The main cause of stress is daily. Stress - causes, factors, symptoms and stress relief

Sometimes situations happen in a person’s life when it loses all meaning, and everyone around them begins to irritate him greatly. The reason for this is ordinary stress. Let's try to figure out what it is and what are the true reasons for this phenomenon. In fact, it’s nothing more than the body’s defensive reaction to an unfamiliar situation. Therefore, the more new, not yet experienced situations in our lives, the more stressed we are? It turns out not! We independently choose how to react to a new situation, and only our brain gives the situation a definition: this is good, and this is bad.

Main Causes of Stress

Let's consider what situations most often cause us a negative reaction.

  1. Problems at work. Every subordinate knows that if the boss is not in a good mood, then nothing good should be expected. But even if the boss is in the mood, we subconsciously expect a situation when he will be on edge again. Add to this quarterly and annual reports, office romances, ever-breaking office equipment and heavy workload - all these are the real causes of stress at work.
  2. Family problems. The birth of children, a wedding, a divorce, the death or illness of a close relative, moving to another city - this is not the entire list of problems that often lead us to a state of anxiety and depression. And all because the situation is unfamiliar to us, and just in case we expect something bad from it. This is stress!
  3. Lie. Alas, every person, even the most honest, sometimes tells a lie. Waiting to be exposed is also stressful and quite strong.
  4. Sometimes this condition happens out of nowhere. We fall into depression for no apparent reason, the whole world becomes unpleasant to us, and with horror we begin to scroll through the worst possible scenarios in our heads.
  5. The causes of stress in teenagers may be slightly different, but this does not mean that they are less significant. which often manifests itself in adolescence - this is the main prerequisite for development. Moving to another educational institution, bullying from teachers or peers, problems with studies, low performance, first love - all these are hidden stress factors, and teaching a child to overcome them is everyone’s priority from parents.

Unfortunately, this is not the entire list of reasons; each of us has our own list, but all the points in it speak of our lack of self-confidence. Unfortunately, each person has his own individual problems and causes of stress, therefore, there is no universal cure for getting rid of them in nature. Psychologists believe that in this case each person should have an individual approach.

Signs of stress

The first sign of a problem is a feeling of anxiety, and sometimes even in an unusual situation. Further more characteristic symptoms may develop: rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, a lump in the throat, insomnia. In some cases, inexplicable drowsiness occurs, a person wants to go to bed and not get up. All of the above are nothing more than signs of our body. Thus, he tries to avoid solving the problem, thereby aggravating the situation even more. Sometimes, after strong experiences, a person may experience psychosomatic pain in different places of the body; if this does not help the body, then they can lead to destructive consequences. Unfortunately, modern doctors and psychologists are accustomed to dealing only with side effects in the form of various disorders, while the true causes of stress lie somewhere in the depths of our subconscious. You can only figure this out on your own or with the help of a good specialist, looking into the innermost depths of your soul.

It is possible and even necessary to combat stress, but first of all the prerequisites for its occurrence should be considered. And if the causes of problems lie in the subconscious, it is necessary to direct all efforts to eliminate them or at least reduce this dependence.

Any strong impact on a person leads to the activation of the protective abilities of his body, or stress. Moreover, the strength of the stimulus is such that existing barriers cannot provide the necessary level of protection, which leads to the launch of other mechanisms.

Severe stress plays an important role in a person’s life, as it neutralizes the consequences caused by the stimulus. The stress reaction is characteristic of all living beings, but due to the social factor it has reached its greatest perfection in humans.

Symptoms of severe stress

All types of such reactions of the body are characterized by some common signs of burnout, which affect not only the physical, but also the psychological sphere of a person. The number of symptoms of severe stress is directly proportional to its severity.

Cognitive signs include problems with memory and concentration, constant worry and anxious thoughts, and fixation only on bad events.

In the emotional sphere, stress manifests itself as moodiness, short temper, irritability, feelings of overwhelm, isolation and loneliness, inability to relax, general sadness and even depression.

Behavioral symptoms of severe stress include overeating or undereating, drowsiness or insomnia, neglect of responsibilities, isolation from other people, nervous habits (snapping fingers, biting nails), and using drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol to relax.

Physical signs include headaches, nausea and dizziness, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea or constipation, loss of sexual desire, and frequent colds.

It is worth noting that symptoms and signs of severe stress can be caused by several other medical and psychological problems. If the listed symptoms are detected, you must contact a psychologist who will give a competent assessment of the situation and determine whether these signs are related to this phenomenon.

Consequences of severe stress

Under moderate stress, a person's body and mind work most efficiently, which prepares the body for optimal functioning. In this case, the set goals are achieved without depleting vitality.

Unlike moderate stress, severe stress remains a positive factor only for a very short time, after which it leads to disruptions in a person’s normal functioning.

The consequences of severe stress are serious health problems and disruptions in the functioning of almost all body systems: blood pressure rises, the risk of stroke and heart attack increases, the immune system is suppressed, and the aging process accelerates. Another consequence of such overexertion may be infertility. After severe stress, anxiety disorders, depression and neuroses also occur.

Many problems arise or get worse after a stressful situation, for example:

  • Heart diseases;
  • Obesity;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Skin diseases (eczema).

You can avoid the negative impact of stress factors by increasing the level of stress resistance, using existing methods, or using medications.

Ways to increase stress resistance

Help increase stress resistance:

  • Social connections. With the support of family members and friends, it is much easier to avoid severe stress, and if it does happen, it is easier to cope with it in the company of close people;
  • Feeling of control. A self-confident person is able to influence events and overcome difficulties; he is calmer and more easily accepting of any stressful situation;
  • Optimism. With such a worldview, the consequences of severe stress are practically neutralized, a person perceives changes as a natural part of his life, believes in goals and higher powers;
  • Ability to cope with emotions. If a person does not know how to calm himself down, he is very vulnerable. The ability to bring emotions into a state of balance helps to resist adversity;
  • Knowledge and preparation. Understanding what awaits a person after severe stress helps to accept the stressful situation. For example, recovery from surgery will be less traumatic if you learn about its consequences in advance, rather than waiting for a miraculous healing.

