Folk remedy for hangnails on fingers. Hangnails on the fingers near the nails and how to get rid of them

Why do hangnails appear on fingers? Every woman wants to look perfect and mesmerizing. For many modern ladies, the beauty of their hands is almost in the first place in creating the ideal image. A beautiful manicure and well-groomed skin not only lift your spirits, but are also a woman’s calling card. Men who take good care of their appearance also visit nail salons. They are no strangers to hand care at home. However, troubles such as cuts, scratches and burrs cannot be avoided. And if mechanical injuries heal very quickly, especially when using hand cream, then tearing the skin of the nail fold is a problem that is worth paying attention to.

Hangnails on fingers. Causes

In addition to injuries during the manicure procedure, there are other causes of hangnails on the fingers.

Let's look at them:

  1. Vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamins tocopherol, retinol, as well as any macro- and microelements. This is the most common reason due to which skin nutrition is disrupted and the nail fold is detached.
  2. Dry hand skin and insufficient nutrition are also risk factors. The skin around the nail plate becomes thinner and cracks.
  3. Lack of personal hygiene.
  4. The habit of biting nails is one of the first reasons why hangnails appear on a child’s fingers.
  5. Aggressive effects of household chemicals.
  6. Temperature changes. By the way, being outside without gloves in the cold season dries out and freezes the skin, slowing down the regeneration process, which negatively affects the treatment of hangnails.
  7. Manicure done unprofessionally (with cuts and microtraumas).
  8. Decreased immunity.
  9. Chronic gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus.

Why do hangnails appear on fingers, what vitamins are missing in this case? Most likely, the body lacks B vitamins.

Advice: when removing a hangnail yourself, follow the rules of hygiene - at least wash your hands and wipe your palms and tools with alcohol. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing associated problems, such as suppuration.

Treatment methods

How to get rid of hangnails on your fingers? Many eliminate them and forget about the problem immediately after the wound heals. But what to do if hangnails appear constantly and do not go away for a long time? This is a serious issue simply because an open wound is a direct route for infection and an open door for the development of inflammatory processes with various consequences. The success of therapy depends on the correct method and drug chosen.

What should a girl do if a hangnail appears on her finger? Treatment should begin when the cause of your illness and associated factors are determined. Because in case of problems in the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of hangnails will go away after you adjust your diet and balance your diet.

Removing a hangnail is carried out with nail scissors, which should be used to carefully trim the desired area of ​​skin (do not tear it off!). As a disinfectant, you can use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and essential oils - tea tree or cedar. If desired, apply a patch and do not expose the affected area of ​​skin to household chemicals. For washing dishes and cleaning, it is best to use gloves or a fingertip.

Antiseptic ointments or aerosols are always useful for further wound care - they will prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

If suppuration does occur, and local medications do not help, you should make an appointment with a surgeon at any clinic so that he can make a prophylactic incision.

All this can be avoided if you provide your hands with proper care. To prevent the appearance of hangnails, use manicure baths with a soda solution or herbal decoction.

Oil bath

What to do if hangnails appear on your fingers? How to treat them? If the problem is dry skin, you can use alternative methods to eliminate it.

How to get rid of hangnails on your fingers? Using an oil bath on your hands will have a softening effect, which will prepare the skin for further procedures. The recipe is simple: you need to slightly heat the oil. Anything from apricot kernel, tea tree and others will do. You should dip your fingers in it for 15-20 minutes. The skin will soften and the procedure will proceed correctly and painlessly. Using nail scissors, trim the keratinized tissue without touching the healthy tissue. The procedure should be done for 7 days.

Bath with soda and salt

How to get rid of hangnails on your fingers? A soda bath will not only soften the cuticle, but also cope with inflammatory processes. Place 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of warm water. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening for 10-15 minutes. If necessary, cut off the burrs and lubricate the wounds with sea buckthorn oil.

Unflavored sea salt is used in various cases; removing hangnails and disinfecting the skin is no exception. To do this, you need to dilute 200 grams of salt in 1 liter of water, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve and cool. Keep your hands in a warm bath with sea salt for 10 minutes. Dry and disinfect your finger, remove dead skin and spread with peach oil (any oil can be used).

