Agroecosystems or agrocenoses. How agroecosystems differ from natural ecosystems: concepts and comparative characteristics Comparative description of natural

In the biosphere, in addition to natural biogeocenoses (forest, meadow, swamp, river, etc.) and ecosystems, there are also communities created by human economic activity. Such a human-made community is called an agroecosystem (agrocenosis, agrobiocenosis, agricultural ecosystem).

Agroecosystem (from the Greek agros - field - agricultural ecosystem, agrocenosis, agrobiocenosis) - a biotic community created and regularly maintained by humans for the purpose of producing agricultural products. Usually includes a set of organisms living on agricultural lands.

Agroecosystems include fields, orchards, vegetable gardens, vineyards, large livestock complexes with adjacent artificial pastures. A characteristic feature of agroecosystems is low ecological reliability, but high productivity of one or several species (or varieties of cultivated plants) or animals.

Agroecosystems differ from natural ecosystems in a number of features.

Agroecosystems have several differences from natural ecosystems.

1. Species diversity in them is sharply reduced to obtain the highest possible production. In a rye or wheat field, in addition to the cereal monoculture, you can find only a few types of weeds. In a natural meadow, biological diversity is much higher, but biological productivity is many times lower than in a sown field.

2. Species of agricultural plants and animals in agroecosystems were obtained as a result of artificial rather than natural selection, which significantly influences the narrowing of their genetic base. In agroecosystems, there is a sharp narrowing of the genetic base of agricultural crops, which are extremely sensitive to mass reproduction of pests and diseases.

3. Agroecosystems, compared to natural biocenoses, are characterized by greater openness. This means that in natural biocenoses, the primary production of plants is consumed in numerous food chains and again returns to the biological cycle system in the form of carbon dioxide, water and mineral nutrition elements. Agroecosystems are more open, and matter and energy are removed from them with crops, livestock products, and also as a result of soil destruction.

Due to the constant harvesting and disruption of soil formation processes, as well as the long-term cultivation of monoculture, soil fertility is gradually decreasing on cultivated lands. That is why, to obtain high yields, it is necessary to apply large amounts of mineral fertilizers to maintain soil fertility.

4. The change of vegetation cover in agroecosystems does not occur naturally, but by the will of man, which does not always have a good effect on the quality of the abiotic factors included in it. This is especially true for soil fertility.

Soil is the most important life support system and the existence of agricultural production. However, the productivity of agroecosystems depends not only on soil fertility and maintaining its quality. It is no less influenced by the preservation of the habitat of beneficial insects (pollinators) and other representatives of the animal world. In addition, many natural enemies of agricultural pests live in this environment. Thus, the example of the mass death of pollinators in buckwheat fields in the United States, which occurred when they collided with cars in places where agricultural land was close to highways, has already become a textbook example.

5. One of the main features of ecosystems is to obtain additional energy for normal functioning. Without the supply of additional energy from outside, agroecosystems, unlike natural ecosystems, cannot exist. Additional energy refers to any type of energy introduced into agroecosystems. This could be the muscular strength of humans or animals, various types of fuel for operating agricultural machines, fertilizers, pesticides, pesticides, additional lighting, etc. Additional energy can also be understood as new breeds of domestic animals and varieties of cultivated plants introduced into the structure of agroecosystems.

6. All agroecosystems of fields, gardens, pasture meadows, vegetable gardens, and greenhouses artificially created in agricultural practice are systems specially maintained by humans.

Agroecosystems use precisely their ability to produce high net products, since all competitive effects on cultivated plants from weeds are restrained by agrotechnical measures, and the formation of food chains due to pests is suppressed using various measures, for example, chemical and biological control.

It should be noted that agroecosystems are extremely unstable communities. They are not Capable of self-healing and self-regulation, they are subject to the threat of death from mass reproduction of pests or diseases. To maintain them, constant human activity is required.

