The likelihood of getting pregnant after hysterosalpingography in gynecology. Pregnancy after HSG

Hello girls!!!

At the beginning of March, we began our planning. In January, I went to see a doctor and underwent an examination (tests, ultrasound). In general, like everyone else. But even at that moment, the doctor, feeling my appendages, said that she felt some kind of compaction in the left tube. And since two years ago I had a cyst removed by laparoscopy, there is a high probability that I have formed an adhesion. She prescribed me candles, which I successfully placed and two months later we started planning. But after 4 months there are no results. I understand that it’s too early to panic, but since I see a gynecologist every six months, I went for a repeat appointment with a clear conscience

The doctor felt me ​​again and said that the lump remained and sent me for HSG (hysterosalpingography) - an x-ray of the patency of the fallopian tubes. She said that 60% of her patients become pregnant in the first months after this procedure.

Yessss..... anyone who has been there knows that this procedure is not the most pleasant beast. And I, as a curious person, spent the whole evening surfing the Internet (it would be better if I didn’t do this, but my bad head doesn’t give rest to my hands) and learned the entire technological process of this action. And also what I should feel. Imagine my surprise when I experienced soooooo much, after which I had an irresistible desire to jump up from the table and run without looking back. But…. I didn't do it... remained lying... lying, enduring and crying I don’t want to scare anyone, perhaps my feelings are connected with a bad mood for the procedure (once again I was convinced that sometimes it’s better not to know what awaits you), but I wouldn’t want to end up like this a second time table.

In the end, as expected, the left pipe was impassable. I was very upset. The truth remained until the house, until the husband asked, “So how?” and tears flowed like a river. It seems like nothing special, there is also a right tube, but I am a very worried person and for as long as I can remember I have always wanted a child, even when I thought that storks were bringing them, that’s why I worry a lot about everything related to my reproductive system function. Anyway. Then I gathered my will and went with my husband to the gynecologist to show off the pictures

They boasted. And already there was hope that in the coming months everything might work out. Our wonderful doctor said that this month it is not only possible to plan, but even necessary (although the day before she told me sternly - take precautions!!!) And the doctor who did the radiography also gave the go-ahead. Since this procedure has a beneficial effect on reproductive ability. So we arrive in faith and hope for success.

So I want to ask, has anyone done this procedure and what was your success?

Were you allowed to plan a pregnancy in the cycle in which the HSG was done?

I had an HSG on the 12th day of the cycle, the doctor said that ovulation had not yet occurred and the radiation did not affect it, so I can try already in this cycle

P.S. I forgot to say that for the treatment of adhesions I was prescribed to insert tampons with Vishnevsky ointment. They say the effect is like mud therapy. Has anyone been prescribed anything similar?

The complex term hysterosalpinography (HSG) in medicine is the procedure for checking the fallopian tubes for patency. The need for it arises when (if within a year of regular sexual activity with a regular partner without protection, she cannot become pregnant).

When a disappointing diagnosis of infertility is made, HSG will be one of the first diagnostic tests to which a woman will be referred. At the very beginning of this path, it is necessary to exclude poor patency of the fallopian tubes (due to the formation of adhesions and scars), which may cause a woman’s inability to become pregnant. In addition, doctors recommend undergoing this procedure also because it is after HSG that many women manage to conceive a baby.

Thus, HSG is both a diagnostic and, in some way, a therapeutic procedure. Because in addition to getting a real picture of the patency of the fallopian tubes, a woman also increases her chances of the long-awaited conception of a child.

Probability of pregnancy after HSG

It is quite obvious that if the patency of the fallopian tubes is not impaired, then it lies in something else. And, of course, in this case, GHA will be useful only in that it will exclude possible obstruction from the “list of suspects” - you will need to look further to find out what the problem is.

However, if some obstacles still exist in the movement of the fertilized egg to the uterus, then after HSG they may disappear. The procedure itself helps to “cleanse” the fallopian tubes, improve their motility and restore their normal patency. Very often, in order to get pregnant, it is enough to do an HSG. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of women who gave birth to healthy children precisely as a result of undergoing this procedure.

A few words should be said about the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy after HSG. It does not exceed the statistical average. In this case, the risks or chances of pregnancy generally increase. And an ectopic may occur due to changes in the tubes that are absolutely not related to hysterosalpinography. However, it is better to play it safe and visit a gynecologist as soon as the pregnancy test is positive or you feel the first signs of pregnancy to make sure that the fertilized egg is implanted correctly.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an HSG?

Practice shows that pregnancy after HSG, if the cause of infertility was precisely tubal obstruction, is possible in the same menstrual cycle that the procedure was performed. But such an outcome, oddly enough, may be undesirable. Moreover, there are often cases when doctors advise women to terminate a pregnancy that occurs immediately after an HSG.

