Essential oils for bleeding for women. Essential oils and herbal infusions for women's problems

Hello, dear aroma friend!

Women are the best creation of nature and therefore aromatherapy and essential oils are very close to them. And it is in aromatherapy that women of different ages can find great help for maintaining beauty, health, mental comfort, and harmonious relationships with loved ones.

I have been thinking about the topic of today’s article for a long time - aromatherapy and essential oils for women. And finally, I finished writing it. I hope that everyone can find at least one useful piece of advice for themselves.

How and in what areas of life can women use essential oils? So I wrote a question and thought about it. Perhaps it’s even difficult for me to name an area where essential oils will not help.

To improve health, to improve skin condition, to strengthen hair and nails, to care for small children, to relieve nervous tension, improve emotional background, to improve intimate relationships, in the home for cleaning and disinfection, for treating loved ones, in cooking, for working on yourself and personal growth - no matter what area you touch upon, essential oils can help.

There is a group of essential oils that are traditionally called feminine oils. These are geranium, lavender, sage, rose, chamomile, fennel, ylang-ylang. As you can see, these are mainly floral scents, probably because women themselves are like flowers - beautiful and delicate. The beauty and health of women largely depends on hormonal levels. And all flower oils are capable of influencing its normalization.

Women have several periods when hormonal levels change - adolescence, pregnancy, menopause. Each of these periods has its own problems and certain oils can support such moments.

Oils, lemon, fennel, and chamomile will help with painful periods. Add 2 drops of each oil per 10 ml. base oil and apply three days before menstruation and during menstruation on the lower abdomen and back 2-3 times a day. Also for these purposes, you can use essential oils, which have remarkable analgesic properties.

I recently read the advice of Dr. Ulviya Goldenbrook - taking vitamin E in a dosage of 200IE for 4 days during menstruation is effective for adolescents with dysmenorrhea. Reduces pain and bleeding intensity.

With age, problems with the cardiovascular system become more and more common. Blood pressure may rise, pain in the heart area may be felt, and an attack of tachycardia or arrhythmia may occur. Ylang-ylang, lavender, orange, jasmine, and geranium oils come to the rescue. Methods of application are very different - baths, aroma pendants. Lemon and orange oil can be taken internally with tea or juice to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques.

We must remember that for internal use (especially!) oils can only be used of proven and reliable quality! Consult your physician before use.

Varicose veins This problem is also familiar to many women, and this is also a vascular problem. For this problem, cypress oils are used. They can be added to foot cream and used internally. You can add mint, it will relieve fatigue from your legs. Additionally

An unpleasant period for women is menopause, when women are bothered by hot flashes, dizziness, changes in blood pressure and mood.

The use of prohormonal oils (clary sage, ylang-ylang, geranium, rose, lavender) is especially important during menopause. Aroma baths and

A fairly common problem is thrush or candidiasis. Candida fungi live in almost everyone's body, but good immunity and normal intestinal flora prevent them from developing. But if the protective functions are weakened, expect unpleasant manifestations.

For gynecological problems, inflammation in the genital area. For thrush candidiasis, douching, sitz baths, and tampons with essential oils are used. For a sitz bath, essential oils should be diluted in a small amount of kefir or yogurt, then poured into the bath. Use 5-7 drops of lavender oil or per procedure.

For douching for candidiasis or other inflammatory processes, microflora disorders, rose, tea tree, lavender, etc. are suitable. Dilute 2-3 drops of any of these oils in a teaspoon of alcohol pharmacy tincture and add to 100 ml. warm boiled water. Douching at night. After which you can insert a tampon.

Apply the mixture to the tampons - 1 tbsp. l. fatty natural yogurt or kefir, add 1 drop each of lavender, tea tree, patchouli, incense oil (or one or two oils - 4 drops in total). Tampons are placed overnight.

It is also important to include live yogurt or kefir and other fermented milk products in your diet to restore beneficial intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar, starch, and yeast products. Treatment with essential oils in combination with diet should last a long time - from three to months. This should be done in 3 week courses with a week break. You should consult your doctor for more details.

Thrush can often be replaced by cystitis and vice versa. Once you get a little too cold, the problem makes itself felt. Warm sitz baths with lavender and tea tree will help. Add 5-7 drops of any oil or mixture of oils to the bath. Pre-mix the oils with a small amount of soda. Duration 1-15 minutes.

This is not a complete list of how aromatherapy can help women. Basically, half of my blog is dedicated to this topic.

Aromatherapy and essential oils for women's beauty.

Women attach particular importance to appearance and facial care. Every woman has creams, milk, tonic, and various face masks in her arsenal. By adding essential oils to these products, we can enhance the effect of the beneficial components of cosmetics. Each skin type has its own essential oils; it is important to choose them correctly and use them in the right concentration.

I would especially like to mention hair care. Well, what woman doesn’t dream that her hair would be voluminous and beautiful? This is where essential oils can help. They can be added to shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, hair masks, rinses with them, etc. The most popular are lavender, rosemary, thyme, ylang-ylang, orange, tea tree. Read more about hair care using essential oils.

Essential oils in everyday life.

If essential oils live fully in your home, then when cleaning, your hand will reach out to add a few drops to the water for cleaning. In this way, the air in the apartment will be freshened, pathogenic microorganisms will be killed, and a favorable emotional background will be created. For cleaning, it is good to use mint oil, coniferous oils - fir, juniper, pine, citrus, floral aromas - ylang-ylang, sage, geranium, lavender.

Essential oils in cooking.

Adding essential oils to dishes makes them more tasty and healthy. But not all oils are suitable for these purposes. Only 100% natural essential oils of very high quality! This is very important, because there are a lot of counterfeit oils that can do harm rather than good.

In cooking, you can most often use citrus oils - lemon, orange and herbal oils - fennel, thyme, basil, cumin, mint, rose. It is best to add oil to salt or sugar (3-4 drops per 100 g), mix well and then use this salt or sugar when cooking.

They can be added to baked goods, salted salads, made into salad dressings, and added to sauces and gravies. In the Aroma Cuisine section you can find many recipes using essential oils. Almost every recipe contains one or two essential oils. We remember quality!

Armatherapy for women is a reliable and faithful ally for achieving their goals. After all, nature itself gave this secret weapon! Don't neglect this pleasant chance to be beautiful and healthy! But you definitely need to know and don’t forget to consult a doctor.

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1) Wash only with warm water, from front to back.
On critical days, do not take a bath, try not to swim in the pool and especially in open water, even if you rely on hygienic tampons.
2) Use a separate towel for intimate hygiene. It should always be perfectly clean and soft.
3) Never wash your genitals with washcloths or sponges: this is completely useless, but your delicate mucous membrane can easily get scratches and damage - and this is a paradise for all kinds of infectious agents. Of course, if you use a sisal washcloth to treat your bikini area between epilations, then this is normal, but you should not wash your genitals with a washcloth.
4) When you wash your private parts, do not direct the water stream directly into the vagina. This not only washes away the necessary protective lubricant, but also helps various pathogens of infections and inflammatory diseases enter the vagina.
If you really need to clean the vagina, then do it by douching, using an infusion of medicinal herbs. For douching, use only boiled water, but not hot, but close to body temperature. You should not wipe your genitals dry after washing, but rather gently blot them so that the sensitive mucous membrane is not damaged.
5) When caring for the intimate area, do not use regular soap, otherwise, as mentioned above, there is a risk of disturbing the acid-base balance of the vagina. You can wash the skin around the vaginal opening with soap, but it is better not to do this. Use special intimate hygiene products.

