Which foods have the highest calcium content? Calcium in food

Ordinary people are not as well informed about any other chemical element that is beneficial to the body as they are about calcium. Since childhood, we have been told that this is the basis for the structure of bone tissue. Calcium deficiency is dangerous for the fragility of bones and cartilage. The likelihood of injury in an athlete is several times higher than in an ordinary person, so the issue of calcium balance is especially acute for them. It is especially important for them to consume foods containing calcium.

The Importance of Calcium for an Athlete's Health

The most important functions of calcium, especially relevant for people involved in sports, are the following:

  • Strength of bones, teeth, joints.
  • Ensuring muscle contraction.
  • Participation in protein synthesis.
  • Transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Participation in the process of blood clotting.
  • Ensuring the well-coordinated functioning of the immune system.
  • Together with magnesium, it ensures the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Calcium is washed out of the body during physical activity and excessive sweating.

Features of calcium absorption by the body

Calcium is one of the most difficult elements to digest. First, it dissolves from food products digested in the stomach in the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. Then, under the influence of bile, it transforms into an easily digestible form and begins to be absorbed through the intestinal walls. Stomach diseases associated with low acidity significantly inhibit the breakdown of calcium compounds.

Some substances contained in sorrel, beets, spinach, rhubarb, and chocolate reduce the absorption of calcium. They should be eaten separately from calcium-containing foods or dietary supplements.

Alcohol, excessive consumption of tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks impair the absorption of calcium and accelerate its excretion from the body.

An excess of animal fats in the diet impairs the absorption of calcium, and lactose (milk sugar), on the contrary, contributes to this. Vitamin D, amino acids from plant proteins, accelerates the absorption of calcium.

It is important to maintain a balance of magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus in the body. Excess sodium leads to accelerated leaching of calcium. Excess phosphorus binds to calcium in the form of insoluble salts. Calcium begins to perform some of the functions of magnesium when there is a deficiency of the latter. Sufficient amounts of potassium keep calcium in the body.

Calcium rich foods

Products containing calcium

Calcium content, mg per 100 g of product

Poppy 1500
Sesame 800
Almond 250
Hazelnut 170
Pistachios, walnuts 130
Milk and dairy products
Hard cheeses 800-1000
Brynza, processed cheese 500
Ice cream, fat cottage cheese 150
Yogurt, full-fat kefir 120
Milk 120-150
Young nettle 700
Basil 370
Parsley 240
Watercress salad 210
Dill 130
Green onions 100
Marine bioresources
Seaweed 1000
Sardines in oil 400
Salmon 200
Boiled shrimp 100
Wholemeal bread 300

About 30% of calcium is absorbed from dairy products, 20% from nuts, almost 50% from greens, and almost 80% from whole grain bread.

Some foods today are specially fortified with calcium. So 1 glass of fortified soy milk contains 500 mg of calcium, yogurt - 400 mg, orange juice - about 300 mg.

Vitamin and mineral complexes containing calcium

Due to the low degree of absorption of calcium from food, it is difficult to ensure its proper intake into the body. In this case, special calcium-containing preparations come to the rescue.

It is more advisable to purchase combination preparations with calcium:

  • Magnesium-calcium complex Cal Apatite with Magnesium (550 mg calcium).
  • Vitamin D complex Natekal D3 from Italfarmaco s.p.a contains the same amount of calcium.
  • Calcium-D3 Nycomed includes 500 mg calcium and vitamin D.
  • Chewable calcium with vitamins C and D from the manufacturer Coral Club (500 mg calcium).
  • NOW Calcium Magnesium (500 mcg magnesium, 1000 mg calcium).
  • Natures Plus Mega-Mins contain 500 mg calcium and 250 mg magnesium
  • Calmag from Vitaprom (400 mg calcium and 200 mg magnesium).

Vitamin and mineral complexes containing calcium popular among athletes:

  • Universal Nutrition's Animal Pak includes 2,000 mg of calcium as well as most of the essential vitamins and minerals in athlete-specific dosages.
  • MegiCal from the manufacturer Coral Club contains 1300 mg of calcium, 600 mg of magnesium and other essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements.
  • Mineral complex 7 PLUS from JSC NPH ECHO includes 500 mg of calcium, as well as magnesium, potassium, iodine, zinc and other minerals.
  • 250 mg of calcium contain Multi Mineral Caps complexes rich in vitamins and minerals from the American company Twinlab, Spectramin from Vitamax, Calcium Magnesium Chelate from NSP, Astrum Bone-Aid from Astrum.

The choice of a suitable complex containing calcium should be entrusted to a specialist. The range of dietary supplements is huge; they differ in the list and amount of useful vitamins and minerals. It is important to take supplements that are perfectly balanced for your needs. Maintain your health!

