Chicken liver soup. Chicken liver soup recipe

There are a large number of recipes for first courses. Some people cook them while following a diet, but for many they are simply an indispensable dish for lunch. After all, soup satisfies you for a long time and gives you strength. If you want variety, you can make chicken liver soup for lunch.

Among all offal products, liver ranks first in popularity. Dishes prepared from it are not only tender and tasty, but also healthy. You will love chicken liver soup prepared according to our recipe and will become a frequent dish on the table.

A special feature of chicken liver is its ease of preparation. Unlike beef, it does not need to be soaked. In addition, it is not bitter and has a delicate taste. And the recipe for making it is quite simple and straightforward.

Beneficial features

Soup prepared according to a recipe with chicken liver, as well as cutlets and pates, has beneficial properties:

  • protein content can be compared to chicken breast;
  • the liver contains a lot of folic acid (vitamin B), vitamin A;
  • just 100 grams of chicken liver contains the daily requirement of iron necessary for a person. And also a lot of phosphorus and magnesium;
  • Riboflavin included in the composition promotes better absorption of iron;
  • chicken liver is indicated for women during pregnancy because it contains many natural acids;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system; useful for improving memory due to the presence of choline. For those on a diet, chicken liver is an excellent source of protein.
  • Possible harm

    Despite the impressive list of beneficial properties, you should not consume liver in excessive quantities. It contains quite a lot of cholesterol, which the body needs only in small doses, but its excess can cause harm to health. Chicken liver is contraindicated for people who have high levels of cholesterol in the blood, the elderly, patients suffering from peptic ulcers and kidney diseases, and children under three years of age.

    Selection rules

    In order for chicken liver soup to be not only tasty, but also healthy, you need to choose the right main ingredient. The fresh product should be glossy, with a smooth surface, and dark brown in color. Blood vessels should be clearly visible on the liver.

    If it is orange or brown in color, it has been frozen and thawed several times. A frozen product will not cause harm to the body, but it no longer has any benefits for the body.

    The benefits of eating liver will only be provided that it is fresh and prepared correctly. Main criteria when choosing:

    1. Dark brown color, glossy smooth surface. Blotches of white or other color are a sign of a low-quality product;
    2. The consistency should be uniform and not loose. A green tint is unacceptable, which indicates that the gall bladder was damaged during cutting. This product is not dangerous, it will just need to be washed more thoroughly.
    3. The smell should be pleasant and slightly sweet. The presence of foreign odors is unacceptable.

    Cooking rules

    Proper preparation increases the beneficial qualities of the product. Cook chicken liver for no more than 15 minutes. When frying, it is advisable to use only olive oil. It is better not to use a recipe using bouillon cubes and other chemical seasonings. It's good to add more greens. Chicken liver is combined with vegetables, nuts and dairy products. The recipe can be selected according to your culinary abilities and taste preferences. The recipe is for 4 servings. Cooking time: 40 minutes.

    Making chicken liver soup

    The soup recipe is very simple. It will require the following ingredients:

    • chicken liver - 200 g;
    • round rice - 5 tablespoons;
    • medium carrots - 1 pc.;
    • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
    • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • chicken broth - 1 l;
    • greenery;
    • salt and pepper to taste.


    1. Bring the broth to a boil. Cut the onions and carrots into small cubes and add to the broth.
    2. After 5 minutes, add potatoes cut into medium cubes and washed rice.
    3. Wash the liver well under running water and cut into small cubes. When the rice is almost ready, add the liver.
    4. After 10 minutes, add finely chopped herbs and crushed garlic. Turn off the fire.

    The recipe can be varied by using meat or vegetable broth. Instead of rice, take buckwheat or millet. Serve chicken liver soup with sour cream, sprinkled with fresh herbs. For beauty, you can add half a boiled egg.

    A couple more interesting options:

    In contact with

    Cooking time: 35 min.

    Preparation time: 5 min.

    Number of servings: 5 pcs.

    Type of cuisine: European

    Type of dish: first courses

    The recipe is suitable for:

    Ingredients for the recipe “Chicken Liver Soup”:

    Fine vermicelli 6 tbsp. l. Water 1.5 l. Chicken liver 400 g. Onions 1 pc. Refined sunflower oil 3 tbsp. l. Carrots 1 pc. Ground black pepper 0.3 tsp. Salt 1 tbsp. l.

    Cooking soup with chicken liver

    I suggest making chicken liver soup. The dish is simple, but tasty, healthy and nutritious. This soup is prepared quite quickly and from absolutely affordable ingredients. There are no difficulties in preparing chicken liver soup, so even a novice housewife can handle it. Despite all its simplicity, the soup will delight you and your family with its excellent taste.

