What do people in these professions do: oceanologist speleologist entomologist ichthyologist ornithologist dog handler. In the world of interesting professions

Scientific fields are so diverse that it is quite difficult for an uninitiated person to distinguish a representative of one direction from another. Therefore, you should not use a term whose meaning is not fully known.

Those who are interested in the question of the origin of the term speleologist should begin their search from the sphere of activity of such a person. Speleology is called geological direction, which allows us to study the natural processes of cave formation.

In the course of research, it is possible to clarify the age or composition of the natural formation, as well as the morphology or ecosystem of the cave. Science continues to play an important role in studying the world around us, and also answers a number of historical questions.

Therefore, a team of speleologists usually includes specialists such as biologists or paleontologists, whose activities are also related with cave exploration. It turns out that a speleologist studies caves, as well as the processes that take place in them from the moment of formation to the current point in time.

What exactly does a caver do?

This specialty remains quite rare Therefore, experienced cavers are highly valued. Geology departments do not often enroll in the relevant specialties, which makes the role of speleologists in the study of mountain formations even more significant.

At the same time, to begin a professional activity, a speleologist will definitely need to have at his disposal relevant diploma. It is worth noting that some speleologists, due to a lack of personnel, may have documents from a non-core specialty. For example, some estimates indicate that every second caver has a degree in physics or chemistry.

Speleology: science or hobby?

This question is asked today by many among those who have heard many laudatory reviews about this specialty. As with other sciences, speleology can be either a profession or favorite hobby.

Of course, for an ordinary person it has always been quite interesting to go to an unexplored area, where you can study a natural object that only a few have seen before. Such a trip does not have any scientific load, therefore it is only of a general developmental or entertainment nature.

If we talk about professionals who are involved in this field, then they are given specific tasks - to study and document all the information that can be learned about the cave during their stay in it.

It is important to understand that speleology remains quite extreme science. Therefore, a person who decides to connect his own career with it must have a certain physical fitness. He must have endurance, as well as patience, because the descent and ascent can be very difficult and lengthy.

A specialist in this field is not just a scientist, but also an athlete who is ready to meet the unknown and descend into a world where no usual landmarks. After all, under the surface of the earth there is no horizon, trees and moss on them, as well as other indicators indicating the right direction.

If you need to make a comparison that will most accurately describe such an adventure, then it is worth remembering outer space, as well as the underwater world. It is in caves and under the surface of the water that today most of the species previously unknown to man are found.


To understand what the job of a speleologist is, it is enough to closely examine any image of a cave. Its objectives are to study such education along its entire length.

The speleologist must determine the number of underground grottoes and their sizes, as well as establish the age of the cave and the stage of its creation. All these aspects require broad knowledge that an amateur caver simply does not have.

Speleologists often encounter significant obstacles on their way - rubble, ponds or narrow passages. Some wells in caves are so deep that even today their actual dimensions remain unknown.

Movement remains common along steep cliffs or diving into “siphons” that completely block further movement. In this case, the key point for the speleologist remains the presence of honed skills, as well as experience in behavior in such situations.

After all, a long stay in pitch darkness, which is cut only by a small headlamp, can unbalance any person who lacks composure. Therefore, the speleologist always uses certain equipment and sets off only with an experienced team, whose members are always ready to come to the rescue.

Speleology is a branch of geology that studies natural caves, namely: their origin, age, evolution, morphology, ecosystem, constituent rocks, etc. This science is an essential component for the full study of history, archeology, biology, paleontology and hydrology. From this definition follows the answer to the question “Who is a speleologist?” is a specialist who studies caves, the mechanism and reasons for their formation and development.

This profession can be called rare today: geology faculties do not often graduate these specialists. However, the profession of a speleologist requires an appropriate diploma. Some universities with a geological department provide this specialization. Among speleologists there are also people with a physics degree (according to some experts, more than half of them are!).

Speleology: science or hobby?

Speleology can be not only a serious profession, but also a hobby. But for ordinary amateurs, the study of underground secrets is devoid of scientific load, and is carried out exclusively as an exciting, general developmental event. A professional speleologist faces certain research tasks.