Essential oils for solving women's problems

We invite you to get acquainted with several essential oils that are widely used to solve women's health problems.

Tea tree oil

  • anti-inflammatory;

  • antifungal;

  • antibacterial;

  • antiseptic
  • These properties of tea tree oil make it possible to destroy the pathogenic flora of the vagina, as well as promote the healing of various microcracks or cuts during depilation.
    This oil is increasingly used in the treatment of cervical erosion, urethritis, cystitis, thrush and vaginitis of various origins. It can also be used for daily intimate hygiene. Used in the form of massage, douching, tampons and baths.
    In order to prevent, for example, vaginitis, a woman may well use tea tree oil for intimate hygiene, adding five drops of it to the products used for washing.

    You can use water for intimate rinsing, which is prepared as follows: tea tree essential oil (5 drops), half a teaspoon of baking soda are diluted in a glass of warm water.

    For cystitis, sitz baths with tea tree oil are recommended. It is advisable to use several oils at the same time to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time. So, you can combine 3 drops of tea tree, 2 drops of pine and juniper. Add a mixture of oils to the water. Before adding, be sure to mix with an emulsifier (sour cream, honey, salt or polysorbate), because the oil does not dissolve in water, and contact with pure essential oil can cause skin irritation. Take a bath for about a quarter of an hour.

    Cystitis mixture for sitz baths - recipe 2
    Honey – 1-2 tbsp.
    Apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp.
    Sandalwood – 3k
    Tea tree – 2k
    Chamomile – 1k
    The bath water should be warm, the bath time should be 15-20 minutes.

    Massage mixture for cystitis (for massage of the lower abdomen and back)
    Base oil - 1 tbsp.
    Calendula (infusion) – 1 tbsp.
    EO carrot seeds – 1/4 tsp. (optional)
    Lavender – 10k
    Sandalwood – 6k
    Cedar – 5k
    Bergamot – 4k
    Source: Aromatherapy: Soothing Remedies to Restore, Rejuvenate and Heal by Valerie Gennari Cooksley

    Tea tree oil, used as an additive to intimate cosmetics, can prevent the sexual transmission of fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. The unique properties of tea tree oil allow it to be used to destroy pathogenic flora of the vaginal mucosa and urinary tract. Thus, it is used not only as a means of treating vaginitis, but also to eliminate colpitis, candidomycosis, cystitis, urethritis, as well as to reduce leucorrhoea or vaginal hypersecretion. Almost all women are familiar with such a disease as thrush. Today, thrush can be treated with just one single tablet, but the cause that causes it does not go away, and therefore relapses often occur. Tea tree oil for thrush has been used for a long time and is finding more and more followers, as it is a natural remedy.

    Lavender oil

    • anti-scar;

    • antifungal;

    • bactericidal;

    • regenerating;

    • antivirus.
    This oil perfectly relieves inflammation in vaginitis and cystitis. Promotes healing of wounds and scars due to cervical erosion. It is used in the treatment of thrush in the form of douching and soaking medicinal tampons. It can also be used for daily care by adding a few drops to an intimate hygiene product.

    You can make the real thing in a few minutes; when this oil comes into contact with water, it turns into the most delicate milk - an ideal, gentle product for cleaning and deodorizing the intimate area.

    Cypress Oil

    • disinfectant;

    • antibacterial;

    • antipruritic;

    • anti-inflammatory;

    • antiallergic.

    This oil perfectly regulates hormonal levels, helps with problems during menopause and menstrual irregularities. Used for uterine bleeding and in the treatment of ovarian diseases.

    Chamomile Oil

    • anti-inflammatory;

    • painkillers;

    • antimicrobial;

    • antiseptic.
    This oil helps fight pathogenic flora of the mucous membranes and relieves inflammation. Also used in normalizing the menstrual cycle and menopause. Used in the form of douching, massage and sitz baths.

    Methods of using essential oils in gynecology

    There are several effective ways to use essential oils in gynecology. We will look at the most common ones.


    Prepare the composition for douching in this way: take 4-6 drops of oil, ½ teaspoon of soda per glass of water. For infections and various inflammations, it is recommended to douche with tea tree, lavender or chamomile oils. 1 time per day at night. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to douche no more than 3 times a week.


    Prepare a tampon like this. Add 3-5 drops of essential oil to a teaspoon of a fatty base (vegetable oil, sea buckthorn oil). Then the tampon itself is impregnated with this composition and placed in the vagina overnight.
    It is very effective to use sea buckthorn oil with lavender oil to treat erosion; they heal wounds, as well as various scars that occur during erosion.
    Sea buckthorn oil with tea tree is used in the treatment of thrush; in this case, the proportion of essential oil is 1:10.

    Therapeutic baths

    The bath temperature should be no more than 38 degrees. It is recommended to take a shower before using the therapeutic bath. Afterwards, you can add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the bath itself, then drop 10-15 drops onto a small amount of soda or honey and then dissolve it in water. You need to take a bath for no more than 20 minutes.

    Such baths not only have a healing effect on the body, but also on the emotional state.
    You can use any of the feminine oils, depending on the desired result. Lavender oil also has a relaxing effect and is recommended before bed.
    Before using the methods described above, we advise you to consult your doctor.

    Infusions for washing

    A decoction for thrush and is very useful for intimate hygiene:

    • collection of common juniper berries,

    • common yarrow herb,

    • Salvia officinalis leaves,

    • eucalyptus twigs,

    • chamomile flowers,

    • calendula officinalis,

    • silver birch buds,

    • black poplar.
    To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into one liter of boiling water and leave overnight in a thermos. The infusion is used for local baths once a day. In case of thrush, take 1/3-1/4 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course - 1 month.

    Antimicrobial infusion for washing:

    • Oak bark 3 parts,

    • Nettle roots 2 parts,

    • Seed grass 1.5 parts,

    • Lavender 1 part
    How to prepare a decoction: pour one tablespoon of the mixture into 150 ml of boiling water, close, leave for 2 hours, strain, add another 150 ml of boiling water and the decoction is ready. You can wash yourself. This aromatic decoction has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

    There is information that honey can be used for personal hygiene. Honey is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10.

    In Irina Olshanskaya’s book “Natural Cosmetics” the following infusions are recommended for washing:

    Chamomile infusion for washing

    • 1 cup boiling water.
    Cooking method. Pour boiling water over chamomile flowers and leave for 15 minutes. Wash with infusion 2 times a day. After this, do not rinse the genitals with water, but gently pat dry with a clean towel.

