Stretch reflex in the clinic. Muscle fiber clonus

Clonus stop appears because there is damage to the nerves that control the muscles. Such a blow leads to a long muscle spasm.

This leads to constant muscle fatigue and pain. If this happens often, the person feels exhausted. First of all, it is necessary to understand why foot clonus occurs, and most importantly, to ensure that treatment is prescribed on time.

The causes of the disease can be different, it all depends on how quickly the disease develops. Most often, pathology occurs due to damage to nerve endings in the brain.

There are a number of reasons that cause clonus:

  • occurs due to disruptions in the immune system, which leads to damage to the nerve endings in the head.
  • It may be because hypoxia occurs due to a blood clot. Pathology can lead to clonus disease, because the part of the brain that is responsible for movement may be damaged.
  • Severe injuries and bruises to the skull can damage the nerve cells in the head.
  • If you use drugs or overdose on medications, this will lead to a large amount of serotonin.
  • New growths in the head can provoke foot clonus.

Severe muscle spasms may occur, both in the foot and in the kneecap. The disease can occur abruptly or gradually. Diseases such as epilepsy, heredity, renal failure, and cerebral palsy can provoke pathology.

Possible foot clonus in newborns. This occurs due to muscle hypertonicity. If the disease is not treated, it can lead to serious consequences.


If clonus occurs in epilepsy, it manifests itself during seizures and fainting. Muscle spasms begin to occur at a rapid pace in the arms, legs and body and the patient cannot keep it under control. The extrapyramidal system is responsible for abnormal movements.

Clonus occurs in neurosis, but it is false and the person quickly gets tired. Muscle tone and various problems of the musculoskeletal system occur. This manifests itself in the form of twitching on the face, neck, arms and legs.

Various and may occur, and this also includes clonus of the patella. With this disease, there may be muscle spasms, the patient constantly feels tired.

Constant tension arises and a person feels eternally in some kind of discomfort. If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner the patient will begin to experience a normal life.


Diagnosis is prescribed for certain symptoms. To begin with, the patient is visually examined to see how strongly the muscles contract. The patient is asked about signs of foot clonus.

The specialist prescribes the following examinations:

  • MRI is used to find out the condition of blood vessels and nerve endings. The procedure can be done with a contrast agent, this allows you to better see the pathology. Before using contrast, you need to do an allergy test. An MRI takes approximately forty minutes.

  • CT helps to quickly find diseases that lead to oxygen starvation. The procedure has a number of contraindications and you should not eat food for 4 hours before diagnosis. If a CT scan is done, then with the help of the study an accurate diagnosis is made. Side effects can occur only in one case, if a contrast agent is used.
  • Ultrasound of the brain is still used and is quite effective. Using the procedure, the disease can be detected in a short time. The diagnosis has no contraindications. Ultrasound does not affect a person’s condition in any way, so the procedure can be carried out as often as necessary.

The doctor may also prescribe a general blood and urine test. After the examinations have been completed, the specialist must prescribe a comprehensive treatment. The patient should monitor his condition and consult a doctor in a timely manner.


Treatment for foot clonus depends on what exactly caused the pathology. Many specialists can use different therapy techniques. The doctor must find and select treatment individually for each patient separately.

The following medications are prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs help relieve pain and relieve inflammation. The drugs have a number of side effects; for example, if you have a gastrointestinal disease, long-term use of the medicine is prohibited. Nervous system disorders and allergies may also occur.
  • Sedative medications help relieve emotional stress and normalize the condition of nerve cells. If you use such drugs, it will help cope with irritability. It is not recommended to drive while taking such medications.

Physiotherapy also gives a positive result in treatment; it helps to train all muscles. A specialist may also prescribe surgery, but this is used only in extreme cases. Traditional methods of treatment can be used to help alleviate the condition.

Clonus of the feet and patella must be treated on time. The doctor will direct you to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to make an accurate diagnosis. If the disease becomes chronic, clonus of the feet and patella may worsen. Therefore, it is necessary for a specialist to select and prescribe therapy.

Experts mean some of the body's responses to external stimuli.

A classic example is the knee-jerk reflex, in which the patient is asked to cross his legs so that one knee is over the other, and then suddenly a light blow is applied to the dimple under the patella.

The correct reaction of the body in this case is to straighten the leg, which helps maintain balance and posture.