Speleology requires special physical training, endurance and patience from a professional. A true specialist in this field is not only a scientist, but also an experienced athlete, capable of descending into a completely different world, devoid of traditional landmarks - the horizon, the sky above, vegetation. In its mystery and unpredictability, it can only be compared with space or the underwater world.


If you are interested in speleology, look at any photo of a cave. Here's your answer: he studies underground grottoes, natural caves, and the stages of formation and development of reservoirs. All this is studied from the point of view of the age of the objects, their origin and morphology. Speleologists have to swim across underground lakes and rivers, overcome sheer wells of unimaginable depth, dive through “siphons” (passages completely blocked by water), and squeeze through narrow cracks and manholes. The main thing here is not only skill and professional skills, but also endurance and self-control.

People of this profession there, underground, are often puzzled by unforeseen situations: a researcher may be left without light, stuck in a narrow hole. A huge role in these situations is played by resourcefulness, speed of reaction, and the ability to concentrate on finding a way out of the current situation.

One of the main enemies of a speleologist is cold. To protect against hypothermia, there are special suits similar to the equipment of a diver or astronaut. A heat-insulating overall is put on the naked body, a cotton suit that absorbs moisture is put on top of it, and a dry-type wetsuit is put on it (in some caves you can do without it). A durable overall is worn on top. The costume is complemented by a helmet with a bright color. To perform certain tasks, the speleologist “arms” himself with scuba gear or equipment to ensure movement along a rope.

The delights of speleology

All the splendor of the caves is created by nature, namely by water. They can be so deep that it takes several days to reach their bottom through cold water from wells and narrow cracks. But, having made your way through the next hole, you can find yourself in a huge hall of unprecedented beauty, which no land-based palace can compare with. There are no “finished” caves. Their education continues forever. Drops of water that seep through the limestone layer or condense on the walls dissolve the rock, becoming a saturated solution. When external conditions change, crystals fall out of this solution. This is how, drop by drop, sinter formations grow - stalagmites, stalactites, helectites, corallites and other bizarre formations that do not have established scientific names. The study of all these phenomena is carried out by these brave and educated people - speleologists who have devoted themselves to the study of the underground world.

These people explore the underground world - natural and artificial caves, which to this day keep a lot of secrets. President of the National Speleological Society J. Scheltens once said: “We are opening new caves and making the beautiful underground world accessible to people. It is we who are responsible for his fate.”

Research by specialists is important not only for mining companies interested in finding new resources - they also help make the world safer, make grandiose scientific discoveries and identify new, unknown species of animals and plants. What does a speleologist do, what does he study, where does he work and how much does he earn? Let's talk about this further.

What is a speleologist? Definition of profession

A speleologist is a geologist who specializes in the study of caves.

Accordingly, speleology is a science that studies natural and artificial caves, as well as other underground spaces. It is at the intersection of mineralogy, geography and hydrogeology. The specialist is responsible for a comprehensive study of underground caves and spaces under rivers, lakes and other objects (both biological and artificial). The speleologist draws maps, describes the mineralogical composition of rocks, flora and fauna, possible minerals and the state of the relief.

At the same time, specialists work closely with archaeologists, hydrologists, engineers of mines and technical structures, paleontologists and biologists. Independent science, if not fused with others, is in close contact with them. One of the most important tasks of speleologists is to search for minerals for the purpose of further development of deposits. In a similar way, many minerals were discovered, which are the most important ores for the extraction of metals and valuable chemicals.

How promising and in demand is the specialty?

There is no catastrophic shortage of personnel in the field of speleology. First of all, due to the small number of jobs in Russia. New deposits are being sought and sought to be developed, but not as intensively as they did 30-40 years ago. Accordingly, specialists are not required as often as before. There are jobs, but not many of them. You shouldn't count on high salaries when you start your career. Key criteria for success in this industry:

  • A specialist's sincere love for his profession.
  • Willingness to have a low income in the first 3-4 years of work.
  • Desire to constantly develop and take initiative.
  • Understanding the need to improve and look for new places to work.
  • The ability to find contact not only with management, but also with colleagues.