It's all about the high doses of X-ray radiation that a woman is exposed to during the procedure. They can have an extremely negative impact on the development of the fetus, and therefore the doctor is obliged to warn his ward that within a month after the HSG (by X-ray method), she needs to use contraception in order to prevent pregnancy in the current cycle.

If an ECHO-HSG (ultrasound examination) was performed, then no risks are noted in connection with the onset of pregnancy. In general, the probability of pregnancy after HSG remains quite high for several months after the procedure.

We wish you exactly this outcome!

Especially for Elena Kichak

If a married couple has been unsuccessfully trying to have a baby for twelve months, doctors assume a diagnosis of infertility. To identify the “culprit” for the absence of children among spouses, a number of studies are carried out. To exclude or confirm infertility in a woman, you must first make sure that the fallopian (uterine) tubes are patency. This is why hysterosalpingography (HSG) is needed.

Possible causes of infertility in women

Experts consider regular sexual activity to be sexual intercourse at least 2 times a week. If, with such regularity and the absence of contraception, pregnancy does not occur within a year, they begin to search for the causes of infertility.

One of the possible reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant is adhesions and/or scars in the lumens of the fallopian tubes, which prevent conception. This occurs because the blockage of the fallopian tube prevents the egg from moving into the uterine cavity.

After fertilization, the egg is captured by the oviduct and must travel through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, where attachment and implantation will occur. If there are obstacles, then the passage of the egg becomes impossible, and, therefore, conception does not occur.

How is HSG performed?

HSG involves the introduction of a contrast agent (in the case of an x-ray examination) or a glucose solution or saline solution (in the case of an ultrasound examination). HSG consists of examination of the uterus (hysterography, metrography) and examination of the fallopian tubes (salpingography). HSG is carried out not only to find out the reasons for the inability to get pregnant, but also to identify adhesions, malformations of the genital organs, cancer of the endometrium and tubes, etc.

IMPORTANT! HSG is most informative in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle, with the exception of cases of endometriosis (here the examination should be carried out at the beginning of the cycle, or in the last days of menstruation).

Since HSG is associated with invasion of the lumen of the fallopian tubes, often, along with a diagnostic effect, a therapeutic effect is also achieved. This is explained by the rupture of adhesions during examination and restoration of patency.

The procedure has contraindications, including inflammatory processes, infections, cardiovascular pathologies, allergic reactions to. During HSG, slightly painful or simply unpleasant sensations are possible.

Do the chances of conceiving increase after HSG?

When HSG reveals normal patency of the fallopian tubes, other causes of infertility in a woman are looked for. In this case, obstruction is excluded from the list of possible obstacles to conception.

If narrowing and blocking of the lumen in the tubes are detected, then, firstly, the reason for the inability to get pregnant will be identified, and, secondly, when contrast or other solution passes through the tubes, there is a chance that the obstacle will be eliminated. Thus, HSG, as it were, “cleans” the pipes and eliminates their obstruction, which makes pregnancy easier.

According to statistics, in a large proportion of cases of fallopian tube obstruction, HSG leads to the possibility of conception. However, there is also a fairly significant risk of increasing the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy. You should not lose sight of what may occur due to changes in the pipes that are in no way dependent on the study.

To exclude both ectopic pregnancy and other possible complications, if you suspect pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. A specialist will help ensure that the embryo is implanted correctly.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after HSG?

It is theoretically possible to conceive in the same cycle in which the examination was performed. However, pregnancy in a short time after hysterosalpingography is not always desirable. Moreover, there are cases when doctors strongly recommend termination of pregnancy if it occurs after HSG.

This occurs when a study was carried out using x-rays. And X-rays have a negative impact on the condition of the embryo. For this reason, careful contraception and avoidance of conception during the menstrual cycle during which the study was performed is recommended.

But when conducting an ultrasound examination, when X-rays are not used, pregnancy in the same cycle is not prohibited. However, HSG using x-rays is much more informative.

In general, the probability of conception after the HSG procedure is quite high. Moreover, this high probability persists up to several months after the examination.

Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is an examination method that allows you to obtain information about the condition of the fallopian tubes and the internal contours of the uterus. In simple terms, this procedure allows you to check the patency of the fallopian tubes in those women who cannot become pregnant for a long time and there is a suspicion of their infertility.

It is after making such an unpleasant diagnosis as “infertility” that HSG will become the first diagnostic test that a woman will need to undergo. Most often, the main reason for the inability to conceive a baby is poor patency of the fallopian tubes, which develops as scars and adhesions form in them. Many experts strongly recommend that women undergo the procedure for the reason that pregnancy after HSG occurs much more often than after other treatment methods.

Features of the procedure

In medical practice, there are two types of such a procedure, when the study is carried out using both x-rays and ultrasound. A conventional HSG is a radiological examination that takes several x-rays. It would not be entirely correct to compare these two types of procedures, since each of them solves certain goals.

