What is a fetish - the most common types of fetishes. Sexual fetishism: a disease or a harmless quirk? The most popular fetishes

Forniphilia is a sexual attraction to people depicting furniture, or the desire to act as furniture oneself. This fetish, which has become part of BDSM culture, will not surprise anyone now, but it is still strange!


Trichophilia is a sexual attraction to hair. Many men like long and thick women's hair, but collecting strands of their mistresses' hair (and not necessarily from their heads) and getting excited by combing and washing their hair is probably not normal.


This is the name given to attraction caused by body odors, such as the smell of sweat. Some scientists believe that the smell of the sweat of a genetically suitable partner should be attractive. But olactophiles not only like it, but cause an irresistible sexual attraction.


This is excitement from elements of religious paraphernalia - holy books, icons, reading prayers, even just being in churches. Perhaps it is this fetish that explains the popularity of the “sexy nun” image.


People obsessed with pyrolagnia are aroused by the sight of flames. Some of these fetishists become arsonists, while others simply enjoy the spectacle of a burning fire or candle.


Pygmalionism, as you might guess, is named after a mythological sculptor who fell in love with his creation. Such fetishists are attracted to any image of the human body - sculpture, photography, portrait. If a Pygmalionist cannot possess a work of art, he may decide to destroy it.


There is nothing wrong with healthy fatness, but there are fetishists who are turned on by fattening their sexual partner. Feeders specifically buy high-calorie food for their ladies and rejoice at every kilogram they gain.

Apotemnophilia and acrotomophilia

We combined these two fetishes into one item, because in the first option the person dreams of amputation, and in the second, he is attracted to amputees. Apotemnophiles may even try to force doctors to cut off a limb.


Many of us as children entertained ourselves with petty telephone hooliganism like “Hello, is this the laundry?” Refuses, some adults get sexual pleasure by pissing off their interlocutor with phone calls.

I know that I attract guys and men without the help of leather clothes, but only in them can I feel my sexuality.

A sculpted guy with a wide chest in harness and chaps; a large daddy-type man in leather trousers with his penis sticking out of his fly; a young thin man in jockey shorts with an open bottom and a leather vest with a zipper; and other similar fantasies give me an erection. However, these are only impersonal images in the mind, with them only solitude with oneself is available - masturbation.

Radio amateur

Sexuality is in everyone. But my “receiver” does not receive a signal from absolutely any “transmitter”. It only works on certain frequencies. And so it is for every guy and man. Accessories and privileges will arouse interest, but nothing can expand the range of the “receiver of sexuality”. The opponent is either attracted (even with a weak signal) or not (radio silence).

Leather fetish - how it works

Intimate intimacy, when two bodies unite into one, occurs with a living partner who embodies the image that excites me. However, leather clothing on an opponent, while maintaining fetish aesthetics, does not guarantee sexual attraction on my part. The same image from fantasies is embodied in each individual person in his own way - that is, in my eyes, the attractiveness of a man either grows to the limit or does not appear at all.
A mature, large man with a naive teenage expression on his face; a muscular guy with steel pectoral muscles and a distant look, a young guy with the weight of the whole world in his eyes - they will not cause me excitement, even if they dress in the most vulgar leather outfit. And each of us has such “not seductive types” (both in appearance and behavior). A fetish does not provide the desire to have sex with a specific person, but only enhances it if it exists. Simply put, you either have an erection or you don’t; there are no gaps.
My fetish is leather clothes for sex, and yet when choosing a partner, I ask myself the question: “Would I want intimacy with him if he was completely naked?” If the answer is yes, then leather chaps and vest, jockeys and harness or other appropriate clothing will make him the standard in my eyes.


What makes me a fetishist is the need to be in sexy leather clothing during intimacy. Depending on the role and mood, it happens that it is enough for me to wear only appropriate underpants for the occasion. Although I usually wear chaps and something on my upper torso.
My fetish completes me. Standing in front of a mirror or a partner without clothes, I do not feel naked and do not experience embarrassment, but I feel inferior, although without defects. At this moment, I’m like a radio without a case or a computer keyboard with buttons without plastic tops with letters - it works, you can use it, but it’s inconvenient, and it looks unfinished.
When I put on a leather item, I feel how my integrity is restored and a feeling of my own sexuality arises. It’s similar to the transformation of cartoon characters like “Sailor Moon” or “Guyver”: now they are schoolchildren, and in a minute of beautiful animation they are warriors in armor, defenders with superpowers.
The outfit is worn according to the mood and occasion. I don't feel it like latex lovers do - like a second skin; rather, as a component of “my body” part. I feel excited and desire.
During intimacy, I often get carried away and seem to forget that I’m wearing something - then I have to touch it with my hand and make sure I’m not naked. I like touching the smooth leather surface of things - it’s no less pleasant than wearing them.
I know that I attract guys and men without the help of leather clothes, but only in them can I feel my sexuality. And no matter how passionate the movements in sex are, I always feel comfortable like that.

