Causes and consequences of delirium tremens. Treatment of delirium tremens in a hospital Social consequences of delirium tremens

Chronic alcoholism affects not only the alcoholic, but also his family. In the last stages of the disease, symptoms of alcoholic delirium are often observed, which is called “ delirium tremens "or "squirrel".

This is a dangerous mental disorder that drives a person crazy. It is important to stop the development of pathology in time and take treatment measures.

What it is

Alcohol delirium is a severe mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of unreasonable aggression, loss of time and space, and severe agitation.

Delirium tremens got its name for a reason. During it, the alcoholic the temperature rises sharply and the face becomes pale.

The person experiences hallucinations of a tactile, auditory and visual nature. Often this condition leads to suicide.

Protracted delirium delirium develops due to a sudden refusal of strong drinks after a drunken state - at least 7 days. If the body that is accustomed to alcohol stops receiving ethyl alcohol, a metabolic disorder occurs in the brain, which causes excitation of the central nervous system, all of which affects the psyche.

In some cases, the squirrel overtakes healthy people after drinking low-quality alcoholic beverages or taking psychotropic drugs.

According to statistics, delirium tremens most often occurs in people over forty years of age, mainly in women.

At risk are individuals who have suffered a TBI or serious inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, as well as those who have previously encountered a similar mental disorder or have acute chronic infections.

ICD-10 code

F05– delirium not associated with psychoactive drugs and alcohol.

F10.4– withdrawal state with delirium.

Symptoms and signs

Most often, signs of delirium tremens in alcoholic men are noticed two or three days after drinking.

Delirium tremens usually occurs in people who have been addicted for more than five years. In women, it manifests itself already in the third year of alcoholism.

There are three phases of delirium tremens, which have specific symptoms and consequences:

  1. Korsakov's psychosis . Expressed in unexpected mood swings, memory problems, sleep disturbances.
  2. Delirium . Manifests itself in the form of depression, unmotivated aggression, and the desire to die.
  3. Severe form . It is characterized by severe pain in the head, speech disorders, and pathologies of internal organs.

Symptoms of the disorder increase as dependence on alcohol increases.

Alcoholic delirium, the clinical manifestations of which are similar to those, is accompanied by other signs:

  • vomiting, convulsions;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • lack of appetite;
  • profuse sweating;
  • skin redness;
  • yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

A person is worried, fears for no reason, a premonition of danger, frequent awakenings at night.

A person can shake off invisible insects, hide from haunting visions, and talk to a non-existent interlocutor. At the peak of the development of psychosis, scenes with fantastic heroes and animals, aliens emerge in the imagination. Symptoms of the disorder are especially pronounced at night. With the arrival of dawn, the severity of hallucinations decreases. Trying to escape from danger, patients jump out of windows and get hit by a car.

How long does delirium tremens last after drinking?

If we talk about the duration of delirium tremens after a binge, it is worth noting that a similar condition is observed throughout two, three and even five days .

It all depends on several factors:

  • duration of the disease;
  • duration of drunkenness;
  • volume of alcohol consumed;
  • the presence of mental and somatic diseases.

The maximum duration of delirium tremens is two or three weeks. In this case, urgent treatment in a hospital is required, otherwise the situation can lead to complex brain damage and death.

What to do if you have delirium tremens

If the patient is rowdy and behaves inappropriately, the following manipulations must be done:

  1. You should lay him on the bed and, if necessary, tie him up.
  2. It is important to protect the individual and others from harm.
  3. It is necessary to provide him with plenty of fluids.
  4. You can reduce the temperature with a contrast shower and a cold compress.
  5. We need to call an ambulance.

First of all, doctors give a person Diphenhydramine , Barbamil or enter Diazepam intramuscularly. After this, he is hospitalized for treatment.

It is worth considering that self-treatment of withdrawal symptoms often leads to unpredictable consequences. Therefore, experts advise seeking help from doctors at the first manifestations of “squirrel”.


Treatment in the clinic is carried out taking into account the general state of health, contraindications, and other pathologies. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease.


Treatment in the hospital includes a number of activities:

  1. Normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and other organs. Brain edema is removed with Lasix solution and vitamins; intravenous glucose and liquid administration of Hemodezom are used to filter the kidneys.
  2. Restoring normal metabolism. To improve metabolism, Reopolycluk is used.
  3. Restoring mental well-being. Eliminate aggression and improve the functioning of the nervous system with the help of a solution of Sibazon, Seduxin.

At home

You can fight delirium tremens yourself only if mild manifestations disorders. It is necessary to provide the patient with adequate sleep and a balanced diet.

  • Alternating warm and cold showers and walks in nature help a lot.
  • It is necessary to help a patient with alcoholism cope with stress and guilt.
  • He shouldn't drink alcohol.

Forbidden give drugs to a patient without the doctor’s knowledge.

You cannot shout at him, scold him or raise your hand to him. It is important to understand that a person does not adequately perceive the surrounding reality.

Alcoholic delirium is treated at home with folk remedies. These include:

  • a decoction of bay leaf and lovage root;
  • tincture of wormwood and centaury;
  • inhalation over birch smoke;
  • hellebore tincture.