HSG, which is performed using ultrasound, helps to obtain the necessary information about the condition of the uterine cavity, as well as to identify anomalies in its structure and deformation. Unfortunately, such an ultrasound examination does not allow checking the patency of the fallopian tubes, and it is in this case that an HSG with x-ray is performed. Many experts are convinced that this type of research allows us to see the condition of the fallopian tubes and find out the true cause of infertility.

Indications and contraindications

If infertility is suspected, GHA allows one to obtain complete information about the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes, therefore this procedure is most often prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • suspicions of poor conductivity of the fallopian tubes, which most often develops as a result of adhesions in diseases such as salpingitis and endometriosis;
  • suspicion of an abnormal structure of the uterus;
  • the presence of fibroids or polyps in the uterine cavity;
  • the need to stimulate ovulation, which is most often carried out in such a pathological condition of the female body as polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • suspicion of adenomyosis.

Despite the high efficiency and information content of this type of research, there are situations when its use is not allowed:

  • the woman is pregnant or suspected of being pregnant;
  • progression of the inflammatory process in the vagina or uterus;
  • the appearance of uterine bleeding;
  • the possibility of an allergic reaction to iodine and contrast;
  • increased pain threshold.

Carrying out the procedure

Carrying out an HSG requires certain preparation and first of all you will have to visit your doctor and take a smear for flora. This type of study will confirm the absence of an inflammatory process in the cervix and vagina, since there is a high probability of its penetration into the uterine cavity during HSG. If the presence of inflammation is confirmed, the procedure will have to be postponed for some time. If a woman is taking contraception and pregnancy is excluded, then HSG can be performed on any day except during menstruation.

In order to check the patency of the fallopian tubes using this method, a woman will have to undergo certain training, which includes:

  • 7-10 days before the scheduled date, it is recommended not to conduct any examinations, and also not to use vaginal suppositories, tablets and other intimate hygiene products.
  • HSG is performed using x-rays, so it is important to make sure there is no pregnancy.

When a woman is planning a pregnancy and if it is possible, the procedure is usually carried out in the first half of the menstrual cycle. In any case, before HSG, the woman undergoes a pregnancy test and, if the result is negative, the procedure begins.

During an HSG, the specialist performs the following actions:

  • a preliminary gynecological examination is carried out, after which a small tube is inserted;
  • such a tube is necessary for administering a contrast agent;
  • During the procedure, the organ cavity is filled, after which the specialist takes several photographs;

After some time, the contrast is absorbed into the blood and removed from the woman’s body. HSG is a painless procedure, which is accompanied by unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations. Most often, during hysterosalpingography, anesthesia is not introduced into the woman’s body, but to reduce pain, the doctor may apply a local anesthetic to the cervix.

Consequences of the procedure

HSG is considered a completely safe procedure, during which the risk of complications is minimal during and after it. Only a small proportion of patients may develop serious consequences, which manifest themselves as pain in the lower abdomen and an allergic reaction to the use of contrast.

After an HSG, the following consequences may develop:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge, which may be caused by damage to the epithelium during the procedure;
  • the appearance of strong discharge mixed with blood and a strong odor may indicate infection;
  • menstrual cycle disorder, which is associated with severe stress and experiences of the woman during HSG.
  • It is recommended to refrain from sexual activity for a while, which will help prevent the penetration of bacteria into the cervical area.

Is pregnancy possible after HSG?

If the patency of the fallopian tubes in a woman is completely normal, then the cause of infertility may be hidden in something else. Carrying out an HSG will eliminate this factor from the possible causes of female infertility, and the doctor’s work will be aimed at finding other causes of this pathological condition of the woman’s body.

In the event that the egg could not reach the uterine cavity and encountered obstacles in it, then the HSG procedure will restore normal patency of the fallopian tubes and restore their motility.

Medical practice shows that most women successfully became pregnant and gave birth to healthy children after undergoing the HSG procedure. There is an opinion that it increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy in a woman, however, this statement is absolutely erroneous. It has been proven that the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy after pipe cleaning is the same as in women who have not undergone this procedure. The risk of an ectopic pregnancy may arise if there are any pathological changes in the fallopian tubes, which may not be in any way related to the HSG.

The best option would be to visit a gynecologist immediately after a positive pregnancy test, which will confirm the correct implantation of the fertilized egg.

Onset of pregnancy

In the event that a woman has not become pregnant for a long time due to poor tubal patency, then planning a child is allowed to begin in the same menstrual cycle when the HSG was performed. However, most often doctors do not recommend starting to conceive a baby so hastily, and in some cases, if such a pregnancy occurs, they recommend terminating it.

