can be such craftswomen that it’s time to show their work at exhibitions!

When sewing, a good craftsman takes into account many aspects: aesthetic appearance, future practicality and much more. Everyone wears clothes, and therefore everyone is a tailor's client. Tailors work not only in production, factories and ateliers. There are specialists in this profession who work for themselves and produce custom tailoring individually. An experienced tailor will even hire and train assistants to carry out his work.


The first tailors appeared in Ancient Greece in the 3rd century BC. e. They worked in workshops, and slave labor was often used. The master tailor was the head of such a team and was personally involved in sewing the product. Everyone else did the preparatory work - production of material, cutting, pressing. In Medieval Europe, a tailor was considered a respected person. Good masters had the honor of dressing the kings and queens themselves. Until recently, people in this profession were also fashion designers. This profession received a special status around the 15th century, when the concept of “fashion” was born. In the Middle Ages in Europe, a tailor was considered a very respected person. And naturally, the best craftsmen dressed the kings and queens.

HOW TO BECOME A TAILOR A tailor is a person with secondary specialized education. This specialty can be obtained at schools in many cities of the country. The main thing in learning this craft is practice, which forms a significant part of the learning process. A tailor must be diligent, patient, and must be able to concentrate on a specific process. Good vision and hand coordination are also important. There are also professional requirements for tailors. Knowledge of the range, design, components, product details and much more is required.


Once upon a time there lived a skilled tailor,
He knew his business very well:
Chose fabrics for us -
Cotton, chintz and satin.
And then he took measurements,
I made a pattern, fitting,
I swept away the fabric with white thread,
I sewed everything together on a typewriter.
And for the guys' holiday
The outfit was always new.


Fingers fly like birds -
The calico stream flows.
Fingers fly like bees -
The stream flows like silk.


It is considered one of the oldest. It managed to maintain its relevance even after several centuries. Over time, only the materials and various sewing accessories changed, but the essence of the tailors’ activities remained the same.

The first representatives of this profession appeared in Ancient Greece in the 3rd century BC. At that time, tailors worked in special workshops, and in addition, quite often they used slave labor. As a rule, the master tailor was the head of the team, and only he was directly involved in sewing the product. The rest were engaged in preparatory work, such as production and cutting of material.

In Medieval Europe, the tailoring profession was considered very respected. Good craftsmen dressed kings, queens and other high-ranking persons. It is worth noting that This profession received a special status in the 15th century, when the concept of “fashion” appeared..

Whatever a person does, he You will definitely need the services of a tailor: medical workers need gowns, military personnel need uniforms, actors need suits, and so on.

When sewing clothes, tailors, as a rule, take into account a number of different aspects, among which the first place is: practicality and aesthetic appearance of the product.

To become a representative of this profession, you must secondary special education, which can be obtained at the school. However, the most important thing in this craft is practice, which forms a huge part of the learning process.

As for personal qualities, the profession of a tailor implies perseverance, patience, ability to concentrate on a specific process, the presence of artistic taste and spatial imagination. Hand coordination and good vision also play an important role. In addition, every tailor is required to know the design and components of the parts of a particular product. Other representatives of this profession should be able to use sewing machines and ironing machines, perform adjustments and adjustments of necessary equipment and other tools. Also, knowledge of mathematics, drawing, drawing and human anatomy will not be superfluous.

It’s worth mentioning separately about the prospects. At first, inexperienced tailors work in large tailoring shops or garment factories. A little later, having gained experience, a young tailor can get a job in the studio and work under the guidance of a master, who sews exclusive clothes to order. Then a tailor with extensive experience and clientele can easily open your own business and work for yourself. In addition, he can hire young employees in his studio, as well as managers to attract new customers.

As a rule, tailors engaged in individual orders perform absolutely all functions in creating clothing: taking measurements, creating patterns, sewing, fitting and decorating the finished product. Of course, in this case the tailor also acts as a clothing designer.

We need to tell you separately about medical contraindications related to this profession. Engaging in this type of activity is not recommended for people with diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and vision organs.

Finally, it is worth saying that the profession of a tailor will be in demand at all times, since people will always need new clothes. If we consider that few people want to wear the same coat as their neighbor, then the demand for tailoring individual orders will only grow.