It is also worth noting that not all people exploring caves belong to the class of speleologists.

A separate category is made up of speleo tourists who often visit dungeons and often make discoveries of local significance. However, they do not have sufficient professional skills to perform the tasks facing qualified specialists. Basic training can be obtained in caving clubs. A professional requires long-term specialized education or on-the-job training.

Rating of the TOP 7 best online schools

Online school for preparing for the Unified State Exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Responsibilities and key powers of cavers

Specialists can study not only natural, but also artificial caves. In particular, they explore mines, all kinds of mine workings, communications, drainage systems and even military installations. Professionals have sufficient skills to feel comfortable underground and perform complex tasks even in the face of the danger of partial cave collapse. Speleologists who explore artificial underground structures are called spelestologists. However, in most cases, specialists are generalists.

What does a caver do:

  • Explores underground caves, natural and artificial objects.
  • Studies flora and fauna, relief and mineralogical composition of rocks.
  • Searches for mineral deposits and valuable minerals.
  • Draws up maps, site plans, and walking instructions.
  • Monitors the condition of artificial structures and determines their safety.

Not only the success of mining companies, but also the most important scientific discoveries depend on a specialist. Often he is responsible for the lives and health of dozens of people, such as miners or tourists who will visit caves or carry out mining operations. At the same time, the terms of reference of a particular specialist directly depend on his place of work: for example, some speleologists are required to carry out basic repairs of communications, take samples for further laboratory research, carry out technical control and monitor the condition of structures and mining equipment.

Where to become a speleologist

For quick career growth, it is better to get a professional education. However, the specialty is rare and is present in the educational programs of only a few Russian universities. These are mainly educational institutions located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and regions where the mining industry is developed.

TOP 5 universities training speleologists in Russia:

  1. University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkina.
  2. National Research Technological University.
  3. Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  4. State University "Dubna".
  5. Geological Prospecting University named after. Ordzhonikidze.

If none of the universities in your city trains students in the specialty “speleology”, do not despair. If possible, try to enroll in one of the central universities - almost all of them accept applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam. The second option is to enroll in a local university in a related specialty (geology, hydrology, etc.). In the future, you will be able to take specialized courses and start working in your desired position.

What does a speleologist study?

First of all, this is geology. Students undergo comprehensive training within the discipline: a strong theoretical base is laid, practical assignments are regularly completed, and independent research is conducted. No less important subjects are hydrology, archeology and biology. Already in their student years, future speleologists undertake expeditions during which they explore territorial objects - natural and artificial.

If we are talking about related specialties, then the educational program will differ significantly.

To engage in speleology, in this case, you will have to undergo additional training at one of the training centers or accredited caving clubs. It is worth noting that at least 40% of Russian specialists received such education. The reason for this is the lack of specialized faculties in most educational institutions of the country.

Important personal qualities of a specialist

  • Intellectual development. A speleologist is, first of all, a scientist. He must have relevant knowledge and constantly engage in research work.
  • Courage. The work of a specialist is inextricably linked with expeditions. Most of them are quite dangerous, requiring courage and the ability to take informed risks.
  • Endurance. Underground exploration requires excellent physical condition. It is possible that you will have to go hundreds of meters below sea level, which cannot but affect the human body.
  • Strength of will. It concerns not only the need to conduct physically difficult research, but also direct job responsibilities. You must be prepared for the fact that at the start of your career you will have to do extremely difficult work without the motivation of a solid salary.\
  • Patience and endurance. Self-control in critical and force majeure situations, the ability to quickly make the right decisions and take responsibility for what is happening are important personal qualities of a specialist. Perhaps someday they will help you save your own life and the lives of people from your team. For example, in case of force majeure in the form of partial or complete collapse of a cave, explosion or flooding of a tunnel.