And what products contain it.

The role of calcium in the body

It is well known that bone strength and density depend on calcium (Ca) content, but the importance of this element does not end there. In particular, it is involved in the processes of muscle coagulation and contraction; normalizes the functioning of enzymes and hormones; has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system; protein synthesis cannot occur without it; it helps the body absorb other elements.

Close connection of calcium with other macro- and microelements

This element can either promote or hinder the body’s absorption of certain substances. Thus, it interferes with the absorption of iron. If it enters the body separately from this element, it is absorbed 45% better. In addition, its negative interaction with chromium is noted.

Calcium-phosphorus metabolism plays an important role in the processes occurring in the human body. These substances must be contained in a strictly defined ratio. If one of them is contained less than necessary, the other element begins to be poorly absorbed, which leads to various. Restoring the correct ratio of these elements is usually regulated by products that contain both substances, as well as prescribed medicinal drugs.

Calcium intake standards

This microelement is necessary for a person of any age, but at different periods the need for it is different.
According to the recommendations of doctors, its optimal consumption per day is:

  • for those under three years old - 600 mg;
  • for children 3-10 years old - 800 mg;
  • for children 10-13 years old - 1000 mg;
  • children 13-16 years old - 1200 mg;
  • young people 16-25 years old - 1000 mg;
  • 25-50 years - 800 mg;
  • women during period and lactation - 1500-2000 mg;
  • women over 50 years old - 1000-1200 mg;
  • 25-65 years - 800 mg;
  • men over 65 years old - 1200 mg.

What foods contain a lot of calcium?

Almost everyone knows that a lot of calcium is contained in. However, besides them, there are products rich in this substance, so you have the opportunity to choose which products to use to replenish the daily requirement of this element.

Did you know? In its pure form, calcium is a silvery-white metal. It is very active, so it is not found in this form in nature, but is widely known in various compounds, such as limestone or marble.

Plant products

Products of plant origin do not hold the record for the content of this substance, but they do contain substances that make it easier to absorb this element. The list of foods that contain calcium is very extensive.
Nuts and plant seeds are especially abundant in this substance, namely:

  • poppy (1438 mg Ca per 100 g);
  • (975 mg);
  • almonds (280 mg);
  • (254 mg).
This element is present in all grains and leguminous crops, but the following stand out especially:
  • soybeans (241 mg per 100 g);
  • beans (92 mg);
  • barley groats (82 mg);
  • peas (61 mg).
The following crops can be noted:
  • basil (370 mg per 100 g);
  • (244 mg);
  • white cabbage (211 mg);
  • (182 mg).

can also become its source, especially such as:
  • (144 mg per 100 g);
  • (80 mg);
  • (54 mg);
  • raisins (50 mg).

Animal products

A significant amount of this substance is found in seafood. The calcium content (in mg) of some calcium-rich foods is shown in the table:

  • sardines in oil (420 mg per 100 g of product);
  • mackerel in oil (240 mg);
  • crabs (100 mg);
  • shrimp (96 mg).

In meat products, where calcium is found in relatively small quantities, there is approximately 10 to 30 mg of this element per 100 g of product.

Calcium content in dairy products

Dairy products have the highest calcium content. Its content ranges from about 125 mg per 100 g in milk, to more than 1300 mg in some hard cheeses.
Below is the Ca content in dairy products, calculated per 100 g:

  • Parmesan cheese - 1300 mg;
  • “Russian” cheese - 1000 mg;
  • - 540 mg;
  • cow's milk - 120 mg;
  • skimmed cow's milk - 125 mg;
  • medium fat cottage cheese - 125 mg;
  • medium fat content - 85 mg;
  • - 120 mg;
  • cream - 90 mg;
  • butter - 25 mg.

Eliminating calcium deficiency with eggshells

Eggshells consist of 90% Ca compounds, so you can hear recommendations to use crushed, disinfected chicken egg shells, devoid of the inner film, and they should only be white. This shell is used as a food supplement to compensate for the lack of this mineral in the body. Dosage: half a teaspoon per day with a couple of drops of juice. It is believed to be a cheap alternative to calcium supplements.

Important! There is an opinion that such nutrition is generally pointless, since calcium in this form is almost not absorbed by the body. If you really want to try the shells, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of such a step.

Causes and symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body

The reason for the lack of this microelement in the body is usually an unbalanced diet. For example, symptoms of a lack of this substance may appear in those who try and abuse strict. Externally, a lack of a microelement is expressed in general weakness, discomfort and even pain in the joints, palpitations, and convulsions.