Aloe remedy

Houseplant lovers often grow medicinal plants. If you have aloe or kalanchoe, feel free to take advantage of their healing properties. How to get rid of hangnails on fingers using this plant?

Chop its leaves, apply to the wound and fix it. Leave your finger like this for several hours. This method can be used even in case of an abscess. For treatment, repeat the procedure daily, for prevention - once every 10 days.

Bath with chamomile infusion

If the wounds after hangnails begin to become inflamed, a good option would be to use a bath of chamomile decoction. Although its preparation takes a lot of time, the result exceeds expectations.

Add 3 tablespoons of chamomile to 2 liters of water, boil, let it brew and strain. Keep your hands in the resulting broth for about 15 minutes until completely cooled.

What needs to be done to prevent hangnails from appearing?

We have already found out what to do if hangnails appear on the fingers and how to treat them. But what to do when the problem has already been solved and you want it not to arise again in the future? If you are convinced that you are not deficient in vitamins, are you sure that your diet is correct and your diet is not compromised? Then follow simple rules that will serve as a good preventive measure against the appearance of a minor nuisance - hangnails:


Now you know why hangnails appear on your fingers. We examined the reasons for their occurrence and methods for solving such a problem.

When the skin on your hands looks flawless, your mood improves and your self-confidence appears, resulting in increased productivity in your life. Allow yourself not to think about unpleasant little things - love yourself and be happy!

Burrs are an unpleasant phenomenon. They can ruin the appearance of any manicure, and sometimes cause discomfort. However, you can deal with such a nuisance on your own without much difficulty. It is only important to find out how to get rid of hangnails at home. There are certain folk remedies, and in addition, it is important to understand how to properly treat the affected areas of the skin. And preventive measures should not be discounted. Having successfully removed hangnails, you will certainly want to maintain the positive result for a long time. What needs to be done for this is described in detail at the end of the article.

Rules for removing burrs

First of all, it is worth describing the action plan that must be followed if hangnails have already appeared. Keep in mind that for a successful outcome you will need some time and a little effort, but no special difficulties or special skills are needed here.

If you notice hangnails on your fingers and at the moment you do not have the opportunity to fully treat them, then refrain from any action for a while. It is best to cover your finger with a bactericidal bandage. What it is strictly not recommended to do is pick off a hangnail. This way you can injure the skin and even introduce an infection into the wound. As a result, the recovery process may be significantly slower.

As soon as you are at home and have prepared everything you need to treat hangnails, you can begin the procedure. Keep in mind that for good results you will need not only trimming off loose pieces of skin, but also proper care. This will help eliminate the problem as painlessly as possible and prevent it from getting worse. Read more about how to get rid of hangnails at home below.

Comprehensive care

Softening baths

First of all, even before removing burrs, you need to prepare a hand bath. In this case, it is best to make one of the following compositions: add a tablespoon of baking soda or sea salt to warm water (about 500 ml). A couple of drops of essential oil wouldn't hurt either. Citrus scents work great here. Dip your hands into the solution and hold them for 10 - 15 minutes. If you are limited in time, then try to devote at least 5 minutes to this. Then dry your hands with a soft towel and move on to the next step.


After the skin on your fingers has steamed and softened, you can proceed to the main procedure. To remove burrs safely and painlessly, you will need a good tool. These can be nail scissors with thin rounded tips or special tweezers. In any case, the cutting surface must be sharp. This is the only way you can count on good results.

So, the process of cutting off burrs is extremely simple. No special actions are required here, only accuracy and precision of movements. Apply scissors or pliers to the base of the hangnail and cut it off in one motion.

Revitalizing compresses

After the hangnails are removed, it is highly advisable to make a restorative compress. It can be prepared from natural herbs, cosmetic oils or rich cream. So, a mixture of plantain leaves and calendula flowers gives good results. You can use dried or fresh raw materials. Grind it and, if necessary, fill it with hot water for a few minutes. Then squeeze it out, apply it to your fingers and wrap them with bandages.

A compress of oils or rich cream is applied in the same way. For best results, leave them on for several hours, so it's best to do this before bed.

