Tubal ligation. Tubal ligation

Situations often arise when, for one reason or another, a woman does not want to have children. We are not talking about classical methods of contraception, if canceled, pregnancy will occur, but about sterilization, when it will no longer be possible to give birth in the future. One of these methods of female sterilization is tubal ligation, the pros and cons of which we will reveal in our article.

In contact with

The fallopian tubes are the place through which the egg moves after maturation and release from the follicle. In addition, it is there that fertilization occurs and the further movement of the embryo into the uterine cavity with its subsequent attachment to the wall. Impairing the patency of the tubes by ligation is considered one of the most reliable methods of contraception, which almost 100% protects against unwanted pregnancy.

It is not necessary to have any pathologies or diseases to perform such an operation. In most cases, this is done by completely healthy women who have decided that they will not give birth to children. These are not only childfree people who are categorically against children, but also women who already have one or more. Also, a woman may undergo tubal ligation due to the presence of certain health problems that make it risky to give birth to children. It could be:

  • serious heart defects, vascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • genetic hereditary diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pathologies of the lungs, kidneys and others.

Often, tubal ligation is done during a cesarean section, if any problems or pathologies arise during the first pregnancy, which make it clear that further childbirth may be life-threatening for the mother.

Main types of dressings

Pipes can:

  • cut;
  • bandage;
  • seal by soldering.

The most common techniques used for tubal ligation are:

  • laparotomy;
  • minilaparotomy;
  • laparoscopy.

Depending on the chosen method, the cost may vary.

The main advantage is a 100% guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. But this is also the main disadvantage, because the process is almost irreversible. This means that the woman who has undergone the dressing will not be able to do so if she changes her mind and decides to have another child. In rare cases, the patency of the tubes can be restored through surgery, but this is very difficult. The only way to get pregnant is IVF. But this procedure does not provide a 100% guarantee, because it may not work the first time.

Consequences of the operation

If everything is in order, there will be no negative consequences after tubal ligation, except that the woman will lose her reproductive function. This is a mechanical surgical intervention, so there are no negative effects on the body. There is no hormonal disruption, as, for example, often happens when taking oral contraceptives. Also, this procedure does not affect a woman’s libido in any way. Therefore, in general, everything will be the same as before, except that pregnancy will not occur even with unprotected intercourse. Of course, this does not mean that a woman can sleep with different partners, change them often and not use protection. No, the number of partners is her personal business, but if she is not sure about him, that he is healthy, it is better not to take risks and use a condom so as not to pick up anything.

How much does tubal ligation cost?

The cost of tubal ligation surgery varies, depending on the city in which it is performed, in a public or private clinic, and what method is used. Prices for tubal ligation vary between 4,000 – 50,000 rubles. In some public medical institutions, this procedure can be performed free of charge using a compulsory health insurance policy. Also, do not forget that this is a surgical intervention, before which it is necessary to undergo a series of tests, which are also paid in most cases. Prices can be found in advance on the websites of selected clinics. But, it is better to focus not only on the cost, but also on the reputation of the institution itself, doctors, and patient reviews.

Tubal ligation is currently one of the most effective methods of contraception. The procedure is recommended for women over 35 years of age who have two or more children and do not plan to become pregnant in the future. After tubal ligation, natural pregnancy is not possible.

Tubal ligation is performed by surgical intervention. The operation may be recommended by a doctor for health problems when pregnancy is contraindicated for a woman in principle. Like any other operation, the procedure has disadvantages and can lead to unpleasant consequences, which we will discuss in this article.

First of all, we will answer the question of what is tubal ligation. This is an operation that disrupts the patency of the fallopian tubes and prevents pregnancy.

The fallopian tubes connect the uterus and ovaries on both sides, fertilization of the egg occurs in them and its subsequent movement into the uterus. Tubal ligation prevents this process and pregnancy does not occur.

Currently, there are several ways to perform the operation. The fallopian tubes may be ligated, cut, or clipped. The latter option is unsafe, as the clip may come off, which can lead to restoration of tubal patency and pregnancy.

Tubal ligation. Source: newgyn.ru

The operation can be performed by laparoscopy, that is, through a small hole, or by the classical method using a scalpel incision. The first method is low-traumatic, there are no large scars left, and the rehabilitation process is minimal. There is also a method of performing the operation through the vagina, in which case only the internal suture remains and there will be no external scars on the body.