Causes and symptoms of excess calcium in the body

It is quite difficult to accumulate excess amounts of this substance in the body. So, for this you need to consume at least five liters or about 400 grams of solid milk daily. But sometimes - for example, with fractures - without consulting with specialists, they begin to consume foods containing calcium in too large quantities. Symptoms of such excess consumption are nausea and vomiting, absence, abnormal functioning, and convulsive twitching of the limbs.

Features of calcium absorption

As noted above, the absorption of this microelement is facilitated. Since this vitamin is produced in the body when the sun's rays irradiate it, the absorption of the microelement is facilitated in summer, and correspondingly more difficult in winter. It is also recommended to consume foods that contain calcium and, such as

In the presence of which more than 300 biochemical reactions occur in the human body.

The mineral plays a primary role in the construction and strengthening of bone tissue, participates in the processes of blood clotting, normalizing the contractility of the myocardium and skeletal muscles, restoring the balance between reactions of excitation and inhibition in the brain, and regulating the activity of certain enzymes.

The compound received its name from the word “Calx”, which means “Lime” in Latin.

Biological role

The total concentration of calcium in the human body is 2 percent of body weight (1000 - 1500 grams), with the main amount (99%) found in bone tissue, nails, enamel and dentin of teeth.

The importance of the macroelement: regulates the pressure of blood, tissue and intercellular fluids (together with sodium, magnesium and potassium); participates in the formation of bone tissue, including teeth and cartilage; supports normal blood clotting by potentiating the transition of prothrombin to thrombin; increases the permeability of membranes for the penetration of hormones and nutrients; potentiates the production of cellular and humoral immunity, as a result of which the body’s resistance to infections improves; maintains skeletal muscle tone; neutralizes the negative effects of lactic and uric acid that accumulate in muscles due to the breakdown of fats and proteins (during physical activity); participates in the mechanisms of transmission of nerve impulses to the brain; normalizes the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids in smooth muscles; compacts the walls of blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in the release of histamine compounds; stabilizes the acid-base balance in the body; activates the action of enzymes involved in the formation of neurotransmitters.

The normal concentration of calcium in the blood is 2.2 millimoles per liter. Deviations from this indicator indicate a deficiency or excess of the compound in the body. Consider the symptoms indicating the development of hypo or hypercalcemia.

Deficiency and overdose

Calcium is stored in the porous structure of long bones. In case of insufficient intake of the mineral from food, the body “goes” to mobilize the compound from bone tissue, as a result of which demineralization of the pelvic bones, spine and lower extremities occurs.
Signs of calcium deficiency:

  • pain in joints, bones, teeth;
  • muscle weakness;
  • brittle nails;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • skin rashes, including eczema;
  • rapid pulse;
  • muscle spasms;
  • convulsions;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • the appearance of microcracks in tooth enamel;
  • nervousness;
  • fatigue;
  • hypertension;
  • pale face;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased mental abilities;
  • lack of coordination;
  • growth retardation, rickets (in children);
  • spinal deformity, frequent bone fractures;
  • tooth decay;
  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • heavy menstrual flow.

In 80% of cases, hypocalcemia is asymptomatic, which leads to the development of serious pathologies: osteoporosis, kidney stone formation, hypertension, osteochondrosis. To prevent these problems, it is important to identify and eliminate in advance the factors that provoke macronutrient deficiency in the body.

Causes of calcium deficiency:

  • lack of foods containing a beneficial compound in the diet;
  • impaired absorption of the element in the intestine due to dysbiosis or the absence of the lactase enzyme, which breaks down milk protein;
  • excess lead, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium in the body;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract (pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, gastric or duodenal ulcers);
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, in which the synthesis of the hormone thyrocalcitonin, which controls calcium metabolism, is impaired;
  • increased consumption of “bone-forming” nutrients due to stressful situations, smoking, physical activity, pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • excessive consumption of drinks that inhibit the absorption of minerals in the intestines (coffee, alcohol, carbonated water, energy tonics);
  • deficiency in the diet, especially when following vegetarianism or a raw food diet;
  • long-term use of laxatives and diuretics, which “wash out” the building mineral from the body.

In addition, calcium metabolism is disrupted due to excessive excretion of the compound in the urine (idiopathic hypercalciuria), low absorption of the substance in the intestine (intestinal malabsorption), the formation of kidney stones (calcium nephrolithiasis), hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, and hypertension.

To eliminate the symptoms of hypocalcemia, you need to enrich your daily diet with calcium-containing products or complex dietary supplements, the main active component of which is the missing macronutrient. When using medications, consult your doctor first.

In the process of drawing up a nutritional plan, keep in mind that daily consumption of more than 2500 milligrams of the mineral against the background of calcium metabolism disorders leads to intense calcification of bones, blood vessels and internal organs, as a result of which persistent hypercalcemia develops.