Burrs: this defect can be eliminated by proper care of hands and nails

Preventive measures

If you often get hangnails, then you should pay attention to your lifestyle and habits. Most often, this problem occurs when the skin is overdried. This can happen due to exposure to cold temperatures, chemicals, or dehydration. Also, hangnails often appear due to a lack of vitamins A and E in the body, as well as after improper manicure. To eliminate all these unfavorable factors, it is important to know about preventive measures.

Nourishing treatments

It is advisable to perform intensive care once every 7-14 days. It consists mainly of hand baths. They can be made from warm cosmetic oil, herbal decoctions and other compounds that have a softening and moisturizing effect.

Right way of life

A healthy lifestyle is also important. This is especially true for proper nutrition. Try to eat fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits more often. It is also important to drink enough water and spend time outdoors. All this helps improve the condition of the skin in general.

Protecting the skin from negative influences

When doing household chores and using any cleaning or detergent products, try to always wear protective gloves. This will protect the skin of your fingers from dryness and hangnails. In addition, the manicure will last much longer this way.

It is worth protecting your skin not only from chemical influences, but also from harmful environmental influences. To do this, you should apply moisturizer to your hands every time before going outside, especially in the cold season.


A thorough treatment of nails and cuticles should be carried out weekly. You can entrust this to an experienced craftsman or do it yourself at home. Timely and correct correction of the cuticle allows you to forget about hangnails, especially if you combine this event with a hand bath.

In order not to think about how to get rid of hangnails at home, you should take care in advance to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon. Simple activities and healthy habits will help you with this. And if hangnails do appear, now you know how to quickly and painlessly remove them.

A hangnail is a tear in the skin of the nail fold. In most cases, they occur on the lateral roll of the finger, on the side of the nail, since this area is most susceptible to mechanical stress. Also, several burrs, but much less frequently, are found on the back roller, as well as on the toes.

Externally, a hangnail looks like an area of ​​skin detachment or a piece of skin. Such a picture does not paint the nail at all, but also causes bleeding, pain and can cause paronychia.

Causes of hangnails

The formation of such structures most often occurs on dry skin with increased sensitivity. Constant dryness when exposed to triggers can lead to thinning and loss of elasticity in the area around the nail. Even a slight impact on such weakened skin leads to cracking.

Provoking factors

    Prolonged contact of the skin of the hands with water is also affected by household detergents (quite often, hangnails appear in women who do not use rubber gloves when cleaning).

    Lack of proper hand hygiene.

    Overdrying, chapping, frostbite of the skin of the hands, especially in winter.

    Working with chemicals without using protective gloves.

    Frequent walking barefoot, which is accompanied by injury to the skin of the feet from pebbles and sand.

    Excessive cuticle that grows on the nail plate.

    Poor quality materials used in the nail extension process, in particular methyl acrylate.

    Using low-grade nail polishes and nail removers.

    Injury to the skin by pebbles and sand quite often provokes the development of hangnails on the hands.

    Mechanical injury to the skin during manicure and pedicure.

    The bad habit of sucking fingers, biting the skin along the edges of the nail plates, and biting nails.

Internal reasons

    Dehydration – failure to drink properly.



    Gastrointestinal diseases.

    Fasting, dieting, eating disorders.

    Deficiency of vitamins (E, B, A) and microelements.


As with other skin lesions, in the presence of hangnails, skin defects can become a gateway for the attachment of infectious agents of fungal (Candida, dermatophytes) and bacterial (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus) infections.

    Constant gnawing and tearing off of hangnails causes tissue exposure and the formation of bleeding, weeping surfaces in these places; if such places are touched, severe pain occurs.

    Panaritium (paronychia) is an inflammation of the periungual fold due to the spread of infection through the soft tissues. If the finger is swollen, throbbing pain and redness occur - this is the main symptom of periungual panaritium. Subsequently, a softened area of ​​tissue forms with a gradual change in the color of the skin to yellowish, which indicates the accumulation of purulent compartments in the periungual or subungual space.

    Deformation of the nail - in some cases, paronychia can become chronic with the development of periodic exacerbations; accordingly, thickening and discoloration of the nail plate are observed.