A specialist can tell you which method to choose. So, if there are infectious diseases or cysts, it will be necessary not only to perform tubal ligation, but also to carry out treatment. In this case, the doctor will have to use a scalpel. And although the vaginal method does not leave scars, it can cause infectious diseases, and after the operation, sexual contact is prohibited for a month.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tubal ligation is a serious step, so before carrying out the procedure, you need to study all its pros and cons. If a woman’s tubal ligation is carried out according to all the rules and in the absence of contraindications, then the likelihood of negative consequences will be minimal.

Let's consider the main advantages of the procedure:

  • tubal ligation does not provoke hormonal disruptions;
  • high level of protection against unwanted pregnancy;
  • menstruation persists;
  • tubal ligation does not affect a woman’s libido;
  • tubal ligation can be performed during a caesarean section;
  • The procedure does not contribute to excess weight gain.

The disadvantage of tubal ligation in women is the inability to conceive naturally in the future. If a woman wants to become a mother after tubal ligation, she will have to go through the IVF procedure.

It is also worth noting that this method of contraception will not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, if a woman is not confident in her partner, she will have to use condoms to avoid infection.

There is also such a thing as restoration of the fallopian tubes after ligation. This operation does not always bring the desired result, it all depends on the method of tubal ligation. The procedure is complex and not every surgeon can do it, so it is very expensive and time-consuming.


Despite many advantages, the procedure also has a number of significant disadvantages. First of all, these are possible complications after surgery. After surgery, bleeding, infection, lower abdominal pain and bloating, and dizziness are possible. Side effects and unpleasant consequences after tubal ligation surgery rarely occur if the procedure was carried out according to all the rules.

Another unpleasant consequence after tubal ligation is ectopic pregnancy. The likelihood of such an occurrence is small, but it still happens sometimes. Therefore, if a woman does not have her period after tubal ligation and she is not breastfeeding, it is necessary to take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist.

Many women notice that after tubal ligation their periods become heavier. As a rule, the operation does not affect a woman’s hormonal levels, and therefore cannot cause problems with menstruation. If a woman is concerned about such a fact as heavy menstruation, pain during and before menstruation, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo an ultrasound.

In general, tubal ligation surgery is not complicated; it is performed in any gynecological hospital. Consequences occur quite rarely if a woman follows all the doctor’s recommendations and goes to see her at the first unpleasant symptoms. The only thing you need to think carefully about is whether the desire to have children will appear in a few years.

Today, tubal ligation is considered the most effective method of birth control, since after such a procedure, pregnancy, as a rule, becomes impossible. Its use is recommended for women who voluntarily refuse to plan children in the future, as well as in cases where pregnancy is unbearably difficult for the body and can threaten the life and health of the expectant mother.

The tubal ligation procedure is essentially an operation and involves blocking, tying, clamping with special devices or cutting the fallopian tubes in order to form an artificial obstruction. Female sterilization or voluntary surgical contraception is a highly effective method of contraception. Today, for this purpose, special tubular implants have also been developed, in the form of metal springs, which are installed directly into the fallopian tubes, performed non-surgically, that is, without dissection. As time passes, scar tissue forms around each installed implant, which acts as a kind of pipe blocker.

As you know, after maturation, the egg leaves the ovary and immediately moves to the fallopian tubes, where it is fertilized, and from there it penetrates the uterine cavity. Since the passage is blocked, fertilization does not occur and pregnancy does not occur. The high contraceptive effect of this surgical method is based on this mechanism.

It is important to know that tubal ligation is your voluntary refusal to conceive children; after such a procedure, pregnancy will never occur. Of course, if necessary, the functioning of the tubes can be restored, but the percentage that a woman will be able to become pregnant again is very low, since difficulties arise in reuniting the cut ends of the tubes. The procedure is performed exclusively by a highly professional and experienced gynecologist.

Blocking the fallopian tubes can be done in several ways, including staples or tying, cauterization (electrocoagulation), cutting and stitching, etc. All of them are performed using different techniques.