Symptoms of excess compound in the body:

  • thirst;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • frequent urination;
  • decreased smooth muscle tone;
  • arrhythmia;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • increased concentration of calcium in urine and blood;
  • angina and bradycardia;
  • decreased cognitive function;
  • formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • gout.

In some cases, hypercalcemia occurs as a result of hereditary pathologies of the thyroid gland, in particular multiple endocrine neoplasia, and sometimes as a result of malignant neoplasms.

Daily norm

The daily need for calcium directly depends on the age and gender of a person. Moreover, the largest amount of macronutrients is required by a growing body, pregnant and lactating women.

The daily value of calcium is:

  • for newborns up to 6 months – 400 milligrams;
  • for preschool children (1 – 5 years) – 600 milligrams;
  • for schoolchildren under 10 years old – 800 milligrams;
  • for children from 10 to 13 years old – 1000 milligrams;
  • for teenagers and young people under 24 years old – 1300 – 1500 milligrams;
  • for women (from 25 to 55 years) and men (from 25 to 65 years) – 1000 milligrams;
  • for women during menopause (from 55 to 85 years old) and older men (from 65 to 85 years old) – 1300 – 1500 milligrams;
  • for pregnant and lactating women – 1500 – 2000 milligrams.

The need for calcium increases with:

  • intense sports activities;
  • profuse sweating;
  • taking anabolic steroids;
  • hormonal therapy.

Remember, it is important to monitor the amount of calcium consumed daily, since a lack of the mineral can lead to osteoporosis of the bones, and an excess can lead to stone formation in the kidneys and bladder.

Natural springs

Considering that calcium is involved in the formation of bone, connective and nervous tissues, it is important to ensure a regular supply of the macronutrient with food.

Table No. 1 “Sources of calcium”
Product name Calcium content per 100 grams of product, milligrams
poppy seed 1450
Hard cheeses 800 – 1200
Sesame (unroasted) 700 – 900
Nettle (green) 700
Brynza 530 – 600
Common mallow 500
Basil (greens) 370
Sunflower seeds 350
Almonds (unroasted) 260
Sea fish 210 – 250
Parsley (greens) 240
White cabbage 210
Beans 160 – 190
Garlic, watercress 180
Dill (greens) 120
Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, whey, sour cream, yogurt 90 – 120
Broccoli 105
Peas 100
Walnuts 90
Shrimp, anchovies, oysters, crabs 80 – 100
Peanut 60
Chicken egg (1 piece) 55

Calcium is found in small quantities in cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, meat and honey. The content of the element in these products varies from 5 to 50 milligrams per 100 grams. Moreover, an excess amount of the first two compounds prevents its complete breakdown.

The optimal ratio of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in food or dietary supplements is 2: 1: 1. Considering that the mineral “transforms” into a bioavailable form only under the influence of gastric juice, taking it and alkaline substances that neutralize hydrochloric acid, including carbohydrates, leads to to reduce the absorption of the element in the intestines. At the same time, the combined use of the compound with rhubarb, spinach, parsley, cabbage, sorrel, radish and currants potentiates the formation of oxalate kidney stones.

Remember, calcium is well absorbed from dairy products due to the optimal ratio of nutrients and the presence of lactic acid bacteria in such products. Moreover, to increase the bioavailability of the mineral, it is permissible to use healthy fats. However, it is important to take into account that an excess or lack of lipids in the diet prevents the complete absorption of the “bone” substance, since in the first case there are not enough bile acids to break it down, and in the second - fatty acids.

The optimal ratio of calcium to fat per serving of food is 1:100.


Thus, calcium is an essential macronutrient for the human body, which is part of bones, teeth, blood, cellular and tissue fluids. Its best “partners” are phosphorus and vitamin D. In this tandem, the “bone-forming” element supports the health of the bone, cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems.

It is better to cover the body’s daily need for calcium through natural foods: fermented milk products, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, cheeses, fish, nuts, and herbs. However, when consuming such food, it is important not to overdo it, since an excess of the mineral in the body leads to its deposition on the walls of blood vessels and internal organs, causing stone formation and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

The calcium content in food ranges from approximately 20-30 mg per 100 grams of product to significant figures - up to 500 mg and even higher.

The important fact is that there are a huge number of foods that contain calcium.

An adult, on average, should receive 1000 mg per day, and with a normal diet, the calcium content in the diet is enough to satisfy the body's needs for this mineral.

However, there are many conditions when a person needs as much calcium as possible: the growing body of a child, pregnancy and breastfeeding, osteoporosis, menopause, limb fractures.