Where to work and how to build a career

Over 67% of university graduates who decided to work in their specialty are employed in the mining industry. These are mainly petrochemical and metallurgical enterprises. The key task of specialists is to take part in the development of new deposits, search for minerals, draw up specialized maps and plans, study the terrain and assess the feasibility of mining. Here, speleologists mainly work in the territory of artificial objects - mines, tunnels in rocks.

The second most popular area of ​​employment for specialists is research institutes. Here speleologists act as scientists who are engaged not only in theory, but are also fully involved in practical research. They make expeditions, study natural and artificial objects, and often go on business trips. At the same time, the discoveries of scientists can be in demand not only from the scientific community, but also from those same industrial companies. Local studies conducted within a specific region are of particular importance.

Many students decide to devote themselves entirely to science and remain to work at the university. They become graduate students, later defend dissertations and receive degrees. Specialists can conduct teaching activities, realizing themselves precisely as teachers. They can also conduct serious scientific research, related, in particular, to practical speleology.

Career growth is predominantly present in the work of specialists who are engaged in scientific research.

Here it is quite possible to defend a doctoral dissertation in 10-15 years. The difference in income between graduate students and professors is significant. As for speleologists employed at mining enterprises, here career growth is possible only by changing their specialization. Thus, a cave and mine explorer can receive additional education, after which it is quite possible to become an engineer or a highly qualified production technologist.

How much do speleologists earn in Russia?

The salary depends on the qualifications of the specialist, his work experience, the specific enterprise and region. On average it is 27 thousand rubles. If we consider the average salaries in the country locally, we can form the TOP 3 by regions of Russia:

  • Moscow – 36 thousand rubles.
  • Leningrad region - 32 thousand rubles.
  • Sverdlovsk region – 29 thousand rubles.

The salary will also depend on the specialist’s job responsibilities. Many speleologists not only conduct research, but also monitor industrial equipment, carry out basic repairs, and plan the development of deposits. Some specialists perform the job duties of other employees, as if accumulating functionality. Naturally, their salaries are significantly higher than those of colleagues engaged exclusively in core activities. As for experience and qualifications, there is also a difference in wages - after 2-3 years of work, a speleologist’s salary increases by an average of 4.5 thousand rubles.


A speleologist is a geologist who works underground. He studies caves, natural and artificial underground objects. He conducts research for the benefit of science and the mining industry. The professional's competence includes, in particular, the study of rocks and reliefs, drawing up maps and determining the safety of mining. This is a complex and extremely responsible job that requires powerful theoretical training, endurance and courage. This is a rare, respectable specialty, which, despite its importance, does not yet find high wages for specialists in Russia.

Whether you choose a profession at this stage of your life, whether you are looking for a suitable job among the offered vacancies, or are simply interested in the concept, it does not matter. The main thing is that you have discovered an interesting term and want to know who a speleologist is and what he does.

What is speleology

. To understand the activities of this specialist, it is necessary to understand the science to which he is directly related. Speleology is one of the branches of geology that studies natural caves and underground grottoes, as well as how rivers and lakes formed and developed. Experts study all this from the point of view of age, origin, morphology of caves, rivers and lakes. This science is very important for understanding history, the development of archaeology, paleontology, biology or hydrology.

In Russia, scientific speleology is often equated with sports speleology. Of course, a real speleologist is both a scientist and an athlete. But the ordinary athlete and tourist are not faced with certain research tasks, but the speleologist is faced with them.

Based on this, we conclude that a speleologist is a well-trained specialist who explores natural caves, evaluates them from the point of view of the possibility of laying technical communications, and looks for minerals such as oil, coal and gas there.

Where do they study to be a speleologist?

The profession of a speleologist can be called extremely rare, and speleologists are rarely trained at faculties of geology. But, paradoxically, the profession of a speleologist requires a geological education. Consider various universities with geology departments, perhaps somewhere you will find this specialization. Also, many are of the opinion that speleologists are, as a rule, physicists, not geologists.

But don’t forget that you can become a real speleologist only if you take an active part in expeditions and learn by doing. Speleologists participate in short expeditions, for example, during the May holidays. Or they can leave for a whole month in the summer on a large expedition. Usually the latter option takes place in a little-studied area; speleologists live in the mountains, explore new caves, and try to penetrate deeper and deeper.