Methods for quickly relieving tension and stress

Some techniques help you get rid of severe stress in a short time. These include the following methods:

  • Physical exercises - jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, playing tennis distract from the problem;
  • Deep breathing - concentrating on your own breathing helps you forget about the stressor for a while and look at the situation from the outside;
  • Relaxation – promotes sound sleep and effectively relieves stress;
  • A break from everyday life - going on vacation, going to the theater or cinema, reading books, artificially creating images in your head, for example, a forest, river, beach, allow you to escape;
  • Meditation – gives a feeling of peace and well-being;
  • Massage is one of the most effective ways to relax and reduce the effects of severe stress;
  • Slowing down the pace of life helps you look at the current situation in a calmer environment;
  • Revision of life positions - attempts to achieve unrealistic goals lead to nervous breakdowns and stress, and inevitable failures only aggravate the condition.

Sedatives for severe stress

The safest sedatives for severe stress are herbal preparations (motherwort, valerian, mint). They are suitable for people who are able to control their own emotions and, by and large, can calm down on their own. But if the stress is prolonged, such drugs are not suitable. Herbal tablets are optimal for children, as they have no side effects, are not addictive and do not linger in the body.

No less popular are bromine preparations, which are relatively safe, although they can accumulate in the body, causing bromism, manifested by apathy, lethargy, adynamia, and in men also a decrease in libido.

However, the main sedatives for severe stress are tranquilizers, or anxiolytics. Tranquilizers remove feelings of fear and anxiety, reduce muscle tone, reduce the speed of thinking and completely calm you down. Such drugs have dangerous side effects, the main of which are rapid addiction, as well as a decrease in mental and motor activity. Anxiolytics are prescribed only by a specialist.

Another type of pill used after severe stress is antidepressants. Although they are not considered sedatives, they allow you to relieve tension and get your emotional state in shape. Antidepressants have a strong effect on the central nervous system, helping to forget about troubles, but they cannot be taken without a doctor’s prescription, since these pills are also addictive.

All methods are important in the fight against stress, but you should not self-medicate. An experienced specialist will advise the optimal method of treatment in each specific situation.

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Everyone is familiar with stress, but do we know what it is? What are the main signs of stress? And how to deal with stress?

Stress - a psychological state of a person in which strong mental and physical activity is felt. This condition is the body’s reaction to external and internal stimuli, both negative and positive. External stimuli can be overstrain, negative emotions, monotonous bustle, and great joy.

Every person needs to experience a state of stress in small doses, because it forces them to look for a way out of the problem, to think that without stress, life would be boring. Thanks to stress, the human body acquires new, more beneficial qualities that are necessary to fight for existence. For example, the stress response produces antibodies to fight infection.

Although, on the other hand, if a person lives under stress all the time, then the efficiency of a person’s work decreases, the body weakens, loses strength, and the ability to solve problems.

Main signs of stress

There are several signs of stress that are common to most people:

  • Feeling irritated, depressed for no particular reason.
  • Inability to concentrate on work.
  • Memory problems, decreased speed of thinking, frequent mistakes.
  • Frequent headaches, stomach cramps that do not have organic causes.
  • Depression, physical weakness, reluctance to do anything, constant fatigue.
  • Decreased appetite or constant feeling of hunger.
  • Loss of sense of humor.
  • Abuse of bad habits.
  • Increased excitability and touchiness.
  • Constantly arising desire to cry, tearfulness, turning into sobs, melancholy, pessimism, self-pity.
  • Lack of interest in others, family and friends.
  • The inability to relax and put aside your affairs and problems.
  • Sometimes nervous tics and obsessive habits appear: a person bites his lips, bites his nails. Fussiness and distrust of everyone and everyone appears.

Symptoms of stress can appear one at a time after the body has reacted to an external stimulus; their appearance can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Types of stress

There are two types of stress:

  • positive stress, in which cognitive processes and processes of self-knowledge, comprehension of reality, and memory are activated.
  • negative stress.


Stress is when physical or mental factors, acting on the body, force you to mobilize all your strength, fight and live on. There are physical and psychological stress, and there are many others, but these are the most significant. Physical stress includes hypothermia, overheating, heavy physical labor, etc. With light loads and minor overheating, the body adapts, gets used to it and tolerates stress reactions more easily. Mental stress is a person’s encounter with conflicts and everyday situations that force us to mobilize our mental strength. When stressful situations are strong, the body enters a state of chronic and severe stress, which can translate into illness.

There are many types of stress to which people are exposed. Sometimes the word stress is used to refer to the stimulus itself.

  • Physical stress - extreme cold or heat, decreased or increased atmospheric pressure.
  • Chemical stress - exposure to various toxic substances.
  • Biological stress - injuries, viral diseases, muscle overload.

Causes of stress

Both men and women are subject to stress, but each organism has its own characteristics. If a person notices signs of stress, then it is necessary to identify its causes to make it easier to deal with stress. There are external causes of stress, for example:

  • change of job
  • death of a relative
  • germs and viruses
  • ambient temperature

They also distinguish internal causes of stress, such as:

  • life values ​​and beliefs
  • person's personal self-esteem

Consequences of stress

When a person is exposed to stress for a long time, it can lead to:

  • Stroke.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, appetite disturbances, constipation, diarrhea)
  • Sleep disorders (insomnia, drowsiness).
  • Impotence and other disorders.
  • Acceleration of aging, sharp deterioration in the condition of hair, skin, nails.
  • The appearance of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, tachycardia, angina)
  • The occurrence of certain skin diseases, such as eczema.
  • Stress can cause cancer in the human body.

How to deal with stress

Many people cope with stress using antidepressants, drugs and alcohol, but these methods can lead to even more severe addiction. What are some ways to deal with stress?

  • Normal and complete sleep.
  • Outdoor exercise, sports.
  • Proper and healthy nutrition.
  • Chamomile decoction and lemon balm tea are considered a good folk remedy for combating tension and agitation.
  • Breathing exercises (deep inhalation through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth).