Under such circumstances, a person needs to know exactly where the most calcium is found and choose exactly those foods for better and greater absorption.

First of all, let's try to take everything we can from milk. Now we will find out how much calcium is contained in dairy products!

Calcium content in milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and cheese

based on 100 g of products:
milk 3% - 100 mg,
milk 1% - 120 mg,
natural yogurt – 120 mg,
kefir – 120 mg
sour cream - 100 mg,
cottage cheese – 95 mg,
hard cheeses – 600 – 900 mg.

Friends, bare numbers do not always clearly reflect the real state of affairs. It seems that everything is simple! I drank half a liter of milk and already received half my daily requirement. But no! See for yourself!

The older we get, the worse the body absorbs macronutrients from milk. An infant absorbs up to 50%, adults only 15%.

The absorption of calcium from milk depends on its heat treatment. If you drink village cow's milk, it is well absorbed. But we drink pasteurized, store-bought milk. As a result of heating, calcium changes from organic to inorganic form.

If you drink half a liter of milk at once, it is absorbed worse than if you drink it in parts.

Sour cream contains as much calcium as milk. But in fact, sour cream is a very fatty dairy product (10, 15, 20, 30%), and fats saponify the mineral, forming an insoluble salt. So sour cream added to a salad or borscht adds only taste and calorie content to the food. But there is no calcium in it! It is not digestible!

And there’s nothing to say about cottage cheese. If a person is worried about caries, split hair, or breaking nails, the first advice we will give him is “You need calcium!” And then we’ll add – “Eat more cottage cheese!” But that’s not right! There are even less macronutrients in cottage cheese than in milk! Why? Very simple!

When making cottage cheese, almost all the calcium remains in the whey. True, this rule applies to village cottage cheese. In industry, calcium chloride is added to speed up the curdling of milk. It’s not a very useful product that we’ll get, but it’s still better than nothing.

The same technologies are used in the industrial preparation of cheese. In fatty cheeses, insoluble calcium compounds quickly form. Therefore, buy durum varieties, they have less fat and more minerals.

It turns out that the best dairy product to meet the body's calcium needs is yogurt and kefir. So, everyone, calculate for yourself how many dairy products you eat per day and estimate how much of this element you are missing up to 1000 mg?

Calcium content in plants, nuts, seeds

Vegetables and green herbs:
Basil – (wow!) 370 mg
Parsley – 245 mg
White cabbage – 210 mg
Beans – 194 mg
Watercress – 180 mg
Seed dill – 126 mg
Broccoli – 105 mg
Beans – 100 mg
Canned olives – 96 mg
Green onion – 86 mg
Carrots, lettuce,
radishes, cucumbers, potatoes,
tomatoes – from 6 to 37 mg

Fruits, seeds and nuts:
Sesame seeds – 780 mg
Cashew – 290 mg
Almonds – 250 mg
Pine nuts – 250 mg
Dried apricots - 160 mg
Hazel – 225
Sunflower (seeds) – 100 mg
Pistachio nuts – 130 mg
Walnut kernels – 90 mg
Peanuts or groundnuts – 60 mg

Wow! It turns out that you can get even more calcium from plant foods than from dairy products. True, drinking a mug of milk is easier than chewing a bunch of parsley. Just make all kinds of salads every day from raw vegetables and herbs, adding nuts or seeds to them. Dress this salad with lemon juice, a little olive oil, herbs - beauty! It will be very nice if you train yourself to add a teaspoon of sesame seeds to the dishes you prepare.

Friends! But fresh fruits and berries contain little calcium. Whatever you take: apples, oranges, bananas, watermelon, cherries, plums, etc. - they contain an average of 20–40 mg of calcium per 100 g. But who forbids you to eat as much of them as possible? The main thing is that this is the most highly digestible mineral, because... it is bound to plant amino acids. Such chelated complexes very easily penetrate the intestinal wall directly into the bloodstream and are successfully delivered to the bone matrix.

Fish, seafood, seaweed
Atlantic sardines in canned food – 380 mg
Crab and shrimp meat – 100 mg
Cod, pike, carp,
trout – from 20 to 50 mg
Seaweed – 58 mg

Calcium content in meat(beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey) ranges from 30 to 80 mg. There is even less in semi-finished meat products. Only 13 mg of calcium in chicken eggs. Scientists believe that this element in the meat of mammals and poultry is concentrated in the blood plasma, and not in muscle cells. But, just like fish, we love meat both for its taste and for the great benefits that they bring to humans. This is an excellent source of protein, amino acids, and energy.

