Summary questionnaire of Marcel Proust. Summary Questionnaire of Marcel Proust: Your favorite characters in real life

For the idea! I have long wanted to try out the Proustian questionnaire on myself, but never had the chance. In this case, I took the second profile from the same site, since it seems more interesting to me. Although it would be nice to make some adjustments to it, based on the times in which we live. For example, use the wording “favorite musical groups” along with the wording “favorite composers”. And also add directors, actors and movie characters to writers and literary characters. But I’ll leave everything as it is - all the more pleasant it is for once to answer questions not related to cinema. And I would like to pass the baton pol_ned And altereos , whose answers I would especially like to hear. But in general - join us all! Such things help well to understand something about yourself that was previously difficult or impossible to formulate. Maybe something will become clear only now.

What is your most characteristic feature?
The desire to do everything your own way, underestimating someone else’s imagination and ability to organize anything or understand some things (as if I always understand everything better). But also, equally, constant good nature towards everyone, a desire to be on friendly terms with all people in the world.

Qualities that you value most in a man?
The ability to stand up for yourself and your ideals (first of all, having them) and not be an indifferent observer. Also - to be decisive, responsible, brave, but not afraid to express his feelings out loud, especially tenderness and love towards loved ones, as well as respect and admiration for the qualities that he values ​​​​in other people (without fear of seeming stupider, weaker or in any sense worse than them).

Qualities that you value most in a woman?
Devotion to a loved one, intuition, the ability to find an approach to everyone and everything and arrange everything, as well as support, show participation, and care. Endurance and patience in those cases when a man begins, rather, to argue, be indignant, complain, whine and reason in vain. The ability to understand the most complex things with your heart and sixth sense - and using simple examples, without resorting to theories, ideas and concepts. The ability to pay attention to detail, the subtleties of experiences, words and views. The ability to live in the present and with feelings - and not with ideals and intellect (the same applies to love).

What do you value most in your friends?
Their support in any situation, combined with the ability not to compromise principles and not to indulge me if I have lost my way and ask to betray something important for the sake of our friendship. The ability to be there just like that, without having to say anything and feel obligated or needed. The ability to respect our differences, while remaining like-minded and similar in the main things.

What is your main weakness?
Pride and arrogance, but also the inability to live and accept real life, to be interested in it and “real” events, feelings and people.

What is your favorite activity?

What is your dream of happiness?
So that Paradise exists and there is no Hell, and so that all the best from this world is preserved and does not lose its meaning in eternity.

What do you consider the biggest misfortune?
Eternal life in this world.

What kind of person would you like to be?
By myself - but by letting out all the best that I am ashamed of and am unable to show in front of others. In other words, absolutely open to people and the world.

What country would you like to live in?
It doesn't matter, because you can't run away from yourself. Perhaps - in Narnia, if we talk about fictional ones.

What's your favorite color?

What is your favorite flower?
I don't think I have one.

What is your favorite bird?
Polar owl.

Who are your favorite writers?
Proust, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Stendhal, Lewis, Nabokov, Camus.

Who are your favorite poets?
Pushkin, Pasternak.

Favorite literary character?
Prince Myshkin.

Favorite literary heroines?
Elizabeth Bennett, Larisa Antipova, Irene Forsythe

Favorite composers?

Favorite artists?
Renoir, Manet, Shishkin, Levitan.

Favorite heroes in real life?
Francis of Assisi.

Favorite heroine in history?
There don't seem to be any

Favorite names?
Irina, Irene, Margarita, Louise, Elizabeth, Antoine, Henry, Charlie, Tom, Dmitry. In general, it’s the name of a person/character whom I currently admire/am in love with (I agree with Proust on this).

What do you hate most?
The fact that the world is imperfect - like all the people who have lived and are living in it, and who continue to make the same mistakes.

Historical figures you despise?
There may be a lot of them, but I don’t know enough about them all.

