What is the name of a crumpet with cheese? Cheese donuts with kefir

Description: I want to offer you a recipe for delicious cheese donuts that you simply can’t tear yourself away from until everything disappears from the plate. My husband loves cheese baked goods, and I love him! Therefore, this recipe is my recognition for him on the eve of the men's holiday)

Cooking time: 90 minutes


For children
Competition recipes:
Competition "Culinary Declaration of Love"

For breakfast
For lunch
For afternoon tea
For dinner

Ingredients for “Cheese crumpets”:

  • Yeast (dry Saf - moment) - 11 g
  • Wheat flour - 450 g
  • Butter – 250 g
  • Sour cream – 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Egg yolk (for greasing) - 1 pc.

Recipe "Cheese crumpets":

Sift the flour into a bowl and mix it with dry yeast Saf - moment and salt

Grate the chilled butter into a bowl of flour.

Grind everything into crumbs

Prepare sour cream and grate cheese on a fine grater

Add cheese and sour cream to the butter and flour crumbs and knead the dough.

Roll out the dough into a layer 1 cm thick,

Then fold it into an envelope. Roll out again and fold again. Leave the dough in a warm place for 40 minutes.

Roll out the finished dough into a layer 2 cm thick and cut out the donuts with a mold. Since these donuts are a declaration of love, I used a heart-shaped shape)

Sprinkle a baking tray with flour, place the crumpets and brush them with beaten egg yolk.

Pyushki (some call them flatbreads) are an ideal budget option for breakfasts or home tea parties. Usually such dishes are called “snacks”. Cooking time: 15-20 min. A simple difficulty level, suitable for novice housewives. The stated composition yields about 12 hearty crumpets.
1. Kefir, 1 glass. Any fat content. It might even be a little expired.
2. Flour, 1.5 cups.
3. Adyghe cheese, 200g.
4. Ham. 200gr.
5. Salt, sugar, soda, vegetable oil and butter.


1. In a deep bowl, mix a glass of kefir with flour, adding a pinch of salt to the resulting mixture, on the tip of a teaspoon of quicklime soda and 1 tsp. Sahara. To make the mixture homogeneous, it is more convenient to use a fork rather than a whisk.

2. Use a coarse grater (don’t be surprised) to grate the ham. It crumbles beautifully. Volume approximately 1.5 cups. Approximately 200 gr.

3. Cheese is also on a coarse grater.

4. Add grated cheese and ham to the dough. Stir until smooth.

5. Add sunflower oil to a hot frying pan, and, using a moistened spoon (and it must be moistened so that the mass does not stick to the metal), carefully lay out small balls and spread to the size of a flat cake (as in the photo). You can do it with your hands.

6. Important! Fry the donuts over low heat, covered, for no more than 3-5 minutes on each side (depending on thickness).
7. At the end of frying (but not before, otherwise it will burn), you can add a little butter.


The beauty of this delicious recipe is that the ingredients can be different. Many people make them from “what was there,” replacing ham with sausage, and Adyghe cheese with regular or hard cheese. Any option will do.

A minimum set of products, a simple process of kneading dough, and frying in a frying pan. Yes, yes, exactly in a frying pan. This is another plus of donuts - they can be fried both at home and in the country.
You can treat your friends to donuts, and don’t be surprised if they immediately ask you for the recipe.

Another advantage of this dish is that you can cook them instead of bread, or as a sweet for tea. You just need to regulate the amount of sugar. So, let's begin.

Taste Info Bread and flatbreads


  • kefir – 300 ml;
  • flour – 350-400 g;
  • salt – 0.3 tsp;
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • soda – 0.7 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

How to cook fried donuts with kefir in a frying pan

To achieve a good result - the splendor of the dough, it is necessary that the soda is well quenched. To do this, heat kefir to 40 degrees. This is easy to check - dip your little finger in kefir. If you feel hot but tolerable, it’s 38-42 degrees. Just what we need. Pour a spoonful of soda into this kefir and mix well. There will immediately be bubbles on the surface.