Cereals contain from 20 to 200 mg of mineral. Most of it is in buckwheat groats and oatmeal. However, now mainly refined, highly purified products are on sale: rice, semolina, premium grain flour. That's not even important. The fact is that all grains contain phytin, and during the preparation of cereals and baking, phytin combines with calcium, forming insoluble compounds that are completely eliminated from our body. That is why I would like to warn you: if you decide to take additional tablets or capsules with calcium, do not combine them with cereals or bread.

One of the constant sources of calcium is drinking water. Drinking water contains up to 500 mg per liter. With drinking water we get on average 20% of the macronutrient.

Scientists have calculated that Russians on average receive 300, or at most 500 mg of calcium from food. This means that the calcium content in various products still does not satisfy human needs. To get the required 1000 mg, you need to eat three times more than what we consume daily. This is impossible, we will all turn into koloboks.
Therefore, there is only one way out - add calcium supplements to your diet little by little. This could be egg shells, various pharmacy vitamins with minerals for adults and children. You can take old, forgotten drugs: glycerophosphate, lactate and calcium carbonate. They are not advertised on television, but are sold in pharmacies. Ask the pharmacist and they will not refuse you, they will sell you. These tablets are not expensive.

Among the modern drugs sold in pharmacies, we can note Calcium D3 Nycomed, Kalcemin, VitaMISHKI for children.

Don't forget about modern dietary supplements. I won’t write much about them. I will only mention Calcium Magnesium chelate from the American Company NSP. Excellent product, I have been using it for many years.

How to use egg shells

Use eggs for cooking. Then wash the shells with soap. Boil in water for 5 - 7 minutes so that there are no intestinal salmonella left on it. Dry and grind in a coffee grinder to a powder. An adult should take a third, maximum half a teaspoon of powder per day. Place the powder in a cup and squeeze 2 teaspoons of lemon juice on top. It is necessary that soluble calcium citrate is formed. Take for a month. This is a good first aid for calcium deficiency. Just take vitamin D at the same time or drink fish oil capsules.

Friends! Although the shell is a folk method of strengthening bones, it is better not to give it to small children. This is not a dosed product. How do you know how much calcium will enter the baby's body? What if you overdose? If the doctor knows your child and personally recommends it, then use it. You can give this drug starting from 3 to 5 years, not earlier.

Speaking of overdose in an adult. Of course, if something bothers you, you want it to go away as quickly as possible. And we are ready to eat a lot of egg shells. But this should not be done. An overdose of calcium is extremely rare, but still not excluded. If you take up to 2 - 2.5 g of calcium, then nothing bad will happen. An overdose will begin if you consume 4 or more g per day. This is dangerous because calcium will begin to be deposited in the blood vessels, causing kidney and liver stones. Therefore, it is better to take dosed medications.

Let's summarize everything that has been written. I calculated how much calcium I was getting into my body every day for the last three days through food. It turned out to be less than 500 mg! Oh, I didn’t even think it was so little! I didn’t run to the clinic to get a blood test to check the content of this mineral. By the way, you can also determine all the vitamins and minerals in your hair, you can do bone tissue densitometry. Examine your body thoroughly!

I didn’t do this because I don’t have any health complaints now. But I consume less calcium than normal! This is bad. I think prevention is needed! What did I start doing? I bought sesame seeds and add them to the food I cook: salad, cottage cheese, porridge. I made a vitamin mixture with dried apricots, nuts, prunes and lemon - I use it for tea. I bought seeds and nuts - I add them to the porridge and nibble on them a little when I want. I also started buying all sorts of herbs: dill, parsley, basil. I add them to lunch and dinner. And I also ran to the NSP Company office and bought the dietary supplement Calcium Magnesium Chelate. I'll start prevention. Like this. If I didn’t have to write this article, I wouldn’t have been alarmed. Every cloud has a silver lining!

Calcium in food is the main source of this mineral for our body. Natural calcium is perfectly absorbed, strengthens skeletal bones, and helps the functioning of all body systems. If there is a deficiency, use additional dietary supplements with calcium.

Friends! In the next article I will write about symptoms in the human body. You need to be able to listen to what is happening in your body, what you need to pay attention to.

Lack of calcium in the body does not have the best effect on the health of children and adults. It is important to consume the recommended amount of this macronutrient daily with food or as part of special tablets. In the latter case, difficulties usually do not arise. However, few people know which foods contain a lot of calcium and for this reason do not include them in their diet. We will tell you how to avoid such mistakes.

Calcium (Ca) is a macronutrient that helps the human body function normally. Its benefits are as follows.

  1. It is very necessary for children, adolescents and pregnant women, as it strengthens teeth and bones and promotes the proper formation of bone tissue.
  2. It is necessary for hypertensive patients because it regulates the functioning of the heart muscle and lowers blood pressure.
  3. Ca nourishes the nervous system. If there is not enough of it, the central nervous system takes the necessary nutrients from the bones.
  4. Ca lowers blood cholesterol levels.