The abdominal method is represented by laparoscopy (mini-laparotomy) and laparotomy. Laparotomy (open tubal ligation) is performed using anesthesia. During the operation, the doctor cuts the surface in the abdomen and performs a tubal ligation. This technique is recommended mainly if a woman has diseases of the pelvic organs of an inflammatory nature (they contribute to the formation of scar tissue, which is a contraindication for performing this operation in another way), endometriosis, when performing abdominal surgery for another reason (for example, cesarean section ).

The operation laparoscopy (mini-laparotomy) is performed under general anesthesia and is carried out through a small upper incision (up to 5 cm) on the abdomen with a viewing device (camera) and a surgical instrument. Then another (lower, in the pubic area) incision is made, which is intended for clamping. First, gas is injected into the abdomen for greater convenience, and then the dressing is performed directly with metal clamps or clips, and then the ends of the tubes are sealed by applying an electric current (cauterization or electrocoagulation). After the operation, the woman remains in the hospital for a week. After the operation, a large scar forms.

Very often, women resort to this method of surgical contraception immediately after childbirth, 24-36 hours later. This issue is considered in advance by the woman and her partner (husband) and discussed with the doctor. The incision is made in the navel area, since after childbirth the tubes are located slightly higher in the abdominal cavity, which is caused by the enlargement of the uterus.

The vaginal method of ligating the fallopian tubes is performed by colpotomy. During the operation, the doctor makes an incision through the back wall of the vagina to penetrate the abdominal cavity. After surgery, there are virtually no scars left, but the risk of infection increases significantly. Therefore, one of the mandatory recommendations after the intervention is a complete abstinence from sexual activity for a month and a half.

Uterine endoscopy is one of the latest ways to block the fallopian tubes. The ends of the tubes are closed with plastic microtampons during the operation.

Since tubal ligation is a serious operation, like any intervention in the body, it may be accompanied by the development of adverse reactions, among the most common are allergies to anesthesia, bleeding, ectopic pregnancy due to incomplete blockage of the tubes, and blood poisoning.

Restoring the functions of the fallopian tubes is possible, but the likelihood of a positive outcome is very slim. Therefore, tubal ligation is considered an irreversible method of contraception.

The procedure for installing tubal implants.
The procedure is performed with local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. It takes no more than half an hour. The specialist, using special instruments, opens the woman’s cervix, and then, with gentle movements, very slowly inserts an implant in the form of a thin tube (catheter) through the cervix and directly into the uterus itself, first into one and then the other fallopian tube. After administration, a woman may experience something similar to the cramps that occur during menstruation. After the procedure, the doctor must check with an X-ray examination whether the implants are installed correctly. During the first three months of using implants, a woman should use additional contraceptives. After this period, she comes to see a doctor. There, a specialist will inject dye into the uterine cavity and perform a hysterosalpingography, which will show how tightly the tubes are blocked by scar tissue. If everything is in order, then additional contraceptives can no longer be used.

If suspicious symptoms are observed after tubal ligation or insertion of tubal implants, it is recommended to consult a doctor to rule out ectopic pregnancy, as one of the risks of sterilization. These symptoms include symptoms of pregnancy (nausea, lack of menstruation, tenderness of the mammary glands), pain in the lower abdomen on either side, and dizziness.

If the pain in the lower abdomen does not go away during the installation of implants, a decision may be made to remove them. With this method of contraception, there is a risk of developing diseases of the pelvic organs. To prevent this, before the procedure for inserting implants, a woman must be examined for the presence of STDs and vaginal infections.

After operation.
After surgery, slight bleeding from the vagina may occur due to the movement of the uterus during the operation. After laparoscopy, you may experience back pain and bloating due to the gas used. You will get rid of this inconvenience after one or two days as your body rids itself of gas.

After a day, you can take a shower, but touching or rubbing the area is not recommended for another week. During the week, it is recommended to protect yourself from physical activity and sexual intercourse. Such operations do not require the use of additional contraceptives. Two weeks after the intervention, you must visit a doctor.

Indications for tubal ligation.