Natural helps a lot honey . It is given to the patient six teaspoons three times an hour. Then they take a break of two hours and repeat the course again.

Predictions and consequences

Delirium tremens often has complications. Then the stay in the hospital is prolonged.

The disease will be treated together with other pathologies. If a patient has pneumonia, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, coronary artery disease, tuberculosis or other serious health problems, he will be transferred to the appropriate department.

Alcohol related mortality statistics

Its consequences depend on several factors:

  • time to see a doctor;
  • therapy literacy;
  • presence of other diseases;
  • the patient's lifestyle after discharge.

Complications occur with any form of delirium. With high-quality treatment of mild and moderate stages of the disorder, the life and health of the patient will not be threatened.

A neglected form can cause unpleasant consequences. Among them:

  • mental disorders;
  • chronic psychosis;
  • amnesia;
  • chronic liver pathologies;
  • kidney disease;
  • ischemia;
  • renal edema.

These complications are largely associated with alcohol intoxication.

If a person stops drinking alcoholic beverages, the risk of delirium tremens will be minimized. When conducting self-treatment, you must consult a doctor to avoid serious consequences.

Alcoholism is a disease that causes enormous harm, primarily to the human psyche. Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, a person degrades very quickly. The most dangerous disease that develops as a result of systematic abuse of strong drinks is delirium delirium.

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Delirium tremens

What are the consequences of delirium tremens after binge drinking and why does such psychosis appear? How can it be distinguished from other mental pathologies and how is it treated?

What you need to know about delirium

Delirium tremens is a natural stage in the development of alcoholism. It is inevitable if the patient continues to drink alcohol. In this case, a person develops hallucinations, since his consciousness is darkened. Typically, such a disorder manifests itself as a result of a person’s withdrawal from binge drinking.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at a dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. EFFECTIVE METHOD

It is typical that a person’s body temperature rises, however, the skin remains white. He is bothered by constant body tremors, which is why he cannot sleep and behaves aggressively towards others.

The appearance of delirium tremens in men is by no means associated with alcohol intoxication. The disease develops on the second or fourth day from the beginning of quitting drinking. Immediately after drinking, this condition develops very rarely. Male forms of delirium are just as dangerous as female ones. The difference is that a woman's journey from daily drinking to an episode of delirium is much shorter.

Why does the disease develop? Alcohol, first of all, disrupts the normal functioning of the brain. And if ethanol stops flowing into it, the processes of inhibition and excitation increase in it. Due to prolonged binge drinking, an incredible amount of toxic products accumulate in the body. All of them have a negative effect on the brain and central nervous system.

Sometimes fever develops after a feast, if the person has not drunk alcohol at all before. This applies to cases of drinking surrogates for alcohol. Delirium tremens develops gradually, and the rate of progression of pathological symptoms directly depends on the health status of the person drinking alcohol.

What is withdrawal syndrome

Withdrawal syndrome

A person suffering from alcoholism suffers from the alcohol itself and from the consequences of giving it up. Abrupt withdrawal from alcohol causes insomnia and confusion. This condition should not be confused with a hangover.

Withdrawal syndrome is an unpleasant and short-lived condition observed in a person after abusing alcoholic beverages. He feels a tremor of the limbs, and it develops within a few hours after stopping drinking. The patient experiences an uncontrollable craving for alcohol: it seems to him that a few drops of alcohol will help eliminate all this torment. However, they will only harm him, as the symptoms will noticeably intensify.

Sometimes after several days without alcohol, hallucinations appear. Unlike delirium, they are not threatening and are believable. In severe cases, convulsions develop. They are similar to epileptic seizures.

Who is susceptible to the disease

In order for the disease to develop, it takes more than 5 years of systematic alcohol abuse. In women it develops much faster. The following categories of people are at risk:

  • all patients with alcoholism for more than 5 years;
  • all persons with a history of traumatic brain injury and inflammatory pathologies of the brain;
  • if a person has already had a similar attack at least once;
  • all persons suffering from exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

How to recognize delirium tremens

Manifestations of this disease can appear as early as two days after a person stops drinking. On the eve of an attack, a sharp aversion to alcoholic beverages is possible. In the afternoon there is some emotional lability. The attack is accompanied by severe trembling in the limbs. Delirium tremens is accompanied by severe agitation, and the patient cannot sleep. If sleep does occur, the alcoholic suffers from terrible nightmares.

The attack is accompanied by the following subjective sensations:

What happens after an attack

There is a misconception that delirium tremens is not dangerous for the patient and is just a variant of the development of alcohol dependence. In the future, this attack can develop into a condition that threatens the patient’s life.
There are several possible consequences of delirium tremens:

  • chronic alcoholic delirium;
  • coma;
  • fatal outcome.

Death as a consequence of delirium tremens can occur as a result of:

  • suicide under the influence of threatening hallucinations;
  • death as a result of loss of orientation (for example, a person may fall out of a window or get hit by a car);
  • respiratory or cardiac arrest;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • cerebral edema.

