Complete underdevelopment of speech. Characteristics of speech development of a child with neurodevelopmental disorder

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is a common childhood pathology. A pediatrician can make this diagnosis to a child after he turns three years old. It is at this age that one can judge the main criteria for speech formation. However, children often begin to speak later than expected; accordingly, all periods of formation of this function subsequently come late.

General speech underdevelopment can be successfully corrected if you consult a doctor in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Also, an important role in the correct formation of the main links of the child’s intellectual level is played by his parents, who must fully help expand their vocabulary and learn about the world around them.

Characteristics of OHP

This pathology is characterized by abnormal formation of speech function in all its main aspects (semantic criterion, lexical, grammatical, sound) in children with normal intellectual development and hearing.

Doctors are able to fully diagnose OPD of varying severity in children aged three to five years.

For example, a three-year-old child who does not have deviations in speech development should have the following skills:

  • Use approximately 300-600 words in your vocabulary.
  • Construct sentences of 5-8 words independently, although errors in the formation sequence are allowed.
  • Must know your name, gender, age.
  • He listens with interest and understands short fairy tales and stories.
  • Starts asking a lot of questions.
  • Can perform simple tasks involving understanding prepositions (in, under, on). In addition, he must use conjunctions in the construction of sentences (when, if, because).

At five years old, the child experiences a significant expansion of his vocabulary (about 3,500 words) and the use of longer, more complex sentences.

There are words of a general nature. For example, such as: fruits, animals, shoes.

The baby has no difficulty in choosing words related to the designation of time and space (day, night, month, right, left).

When forming sentences, he uses all parts of speech, pronounces words correctly, without omissions or structural and syllabic violations.

The characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment of any type are determined by the following deviations:

  • The child cannot accurately convey his thoughts.
  • Poor vocabulary that is not age appropriate.
  • Difficulties in constructing simple and complex sentences are observed to varying degrees.
  • Incorrect pronunciation of words and sounds.
  • Hearing impairment associated with the discrimination of sounds that create the semantic basis of speech (phonemic function). That is, as a result of underdevelopment of this function, a distorted understanding of what is heard occurs.

In severe cases, there is a complete absence of speech.

Causes of speech underdevelopment in a child

Often, general OHP is predetermined in a baby even before his birth, due to hereditary factors. Also due to negative effects on the fetus during pregnancy.

The main reasons contributing to the development of OHP include such pathological effects on the child’s body as:

  • Frequent infectious diseases in infancy.
  • Head injuries.
  • Incompatibility of the Rh factor of mother and fetus.
  • Fetal hypoxia. A condition characterized by oxygen deficiency in a child. It can occur due to various diseases of the expectant mother (diabetes mellitus, heart disease, anemia), pathological childbirth, placental abnormalities, and various other complications of labor and pregnancy. Subsequently, it can lead to general speech underdevelopment.
  • Birth injuries.

OHP can also be provoked by external factors such as:

  • Psycho-emotional overstrain in a child, stress.
  • Lack of communication with peers.
  • Lack of attention from parents.
  • Minimum level of verbal communication.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Physiological delayed onset of speech activity. For example, the baby began to walk later than expected (3 months) and utter the first babbling words (10-11 months). Accordingly, his speech will develop with a delay.

OHP classification

OHP is divided into 3 levels according to severity, a brief description of which is shown in the table below.

Characteristics of the OHP level

General underdevelopment of speech of the 1st level

The most severe speech disorder. The child’s vocabulary is poor, the pronunciation itself is unclear and distorted. In most cases, children tend to replace words with sounds or syllables. They make extensive use of facial expressions, various gestures, and try to imitate external sounds. The baby cannot clearly form a sentence or convey a thought. For example, he replaces the verb “close” with the noun “door”. It is not uncommon for children suffering from 1st degree ODD to have complete absence of prepositions, understanding of the feminine and masculine gender, numerals, time, space in their vocabulary