With a lack of Ca, the body takes it from bone tissue, which can lead to the development of osteoporosis (brittle bones). Other signs of macronutrient deficiency are increased irritability, metabolic disorders and electrical conductivity of myocardial cells, brittle nails, weak split ends, and bad teeth.

Daily norm: what threatens a lack and excess of calcium

The mineral will be beneficial provided that a person consumes the daily requirement of Ca every day. For adults and for children, this indicator is different. The recommendations of the All-Russian Health Care Association are given in the table.

But these recommendations are based on the diet and lifestyle of Europeans and North Americans. Japanese, Indians, Turks and South Africans need to consume 3 to 3.5 grams of Ca daily. The daily intake recommended for Russians is slightly different.

Women during menopause, pregnant and lactating mothers require the most Ca (1.2-1.5 g). Note that during menstruation, the female body also loses a lot of calcium. In teenage girls, severe pain in the lower abdomen can signal a lack of microelement. During this period, girls and women need to consume 1.4 g of Ca daily.

What does a lack of calcium lead to?

If a child consumes little Ca, this will negatively affect his physical and neuropsychic development. Bone tissue becomes so fragile that over time the baby develops scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and the risk of numerous injuries and fractures increases.

In adults, a lack of Ca leads to disruption of the immune, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. Vessels become weak, and blood clotting worsens; any wound can lead to serious blood loss.

What are the dangers of excess calcium?

You can understand that a person consumes more Ca than his body needs by the presence of certain symptoms: pale skin, many wrinkles (even at an early age), dry hair; thirst, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting (for no apparent reason), flatulence, constipation; the appearance of stones in the bladder and kidneys; headache, apathy, drowsiness, brain dysfunction (confusion, hallucinations).

Excess Ca also does not lead to positive changes; rather, on the contrary, a person loses his life potential and ages faster. As paradoxical as it may sound, excess Ca can also cause bone fragility. At the same time, the blood becomes more viscous, which negatively affects the heart rate and the functioning of the heart valves.

Calcium products or tablets – which is better absorbed by the body?

You can replenish Ca reserves by including foods rich in this macronutrient in your daily diet. Contrary to popular belief, the “champions” in Ca content are not milk or cottage cheese. The most calcium is found in poppy seeds, Parmesan and sesame seeds.

You can get the required amount of the mineral by taking special medications created by pharmacists specifically for patients with hypocalcemia. Calcium tablets, according to manufacturers, can compensate for the lack of this macronutrient in the body. But not all of them really help. The reason is the peculiarities of Ca absorption.

Pharmacies sell calcium gluconate, carbonate, citrate and chelate. It is better to take chelated calcium. It is absorbed by 90-98%, and additional vitamin D3 is not required. Preparations based on calcium chelate are expensive, but the results are worth it.

Before choosing calcium tablets, you should consult your doctor.

And yet, the Ca that a person receives from food is best absorbed. Some products have more of it, others have less. You can adjust your diet, knowing exactly what will help replenish the amount of Ca in the body.

Foods high in calcium

It is generally accepted that the main source of Ca is dairy products. And to replenish its reserves, you need to drink milk every day, eat cottage cheese and/or cheese. However, this opinion is only partly true. In fact, not all types of cheese are equally rich in Ca, and milk and cottage cheese contain significantly less of this macroelement than, for example, green plants. Let's take a closer look.


The amount of Ca in 100 grams of legumes or hard cheeses is higher than, for example, in foods processed from milk and soft cheeses, but this does not detract from the importance of the latter for human health. Moreover, dairy products are very popular.

There are several reasons for this: they do not require preliminary heat treatment, like meat, for example. They do not need to be washed like greens and vegetables. Cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, and milk are sold in hermetically sealed packages. They are convenient to take with you on the road; you can eat (drink) at any time of the day, since they always improve digestion.

Fish and seafood

A large amount of Ca is found in fatty fish. The leader is the sardine. At the same time, it is useful to eat fish bones - which means that a person needs to regularly eat canned food, but not only from sardines: salmon and mackerel are also useful. A good source of Ca, Mg, vitamins D and K is seafood. Thanks to these vitamins, calcium is easily absorbed.


Plants of the legume family are also recognized as a good source of protein, but not all of them are well absorbed by the body. Thus, white beans contain half the Ca content than red beans, but they are better absorbed. Green peas are also rich in this macronutrient.

The only negative is that not everyone will include legumes in their daily diet.