Numerous messages on forums indicate that the picture of developing complications as a result of alcoholic delirium is terrible. The person (and his loved ones) experience incredible mental suffering. The experience of such a state is so difficult that it serves as the beginning of an attempt at treatment for alcohol addiction.

Korsakov psychosis

Any consequence of an attack does not remain without consequences for the body. It significantly weakens the condition. Repeated episodes of delirium significantly increase the risk of developing hydrocele. The prognosis for such a disease is usually poor.

When the central nervous system is damaged, Korsakoff psychosis develops. It develops with severe delirium. Due to massive damage to the cerebral cortex, amnesia develops. The person does not remember his acquaintances and family members, he does not know the current date, and asks the same questions. He is in a state of extreme anxiety, sometimes complete apathy. With this disease, working capacity is lost and paralysis may occur.

The prognosis for Korsakoff syndrome is unfavorable: the person is diagnosed with disability. Even with complete abstinence from alcohol and timely treatment, memory will stabilize after a few years, but performance cannot be restored.

Weakening of a person's mental abilities

One of the most common consequences of delirium tremens is the moral and mental degradation of a person. Just a few attacks are enough for the patient to lose memory. Unfortunately, the process of loss of sanity is irreversible: alcohol is very toxic to the brain. There is no safe dose of alcohol for neurons, because they are the first to be hit by alcohol. Regular consumption of ethanol leads to chronic intoxication of the entire body.

Delirium tremens can develop even after a week of heavy drinking. In some cases, an attack of delirium occurs several months after constant drinking. Apparently, the body's susceptibility to alcoholic beverages, the quality of the alcohol and genetic disposition play a decisive role. There is a dependence on the presence of problems with alcohol in parents and their children.

It should be remembered that if a person has had an episode of alcoholic delirium at least once, then with a high probability it can happen again. Even a small amount of alcohol is enough for delirium tremens to make itself felt with a second attack. And it can be much stronger than the previous one.

What to do during an attack

A person during an attack needs emergency medical care. She could save his life. On the contrary, the lack of qualified actions is often the cause of death of the patient.

First aid to a person is to minimize potential damage to him and others. Due to terrible hallucinations, he rushes about, finds no place for himself, and becomes violent. He may injure himself or cause bodily harm to someone else. Such a person must be put to bed, and if necessary, tied up. We need to give him more fluids to drink.

Alcohol delirium

It is undesirable to give any sedatives - it is not only useless, but in most cases it is harmful. A person with such a disease must be treated in a neuropsychiatric hospital.

Doctors administer the following drugs to the patient:

  • Diazepam intramuscularly;
  • Barbamil;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Sodium hydroxybutyrate.

B vitamins, cardiac and other medications are administered as needed.

Can a person recover?

Complications can occur with any form of the disease. Its most serious consequence is suicide: this is how a person tries to get rid of threatening hallucinations.

If the attack was mild or moderate in severity, then it does not pose a significant threat to life, subject to timely and adequate treatment. As a rule, the symptoms of delirium, while the patient is in a neuropsychiatric hospital, gradually disappear within a few days. A person can live and engage in previous activities. The only thing that is necessary to prevent a second attack is a complete abstinence from alcohol.

In severe cases of delirium, either recovery or the development of residual effects is possible:

  • amnesia - retrograde or anterograde;
  • chronic psychosis;
  • psychoorganic syndrome;
  • mental disorders;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cerebral edema;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack

Sometimes such residual effects cause death. All of them are caused by chronic alcohol intoxication (in particular, if we are talking about drinking very low quality alcohol).

Prevention of alcoholic delirium

Manifestations of delirium tremens develop only after a sharp cessation of alcohol. Therefore, withdrawal of the patient from the binge state should occur only in a clinical setting. The risk of delirium in this case will be minimal. Preventing the development of complications is facilitated by detoxification of the body, restoration of acid-base balance and electrolyte ratio.

People who have experienced a bout of delirium strive to recover and not have it again. The main condition for prevention is the complete cessation of alcohol consumption. This is very important for preserving a person’s life, because a subsequent attack can become much more severe and be fatal for him.

) is an acute psychosis that develops against the background of prolonged use of alcoholic beverages and belongs to the group of metal-alcohol psychoses. It occurs with disturbances of consciousness, tactile, auditory, visual hallucinations or illusions.

Delirium tremens is a complication of alcoholism

Delirium tremens is the most commonly observed alcoholic psychosis. In most cases, it first occurs in patients suffering from stage II or III alcoholism, i.e., no earlier than 8-10 years from the moment they begin to regularly drink alcohol.

In very rare cases, delirium tremens develops in people who do not suffer from alcoholism after a significant alcoholic libation.

In contrast to the popular belief among ordinary people, signs of delirium tremens are never observed in persons who are acutely intoxicated, but develop only a few days after the abrupt end of the binge.

Symptoms of delirium tremens vary widely. In some cases, patients become aggressive, and in others, on the contrary, they become friendly and strive to perform noble actions for the benefit of loved ones. The transition from one condition to another can occur quickly, so patients with delirium tremens should never be considered safe and left without medical care.

Delirium tremens is a life-threatening condition for the patient. Without appropriate treatment, approximately 10% of patients die from complications from internal organs, accidents or suicide.