General speech underdevelopment of level 2

The vocabulary has been somewhat expanded, but is still quite narrow. The child’s vocabulary contains some prepositions, conjunctions, and pronouns. The baby is able to use 3-4 words in a sentence. Does not distinguish shapes of objects or colors. There is no understanding in building a chain associated with the spatial relationship of speech and the temporal one. Often cannot identify actions with objects

General speech underdevelopment level 3

At this level of speech pathology, children use simple everyday phrases during a conversation, but find it difficult to correctly clearly pronounce words and sounds (sonorant, whistling, affricates, hissing). As a rule, they are shy of strangers and are more willing to communicate in the presence of their family members. Build complex sentences and use all parts of speech as intended. They can also tell a simple story about events from their life, give a detailed answer about themselves, their friends, their family. But still, there will be many errors in the vocabulary. For example, a child will simply call a Christmas tree a tree. The crow is a bird, the singer is an uncle who sings, etc.

Mild general speech underdevelopment

There is an additional, fourth level of abnormal speech development, which is present in children with mild general speech underdevelopment (GSOSD).

Children with this pathology make individual lexical and grammatical errors in communication, the total amount of which causes difficulties in teaching them to read and spell.

A child with this level of language impairment has difficulty converting nouns into adjectives. For example, instead of the word wolf, which, when formed as an adjective, sounds like wolf, he is likely to say “volkin.”

Also, children with NVONR often confuse the names of animals, plants, and people's professions.

In addition, there is vagueness in pronunciation, inexpressive, blurred diction.

Studying at school is difficult for children diagnosed with mild general speech underdevelopment due to the low degree of mastery of the material.

Diagnosis of OHP

General speech underdevelopment is identified and, as a rule, eliminated by a speech therapist, but full treatment is not possible without the help of a neurologist, pediatrician, and in some cases a psychotherapist.

The clinical picture of the disease is in most cases obvious, both to the baby’s parents and to the doctor. The exception is level 4 OHP, which is determined in the process of a thorough analysis of all language components through special tasks that require the child to concentrate and perform accurately.

To determine the severity of ODD, the entire chain of the child’s conversational function is also studied.

For example, the ability to correctly and meaningfully present a short text heard, or independently talk about your family, friends, or read a poem, is assessed.

In the correction of OHP, it is important to correctly diagnose and differentiate it from other pathologies accompanied by speech dysfunction (mental retardation, autism).

The doctor must also examine the condition of the child’s oral cavity and nasopharynx. Often, anomalies of the ENT organs and dental defects are the cause of difficulty in communicating with the baby.

Treatment of general speech underdevelopment

Elimination of such a pathology as general underdevelopment of speech involves the use of various techniques aimed at the gradual development of the child’s thinking, memory, attentiveness, and improvement of pronunciation.

For example, at the initial stage of treatment, children with the first level of OHP are asked to repeat after the doctor various sounds, then syllables, then words with a minimum number of letters.

At the second level of speech correction, the baby must clearly understand what an answer and a question are. For these purposes, he is taught not only to answer the questions posed, but also to formulate them independently and ask them.

The first attempts are being made to teach short simple poems and stories. Also, the child is asked to look carefully at the picture, then describe it, with a detailed definition of the objects - their shape, color, comparative size.

Therapy for general speech underdevelopment of the 3rd level involves listening and retelling texts, independently constructing sentences and telling more complex stories.

Children are taught to tell stories not only in the first person, but also in the second and third.

In addition, the treatment process is often associated with the prescription of special exercises aimed at eliminating speech defects and educational games.

The fourth level of speech underdevelopment (LVOD), although it is the mildest speech pathology, cannot be left without attention.

Early diagnosis and correction are needed. Underdevelopment of oral speech is a serious obstacle to a child’s further learning to read and write.

It poses a threat to his health, as it involves an increased load on the nervous system.

Important! Parents need to carefully monitor their child’s speech development. Visit a pediatrician and neurologist regularly. If at three years old the child does not understand simple requests, or is simply silent, and at four years old he speaks in such a way that he cannot be understood, he needs the help of a specialist; this anomaly cannot be dealt with on his own

Forecast and prevention of ANR

In order to avoid the occurrence of this pathology, parents need to monitor the development of their child’s speech from the first months of life.