    Preparing the recipe for “Chicken Liver Soup”:

    Step 1

    For work we need chicken liver, carrots, onions, vermicelli, sunflower oil, salt, pepper.

    Step 2

    Rinse the liver, clean it, cut each into 4 parts and cover with cold water for 30 minutes.

    Step 3

    Meanwhile, peel the onions and carrots. Dice the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil.

    Step 4

    Bring water (you can use chicken broth) to a boil and place onions, carrots and liver in a saucepan. Season with salt and cook for 10 minutes.

    Chicken liver soup is a very satisfying and nutritious first course, the preparation of which does not require purchasing a large number of expensive ingredients.

    There are several recipes for this lunch. We will present only the simplest and most accessible ones.

    Simple chicken liver soup: recipe for the first course

    There is nothing complicated in preparing this dish. Moreover, to make the soup as satisfying, tasty and nutritious as possible, there is no need to use hard-to-find ingredients or devote a lot of free time to heat treatment.

    On average, this lunch takes about half an hour to prepare.

    So how to make chicken liver soup? For this we need the following components:

    • fresh frozen chicken liver - at least 300 g;
    • medium potatoes - about 3 pcs.;
    • bay leaf - 2 leaves;
    • buckwheat - ½ cup;
    • fresh herbs (parsley or dill) - use according to taste and desire;

    We process products

    Before cooking chicken liver soup, you should process all the ingredients. The offal is thawed and then washed in cool water. After this, it is chopped into medium pieces and the processing of vegetables begins. Onions, potatoes and carrots are peeled. The first two components are cut into cubes, and the last tinder is grated.

    As for buckwheat, it is sorted out, placed in a sieve and washed well in cold water.

    Soup heat treatment process

    Chicken liver soup is boiled in a large saucepan. It is filled with water and placed on high heat. After boiling, put the entire offal into the bowl, mix well, add laurel leaves and spices. If a dark foam has formed on the surface of the broth, remove it with a slotted spoon.

    Reducing the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and cook the contents for 10 minutes. Over time, cubes of potatoes and onions, as well as grated carrots, are added to the liver.

    Bringing the broth to a boil again, cook it for exactly five minutes, after which processed buckwheat and finely chopped fresh herbs are added. In this composition, chicken liver soup is cooked for about 20 minutes, after which it is tasted and the necessary spices are added.

    Presenting soup to the dinner table

    After the vegetables, cereals and chicken offal become completely soft, the soup is laid out in deep plates and presented to the table.

    It should be noted that this dish is low in calories, since it contains practically no fat. Eat it with a piece of bread and fresh sour cream.

    Making delicious chicken liver soup with noodles

    If you want to get not a dietary dish, but a complete hearty lunch, then we suggest using the presented recipe. To implement it at home, we will need the following set of products:

    • fresh frozen chicken liver - at least 400 g;
    • large sweet onion - 1 head;
    • large juicy carrot - 1 pc.;
    • laurel - 2 leaves;
    • small vermicelli - 3 large spoons;
    • refined sunflower oil - about 35 ml;
    • wheat flour - a couple of large spoons;
    • fresh herbs (dill or parsley) - use according to taste and desire;
    • salt and other spices - use at your discretion.

    Preparing the ingredients

    To prepare the dish in question, the chicken liver is thawed and then washed thoroughly, removing all unnecessary elements. After this, the offal is cut into small pieces and rolled in wheat flour.

    After processing the liver, immediately begin preparing the vegetables. The carrots are grated, and the potatoes and onions are chopped into cubes.

    Frying ingredients

    To make the most satisfying and tasty soup, it is recommended to fry some of the products in a frying pan. Pour a little oil into it, heat it up very much, and then lay out chicken liver, rolled in flour. After frying the offal until golden brown, place it on a plate and leave it aside. As for the frying pan, add a little more oil (vegetable) to it, and then lay out the carrots and onions.

    Vegetables are fried over medium heat until they are completely transparent. Finally, remove the dishes from the stove and cool.

    How should you cook a delicious dish?

    After frying some of the ingredients in oil, start cooking the soup. To do this, pour drinking water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then the previously fried chicken liver, potato cubes, bay leaf and spices are placed in the bowl one by one.

    The products are boiled for about 25 minutes, after which small vermicelli and fresh herbs are added. After mixing the ingredients, cook them for about 5 minutes and then remove from the stove. After adding sautéed vegetables (carrots and onions) to the soup, leave it under a tight-fitting lid for ¼ hour. During this time, the broth will be saturated with the aromas of fried ingredients, becoming more tasty and rich.