  • Women over thirty-five years of age who must have at least one child.
  • Absolute confidence in your reluctance to have children in the future.
  • Presence of a disease that can aggravate pregnancy.
  • Having a severe hereditary disease that can be passed on to children
  • .
  • Absence of diseases that may make tubal ligation impossible.
The effectiveness of the method of tubal ligation or surgical sterilization is almost one hundred percent effective. With this technique, there is a small chance of pregnancy, but it is so small that you should not count on it. Therefore, if you decide on this method of contraception, do not flatter yourself with hopes of a possible pregnancy in the future.

Pregnancy can occur in the event of fused fallopian tubes or the formation of a new passage (recanalization), if the operation is performed incorrectly, or if there is a pregnancy before the intervention. But the latter is unlikely, since before this the woman undergoes an examination and tests. It is simply impossible to miss such a fact!

Consequences and risks of tubal ligation.
As a rule, there are no serious complications during tubal ligation, usually minor bleeding and allergies to anesthesia. However, there is always a risk of damage to internal organs during laparoscopy (the moment the laparoscope is inserted). In addition, the risks increase if the patient suffers from diabetes, is overweight, smokes, or has heart disease.

It should be noted that blocking the fallopian tubes will not affect ovulatory function and the menstrual cycle in any way, that is, the egg will mature monthly, and menstruation will occur in the future. Regarding menopause, it will come in its own time, as if you had not had surgery. It is also important to know that this method of preventing unplanned pregnancy will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, if you are not sure about your partner, then additionally use other contraceptives (condoms).

Before performing the operation, the specialist examines the woman in detail and also carefully studies her family relationships, in particular for stability. This is due to the fact that patients often, over time, ask to restore their ability to conceive, that is, to restore the function of the tubes. This mainly happens against the background of the loss of a child (death) or the creation of a new family.

Tubal ligation must be legally formalized from the legal side. The woman signs a document where she officially agrees to the operation. Before you sign, remember that statistically, women who do it regret it later.

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of methods and means of contraception; every woman can choose the most optimal option for herself. Tubal ligation or sterilization should be performed only when absolutely indicated. The choice of method for performing the operation is chosen by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body.

To avoid unwanted pregnancy, any woman tries to use safe methods of contraception. Tubal ligation seems to be the most reliable option, but is it worth doing?

Tubal ligation: features

By agreeing to surgical sterilization, you are arbitrarily making your body infertile. For this reason, tubal ligation is performed only after 35 years of age and in the presence of one or more children. Sometimes doctors make concessions and perform the operation ahead of schedule. The reasons may be different: due to health reasons (the woman has serious illnesses), due to individual intolerance to contraceptive drugs, due to the mortal danger facing the woman at the time of childbirth or during pregnancy. Tubal ligation is a serious operation during which part of the tube is removed (the canal can be cauterized or secured with a clip/clamp), thereby forever depriving the possibility of becoming a mother. The process is irreversible, and if a woman wants to get pregnant again, she will not be able to do so. The fallopian tubes are the place where fertilization occurs. But after sterilization, sperm will no longer be able to connect with the egg. Despite this, rare cases of pregnancy after surgery have been reported - the reason for this is an incorrectly selected surgical technique or fatal violations during surgery (insufficient closure of the tubes).

There are five methods of operation:

  • Laparoscopic method: a special device (laparoscope) is inserted into the abdominal cavity, with which small incisions are made on the fallopian tubes, then they are bandaged, cauterized or partially removed;
  • Colpotomic and hysteroscopic method: a device is inserted into the vagina, with the help of which they penetrate the uterine cavity and make incisions on the fallopian tubes;
  • A minilaparotomy is often performed after a cesarean section - tubal ligation is done immediately after the baby is removed from the womb, no additional incisions are necessary. This method can be carried out without pregnancy. An incision is made in the pubic area;
  • Tubal ligation can be done using an implant: artificial tissue is inserted into the tubes, inside they are gradually overgrown with natural connective tissue, completely closing the passage for the egg. If you choose this method, then the tubes will not be able to be “untied” if you ever want to give birth to a baby.

To conceive a child after ligation, they try to “untie” the fallopian tubes, or resort to IVF (in vitro fertilization). In both cases, there is a chance of getting pregnant, but it is very small, almost impossible.

Before you decide to sterilize, weigh the pros and cons.

Tubal ligation: what are the benefits?

  • 100% guarantee that you will not get pregnant;
  • The surgery does not affect hormones;
  • The menstrual cycle is not disrupted (since the ovaries are not affected);
  • Tubal ligation can be done free of charge during childbirth (if a caesarean section is indicated).