What signs of a community or ecosystem are considered sustainable? First of all, it is a complex, polydominant structure, including the largest number of species and populations possible under given conditions. Then, maximum biomass. And the last thing is the relative balance between energy intake and expenditure. What is certain is that such ecosystems exhibit the lowest level of productivity. Biomass is large and productivity is low. This is due to the fact that the bulk of the energy entering the ecosystem goes to maintaining life processes.

The most important negative consequence of the existence of agroecosystems is their destabilizing effect on the biogeochemical cycles of the biosphere, where the main types of environmental resources are reproduced and the chemical composition of living environments is regulated. On agricultural lands, the nutrient cycle is open by tens of percent. Therefore, there is every reason to say that agrocenoses from the very beginning of their existence have been in an antagonistic relationship with the natural environment. It has now become obvious that they threaten to destroy fundamental biosphere processes and are responsible for the global environmental crisis. This applies to all forms created by man, including the most productive varieties and breeds.

What has been said is apparently enough to demonstrate the fundamental inability of agrocenoses to take on the functions of natural ecosystems. It should only be added that at present humanity has not yet come up with any other way to supply itself with food than by creating artificial agroecosystems.


1. What is the meaning of the ecosystem concept?

2. What size can ecosystems be?

Give examples of ecosystems.

4. What features are inherent in natural ecosystems?

5. Define a food chain.

6. What types of ecological pyramids do you know?

7. What is biogeocenosis:

8. Give examples of biogeocenoses.

9. What is common and what is the difference between biogeocenosis and ecosystem?

10. What functionally related parts can be distinguished in a biogeocenosis?

11. How are the boundaries of biogeocenosis determined?

12. What determines the dynamics of ecosystems?

13. Describe the daily and seasonal dynamics of ecosystems.

14. What is succession? Give examples of successions.

15. How does primary succession differ from secondary succession?

16. What is anthropogenic succession?

17. Define an agroecosystem, give examples of agroecosystems.

18. What are the significant differences between natural ecosystems and agroecosystems?

Y. P. Odum

Agroecosystems are "domesticated ecosystems" that are in many respects intermediate between natural ecosystems, such as grasslands and forests, and artificial ones, such as cities.

Like natural ecosystems, they are powered by the sun, but there are also differences: 1) in agroecosystems, the source of additional energy that increases productivity is primarily the converted fuel energy, as well as the draft power of animals and human labor; 2) humans have significantly reduced the diversity of systems in order to increase the yield of food crops or create other products; 3) the plants and animals that predominate in the agroecosystem are subject to artificial rather than natural selection; 4) all management of the system, in contrast to self-regulating natural ecosystems, is carried out from the outside and is subordinated to external goals.

Agroecosystems are similar to urban industrial systems in their dependence on external factors, that is, on the environment at the input and output of the system. However, unlike the latter, agroecosystems are predominantly autotrophic. Specific energy inputs (the amount of energy flow per unit area) in pre-industrial agriculture, typical of economically underdeveloped countries, are approximately the same as in natural ecosystems, but in industrial agriculture they are at least 10 times higher due to significant additional investments energy and chemicals. As a result, agroecosystems are not inferior to industrial and urban areas in terms of the impact of soil erosion or environmental polluting chemicals on water bodies, the atmosphere or the habitat as a whole.

As energy and environmental costs continue to rise, significant technological, economic and policy efforts are needed to reduce the input and output costs of agricultural and urban systems so that their overgrowth does not become a threat to the natural systems on which they depend. . The study of fields, pastures and forest plantations as derivative ecosystems that constitute functional parts of large regional or global ecosystems, i.e., a hierarchical approach to their analysis, is the first step towards unifying scientific disciplines that allow solving long-term problems. None of these disciplines, such as agronomy, alone can solve the so-called world food problem. And ecology does not promise a quick or direct solution to it, but the holistic and systematic approach underlying ecological theory can become the basis for an interdisciplinary approach to solving this problem.