    We present the first dish to the table

    After keeping the soup under the lid for a short time, it is laid out on plates and immediately presented to the table. Season the already aromatic broth with green onions and eat it with a slice of bread.

    It should be especially noted that the taste of the soup with fried chicken liver and sautéed vegetables is noticeably different from what was presented above (recipe with buckwheat). This dish turns out to be much higher in calories, more flavorful and tastier.

    How to prepare liver soup for a child?

    Chicken liver soup for a child is prepared as easily and simply as the two dishes presented above. However, for a more healthy and easily digestible lunch, we recommend using a more complex recipe. By strictly following all its requirements, you can prepare a very tasty and nutritious puree soup that your children will definitely enjoy.

    So, to make chicken liver soup, you need to prepare:

    • fresh frozen chicken liver - at least 350 g;
    • fresh frozen chicken hearts - about 150 g;
    • large sweet onion - 1 head;
    • medium potatoes - about 2 pcs.;
    • large juicy carrot - 1 pc.;
    • frozen broccoli - 150 g;
    • whole milk - ½ cup for broth and 1 cup for soaking offal;
    • sunflower oil - about 35 ml;
    • frozen green peas - 180 g;
    • fresh greens - use according to taste and desire;
    • salt and other spices - use at your discretion.

    Preparing Ingredients

    To prepare the baby, defrost (liver and hearts), wash thoroughly and remove all unwanted elements. Then they are chopped into medium pieces, placed in a bowl and poured with fresh milk. This is necessary so that the liver loses its inherent bitterness, becomes soft and as tender as possible.

    While the by-products are soaked in milk, they begin to process the vegetables. Chop carrots and potatoes into large cubes, and onions into thick half rings.

    As for broccoli and green peas, they are used in ice cream.

    Cooking food

    Cook the liver in a large saucepan. It is filled with water and boiled. Then the liver and hearts are placed in the bowl, and a little milk and spices are added.

    These products should be cooked until completely soft. This may take you about 35 minutes.

    After the offal is cooked, they are removed and cooled. As for the broth, potatoes and carrots are placed in it. After cooking the vegetables, add frozen broccoli and green peas. After boiling the ingredients for about 7 minutes, remove them from the plates and cool slightly. After this, put a submersible blender into the broth with vegetables and beat it vigorously until a homogeneous puree soup is obtained. Subsequently, it is boiled again, after adding fresh chopped herbs.

    Roasting ingredients

    To make the puree soup as tasty and aromatic as possible, fry it in a frying pan. To do this, pour a little oil into a saucepan and heat it up very much. Then put onion half rings in it and fry them until golden brown. After this, liver and chicken hearts are added to them. After mixing the ingredients, salt and pepper them to taste. When the ingredients are browned, they are immediately removed from the stove.

    We present puree soup to the dinner table

    Having prepared it thick, pour it into small plates. Also, previously fried chicken hearts, liver and onion half rings are added to the puree soup. If you want, you can douse the dish with a small amount of sunflower oil, in which the offal was cooked.

    It is advisable to serve this lunch to the table with a slice of bread and fresh vegetables.

    Let's sum it up

    As you can see, preparing soup using chicken liver is not very difficult. If you want to get a healthier dish, we do not recommend frying offal and vegetables in oil. In the case of a children's lunch, they should simply be removed from the broth, and after preparing the puree soup, put them back into the pan. This way you will get a less calorie, but healthier lunch, which all members of your family will definitely appreciate.

    Chicken liver is an instant meat by-product. There are a huge number of dishes made from this wonderful product - meat rolls, soups, pates, casseroles in and without foil, chicken liver is prepared with mushrooms, vegetables, potatoes, various cereals and much more.

    About the benefits of chicken liver

    Everyone knows that almost every product has both benefits and harm. Chicken liver is no exception. Its benefit is that it contains a lot of protein, it is rich in folic acid, which is so useful for children and pregnant women, it contains large amounts of vitamin A, C, it contains selenium and iodine, choline, riboflavin, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. But there is also harm in the liver.

    Nowadays, factories and poultry farms use antibiotics, which are used to inject all animals and birds so that they do not become infected with various diseases. It is clear that antibiotics are chemicals, so chicken liver is absolutely not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Of course, the harm from chicken liver grown in a factory is not severe, since the human body is already accustomed to such food and itself copes with cleansing the body of harmful chemicals, so the benefits in the liver are much greater.