This need is due to the fact that during HSG the woman is exposed to high doses of x-ray radiation. Their influence can negatively affect the developing fetus and that is why, after the procedure using the x-ray method, it is recommended to carefully protect yourself for some time and begin planning for the baby in the next cycle.

When conducting HSG using ultrasound, there are no restrictions or obstacles to planning the long-awaited baby. Pregnancy after HSG occurs within a few months after it is performed.

Today, medicine has achieved high positive results in the treatment of infertility in married couples, and it is the HSG procedure that often helps to wait until pregnancy and the birth of a child. Strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations and following all his recommendations will allow you to achieve the desired result within a few months after treatment.

Good afternoon.

Backstory: when I went for this procedure, I promised myself that if it helped me, I would write a review about it.

For 8 months now, my husband and I have been unable to get pregnant. I tried a lot: I measured my basal temperature for several cycles, drank boron uterus and a red brush (on my own, doctors didn’t prescribe it for me, the power of the Internet..), bought ovulation tests (not cheap). Each cycle I looked for (and found!!) signs of pregnancy. And every time my period came.. I was already in despair; what added fuel to the fire was the fact that several colleagues became pregnant almost at the same time and walked around so happy!! I felt inferior against their background, listening to their chirping and weeks and maternity leave.. I had nothing to say. Two friends and I decided to get pregnant at the same time (they are both my colleagues), and they successfully coped with it, one with the help of ovulation tests, the second just like that (this is her fourth child).

By the way, I also have a daughter, she is seven years old. I never thought that I might have any problems getting pregnant!! I thought it would work right away!! But months passed, both friends were already “in position”, but I still wasn’t....

I went to the doctor. Previously, I took all the tests and the gynecologist told me to return with pregnancy. Yeah, of course.

And now, 8 months later, I came to her again, saying that “well, it’s not working out!!” The doctor immediately began to prepare tests for HSG for me, explaining its essence and saying that this procedure is not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic. The point is this: A contrast agent is injected into the uterus through a catheter. Then a picture is taken (we use an x-ray). They look at the image to see if the contrast has passed through the uterus and tubes, then the tubes are passable and there are no adhesions. If the contrast lingers somewhere in the pipe and does not go further, there is a solder. Adhesions can interfere with conception. When the contrast passes through the pipes, the thin adhesions are torn, and the pipes expand slightly (this is the therapeutic effect). And it’s easier for sperm to “run” to the egg. They did it for me on day 6 of my cycle.

I took tests: urine, feces, blood from a vein and finger, went to a therapist for a consultation, and got a fluorography stamp (we do it every year at work). Well, a smear, of course. Analyzes must be fresh.

I left home for the procedure as if I were going to war. My husband accompanied me to the door. I cried a little in the car along the way (it was scary). I read everywhere about this procedure, the situation was terrible. I arrived at the hospital in the evening. In the evening they gave me an enema (also quite a procedure), and they treated my entire inside with alcohol (very unpleasant and stings). The evening and night passed in stress, I was VERY afraid. And, let me tell you, not in vain.

In the morning, a nice old doctor invited me. I put on a short robe and we took the elevator to the X-ray room. I took panties with a pad and a diaper with me. They put me on the table, raised my butt (they put some kind of thing on me). And then it began!! With jokes and jokes, the old man introduced mirrors into me, and then I felt so much pain!! It was a catheter. It is inserted into the cervix. HURT!! Then they injected the substance, I felt it because I felt a cold stream under the skin of my abdomen, and my uterus began to be strongly pulled!! Oooooooooooooooo, I puffed (you can’t move), cried a little, moaned as quietly as possible, breathed very quickly and deeply. Everyone ran out of the room (to take an x-ray), only the female nurse remained nearby to calm me down. Five minutes passed, the catheter hurt me, I was scared. The doctor came and took everything out of me (it didn’t hurt as much), and wiped it inside with alcohol. And that’s it, they asked me how I was feeling and allowed me to get up. I quickly put on my underpants and went to the department, to the ward. My stomach was churning (tolerably) for probably an hour. After about 40 minutes, the doctor called me, gave me a picture and said that everything was fine, the tubes were passable. And they sent me home.

At work I took sick leave for 2 days.

A few days later I ovulated (I know exactly what day it is, around 13-14), and my husband and I didn’t waste any time. How many reviews have I seen that girls became pregnant in the same cycle after HSG!!

In fact, at that moment I had already calmed down, I stopped fanatically looking for methods and ways to get pregnant, because summer was ahead, we planned a vacation, booked a room in a hotel in Crimea.. I thought, okay, after the vacation we’ll try again. Relaxed!!

And my period didn’t come!! And the line on the tests became more and more distinct!! Today I am just 5 weeks pregnant, I have already registered)) It turns out that the GHA helped me get pregnant!! Apparently due to the expansion of the pipes, since there were no adhesions.

That's the story!! It was scary and painful, but it turned out to be worth it!!

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