    Infusion for washing from calendula, string and yarrow

    • 1 tbsp. l. strings,

    • 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers,

    • 1 tbsp. l. yarrow flowers,

    • 2 cups boiling water. .

    Cooking method. Mix the herbs, pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the infusion before drinking. Use the infusion for washing 2 times a day, morning and evening.

    Infusion for washing from eucalyptus leaves

    • 1 tbsp. l. dry eucalyptus leaves,

    • 1 cup boiling water.
    Cooking method. Pour boiling water over eucalyptus leaves and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the infusion before drinking. Use the infusion for washing and bathing.

    Infusion of oak bark and string

    • 1 tbsp. l. oak bark,

    • 1 tbsp. l. strings,

    • 2 glasses of water.
    Cooking method. Bring the water to a boil, add the herbs and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and add 0.5 cups of cold boiled water.
    Wash your intimate parts with the broth 1-2 times a day.

    Infusion of chamomile, calendula and mint

    • 1 tbsp. l. dried calendula flowers,

    • 1 tsp. dried chamomile flowers,

    • 1 tsp. mint.
    Cooking method. Mix the herbs and pour boiling water over them, leave for 20 minutes. Wash yourself with the prepared infusion 2 times a day.

    Infusion of pomegranate flowers

    • 1 tbsp. l. pomegranate flowers,

    • 1 cup boiling water.
    Cooking method. Pour boiling water over pomegranate flowers and leave for 20 minutes. Wash with infusion as needed to relieve irritation and itching.

    Marshmallow root infusion

    The wound-healing and antiseptic effect of marshmallow has made this plant one of the most popular folk medicine for treating any irritation.
    • 2 tbsp. l. crushed marshmallow root,

    • 2 glasses of water.
    Cooking method. Pour cold water over the root and leave for 8 hours. Warm the infusion before use. Use to wash the irritated area 1-2 times a day, morning and evening.

    Composite herbal infusion

    • 3 tbsp. l. flax seeds,

    • 1 tbsp. l. marshmallow root,

    • 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers,

    • 1 tbsp. l. mallow flowers,

    • 1 tbsp. l. sweet clover flowers,

    • 3 cups boiling water.
    Cooking method. Mix the herbs, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. After this, strain the infusion through cheesecloth.
    Use the infusion for daily washing until the irritation disappears.

    Infusion of chamomile and coltsfoot

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry coltsfoot leaves,

  • 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers,

  • 1 cup boiling water.
Cooking method. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for 20 minutes. After this, strain the infusion and dilute with a glass of cold boiled water. Wash the irritated area with a cotton swab. After this, gently blot with a soft cloth.

The most common diseases, the beginning of all troubles, are inflammatory diseases, especially in non-acute form.

Often they are not taken seriously, they say, just a little more abundant discharge or occasional itching, it seems, is nothing to worry about.

But they are very dangerous, and precisely because they are launched. And then they already lead to serious consequences:

disruption of the menstrual cycle up to its complete cessation, infertility, miscarriage.
There are inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia and vagina.
They can be caused not only by poor hygiene, but also by traumatic injuries, some metabolic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, exudative diathesis, and chronic tonsillitis. They often occur in childhood.

Treatment consists of identifying the cause of inflammation, as well as supporting the body's natural defense system.

Biostimulants can be of great help with this. not only are they such, but also have a complex therapeutic effect.

  • Colpitis

Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

It can occur due to infection with various microorganisms, metabolic diseases, hormonal insufficiency (with premature menopause, after surgical removal of the ovaries, in old age). It is advisable to maintain impaired metabolism. For example, premature menopause is most often associated with thyroid dysfunction.

  • Cervical erosion

This is a defect in the integumentary tissue of the cervix. If everyone who has this disease took it seriously, they wouldn't have a lot of problems. The trouble is that few people pay attention to erosion. “Lucky” are those who develop this disease rapidly, with bleeding - after all, they immediately run to the clinic and treat the disease.

Many women do not pay attention, the erosion progresses, it can no longer be cured with medications, but must be cauterized. “Just think, a nonsense operation, five minutes with pain relief, almost all my friends had it done!” - a woman thinks when the doctor tells her about erosion.

At the site of the former erosion, scar tissue forms, and it loses its elasticity and then during childbirth, the cervix, or even the uterus itself, ruptures.

Methods of application:, local , douching, local , .

  • Menopausal disorders, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual irregularities:

Iris, tuberose, mimosa,

Since ancient times it has been well known that the odors of some plants have amazing properties. There are fragrances that can protect intimate love relationships and even promote their development. Essential oils aphrodisiacs are uhOral aromas, they increase attraction, evoke romantic fantasies, and develop sensuality. Listed below are both mild and strong aphrodisiacs, for women and men. At the end of the article, you will also learn how to make perfume from essential oils at home.

Aphrodisiac essential oils are named after the goddess of love, Aphrodite. By calling on them for help, you can enrich and prolong your sex life, paint it in any colors, give your relationship newness, passion and awe. Some of them are pronounced female aphrodisiacs, others are known as male aphrodisiacs. Still others are universal. So…

Essential oils aphrodisiacs

Air is a mild aphrodisiac. Essential oil of the aphrodisiac Calamus helps to reveal sensuality and gives sexual power. Helps create an erotic mood. Calamus gives bright, inimitable sensations from love play. Calamus is especially known as a male aphrodisiac; it helps eliminate erectile dysfunction and awakens interest in the opposite sex.

Attention: Calamus Ordinary has contraceptive and abortifacient properties! Therefore, married couples who have decided to have a baby should use the aphrodisiac Calamus essential oil with extreme caution or temporarily refrain from using it.

Amyris - a bright representative of this family of oils. It is better known as a male aphrodisiac because it eliminates erectile dysfunction. However, it also works great as a female aphrodisiac - it helps a woman cope with coldness. Calms, relieves stress, relaxes. Gives the opportunity to reveal sensuality. Promotes an erotic mood.

Anise Even the ancient Greeks considered it a strong love potion and constantly added it to food and drinks. Anise aphrodisiac essential oil has a mild effect.

Anise contains a plant hormone - estrogen, so it is often used as a female aphrodisiac. Eliminates sexual coldness in women. It is used to regulate the monthly cycle, helps create an erotic mood and desire. Anise also promotes the formation and increase of milk in nursing women.

However, it is no coincidence that some alcoholic drinks, popular among the male population, are flavored with this particular essential oil. Anise is also effective as a male aphrodisiac. In addition, it significantly improves male reproductive function and treats erectile dysfunction.

Orange. In ancient Greek myths, there is a story about how Paris brought an orange to the goddess Aphrodite as a sign of her victory in a dispute with Hera and Athena. The subject of the dispute was female beauty. In ancient times, orange fruits were considered a symbol of innocence and fertility. Orange is not a direct aphrodisiac, but this aroma can attract the attention of the opposite sex. He gives enthusiastic emotions typical of young people. May be present in erotic mixtures as a top major note. The orange tone will give any mixture a bright, unforgettable and joyful mood. It will leave a pleasant impression of time spent with your loved one.