For those who are really interested from a professional point of view, what a speleologist does, what events and projects are currently taking place, what news there is in cave exploration, we recommend checking out the website

Speleologist- a geologist specializing in the study of caves. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, chemistry and geography (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Speleology (from the Greek σπ?λαιον - “cave” and λ?γος - “study”) is a science that studies natural and artificial underground spaces. Her area of ​​interest lies at the intersection of physical geography, hydrogeology and mineralogy. What does a speleologist do?? He explores underground spaces: natural caves, lakes, rivers, and their ecological systems. He studies the origin, development, structure, composition and movement of groundwater.

Speleology is a separate science, but its information is useful to historians, archaeologists, paleontologists, biologists, and hydrologists.

There are quite a lot of people who are interested in tourism in underground natural spaces. These people are not speleologists, but speleo-tourists.

Features of the profession

Since there are not only natural, but also artificial dungeons - ancient and new - there is a type of speleologist - spelestologists. They explore artificial underground structures - mine workings, ancient and modern city communications. Industrial spelestologists are also called diggers. They pass through underground drainage systems, sewers, and visit abandoned military sites.

Pros and cons of the profession


Work allows you to move in space and see things with your own eyes that no one has ever seen, learn a lot, and allow you to be an interesting storyteller.


The profession of a speleologist is dangerous, it takes place far from the amenities of civilization, and the work is physically difficult because you have to carry equipment.

Place of work:

  • Geological organizations;
  • Speleological clubs and centers;
  • Construction and installation organizations.

Important qualities

  • Physical endurance and excellent sports training;
  • Endurance and ability to control oneself in extreme conditions;
  • Indifference to the conveniences of civilization;
  • Logical thinking;
  • Analytical mind;
  • Mental stability.

Where do they study to become a speleologist?

The profession of speleologist can be obtained:

  • at the Faculty of Geology of the Institute of Karst Studies and Speleology at Perm State University;
  • at the Commission of Speleology and Karstology of the Moscow Center of the Russian Geographical Society.

Speleologists-tourists can undergo training at any local speleological club. The training takes place in several stages:

  • winter theoretical training (lectures on karst science, cave assault techniques);
  • practical classes in the limestone catacombs near Moscow in underground orientation, topographic survey, rescue work;
  • summer trip to caving camps. First to Crimea, where the caves are not very deep, 30-40 m, just for beginners. Then to the Caucasus. Caucasian caves are much deeper (up to 1500 m) and more dangerous than Crimean ones.

Salary and career

The salary is project based, that is, it depends on the specific task and the amount of work performed. The salary of a speleologist usually exceeds the income of geologists or installers.

The career growth of a speleologist is determined by his rise up the career ladder in his main profession.

Salary as of 08/07/2019

Russia 25000—70000 ₽

An example of a modern speleologist:

Viktor Nikolaevich Dublyansky - geologist, speleologist, professor, Honored Scientist of Ukraine. Since 1958, he has been studying karst and caves in Ukraine, the North Caucasus, Georgia, Armenia, and Central Asia; participated in international expeditions in the Rhodopes and Dinarides, visited the karst regions of Poland and Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Canada and the USA. The formation of modern domestic sports and then scientific speleology is associated with his name. Discoverer and researcher of about 1000 karst cavities, including the famous Red one in Crimea; leader of 46 scientific expeditions, dozens of sporting events; author of more than 520 scientific papers.

V. N. Dublyansky wrote the first textbooks on sports speleology “Traveling Underground” (1968, 1981), a fascinating popular science book “Following a Drop of Water” (1971), several dozen monographs about the caves of Crimea, Ukraine, and the Western Caucasus. “Entertaining speleology” is his life’s work. In 1975, the VI International Speleological Congress awarded him a gold medal "For the development of world speleological science", in 1981 his scientific successes were awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, and in 1994 he became a State Prize laureate for his work on the engineering geology of karst Republic of Crimea.

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