What moment in military history do you value most?
I don't value military history.

Reform that you value most highly?
I don't know enough about this issue.

An ability you wish you had?
Speak all languages ​​of the world.

How would you like to die?
In old age, in a dream, on the same day and hour with the woman you love.

What is your current state of mind?
Dissatisfaction with myself, because I am trying to make myself seem more interesting and better than I am, carefully thinking through these answers (thus, I partly share the feelings of Proust himself in the second questionnaire).

What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
To a passion for women.

What is your motto?
This is not my motto in practice, but I would like to be guided by it: “ In an ideal world, I would start all new acquaintances by saying: “To hell with all this polite chatter. Can I immediately look into your soul?»

Now in 2017, the full-fledged “masters” of the Internet, in my opinion, are children and teenagers of the 90s. That is, those who are now approximately 25 to 40 years old.

Memories of the peculiarities of life in the 90s: toys, rituals, hobbies, everyday life and the indispensable reminder to children and teenagers of the present time that “they do not know life, with with their computers, iPhones, iPads, YouTube..."

I decided to remind you of one feature of our childhood - the questionnaire.

For those who don’t know, a questionnaire is a squared notebook, usually 48 or 96 sheets long, with a lot of personal questions to fill out. It was created most often by girls, and receiving such a profile was an act of a kind of recognition and interest in you. This is a 100% analogue of social networks in a world where the Internet was just beginning to develop.

Now many people think (and I thought so) that questionnaires are a 100% phenomenon of the 90s. In reality this is not the case. Even the youth of the 19th century had fun filling out questionnaires. They were called: “Album for recording thoughts, feelings, etc.”, which has come down to our time under the name “Marcel Proust Questionnaire”, “Proust Questionnaire”, because it is believed that this French writer filled it out very creatively and originally.

I won't publish his answers here so as not to confuse you. I suggest taking a piece of paper, writing a question, then an answer, writing the date and your age on it, and saving the piece of paper so that later years later you can go through this questionnaire again and compare how the answers have changed. You can immediately analyze them, it is much easier when the answers and questions are in front of you. Or you can conduct a survey with a person you are interested in, this way you will get to know each other better, plus this is quite an interesting activity.

Here's what you need to answer:

  1. What is your most characteristic feature?
  2. Qualities that you value most in a man?
  3. Qualities that you value most in a woman?
  4. What do you value most in your friends?
  5. What is your main weakness?
  6. What is your favorite activity?
  7. What is your dream of happiness?
  8. What do you consider the biggest misfortune?
  9. What kind of person would you like to be?
  10. What country would you like to live in?
  11. What's your favorite color?
  12. What is your favorite flower?
  13. What is your favorite bird?
  14. Who are your favorite writers?
  15. Who are your favorite poets?
  16. Favorite literary character?
  17. Favorite literary heroines?
  18. Favorite composers?
  19. Favorite artists?
  20. Favorite heroes in real life?
  21. Favorite heroine in history?
  22. Favorite names?
  23. What do you hate most?
  24. Historical figures you despise?
  25. What moment in military history do you value most?
  26. Reform that you value most highly?
  27. An ability you wish you had?
  28. How would you like to die?
  29. What is your current state of mind?
  30. What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
  31. What is your motto?

Lately I have been watching the Posner program very often. In which Vladimir Vladimirovich Posner talks with his interlocutor. At the end of the program, Vladimir Vladimirovich will ask questions from Marcel Proust’s questionnaire. I wanted to look at them, I found them and decided to answer them. I decided to answer as honestly as possible. This is what happened.

My answers.