Basil- an undoubted and, moreover, strong aphrodisiac. It is believed that it is more suitable for the female half of humanity. As a female aphrodisiac, it significantly increases sexual energy and develops sensuality. Relieves tension, liberates, enhances attraction. Although there is a lot of evidence that it affects men with no less force.

It is known that in Italy women used basil as a bewitching remedy. And it is no coincidence: as a male aphrodisiac, it has an incredibly stimulating effect on men. It awakens passion, accelerates blood flow throughout the body, and enhances erection. Allows you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

Bay also has properties that bring it closer to the category of aphrodisiac essential oils. Like any tonic aroma, bey oil has the ability to stimulate reproductive processes. It improves erectile function in men and eliminates frigidity in women. The oil does not have a very pleasant aroma (similar to pepper), but in all other characteristics it can be compared with black pepper and ginger.

Bergamot well known as an aphrodisiac essential oil. It awakens bright, vibrant emotions, erotic fantasies, and reveals the sensual side of a person. With its scent, Bergamot creates a romantic atmosphere and evokes the most tender emotions for your loved one. Works especially well when mixed with ylang-ylang, rose and neroli.

Vetiver (vetiver) - bright and strong aphrodisiac. Although, when you first encounter this scent, you may not like it. But as you use it, you don’t notice how you dissolve in its charms. Works both as a male aphrodisiac and as a female one. It absorbs, relaxes, pacifies, and then leads to ecstasy. It has a unique attracting property. Excites the wildest fantasies, liberates, awakens stagnant juices. Gives unique erotic emotions. Promotes rapid discharge. This scent brings chic to relationships. It remains in the depths of memory for a long time, and it is enough to breathe it in for the old passions to flare up again.

Galbanum - A rare aphrodisiac on the aromatic market. In small doses, the aphrodisiac galbanum essential oil awakens “dreams of love.” This is a musky, inviting, green flirting scent. Excites erotic fantasies. Helps in foreplay and love games. Relaxes, liberates, takes you to heaven. A woman who uses galbanum in her perfume is always a beauty in the eyes of a man. The aroma of galbanum is known to have a positive effect on the female reproductive system. However, despite the pronounced characteristics of a female aphrodisiac, it can and should be considered universal.

Aphrodisiac essential oil carnations- soft and stimulating, enhances sexual desire, heightens sensuality, relieves tension. Helps cope with awkwardness, eliminates nervousness in communication between partners. As a male aphrodisiac, it helps to cope with failures and helps eliminate erectile dysfunction. In combination with ginger essential oil, clove gives sexual tirelessness, awakens passion, and allows you to achieve victories in the field of love games.

Geranium is an amazing, almost unique, strong aphrodisiac. It magically restores reproductive function. It is more famous as a female aphrodisiac. Carnation revives erotic fantasies and awakens passion. It is often called erotic oil for mature women. Geranium restores hormonal levels and eliminates congestion in the reproductive organs. Awakens the imagination. The oil is also effective as a male aphrodisiac, as it significantly improves blood circulation, including in the genitals, and helps restore erectile function.

Grapefruit Also classified as aphrodisiac essential oils. But he is more likely creates an emotional background in the relationship between lovers rather thanaffects the physiological functions of the body. The peculiarity of grapefruit is that it liberates, creates ease and ease in communication. Opens eyes to the positive sides of a partner and gently masks shortcomings. The aroma of this citrus fruit gives happiness, joy, and enthusiasm. A woman appears much younger in the eyes of a man. This is the aroma of flirting, making advances, the beginning of a relationship.

Jasmine- a symbol of mystery and the Moon shining in the night for lovers. An aphrodisiac essential oil, unique in its effects, especially as a male aphrodisiac. This aroma can improve blood circulation and significantly increase the level of the male hormone - testosterone. It excites passion and helps fill the genitals with blood. Improves erectile function, increases the duration of sexual intercourse. Helps achieve higher pleasure. In combination with sandalwood oil, jasmine prolongs a man's sex life for many years. However, you need to understand that this is not a one-time measure like Viagra. To achieve a positive result, you need to use aromatherapy in your life constantly, and you need to start as early as possible.

Jasmine also works as a female aphrodisiac. It affects women in a special way. The aroma liberates, relieves excessive shyness. Helps a woman become more desirable and feminine. Prepares her for pregnancy, cleanses the female body, balances hormone levels. After childbirth, jasmine helps in the fight against depression, helps to feed an infant, and increases the amount of milk.

Ylang-ylang- a powerful, erotic stimulant, an undoubted and strong aphrodisiac. Solves many sexual problems, especially those associated with inferiority complexes and mental disorders. The aroma has a special gift of attracting attention. As a male aphrodisiac, it increases desire, stimulates sperm production, and increases their motility.

However, men themselves adore this aroma, so you shouldn’t cross it off the list of women’s aphrodisiacs. Men, like bees for honey, flock to the scent of ylang-ylang. The aroma awakens imagination and helps awaken passion. Helps to achieve sexual records. Creates the aesthetics of relationships, ennobles, inspires. Puts everything in its place: the woman becomes more feminine, calm, obedient, and the man shows nobility and admiration for beauty.

This is a universal strong aphrodisiac. The aroma of ylang-ylang colors erotic communication in bright, unique colors, gives confidence and helps to guess and fulfill the most secret desires of a partner, enhances the intuition and psychologism of love play, increases the potency of a man and the receptivity of a woman, and lifts to the highest peaks of orgasm.

Ginger - This is a very bright and effective masculine scent. In aromatherapy it is used as a tonic, stimulating male aphrodisiac. In China it is called the “root of courage.” It eliminates sexual impotence and improves reproduction. The aroma of ginger ignites passion and makes a man ardent.

As a female aphrodisiac, ginger is also effective, since it also gives its power to women: it eliminates frigidity and saves from infertility. Ginger also has a inflammatory effect on a woman. She becomes more feminine and responds more easily to a man’s sexual fantasies.

Hyssop does not have pronounced aphrodisiac properties, but is able to have a positive effect on the female reproductive system. It increases the tone of the uterus and eliminates a number of infectious diseases. Helps to weaken lactation if the child has refused maternal feeding or there are contraindications to breastfeeding.

Cardamom Since ancient times it has been famous for its magical properties as an aphrodisiac essential oil. It has a tonic effect on the human body as a whole. Cardamom warms up, disperses heat throughout the body, drives away flows of sexual energy, and ignites the fire of passion.

As a male aphrodisiac, cardamom is an effective remedy against erectile dysfunction. It preserves a man’s health and strength for many years and replenishes his energy reserves. Restores strength after love pleasures.

As a female aphrodisiac, cardamom has a special effect; it stimulates activity in a woman, removes false shame, and eliminates unwanted conditions during physiological monthly processes.

Kayaput is not considered a direct aphrodisiac, but it revives consciousness and cleanses energies, including sexual ones.

Atlas cedar gives a piquant, somewhat “prickly” tint to sensations, eliminates stiffness and discomfort, and fills partners with a joyful feeling of erotic victory. Inspires to do noble deeds.