We all want to look good in the eyes of others. And this largely depends on the people whose profession is called “tailor”. And indeed, it is not without reason that they say that “you meet people by their clothes.” A tailor is a person who sews these very clothes. Although some of us think that we know how to sew, few can do it as professionally and quickly as tailors.

The history of the emergence of the Tailor profession How did the profession originate? How did the profession develop?

The craft of a tailor appeared in the 3rd century. BC. in ancient Greece. Tailors worked in workshops, and slave labor was often used here. This team was headed by a master tailor who also sewed the products himself. The assistants did the preparatory work for him: they produced the material, pressed it, cut it. In the Middle Ages, a tailor was respected, because a good master created outfits not only for noble people, but also for monarchs. Since the 15th century, when the concept of fashion appeared, tailors combined their work with the design of clothing models.

Significance to society Importance, meaning and social status of the profession

All people on Earth wear clothes and regularly buy or order them. Therefore, the importance of the tailor's profession does not need proof. This specialist sews, alters, models clothes, and makes patterns. In his work, a professional takes into account the aesthetics of the created clothing, its practicality, and comfort.

Features of the Tailor profession Uniqueness and prospects of the profession

There is a person with the profession of a tailor in any locality where there is a sewing factory, atelier, service center or workshop for sewing and repairing clothes. Such enterprises employ from one to many professional tailors. Experienced professionals often start their own business by hiring assistants and starting to carry out individual orders. Many people who want to look decent turn to such professional masters. A real tailor must be a creative person, have fantasy and imagination, but at the same time, have special knowledge and skills in working with equipment.

"Pitfalls" of the Tailor profession All the pros and cons of the profession. Difficulties and features.

The main risk of the tailor's profession is the possibility of not pleasing the buyer or client. If you make patterns or carry out modeling incorrectly, you can ruin the material. But a good, experienced tailor who loves his profession and has talent will always be in demand, will be respected and earn good money. After all, people always need clothes, regardless of the situation in the country or in the world. The work of a tailor is not associated with danger to life, but it is quite difficult, because you need not only to know your business well, but also to be able to please the buyer.

Where and how to get a profession as a tailor Where do they teach professions?

To become a tailor, you need to get a specialized secondary education at a school, of which there are many in different cities. A large part of the learning process is practice, because this is really the main thing for mastering the skill of a tailor.

Everything we wear is sewn by a person whose profession is called a “tailor.” Therefore, absolutely everyone, without exception, deals with products that came out of the skillful hands of these masters. Tailoring is a common, frequent and honorable profession. A good tailor can transform a person, change his image and appearance, make a beauty out of an ordinary woman or hide figure flaws in a man who has begun to gain weight.

Everything we wear is sewn by a person whose profession is called “ tailor" Therefore, absolutely everyone, without exception, deals with products that came out of the skillful hands of these masters. Tailoring is a common, frequent and honorable profession. A good tailor can transform a person, change his image and appearance, make a beauty out of an ordinary woman or hide figure flaws in a man who has begun to gain weight.

Let us immediately clarify that a tailor can change our appearance not only for the better, but also for the worse. That is why good tailors are worth their weight in gold, and talented specialists who are able to not only sew high-quality clothes, but also recommend the most suitable style for your figure, are passed on “from hand to hand.” It’s not difficult to guess that you can become one of these masters only if you have three main components: talent, the desire to make people happier and more beautiful, as well as a readiness for all features tailor profession, which we will talk about today.

Who is a tailor?

A tailor is a representative of the craft profession, whose main work is making clothes: from cutting fabric to joining parts and decorating the finished product with decorative elements. Tailors, in the truest sense of the word, today call craftsmen who work on individual orders. Most often, their place of work is a custom tailoring studio.

The name of the profession comes from the Old Russian word “ръръ” (fabric). From this it follows that a tailor is someone who works with fabric. The history of the profession dates back to the 3rd century BC. in Ancient Greece, where the first workshops for the production of material and sewing clothes from it appeared. Since the 15th century, tailors not only sew, but also develop new clothing models. The highest caste of tailors is fashion designers, creating ready-to-wear and haute couture clothes. Such specialists shape not only style, but also fashion in general.

With the development of sewing technology and the transfer of the sewing process to an industrial scale, narrow specializations appeared within the profession, dividing the stages of sewing into separate specialties. In particular, the most common specializations can be identified as:

  • designer – develops new clothing models and visualizes them in sketches;
  • cutter - a specialist who makes patterns for the model and cuts the fabric;
  • seamstress-minder(or just a seamstress) - connects the cut parts and performs finishing under the guidance of a tailor and cutter.