  1. Your most characteristic feature? — Pessimism and doubt
  2. Qualities that you value most in a man? - A master of his craft, he is confident in what he does. Loyalty, openness, honesty, sense of humor.
  3. Qualities that you value most in a woman? — Charm, tenderness, wisdom, caring.
  4. What do you value most in your friends? — Talent in what they do, resourcefulness, the ability to do everything with their own hands (from renovating an apartment to a car), hard work.
  5. What is your main weakness? - Uncertainty, cowardice.
  6. What is your favorite activity? — Summer fishing, night by the fire, songs with a guitar, looking at the stars, watching the dawn.
  7. What is your dream of happiness? - Find out your talent and use it, work according to your calling, the health of your child and loved ones. To be needed by society.
  8. What do you consider the biggest misfortune? - Death of a child. Never find your “place” in life (not find a talent for anything)
  9. What kind of person would you like to be? — Self-confident, courageous, to be necessary for people, to work according to calling.
  10. What country would you like to live in? — It’s difficult for me to answer this question, because I’ve never been anywhere other than Russia. But if, theoretically, you would like to live in a country where everyone is equal before the law, where there is no division between “plumber” and “director” in a free country (live wherever you want without registration, even in a car), in a country in which not everyone is for himself, where There is no indifference to the fate of others, where there are no abandoned children.
  11. What's your favorite color? - Orange.
  12. What is your favorite flower? - Mac.
  13. What is your favorite bird? - Owl.
  14. Who are your favorite writers? — A.P. Chekhov, S.D. Dovlatov, D. R. R. Tolkien, F.A. Iskander, brothers Strugatsky N.V. Gogol
  15. Who are your favorite poets? — V.V. Moyakovsky, A.S. Pushkin, Yu.Yu. Shevchuk, V.S. Vysotsky, A.N. Bashlachev I.A. Brodsky
  16. Favorite literary character? — Munchausen
  17. Favorite literary heroines? - Margarita.
  18. Favorite composers? — B.B. Grebenshchikov, Yu.Yu. Shevchuk, E.M. Shklyarsky,
  19. Favorite artists? — Ilya Repin.
  20. Favorite heroes in real life? — Dad, S.D. Dovlatov, V.V. Pozner, Yu.Yu. Shevchuk
  21. Favorite heroine in history? - Duchess Olga
  22. Favorite names? — Olga, Ivan
  23. What do you hate most? — Human indifference to others, rudeness, pop music (meaningless songs, movies, stories that are broadcast from the main TV channel of the country), when someone humiliates another, someone shows their importance and power in public, neglect of other people, when a person is vested with power feels impunity and demonstrates it.
  24. Historical figures you despise? - Ivan the Terrible, Stalin.
  25. What moment in military history do you value most? - Battle of Kulikovo.
  26. Reform that you value most highly? — Peasant reform (Abolition of serfdom)
  27. An ability you wish you had? - Fly, and if without science fiction, then play the guitar very well and be able to take beautiful photographs, write books beautifully and interestingly.
  28. How would you like to die? — Quickly, having time to say goodbye to the people close to me.
  29. What is your current state of mind? “I don’t understand where my country is moving, where we are going, what goals we are pursuing, why we are doing certain things, whether there will be stability and confidence. Doubt and anxiety, hope.
  30. What vices do you feel most indulgent towards? - Lies, cowardice, everything that I know, I understand these people, because a person is weak and can commit this or that act for various reasons, which are not always dependent on him.
  31. What is your motto? - I don’t have a motto, at least it seems so to me.

I decided to take part in a rather interesting flash mob, to which one of my active readers kindly invited me romanetto .

So, without much prelude, let's go.

What is your most characteristic feature?
Pedantry or tediousness (in the harmless sense of the word).
I need order in things because I can't stand chaos. If we are talking about work, then I need a clear plan of action. If I didn’t draw a plan in my head, it’s a lost cause. This applies to any area of ​​my activity, be it playing on stage, creating mixes or writing software. This is not a very good trait, since there are situations in life that require not a well-thought-out plan, but masterful improvisation.

Qualities that you value most in a man?
Intelligence, responsibility for your words and actions (or inactions).

Qualities that you value most in a woman?
Intelligence, sense of humor, sincerity.