Reflex distortions: from increasing to decreasing

Deviations from the norm include hyperreflexia (increased reflex), in which in the given example the leg will straighten to the maximum, or hyporeflexia (decreased reflex), expressed in a weak reaction to an external stimulus, as well as in the complete absence of it.

In both cases, such distortions in the body’s response are evidence of changes in the nervous system. If the reflexes are reduced, then, most likely, the integrity and conductivity of the reflex arc is impaired in one of its three sections - efferent, associated or afferent.

While their excess signals increased reflex activity on the part of the spinal cord. As a rule, this is a consequence of the pathology of the pyramidal tracts, through which the cerebral cortex transmits inhibition to the spinal mechanisms.

Pyramid Path

Clonus and its causes

Extreme manifestations of hyperreflexia are expressed in the rhythmic alternation of tendon reflexes, and are called clonus. When using this term, they most often mean rapid, jerky contractions of the muscles of the foot or kneecap. In addition, clonus of the toes and hands, mandible, buttocks, or forearm may be observed.

The causes of this syndrome vary. So, if clonus occurs spontaneously, then, as a rule, we can talk about, or diseases such as or.

Sometimes clonus occurs due to external irritants, accompanying diseases such as, or. Having become a reaction to a single stretch of the tendon, clonus is expressed in multiple contractions of parallel muscles, and in this case it is difficult to predict the duration of this process.

If the twitching movements of the kneecap or feet are not characterized by rhythm or quickly fade away, this most likely indicates pseudoclonus, characteristic of.

On the contrary, long-term stereotypical muscle contractions, characteristic of true clonus, along with muscle spasticity, increased tone, tendon and periosteal reflexes, are symptomatic of such a pathological condition as central paralysis.

Diagnostic mechanism

Clonus of the patella is characterized by its sharp downward displacement, while it retains its position even if it is pulled back. In order to provoke this altered reflex, the patient is asked to assume a horizontal position and straighten his legs.

After this, the doctor grabs the kneecap with two fingers - the thumb and forefinger, moves it down and holds it in this position. The tendon is stretched, causing the muscles to involuntarily contract and the kneecap to twitch rhythmically.

To provoke foot clonus, the patient must also be placed on the couch and his leg should be bent at the knee and hip with one hand, and his foot should be grabbed with the other, sharply bent and straightened. Stretched, the Achilles tendon will provoke uncontrolled rhythmic movements of the foot, reminiscent of twitching.

It is worth emphasizing that both of the above examples of altered reflexes indicate disorders of the nervous system. But still, one of the most unfavorable situations is an uneven increase in reflexes (the so-called anisoreflexia), in which the left and right halves of the body react to the stimulus with different degrees of intensity.

Unlike a symmetrical increase in reflexes, which does not always mean that this is a sign of brain damage, their unevenness is an alarming symptom. As a rule, this is possible in two cases: inhibition of the reflex on one side, associated with damage to the reflex arc in the nerve, roots or gray matter of the spinal cord, or its activation on the other (which indicates damage to the pyramidal tract).

Foot clonus in practice looks like this:

Further research and treatment

Changes in reflexes can be thoroughly examined using modern diagnostic methods such as, and.

To record electrical impulses of neurons, a. And in order to evaluate the electrical potentials of skeletal muscles -. In addition, blood and cerebrospinal fluid tests will help establish a complete picture of the disease.

After the entire range of diagnostic studies has been carried out, the specialist will prescribe a treatment regimen depending on the characteristics of the underlying disease.

Most often, patients with pyramidal and extrapyramidal disorders are shown drugs that relax muscles and also support normal metabolism in nerve cells.

It should be noted that when treating this group of diseases, one cannot do without balneotherapy and physiotherapy, physical therapy and acupressure; a positive effect will also be noticeable from sessions with a psychologist.

An integrated approach to solving pyramidal and extrapyramidal disorders can significantly slow down the progression of their pathological manifestations. However, there is no favorable prognosis, and maintenance therapy should be constant.

To prevent clonus, which in the most severe cases indicates paralysis, it is necessary to give up bad habits, careful treatment, and constantly measure and monitor blood pressure.

In addition, the state of the nervous system is well influenced by adherence to a healthy lifestyle, expressed in long walks, good sleep and regular exercise, as well as proper nutrition and a varied diet.