Add salt, sugar. Add flour gradually, kneading the dough each time.

As you knead the dough in the bowl, you will see bubbles in the dough. When it has formed, remove it from the bowl and knead it further on the table. The main thing here is not to stuff the dough, it should stick to your hands a little. Therefore, add flour gradually; you may need less or more flour.

Roll out or knead the dough with your hands so that its thickness is 3-4 centimeters.

Cut out crumpets with a glass. You can cut the dough into diamonds. Many recipes advise making a cut in the center to make the crumpets more voluminous. But we don’t notice a significant difference between donuts with or without a hole.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that it covers the bottom by about a centimeter. Warm it up well. Fry the crumpets with kefir in a frying pan. They should not be laid out too tightly, as they will increase in size.

Fry them on both sides over medium heat until beautifully golden brown.

Place the finished donuts on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Sprinkle the finished donuts with powdered sugar. You can serve sweet crumpets with any jam, jam or butter.

Unsweetened donuts made with kefir will replace your bread. And if you add chopped garlic and herbs to the dough, they will replace garlic dumplings for any first course.

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Yeast crumpets on kefir

Donuts made with kefir and yeast are especially airy. They can be prepared “empty” or with filling. These can be fresh apples or pears, raisins and dried apricots, prunes. You can add a little cottage cheese to the dough.


  • Kefir – 1 glass;
  • Dry yeast – 1 tsp;
  • Flour – 3-3.5 cups and a little for rolling out the dough;
  • Sugar – 2-2.5 cups;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Butter and vegetable oil – 50 g each;
  • A pinch of salt.


  1. Kefir needs to be heated to 38-40 degrees. Then add a spoonful of granulated sugar to it and mix well with a spoon until it completely dissolves.
  2. Add yeast to warm sweetened kefir. They also need to be mixed well. Then set this mixture aside for 10-15 minutes. During this time, fermentation will occur and many bubbles will form on the surface of the kefir mass. Therefore, it is important that the kefir is not hot, otherwise the yeast will die.
  3. While the kefir is covered in bubbles, you can grind the eggs with salt and the rest of the sugar.
  4. Melt the butter and cool it slightly.
  5. Sift the flour into a deep bowl and pour into it one by one all the prepared mixtures: first kefir, then mashed eggs, and then melted butter. Knead all the ingredients into a dough. Cover it with a napkin or kitchen towel.
  6. Place the covered bowl of dough in a warm place for 25-30 minutes. It will rise a little. It should be kneaded again, returned to the bowl and covered again. Now it should stay warm for about an hour. During this time, the yeast dough will double in size.
  7. Sprinkle the table (or other surface) and rolling pin with flour. This is necessary so that the dough does not stick.
  8. Place the fluffy dough on the table and roll it out into a layer 1-2 cm thick. Using a glass, shot glass or special cookie cutters, cut out future donuts from it. Leave them for another 10 minutes to let them rise a little.
  9. Meanwhile, pour vegetable oil for frying into a frying pan and heat it well.
  10. Reduce the heat to low and fry the crumpets on both sides until a delicious golden brown crust appears.
  11. After frying, place them on a paper towel or napkin to remove excess oil. Otherwise, the donuts will turn out too greasy.
  12. Ready fried kefir donuts can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Tip: it happens that you don’t have dry yeast or you have pressed yeast lying around in the refrigerator that is about to expire. Then they can be interchanged in the following proportion: 1 tsp. dry yeast = 10-12 g fresh. That is, for this recipe you will need approximately 1/10 of a standard packet of compressed yeast.

Kefir donuts with cheese

Kefir donuts with cheese have a very pleasant salty taste. By the way, cheese can be used dried or weathered - after heat treatment it cannot be distinguished from fresh. The finished donuts will have a porous structure, so they will turn out very light and airy.


  • Kefir – 1 glass;
  • Grated cheese – 1 cup;
  • Flour – 2 cups;
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt and sugar - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.