Over the past half century, the United States and other developed countries have experienced a dramatic change properties of agroecosystems and the ways in which they impact other ecosystems. By turning to the history of the problem, we can better consider its current state and the tasks of further research. Here is how Auclair describes the three successive stages of agricultural development in the US Midwest:

1833-1934 About 90% of the prairie, 75% of the wetlands, and all forests on good soils have been converted into cropland, pasture, or forest for agricultural production. Natural vegetation is preserved only on uncultivated or shallow infertile soils. However, small farms predominate, on which various crops are cultivated using significant human labor and animal draft power, so the impact of agriculture on the quality of water, soil and air at this stage was minimally harmful.

1934-1961 Intensification of agriculture associated with low prices for oil, chemicals and machinery, and an increase in the specialization of farms and the share of monocultures. An increase in agricultural productivity and a decrease in farm employment lead to an overall decrease in the area of ​​arable land by 10% with a corresponding increase in the area under forest.

1961-1980 On better soils, energy inputs, farm sizes, and agricultural intensity increase due to the production of commercial grains and soybeans, much of it for export. Environmental measures - crop rotation, leaving land fallow, terracing or preserving vegetation along drainage channels - are retreating under the onslaught of cash crops, the expansion of which is intended to pay for the ever-increasing costs of energy and machinery. Productivity is increasing, but for some grain crops it reaches a ceiling during this period. The loss of agricultural land due to urbanization and soil erosion is increasing, and runoff and leaching of overused fertilizers and pesticides is reducing water quality.

Analysis of the chemical composition of dated sediment cores from a lake in Connecticut (Linsley Pond) reveals the history of the impact of agriculture and growing cities on surrounding ecosystems. In the 19th century Agriculture had no noticeable impact on the lake, but agricultural intensification from about 1915 and the influx of fertilizer nutrients caused eutrophication. In the last 25 years, rapid urbanization and increased agricultural intensity have led to "hypereutrophication" caused by agricultural and industrial waste entering the lake and soil erosion. The entry of soil, heavy metals and other toxic substances into the lake has led to well-documented changes in the biota.

Thus, market demands and other economic and political forces, acting simultaneously with population growth and urbanization of the territory, have turned “domesticated” ecosystems, more or less embedded in the environment, into increasingly artificial agroecosystems, similar to urban and industrial ecosystems such as its dependence on the supply of energy and materials, and the generation of waste.

From an ecological perspective, agroecosystems, harmoniously connected with natural ecosystems, are life support systems on spaceship Earth: after all, they supply food, water and purified air, everything without which our life is impossible. However, when rising prices for agricultural products force them to be treated more as a commodity than as human food, the share of cash annual crops increases at the cost of reducing the long-term sustainability of agricultural production and agroecosystems turn from life-support systems into drainage routes for needed resources.

As these undesirable trends become more apparent, there is a growing interest in conservation agricultural practices, which emerged in the 1930s in the wake of soil erosion and dust storms. New methods of farming and deepening our knowledge about the transformations of water and nutrients in agrocenoses will undoubtedly contribute to: 1) more efficient use of energy; 2) reducing water losses during irrigation and soil erosion; 3) increasing the release of nutrients and reducing fertilizer consumption; 4) use of crop residues for soil mulching, silage or as energy resources; 5) increasing the diversity of crops and crop rotations; 6) reducing unwanted dependence on broad-spectrum pesticides and 7) moving to minimum or no-till farming. The latter alone would be enough to halve soil erosion and fuel costs with only a small short-term reduction in crop yields. In the long term, no-till yields should theoretically be higher than conventional tillage due to improved soil "quality" and reduced erosion, but in an environment where long-term practice is not economically rewarded, it is difficult to test these assumptions.

All environmental agrotechnical measures bring agroecosystems closer to natural systems, moving them away from urban and industrial systems and turning them into harmonious components of the overall landscape of the Earth.