Causes and risk factors

The only reason for the development of delirium tremens is the abuse of alcoholic beverages that lasts for many years. Factors that increase the risk of alcohol-induced delirium include:

  • consumption of low-quality alcohol (pharmacological preparations and technical liquids containing alcohol and its surrogates);
  • long drinking bouts;
  • expression of pathological changes in internal organs, primarily in the liver;
  • brain diseases and history.

The pathological mechanism of the development of delirium tremens has not yet been fully studied. It is assumed that the main role in the occurrence of acute psychosis is played by metabolic disorders and long-term chronic intoxication of brain tissue.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the characteristics of the clinical course, several forms of delirium tremens are distinguished:

  1. Typical or classic. As the disease progresses, it passes through certain stages, and the clinical picture develops gradually.
  2. Lucid. Psychosis occurs acutely. Patients experience a feeling of fear and anxiety, and impaired coordination of movements. There are no hallucinations or delusions.
  3. Abortive. Hallucinations are fragmentary. Delusional ideas are not fully formed and are fragmentary. Anxiety is very pronounced.
  4. Professional. Patients perform only stereotypical, repetitive movements associated with dressing, undressing, and performing professional duties; the behavior is automated. Accompanied by amnesia.
  5. Mussitating. It is the outcome of the professional version of delirium tremens. The patient experiences severe clouding of consciousness, movement disorders, and severe somatovegetative disorders.
  6. Atypical. The clinical picture has many similarities with schizophrenia. Develops in patients who have previously suffered one or more episodes of delirium tremens.
The consequences of delirium tremens can be memory impairment of varying degrees of severity, as well as the formation of a psychoorganic syndrome, severe damage to internal organs.

Stages of delirium tremens

During classic delirium tremens there are three stages:

  1. Initial. The patient has mood disorders. The psycho-emotional state changes quickly and unmotivatedly, an elevated and cheerful mood is replaced by worry and anxiety, and after a while the patient again falls into an anxious state. These mood swings, combined with active movements, facial expressions and speech, create the impression of nervousness. Superficial sleep, accompanied by frightening dreams and frequent awakenings. Fragmentary visual and auditory hallucinations may occur. Patients tell others about the memories and vivid images that pop up in their minds.
  2. Hypnagogic hallucinations. The appearance of hallucinations at the moment of falling asleep is typical. Sleep remains superficial, with nightmares. When patients wake up, they cannot distinguish reality from a dream. During the day they are haunted by visual hallucinations.
  3. Insomnia. As the disease progresses to this stage, sleep disorders develop. Hallucinations become almost constant and very vivid. Patients “see” fantastic monsters, large or small animals. Tactile hallucinations are often observed (sensation of small foreign bodies in the oral cavity, insects crawling over the body, etc.). Auditory hallucinations include threatening or judgmental voices.

Symptoms of delirium tremens

The classic form of delirium tremens begins to develop gradually. The course of the disease is often continuous, but in 10% of patients it is paroxysmal in nature: several attacks occur, separated by light intervals that last less than 24 hours. After a long sleep, delirium tremens ends acutely. Much less often, symptoms of psychosis regress gradually. The duration of the classic form of delirium tremens is usually 2–8 days. In approximately 5% of cases, the disease takes a protracted course.

In very rare cases, delirium tremens develops in people who do not suffer from alcoholism after a significant alcoholic libation.

In the prodromal period, which begins with the abrupt end of the binge and lasts until a clear clinical picture of the disease appears, patients experience sleep disturbances (frequent night and early awakenings, nightmares, heavy dreams). Waking up in the morning, they note a loss of strength and severe weakness. The mood is low. In the first 48 hours from the end of the binge, epileptiform abortive seizures may occur. In some cases, the development of delirium tremens is preceded by short-term auditory hallucinations. Sometimes the prodromal period is so weakly expressed that it goes unnoticed by the patient himself and those around him.

At the height of the development of psychosis, colorful scenes with fantastic or real animals, aliens, and fairy-tale characters appear in the imagination of patients. Patients cease to adequately perceive the space and time around them; it seems to them that the passage of time is either accelerating or slowing down, and the surrounding objects are in constant motion. Patients become restless, try to hide or escape, shake “insects” from their clothes, and conduct dialogues and arguments with invisible interlocutors.

Patients with delirium tremens are characterized by increased suggestibility. They can, for example, be convinced that they hear music from a switched-off radio or see text on a sheet of completely white paper.

The condition of patients worsens at night; with the onset of dawn, the severity of hallucinations decreases and a light gap is formed. A decrease in hallucinations is also noted when the patient is involved in an active dialogue.

After the patient manages to fall asleep and sleep for a long time, the symptoms of delirium tremens stop abruptly. Less commonly, recovery from a state of acute psychosis occurs gradually.

After the attack has stopped, patients do not remember or have difficulty remembering real events from their lives that occurred during the period of illness, but at the same time they clearly remember their hallucinations. They experience significant mood swings and asthenia develops. Men often develop mild hypomania, and women often develop depressive states.

Other forms of delirium tremens are observed much less frequently than classic ones.