Psychological certificate

In fact, in its original meaning, fetishism was considered by psychologists to be a non-standard and unconventional form of sex. Officially, fetishism is “a form of perversion in which sexual arousal arises and is satisfied only in the presence of an inadequate physical stimulus - a fetish.” But in the modern world, the boundaries of meaning have become quite blurred, and therefore most of us call any of our passions a “fetish”. For example, many men are thrilled by women's stockings, stiletto heels, the scent of their hair, or the special timbre of their voice. And none of the women would think of calling such a man a pervert. Moreover, all men have their own sexual preferences in one way or another. After all, if your shoes excite him so much, it means he has great taste!

Fetishism can become a problem only if, without, for example, shoes, a man is no longer capable of full arousal and sex. However, if the passion is within reason, it can be a wonderful highlight in your foreplay and lovemaking.

Eric Berne wrote that fetishes are for a man “a symbolic substitute for a loved one.”

However, most of us girls are ready not only to forgive, but also to encourage cute male weaknesses.

So, what fetishes are most popular among the stronger sex?

1. Stiletto heels

The vast majority of men adore this part of the women's toilet. And foot fetishists who melt at the sight of women’s feet, and BDSM people who are happy to fall under the heel of a strong woman, and simply aesthetes who like a sexy gait with swaying hips. By the way, it was thanks to this fetish that Marilyn Monroe got her first good role. She just came to the audition wearing shoes with a heel that had a heel filed down. As a result, the actress swayed her hips sexually while walking and unconditionally won the role.

2. Leather, latex and other BDSM paraphernalia

You don't have to be a sadomasochist to be turned on by a woman in the form of an aggressive dominatrix. The image of a catwoman clad in leather and latex is not new, to say the least. But, nevertheless, men still don’t get tired of it. Psychologists say that leather is worn by people who want to hide their spiritual softness and sensitivity. Be that as it may, the aggressive Amazon leaves almost no man indifferent.

3. Lips, red lipstick

Perhaps a woman's lips evoke thoughts of kissing, perhaps they awaken fantasies about oral sex - in any case, a woman with a beautiful mouth always attracts attention. Sexologists say that men can subconsciously associate women's lips with their genitals. Whether this is true or not is up to you to judge, but keeping this version in mind, it’s worth stocking up on scarlet lipstick.

4. Hair

Many men are aroused by the sight and smell of women's hair. An understandable weakness that is easy to satisfy. In addition, the hair retains the aroma for a long time, and this can also be used.

5. Piercing, tattoos

A slightly less common fetish, which nevertheless attracts many men. However, piercings and tattoos are not suitable for all girls. Therefore, if you yourself are not eager to decorate your body with a fancy ornament, you should not indulge this male weakness. In the end, sexuality lies in the organic nature of the image.

6. Lingerie

A completely understandable male weakness that does not require any special explanation. By the way, not all men are turned on by new underwear. Many people are much more excited by worn women's panties that have retained the scent of their owner. However, this is a matter of taste. And your own limits of what is acceptable.

7. Body parts (arms, feet, buttocks, chest, etc.)

There is probably not a single heterosexual in the world who would not be aroused by a naked female body. Breasts, buttocks, vagina are very common fetishes. However, there are men who prefer other parts of the body: for example, hands, feet, legs, neck, etc. In countries where women are forced to cover their faces, sometimes it is enough for a girl to bare her wrist to arouse a representative of the stronger sex.

8. Nails

A fetish that is difficult to explain from a psychological point of view, but easy to exploit. A beautiful manicure involuntarily attracts the attention of men, to the delight of girls and all workers in the nail industry!