Characteristics of burrs

Burrs can be large or small, single or multiple. Constant companions of hangnails are their pain, especially when touched, and bleeding.

    Multiple hangnails make the hands unattractive and repulsive; a person with a similar problem constantly hides their hands and experiences psychological discomfort.

    In addition to medical and aesthetic problems, hangnails can also complicate everyday life: they catch hair, clothing, and cause pain.


The clear symptoms of the pathology do not raise any doubts during diagnosis. Particular attention should be paid to cases when hangnails, with normal care and elimination of provoking factors, begin to reappear. In such cases, additional research needs to be carried out:

    stool examination for the presence of dysbacteriosis;

    spectral analysis of hair for the content of microelements;

    blood chemistry.

With a deficiency of vitamins, cracks may also appear in the corners of the mouth. If complications develop, when an abscess forms, it is worth performing a bacterial culture of the exudate contents to determine the causative agent of the infection and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

How to get rid of hangnails at home

    Steam the skin of your fingers in a hot bath for 10 minutes. Add soda or sea salt to the water (1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter).

    Dry your hands with a towel, carefully and carefully.

    Treat nail scissors with medical alcohol and carefully cut the cuticle. When cutting, the scissors should be held parallel, the forceps – perpendicular, for a tight fit to the skin. You should not tear off or pull the hangnails, because healthy skin will begin to tear, and conditions will appear for the formation of a new hangnail.

    Treat the skin with an antiseptic solution (alcohol tincture of calendula, hydrogen peroxide), then apply Dexpanthenol (analogues of Panoderm ointment, D-panthenol, Panternol, Bepanten) or a special moisturizer to the skin.

    Place an adhesive plaster with a fabric center on your fingers to prevent accidental injury to the skin of your fingers on clothing.

When fear arises when cutting off hangnails, you can use this method: at night, thoroughly lubricate the hangnails with calendula ointment and cover loosely with a band-aid. By morning, the hangnails will soften and will be removed on their own by washing your hands. But it is worth understanding that complete removal is not guaranteed, and small remnants of skin can re-cling to clothing and form new hangnails.

How to get rid of hangnails in the salon

Specialized salons perform such actions similar to home removal, but more professionally and with less risk of relapse in the future. But both the salon and the craftsmen must inspire trust, since in the process of treating burrs with an unsterile instrument, infections can be introduced. Also in beauty salons you can carry out such professional manipulations that will help prevent the development of hangnails, such as:

    paraffin therapy;

    peeling of feet and hands;

    trim pedicure and manicure;

    spa pedicure and spa manicure.

Traditional treatment

    Rosehip oil or sea buckthorn oil can be applied to areas of hangnails, as they have a cytoprotective and wound-healing effect.

    Aloe vera officinalis pulp. Several fresh leaves are finely crushed and applied to the fingertips, and the hands are covered with a film on top. Ideally, you need to wait for several hours, but not less than 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

    Oil baths. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil and hold your hands in this bath for 10-20 minutes. The oil does not have to be washed off; you can rub it into the skin and put it on top of the glove. Repeat the procedure daily at night.

Treatment of complications

It often happens that a hangnail comes off, and after some time the finger breaks out. If inflammatory processes develop, you should immediately contact a surgeon.

The acute stage is treated using conservative methods: warm compresses are effective; outside the procedure, the finger must be kept in an elevated position. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to stop the inflammatory process and prevent an abscess.

If a periungual abscess occurs in the procedure room, drainage and opening are performed. With a subungual abscess, the nail plate may be partially or completely removed.


    Complete nutrition.

    Compliance with drinking regime.

    Taking minerals and vitamins. You can determine which vitamins are deficient using a blood test.

    Use softening baths with soda, glycerin or sea salt twice a week.

    Using softening and nourishing hand creams after each manicure session or hand washing. The cream should be applied around the nail and rubbed in using light massage movements.

    Hand washing with baby soap.

    Protection of hand skin from exposure to natural factors and aggressive environments (gloves, protective creams).

    Eradication of the harmful habit of sucking fingers and biting nails, especially typical for children. In addition to bleeding and painful hangnails, such a habit can cause helminthic infestation or acute intestinal infection.

    Disinfection after home pedicure and manicure (tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide).