The concept of stress is firmly rooted in the vocabulary of modern people, and most ordinary people regard this phenomenon as negative, painful experiences or disorders caused by insoluble difficulties, insurmountable obstacles, and unfulfilled hopes. More than 80 years ago Hans Selye, the creators of the theory of stress, in his works emphasized that stress does not mean pain, torment, humiliation, or catastrophic changes in life.

Complete relief from stress means the end of life

What is psychological stress? We present its classical definition given by the author of the theory. Stress (stress - a state of increased stress, emotional tension) - a complex of nonspecific adaptive reactions of the body to any demands placed on it due to the influence of stress factors that lead to a violation of its homeostasis. Nonspecific reactions are adaptive actions aimed at restoring the original state of the body, producing specific effects on specific stimuli. Any surprise that makes a change in an individual’s usual life can be a stress factor. It does not matter what the nature of the situation is - positive or negative. Emotional shock can be provoked not only by external circumstances, but also by subconscious attitudes towards specific events. For the human psyche, only the amount of effort required to rebuild habitual life rhythms and the intensity of energy expended to adapt to new requirements play a role.

Types of stress

In medical practice, it is customary to divide stressful situations into two types: Eustress – positive form And distress - negative. Eustress mobilizes the body's vital resources and stimulates further activity. Distress brings, causes a “wound” that, even when completely healed, leaves scars.

Distress has a negative impact on a person’s physical and mental health and can give rise to the development of serious diseases. In a state of stress, the activity of the immune system is significantly reduced, and a person becomes defenseless against viruses and infections. With negative emotional stress, the autonomic nervous system is activated, and the endocrine glands work more intensively. With prolonged or frequent influence of stress factors, the psycho-emotional sphere deteriorates, which often leads to severe depression or.

Based on the nature of the impact of stressors, the following are distinguished:

  • neuropsychic;
  • temperature (heat or cold);
  • light;
  • food (as a result of food deficiency);
  • other types.

Outstanding psychologist Leontyev argued that in the case when the body demonstrates reactions to external phenomena that are not related to the satisfaction of vital needs (eating, the need for sleep, the instinct of self-preservation, procreation), such reactions are purely psychological. The concept of an intractable, extraordinary situation for a person in the concept of stress theory is also a psychological phenomenon.

Stressful situations are also divided into two groups: extreme social conditions(military actions, hooligan attacks, natural disasters) and critical psychological events(death of a relative, change in social status, divorce, exam). For some, the events that occurred are a shock, for others, they are a natural phenomenon, and the intensity of the reaction is purely individual. An indisputable fact: in order for a response to a stimulus to occur, this stimulus must have a certain strength. And each individual has an unstable, changeable threshold of sensitivity. An individual with a low sensitivity threshold demonstrates a strong reaction to a stimulus of low intensity, while an individual with a high sensitivity threshold does not perceive this factor as an irritant.

Biological and psychobiological stress

Stress is also usually divided according to parameters into two groups:

  • Biological;
  • Psychological.

Different authors have different definitions of psychological stress, but most scientists classify this type as stress caused by the influence of external (social) factors or formed under the influence of internal sensations. It is not always possible to apply the laws of the stages of its course to psycho-emotional stress, since each individual has purely individual mental properties and personal characteristics of the autonomic nervous system.

A control question allows you to differentiate the type of stressful situation: “Do stressors cause obvious harm to the body?”. In the case of a positive answer, a biological species is diagnosed; in the case of a negative answer, psychological stress is diagnosed.

Psycho-emotional stress differs from biological stress in a number of specific features, including:

  • It is formed under the influence of both real and probable situations that are the object of the individual’s anxiety;
  • Of great importance is a person’s assessment of the degree of his participation in influencing a problem situation, his perception of the quality of the chosen methods of neutralizing stressors.

The methodology for measuring stressful sensations (PSM-25 scale) is aimed at analyzing a person’s emotional state, and not at studying indirect indicators (stressor, indicators of depressive, anxious-phobic states).

Key differences between biological and psychological stress situations:

Group Biological stress Psychological stress
Cause of occurrence Physical, chemical, biological effects of stressors Own thoughts, internal sensations, influence of society
Danger level Real Virtual, real
Direction of stressors Somatic health, life-threatening Emotional sphere, self-esteem, social status
Nature of response “Primary” reactions: fear, fright, rage, pain. “Secondary” reactions: excitement, restlessness, irritability, anxiety, panic, depression
Time range Clearly defined within the boundaries of the present and near future Unclear, vague, includes the past and an indefinite future
The influence of individual character traits None or minimal Essential
Example Viral infection, trauma, food intoxication, frostbite, burn Conflict in the family, separation from a partner, financial difficulties, change in social status

Stress: main stages of development

The range of reactions to a stressful event includes a variety of states of excitation and inhibition, including states called affective. The process of a stressful state consists of three stages.

Stage 1. Emotional reaction of anxiety.

At this stage, the body’s first response to stress factors appears. The duration of this phase is strictly individual: for some people, the increase in tension goes away in a matter of minutes, for others, the increase in anxiety occurs over several weeks. The body's resistance to external stimuli decreases, and self-control weakens. A person gradually loses the ability to fully control his actions and loses self-control. His behavior changes to completely opposite actions (for example: a calm, self-controlled person becomes impulsive, aggressive). The person avoids social contacts, alienation appears in relationships with loved ones, and the distance in communication with friends and colleagues increases. The impact of distress has a devastating effect on the psyche. Excessive emotional stress can cause disorganization, disorientation and depersonalization.

Stage 2. Resistance and adaptation.

In this phase, maximum activation and strengthening of the body’s resistance to the stimulus occurs. Prolonged exposure to a stress factor ensures gradual adaptation to its effects. The body's resistance significantly exceeds the norm. It is at this stage that the individual is able to analyze, choose the most effective way and cope with the stressor.

Stage 3. Exhaustion.

Having exhausted available energy resources due to exposure to a stressor for a long period of time, a person feels severe fatigue, devastation, and tiredness. A feeling of guilt sets in, and signs of the anxiety stage appear again. However, in this phase, the body’s ability to readapt is lost, and the person becomes powerless to take any action. Disorders of an organic nature appear, and severe pathological psychosomatic conditions arise.