Virginia Cedar (Mahogany) As an aphrodisiac essential oil, it has a universal effect. It has a very beneficial effect on the sexual sphere. It relieves tension, eliminates nervousness and excessive excitability. Prolongs the love act. Promotes smooth relationships, puts you in a romantic mood. Brings eroticism and sensuality. Colors relationships with languid, piquant shades, awakens sexual fantasy. Invariably leads to a bright, unforgettable eruption of sexual energy.

Cypress- this is an effective essential oil, aphrodisiac of a universal nature, known for opening a “second wind of love” in people of mature age, in those over 50, increasing stamina and flexibility of the body, optimizing blood circulation in the pelvic organs, “exposing” erogenous zones, enhancing their sensitivity. Pay close attention to it as a male aphrodisiac: it helps strengthen blood vessels, which ensures a long sex life for a man.

Coriander has a mild stimulating effect. It is not a pronounced aphrodisiac. This is the oil of family comfort. Coriander creates a feeling of family, brings you closer spiritually, and binds you emotionally. Allows you to feel the warmth of a loved one, a kindred spirit.

Cinnamon is a pronounced, strong aphrodisiac. It has a tonic and stimulating effect on the genital area. Revives sexual energy even where it has not manifested itself for a long time. Cinnamon awakens imagination, unfreezes sensations, and promotes sensory perception. Gives the delight of possession.

Since ancient times, cinnamon has been known as a male aphrodisiac; it is considered the aroma of male gigantism - it can significantly increase the time of sexual intercourse. Cinnamon gives strength, determination, naturalness to feelings and actions; ennobles, makes every minute of love play pure and unique. Strengthens male strength, eliminates coldness in relationships, and makes it easy to have multiple sexual contacts.

Lavender is a recognized, strong aphrodisiac. It stimulates the awakening of sensuality. Its expressive aroma relieves tension and gets rid of complexes. Lavender essential oil improves cerebral circulation and has pronounced antispasmodic and sedative properties.

In ancient times, it was believed that lavender relieves women of infertility and helps during childbirth. As a female aphrodisiac, it awakens women's interest in the intimate side of life. This is one of the most erotic, subtle and soft aphrodisiacs. It promotes relationships and intuitive understanding between partners.

Incense is not considered a direct aphrodisiac. This oil helps restore energy potential, heals, calms, and instills joy and happiness in the soul.

Lime Essential oils can also be classified as aphrodisiacs. It increases sexual desire, harmonizes relationships, excites, and improves overall health. Has a beneficial effect on sexual activity. It relaxes, calms, and makes a woman more desirable and feminine. The aroma of lime helps to awaken bright erotic emotions. This oil works great in erotic mixtures, especially for erotic massage. Lime ennobles relationships, clears emotions, and enhances eroticism.

Lemon is not a direct aphrodisiac, but due to its tonic and stimulating properties it has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, which helps to increase sexual interest in the opposite sex. Lemon goes well with other bright aphrodisiac aromas. It emphasizes their smell and enhances their properties.

Mandarin is not a direct aphrodisiac. It has a relaxing effect on the body. Allows you to recover after an active night and gain strength for new achievements.

lemon balm- a bright, strong aphrodisiac. Significantly increases the duration of sexual intercourse. As a male aphrodisiac, it enhances potency in men and awakens activity. Brings some novelty to the relationship and drives you a little crazy. Lemon balm relieves inhibitions and reveals sensuality. As a female aphrodisiac it is also worthy of attention:Women become more liberated and self-confident.

Myrrh. In Ancient Judea, ointments from Myrrh were used for rejuvenation and sexual attractiveness. Myrrh has a balsamic, magical effect. It strengthens the body, protects it from diseases, and prevents infections, including sexually transmitted infections.

Aroma Myrta- a strong aphrodisiac. Fills you with passion and strength. Helps solve problems with erectile dysfunction. Eliminates inferiority complexes, instills confidence in one's strengths and masculinity. Prolongs orgasm, increases the time of sexual intercourse.

Juniper is a very energetic, tonic aroma, a universal aphrodisiac. It has a positive effect on potency and the general condition of the body of both men and women. The smell of juniper is considered a strong aphrodisiac.

Carrot- This essential oil is a mild afodisiac. It is believed that the aroma of carrots activates the function of the sex glands and improves spermatogenesis. It prepares for conception, improves blood, cleanses the body. With a mild floral aroma, carrot essential oil is well suited for erotic compositions.

Nutmeg– a bright, strong aphrodisiac. The oil stimulates blood circulation and restores erectile function. Increases and sharpens sensuality. Makes the sensations bright, enchanting. Leads to a violent and prolonged orgasm. Promotes “marathon” sexual intercourse and prolongs its duration. Helps restore strength after a stormy night.

Clary sage, undoubtedly, refers to essential oils as aphrodisiacs. It heightens sensuality, causes euphoria, and relaxes. Promotes fertility. Makes your partner more confident. Suitable for both men and women. It has been known as a female aphrodisiac since the times of Ancient Egypt, when priests forced women to drink sage decoctions for fertility. This made it possible to restore the population after wars and epidemics.

Peppermint It is considered an essential oil as a mild aphrodisiac. Better known as a male aphrodisiac. Interestingly, in Ancient Greece, soldiers were forbidden to use mint, so that nothing could distract them from military tasks. This plant is included in the recipes of many love love drinks. It gives masculine strength, energy, excites and promotes ardent passion. At the same time, yata clears the mind and forces one to be guided by a feeling of reason, and not by a frivolous decision of a clouded consciousness. This aroma allows a man to perform masculine actions, helps him take and bear responsibility for his relationship with a woman.

Neroli- a strong aphrodisiac that opens the door to the magical and mysterious world of all-consuming passion, enhances potency and sensitivity, and allows you to feel the long-lasting pleasure of orgasm. A legendary aphrodisiac, which is part of the brightest, trailing, erotic perfume compositions. Thanks to the chemical elements indole and jasmone, the aphrodisiac essential oil of Neroli has incredible attractive power and a unique erotic aroma.

The scent of Neroli is a symbol of renewed passion. It is able to awaken sensuality and influence libido even in adulthood. As a male aphrodisiac, it solves problems of erectile function in men, and as a female aphrodisiac, it eliminates frigidity in women. Significantly increases libido. Excites, opens up new horizons, evokes tender feelings for your partner.

Palmarosa- intoxicating aroma, mild aphrodisiac essential oil. Better known as a female aphrodisiac, this scent is believed to be more suitable for women. Palmarosa is a natural plant estrogen. It alleviates the condition of women during menopause. Palmarosa has a gentle effect on the sensual sphere. Helps you relax and open up in a man’s arms. Palmarosa prolongs a woman's sexual longevity.

Palmarosa is influenced by Venus. Often used as a love amulet. It is used in magical love rituals. Palmarosa will help protect what you have: it will save your love, family, your home, your children from the evil eye and any attacks.

Patchouli is a miraculous, strong aphrodisiac. An ancient oriental erotic fragrance that awakens enthusiasm and erotic generosity. It actively affects the sexual relationships of partners. As a male aphrodisiac, it stimulates libido, increases potency in men; as a female aphrodisiac, it eliminates frigidity in women.