    Professional foot and hand care. A high-quality trimmed pedicure and manicure virtually eliminates the development of hangnails.

Hangnails are an unpleasant, unsightly and in some cases painful formation on the skin around the nails.

This tearing of the skin of the nail fold can lead to bleeding. And if you fail to remove it, an abscess may result, as a result of which the finger will begin to become inflamed and fester.

People who have at least once encountered such a problem began to wonder: “How to remove hangnails on fingers at home?”

Let's begin to deal with this issue by first finding out the reasons for the appearance of hangnails.

The culprits for the appearance of hangnails are the following factors:

If you take care of your nails, get manicures regularly, but the hangnails still do not disappear, new ones appear, then you need to see a doctor, undergo an examination, find and eliminate the cause of the problem.

It happens that hangnails appear due to diseases of the internal organs.

Knowing how to properly treat hangnails on your fingers can prevent complications from occurring.

There are several ways to remove this defect around the nail fold:

  1. Using manicure devices.
  2. With the help of medicinal baths.
  3. Using hand masks.

You can remove burrs only with nail scissors or tweezers. Under no circumstances should you pick or chew them with your fingers.

How to deal with hangnails on your fingers if you find a problem at home? To do this you need:

The following baths will help prevent the appearance of such a defect around the fingers or toes:

From vegetable oil

Heat olive or sunflower oil in a water bath - 2 tbsp. l. for 0.5 liters of water. Keep your hands in the bath for 10 minutes. Instead of these oils, you can also use rosehip oil and castor oil.

From soda

Dissolve baking soda in warm water (2 tablespoons per 0.5 liter). Take a hand bath for no more than 15 minutes.

From sea salt and essential oils

Dissolve 1 tbsp in warm water. l. salt, add 4-5 drops of lemon, bergamot or ylang-ylang essential oil.

From chamomile flowers

Pour one tablespoon of the plant into 250 ml of boiling water. Let it brew, strain.

Pour the warm broth into a bowl, lower your palms, and keep your fingers in the medicinal broth for 20 minutes.

After such baths, hangnails are easily removed and do not lead to complications.

They also help if the hangnail is already inflamed. They relieve inflammation, redness and pain.

Hand baths can be alternated. The main condition is to do them regularly.

Hand masks against hangnails

With Kalanchoe

Grind several leaves of the pure plant using a blender. Apply the paste to the problem finger and wrap with cling film. Leave for 3-5 hours. To prevent hangnails from appearing again in the future, such a mask must be done regularly.

With sea buckthorn oil

Apply it to the skin around the nails once a day. This oil kills germs and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

With vitamins A and E

Buy these vitamins at the pharmacy (they are sold in ampoules), mix them in equal proportions. Apply the product to the periungual ridges at night, before applying night cream to your hands.

If you accidentally caught it while outdoors, at a party, or in transport, then the best solution would be not to bite off the hangnail, but to cover your finger with a band-aid.

You need to cut off the hangnail at home, the skin will be clean and there will be no infection underneath it.

If this happened at a party, then you can ask the hostess for tweezers or nail scissors and use them to cut off painful hangnails (pre-treat the tools with alcohol).

Then be sure to wipe the sore spot on your finger with hydrogen peroxide to prevent infection from getting under the skin. Instead of peroxide, you can use iodine or brilliant green.

Depending on the type and condition of the cuticle, the correct manicure is selected: European - if the cuticle is thin, hardware - when the cuticle is thick, classic cut - if the cuticle is very rough and cracked.

Very often, the cause of hangnails is an incorrectly done manicure. It is very important to properly remove the cuticle to prevent the formation of “tears.”

Sequence of actions when removing cuticle:

  1. Make a warm bath for your hands, steam your finger skin in it.
  2. Dry your fingers with a towel.
  3. Using an orange stick or pusher, gently push the cuticle away from the base of the nail plate.
  4. Using scissors or forceps, trim the cuticle along an arc. It is very important to do everything carefully, do not rush, otherwise you can injure the skin.
  5. After removing the cuticle, be sure to apply moisturizer to the skin.