Much depends on the woman’s body - it is difficult to predict the reaction and possible consequences after surgery. Some women may experience strong hormonal surges and uncontrolled weight gain, which is almost impossible to stop or lose with physical activity. Most doctors swear that the weight will not change, but numerous reviews of girls who have undergone sterilization say the opposite. There is also an opinion that after tubal ligation the body withers and the woman ages faster.

Tubal ligation: complications

Due to an incorrectly performed operation, an ectopic pregnancy may form (if you do not consult a doctor in time, the tube will rupture due to the fertilized egg growing inside), the suture may become inflamed or bleed. Cases of inflammation of the fallopian tubes are not uncommon. After sterilization, some women feel unwell after anesthesia, and the condition of their skin and hair may worsen. The most common complications after surgery are the appearance of adhesions, irregular periods, and frigidity. A woman may partially or completely lose interest in sex. The craving for intimacy goes away due to internal changes: when the body realizes that it is no longer capable of fertilization, a gradual extinction of all reproductive functions occurs. It is worth understanding that if sterilization was carried out without a cesarean section, a small scar will remain on the abdominal cavity.

Life is unpredictable. When making their choice, many do not think about the future, they live one day, here and now. If you do not want a child, it is better to take birth control or get an IUD, which can always be removed. After all, there is always a chance that in a couple of years you will dream of a baby.

Read with this article:

Finding an effective method of contraception is a pressing issue for most modern women. The most effective technique among the variety of methods is considered to be blocking. fallopian tubes. The option is radical and irreversible, popularly called “sterilization”. The procedure requires compelling medical reasons and is carried out with the written and legally certified consent of the patient. Tubal ligation often takes place during a caesarean section, so the consequences for the patient’s body are minimized, because there is no need for another separate surgical intervention.

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Description of the procedure

Often, surgical sterilization is used for medical reasons, much less often - as an option for contraception in a completely healthy woman. It involves ligating, blocking or cutting a tubular organ that plays the role of a transport channel for the female reproductive cell. As a result of such manipulations, the oocyte loses the opportunity to reach the uterine cavity, and the access of the male seed to it is blocked - which is why the possibility of fertilization is excluded. Tubal ligation after cesarean section is extremely convenient in medical terms and is more effective than a similar, non-postpartum procedure:

  • the patient is already under general anesthesia;
  • no additional incisions of the abdominal wall are required;
  • after labor, the uterus is high, due to this there is good visibility, and access to the paired tubular organ is completely open.

Based on the results of tubal ligation that occurred after a cesarean section, negative consequences are unlikely if the manipulations were carried out within 48 hours after labor.

The advantages of the technique include:

  1. Almost zero probability of fertilization of the egg in the future.
  2. No effect of surgery on health and libido.
  3. Preservation of hormonal levels (ovaries work correctly, hormones are produced according to age-related nuances) and the characteristics of the patient’s menstruation.

The main disadvantage is irreversible infertility. In addition, if the surgeon does not have the proper qualifications or the procedure technique is violated, standard postoperative pathologies are possible - bleeding, the development of various types of inflammation.

Indications for dressing

According to the law, the procedure is performed only on females who have reached their 35th birthday and have at least one child. Also, dressing is mandatory after the second, and especially the third, caesarean section. In the absence of the above conditions, surgical sterilization is permitted only for medical reasons. Basically, when conception and further bearing of a baby are fraught with death, and the use of certain contraceptives is contraindicated for the patient.

Other indications for dressing:

  • the presence of severe genetic diseases in the fairer sex that can be transmitted to the fetus;
  • private medical pathologies - heart defects, severe diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors, leukemia, uterine rupture, etc.;
  • serious mental disorders of the patient, calling into question the possibility of her viability as a mother.

Important! Blockage of the fallopian tubes during a cesarean section and the procedure for giving birth to a child are two independent, unrelated surgical processes. If, upon opening the uterus and removing the baby, it turns out that the patient can no longer become a mother without risk to health, sterilization is impossible without the prior written permission of the mother in labor.

This surgical operation is permitted when a woman consciously decides not to have any more children and clearly understands the radical nature of such a step. But the absence of pathologies that prevent dressing is mandatory even in this case.