Aphrodisiac patchouli essential oil rejuvenates the body and improves the functioning of the endocrine system. A woman smells patchouli from a man and cannot resist the temptation to spend time with him in an intimate setting. It is not for nothing that most perfume compositions for men contain this essential oil - the aphrodisiac patchouli. This low, dense note attracts sexual energy, ties it into a tight knot that is difficult to untangle even over many years of marriage.

Petitgrain - very exotic aroma, strong aphrodisiac. As a male aphrodisiac, it increases sexual desire. Restores potency in men, gives energy and vigor. Extends the time of sexual intercourse. Helps achieve sexual release. As a female aphrodisiac, it relaxes a woman, makes her more feminine, attractive and young in the eyes of a man. Strengthens desire and allows you to trust a man and open up completely.

Petitgrain is often used to make erotic perfume. It is often combined with ylang-ylang, rose, and neroli. This aphrodisiac essential oil is a divine aroma for attracting amorous passion and tender, reverent love. It strengthens marital relationships. A woman who has accustomed her husband to this aroma reliably keeps him near her for many years.

Parsley It is not considered a direct aphrodisiac, but in small doses it can work wonders. Love magic claims that parsley evokes passion and love and promotes childbirth. It restores hormonal levels in women. Takes care of men's health. The aroma is designed to eliminate fluid stagnation in the body. Parsley “washes out” diseases from the genital organs and drives away congestion.

Attention: Parsley can cause unwanted miscarriage! In the old days they used to scare people with parsley, they called it poison, so that young girls would avoid this plant and not do stupid things.

Siberian fir is not a direct aphrodisiac. But it remarkably restores strength and relieves fatigue. A massage with fir oil will relax your back muscles and quickly put your partners in order after a stormy, passionate night.

Rose. The scent of roses is associated with rebirth and happiness. This is a very strong aphrodisiac. The aroma of this aphrodisiac essential oil helps mature people conceive. He works miracles, revives extinct flesh and brings it back to life. It is considered more of a female aphrodisiac, since it is more in line with the feminine principle . At the same time the scent of roses stimulates the formation of sperm and makes them very active, so it should not be excluded from the list of male aphrodisiacs.

The scent of a rose can bring life everywhere, filling the world around you with love, joy and awe. He has the power to decorate both nascent and mature relationships with bright emotions and tender feelings. A delightful sophistication of the senses blossoms under the influence of rose oil. Rose improves understanding and gives a reverent attitude towards a partner. Ideal for shy young people.

Pink tree- a very strong aphrodisiac. Its smell intoxicates, elevates, cultivates sensuality. Considered a male aphrodisiac, this aroma is often used to make perfume for men. Helps with sexual impotence and impotence. However, it is no less effective as a female aphrodisiac. Women often use rosewood essential oil to eliminate inferiority complexes. This aroma helps to get rid of shyness, extinguishes the color of shame on the face, allows you to open up and relax. The scent of rosewood attracts men like a bee to a flower. It relaxes, calms, improves mood.

Rosemary- a bright and strong aphrodisiac. Refers to “sprinting aromas”, promotes a very long act of love. Rosemary can influence both the body and soul of lovers. As a male aphrodisiac, rosemary helps men cope with sexual impotence. Makes them active and energetic. Warms the body, makes it more resilient.

However, the aphrodisiac rosemary essential oil has a strong aphrodisiac effect for both men and women. Useful as a female aphrodisiac, as it regulates fluctuations in female mood due to hormonal changes.

Rosemary helps sort out feelings. Allows you to distinguish light love from deep feelings. Returns you to the real world, eliminates dreams, eliminates mistakes in partner relationships, but at the same time inspires romantic actions. It inspires, warms, enhances receptivity, spiritualizes relationships, and allows one to open up to the most beautiful sides of the soul. Promotes repetition of erotic contacts, increasing their duration and intensity. Makes a relationship more sensual.

Chamomile. It is not a direct aphrodisiac, but can relieve physical and emotional discomfort. Relieves pain in women of various etiologies, in particular, eliminates migraines and headaches. Balances emotional outbursts. Calms an overly excited body. Promotes relaxation and rest after lovemaking.

Sandalwood. A strong aphrodisiac of a universal nature, that is, suitable for both women and men. This is a powerful love stimulant. As a male aphrodisiac, it is able to awaken the masculine principle literally from scratch, while giving enough energy for victories in the marriage bed. Using mandalas as a female aphrodisiac, a woman becomes more sensual. The desire for intimacy flares up in her. She liberates herself and becomes desirable to her partner. This oil makes it easier to achieve orgasm.

If you make aromatic sandalwood oil and apply it directly to the “active organs” before intimacy, you will notice that the size increases significantly as there is a rush of blood to the genitals. The oil sharpens the sensory properties of the individual, revealing the most intimate motives of the partner, enhances fantasy, gives erotic contact intoxicating, sophistication, gives sexual play a blues rhythm and bright excitability from slow, gentle caresses. Increases potency. Preserves the health of the reproductive organs for many years.

Pine- essential oil, a strong male aphrodisiac. Pine helps against sexual impotence. Promotes the birth of healthy offspring. Makes men more energetic, courageous, decisive. Gives a surge of energy, diversifies erotic gestures. Helps to gain self-confidence, increases the duration of sexual contacts, saturating them with fire and recklessness. As a female aphrodisiac, it helps women feel comfort and protection in the arms of a partner.

Thyme. This oil is not a direct aphrodisiac, but indirectly eliminates personal problems associated with tightness, complexes, and self-doubt. Helps men cope with premature ejaculation, women - to become more sensual, cope with frigidityduring menopause. The aroma helps insecure and nervous people to open up, restores strength and awakens emotions, enhances potency, and facilitates erotic revelations of partners.

Thuja. This aphrodisiac essential oil restores strength, imparts sexual energy, and promotes mutual understanding between partners. Prevents the transmission of infectious sexually transmitted diseases. Suitable for both women and men. Eliminates sexual impotence, promotes the development of sensuality in women.

Yarrow is not a direct aphrodisiac. It is designed to protect the body, especially women. Helps purify sexual energy, cleans fluids in the body, maintains health, improves reproduction. Takes the relationship of lovers to a higher level. Protects relationships, protects the union.

Dill seeds. The aroma of dill is rather a female aphrodisiac. It allows a woman to be more liberated in intimacy with a man, to become herself. Turns on her feminine principle, brings feminine energy back to normal. Allows her to open up to her chosen one, to see his best sides in him.

Fennel is an active, strong aphrodisiac. Suitable for both men and women, but has a more significant effect as a female aphrodisiac, since it contains large quantities of plant estrogen. Fennel allows a woman prolong her sex life, makes her more attractive in the eyes of a man, her movements are smooth, and her character is flexible. Helps increase lactation for those who do not have enough milk to feed the baby.