    The calorie content of chicken liver is very low - only 137 kC, so it is very suitable for consumption by those who diligently diet and eat only healthy low-calorie foods. Many people will ask - what kind of chicken soup should I make? Such people would like, for example, chicken liver soup. Let's see a recipe for delicious chicken liver soup, prepared without frying or adding oil.

    • Chicken liver - 200 grams,
    • Rice - 5 tbsp,
    • Carrots - 1 piece,
    • Potatoes - 3 pieces,
    • Garlic – 2 cloves,
    • Onions - 1 piece,
    • Chicken broth - 4 cups or 1 l.,
    • Dill and parsley - to taste,
    • Black pepper - to taste
    • Sea salt - to taste.

    Step-by-step preparation

    Chicken liver soup will turn out to be not at all greasy, healthy and very tasty. The recipe is simple, and the soup does not take long to prepare - about 40 minutes.

    1. Pour hot chicken stock into a saucepan, place over very low heat and add diced carrots and onions.
    2. When the carrots are almost cooked, add the potatoes, also cut into cubes.
    3. Rinse the liver well and cut into large cubes, finely chop the garlic and herbs. Peel the rice and rinse until the water runs clear.
    4. Place the rice in the pan, and after 5-10 minutes the liver and garlic. When the liver and rice are cooked, put the herbs, salt and pepper into the pan. Stir everything, let simmer for about 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

    This delicious soup should be served hot. You can put a hard-boiled chicken egg cut into quarters on top as a decoration.

    Did you know?

    In general, the calorie content of this chicken soup is low. But if you are not on a diet, then you can try preparing this soup a little differently. The ingredients you will need are the same, although the onions, carrots and garlic need to be fried in a hot frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. And only then add it all to the soup. The difference seems to be slight, but the taste of chicken liver soup immediately changes, becoming more expressive and rich.

    There is one interesting fact. In the Republic of Korea, many doctors recommend consuming chicken liver to help a person get rid of chronic fatigue and overwork. If the patient has poor vision or some kind of lung disease, he is also prescribed chicken liver. Apparently it has some kind of secret. In general, this tasty and interesting offal is recommended to be consumed approximately once every two or three weeks. This way you can avoid various kinds of stress, stay healthy and full of energy.

    Many housewives will ask - how to choose a good chicken liver? It's not difficult at all. First you need to focus on the color of the liver - it should be red-brown. Under no circumstances should it be orange - this is a sign that it has been very frozen and there are no useful substances left in it. The surface of the chicken liver should be smooth - without pits or inclusions.

    If the surface of the liver is loose or it completely falls apart into pieces, it means that it has been frozen and thawed more than once, it is not fresh at all. You should not buy such a liver - it will be bitter and not at all tasty. In supermarkets, the liver must be checked especially carefully. They won’t come up with anything they can to sell this or that product whose expiration date has long passed.

    Chicken liver soup

    Potatoes – 3 pcs.

    Chicken liver – 260 g

    Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.

    Mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l.

    Onions – 0.5 pcs.

    Vegetable oil – 50 ml.

    Ground black pepper - to taste

    Bay leaf – 0.5 pcs.

    Dried parsley or other herbs - to taste

    Cooking Instructions

    I will show you one wonderful recipe for chicken liver soup, which personally amazed me. Both the egg soufflé and the pieces of chicken liver in the soup made it somehow magical, very aromatic, but at the same time the soup was not greasy or heavy on the stomach, but rather the opposite, pay attention to the calorie content of the dish. And yes, there are no grains or pasta in this soup.

    For chicken liver soup, prepare: water, potatoes, salt, chicken liver, chicken eggs, mayonnaise, onions, carrots, vegetable oil, ground black pepper, bay leaf, dried parsley.

    Boil potatoes (small cubes) in water until almost done.

    While the potatoes are boiling, prepare the frying by frying the onion (small cubes) and carrots (finely grated) in vegetable oil. Salt the soup and add frying.

    Wash the chicken livers thoroughly and cut into pieces, rinse again until the water is clear, and add to the soup after frying. Let the soup boil and then simmer over low heat until the liver is completely cooked (this will not take much time, about 8-10 minutes).

    Let the soup cook while you prepare the egg soufflé: break the eggs into a bowl, add mayonnaise, just a little salt, beat everything with a fork and cook the soufflé in the microwave at medium power for 2 minutes. Cut the finished soufflé into strips, cubes or diamonds, i.e. the way you want :)

    When the potatoes and liver in the soup are completely cooked, add the egg soufflé, bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute.

    At the very end, add herbs to the soup (I used dried parsley), ground pepper and bay leaf. Turn off the heat and let the soup “simmer” for 10 minutes.