It is important to be vigilant if your baby exhibits the following pathological signs:

  • In the first month of life, when a child feels hungry and does not receive food on time, he begins to scream loudly. The systematic absence of screaming is a deviation from the norm.
  • By the beginning of the fifth month, I still had not learned to smile.
  • At six months he is not interested in his surroundings and does not listen to sounds.
  • At the age of seven months, the child does not recognize loved ones and does not concentrate on rattles and other toys.
  • At ten months he does not speak babbling words at all.
  • For a year he does not speak and does not respond to simple requests.
  • At one and a half years old, he cannot pronounce the words “mom” and “dad”.
  • At two years old, he does not understand the names of body parts and cannot show them.
  • At three years old, a child is not able to learn a simple poem or retell a short story. Doesn't know his first and last name.

In general, the prognosis for treatment of ANC of any level is favorable.

Parents need to pay enough attention to their children. Play educational games with them that are appropriate for their age, read poetry, fairy tales, and expand their horizons.

At the first symptoms indicating problems with speech, you should consult a neurologist or speech therapist.

Lately, children have often experienced speech underdevelopment. It can occur in different ways and in different stages. In any case, correctional work with children is necessary, which consists of individual and group work with children. One of the most dangerous stages is level 2 OHP. How to recognize this disease in a child?


Grades 1 and 2 ONR are considered the most severe. In general, speech disorders manifest themselves in inconsistency of words, sometimes in the absence of sounds and meanings of speech. Subsequently, oral language deficiencies will manifest themselves in dysgraphia and dyslexia at school.

Speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • gestures, babble;
  • sometimes simple sentences appear;
  • poverty of vocabulary, and the words that the child knows are very similar in meaning;
  • difficulties with speech coherence, plurals and cases are often missing;
  • sound pronunciation is distorted, the child replaces sounds and pronounces them unclearly.

What can a child who is diagnosed with speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree do?

  • pronounces simple words that are similar in meaning (fly, beetle, insects; tuffy shoes, sneakers, boots, etc.), i.e. one word combines several concepts;
  • has difficulty naming parts of the body, objects, dishes, words with a diminutive meaning (most often such words are absent or present in limited quantities);
  • has difficulty identifying the characteristics of an object (what it is made of, color, taste, smell);
  • composes a story or retells it only after leading questions from an adult;
  • statements are unclear, sounds are distorted.

The characteristics of OHP make us think about why such violations occur. The reasons, as a rule, lie in the physiological sphere and do not always depend on the mother or her child:

  • hypoxia during pregnancy or childbirth;
  • asphyxia;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • head injuries.

The correctional work ahead of the speech therapist and the child’s parents is very painstaking. It is necessary to form a speech according to the model practically from scratch. How are correctional classes conducted?

Working with a speech therapist

If by the age of 3-4 years the child’s speech is not developing, it is necessary to visit a speech therapist and neurologist. Diagnosis and characterization of OHP is carried out by several specialists.

A neurologist will help determine the cause. If treatment or additional vitamin supplementation is needed, the doctor will prescribe medications to stimulate speech centers and the nervous system as a whole. To determine what medications your baby may need, you will need to do an MRI of the brain. However, such analysis is not always required. Sometimes, after a conversation with the mother, a neurologist becomes quite clear why speech is not developing and how the child and his family can be helped to cope with the illness.

After a visit to a neurologist, a consultation with a speech therapist is necessary. If possible, classes should be continued individually or in special speech correction groups. What will the teacher do with the baby?

The general direction will be to develop speech activity and its understanding, the formation of phrases, sound pronunciation, clarification of how words are pronounced, and the use of lexical and grammatical forms.

The speech therapist may need the help of the family, because several sessions a week may not be enough to develop speech. The speech therapist can demonstrate to the mother the direction of work in the family circle. For example, to correct sound pronunciation, you will need to constantly ask the child to pronounce the word in a chant, while everyone in the house should speak the same way.