With the professional form of delirium tremens, the condition of patients gradually becomes more severe. They experience monotonous, increasing motor and affective disorders.

The clinical picture of delirium tremens includes the following symptoms:

  • incoherent speech;
  • rudimentary simple movements (grasping, robbing);
  • dullness of heart sounds;
  • rapid breathing;
  • significant fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • severe tremor;
  • changes in muscle tone;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

Treatment of delirium tremens

Patients with delirium tremens must be hospitalized in a psychiatric or drug treatment clinic. They undergo detoxification therapy (plasmapheresis, forced diuresis, intravenous administration of saline solutions and glucose), as well as correction of impaired vital functions. Prescription of potassium supplements, nootropics and vitamins is indicated.

Delirium tremens is a life-threatening condition for the patient. Without appropriate treatment, approximately 10% of patients die from complications from internal organs, accidents or suicide.

Psychotropic drugs in the treatment of delirium tremens are ineffective, so they are used extremely rarely and only in the presence of strict indications (psychomotor agitation, severe anxiety, prolonged insomnia). Psychotropic drugs are contraindicated in the professional and persistent form of the disease.

Possible complications and consequences of delirium tremens

The consequences of delirium tremens can be memory impairment of varying degrees of severity, as well as the formation of a psychoorganic syndrome, severe damage to internal organs. An altered state of consciousness with preserved and sometimes increased motor activity makes a patient with delirium tremens dangerous both for others and for himself.


The prognosis for delirium tremens is determined by the timeliness of starting therapy and the form of the disease. In most cases, the classic form of delirium tremens ends in recovery. With severe psychosis, the risk of death increases. Prognostically unfavorable signs are:

  • respiratory rate over 48 breaths per minute;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • muscle twitching;
  • deep disturbances of consciousness;
  • paresis of the eye muscles;
  • acute cardiovascular failure;
  • intestinal paresis;
  • increase in body temperature to febrile values ​​(above 38 ° C).

After experiencing delirium tremens, there is a high risk of re-development of psychosis due to continued abuse of alcoholic beverages.


Prevention of the development of delirium tremens consists of active treatment of alcoholism, as well as carrying out extensive sanitary and educational work aimed at preventing the formation of alcohol dependence in the population.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

It is no secret that many of us have in one way or another encountered drug use before. Some were registered with drug treatment clinics. Many of us have a driving license. Now you can lose them for this! This is my story, and it is not the only one today.

Since 2002, I have been registered at the drug treatment clinic (hereinafter referred to as ND) at my place of registration. All my attempts to de-register were in vain either because because of my laziness(not getting to the ND to check in once every three months), or because of bureaucracy and the desire of specialists to receive a reward for assistance. As a result, registration has been renewed from year to year for 11 years in a row. Naturally, I took the medical examination to obtain a driver’s license at a paid office.

When there was talk that in Russia there is already a practice of depriving a driver’s license, I did not attach any importance, as always, thinking that this would definitely not affect me. But I decided to go to ND to check in. Where actually I learned from the doctor that a request was made from the prosecutor’s office for my soul...

Arriving at my place of registration, I found a mail notification in the box. “Court decision on deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle”(vehicle) which states that “Driving vehicles by Skvortsov A.S., registered at the St. Petersburg State Institution “Interdistrict Narcological Dispensary No. 1” creates a real threat of road accidents, causing harm to the life and health of citizens or causing other property damage that may be violated the rights of citizens and the interests of society and the state" , in short, I pose a threat to an indefinite circle of people and society. The decision was made in absentia, since I did not appear in court when they sent the summons.

As you understand, I did not receive any notifications, since I do not live by registration. And at the time of the meetings themselves, I was either not in the country or I was sick. As adopted, the court decision comes into force in a month, but the default judgment can be overturned, on this there are 10 days from the moment of receipt of the decision in hand..

« As a rule, those who regularly visit a narcologist and are in stable remission for three or more years can protect their rights with a chance close to 100% and retain the right to drive a vehicle. If you provide the court with all the necessary supporting documents, the Prosecutor will abandon the claim or the Court will side with the defendant“says lawyer Anna Kryukova about such practices.

There was no time to feel sorry for myself. Since I am an ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation who does not know the laws and my rights, I turned to lawyer Anna Kryukova for help. Here is an approximate description of the further steps that I took with Anna’s help and we returned our rights. I will highlight all documents in blue:

  1. Did photocopy of the case materials in the court office for a lawyer.

  2. Notarized power of attorney in the name of a lawyer. (They are standard)

  3. Submitted " Application for cancellation of a court decision in absentia", written by a lawyer to the court office. In it, I indicated my actual place of residence (which differs from registration), listed the dates of my absence from the country and indicated the dates of illness. He also indicated that I visit specialists and am observed at the AIDS center and have a long period of sobriety (stable remission).

In my case, the judge reviewed the professionally drawn up application and set a date for a hearing to cancel the court order on deprivation of rights. Also, based on the arguments provided, the court overturned the default judgment and scheduled a new hearing to consider the prosecutor’s claim to deprive me of my driving license, which was a huge victory already at the initial stage.