Using a national cross-regional linear programming model, Olson et al. predict that widespread adoption of so-called organic farming could increase farm profitability and help solve many of the problems in U.S. agriculture. Raising consumer food prices would encourage farmers to improve soil fertility rather than deplete it in a desperate attempt to pay off debt. However, conservation farming would sharply reduce the excess production that is now being exported. Thus, there is a dilemma: conservation agriculture is beneficial for the soil and for the farmer, but has an adverse effect on the national economy if it is focused on: 1) export of food to pay for imported oil and mineral raw materials and 2) further expansion of the production of agricultural machinery and agricultural chemicals farms.

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The term ecosystem refers to the unity of living organisms and their habitat, in which they can exchange energy and substances. The ecosystem harmoniously combines the life of animals, plants and microorganisms. It has its own soil composition, temperature changes and biological productivity indicators.

Ecosystems can be natural (biogeocenosis) and artificial (agrocenosis). Natural ecosystems are taiga, forest, lake, sea, desert and others. Artificial - aquarium, vineyards, vegetable gardens, flower beds, fields and others.

The main characteristic of an ecosystem is the presence of a relatively closed, stable flow of energy and substances in time and space between living organisms and inorganic conditions of existence. Therefore, for example, an aquarium is not a natural ecosystem, because if you do not take care of it, it will collapse very quickly, because it cannot develop on its own and regulate conditions in order to maintain the life of organisms at the same level.

Similarities between natural ecosystems and agroecosystems

  • They are open ecosystems, meaning they absorb the energy of the sun.
  • They consist of consumers (organisms that consume organic substances), producers (organisms that produce organic substances from inorganic substances), decomposers (organisms that destroy dead remains and convert them into organic or inorganic compounds (fungi and bacteria)).
  • The rule of the ecological pyramid works in each of the systems.
  • There are power circuits.
  • There is a struggle for survival, artificial or natural selection and hereditary variability
  • The basis of communities are producers who use solar energy to form organic substances and are the first link in the food chain.

Differences between natural ecosystems and agroecosystems

  • The action and direction of selection of individuals. In a natural ecosystem, natural selection is always present, during which weak and sick individuals are destroyed. This ensures the sustainability of the ecosystem.
  • General cycle of nutrients. In a natural ecosystem, multiple food chains occur constantly.
  • Source of energy. In a natural ecosystem, only one light source is used - the sun. Agroecosystems widely use human energy, which is spent on maintaining the ecosystem.
  • Species diversity and their sustainability. In agroecosystems, people grow or cultivate only certain types of plants, and this impoverishes the species composition of fungi, bacteria and animals and can cause destruction by special insects (Colorado beetle, etc.) or diseases (powdery mildew, etc.)
  • Self-sufficiency and the ability to self-regulate.
  • Productivity.

Natural ecosystem

Action and direction of selection of individuals

Through natural selection, weak individuals are rejected and a stable ecosystem is formed

Man preserves productive individuals and weakens natural selection

General nutrient cycle

Substances consumed by organisms go into the soil, continuing the cycle of nutrients

A person carries away nutrients along with the harvest, thereby interrupting the cycle

Species diversity and sustainability

Great species diversity ensures long food chains and interconnectedness of organisms

A person grows one thing, food chains are short, and the interconnection of organisms is unstable

Self-sufficiency and ability to self-regulate

Constantly self-regulates and updates. A change in communities may occur (for example, a spruce forest will become deciduous)

Man completely controls and regulates the ecosystem. Apply fertilizers, get rid of weeds and change varieties to more productive ones.


Ecosystem biomass on land is more productive than the biomass of the oceans.

The agroecosystem is very productive compared to the natural ecosystem, although it occupies only 10% of the land.