In more detail, correctional work will consist of the following exercises:

  • Pronouncing difficult-to-pronounce words in a sing-song manner, drawlingly, so that the child hears all the sounds and can repeat them. It is advisable that everyone around the baby, and not just in class, speak in this manner. This will allow the child to better grasp the sound composition of words.
  • Learning words into thematic groups based on pictures. For example, a speech therapist shows the child pictures of pets and clearly names them, forcing the child to repeat the names. So the child gradually begins to systematize the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world.
  • Comparison of identical grammatical forms of different words belonging to the same part of speech. For example, we rode: on a sled, in a car, on a slide, etc.
  • The same is done with verb forms: Kolya wrote - Kolya writes - Kolya will write.
  • Practicing changes in nouns using numbers. The teacher shows images of objects in singular and plural, names them and asks the child to show them.
  • Separate work is carried out with prepositions. The speech therapist substitutes them into phrases that are similar in structure, for example: going to the forest, visiting, up the mountain, etc.
  • Work on distinguishing voiced and voiceless sounds, distinguishing them in speech.
  • Determining the sound in a word by ear for the development of phonemic awareness.

It is best if classes with children with stage 2 speech underdevelopment are carried out individually with a speech therapist. You should not deny children communication with other children, which is extremely important for them. In this communication, speech will be formed, the desire to construct a phrase and convey information to other children.

It is known that a child communicates completely differently with adults and with his peers. With the latter he feels freer, his interests coincide with them. If your child with OSD does not attend kindergarten, the reason for the underdevelopment of speech may lie, among other things, in a lack of communication. Try to enroll your child in a development group, a children's club, where they try to comprehensively develop children. A social circle will appear here, and an artistic perception of the world, songs, and physical activity will create an optimal environment for improving speech.


It is very difficult to predict how a child’s speech will develop. Much depends on the degree of development of the disease and the cause that provoked it.

You need to start work as early as possible. Already at three years old, if the baby does not speak or makes inarticulate sounds, it should be clear to parents that they need to go to an appointment with a neurologist. Without a specific diagnosis and drug treatment, even intensive sessions with a speech therapist may be powerless.

If all the necessary measures have been taken and OHP is not running, there is hope that the child will begin to speak. However, his further education in a public school becomes impossible. Parents will either have to educate him at home or send him to a specialized educational institution for children with speech problems.

Much depends on the baby’s temperament and sociability. In many ways, they determine how well he will fit into the school community, find a common language with his peers, and how teachers will treat him.

Corrective work with children with speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. Parents do not need to intervene in the process or try to solve the problem themselves. It’s even more scary to let problems take their course. The baby needs qualified help, otherwise he will have problems with contacts in the future.

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is a deviation in the development of children, which manifests itself in the immaturity of the sound and semantic aspects of speech. At the same time, there is underdevelopment of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic processes, and there is no coherent pronunciation. OSD in preschool children is more common (40% of the total) than other speech pathologies. General underdevelopment of speech should be taken very seriously, since without correction it is fraught with consequences such as dysgraphia and dyslexia (various writing disorders).

Symptoms of OPD in a child should be taken seriously, as it can lead to a whole range of problems.

  • Level 1 OHP – complete absence of coherent speech.
  • Level 2 OHP - the child exhibits the initial elements of common speech, but the vocabulary is very poor, the child makes many mistakes in the use of words.
  • Level 3 OHP - the child can construct sentences, but the sound and semantic aspects are not yet sufficiently developed.
  • Level 4 OHP - the child speaks well, with only a few shortcomings in pronunciation and phrase construction.

In children with general speech underdevelopment, pathologies are most often detected that were acquired in utero or during childbirth: hypoxia, asphyxia, trauma during childbirth, Rh conflict. In early childhood, underdevelopment of speech can be a consequence of traumatic brain injuries, frequent infections, or any chronic diseases.