    Soup with chicken liver and vermicelli

    Chicken liver soup - as a version of chicken soup with giblets

    Hello, dear friends! Today I continue to expand my collection of soups and bring to your attention a fairly simple recipe for chicken soup.

    In order to diversify the first courses, sometimes I make soup with chicken liver, we like it. If you don’t have this soup in your piggy bank, I highly recommend adding it!

    In addition, everyone knows that liver is low-calorie and very healthy; it contains proteins and microelements necessary for our body. So, it’s worth adding liver to your diet from time to time!

    Ingredients for chicken liver soup

    Based on a two-liter saucepan

    • Chicken liver – approximately 300 grams
    • Carrots – one medium size
    • Onion - one piece
    • Small vermicelli - about ½ cup or a little more
    • Bay leaf, paprika, red hot pepper, salt and allspice

    As a rule, I don’t put potatoes in noodle soups. At first, it was unusual for my husband to eat soup without potatoes, but then he got used to it and even, on the contrary, says that he now likes lighter soups. Who will you go with, however...

    How to cook soup with chicken liver and noodles

    We wash the liver well, cut off the films, if there is a piece of bile left somewhere, then you need to carefully cut off the part of the liver where the bile was.

    We cut the liver into quarters or halves, see for yourself what size pieces are convenient for you to eat. Place in a bowl and add milk for about 40-60 minutes. This way the pieces of liver will be softer and juicier, and if there is any bitterness left, it will go into the milk.

    Then, finely chop the onion and carrots and make the dressing. I usually make the dressing right in the pan. For this it is better to have a pan with a thick bottom.

    So, first sauté the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil until transparent, then add the carrots and spices. Fry a little, add a little water and simmer until the carrots are half cooked.

    When the time for soaking in milk is up, place the liver in a colander and rinse under running water.

    To avoid pouring cold water into the hot dressing, boil the water separately. I do this in an electric kettle.

    Pour the dressing with boiling water, pour one and a half liters of boiling water into a two-liter saucepan, and put the liver.

    If you cook with potatoes, it is better to first add the potatoes, boil until half cooked, and then add the liver.

    How long to cook chicken liver?

    I read somewhere that it’s 2-3 minutes. I don’t agree with this; the liver, even pre-soaked in milk or water, needs to be cooked for at least 10 minutes. But don’t overcook it, 15 minutes is the maximum.

    But when to put the vermicelli will depend on the type of your vermicelli or noodles. I usually use string vermicelli, they cook very quickly, so I put them almost at the very end, cook for 3-5 minutes and turn off the stove. Even if the vermicelli is not cooked yet, it will still come later.

    You can also add greens. I, however, prefer to put the greens already on the plates. This makes it more fragrant and beautiful.

    And if this soup seems too light to you, you can make yourself a sandwich, with lard, for example. You can see how to salt lard here. Or prepare a more hearty soup - solyanka with smoked meats.

    This is how I prepare soup with chicken liver and noodles. Simple and fast, and also useful! Try it, I think you'll like it! And don't forget to subscribe to updates so you don't miss new recipes!

    Chicken liver soup

    Chicken liver soup is very healthy and easy to prepare. The liver contains a lot of iron, vitamin A and other trace elements necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.


    • Chicken liver 150 grams
    • Breadcrumbs 2 Tbsp. spoons
    • Chicken egg 1 piece
    • Butter 1 tbsp. spoon
    • Onion 1 piece
    • Carrots 200 grams
    • Potatoes 1 piece
    • Celery 1 piece
    • Chicken broth 300 Milliliters
    • Ground black pepper 1 pinch

    Take the chicken liver and cut it into medium pieces. Mix with egg and breadcrumbs, add salt and pepper to taste and mix well. Set the bowl with the liver aside and let it sit for 20 minutes so that the liver is saturated with spices.

    Cook the broth in a large saucepan. Chicken back or any other part will do. Cut the potatoes into strips or cubes and add to the broth. If you like celery, you can add that too.

    Fry the onion in a frying pan until golden brown, then add the carrots and fry over low heat for a few more minutes. Cut the carrots into cubes or strips.

    After preparing the broth, you need to remove the chicken and separate the meat from the bones. Discard the bones and return the meat to the soup. Add the fried onions and carrots to the pan and cook over medium heat for another 15 minutes.

    We take the liver mass, which has already had time to brew, and make balls from it. Place them in the broth and cook for another 10 minutes.

    Chicken liver soup is ready! Pour into plates, garnish with herbs and enjoy a delicious lunch.

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