Resistance to natural factors

Able to fully withstand natural factors and changes in living conditions

Without human intervention, it quickly deteriorates

Total volume and length

Available in various sizes and lengths

Man adjusts volume

When a natural ecosystem is disturbed, the stability of the biosphere is lost and its ability to suppress emerging changes through feedback is disrupted.


1 Practical work Comparative characteristics of ecosystems and agroecosystems Efremova Tatyana Ivanovna Purpose of the work: to find similarities and differences between ecosystems and agroecosystems Planned results: Personal: Formation of cognitive interests and motives aimed at studying natural objects; Development of intellectual skills; Motivation to acquire new knowledge and further study of natural sciences. Meta-subject: Mastery of the components of research activity; Ability to work with different sources of information; Mastery of cognitive learning tools (compare, determine, master the method of observing and recording results in the form of drawings and captions); communicative (adequately use verbal means to formulate conclusions, work in pairs); regulatory (independent work according to instructions within a specified time) Subject: Identification of essential features of biological objects and processes; Comparison of biological objects and processes; Determination of the belonging of biological objects to a certain systematic group Argumentation of the relationship between man and the environment Topic “Ecosystem level of organization of living nature” The lesson is held after studying the topic “Biogeocenosis” or “Ecosystem” Preparation for work: Presentation, instructional card Purpose of work: Compare natural and artificial ecosystems according to the proposed parameters. Parameters for comparison Ecosystem type Components Effective selection Species diversity Food chains Energy source Ecosystem Meadow Field

2 Balance of nutrients. Stability Cycle of substances 1. Testing knowledge on the topic of ecosystems: 1. In the list given, find and place in different columns the names of producers, consumers and decomposers. Cuckoo flax moss, ant, porcini mushroom, chemosynthesizing bacterium, dragonfly, earthworm, putrefactive bacterium, cyanobacterium, lion, fly agaric, cactus, human, mucor mushroom, birch, soil bacteria. producers consumers decomposers moss cuckoo flax chemosynthesizing bacterium cyanobacterium cactus birch ant porcini mushroom dragonfly earthworm lion fly agaric putrefactive bacterium fungus mucor soil bacteria 2. Indicate (indicate by numbers) in what sequence the following organisms can enter the food chain: human (5), unicellular algae (1), daphnia (2), pike perch (4), gudgeon (3). Discussion of the results of the work. 2. Motivation, determining the purpose of the lesson. Look carefully at these pictures, can what is depicted on them be called biogeocenosis? Slide 3-5 What do you think unites them? Your guess: what is the topic of our lesson today? Possible answer: Artificial ecosystems or ecosystems created by man 3. Introduction to the topic using the example of slides 6-19 of the presentation. 4. Then work with the table, slide 20 Look at the table and compare what is the peculiarity of artificial biogeocenosis? Comparative characteristics of biogeocenoses and agrocenoses. Comparing category Biogeocenosis Agrocenosis

3 Direction of selection action Cycle of basic nutrients Species diversity and stability Ability for self-regulation, self-maintenance and turnover Productivity (the amount of biomass created per unit area) Natural selection operates, culling non-viable individuals and preserving adaptations to environmental conditions, i.e. selection forms a stable ecosystem All elements consumed by plants, animals and other organisms are returned to the soil, i.e. the cycle is completed completely. As a rule, they are distinguished by a large species diversity of organisms that are in complex relationships with each other, ensuring sustainability Self-regulating, constantly renewing, capable of directed replacement of one community by another (succession) The biomass of land ecosystems exceeds the productivity of ecosystems of the World Ocean by 3 times; the main biomass production is consumed by consumers. The action of natural selection is weakened by humans; predominantly artificial selection is carried out in the direction of preserving organisms with maximum productivity. Part of the nutrients are removed from the cycle with the mass of organisms grown and harvested as a crop, i.e. the cycle does not occur. The number of species is often limited to one or two; the interconnections of organisms cannot ensure stability. Regulated and controlled by humans through changes in natural factors (irrigation, etc.), control of weeds and pests, change of varieties, increase Occupying 10% of the land area, 2.5 billion tons of agricultural products are produced annually; are significantly more productive than biogeocenoses