OHP is diagnosed by the age of 3, although the “preconditions” for speech underdevelopment can be formed even during pregnancy and childbirth

When a child has general speech underdevelopment of any degree, he begins to talk quite late - at 3 years old, some - only at 5 years old. Even when the child begins to pronounce the first words, he pronounces many sounds unclearly, the words have an irregular shape, he speaks indistinctly, and even close people have difficulty understanding him (see also:). Such speech cannot be called coherent. Since the formation of pronunciation occurs incorrectly, this negatively affects other aspects of development - memory, attention, thought processes, cognitive activity and even motor coordination.

Speech underdevelopment is corrected after the level is determined. Its characteristics and diagnosis directly determine what measures will need to be taken. Now we give a more detailed description of each level.

1st level OHP

Children of level 1 OHP do not know how to form phrases and construct sentences:

  • They use a very limited vocabulary, with the bulk of this vocabulary consisting of only individual sounds and onomatopoeic words, as well as a few of the simplest, most frequently heard words.
  • The sentences they can use are one word long, and most words are babbling, like a baby's.
  • They accompany their conversation with facial expressions and gestures that are understandable only in this situation.
  • Such children do not understand the meaning of many words; they often rearrange syllables in words and, instead of a full word, pronounce only a part of it, consisting of 1-2 syllables.
  • The child pronounces sounds very vaguely and indistinctly, and is not able to reproduce some of them at all. Other processes associated with working with sounds are also difficult for him: distinguishing sounds and highlighting individual ones, combining them into a word, recognizing sounds in words.

The speech development program for the first stage of OHP should include an integrated approach aimed at developing the speech centers of the brain

At level 1 OHP in a child, first of all it is necessary to develop an understanding of what he hears. It is equally important to stimulate the skills and desire to independently build a monologue and dialogue, as well as develop other mental processes that are directly related to speech activity (memory, logical thinking, attention, observation). Correct sound pronunciation at this stage is not as important as grammar, that is, the construction of words, word forms, endings, and the use of prepositions.

Level 2 OHP

At the 2nd level of OHP, children, in addition to incoherent speech babble and gestures, already demonstrate the ability to construct simple sentences from 2-3 words, although their meaning is primitive and expresses, most often, only a description of an object or an action.

  • Many words are replaced by synonyms, since the child has difficulty determining their meaning.
  • He also experiences certain difficulties with grammar - he pronounces endings incorrectly, inserts prepositions inappropriately, poorly coordinates words with each other, confuses the singular and plural, and makes other grammatical errors.
  • The child still pronounces sounds unclearly, distorts, mixes, and replaces one with another. The child still practically does not know how to distinguish individual sounds and determine the sound composition of a word, as well as combine them into whole words.

Features of correctional work at level 2, ONR consists of the development of speech activity and meaningful perception of what is heard. Much attention is paid to the rules of grammar and vocabulary - replenishing vocabulary, observing language norms, and correct use of words. The child learns to construct phrases correctly. Work is also being done on the correct pronunciation of sounds, various errors and shortcomings are corrected - rearranging sounds, replacing some with others, learning to pronounce missing sounds and other nuances.

At the second level of OHP, it is also important to include phonetics, that is, work with sounds and their correct pronunciation

Level 3 OHP

Children of level 3 OHP can already speak in detailed phrases, but mostly construct only simple sentences, not yet able to cope with complex ones.

  • Such children understand well what others are talking about, but still find it difficult to perceive complex speech patterns (for example, participles and participles) and logical connections (cause-and-effect relationships, spatial and temporal connections).
  • The vocabulary of children with level 3 speech underdevelopment is significantly expanded. They know and use all the major parts of speech, although nouns and verbs dominate their conversation over adjectives and adverbs. However, the child may still make mistakes when naming objects.
  • There is also the incorrect use of prepositions and endings, accents, and incorrect coordination of words with each other.
  • Rearranging syllables in words and replacing some sounds with others is already extremely rare, only in the most severe cases.
  • The pronunciation of sounds and their distinction in words, although impaired, is in a simpler form.