I now have time for further action. Anna and I made a plan for a more effective defense. And I tried to do everything in my power.

  1. I made an appointment and went to see the deputy. Chief Physician of the Scientific Center. Since I periodically visited the center, checked in, although not regularly, attended Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups for several years and had documents confirming completion of 12 step rehabilitation, I managed to convince the specialist of my stable remission and submit my card to a commission to consider the possibility of removing it from the drug treatment register. Additionally, I had to undergo an interview with a psychologist to determine the level of motivation for sobriety and obtain a conclusion, pass tests for the absence of chemicals in the body and provide fluorography and RW HBsAg certificates(this was done at the AIDS center), plus copies of each document for presentation in court.

  2. I asked the attending physician to give me certificates of dates and diagnoses of past diseases, and a certificate from a narcologist at the AIDS center stating that I have been seeing him there since 2006(when you prescribe ARV therapy, you somehow go through a specialist narcologist), plus copies of each document for presentation in court.

  3. Documents from the place of work, contracts and characteristics

  4. Photocopy of Russian passports and international passports with travel dates, Also copies of electronic tickets trips when meetings were held. + copies of each document for the court.

  5. Diplomas of completion of educational courses and trainings to improve literacy and qualifications. + copies of each document for the court.

  6. Due to the fact that I was regularly seen by a narcologist at the AIDS center, at the time of the trial I had already been deregistered at the NC. I officially passed the examination for a fee and received a certificate stating that I am not currently registered. + copies of each document for the court.

With such a package of documents, clean and well-groomed, sober and accompanied by a professional lawyer who has positive experience in such processes, I came to court.

The meeting lasted 10-15 minutes, after lawyer Anna Kryukova listed and commented on all the certificates, characteristics and documents that I collected under her leadership, and presented this to the judge and the prosecutor, I was not even allowed to insert a word. The prosecutor withdrew the claim, citing the persistent remission and the request that they made again to the ND.

I would like to draw a line under all this two-month horror!

Friends, if you are registered at a drug treatment clinic, establish a relationship with your doctor and visit regularly ( at least once every 3 months ) it for marks. After all, in this case he will be able to give you “Certificate of long-term sustainable remission” - this may be enough for the court! Practice shows that it is not necessary to be completely deregistered. For all documents, it will be a huge indicator that you attend, check in, are sober, work and are simply a good “Person”.

If such a disaster has already happened and the trial has taken place, remember there is a little time to:

1. Consult with a Lawyer and discuss the tactics of conducting the case. After reviewing the case materials, the lawyer will be able to determine what evidence is needed for the defense.

2. Prepare a package of documents for the court.

3. Start collecting documents for the court (in my case, everything in blue), because deadlines are limited. In my case, it was only 10 days.

I was less fortunate than those who have the opportunity to collect documents before the first scheduled meeting. In my case, in addition to everything else, I had to cancel the court’s already rendered decision in absentia, and I am very grateful for this to Anna Kryukova for her professional and human support throughout this nightmare. I myself would WALK ON FOOT!

I leave the contact details of Anna, who helped me in this situation:

Anna Kryukova is a lawyer, director of the Open Medical Club Charitable Foundation. Website

I add the result, I received it today:

Important! Be sure to check out this material! If after reading you still have any questions, we strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist by phone:

The location of our clinic in the park has a beneficial effect on the state of mind and promotes recovery:

The last stage of alcohol dependence is delirium or delirium tremens caused by constant poisoning of the body with alcohol-containing drinks. The patient requires qualified delirium tremens treatment specialist. Lack of help leads to severe deterioration in health and death. The disease does not occur while drinking alcohol, but within a few days after leaving a long-term drunken state.

Delirium tremens symptoms and signs

The cause of the onset of pathology is chronic alcoholism. The onset of delirium is most often diagnosed approximately five to seven years after the onset of constant consumption of significant doses of alcoholic beverages.

  • The list of main features includes:
  • absence of a feeling of deep disgust for any drinks that contain “degrees” at moments when the patient is sober, which is diagnosed as a sign of the onset of alcohol-induced psychosis;
  • an agitated state after emerging from a binge, with the possible presence of hallucinations and delusions;
  • patients in a state of delirium may be prone to aggression.

Symptoms are observed in patients who constantly take large doses of alcoholic beverages. “Delirium tremens” can begin after a single dose of alcohol-containing substances in patients with chronic diseases of the central nervous system, who have suffered head injuries, and who are in poor health. The minimum dose can provoke an exacerbation in patients who have previously suffered an attack of delirium tremens.

Delirium begins when, after prolonged drinking, the patient stops drinking alcohol and quits the binge. In most cases, an attack occurs within 2-4 days after stopping use. The harbingers of the attack become:

  • slurred speech;
  • vomit;
  • impairment of neurological status;
  • headaches.

The first sign of the onset of delirium is sleep disturbance and a constant feeling of anxiety. Visual and auditory illusions may occur. They intensify on the fourth night after the onset of the illness, becoming strong and intrusive. The illusions contain animals, insects, and fairy-tale characters. The patient is tormented by tactile “deceptions”, during which it seems to him that insects are crawling on the skin, and other tactile sensations arise that are absent in reality.