Each person has been “programmed” from childhood with their own personal scenario of behavior in a stressful situation, reproduced in frequency and form of manifestation of the stress reaction. Some experience stressors daily in small doses, others experience distress rarely, but in full, painful manifestations. Also, each person has an individual orientation of aggression under stress. One blames himself exclusively, triggering the development of depressive states. Another person finds the causes of her troubles in the people around her and puts forward unfounded claims, often in an extremely aggressive form, becoming a socially dangerous person.

Psychological mechanisms of stress

The emergence of emotional tension during stress is an adaptive reaction of the body, emerging and growing as a result of the interaction of physiological systems and mechanisms in combination with psychological methods of response.

The physiological group of stress mechanisms involves:

  • Subcortical system, which activates the work of the cerebral cortex;
  • Sympathetic Autonomic System, preparing the body for unexpected stressors, intensifying cardiac activity, stimulating the supply of glucose;
  • Subcortical motor centers, controlling innate instinctive, motor, facial, pantomimic mechanisms;
  • Endocrine organs;
  • Mechanisms of reverse afferentation, transmitting nerve impulses through interoreceptors and proprioceptors from internal organs and muscles back to areas of the brain.

Psychological mechanisms– attitudes formed and recorded at the subconscious level, arising as a response to the influence of stress factors. Psychological schemes are designed to protect the human psyche from the negative consequences of stressors. Not all of these mechanisms are harmless; they often do not allow an event to be assessed correctly, and often harm the social activity of the individual.

Psychological defense schemes include seven mechanisms:

  • Suppression. The main mechanism, the purpose of which is to remove existing desires from consciousness if it is impossible to satisfy them. Repression of sensations and memories can be partial or complete, as a result of which the person gradually forgets past events. Often it is a source of new problems (for example: a person forgets previously made promises). It often causes somatic diseases (headaches, heart pathologies, cancer).
  • Negation. The individual denies the fact of the occurrence of any event and “goes” into fantasy. Often a person does not notice the contradictions in his judgments and actions, and therefore is often perceived by others as a frivolous, irresponsible, inadequate person.
  • Rationalization. A method of self-justification, the creation of supposedly logical moral arguments to explain and justify socially unacceptable behavior and one’s own desires and thoughts.
  • Inversion. Conscious replacement of true thoughts and feelings, actually carried out actions with completely opposite ones.
  • Projection. The individual projects onto others, ascribes to other people his own negative qualities, negative thoughts, and unhealthy feelings. It is a mechanism of self-justification.
  • Insulation. The most dangerous response scheme. The individual separates the threatening component, the dangerous situation, from his personality as a whole. It can lead to a split personality and cause the development of schizophrenia.
  • Regression. The subject reverts to primitive ways of responding to stressors.

There is another classification of types of protective mechanisms, divided into two groups.

Group 1. Patterns of disruption of information reception

  • Perceptual defense;
  • Crowding out;
  • Suppression;
  • Negation.

Group 2. Patterns of impaired information processing

  • Projection;
  • Intellectualization;
  • Separation;
  • Overestimation (rationalization, defensive reaction, exploitation, illusion).

Stress factors

Stress levels are influenced by many different factors, including:

  • The significance of stressors for an individual,
  • Congenital features of the nervous system,
  • Hereditary pattern of response to stressful events
  • Features of growing up
  • The presence of chronic somatic or mental pathologies, a recent illness,
  • Unsuccessful experience in past similar situations,
  • Having moral principles,
  • Stress tolerance threshold
  • Self-esteem, the quality of perception of oneself as a person,
  • Existing hopes and expectations – their certainty or uncertainty.

Causes of stress

The most common cause of stress is a contradiction between reality and an individual’s ideas about reality. Stress reactions can be triggered both by real factors and by events that exist only in the imagination. Not only negative events, but also positive changes in an individual’s life lead to the development of a stressful state.

Research by American scientists Thomas Holmes And Richard Ray allowed us to create a table of stress factors that in most cases have the strongest impact on a person and trigger stress mechanisms (stress intensity scale). Among the events significant for people:

  • Death of a close relative
  • Divorce
  • Parting with a loved one
  • Imprisonment
  • Serious illness
  • Job loss
  • Change in social status
  • Deterioration of financial situation
  • Big debts
  • Inability to repay loan obligations
  • Illness of close relatives
  • Problems with law
  • Retirement
  • Marriage
  • Pregnancy
  • Sexual problems
  • The arrival of a new family member
  • Change of place of work
  • Deterioration of family relationships
  • Outstanding Personal Achievement
  • Start or end of training
  • Change of residence
  • Problems with management
  • Unfavorable atmosphere in the team
  • Changing your work and leisure schedule
  • Changing Personal Habits
  • Changing eating behavior
  • Changing working conditions
  • Vacation
  • Holidays

Stress factors tend to accumulate. Without taking effective steps, pushing his experiences inside, being left alone with his problems, a person risks losing contact with his own “I”, and subsequently losing contact with others.

Psychological symptoms of stress

Manifestations of stress– are purely individual, but all the signs are united by their negative connotation, their painful and painful perception by the individual. Symptoms vary depending on what stage of stress the person is in and what defense mechanisms are involved. Some of the main symptoms of stress include:

  • Causeless;
  • Feeling of internal tension;
  • Hot temper, nervousness, irritability, aggressiveness;
  • Excessive inadequate reaction to the slightest stimulus;
  • Inability to control your thoughts and emotions, manage your actions;
  • Decreased concentration, difficulty remembering and reproducing information;
  • Periods of sadness;
  • Depressed, depressed state;
  • Decreased interest in usual activities, apathetic state;
  • Inability to enjoy pleasant events;
  • Constant feeling of dissatisfaction;
  • Capriciousness, excessive demands on others;
  • Subjective feeling of overload, persistent fatigue;
  • Decreased performance, inability to perform usual duties;
  • – detachment from one’s own “I”;
  • – feeling of the illusory nature of the surrounding world;
  • Changes in eating behavior: lack of appetite or excessive eating;
  • Sleep disorders: insomnia, waking up early, interrupted sleep;
  • Changes in behavior, reduction in social contacts.