If you are deficient in Ca, consider supplementing your daily menu with vegetables and herbs: cauliflower, carrots, spinach, dill, parsley. However, do not forget that some of them (carrots, beets, spinach) contain oxalic acid. It prevents calcium from being absorbed well. It is better to heat treat such products.

Nuts and seeds

The highest amounts of Ca are found in poppy seeds and sesame seeds. The daily norm of a macronutrient “fits” in 1 tbsp. l. sesame In addition, nuts and seeds are rich in Mg, which helps the body absorb Ca. Cashews and almonds are richer in Mg than other nuts.

Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries contain a small amount of macronutrients, but they contain substances that make Ca well absorbed. Apples, peaches, grapes, dried fruits, strawberries, gooseberries help.

Not all berries improve calcium absorption. So, daily consumption of strawberries can have the opposite effect: Ca will begin to “leave out”. Pregnant women should remember this not very beneficial property of strawberries.


Meat and meat products

Contrary to popular belief, meat and meat products are low in Ca. The reason is that this macroelement in animals and poultry is not found in muscle tissue, but in the blood. Different types of meat have different amounts of Ca: veal has more than pork.


Just like meat, the Ca content in eggs is low. For example, 100 g of egg yolk contains only 136 mg of Ca, which is 14% of the daily value. There is much more of this macronutrient in eggshells. This is calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate), which is well absorbed by the body.


Molasses, or blackstrap, can be a good source of Ca. It is a viscous mass of dark brown color. It is not used as a sugar substitute or as an independent food product, but if you include molasses in your diet, it will provide the body with half of the daily calcium requirement.

Table with calcium content in foods

The product's nameAmount of Ca per 100 g (mg)% of daily value
Dairy products and cheeses
Whole milk120 12
Powdered milk1000 100
Kefir126 13
Ryazhenka124 12
Yogurt124 12
Sour cream (fat content – ​​10%)80 8
Parmesan cheese1184 118
Cheese “Russian” (fat content – ​​50%)880 88
Cheese "Roquefort" (fat content - 50%)740 74
Processed cheese "Sausage"630 63
Fish and seafood
Pink salmon (canned)185 19
Sprats in oil (canned)300 30
Caspian sprat60 6
Baltic sprat50 5
Shrimp70 7
Oyster60 6
Acne20 2
Red caviar (grainy)90 9
Black caviar (grainy)55 6
Green beans)65 7
Beans (grain)150 15
Peas (shelled)89 9
Lentils (grain)83 8
White cabbage48 5
Red cabbage53 5
Sauerkraut48 5
Leek87 9
Celery (greens)72 7
Dill (greens)223 22
Spinach (greens)106 11
Parsley (greens)245 25
Nuts and seeds
Sesame1474 147
Poppy1600 16
Sunflower seeds367 37
Hazelnut188 19
Pistachios105 11
Walnut89 9
Peanut76 8
Almond273 27
Fruits and berries
Apricot28 3
Grape30 3
Orange34 3
Persimmon127 13
Cherry37 4
Strawberries40 4
Oatmeal64 6
Manna20 2
Barley80 8
Pearl barley38 4
Meat and meat products
Rabbit meat20 2
Chicken16 2
Turkey meat12 1
Beef5 0,5
Veal26 2,6
Pork5 0,5
Chicken meat (broiler)14 1
Chicken (yolk, white)55 (136, 10) 6 (14, 1)
Quail54 5
Egg powder193 19

Foods that improve calcium absorption

Foods that improve calcium absorption include those rich in:

  • vitamin D (dairy, fatty fish);
  • vitamins A, E, group B, C (vegetables, herbs, legumes, meat);
  • magnesium and phosphorus (nuts, bread, fish).

Foods that impair calcium absorption

Ca will not be absorbed (or will be poorly absorbed) if its intake is combined with sweets and soda. Excessive consumption of fatty and phosphorus-rich foods will not be beneficial.

If you are diagnosed with Ca deficiency, try to lead an active lifestyle: athletes’ bodies better absorb calcium from food (the list of foods richest in Ca is given in the table).

Review your menu, eliminate excessive consumption of salty foods, sweets, strong coffee, and alcoholic beverages. Do not get carried away with visiting a bathhouse or sauna: Ca is also removed from the body with sweat.


Calcium is a macronutrient necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Its deficiency manifests itself in nervousness and irritability. In children and adults, bones become fragile (osteochondrosis and scoliosis may develop), hair and skin become dry, and nails become brittle.

You can make up for the lack of a macronutrient if you know which foods have a lot of calcium. These include fresh herbs, fatty fish and hard cheeses. The absorption of calcium is facilitated by regular exercise (active lifestyle), avoidance of strong coffee, alcoholic beverages and sweets.

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