Main contraindications

In addition, tubal ligation during cesarean section, as well as sterilization at any other time, are not recommended for patients:

  • under 30 years old;
  • single, without stable sexual relationships;
  • survivors of a difficult pregnancy or difficult childbirth.

The procedure is excluded when a woman is ready to undergo it under pressure from family members or, despairing of finding effective contraceptive protection for herself. Ligation of the fallopian tubes is a serious, radical and irreversible operation; doctors strongly recommend resorting to it, having carefully weighed all the pros and cons, being fully confident that you will no longer want to become a mother in the future.

Features of dressing

There are 4 types of tubal ligation operations:

  1. Laparoscopy. Two small punctures are made in the peritoneal wall, the necessary instruments are inserted through them, and for better visibility, the abdominal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide (CO 2).
  2. Laparotomy. The abdominal cavity is opened using a suprapubic or midline incision.
  3. Minilaparotomy. It is performed through a small (no more than 3 cm) incision above pubic symphysis.
  4. Hysteroscopic and colpotomic approaches. All manipulations are performed directly through the vagina, without the need for abdominal incisions.

For caesarean section, the second method is used mainly, and occasionally the first. The advantage of tubal ligation in this situation is that there is no additional dose of anesthesia. The operation lasts on average half an hour.

Various techniques may be used during surgery, including:

  • cauterization + installation of plastic or metal clamps (clips);
  • coagulation – laser soldering of the pipe channel;
  • pulling with a silk ligature;
  • blockage of pipes inserted inside implants.
Techniques for performing tubal ligation surgery

The postoperative period when using laparotomy lasts 7-10 days. After the mother's condition has stabilized, the sutures are removed.

Consequences of tubal ligation during caesarean section

The main disadvantage of the procedure is zero fertility. On the one hand, women go for a dressing for precisely this purpose, but on the other, life circumstances can change dramatically, and the lady may regret the decision she once made. According to statistics, 50% of patients who have undergone sterilization would like to turn back time. But the likelihood of getting pregnant after ligating the fallopian tubes, even through ligation, is negligible, which is why strong arguments are always needed to carry out such an operation.

If the doctor who performed surgical sterilization is sufficiently experienced and qualified, and sterility and all necessary standards were observed during the process, any consequences of dressing are excluded. Unless at first the woman will feel dizziness, nausea (the result of anesthesia), bloating and cramps, and pain in the area of ​​the incisions. All these are local and short-term symptoms.

If the manipulation was performed poorly, the following conditions, effects and complications may occur:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy(if the fallopian tubes are poorly tied, and a small lumen leaves access for sperm).
  2. Inflammation.
  3. Adhesive processes.
  4. Damage to nearby internal organs, in particular the uterus, ovary, etc.
  5. Absent-mindedness, memory impairment, intense hair loss, deterioration of the structure of the skin - as individual consequences of anesthesia.

It is important not to forget about the aesthetic component - the procedure in any case will result in the appearance of scars of different sizes on the skin.

What you should pay attention to

The percentage of possible failure of the procedure is negligible, which is why it is considered irreversible. The fallopian tubes are ligated by young ladies who have no doubt about the need for themselves DHS, otherwise, it is worth replacing the discussed method of contraception with a more traditional or gentle one.

In the case where a woman has undergone the described procedure during a cesarean section, consequences different from those that occur after childbirth should not be expected. Sterilization does not affect milk production and is not a contraindication for further feeding the child. Blocking the uterine canals does not affect the processes and specifics of ovulation/menstruation, or the intensity of libido, so the information that a woman quickly ages and gets fat after this is no longer of interest to her - it is an obvious myth. The egg in young ladies who have had a paired tubular organ bandaged continues to mature in the usual rhythm, menstrual periods come regularly, and the menopausal period begins according to age and individual characteristics.


It is important to be clear when a tubal ligation is performed. A woman's desire alone is not enough for a doctor to use this method of contraception. A gynecologist can ligate the tubes during a caesarean section only if there are certain types of contraindications for another pregnancy of the patient and she has previously signed a number of legally confirmed documents. The procedure is safe, but its irreversibility should become the basis for making a balanced and reasoned decision.

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