You should know that the nervous system is well strengthened by B vitamins, and do not forget to take them periodically.

So, clonus is the maximum possible reaction of the body to an external influence, expressed in rapid involuntary muscle contractions, which, under certain conditions, is characteristic of the kneecaps and feet. As a rule, this increase in reflex is a symptom of a serious pathology of the nervous system, so it is important to identify it as early as possible, and then begin to diagnose and treat the underlying disease.

CLONUS (clonus; Greek klonos bustle, hustle) - fast rhythmic movements caused by jerky contraction of an individual muscle or group of muscles. The term is used to characterize movements caused by both spontaneous muscle contractions (clonic convulsions) and contractions caused by certain techniques. Spontaneous clonic convulsions, heterogeneous in the mechanism of their origin, include K. of the soft palate, tongue, clonic convulsions during epileptic seizures, etc. (see Hyperkinesis, Epilepsy).

When examining a patient, K. is induced using special techniques, which are based on rapid jerky stretching of the muscle and its tendon; Moreover, the appearance of K. indicates a partial or complete loss of suprasegmental, primarily pyramidal, influences.

Violation of suprasegmental regulation is accompanied by a decrease in the threshold of segmental reflexes, as a result of which stretching of the muscle and its tendon leads to a reflex contraction of the muscle - its shortening. Shortening the muscle, counteracting its artificial stretching, limits the influx of facilitative impulses and increases the influx of inhibitory impulses to the motor neuron, and then the excitation of the motor neuron stops and the muscle relaxes. As the stretching of the muscle and tendon artificially continues, the muscle is stretched again and the resulting excitation of the motor neuron leads to its repeated contraction. A rhythmic alternation of muscle contraction and relaxation occurs. The occurrence of K. is combined with a sharp increase in tendon reflexes, therefore K. is considered as one of the manifestations of hyperreflexia (see Reflexes, pathological).

There are K. of the patella, foot, big toe, hand, chin, etc.

K. of the patella can be caused when the patient is positioned on his back with his legs extended. Holding the patella between the thumb and forefinger, the doctor quickly pushes it downwards and holds it in this position; in response, a rhythmic alternation of contraction and relaxation of the quadriceps muscle occurs. K. the foot is caused in the same position of the patient, the leg is bent at the hip and knee joints, a quick push-like dorsiflexion of the foot is performed and it is held in this position; in response, the foot rhythmically flexes and extends. Foot pain can be caused in the same position by hitting the heel (Achilles) tendon with a hammer. K. of the big toe and hand are caused by rapid, jerky extension and holding in this position; K. chin - by quickly pushing down and holding the lower jaw in this position. The force of active muscle stretching when causing K. should not counteract muscle contraction.

The presence of K. indicates organic damage to the brain or spinal cord. In patients with neuroses (see), in particular with hysteria, an attempt to induce K. can lead to jerky muscle contractions of varying tempo, amplitude and rhythm (pseudoclonus), which makes it possible to distinguish them from K. as a symptom of organic damage to the brain and spinal cord .

Bibliography: Krol M. B. and Fedorova E. A. Basic neuropathological syndromes, p. 370, M., 1966, bibliogr.; Triumphov A.V. Topical diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system, p. 18, L., 1974; G h u s i d J. G. Correlative neuroanatomy functional neurology, Los Altqs, 1970.

κλωνωσ - hustle and bustle) - fast and rhythmic movements that are caused by the jerky contraction of an individual muscle or group of muscles. Spontaneous clonic convulsions are observed during epileptic seizures and hyperkinesis in diseases of the extrapyramidal system.

Clonus due to damage to the pyramidal tract

The pathophysiological basis of clonus in lesions of the pyramidal tract is the absence of the inhibitory effect of the cerebral cortex on spinal motor neurons. When the tendons of one muscle are stretched, a reflex excitation of the motor neurons of the antagonist muscles occurs. Following this, their contraction occurs, which in turn leads to repeated contraction of the agonist muscles. The process repeats indefinitely.

Clonic seizures in epilepsy

With clonic convulsions, successive contractions of the flexor and extensor muscles are observed, which is manifested by rapid involuntary movements of the limbs and torso. Occurs during generalized convulsive seizures against the background of loss of consciousness.


