What's happened. Who is a griefer

Griefer - comes from the English griefer, which is translated into Russian as chaos or lawlessness. What does griefer mean in online games? This is the name given to a person who creates conflict situations and negatively affects the gameplay of other people. In other words, this is a “troll” who deliberately provokes people.

A griefer causes moral or material damage to another player. Such gamers destroy other people's buildings, constantly participate in PvP, argue with everyone and behave like real scoundrels. Some provoke only verbally, litter the chat (flood) and write various nonsense. And some, if possible, purposefully hunt for newcomers, score easy frags and also mock them.

When is it used?

This word is written in a chat or on a forum to “turn in” a person and inform other players. This happens if he annoyed someone with his behavior. There are associations of people who oppose griefers - they find and punish the character, for example, by blocking him on the forum.

The word griefer can also be used in a humorous context, if something happened by accident and harmed the players. For example, it could be a rare debuff applied randomly to everyone nearby. Or a phrase in a chat that appears after random keystrokes, which can be funny, offensive and generally meaningless.

When going through difficult dungeons, the griefer behaves like a noob - aggroes and monsters, casts the wrong spells, jumps and runs instead of attacking, etc. In this case, the group will sooner or later go to respawn, and the dungeon will remain unfinished .

Note that in order to win, you can and should troll your opponents - any action that increases the chances of winning is encouraged and counted as a plus by other group members. For example, in a CS:GO match, you can write something unpleasant to the top of the other team so that he gets angry and starts making mistakes.

Nobody likes trolls except themselves - that's a fact. Therefore, we advise you not to provoke other people, but to develop and play calmly. Trolls never become top because they are forced to recreate their character several times due to the bad attitude of other players towards them.


“Write to the admins that this griefer is annoying everyone.”

“Yes, kick him and that’s it, he’s a griefer.”

“Dude, are you a griefer or something? Be careful"

Probably one of the most pressing problems in Minecraft is that on servers you can often encounter unpleasant consequences of someone’s activities, for example, destroyed buildings, lava waterfalls, a huge number of incomprehensibly placed blocks of sand, gravel and even dynamite. It’s easy to guess that it was most likely the griefers who tried to do this. But if you are a beginner, then you may ask about who they are and how to protect yourself from them? In this article we will try to list all the main methods of griefer attacks and tell you how to protect yourself from them.

Griefers in Minecraft- these are players who are engaged in the destruction and hacking of servers. Most often, they like to destroy all buildings that were not taken over by players using third-party plugins, kill civilians, and steal property. Sometimes there are more advanced villains who, instead of simply doing mischief on the server, are hacking them. To do this, they study all the intricacies of plugins and can log in under an administrator account or even create their own programs that cause huge lags on the server, thereby leading to their complete shutdown.

Unfortunately, that's not all they can do. Now we will try to list you all the most famous methods:

  • Destruction- the most typical way. During the act of griefing, players try to gather in groups. They are trying to destroy all buildings that are not secured, using all sorts of methods, ranging from simple tools to complex mechanisms that can lead to dire consequences. Usually, after such acts are committed, only ruins remain from the buildings on the server. The situation is even worse if the attackers have access to creative mode or, even worse, administrator privileges. In such cases, it is almost impossible to restore the server.

  • Creation- a method opposite to destruction. Its difference lies in the fact that the griefer tries to build everything that can cause negative feelings in the players. These can be all kinds of religious signs, swastikas, strange buildings, obscene gestures, built from material that cannot be broken by ordinary players, which can greatly affect the religious and social feelings of players. In addition, players can also build buildings that do not make the map beautiful at all, but only disfigure it. These can be all kinds of pillars made of mud, randomly placed blocks, etc.
  • Misleading players — sometimes griefers can act alone. In such cases, the attacker tries to gain the trust of an ordinary player who already has some experience on the server and owns at least a small house. The attacker simply begins to befriend the player, gets the opportunity to control the player’s territory, and the moment he leaves the game, the griefer begins to plunder the house and takes all the most valuable resources. Usually, it is very difficult for victims to prove that they are right, so this griefing method is very attractive for those who want to cheat a player out of their house.
  • Flood, spam and swearing in chat — sometimes a player tries to litter the chat, thereby creating a negative psychological atmosphere in the game. Agree that not everyone will like to see all sorts of obscenities and endless amounts of advertisements for other people’s servers in a chat. In this case, many players will leave the game, and the server will begin to lose popularity. It is this psychological factor that the griefer will play on. It will be even worse if several players start doing this at once. Then playing on the server will become completely unbearable.