If we talk about a tailor who carries out individual tailoring, then his professional responsibilities include all stages of making clothes: measuring the client’s parameters, making patterns, cutting the product according to patterns, marking control marks and lines, stitching parts, carrying out wet-heat treatment, correction of inaccuracies identified during fitting, finishing of the neckline, design of sleeves, hem of the product and fasteners, as well as a number of other operations aimed at giving the finished product the most attractive appearance.

What personal qualities should a tailor have?

Tailor's work requires representatives of this profession to have the most contradictory personal qualities. On the one hand, a tailor must have pronounced creative abilities, and on the other, the monotony and painstaking process of making clothes can only be endured by specialists who are meticulous and disciplined, which is not typical for creative people.

In addition, when performing professional duties, a tailor will find the following personal qualities very useful:

  • impeccable sense of style;
  • scrupulousness;
  • patience;
  • responsibility;
  • communication skills;
  • stress resistance;
  • ability to draw and draw;
  • volumetric eye gauge;
  • vivid imagination;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance;
  • accuracy.

Let's add to this knowledge of mathematics (more precisely, geometry), the ability to understand materials, their properties and quality, the ability to read drawings and present it (drawing) in finished form, as well as well-developed fine motor skills (after all, a tailor works with small objects: needles , pins, delicate mechanisms of a sewing machine, etc.) - and a complete portrait of the ruler of “thread and needle” will appear before us.

Benefits of being a tailor

It just so happens that it is impossible to live in the modern world without clothes. Moreover, according to popular wisdom, people are greeted by their clothes (that is, they make the first impression). Therefore, specialists capable of sewing clothes have been and will be needed always and everywhere. And that's the most important thing advantage of being a tailor. Even if the master does not have large orders, there is always some small work to do: hem trousers, shorten a blouse, remake an old coat.

In turn, if there is a job, there will be a stable income. Moreover, the income of tailors is quite substantial, since even an economic crisis cannot force people to give up buying clothes. It should be noted that the largest income comes from tailors who make custom-made clothes. There are no upper income limits in this segment, and such Russian masters as Vyacheslav Zaitsev and Valentin Yudashkin, who achieved not only world fame, but also financial independence, can serve as a striking example of this.

By the way, a set of sewing accessories: needles, threads, a sewing machine (this is the minimum) is easily accessible and available in almost every home, so a specialist can always not only earn extra money, but also open his own business without large financial investments.

And most importantly, the ability to create bright and beautiful clothing models allows the tailor to always dress fashionably and stylishly, and at the same time not spend a huge amount of money on purchasing wardrobe items from leading Fashion Houses.

Disadvantages of being a tailor

Since a tailor sews clothes mainly for people he does not know, there is a high probability that the tastes of the master and the client may not coincide, or they will have different visions of the same model. And this is probably the main one disadvantage of being a tailor.

In addition, inexperienced tailors often make mistakes that lead to damage to the material, and therefore to unexpected material losses. After all, the master has to pay for damaged material out of his own pocket: either reimburse the client for its cost, or buy a similar one.

This profession also has medical disadvantages. The fact is that during the work of a tailor, the specialist’s eyes experience the greatest strain. Therefore, eye diseases are considered to be an occupational disease for representatives of the tailor profession.

Where can you become a tailor?

Become a tailor You can attend one of the many specialized technical schools or colleges, which, by the way, are available in any city in Russia. It doesn’t matter which educational institution you choose, since the quality of education in this specialty is almost the same everywhere. But it is necessary to take into account that secondary specialized education will only open the door to the world of a tailor-artisan, but not a tailor-fashion designer.

You can become a top-class professional only after graduating from a higher educational institution, where in addition to the skills you have already acquired, you will be added knowledge of the use and composition of fabrics, the necessary skills in developing models and style, and will also be taught how to work with color solutions. And here it is advisable to make a choice among the best universities in the textile industry in Russia, which include:

  • Moscow State Textile University named after. A.N. Kosygina;
  • St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design;
  • Kama Institute of Arts and Design;
  • National Institute of Design of the Union of Designers of Russia;
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology.
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