If you cannot carefully use scissors to remove the cuticle on your right hand, then you can get rid of it in another way - by applying a special gel. We are talking about a remover - a substance thanks to which you can quickly and easily get rid of cuticles.

The remover should be applied to dry and clean skin around the periungual fold, left for several minutes (according to the instructions), and using a stick or pusher, carefully remove any remaining cuticle.

If the cause of hangnails is a habit such as nail biting, then you need to get rid of it urgently. Most often it appears when a person is nervous.

To get rid of this habit and prevent nail problems, you need to take soothing teas, infusions, and seek help from a specialist.

If hangnails appear in a small child, then the mother should follow these steps:

There is no need to think about how to get rid of hangnails on your fingers or toes at home; it is better to do everything possible to prevent their occurrence:

You can get rid of hangnails forever. To do this, it is enough to constantly monitor your nails, the skin of your hands, make masks, medicinal baths, and also perform a manicure in a timely manner.


If you think that hangnails are a harmless phenomenon, then you are mistaken..

If the skin around the nail bed is damaged, inflammation or bleeding occurs, hangnails can lead to the penetration of various types of harmful microorganisms into the body: streptococci, staphylococci, candida, fungi.

This, in turn, can lead to the following complications:

  1. Felon - purulent inflammation of the tissues of the fingers.
  2. Nail deformities.

People often encounter a problem when, after tearing off a hangnail, their finger breaks out. What to do if your finger swells when you tear off a hangnail, what measures to take?

First you need to steam the sore finger in warm water with salt. Then dry it, apply Levomekol or ichthyol ointment. Bandage it overnight.

These products are excellent at drawing out pus. But if the next day the pus does not come out, the finger swells even more, you need to go to the surgeon to remove the pus.

It is necessary to remove hangnails, but this must be done correctly: under no circumstances should you bite or pull them out, but only trim them with manicure tools.

Otherwise, you can injure the skin and lead to complications: abscess, suppuration, redness.

To ensure that you never have problems with your nails and the skin around them, you need to regularly moisturize your skin, use high-quality creams and varnishes, and also do your manicure correctly and in a timely manner.

Hangnails on fingers are one of the most common troubles in hand care. Besides the fact that it looks unattractive, the appearance of hangnails is often accompanied by painful sensations, and also exposes you to a number of infections. A hangnail is a crack in the skin of the nail fold followed by redness of this area.

A hangnail is a tear in the skin of the nail fold. Most often it occurs on the lateral roll of the fingers, i.e. on the side of the nail, since this area is most susceptible to mechanical stress. Somewhat less frequently, hangnails are found on the rear roller. Hangnails on the toes are also less common.

Externally, a hangnail looks like a piece of skin or an area of ​​skin detachment. This picture does not decorate the nails at all, and also causes pain, bleeding, and can lead to paronychia (periungual felon).

Causes of hangnails

Dry skin with increased sensitivity is most susceptible to the formation of hangnails. Constant dryness of the skin when exposed to provoking factors leads to thinning and loss of elasticity in the area around the nail. Why do burrs often appear? The fact is that even the slightest impact on such skin leads to cracking.

Provoking factors

  • Long-term, constant contact of the skin of the hands with water, with household detergents (burrs often occur in women who do not use gloves when cleaning, washing dishes, etc.)
  • Working with various chemicals without wearing gloves
  • Chapping, frostbite and dry skin, especially in winter
  • Lack of proper hand hygiene
  • Bad habit of biting nails, biting the skin around nails, sucking fingers
  • Mechanical injury to the skin during trimming pedicures and manicures
  • Injury to the skin by sand and pebbles often causes hangnails on a child’s fingers
  • Use of low-quality nail polishes, coating removers
  • Low-quality materials containing methyl methacrylate used in nail extensions
  • Excess cuticle growing on the nail plate
  • Frequent walking barefoot, accompanied by injury to the skin from sand and pebbles.

Internal reasons

  • Deficiency of vitamins (A, B, E) and microelements
  • Eating disorders, diets, fasting
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Dysbacteriosis
  • Diabetes
  • Failure to drink properly (dehydration).

Complications and consequences

The main mistake that many people make when a hangnail appears is tearing it off. Such actions are dangerous because this place will become inflamed and cause pain; a secondary infection may occur, which is fraught with serious consequences and complications: paronychia and felon.