As a result of exposure to stressors, an individual often tries to artificially replace the negative feelings experienced with “pleasant” external factors: he begins to take alcohol or drugs, becomes a gambler, changes sexual behavior, begins to overeat, and takes risky, impulsive actions.

Treatment of stress

When in situations that cause stress, each person should strive to emerge victorious from the current situation, to overcome obstacles courageously, with self-esteem and without negative consequences for health. After all, every new battle with stressors is another step on the thorny path of self-development and self-improvement.

Drug treatment of stress conditions

The choice of a comprehensive pharmacological treatment program is carried out on an individual basis, taking into account various factors, including:

  • predominant symptoms, strength and frequency of their manifestation;
  • stage and severity of the stressful condition;
  • patient's age;
  • somatic and mental health status of the patient;
  • personal characteristics, way of responding to stressors, individual sensitivity threshold;
  • a history of mental pathologies and borderline states;
  • individual preferences and financial capabilities of the patient;
  • the received therapeutic response to drugs used previously;
  • tolerability of pharmacological agents, their side effects;
  • medications taken.

The main criterion for prescribing treatment is the symptoms shown. To eliminate stressful conditions use:

  • Tranquilizers;
  • Beta blockers;
  • Amino acids;
  • Herbal sedatives, bromides;
  • Neuroleptics;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Sleeping pills;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes.

If the patient has predominant signs of an anxious state (irrational fear, excessive worry, anxiety for no reason), a short-term course of treatment with psychotropic drugs is administered to relieve symptoms. Use tranquilizers benzodiazepine series (for example: diazepam) or more gentle anxiolytics other groups (for example: adoptol).

Can quickly take control and minimize the painful physical manifestations of fear beta blockers, the action of which is aimed at blocking the release of adrenaline into the blood and reducing blood pressure (for example: anaprilin).

In overcoming emotional stress, reducing nervousness and irritability, a good therapeutic response is provided by relatively harmless drugs containing aminoacetic acid(eg: glycine).

For mild manifestations of anxiety, a long course (at least one month) is prescribed sedatives from the “green” pharmacy, made from valerian, mint, lemon balm, motherwort (for example: persen). In some cases, drugs are used - bromides, which have significant sedative potential (for example: adonis-bromine).

If there are “defensive” obsessive actions in the picture of the disease, it is recommended to take antipsychotics– drugs that can eliminate severe mental conditions (for example: haloperidol).

If depressive symptoms predominate (apathy, depressed state, sad mood), use antidepressants various groups. For mild forms of depressive mood, a long-term course (more than one month) of herbal remedies is prescribed. Thus, drugs based on St. John's wort (for example: Deprim) will provide an antidepressant effect. In more severe and dangerous cases, psychopharmacological antidepressants of various groups are used. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - SSRIs (for example: fluoxetine) are easy to use, do not lead to overdose and show high results. The latest generation of drugs, melatonergic antidepressants (the only representative of this class: agomelatine), can eliminate depressive symptoms and reduce anxiety.

If the patient notices a change in sleep pattern and quality (insomnia, early awakening, interrupted sleep, nightmares), an appointment is made sleeping pills, both of plant origin and synthesized benzodiazepine drugs (for example: nitrazepam) or new chemical groups (for example: zopiclone). The use of barbiturates as sleeping pills has lost its relevance today.

An important role in overcoming stressful conditions is the replenishment of deficiency in the body. vitamins and minerals. In situations of emotional stress, it is recommended to take B vitamins (for example: Neurovitan), products with magnesium (for example: Magne B6) or multiactive complexes (for example: Vitrum).

Psychotherapeutic techniques for overcoming stress

Psychotherapy for stress conditions– techniques developed to provide a beneficial therapeutic effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of activity, directly related to and affecting the functioning of the human body as a whole. Psychotherapeutic assistance is often the only unique chance that allows a person in a stressful state to overcome existing problems, correct erroneous ideas and get rid of anxious and depressive states without negative consequences.

Modern psychotherapy uses over 300 different techniques, including the most common, popular and effective techniques:

  • Psychodynamic;
  • Cognitive-behavioral;
  • Existential;
  • Humanistic.

Direction 1. Psychodynamic approach

Based on the method of psychoanalysis, the founder of which was the famous talented scientist Sigmund Freud. Feature of the therapy: transferring into the area of ​​consciousness (awareness) by the patient of memories, experienced emotions and sensations repressed into the subconscious sphere. The following techniques are used: study and evaluation of dreams, free associative series, study of the characteristics of forgetting information.

Direction 2. Cognitive behavioral therapy

The essence of this method is to inform and teach the individual the adaptive skills necessary in emotionally difficult situations. A person develops and maintains a new model of thinking, which allows him to correctly assess and act adequately when faced with stress factors. In artificially created stressful situations, the patient, having experienced a state close to panic fear, noticeably decreases the threshold of sensitivity to negative factors disturbing him.

Direction 3. Existential approach

The essence of therapy using this method is to concentrate on existing difficulties, reconsider the patient’s value system, realize personal significance, develop self-esteem and correct self-esteem. During the sessions, a person learns ways to harmoniously interact with the world around him, develops independence and awareness of thinking, and acquires new behavioral skills.

Direction 4. Humanistic approach

This method is based on the postulate: a person has unlimited abilities and opportunities to overcome problems in the presence of a significant incentive and adequate self-esteem. The doctor’s work with the patient is aimed at liberating the person’s consciousness, liberating him from indecision and uncertainty, and getting rid of the fear of defeat. The client learns to really understand and analyze the causes of existing difficulties, to develop correct and safe options for overcoming problems.

How to overcome the effects of stress on your own?

It is human nature to want to get rid of pain, tension, and anxiety. However, this ability to experience unpleasant sensations, oddly enough, is one of nature’s valuable gifts. A state of stress is a phenomenon designed to warn an individual about a threat to the integrity and vital functions of the body. This is an ideal mechanism that activates natural reflexes of resistance, evasion, retreat or flight, indispensable in the battle with a negative hostile environment. Unpleasant sensations accompanying a state of stress mobilize hidden resources, encourage efforts, changes and difficult decisions.