Citronella. A bright, strong aphrodisiac. As a male aphrodisiac, it significantly increases the duration of sexual intercourse. Increases potency in men and awakens activity. Brings some novelty to the relationship and drives you a little crazy. It is also used as a female aphrodisiac: women become more relaxed and self-confident, citronella removes inhibitions and reveals sensuality.

Thyme - an aphrodisiac essential oil that awakens sexual energy. Prolongs the act of love. Awakens a woman's passion and ability to reproduce. Makes the couple harmonious and active. Restores the strength of lovers.

Black pepper- another active, strong aphrodisiac of universal character. Black pepper gives sexual energy for many years. Stimulates sexual activity. Awakens passion and desire. Prolongs the time of sexual intercourse. Useful for both women and men. Equally effectively eliminates both frigidity and impotence. Causes erotic euphoria.

Salvia officinalis This aphrodisiac essential oil heightens sensuality. Causes euphoria, relaxes. Promotes fertility. Makes your partner more confident. Suitable for both men and women. In ancient Egypt, priests forced women to drink sage decoctions for fertility. This made it possible to restore the population after wars and epidemics.

Eucalyptus- essential oil is a mild aphrodisiac. Increases sexual energy, instills confidence, gives strength, restores lost strength.

To heighten sensuality, develop and strengthen love relationships, it is convenient to use aphrodisiac essential oils as perfumes. Let's figure out how to make perfume from essential oils at home. Such natural perfumes not only have a pleasant aroma, but also have healing properties.

To make perfume from essential oils with a harmonious aroma, you need to follow some rules:

1. Decide for yourself what emotional effect you want to receive from perfume.

2. Combine essential oils correctly according to aroma notes.

3. Use only 100% natural essential oils to create perfumes.

4. When mixing perfume ingredients, do not use metal objects.

5. When composing a composition, always write down which essential oils you use and in what quantity.

Classification of perfumes by type

Perfumes are classified according to the type of aroma into 5 main types: coniferous, citrus, floral, chypre, oriental.

Coniferous (green) aromas. Perfumes of this type consist mainly of pine essential oils such as cedar, juniper, pine, to which are added citrus aromas or essential oils of sage and lavender. These perfumes have a cooling and invigorating aroma that is popular among men.

Citrus aromas. This type of perfume has a light, fresh aroma and consists of citrus oils that are combined with spice aromas or floral essential oils. This type of fragrance is popular among men, but is also suitable for women.

Flower fittings. This type of perfume is created from floral essential oils such as rose, neroli, jasmine and ylang-ylang. This type of fragrance is suitable for women.

Chypre-type scents. Perfumes of this type are based on combinations of aromas of moss, woody and floral essential oils. These perfumes have a deep, warm aroma mixed with floral or citrus undertones. Often the smell of such aromas resembles the smell of the forest after rain. These perfumes typically contain the scent of patchouli and oak moss, which are often combined with essential oils of bergamot, sandalwood, jasmine and rose. Such perfumes can be both male and female.

Oriental scents. Perfumes of this type, as a rule, keep warmth and mystery. They are quite heavy and durable. Essential oils of vetiver, patchouli, and sandalwood are often used in this type of perfume. Women's scents typically have a sweet, heavy floral scent, while men's scents are less sweet and have more emphasis on citrus and clary sage and lavender essential oils.

Once you have decided on the type of perfume, you can begin to create your own scent. In order to make a balanced and harmonious mixture, it is necessary to take into account the aromatic properties of essential oils.

Classification of essential oils by notes

According to their aromatic qualities, all essential oils are divided into top, middle and base notes.

Top notes (initial notes)- these are the smells of perfume that you smell first when you inhale the aroma. They open and sound within the first 5-10 minutes. These are citrus, green notes of freshness.

Heart notes (middle notes) - These are the aromas that unfold over the next 10-20 minutes and last from 1.5 to 3 hours. These are floral, spicy, fruity, woody aromas.

Base notes (end or trail notes)- these are those aromas that open together with the heart notes after the disappearance of the top notes and reach their pronounced sound after 2 hours. For some perfumes, the final notes can last up to 6-8 hours. These are musky, amber, heavy balms, resins, mosses.

Table of top, middle and base notes for creating perfumes

Top notes

Middle notes (heart notes)

Base notes (end notes)










pink tree

carrot oil





black pepper


tea tree





oak moss

This table is not final. It happens that the aromas of the middle note transform into the aromas of the top notes and vice versa, it all depends on the overall composition.

To make perfume from essential oils at home, to create a harmonious and balanced perfume, you need to use the aromas of all three notes. The basic proportion of combining aromas in drops is 3:2:1. That is, 3 drops of top note oils, 2 drops of middle note oils and 1 drop of base note oil. But other combinations are also acceptable, for example, 2 top notes and one middle or 2 top notes and one base, etc. When combining aromas, you should be guided not only by the rules, but also by your own feelings. So…

Before you start creating your own perfume, you need to decide what effect you want to get from the aroma: calming, refreshing, romantic, invigorating or exciting.

Soothing essential oils: cedar, chamomile, incense, geranium, lavender, patchouli, sage, neroli, vetiver, basil, jasmine. These essential oils have a significant calming effect and help relieve depression, stress and insomnia.

Refreshing essential oils: mint, pine, cypress, cedar, lemon, lime, lemon balm.

Romantic atmosphere can be created using floral scents: neroli, rose, jasmine, lavender.

Cheer up Essential oils of orange, tangerine, lemon, lime, bergamot, basil, grapefruit, petitgrain and bitter orange will help.

To aphrodisiacs, Those with stimulating properties include essential oils of patchouli, ylang-ylang, neroli, sandalwood, and jasmine.

Perfume can be oil, alcohol or wax based. Oil-based perfumes are well suited for scenting a room; they can also be added to shampoos, balms and creams. Alcohol-based perfumes are best applied directly to the body. Wax-based perfumes have a solid consistency and a lasting aroma.

Both oil and solid perfumes should be applied carefully, in small quantities - behind the ears, on the bend of the elbows. Otherwise, these types of perfumes may leave a greasy residue on the skin and stain clothes.

How to make oil-based perfume

Jojoba oil is best used as a base for creating oil perfumes. It does not have a pronounced odor, so it will not interrupt the main aroma of essential oils. This oil also has high permeability, is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue on the skin. Perfume made with jojoba oil can be stored for up to 6 months.

To create an oil-based perfume, take a dark glass bottle and fill it with 10 ml of jojoba oil. Next, add 15 to 20 drops of essential oils to the base oil. First add the base note oils, slowly, drop by drop. Then add the middle notes oils - drop by drop, stir each time and inhale the aroma to feel how the smell changes. Finally, add the top note oils and mix everything well. Label the bottle and hide it in a dark, cool place for 1-2 weeks to allow the perfume to mature.

You can increase or decrease the amount of essential oils depending on the intensity of the aroma you want.

How to make perfume from alcohol-based essential oils

To create oil-based perfumes, it is better to use pure ethyl alcohol, but in extreme cases, you can also use vodka. If you decide to use vodka, you should choose a quality product that is odorless.