  1. In a deep bowl, combine pre-grated cheese and kefir.
  2. Add a pinch of salt, a little sugar and half a teaspoon of soda to these products. Mix everything together.
  3. Sift flour into this mixture. First take 2/3 of the volume, and mix the rest gradually. This is necessary because the exact amount of flour will be clear during the kneading process. It depends on the fat content of the kefir and cheese used, and on the flour itself.
  4. The result should be a stable lump of dough that does not stick to your hands too much.
  5. Divide it into small balls. Lightly flatten each one with your palm. If desired, make a hole in the middle of each piece with your finger. There is no need to try to give the products an ideal shape - during the frying process they will increase in size and change beyond recognition.
  6. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and reduce heat to low.
  7. Now put the prepared crumpets there, cover the frying pan with a lid and fry them until browned. First on one side, then on the other. We take out those that are already fried on a paper towel to remove any remaining fat.
  8. The finished dish can be consumed both hot and cold. Serve it with tea, coffee or soup for lunch.

Tip: for cheese crumpets, any hard cheese or a mixture of them will do. This recipe is especially convenient after receiving guests - when there are leftover pieces of cheese from the sliced ​​cheese.


  • Fry the crumpets in refined sunflower oil, sesame oil, rice oil or palm oil. These types are the safest for deep frying.
  • If time permits, it is always better to sift the flour. This will make the dough more airy and will certainly prevent various specks that may end up in a bag of flour from getting into it.
  • You can use not only fresh kefir, but also one that has slightly expired. Severely spoiled kefir (overdue for a week or more) is no longer worth using. The dough may acquire an unpleasant sour taste.
  • Kefir can be replaced with sour cream. In this case, you need to dilute it a little with water or slightly reduce the amount of flour in the recipe.
  • Using the same principle, you can use any other fermented milk product for the dough - unsweetened yogurt, yogurt, etc.

Donuts with cheese on kefir are a wonderful homemade pastry made from the simplest ingredients, which can completely replace bread in the house in its absence. Tasty and satisfying crumpets will be good with soup or borscht, go well with meat or other hot dishes, and will also be served as a snack with tea or milk. The recipe is as simple as possible and quick enough that even beginners and inexperienced cooks can handle it. From the stated amount of ingredients, I get eight pieces; depending on the desired size, you can fry a little more or less. The donuts turn out unusually airy, porous and delicious! If you serve them piping hot, then when you break them you will notice how deliciously the melted cheese inside stretches. We will need very few products - any hard cheese, flour, a little salt, granulated sugar and soda, and any fermented milk product. Suitable even if expired, I had it in stock. Easy and quick to prepare! Let's get started.


  • 120 grams of hard cheese.
  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt.
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda.
  • 1 glass of fermented milk drink (kefir, yogurt).
  • 2 cups wheat flour.
  • vegetable oil.
  • Number of servings: 8.

How to cook crumpets with cheese in a frying pan using kefir:

Grate hard cheese and place it in a deep cup. You can grate it finer or coarser, as you prefer. Add salt, sugar and soda to the cheese.

Pour kefir at room temperature.

Stir (you can see how the soda reacted with kefir and many small bubbles appeared). Pour in a glass of flour.

Next, add the remaining flour in parts.

Knead the dough with your hands and collect it into a ball. The dough should not be too hard, it should be soft, manageable and slightly sticky to your hands.

Divide the dough into equal parts, I divided it into 8 parts.

We form balls from the chopped pieces.

Then we make a small hole or depression in the middle of each of them so that the dough is evenly fried.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and lay out the crumpets.

Fry them over medium heat just below medium on both sides until a nice golden color. To remove excess oil, you can first place the finished crumpets on a paper towel and only then serve on a plate.

It is better to serve crumpets hot or warm, but even when they cool down, they are also very good. Tender, airy and fragrant homemade baked goods will replace any store-bought bread! The donuts have a light cheesy taste, have a porous and delicate structure and an alluring aroma!

Bon appetit!!!

Best regards, Oksana Chaban.

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