Every person needs to learn how to manage stress effectively and efficiently. If the event that caused the stress is dependent on individual activity (for example: emotional stress due to excessive work pressure), efforts should be concentrated on developing and analyzing options to change the existing situation. If an emotionally difficult situation is caused by external factors beyond the control and management of the individual (for example: the death of a spouse), it is necessary to accept this negative fact, come to terms with its existence, and change the perception and attitude towards this event.

Effective methods for relieving emotional tension and psychological stress

Method 1. Letting out emotions

Special breathing techniques are designed to relieve accumulated tension and get rid of negative emotions. We perform energetic movements (swings) with our hands, then close our eyes. Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose, hold your breath for 5 seconds, and slowly exhale through your mouth. We perform 10-15 approaches. We try to relax the muscles as much as possible. We concentrate our attention on the sensations that arise.

Method 2. Revealing the soul

In the prevention and overcoming of stressful conditions, an invaluable role is played by external emotional support and friendly communication. Problematic issues that are openly and freely shared with a loved one lose their global significance and are no longer perceived as catastrophic. Friendly communication with optimistic people allows a person to formulate and express disturbing factors out loud, throw out negative emotions, receive a charge of vital energy, and develop a strategy for overcoming problems.

Method 3. We trust our worries to paper

An equally effective method of dealing with emotional stress is keeping a personal diary. Thoughts and desires expressed on paper become more consistent and logical. Recording your negative feelings in writing transfers them from the area of ​​the subconscious to the area controlled by consciousness and governed by the will of the individual. After such a recording, stressful events are perceived as less large-scale, the fact of the presence of problems is realized and recognized. When you subsequently read your revelations, the opportunity arises to analyze a difficult situation as if from the outside, new ways to overcome it appear, and an incentive to resolve it is formed. The person takes control of his condition and, accepting the past and living in the present, begins to make efforts for well-being in the future.

Method 4. Draw a map of your own stress factors

As they say, in order to defeat the enemy, you need to know him by sight. In order to cope with the negative emotions that arise under the influence of stressors, it is necessary to identify and study what specific events can “knock you off track.”

Being alone in silence, we concentrate and try to concentrate our attention as much as possible. We select for analysis at least 12 aspects related to various areas of life (for example: health, family relationships, successes and failures in professional activities, financial situation, relationships with friends). Then, in each of the identified aspects, we highlight situations that present significant difficulties and deprive us of self-control and restraint. We write them down in order of significance (intensity of response, temporary duration of experiences, depth of emotional perception, emerging negative symptoms) from the smallest negative category to the most traumatic factor. After the Achilles heel has been identified, for each item we make a list of “arguments”: we develop options for possible resolution of the problems.

Method 5. Transforming emotional experiences into vital energy

A great way to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of stress is to perform any physical activity intensely. This could be: gym classes, long walks, swimming in the pool, morning jogging, or working in the garden. Vigorous physical exercise distracts from negative events, directs thoughts in a positive direction, gives positive emotions and charges with vital energy. Running is an ideal natural method to “escape” from stress: feeling pleasant physical fatigue, there is no room or strength left to cry about your own grief.

Method 6. Letting out emotions in creativity

A faithful assistant in the fight against psychological stress is creative activity, vocal, music, and dance classes. By creating beauty, a person not only gets rid of negative feelings, but also taps into hidden potential, develops his abilities, and significantly increases self-esteem. Music directly affects emotional status, transporting you into a world of vivid, original sensations: it makes you cry and laugh, grieve and rejoice. Through music, the perception of one’s own “I” and those around him changes, the real world appears in its diversity, the significance of one’s own “minor” worries is lost. Through dance you can express your emotions, experience your negativity, and appear before the light in all your inner beauty.

Method 7. Increasing the level of psychological knowledge

An important factor for successfully overcoming stress is the existing knowledge base: complete, structured, varied. In the formation of immunity to stress, a significant role is played by the cognitive processes occurring in a person, which determine the skills of orientation in the environment, the logic of actions, the objectivity of judgments, and the level of observation. No matter how generously or sparingly nature has endowed a person with talents, the individual is responsible only for the use of his mental abilities, and should not stop on the path of his development.

Method 8. Changing your belief system

A special niche in the perception of stress factors is occupied by the individual belief system. A person who regards the world around him as a source of dangers, threats, and problems reacts to stressors with strong negative emotions, often disorganizing his behavior. Quite often, the severe consequences of experienced stress provoke the results of a discrepancy between the real complexity of the situation and its subjective assessment by the individual. An adequate, realistic perception of the world, where prosperity and adversity coexist, the recognition that the world is imperfect and not always fair, the desire for harmony, optimism and gratitude for every positive moment help not to take problems to heart.

Method 9. Increasing our own importance

A person who reacts to any stress with violent emotions is characterized by a lack of confidence in their capabilities and a feeling of their own inferiority. Due to low or negative self-esteem, a person has a minimal level of aspirations and takes a “reinsurer’s position” in life. Simple exercises – affirmations (positive statements about one’s personality, spoken out loud) help to increase and form adequate self-esteem.

Method 10. Carrying out a difficult task

An excellent technique for emotional control is focusing intensely on the task at hand, allowing you to distract yourself and overcome situational stressors.

From the areas that bring satisfaction and joy, we choose one complex category. We set a clear goal for ourselves, determine specific deadlines for bringing the idea to life (for example: learn French in six months, design a model of a helicopter, conquer a mountain peak).

In conclusion: Every person can overcome stress and control a difficult situation if they begin to focus on the problem at hand rather than on their emotionally protective actions. Active control of one’s own consciousness brings extremely positive results, gives the individual a sense of mastery over stressors, strengthens the sense of self-worth, increases the assessment of one’s abilities, and increases the chance of discovering opportunities.