Level 3 speech underdevelopment suggests activities that develop coherent speech. The vocabulary and grammar of oral speech are improved, the mastered principles of phonetics are consolidated. Now children are already preparing to learn to read and write. You can use special educational games.

Level 4 OHP

Level 4 OHP, or a mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, is characterized by a fairly large and varied vocabulary, although the child has difficulties understanding the meanings of rare words.

  • Children cannot always understand the meaning of a proverb or the essence of an antonym. The repetition of words that are complex in composition, as well as the pronunciation of some difficult-to-pronounce combinations of sounds, can also create problems.
  • Children with mild general speech underdevelopment are still poorly able to determine the sound composition of a word and make mistakes when forming words and word forms.
  • They get confused when they have to present events on their own; they may miss the main thing and pay undue attention to the secondary, or repeat what they have already said.

Level 4, characterized by a mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, is the final stage of correction classes, after which children reach the necessary norms of speech development of preschool age and are ready to enter school. All skills and abilities still need to be developed and improved. This applies to the rules of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary. The ability to construct phrases and sentences is actively developing. Speech underdevelopment at this stage should no longer exist, and children begin to master reading and writing.

The first two forms of speech underdevelopment are considered severe, so their correction is carried out in specialized children's institutions. Children who have level 3 speech underdevelopment attend classes in special education classes, and from the last level – general education classes.

What does the examination involve?

Speech underdevelopment is diagnosed in preschool children, and the earlier this happens, the easier it will be to correct this deviation. First of all, the speech therapist conducts a preliminary diagnosis, that is, he gets acquainted with the results of the child’s examination by other children’s specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, neurologist, psychologist, etc.). After this, he finds out in detail from the parents how the child’s speech development is proceeding.

The next stage of the examination is oral speech diagnostics. Here the speech therapist clarifies the extent to which the various language components have been formed:

  1. The degree of development of coherent speech (for example, the ability to compose a story using illustrations, retell).
  2. Level of grammatical processes (formation of various word forms, agreement of words, construction of sentences).

Next we study sound side of speech: what features does the speech apparatus have, what is sound pronunciation, how developed is the sound content of words and syllable structure, how does the child reproduce sounds. Since speech underdevelopment is a very difficult diagnosis to correct, children with OSD undergo a full examination of all mental processes (including auditory-verbal memory).

Identification of OHP requires highly qualified specialists, as well as the availability of examination results by other pediatric specialists

Preventive actions

General underdevelopment of speech can be corrected, although it is not so simple and takes a long time. Classes begin from early preschool age, preferably from 3-4 years old (see also:). Correctional and developmental work is carried out in special institutions and has different directions depending on the degree of speech development of the child and individual characteristics.

To prevent speech underdevelopment, the same techniques are used as for the deviations that cause it (dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia). The role of the family is also important. Parents need to contribute as actively as possible to the speech and general development of their child, so that even mild speech development does not manifest itself and become an obstacle to the full development of the school curriculum in the future.

OHP is an abbreviation for a wide range of speech pathologies in children. It means “general speech underdevelopment” and causes a lot of anxiety among parents.

Our article talks about what this diagnosis is in speech therapy, about the characteristics of children with OHP, as well as about treatment methods.

Definition of OHP

General speech underdevelopment is a violation of all language components: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical system and speech coherence, with a normal level of hearing and intelligence.

Distinctive signs of children with ODD are not only impaired speech, but also mental characteristics such as aggressive behavior, low self-esteem, anxiety, restlessness, and difficulties in communication.

OHP accompanies such pathological conditions as

OHP classification

There are three types of general speech underdevelopment:

In addition to differentiation by clinical manifestations, this disease is differentiated by severity and divided into levels.