4 Discuss with students during a frontal conversation the differences between agrocenoses and biocenoses according to each criterion. 5. We found differences between agrocenoses and biogeocenoses, but do they have any similarities? During the discussion, students offer options for general criteria (you can organize 5-minute work in pairs, and then allow each pair to add 1 criterion to the general list of similarities) Similarities between agrocenosis and natural biogeocenosis. 1. They are open systems (for example, they absorb solar energy from the outside). 2. Evolution factors operate within each of them (artificial or natural selection, struggle for existence, hereditary variability) 3. They have a similar structure (consist of producers, consumers, decomposers). 4. In both biogeocenoses the rule of the ecological pyramid applies. 5. The community is based on producers (autotrophic organisms) that directly use the energy of the Sun for the synthesis of organic substances. 6. In biogeocenoses of any type, there are food chains. 6. To consolidate the material, fill out a table comparing the ecosystems of meadows and fields (work in pairs) - 10 minutes. Parameters for comparison Type of ecosystem Components Active selection Species diversity Food chains Energy source Balance of nutrients. Stability Cycle of substances Ecosystem Meadow Field Pairs of 1 parameter name and complement the material An approximate option for filling out the table: Parameters for comparison Meadow Ecosystem Field

5 Ecosystem type Components Active selection Species diversity Food chains Energy source Balance of nutrients. Biogeocenosis Producers, Consumers Decomposers Natural Rich Long Sunlight Agrocenosis Producers, Consumers Decomposers Artificial Few Short Stability Cycle of substances Products are consumed mainly by consumers Sunlight impure energy High Productively Sustainable Implemented Consumer human regulates unsustainable not implemented This is interesting: In the first stages of the development of agriculture s were more stable than modern ones. Arable lands occupied relatively small areas surrounded by natural vegetation. The world of animals - regulators and pollinators - was rich. Cultivated plants were not pure varieties and represented a mixture of forms with different hereditary qualities. In dry years, some forms survived, in wet years, others. Weeds in the fields attracted a variety of insects. There was a system of connections close to natural. Such agrocenoses produced relatively low but reliable yields, and outbreaks of pests in them were rare.

7 This level is called the “threshold of harmfulness”. If a species does not reach the threshold of harmfulness, it is not considered a pest and is not controlled. Cultivated plants vary greatly in their resistance to weeds. The amount of weeds that is detrimental to one species is almost not harmful to another. If we take the yield in pure sowing as one, then in heavily weeded areas it will leave 0.75 for wheat, 0.65 for potatoes, 0.56 for corn, 0.42 for flax, 0.23 for sugar beets, and 0.23 for cotton. 0.12. Thus, wheat is the most resistant crop to clogging. When 10-15% of the soil is covered with weeds, the costs of chemical weeding in wheat fields are usually not recouped by the increase in yield and the use of pesticides can be avoided. 7. Reflection Presentation slides from 20 to 26 with test tasks Self-test Evaluation criteria: The work is scored 8 points (part A 1 point, part B 2 points, if there is one error 1 point, 2 errors 0 points) 7-8 points -- “5” 5-6 points -- “4” At the request of students, you can put grades in the journal; in addition, you can evaluate active work in class in filling out tables, correctly filling out tests to check the material from the previous lesson. You can end the lesson with the words of A.P. Chekhov, slide 27, and awaken with students the creative role of man in creating agrocenoses, transforming his native Earth. Slide 28-29

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Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 21" WORK PROGRAM Classes Teacher: biology 7A, 7B, 7B, 7G.7D Chubina Nina Grigorievna Number of hours total -35 hours per week

Practical work

"Comparative description of a natural system and an agroecosystem."