What do you value most in your friends?
A healthy sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself.

What is your main weakness?

What is your favorite activity?
We were looking for a place where
The man has no business.
This is happiness on earth
Nobody ever has.

What is your dream of happiness?
Happiness is when everything is fine, when your soul and body don’t hurt, and your loved ones and family are also fine.

What do you consider the biggest misfortune?
Death of loved ones.

What kind of person would you like to be?
ABOUT! At the dawn of my passion for pick-up artistry (in 2000), I had a file with a list of qualities that a young man needs to have in order to “catch” young ladies... Today, I am absolutely satisfied with the way I am, in contrast to my model. 2000, when I was driven for any reason, and girls were for me natural beings from another planet. So I don’t want to be anything else other than who I already am.

What country would you like to live in?
In Sweden or Canada. And in principle, in any country where a small person is protected from lawlessness and tyranny.

What's your favorite color?
Until recently it was blue and all its shades, but a few years ago I was surprised to discover that all possible shades of green also suit me very well.

What is your favorite flower?

What is your favorite bird?
Well, let it be a parrot.

Who are your favorite writers?
George Orwell, Mary Westmacott, Oscar Wilde, Somerset Maugham, Mikhail Bulgakov.

Who is your favorite poet?
Vladimir Vysotsky.

Favorite literary character?
Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin.

Favorite literary heroines?
I may have forgotten someone, but most likely I haven’t.

Favorite composers?
Frédéric Chopin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Benny Andersson, Jean-Michel Jarre, Jeff Lynne, Michael Cretu, Martin L. Gore, Mike Oldfield, Frank Duval, Robert Prince, that's enough.

Favorite artists?
It so happens that painting is the only one of all the arts to which I am practically indifferent. But if you still name the most outstanding artist, it will be Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky. His paintings can evoke strong emotions in me.

Favorite heroes in real life?
Ilya Varlamov, Maria Chistyakova, Pavel Durov.

Favorite heroine in history?

Favorite names?
Anya, Lera, Dasha.

What do you hate most?
Sod's Law.

Historical figures you despise?
EBN together with Gaidar and his team.

What moment in military history do you value most?
I’m never a fan of military history, but I believe that the Battle of Stalingrad predetermined the outcome of the war, and therefore has the greatest value for me.

Reform that you value most highly?
The abolition of serfdom in 1974, when, according to Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 677, collective farmers were finally allowed to issue passports.

An ability you wish you had?
Ability to write music.

How would you like to die?
On the stage.

What is your current state of mind?

What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
Only one of us has not sinned,
Who was not born and did not live.

What is your motto?
Everything comes on time for those who know how to wait.

Since a flash mob requires a significant amount of time, I will not pass it on as a baton to specific LiveJournal friends, but I will be very glad if any of my readers (or readers) voluntarily join it.

Questionnaire No. 1

  1. What is your favorite activity?
  2. What is your main feature?
  3. What is your idea of ​​happiness?
  4. Your idea of ​​unhappiness?
  5. What is your favorite color and flower?
  6. Where would you like to live?
  7. Who are your favorite writers?
  8. Who are your favorite poets?
  9. Yours
  10. What is your favorite dish or drink?
  11. What are your favorite names?
  12. What are you disgusted by?
  13. What is your favorite saying?