Adequate perception of time is impaired. The hands are in constant motion, the patient strokes himself and feels. Often such symptoms begin at a stage when delirium tremens can already lead to death.

During an attack, the patient's condition becomes unstable. Periods of aggression and excitement are followed by periods of calm. In many patients, the mood becomes joyful and complacent, he laughs loudly, but joy in seconds can turn into aggression or give way to a panic attack. At the first signs of the disease, immediate contact with a specialist is required; an ambulance may be called.

As psychosis increases, physical condition worsens:

  • body temperature rises and often reaches 40 degrees;
  • heartbeat becomes uneven and rapid;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • dehydration appears;
  • ESR and leukocytes increase;
  • the patient suffers from chills, followed by increased sweating with a characteristic smell of “unwashed feet”;
  • yellowness of the skin is noted;
  • the dermis becomes pale, which gives the name to the diagnosis, and hyperemia of the facial skin may also be noted.

The disease develops in several stages. During the first, sleep is disturbed, mood worsens, and depression appears. The second is characterized by the appearance of increased jealousy and suspicion. In patients with the third stage, alcoholic psychosis manifests itself, the patient suffers from irreversible health problems.

Treatment of delirium tremens

Successful treatment of the disease requires mandatory hospitalization in a drug treatment or psychiatric clinic. About 10% of patients die as a result of suicide, diseases of internal organs caused by delirium, and accidents.

Treatment of the disease is possible depending on the stage and complexity at home and in the hospital. The choice of course is carried out only by a specialist. Treatment of an acute attack is carried out only in a hospital. If the doctor agrees, the patient can then continue the course at home.

At home

The use of home remedies is possible only in a situation where the acute stage is completely removed. Before doctors arrive, it is recommended to place the patient on a bed, tie his limbs if necessary, and give a large dose of absorbent medications, the most common of which is simple activated carbon. There is no need to worry about exceeding the dosage of this drug. It is well excreted from the body, cleansing the organs of long-term alcohol poisoning.

To eliminate the consequences of an attack, use:

  • taking medications for fever and high blood pressure;
  • for excitability and insomnia, use a sedative prescribed by a doctor;
  • It is recommended to fast on the first day after an attack, at which time the patient is given a large amount of plain water;
  • from the second day, a diet high in vitamins and carbohydrates is introduced, spicy and fatty foods are completely excluded.

During home therapy, alcohol is completely excluded. The “folk way” to bring the patient out of delirium tremens leads to further deterioration of the condition due to increased abstinence. Traditional medicines such as honey, rich in potassium, are used. The patient is given at least two full spoons every day.

The use of oat decoction with calendula seeds helps improve the condition. This composition improves metabolism. To make it, pour two liters of water into 100 grams of oats and 20 calendula flowers. The decoction is given in small portions every 2-3 hours. Chamomile infusion is used as a sedative.

The patient is given medications prescribed by the doctor that help restore blood circulation, lower blood pressure, relieve depression and improve metabolic processes.

In the clinic and hospital

Patients with the third and, in some situations, the second stage require mandatory hospitalization and a full range of procedures under constant medical supervision.

The first step in therapy is a course of hemodialysis in the form of droppers. The procedure allows you to cleanse the body of harmful substances that provoke delirium. Next, the patient is prescribed strengthening medications, a course of vitamin therapy, sedatives, benzodiazipines and antipsychotics. Carbamazepine is prescribed to relieve seizures. Its prescription is carried out with caution, since the drug is not recommended in situations of severe delirium.

The functioning of all body systems is assessed to prescribe a course of therapy with the involvement of specialized specialists. Such as a therapist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist and others.

The duration of treatment for delirium tremens in a hospital setting is determined individually for each patient.

How long does delirium tremens last?

The duration of the disease averages from 3 to 6 days. The duration of the active phase depends on the duration of the binge that provoked the “squirrel”, the period of taking large doses of alcohol-containing drinks before the onset of binge drinking, the state of the patient’s body, his psyche and other factors.

The duration of the disease depends on the stage of delirium, determined depending on the level of active action of alcohol on the brain:

  • Threatening, lasting no more than 5 days, the patient’s emotions are disturbed, physical condition worsens, and hallucinations may appear. In patients experiencing delirium tremens for the first time and not having a strong addiction, this stage can pass in 1.5-2 days.
  • Residual delirium, corresponding to the second stage, occurs on average 5-8 days after the end of the binge. It lasts 1-3 days. On the third day, the patient often completely loses contact with reality. Manifestations of the disease worsen, requiring immediate treatment at the hospital.
  • On days 5-6, the patient enters the stage of life-threatening delirium, coinciding with the final stage of the development of psychosis. Without medical attention, the patient may fall into a coma.

Delirium rarely lasts longer than 8 days. The patient may die from disorders in the body.

Delirium provokes a severe disorder of the central nervous system caused by long-term alcohol intake. Doctors pay attention to the lack of a complete cure for delirium tremens. The stage of long-term remission is possible only if alcohol intake is controlled or, in an ideal situation, completely abstaining from drinks with “degrees”.

How long do they live after delirium tremens?