There are 4 degrees, or levels, of speech underdevelopment:

1. OHP of the 1st degree is the absence of coherent speech;

2. OHP 2nd degree - beginning of phrasal speech, answers to questions;

3. OHP 3rd degree - formation of coherent speech;

4. OHP grade 4 - coherent speech with deficiencies in pronunciation and grammar.

OHP is always late, at 3-4 years, the first words and incoherent speech, and also, as a consequence, inattention, poor memory, disinterest in learning new things and even impaired coordination of movements.

Don't worry if, at two years old, your baby is just trying to connect understandable, but not very clear-sounding, words into sentences. He enjoys listening to you talk to him and responds to you. This is not OHP.

The speech of preschoolers with ODD looks different - it depends on the degree of the disease.

In order to successfully correct defects and gain the ability to speak clearly and competently, it is necessary to determine the levels of speech development.

Characteristics of OHP levels

This is what the speech function looks like by levels.

1st level OHP

The first level is characterized by:

  • active vocabulary consists of babbling words and onomatopoeias;
  • phrases are constructed from them (“is di” - the kitty is sitting);
  • pronunciation is slurred and distorted;
  • sounds are difficult to distinguish, composing words from them is difficult or impossible;
  • the meaning of the phrases is unclear;
  • polysemy, when one word denotes several (“pa” - sleep, pillow, bed);
  • active gestures and facial expressions.

Level 2 OHP

The second level is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • constructing simple sentences from 2, 3, 4 words;
  • the pronunciation of sounds is unclear, the replacement of one with another, the inability to combine them into a whole word;
  • errors in grammar - incorrect endings, inappropriate prepositions, inconsistency between parts of a phrase (“give oska” - give a spoon);
  • words that sound unclear (“itoti” - flowers, “atika” - picture);
  • increase in active and passive vocabulary;
  • improving pronunciation.

Level 3 OHP

Characteristics of the third level:

  • active construction of phrases and simple sentences;
  • the vocabulary is noticeably expanded, the use of verbs and nouns predominates over other parts of speech, the designation of objects is imprecise in meaning (“chair” - stool, armchair, bench, chair);
  • first skills in word formation (ball - ball), however, the construction of adjectives from nouns is difficult (apple - apple) as well as the use of prefixed verbs (sel - sat down);
  • sound pronunciation with fewer defects;
  • the grammar is still “lame” - incorrect use of endings, incoherence of words (two spoons, white flowers);
  • replacement and rearrangement of individual sounds (“konveta” - candy, “kobalsa” - sausage).

Level 4 OHP

Description of speech characteristic of this level of OHP:

  • extensive vocabulary;
  • difficulty reproducing difficult to pronounce words;
  • sound recognition is not clear enough;
  • minor errors in word formation in the form of rearrangement and replacement of syllables;
  • the presence of lexical errors when words that are close in meaning are used (“a girl cleans the dishes” - a girl washes the dishes), confusion in signs (“a big fence” - a high fence);
  • grammatically incorrect use of case endings (“I paint with yellow paint”, “we heard dogs barking”);
  • Difficulties in expressing thoughts - repetition of what has already been said, excessive attention to detail, the main idea fades into the background.

Treatment of OPD involves not only determining the level to which the child belongs in terms of speech development, but also identifying the causes of the disease.

The causes that provoke ONR mainly relate to the period of pregnancy and childbirth, and the first years of the child’s life. They are the ones who cause severe forms of the disease.

Social reasons are no less important. This includes a lack of communication, living with deaf family members, lack of attention to the child in the family, and unfavorable conditions in which he lives and is raised.

How to treat this disease, what measures should be taken to restore speech function?

Treatment of OHP

Correction of sound pronunciation in OHP begins with a visit to a speech therapist, who studies the examination data of a small patient from a pediatrician, psychologist, neurologist and other specialists, and has a detailed conversation with parents about how the preschooler’s speech develops.

During subsequent diagnostics, the child’s ability to speak coherently, its grammatical state, sound and vocabulary are revealed. And what is important is that in children with ODD it is mandatory to diagnose all mental processes, for example, auditory-verbal memory.

The speech therapy characteristics of a 5-year-old child with level 3 ODD looks something like this:

The degree of severity of speech underdevelopment determines what corrective work should be carried out.