Answers of 13-year-old Marcel Proust

  1. What virtues do you value most?
    Those that are not limited to belonging to any sect, that is, universal.
    (Toutes celles qui ne sont pas particulières à une secte, les universelles.)
  2. Qualities that you value most in a man?
    Intelligence, sense of morality.
    (L'intelligence, le sens moral.)
  3. Qualities that you value most in a woman?
    Tenderness, naturalness, intelligence.
    (La douceur, le naturel, l’intelligence.)
  4. What is your favorite activity?
    Read, dream, study poetry, history, attend the theater.
    (La lecture, la rêverie, les vers, l’histoire, le théâtre.)
  5. What is your main feature?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  6. What is your idea of ​​happiness?
    Living with people I love, surrounded by beautiful nature, surrounded by lots of books and music, and close to the French theater.
    (Vivre près de tous ceux que j'aime avec les charmes de la nature, une quantité de livres et de partitions, et pas loin un théâtre français.)
  7. Your idea of ​​unhappiness
    Being separated from your mother.
    (Etre separé de maman.)
  8. What is your favorite color and flower?
    I love all colors, but I don’t know about colors.
    (Je les aime toutes, et pour les fleurs, je ne sais pas.)
  9. If not yourself, then who would you like to be?
    Since this question is not relevant, I would prefer not to answer it. At the same time, I wouldn't mind being Pliny the Younger.
    (N'ayant pas à me poser la question, je préfère ne pas la résoudre. J'aurais cependant bien aimé être Pline le jeune.)
  10. Where would you like to live?
    In the country of the ideal, or, more precisely, my ideal.
    (Au pays de l'idéal, ou plutôt de mon idéal.)
  11. Who are your favorite writers?
    George Sand, Augustin Thierry
    (George Sand, Aug. Thierry.)
  12. Who are your favorite poets?
    Musset. (Musset.)
  13. Who are your favorite artists and composers?
    Meyssonnier, Mozart, Gounod.
    (Meissonnier, Mozart, Gounod.)
  14. What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
    To the private life of geniuses.
    (Pour la vie privée des génies.)
  15. What are your favorite literary characters?
    Those of novels and lyrics that express an ideal rather than serve as an example to follow.
    (Les héros romanesques poétiques, ceux qui sont un idéal plutôt qu’un modèle.)

  16. Something between Socrates, Pericles, Mohammed, Musset, Pliny the Younger and Augustin Thierry.
    (Un milieu entre Socrate, Périclès, Mahomet, Musset, Pline le Jeune, Aug. Thierry.)
  17. Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
    A brilliant woman leading an ordinary lifestyle.
    (Une femme de génie ayant l’existence d’une femme ordinaire.)
  18. Who are your favorite literary female characters?
    Those who are more than women, but who have not lost their femininity: gentle, poetic, pure and beautiful in every way.
    (Celles qui sont plus que des femmes sans sortir de leur sexe, tout ce qui est tendre poétique, pur, beau dans tous les genres.)
  19. What is your favorite dish or drink?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  20. What are your favorite names?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  21. Who are you disgusted with?
    To people who do not feel that there is good, who neglect the happiness of love.
    (Les gens qui ne sentent pas ce qui est bien, qui ignorent les douceurs de l'affection.)
  22. Which historical figures cause your greatest antipathy?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  23. What is your current state of mind?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  24. What is your favorite saying?
    A favorite saying is one that cannot be summarized (or retold briefly) because its simplest expression represents everything that is best, beautiful and great in nature.
    (Une qui ne peut pas se résumer parce que sa plus simple expression est ce qu" a de beau, de bon, de grand dans la nature.)

Questionnaire No. 2

  1. What is your most characteristic feature?
  2. Qualities that you value most in a man?
  3. Qualities that you value most in a woman?
  4. What is your favorite activity?
  5. What is your dream of happiness?
  6. What kind of person would you like to be?
  7. What's your favorite color?
  8. What is your favorite flower?
  9. What is your favorite bird?
  10. Who are your favorite writers?
  11. Who are your favorite poets?
  12. Favorite literary character?
  13. Favorite literary heroines?
  14. Favorite composers?
  15. Favorite artists?
  16. Favorite heroes in real life?
  17. Favorite heroine in history?
  18. Favorite names?
  19. Historical figures you despise?
  20. Reform that you value most highly?
  21. How would you like to die?
  22. What is your current state of mind?
  23. What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
  24. What is your motto?