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Clonus is a neurological condition that occurs when the nerve cells that control muscles become damaged. This damage causes involuntary muscle contractions or spasms.

Symptoms are distributed in several different muscles, especially in the limbs. These include:

  • ankles;
  • knees;
  • calves;
  • wrists;
  • jaw;
  • biceps.

Damaged nerves can lead to muscle dysfunction, resulting in involuntary contractions, muscle tension and pain.

Clonus is a condition that can cause muscle spasms over a long period. This pulsation can lead to muscle fatigue.

Because of the constant strain, clonus can make daily life stressful and debilitating. In this article, you will learn more about the causes and treatment of this condition.

Although researchers do not understand the exact reasons that cause clonus, it appears to be related to damaged nerve connections in the brain.

A number of chronic diseases are associated with clonus. Because these diseases require specialized treatment, results may vary in each case.

Diseases that can cause clonus:

  • Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the protective sheath around the nerves. The resulting damage disrupts nerve signals in the brain.
  • Stroke - due to a blood clot, part of the brain is starved of oxygen. A stroke can cause clonus if the area of ​​the brain that controls movement is damaged.
  • Infections such as meningitis or encephalitis can damage brain cells or nerves in advanced cases.
  • Serious injuries, such as head trauma from a major accident, can also damage nerves in the brain or spinal cord.
  • Serotonin syndrome is a potentially dangerous reaction that occurs when too much serotonin accumulates in the body. This buildup can be caused by drug abuse, but can also be caused by using high doses of medications or mixing certain medications.
  • A brain tumor can also cause clonus.

Other causes of clonus include anything that can affect nerves or brain cells:

  • epilepsy;
  • cerebral paralysis;
  • Lou Gehrig's disease;
  • anoxic brain injury;
  • hereditary spastic paraparesis;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • overdoses of drugs such as the synthetic opiate tramadol, which is a powerful painkiller;


To diagnose clonus, doctors may first physically examine the most affected area. If a muscle contracts while a person is in the doctor's office, they can monitor the contraction to see how quickly the muscle pulsates and how many times it contracts before it stops.

Doctors then order a series of tests and tests to confirm the diagnosis. They may use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to check for cell or nerve damage.

Blood tests can also help identify markers of various conditions associated with clonus.

A physical test can also help doctors identify clonus. During this test, the patient is asked to quickly flex the leg so that the toes point upward and then hold the muscles. This can cause prolonged throbbing in the ankle. A number of these pulses may indicate clonus. This may not be the basis for making a diagnosis, but it can help guide the diagnostic process in the right direction.


Treatment for clonus varies depending on the underlying cause. Doctors may try many different treatments before finding the one that works best for a particular patient.


Sedatives and muscle relaxants help reduce symptoms. Doctors often recommend these drugs primarily for people experiencing cloning.

Medications that may help with clonus reduction include:

  • Baclofen;
  • Dantrolene;
  • Tizanidine;
  • Gabapentin;
  • Diazepam;
  • Clonazepam.

Sedatives and antispastic drugs may cause drowsiness. Patients taking these medications should not drive or operate heavy machinery.

Other side effects may include mental confusion, lightheadedness, or even trouble walking. You should discuss these side effects with your doctor, especially if they may interfere with daily activities.


Working with a physical therapist to train muscles can help increase range of motion in the injured area.

Botox injections

Some people respond well to clonus to Botox injections. Botox therapy involves the injection of certain toxins. The effects of Botox injections wear off over time, so a person will need repeat injections on a regular basis.


Surgery is often the last resort. During a procedure to treat clonus, surgeons will cut off parts of the nerve that are causing the abnormal muscle movements, which should relieve symptoms.

Home Remedies

While medical treatments, home remedies may be helpful to support these efforts.

Using heat packs or using warm baths can relieve pain, and using cold packs can help reduce muscle pain. Stretching and yoga can help increase your range of motion.

You can use a magnesium supplement or a magnesium salt bath to help relax your muscles. You should consult your doctor before using magnesium as it may interact with other medications.


Clonus has a different prognosis depending on the underlying cause. If a sudden injury or illness causes clonus muscle spasms, symptoms will likely subside over time or respond well to physical therapy.

Chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, meningitis or stroke may require long-term management of symptoms. Clonus may worsen as the underlying condition progresses.

The article was written based on materials from the Medical News Today website.

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