- Perfume: about 12-20% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

- Eau de parfum: 7-12% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

- Eau de Toilette: 4-7% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

Cologne: 2-5% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

For example, if you take 60 drops of essential oil and a base of 100 ml (100 ml x 20 = 2000 drops).

It is necessary to determine what percentage in the mixture will be 60 drops. Let's use knowledge from the school curriculum:

2000 drops - 100%

60 drops - x%;

So, to get a light cologne, we need to mix 60 drops (or 3 ml) of essential oil and 100 ml (or 2000 drops) of the base substance.

Once you have decided on the concentration of the perfume, mix the essential oils with alcohol in a glass bottle. Adding essential oils is the same drop by drop as when making oil perfumes. At the same time, evaluate the aroma each time. When the perfume is ready, close the bottle with a lid and leave to “mature” in a dark, cool place for 15-30 days.

How to make solid perfume with essential oils

For solid perfumes, beeswax and carrier oils are used as a base. Olive, almond, grape and jojoba oils can be used as base oils for solid perfumes. The classic ratio of base oil and wax is 1:1.

Mix 2 teaspoons of carrier oil and 40-45 drops of essential oil mixture. In this case, the aroma will be rich in scent, but you must take into account that the resulting mixture will be further diluted with wax.

Then melt 2 teaspoons of wax in a steam bath. Once all the beeswax has melted, add the oil mixture and mix well. Do not keep the mixture on fire for too long, as heated essential oils evaporate quickly. Remove the container from the heat and stir everything again. Before the mixture hardens, pour it into the prepared container. As a container for solid perfume, you can use a small jar with a plastic or glass lid.

Making your own perfume from essential oils at home is a creative process, and you should focus on your own sensations first. Experiment and create your own scent that suits you and suits your goals.

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There is one book that at one time had a rather strong influence on me, it is called “The Woman Code”, and it was written by Alice Vitti. In general, there are no super-revelations in the book, but everything is very well structured and subordinated to the main idea: a woman’s body is a complex system with a cyclical nature.

We are physiologically different from men, we have uneven energy levels during the cycle, and we simply by nature cannot always be in top shape, since our body performs much more complex work than a man’s.

And it is very important to remember this and adapt to the stages of the cycle, taking special care of yourself on certain days.


At the very end of the cycle, the woman’s energy is at zero: the body has gone through all the stages and is finally preparing for cleansing and a new cycle. PMS is not an invention of capricious women, but an absolutely normal phenomenon that we all experience, with varying degrees of intensity.

During this period, irritability increases, the quality of sleep deteriorates, general fatigue is felt, and hands and feet may be especially cold. And if our hormonal system is unbalanced (and the balance between estrogen and progesterone is fundamental), then these days are especially difficult.

The main essential oil that balances estrogen production (reduces when production is high, increases when production is insufficient) is Clary Sage. In combination with it, aromatherapists most often prescribe lavender - lavender reduces the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, gently calming and relaxing.

And if on such days you experience sleep disturbances, you can add a couple of drops of chamomile essential oil to your mixtures: it stimulates the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, which helps improve the quality of sleep.


This bath is best taken in the last week of your cycle; it not only relaxes and reduces irritability, but also gently balances your hormonal system.

You can use regular sea salt or Epsom salt - it contains magnesium, a mineral that our nervous system needs to function properly (magnesium is especially needed during periods of stress). Himalayan pink salt will help relieve muscle tone and improve skin condition, so it is also great as a base for an essential composition.

  • ½ cup salt (sea, epsom or Himalayan)
  • 4 drops sage essential oil
  • 4 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops chamomile essential oil (optional)

Drip the oil onto the salt, run a stream of hot water, pour the salt into the filling bath and leave the room. Under the influence of steam, the esters open, and the bathroom is filled with hot, moist air, saturated with active ingredients.

Take a bath for 10-15 minutes (no longer), this time is enough for the volatile components of essential oils to enter the bloodstream with your breath and begin to act.


Another way to restore balance to your hormonal system is to use massage serums with essential oils that are applied directly to the area of ​​the hormone-producing organs. You can place this serum in a roll-on bottle and apply it to the base of the neck (thyroid gland), lower back (kidney projection) and lower abdomen (ovary projection).

  • 5 ml jojoba oil
  • 8 drops clary sage essential oil
  • 8 drops lavender essential oil

You can use any vegetable oil as a base, but the good thing about jojoba oil is that it is extremely stable and does not oxidize for a very long time, so this serum will last a very long time. Apply 2-3 times a day with light massage movements in the second half of the cycle (before the first day of menstruation).


The action is based on three essential oils, each of which has the ability to normalize (that is, bring to a normal state) the functioning of hormone-producing organs. This work is influenced by many factors, and residents of modern megacities have almost no chance of having a well-balanced hormonal system (poor sleep, bad food, irregular rhythm of the day with an exhausting commute to work and back, increased nervous stress, etc., etc. .)

Of course, it is impossible to solve the problem of lifestyle with essential oils alone, but the body will still provide some help.

You will need therapeutic essential oils of the highest quality - these are steam extraction oils (not chemical!), from pure raw materials. Such oils are expensive, and you need to buy them in trusted places, but this investment will be justified.


Frankincense oil – this oil normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, problems with which after a certain age occur in every third woman. This oil is dripped onto a small piece of sugar (2 drops) and dissolved every morning and evening, 30 minutes before meals or 1.5 hours after (in the evening).

Frankincense essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the tree's resin; it is very important to know exactly how the oil you will be ingesting is produced.

Pharmacies sometimes sell synthetic oils (the aroma composition is extracted from the resin using a chemical reaction, this is much cheaper and the yield of the finished oil is many times greater than with steam distillation, but such oils can only be used in an aroma lamp).

I use this is the oil but you can look for high-quality analogues in the lines of other trusted manufacturers. Once again: when choosing an oil, we read how it was produced, look at the manufacturer’s rating and user reviews; if there is certification, then even better.


Geranium oil is another “feminine” oil that is mixed with a vegetable oil as a base (15 drops of geranium essential oil per 5 ml of a carrier oil, such as olive) and applied to the projection of the kidneys (lower back) every morning.

I use oil Aura Cacia , they have a line of certified organic oils. This oil can also be used in home cosmetics (such as homemade anti-aging serums) as it is of high quality.


And the third part of the program is morning and evening foot massage with a balancing composition:

  • 3 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 3 drops cypress essential oil
  • 3 drops chamomile essential oil
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil

You can make a large volume at once by increasing the proportion (10 tablespoons of oil and 30 drops of each oil). Coconut oil is melted in a water bath, esters are added to it. At room temperature, the oil hardens into a butter that is easy to use.

Every morning before getting out of bed, you need to take a little oil, warm it in your hands and rub it into your feet, warming the skin. In fact, this ritual is very pleasant, you can start with light circular movements and finish with intense rubbing. If your feet are cold, you can put on cotton socks in the evening after a massage.

Not only essential oils have a beneficial effect on the hormonal system, but also massage - there are many key points on the feet, the impact of which activates a variety of body systems.

Don't lose balance - this is the basis of health and harmony.


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