9. Water

Often serves as an additional means of stimulation. Maybe because most of us had our first experience with our own bodies in water. Or maybe because water is a natural stress reliever. Be that as it may, sex by the sea, in the pool, under the shower or in the jacuzzi is one of the most popular fantasies.

10. Mini skirt

Even if all the designers and fashion critics in the world unanimously declare minis vulgar and bad taste, men are unlikely to stop loving this piece of clothing. And this is wonderful, because most modern girls do not want to hide their advantages.

Piercing, hair, leather clothing, shoes or woman's legs. Do you know what fetishes many people around the world are obsessed with?
At the fourth level of the fetish rating is hair. It is not surprising that many people react very sensitively to hair. They are a very popular prop among fetishists. There are groups of people who only want women with long blonde hair, curly brown hair or, conversely, women with very short hair. Some cater exclusively to redheads, others only target women with highlights. Among the ranks of fetishists are those who are obsessed with body hair.

Registration number 0321945 issued for the work: Piercing, hair, leather clothing, shoes or woman's legs. Do you know what fetishes many people around the world are obsessed with?

Piercing is ranked fifth in the fetish rankings, probably because it is popular mainly among young people, under forty years of age. The tongue, lips, nipples and genitals are of very high importance among piercing fetishists because these organs are among the body parts that are directly involved in sexual intercourse. However, Orthodox fetishists are content with other principles. It's about piercing itself - the idea of ​​another person piercing the skin, and the feeling of cold metal combined with warm and soft skin is a superb element of excitement. On the site onporn.tv you can see what fetishes lead to

At the fourth level of the fetish rating is hair. It is not surprising that many people react very sensitively to hair. They are a very popular prop among fetishists. There are groups of people who only want women with long blonde hair, curly brown hair or, conversely, women with very short hair. Some cater exclusively to redheads, others only target women with highlights. Among the ranks of fetishists are those who are obsessed with body hair.

In our time, when open sexual desire is no longer something reprehensible, it is difficult to imagine that we do not know something about sex and its manifestations. And about such a type of sexual behavior as fetishism, it has been known since time immemorial. By definition, a fetish is an object, action, or body part whose real or imagined use is necessary to satisfy sexual needs.

Well, who hasn’t heard about an uncontrollable attraction to women’s legs or shoes, some items of underwear and simply uniforms? We decided to collect sexual fetishes that you didn’t even know existed.


People with a passion for balloons experience sexual pleasure from touching them, and some are led to orgasm when the balloon explodes. By the way, perhaps this is explained by the fact that a person produces adrenaline as soon as he hears the sound of a bursting balloon, and together with the agonizing wait, this brings double pleasure.


Have you ever wanted to act like a piece of furniture? Forniphiles want. Some, on the contrary, like someone to depict furniture for them. This fetish is one of the traditions of the BDSM subculture. It became especially popular in the 1970s following an exhibition by artist Allen Jones on “human furniture.”


Probably the cutest and funniest fetish. If we just forget that such people are sexually attracted to soft toys...


A type of bestiality, only formicophiles are excited by the fact that something disgusting, such as insects, is crawling on them.


Hierophiles are excited by any interaction with religious objects or even by their contemplation.


Remember the myth about Pygmalion’s love for the statue of Galatea he made? So, such people are attracted to any still image of the human body, and they receive sexual satisfaction from possessing this object and touching it.

Crash fetish

A type of sexual pleasure in which arousal occurs when a person of the opposite sex crushes objects, food, or even small animals with their feet (and this already goes beyond the boundaries of a funny sexual addiction). This also applies to watching so-called crash videos.


Have you ever been excited by the thought of being robbed? Then you definitely don't have a fetish called kleptolagnia. People are excited by the fear and adrenaline rush of theft, and if they are also pressed against the wall and their hands are somehow fixed, then it will be even more pleasant for them.


Sexual attraction to the armpits, in which a person experiences pleasure from touching this part of the body, fantasizing about it and smelling it.


But this is, perhaps, a dangerous attraction - a person with symphorophilia experiences sexual satisfaction from observing a tragedy or from its direct staging. Moreover, this concept covers such examples as a road accident, fires, bridge destruction and even a tsunami.


Everyone loves cars, especially men, but some people love them too much. Mechanophilia includes an attraction not only to cars, but also to motorcycles, trucks, helicopters and even airplanes. A certain Edward Smith once admitted that he had sex with more than a hundred cars. We don’t even want to know what this even means...

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