Chronic stress is the main problem of the 21st century. Stress is a defense mechanism that is activated during unfavorable environmental transformations. According to statistical information, a quarter of the working population of the planet suffers from this scourge, earning it directly at work. Psychologists call this phenomenon burnout syndrome. Chronic stress often develops gradually, the condition builds up over months, often even years. When starting a new job, an individual, as a rule, engages in it with interest and pleasure. He puts in every effort to achieve serious results. But over time, routine and the lack of novelty crowd out the feeling of freshness, as a result of which strength runs out and responsibilities become burdensome.

Causes of Chronic Stress

An invariable attribute of human existence is chronic nervous stress, which has haunted people since the beginning of their existence on the planet. The modern realities of human life are closely interconnected with the need to act quickly, to run somewhere, to constantly do something, to be constantly on the move, to receive a huge amount of all kinds of information every day, and to make quick decisions. All of these are considered potential stressors – factors that provoke the onset of a stressful state.

Stress is, first of all, a specific reaction of the human body to various irritating influences. It manifests itself as a set of nonspecific adaptive responses to the influence of various unfavorable factors.

The root cause that provokes the onset of a chronic stressful state is considered to be long-term traumatic conditions that generate a negative emotional reaction, which does not allow one to get proper rest, escape from the problems that have piled up, and get away from overwhelming worries. Activates emotional tension, causing stress, primarily an unfavorable microclimate in the work environment, family, frequent confrontations with loved ones, employees or partners. Chronic emotional stress is also observed as a result of performing monotonous work every day that does not lead to personal development, deprivation of proper rest, workaholism, and lack of communication. These factors give rise to emotional burnout.

The variety of symptoms of the disease in question and its severity are determined by the personal qualities of the individual’s character. , the predominance of self-criticism and the lack of a normal attitude towards external criticism, laziness, the inability to quickly switch from one variation of activity to another - often become factors provoking the onset of the state in question. Multiple observations indicate that psychasthenics suffer more often than other individuals from chronic stress.

It happens that the predisposition to stress is genetic. For such people, a minimal exposure to a stressor is often enough to throw them off balance.

It is quite difficult to avoid the appearance or influence of stressors that negatively affect the body. It is much easier to transform your own reaction. A miraculous recipe that has a truly magical effect on mental balance includes one drop of humor, a pinch of sarcasm, a sniff of indifference, carefully mixed with systematic rest, physical activity and healthy sleep. Sometimes situations are much stronger than the individual, so even the above recipe does not help, then you just need to reconcile and endure.

There are people who are unable to tolerate even short-term moderate mental, psychological or physical stress, due to their own character. Therefore, they are more often than others susceptible to chronic stress.

In addition to the listed factors, the development of the disorder in question is also influenced by various somatic ailments, for example, influenza.

Symptoms of Chronic Stress

According to the theory of the physiologist G. Selye, the analyzed deviation goes through several stages for its formation. Debuts with an alarm reaction. The individual is visited by annoying thoughts. A person thinks that in his life either something is already developing wrong, or something bad is going to happen that no one understands him or takes into account his position.

People may feel discomfort due to exposure to external environmental conditions (heat, noise) or experience various algia, which are easily eliminated with medications, but give rise to fear. These manifestations are determined by the type of stressor. At the initial stage, the sympathetic nervous system enters an excited state, the hypothalamus acts on the pituitary gland, which, in turn, produces the hormone ACTH. At the same time, the adrenal glands produce corticosteroids, which increase the body's readiness to cope with stressors.

The anxiety reaction is replaced by resistance, which G. Selye conventionally called the stage of fight and flight.

At the next stage, exhaustion occurs, which, as a rule, occurs precisely under chronic stress, when negative factors affect the individual for too long, or there is a frequent change from one stressor to another. At this stage, the body’s potential and resources are rapidly declining.

The following are signs indicating the presence of a chronic stress condition, namely:

– constantly present physical and mental fatigue; even a short vacation is unable to eliminate fatigue;

– the appearance of isolation, the individual does not receive pleasure from communicating with colleagues, dissatisfaction begins to carry a stable reluctance, therefore the number of people whom the individual wants to see is rapidly decreasing;

– there is constant dissatisfaction with oneself, doubts, lack of self-confidence, a person is haunted by a feeling of hopelessness.

Chronic nervous stress is dangerous due to the manifestations of symptoms at the physical, moral and behavioral levels. Problems arise in well-being, intestinal disorders, persistent physical fatigue, insomnia, and headaches appear. Skin problems are observed, acne appears. Interest in intimate life is also lost. An addiction to psychotropics or alcohol may occur.

In the sphere of feelings, there is the emergence of persistent despondency, periodically interrupted by causeless irritation. The individual feels devastated and powerless, anxiety, and grief set in. A person becomes dissatisfied with his own field of activity and role in the professional environment.

In addition, behavioral changes are observed. The subject has difficulty concentrating, cognitive impairment, difficulty with humor, and anger towards employees and superiors. There is a desire to escape from reality, to hide from pressing problems.

Thus, the symptoms of the described disorder include: anxiety, constant fatigue, disorders relating to the autonomic system.

Manifestations of chronic stress are as follows:

– excessive susceptibility to stressors, even the slightest shock often throws an individual out of balance and can cause either aggression;

– excessive tearfulness, touchiness, a person is easily hurt;

– high level of anxiety;

– inability to concentrate, memory impairment, decreased mental activity;

– getting stuck in a traumatic problem;

– increased sensitivity to noise, loud sounds, bright light;

– sleep quality disorder, difficulty falling asleep, sleep is characterized by restlessness;

– hypersweating, increased heart rate, pressure surges, dyspeptic disorders.

Chronic stress can be extremely negative, while short-term stress can also be positive. Chronic stress is called in science. It is divided into biological, psychological and chronic emotional stress.

The first variation of stress is a set of body reactions that arise as a result of unfavorable environmental influences, which always represent a real life-threatening event (for example, injuries, weather). Selye called the biological type of stress “the salt of existence,” since salt is always good in moderation.

Chronic biological stress is based on an illness that lasts for a long period. It may also arise due to forced existence in climate conditions that are unhealthy. Often the provoking factor is long-term physical activity occurring against the background of persistent nervous overstrain (the desire to prove something to everyone, to achieve the unattainable).