Target: continue to develop the ability to compare based on the analysis of natural biogeocenosis and agrocenosis; explain the reasons for the identified similarities and differences.

2. Fill out the table “Comparison of the natural system (biogeocoenosis) and agroecosystem.”

Comparison of biogeocenosis and agrocenosis.

3. Based on the comparison criteria and drawings, make a brief description of the pond ecosystem

· Find examples of relationships between organisms inhabiting an ecosystem (predation, competition, symbiosis...etc.) illustrating the answer with relevant examples

· depict 2-3 food chains that presumably take place in this ecosystem

· Give examples of 2-3 adaptations of plant or animal organisms to the lack of action of any abiotic factor

· Give examples of producers, consumers and decomposers of these ecosystems

Agroecosystems or agrocenoses.

Human economic activity is a powerful factor in the transformation of nature. As a result of this activity, unique biogeocenoses are formed. These include, for example, agrocenoses, which are artificial biogeocenoses that arise as a result of human agricultural activity. Examples include artificially created meadows, fields, and pastures. When creating such biogeocenoses, people widely use a variety of agricultural practices: sowing highly productive grasses, land reclamation (with excess moisture), fertilization, various methods of soil cultivation, sometimes artificial irrigation, etc. The created biogeocenoses also include parks, orchards and berry fields, forest plantations, etc.

When creating artificial biogeocenoses, it is necessary to more fully take into account the forms of relationships that develop in such communities between their components and the soil. It is especially important to take into account the properties of the soil, the need to protect it from destruction by wind and water (erosion), preserve the natural structure and integrity of the soil cover, etc.

A high number of plants of one species over large areas can lead to the fact that insects feeding on these plants, which were rare in natural biogeocenoses, multiply greatly and become dangerous pests of cultivated crops. For example, the beet weevil in natural meadows feeds on a few species of plants of the borage family, without causing them much harm. The situation changed radically when sugar beets were introduced into cultivation, occupying vast areas. The “harmless” beet weevil has turned into a massive pest of one of the most important agricultural crops.

Artificial biogeocenoses created by man require tireless attention and active intervention in their lives. With high agricultural technology and taking into account the interaction of the components of the agrocenosis, they can be highly productive, such as artificial meadows, forest plantations, etc.

Between natural and artificial biogeocenoses, along with similarities, there are also differences that are important to take into account in human economic activity.

Natural biogeocenoses are usually composed of a large number of species. They are ecological systems that develop in nature under the influence of natural selection. The latter rejects all poorly adapted forms of organisms. As a result, a complex, relatively stable ecological system is formed, capable of self-regulation. In natural biogeocenoses, a cycle of substances occurs, as a result of which substances consumed by plants are returned to the soil.

In man-made artificial biogeocenoses - agrocenoses - the components are selected based on economic value. Here the leading factor is not natural, but artificial selection. Through artificial selection and other agrotechnical measures, man strives to obtain maximum biological productivity (harvest). In artificial biogeocenoses, a significant part of the nutrients is removed from the system with the harvest and the natural cycle of substances does not occur. There is a reduced diversity of species included in the agrocenosis, because Usually one or several species (varieties) of plants are cultivated, which leads to a significant depletion of the species composition of animals, fungi, and bacteria. In agrocenoses, there is also a reduced ability of cultivated plants to resist competitors and pests. Cultivated species have been so strongly modified by selection in favor of humans that without his support they cannot withstand the struggle for existence.

In natural biogeocenoses, the source of energy is the Sun. In agrocenoses, along with this (natural) source of energy, people add fertilizers, without which high biological productivity cannot be realized. Agrocenoses are maintained by humans through large expenditures of energy (muscular energy of people and animals, the work of agricultural machines, associated energy of fertilizers, the cost of additional irrigation, etc.). Thus, they exist and provide high biological productivity thanks to the continuous intervention and support of humans, without whose participation they cannot exist.

Pond ecosystem.

Aquarium ecosystem.

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