  • Creating lags on the server - if a player knows how to wield a red stone and create all kinds of schemes from it, then he can safely start griefing. By creating some kind of scheme that has the ability to constantly throw out objects, pour lava in unlimited quantities and at a wild speed, it will be possible to create amazing lags on the server, which can only be gotten rid of by restarting the server. This is one of the worst griefing methods for administrators.
  • Blackmail- during blackmail, a certain group of players gathers on the server in order to give the administrator a certain ultimatum, which will not only put him in an uncomfortable position, but can also affect the gaming audience as a whole. Most players, having learned that the server may close, will begin to leave the server in search of a quieter game. It is clear that the administrator does not particularly want this, and then there are two outcomes left: either he bans the players, or he gives the server to the attackers, which leads to its collapse. But this happens in extremely rare cases, since in this case the main factor is the naivety of the administrator and nothing more. If the admin is decisive and more or less familiar with the technical part of the game, then this method will not work even for experienced griefers.
  • Flooding of buildings with various liquids — this method consists in the fact that players begin to fill all buildings with water and lava. In addition to the fact that this spoils the appearance of the buildings, and the entire map as a whole, another nuance appears. The moment water and lava come into contact, a reaction occurs in which the mixture can turn into obsidian, stone or cobblestone. The result is a very strange mountain of all sorts of resources, which is not only difficult to remove, but also simply from an aesthetic point of view, very unpleasant for others.
  • Killing civilians - Having put on the most powerful armor and picked up a diamond sword, players begin to kill all those who are unlucky enough to be nearby. At this moment, residents lose all their resources and leave the server. The griefers are happy again, and despite the fact that there are those who are ready to oppose them, the resulting battle will prevent many players from calmly going about their business. Constantly flying arrows and sword strikes will clearly not be conducive to this. It may get to the point where someone will summon a wither, and then it will be impossible to play at all. All you have to do is wait for the administrator to arrive.

These are, perhaps, the most important methods of griefing in Minecraft.

2 Due to the high involvement of schoolchildren and other individuals with low intelligence and social phobic tendencies in online games, gamers appeared, who began to be called Griefers. What does Griefer mean?? Read a few more articles on computer topics, for example, who is Anon, what does the abbreviation BRB mean, what does the word Bombit mean, how to understand the term Blink, etc.

Griefing or griefing comes from the English word "griefing", which can be translated as sabotage. This is a person who is trying with all his might to harm someone in the gaming universe. There are games in which Griefertsvo flourishes wildly, these are Dota 2 and Minecraft. As for Minecraft, Griefer is engaged in the destruction of other people's buildings, as well as the inclusion of his own additions to the buildings, which cause obvious harm to the player. In addition, the desired goal of any Griefer in Minecraft is to kill noobs. Over time, Griefers began to appear on some popular servers, uniting into teams. Such groups cause serious harm to the server, since players leave such resources because it becomes impossible to play on them. But most administrators feed from their game universes, which they built for a very long time and carefully in order to obtain a good profit from the sale of various privileges.

Griefer is a gamer who gets positive emotions from the fact that it prevents others from playing


He bullies me the whole game, I'm leaving here.

I filed a complaint against this griefer.

Reasons for the appearance of Griefers

Revenge for griefing other people's griefers or for being banned.

Blackmail. In this case, griefers force gamers to join their team, otherwise they destroy their buildings or even ban them.

Lack of understanding of the basic rules of the gameplay.

“Wants” to change the nearest landscape to suit your taste.

An attempt to steal things and blocks that other players have (due to fierce envy)

The desire to get rich through robbery.