Here, in addition to physical fatigue, the individual develops chronic fatigue. The stressful state in the described case gives rise to many somatic troubles - diseases of the digestive tract, dermis, myocardium, and vascular system.

Chronic psychological stress differs from other variations in its “triggering” not only as a result of past traumatic events or current situations, but also by incidents that, according to the individual, can only happen, which he fears. Another feature of the considered variation in the stress state is the individual’s ability to assess the potential of his own capabilities in eliminating an unfavorable situation. It does not matter how severe the described type of chronic stress is, since it does not contribute to the occurrence of obvious disturbances in the functioning of the body and does not threaten human existence.

The causes of psychological stress are hidden exclusively in social relationships or in individuals’ own thoughts. The following factors can be identified that cause this variation in stress: memories of past failures, one’s own life guidelines, motivations for action (“pushing” oneself in order to get something at a higher level), uncertainty of circumstances and long waits.

The occurrence of the type of stress under consideration is due, first of all, to personal characteristics, the character of the individual and his.

Chronic emotional stress, according to studies conducted by physiologists, affects the increase in mortality. Through the process of evolutionary development, human subjects developed emotions, which are a component of human survival. The behavioral response of individuals is primarily focused on the expression of joyful emotions. Today, as a result of the scientific and technological revolution, there is an imbalance in the mental state of people, which gives rise to negative reactions that have a detrimental effect on physiological processes and health. For example, anger has a destructive effect on liver tissue, anxiety causes spleen dysfunction, sadness affects the kidneys, envy causes deviations in the performance of the myocardium. Factors that provoke the described type of stress often include: inability to realize one’s own desires, expansion of areas of communicative interaction in society, lack of time, an inexhaustible avalanche of unnecessary information, urbanization, jet lag, increased emotional overload in the professional sphere.

In addition to the above, most individuals invariably experience previously lived situations where they could not avoid failures or defeats. Often this variation of stress is accompanied by depressive moods. A person becomes indifferent to current events, those around him and his own person. Being for him loses its value.

How to relieve chronic stress

Treating chronic stress can be a complex and lengthy process. Work to get rid of the manifestations of the disorder in question is, first of all, aimed at changing one’s own consciousness, behavioral response and lifestyle.

Before starting corrective action, in order to exclude serious disorders caused by prolonged stress, it is first recommended to be examined.

There are several methods focused on eliminating the symptoms of chronic stress, which are best practiced in combination, namely: psychotherapeutic correction, auto-training, yoga, aroma and herbal medicine, therapeutic exercises, and medication.

In addition, creativity plays a significant role, allowing the individual to escape and mobilize the body’s resources.

It is possible to eliminate some chronic stress phenomena without leaving your usual place of residence through traditional methods.

Hot foot baths immediately before bed have an amazing effect in relieving excess tension and calming nervous nerves. They eliminate fatigue, promote rapid sleep and deep sound sleep. Whole body baths with the addition of lavender oil, fir or pine infusions, calendula flowers, oregano, and mint leaves also perfectly relax, improve sleep, and eliminate psycho-emotional stress.

The use of herbal ingredients is considered a reliable way to independently relieve stress. However, you should choose herbs and aromatic oils carefully so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. Morning tea with the addition of chamomile, lemon balm and mint promotes a calmer response to external stimuli during the day. Oregano will help eliminate insomnia, and St. John's wort will relieve depression.

With prolonged deep stress, you cannot do without professional psychocorrectional influence. Psychotherapeutic work includes the following areas: searching for factors that gave rise to the condition in question, analyzing these factors, diagnosing the type of response to an external stimulus, developing stress resistance.

Treatment of chronic stress involves the use of the following techniques: Gestalt therapy, hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy.

The consequences of the condition in question are eliminated with the help of pharmacopoeial agents. It is recommended to use sedatives, vitamin complexes and minerals. Among sedatives, it is better to give preference to herbal preparations. They should be used when heart rate increases, anxiety, panic attacks, or fear occur. The use of drugs that relieve insomnia also requires caution, since some drugs are addictive.

An individual who correctly relates to the surrounding reality and leads a healthy existence is not in danger of prolonged stress.

The following recommendations will help you avoid psycho-emotional stress:

– adherence to a routine (wake up and go to Morpheus’s domain, eat at the same time every day);

– physical activity must be present in everyday life (moderate daily exercise mobilizes the resources of the whole body and prevents the development of stagnant processes);

– nutrition should be balanced, enriched with vitamins, it is recommended to refrain from consuming alcohol-containing substances;

– You should definitely communicate with family and friends.

Consequences of chronic stress

Due to prolonged exposure to stressors, the human body loses the ability to quickly recover, as a result of which vital resources leak out of it.

This condition causes depression of the psyche and disruption of the functioning of the immune system, as a result of which the body becomes unprotected from external infections, which leads to frequent illnesses.

Due to prolonged stressful conditions, the digestive system suffers: appetite increases or disappears, heaviness appears in the epigastrium, and stool disorders are noted (constipation, diarrhea, or a combination of both).

The aging process also accelerates: the number of gray hairs appears or increases, wrinkles on the facial area and neck decrease, the elasticity of the dermis decreases, acne appears, peeling of the skin, deterioration of the condition of the nail plates, and hair loss are observed.

Existing in society is becoming incredibly difficult. The individual cannot concentrate when circumstances require it, there is confusion in his thoughts, and difficulties arise in resolving problem situations. Human vulnerability increases. If unexpected troubles or obstacles arise, the condition may worsen, expressed in a nervous breakdown, the appearance of suicidal thoughts.

Long-term exposure to stressors and their consequences gives rise to the development of the following pathologies:

– diseases of the myocardium and vascular system (stroke, arterial hypertension, ischemic disease);

– disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system (neurosis-like conditions, migraine);

– diseases of the digestive tract (ulcers);

– endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus);

– musculoskeletal disorders (arthritis);

– skin problems (psoriasis, eczema);

– allergic reactions and manifestations (urticaria, asthma, dermatitis);

– abnormalities in the functioning of the reproductive system (menstrual irregularities, decreased libido).

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