Paronychia is a purulent inflammation of the cushion near the nail. In severe cases, inflammation can lead to nail deformation or peeling. If the disease is mild, paronychia can be treated with medication and various procedures, but in advanced cases, surgical treatment cannot be avoided. Paronychia is characterized by infiltration or suppuration, a local increase in temperature. Then the patient may complain of a tugging pain. Pus may ooze from the wound. When the process can be brought under control and the treatment produces results, you may notice the appearance of cavities or a disturbance in the shape of the nail.

Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the fingers. Typically, staphylococcal infection plays a major role in infection. Complications of this disease are extremely dangerous, including sepsis. With panaritium, severe pain, swelling, and increased temperature appear at the site of inflammation. In the most difficult cases, there is a significant increase in body temperature and severe intoxication. In severe forms, the prognosis may be unfavorable regarding further restoration of the functioning of the fingers.

How to get rid of hangnails at home

Under no circumstances should you pick off a hangnail or bite it off with your teeth. This will cause additional pain and bleeding. Healthy areas of the skin may be injured, and an additional source of inflammation will arise. But leaving hangnails unattended is also unwise. They can contribute to inflammation of the soft tissue around the nail (paronychia) or the development of purulent processes throughout the finger (felon).

To remove burrs, you need to:

  • Hold your hand in warm water so that the skin steams well and becomes less sensitive and more elastic. It will take at least a quarter of an hour. You need to add a tablespoon (0.5 liter) of soda or sea salt to the water.
  • Dry your hands with a towel.
  • Treat nail scissors or tweezers with medical alcohol. Carefully cut off the hangnail, and the entire cuticle along with it.
  • Treat the cut area with an antiseptic and apply hand cream (moisturizing or nourishing).

To avoid accidentally injuring the treated skin with clothing or hair, you need to stick a fixing patch with a gauze pad on your finger.

Anyone who is afraid to cut off hangnails can do this: shortly before bed, carefully lubricate the skin at the site of the break with calendula ointment. Then loosely cover your finger with the bandage. If the hangnails do not fall off when washing your hands in the morning, the procedure will have to be repeated again.

Treatment of hangnails using folk methods

The most effective way to treat hangnails is baths for hands and nails.

They are not only pleasant, but also beneficial for the skin. It is preferable to prepare oil baths, since they are highly effective.

Such procedures do not take much time, so they can be carried out at least every day. Any vegetable oil is suitable for the bath. You need to warm it up slightly and dip your hands into a warm and viscous liquid. Twenty minutes is enough for the skin to soften and become saturated with vegetable fat.

After the procedure, you should not wash your hands. It is better to rub the remaining oil into the skin and wear cotton gloves. They should not be removed until the morning. It is advisable to repeat this procedure daily before a night's rest, until the skin on your hands, especially near the nail plate, becomes soft and smooth (without damage).

Aloe or Kalanchoe pulp is another effective remedy. Freshly cut leaves of the plant must be washed and chopped as much as possible. The resulting mushy mixture should be applied to the skin near the nails and wrap the fingers in film.

It is advisable to keep the compress for several hours or at least an hour. The frequency of repetition of the procedure is once or twice a week.

Sea buckthorn or rosehip oil also helps. They can be used to lubricate the places where hangnails appear, since such products have a wound-healing effect.

How to deal with hangnails on fingers: we use modern methods

You can turn to cosmetic products for help, the range of which is simply huge. To choose the right one, go to large chain stores, where you can use a tester so as not to buy a whole package of a product with unknown effectiveness.

  • You will need a hand cream with a moisturizing and nourishing effect if the hangnails are too small to remove carefully. Apply it to problem areas, wrap it with cling film, remove burrs in the morning, and such a problem will not make itself felt again. The cream will be more effective if you use it after washing, washing dishes or cleaning.
  • One of the popular, although not the fastest methods, is a paraffin nail bath. To do this, apply cream to the skin, and then dip your hands in melted paraffin 5-8 times with a break of 30 seconds. It will quickly harden on your hands, but do not rush to remove it. In order for this method to work, this should be done only after half an hour.
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