Getting great satisfaction from destroying other people's houses, into which the players put their whole soul.

After reading this short article, you learned What does Griefer mean? translation, and you won't get caught again

A griefer is a player who tries to cause moral or material damage to other users. Such people periodically appear in any games where, in principle, such interaction is provided, and in each they are fought in their own way. The game in which the term "griefer" is most common is Minecraft.

How does it manifest itself?

Basically, griefing is the destruction of various buildings or making any changes to them. Also, a griefer is a user who senselessly kills other players for his own pleasure. It is worth noting the fact that this is a fairly widespread phenomenon in Minecraft, and at the moment there are even many teams formed specifically for griefing and worsening the game on various servers.

Any griefer is an extremely serious threat to the normal gaming community. After all, individually or together, they are an extremely serious problem for server administrators who are trying in every possible way to support builder players.

Why do they do this?

There are several reasons why the griefer works in Minecraft:

  • an attempt to get rich through robbery;
  • moral pleasure from the destruction of other people's property;
  • an attempt to appropriate things or blocks that are the property of others;
  • an attempt to change the landscape at your own discretion;
  • lack of awareness of the basic rules of conduct on a particular server.

Among other things, some people try to take revenge in this way for blocking or griefing other users, and also do it for the purpose of blackmail. The latter can manifest itself, for example, in the fact that a certain player is forced to join a certain group, and otherwise they threaten to destroy his property or block him altogether.

Special servers

Over time, specialized Minecraft servers for griefing began to appear, where players with this focus unite. In some cases, administrators use a similar means of banning griefers by simply sending them to such a server (sometimes even without their knowledge).

It is worth noting that in Minecraft, in principle, various “legal” mods are widely used, which allow you to modify the client and make it more enjoyable to play, but attackers often use special “cheat” mods, with the help of which they greatly facilitate their actions. In particular, cheating is the most common reason why griefers are sent to an "evil" server for the same users.

What do they give?

The benefits of such cheats are mainly provided by the following:

  • Flight. May not be used to specifically commit an act of griefing, but is often used to locate potential locations for such a procedure.
  • Scanner. Makes some surfaces transparent, making it much easier to find hidden chests and ores.
  • Night vision. The player sees everything perfectly even in completely dark caves and other places completely blocked from light.
  • Stealth. The player can walk in a sitting position, which means the nick above their head becomes more transparent, but the player's speed does not slow down.
  • Fast mining. The speed of extracting ore from blocks increases significantly.
  • Force field. Deals a large amount of damage to everyone surrounding the griefer if they are within the affected radius.
  • Immortality. The user does not take any damage. Almost all variations of cheats of this kind on modern servers were completely blocked.

There are many other cheat options that griefers can use to achieve their goals. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages, and most importantly, availability on certain servers.

In this regard, it can be said without exaggeration that in Minecraft griefers can cause serious damage to their victims, and for this reason their appearance is an extremely serious problem for administrators and other players. That is why most servers have a wide variety of restrictions that can limit such activity. First of all, this, of course, relates to ensuring effective protection against cheats, and only then to limiting the possibility of “legal” griefing in relation to other players.

Griefer is a person who plays online games with the aim of undermining gaming discipline and ethics.

What is Griefing and who are Griefers - meaning, definition in simple words.

In simple words, griefers are a kind of virtual vandals and scoundrels who ruin the lives of players playing by the rules.

What does a griefer do in the game?

Griefers use various tricks to annoy people. By deception, they take away in-game resources, destroy or appropriate other people's buildings, write various provocative and offensive inscriptions, and harass other players in every possible way.

The best example of griefing can be seen in frequent situations in the Minecraft online sandbox. Namely, when a person writes in a chat that he can shelter a new player in his home, give him resources for development, help him master. Having thus lured the newcomer into his house, he kills him and robs him. After which he looks for a new victim.

As a rule, administrators have a very negative attitude towards griefers and ban them based on proven misconduct. This is due to the fact that the latter make the atmosphere on the server uncomfortable and unplayable, which in turn leads to loss of online access and earnings.

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