Its tasks are:

At level 1 OHP, children are trained individually or in small subgroups due to the characteristics of their psyche. Due to the fact that they may not fully understand speech, lessons are held in a playful way with the participation of fairy-tale characters.

These classes broaden your horizons, develop independent speech based on imitation, as well as attention, memory, and thinking. Sound pronunciation at this stage is not as important as the correct arrangement of word forms, the use of prepositions and endings.

Speech therapy classes with children of level 2 OHP develop speech activity: they replenish vocabulary, teach the rules of grammar, and also correct sound pronunciation.

Children master the skills of correctly using nouns in the diminutive form, coordinating different parts of speech with each other (a green apple, a lot of apples, two apples; I’m standing, he’s standing, they’re standing). Working on pronunciation corrects errors when replacing some sounds with others, skipping them and rearranging them, and also improves the sound.

In correctional work with children of level 3, the emphasis is on the development of coherent speech skills. Vocabulary, phonetics and grammar are improved.

Children learn to identify shades of primary colors, form adjectives from nouns (bread, wood, lemon), use prefixed verbs in their speech (came, came, left), and pay attention to endings in phrases. The vocabulary is replenished thematically, for example, “clothes”, “food”, “toys”, etc. Work continues to improve sound pronunciation.

Level 4 is the final stage of rehabilitation measures to restore speech function, after which the child’s speech is already normal and he is ready to study at school. All acquired skills are developed. The rules of grammar, vocabulary and phonetics are actively used when constructing phrases and sentences.

Particular attention is paid to the use of synonyms (joyful - happy - cheerful - perky) and words with a figurative meaning (golden hands, heart of stone, ravenous appetite), which add richness to speech. Children move on to mastering reading and writing.

Education of children with varying degrees of special needs is successfully carried out in special educational institutions for schoolchildren and preschool children. Of course, treatment for the disease should begin as early as possible, from 3-4 years.

Families that pay a lot of attention to the general, and in particular speech, development of the child have every chance of avoiding or reducing the number of problems with children's speech. And during pregnancy, mothers need to protect their health and that of their unborn baby.

What else can be done

If you have a child in your life diagnosed with ODD, especially in its severe form, do not despair. This is the case when “patience and work will grind everything down.”

Yes, it takes a lot of time, a lot of physical and mental strength, but the result will definitely come. This disease is treatable, even if it costs thousands of small steps.

Another would be an examination when, along with identifying the nature of the speech disorder, the task is to differentiate the speech disorder itself from speech disorders caused by hearing loss or mental retardation, which is sometimes necessary in the process of selecting children for education in special schools. In this case, speech material can be used to examine hearing and intelligence. In addition, there is a need to use additional techniques to explore the intellectual capabilities of children. Depending on the purpose and specific practical tasks, one or another type of examination is used.



General underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence should be understood as a form of speech anomaly in which the formation of all components of the speech system, related to both the sound and semantic aspects of speech, is impaired.

With general underdevelopment of speech, a late onset, a poor vocabulary, agrammatism, and defects in pronunciation and phoneme formation are noted.

Speech underdevelopment in children can be expressed to varying degrees: from a complete absence of speech or a babbling state to extensive speech, but with elements of phonetic and lexico-grammatical underdevelopment.

Conventionally, three levels of general speech underdevelopment can be distinguished, with the first two characterizing deep degrees of speech impairment, and at the third, higher level, children have only isolated gaps in the development of the sound side of speech, vocabulary and grammatical structure.

First level of speech development characterized by a complete or almost complete absence of verbal means of communication at an age when normally developing children have mostly developed speech. Children 5-6 years old, and sometimes older, have a meager active vocabulary consisting of onomatopoeia and sound complexes. These sound complexes, accompanied by gestures, are formed by the children themselves and are incomprehensible to others. So, instead of the car went, the child says “bibi”, instead of the floor and ceiling - “li”, accompanying the speech with a pointing gesture, instead of grandfather - “de”, etc.

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