Answers of 20-year-old Marcel Proust

  1. What is your most characteristic feature?
    The desire to be loved, or rather, to be caressed and spoiled, rather than to serve as an object of admiration.
    (Le besoin d"être aimé et, pour préciser, le besoin d"être caressé et gâté bien plus que le besoin d"être admiré.)
  2. Qualities that you value most in a man?
    Feminine charm.
    (Des charmes feminins.)
  3. Qualities that you value most in a woman?
    Manifestations of masculinity, as well as sincerity in friendship.
    (Des vertus d'homme et la franchise dans la camaraderie.)
  4. What do you value most in your friends?
    Tenderness towards me, while their personalities are so subtle that their tenderness is worth cherishing.
    (D"être tendre pour moi, si leur personne est assez exquise pour donner un grand prix à leur tendresse.)
  5. What is your main weakness?
    Inability, inability to “will.”
    (Ne pas savoir, ne pas pouvoir "vouloir").
  6. What is your favorite activity?
    Be in love.
  7. What is your dream of happiness?
    I am afraid that it is not sublime enough, and besides, I am afraid of destroying it with words.
    (J'ai peur qu'il ne soit pas assez élevé, je n'ose pas le dire, j'ai peur de le détruire en le disant.)
  8. What do you consider the biggest misfortune?
    Never know my mother or grandmother.
    (ne pas avoir connu ma mère ni ma grand-mère.)
  9. What kind of person would you like to be?
    Myself - who the people I admire would like me to be.
  10. What country would you like to live in?
    In the one where my wishes would come true, as if by magic, and where the feeling of tenderness would always be mutual[emphasis by Proust].
    (Celui où certaines choses que je voudrais se réaliseraient comme par un enchantement et où les tendresses seraient toujours partagées.)
  11. What's your favorite color?
    Beauty lies not in one color, but in their harmony.
    (La beauté n’est pas dans les couleurs, mais dans leur harmonie.)
  12. What is your favorite flower?
    A loved one's favorite flower, and then all the others.
    (La sienne- et après, toutes.)
  13. What is your favorite bird?
  14. Who are your favorite writers?
    Today they are Anatole France and Pierre Loti.
    (Aujourd'hui Anatole France et Pierre Loti.)
  15. Who are your favorite poets?
    Baudelaire and Alfred de Vigny.
    (Baudelaire et Alfred de Vigny.)
  16. Favorite literary character?
  17. Favorite literary heroines?
    Phaedra [crossed out], Berenice.
  18. Favorite composers?
    Beethoven, Wagner, Schumann.
    (Beethoven, Wagner, Schumann.)
  19. Favorite artists?
    Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt.
    (Léonard de Vinci, Rembrandt.)
  20. Favorite heroes in real life?
    Monsieur Darlu, Monsieur Boutroux
    (M. Darlu, M. Boutroux.)
  21. Favorite heroine in history?
  22. Favorite names?
    At any given moment I only have one favorite name.
    (Je n'en ai qu'un à la fois.)
  23. What do you hate most?
    The bad that is in me.
    (Ce qu'il y a de mal en moi.)
  24. Historical figures you despise? I don't have enough knowledge to answer this question. (Je ne suis pas assez instruit.)
  25. What moment in military history do you value most?
    When I signed up to volunteer!
    (Mon volontariat!)
  26. Reform that you value most highly?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  27. An ability you wish you had?
    Willpower and the ability to charm.
    (La volonté, et des séductions.)
  28. How would you like to die?
    Becoming better than I am now, and loved.
    (Meilleur - et aimé.)
  29. What is your current state of mind?
    It’s a shame that I had to think about myself for so long to answer all these questions.
    (L'ennui d'avoir pensé à moi pour répondre à toutes ces questions.)
  30. What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
    To those which I understand[emphasis by Proust].
    (Celles que je comprends.)
  31. What is your motto?
    I prefer not to reveal it so that it does not bring me misfortune.
    (J'aurais trop peur qu'elle ne me porte malheur.)
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