Delirium delirium is most often diagnosed in patients over 40 years of age who have abused large doses of alcohol for at least 5 years. Even with active libations, the onset of “delirium tremens” rarely starts in young people who do not have additional diagnoses aggravating the course of the disease.

In case of refusal to switch to a healthy lifestyle, the patient’s life expectancy is low. Continuing to drink alcohol leads to a relapse of alcoholic psychosis. Repetition of cases leads to consequences that shorten the overall life expectancy, such as cerebral dropsy, dementia, cirrhosis of the liver and other diagnoses.

A hereditary factor becomes an aggravating condition for the course of the disease. In patients whose family had previously been diagnosed with cases of delirium tremens or alcoholism in severe cases, the course of the diagnosis is accompanied by a rapid transition from the first to the third stage.

Without complete cessation of alcohol intake, relapses of delirium can be repeated, leading to rapid deterioration of health and rapid death.

Consequences after delirium tremens

No doctor can accurately tell the patient the level of consequences of delirium. The prognosis depends on the duration of excessive “libations” before the onset of binge drinking, which ended in delirium tremens, the patient’s age, his state of health, family history, present diseases and many other factors.

In the event of the first attack of the disease, the patient is able to completely get rid of the consequences of alcohol poisoning, which provoked delirium tremens. Without repeating binges or taking large doses of alcohol, the body is completely restored.

Repetition of the “squirrel” leads to disorders of the central nervous system, brain and liver cells are destroyed, and problems arise with the gastrointestinal tract and other vital human organs. Statistics show that about 10% of people suffering from alcoholism die every year from delirium delirium. The cause of death is cerebral edema, liver decomposition, heart disease, strokes and other diagnoses.

A large percentage of deaths are associated with attacks of aggression, psychosis and depression. In a state of delirium tremens, patients commit crimes, commit suicide, and find themselves in situations that lead to increased trauma. Without normalizing lifestyle and stopping drinking alcohol, the main consequence of the disease is severe disability or death.

Successful treatment of delirium requires urgent assistance to a specialized neurological or psychiatric clinic. Monitoring of the condition by relatives and friends is required. In most cases, persons suffering from alcohol dependence require forced hospitalization at the first suspicion of the onset of the first stage of delirium tremens. A quick start of symptomatic treatment in a proper medical center under the supervision of a physician leads to successful relief. In the future, patients are recommended to constantly monitor their health to exclude cases of delirium tremens recurrence.

In order to strengthen the positive result, psychotherapy courses are prescribed, including family sessions or group trainings.

The private clinic “Salvation” has been providing effective treatment for various psychiatric diseases and disorders for 19 years. Psychiatry is a complex field of medicine that requires maximum knowledge and skills from doctors. Therefore, all employees of our clinic are highly professional, qualified and experienced specialists.

When to ask for help?

Have you noticed that your relative (grandmother, grandfather, mother or father) does not remember basic things, forgets dates, names of objects, or does not even recognize people? This clearly indicates some kind of mental disorder or mental illness. Self-medication in this case is not effective and even dangerous. Tablets and medications taken independently, without a doctor’s prescription, will, at best, temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve symptoms. At worst, they will cause irreparable harm to human health and lead to irreversible consequences. Traditional treatment at home is also not able to bring the desired results; not a single folk remedy will help with mental illness. By resorting to them, you will only waste precious time, which is so important when a person has a mental disorder.

If your relative has poor memory, complete loss of memory, or other signs that clearly indicate a mental disorder or serious illness, do not hesitate, contact the private psychiatric clinic “Salvation”.

Why choose us?

The Salvation clinic successfully treats fears, phobias, stress, memory disorders, and psychopathy. We provide assistance with oncology, care for patients after a stroke, inpatient treatment for elderly and geriatric patients, and cancer treatment. We do not refuse the patient, even if he has the last stage of the disease.

Many government agencies are unwilling to take on patients over 50-60 years of age. We help everyone who applies and willingly provide treatment after 50-60-70 years. For this we have everything you need:

  • pension;
  • nursing home;
  • bed-ridden hospice;
  • professional caregivers;
  • sanatorium.

Old age is not a reason to let the disease take its course! Complex therapy and rehabilitation gives every chance of restoring basic physical and mental functions in the vast majority of patients and significantly increases life expectancy.

Our specialists use modern diagnostic and treatment methods, the most effective and safe medications, and hypnosis. If necessary, a home visit is carried out, where doctors:

  • an initial examination is carried out;
  • the causes of mental disorder are determined;
  • a preliminary diagnosis is made;
  • an acute attack or hangover syndrome is relieved;
  • in severe cases, it is possible to forcibly place the patient in a hospital - a closed rehabilitation center.

Treatment in our clinic is inexpensive. The first consultation is free. Prices for all services are completely open, they include the cost of all procedures in advance.

Relatives of patients often ask questions: “Tell me what a mental disorder is?”, “Advice how to help a person with a serious illness?”, “How long do they live with it and how to extend the allotted time?” You will receive a detailed consultation at the private clinic “Salvation”!

We provide real help and successfully treat any mental illness!

Consult a specialist!

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