What is needed for calcium to be absorbed? Calcium absorption in the human body, how to improve it and what interferes with it

Having a sufficient level of calcium in the body is necessary for every person. Thanks to this indicator, you can maintain bone tissue, hair and legs in a healthy condition. It is especially important to consider the calcium balance in the body for children. This becomes a task for parents, because the development of the skeleton and the formation of teeth depend precisely on this element. Otherwise, problems such as rickets, convulsions and even nervous disorders may arise, which is very unsafe. Calcium is no less important for a pregnant woman, because the fetus also requires a large amount of material to form its own skeletal system. In order not to undermine her health, the expectant mother must consume enough calcium, moreover, with products that accompany absorption.

By consuming large amounts of dairy products and fish, there is no guarantee that the body has received the required amount of calcium. Calcium absorption is a complex process that depends on more than one factor. Which must be taken into account when creating a menu and so on. This article will help you study this question.

How is calcium absorbed in the body's cells?

Calcium is absorbed by the body through the small and large intestines. The process occurs easily provided that the epithelial cells are not influenced by additional factors. Additional factors mean the presence in the body of components such as, for example, aspirin, or it could be oxalic acid. When combined with calcium, these components form kidney stones, which can subsequently even lead to surgical intervention.

The fact is that there are several types of calcium, namely, ionic and molecular. Ionic calcium is, of course, best absorbed by the body. But in everyday life, most often a person uses the molecular one. It is found in all dairy products, which is why in some cases milk and cottage cheese do not solve the problem of calcium deficiency in the human body.

One folk remedy that helps increase absorption is a mixture of eggshell powder and lemon juice. But such a connection is not enough. The whole process must be accompanied by vitamin D. This problem especially concerns children. For an adult, it is enough to drink less coffee and spend time in the fresh air, and then the level of vitamin D will be normal.

How to properly consume calcium

As was previously said, for the harmonious absorption of calcium, it is necessary to consume it with products that contain vitamin D. According to doctors, such a procedure will be enough for the wave. And, of course, do not forget about systematic physical activity. No less useful are walks in the fresh air, away from industrial centers. Also, each person should know their calcium requirement. For example, for a woman after 50, the norm increases three times, and a deficiency can seriously affect health.

Thus, it is necessary not only to take vitamin complexes, but also to consume products of natural origin. It is natural food and moderate physical activity that can work wonders, and this is scientifically confirmed. A significant dose of calcium is contained in canned fish, for example, mackerel, an affordable and tasty option, the fish is tender and will definitely appeal to your taste.

Conditions for improving calcium absorption

Sometimes nutrition and vitamins alone are not enough, some people need to reconsider their overall lifestyle, so it is necessary to take into account all aspects.

Diet . Whatever one may say, diet is one of the most important factors. Nutrition plays an important role and not only in the absorption of calcium. First of all, you need to take care of the presence of vitamin D in the body. This is the consumption of eggs and fish of the salmon family. Thanks to this vitamin, calcium is well absorbed and has a beneficial effect on bone tissue.
Producers of healthy milk even add vitamin D to their products. But sometimes this is not enough; when exposed to the sun, vitamin D is released in the human body. Therefore, walks are simply necessary. And, of course, you can add all kinds of additives to your food, but this is done only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Excretion control . It is necessary to control not only products containing calcium, but also products that promote its excretion. First of all, such products include salt, coffee, herbs, especially sorrel, and sweet carbonated drinks. The most dangerous acid for the body is oxalic acid, which forms salts and subsequently stones. Based on this, you should not consume calcium-containing products with the above-listed products. This is a dangerous compound for the body.

Stomach acid . Low stomach acidity also affects calcium levels. Stomach acidity decreases with the use of a large number of medications and with age. Therefore, you need to take these factors into account and, if necessary, increase your consumption of calcium-containing products. Consult a doctor and take a number of necessary measures.

Before using any medications, you need to find out for yourself a number of side effects. There are medications that interfere with calcium absorption. In such a situation, you urgently need to consult a professional doctor, and it is possible to replace the drug with a similar one, but without such an indicator.

Another key to success is physical activity, which will have a general beneficial effect on the body. At the end of the load, you need to drink a glass of kefir, which is also necessary for the body.

Stressful situations have a significant impact on the body, so don’t get upset over trifles and control yourself. Perhaps in some situations, it is worth taking sedatives.

Thanks to such simple tips and actions, you can maintain the health of your own body for a long time.

Calcium plays an important role in the body's vital functions. However, there are no unimportant microelements in the body at all. But it is calcium that is responsible for the passage of nerve impulses in the heart and skeletal muscles, affects blood clotting, and is responsible for the strength of bones, teeth, and the normal functioning of the nervous system.

With a lack of Ca (calcium), an imbalance begins in the body. For some time, it is compensated by the work of the parathyroid glands, which immediately start working and begin to wash it out of the bones. But this cannot go on for long. Children, pregnant women, and people over 55 years of age are more likely to find themselves in a dangerous situation. Food cannot always fully satisfy the body's needs, then medications are used. But how to drink calcium so that it is absorbed?

What medications are there?

There are three types of calcium-based preparations:

  • calcium salts,
  • combination products with vitamin D,
  • complex, which in addition to Ca and vitamin D contains a number of other vitamins and minerals.

It is important to know the elemental calcium content of salts. For example, most of the microelement is found in combination with carbonate and citrate (400 mg/g and 210 mg/g, respectively). But the well-known calcium gluconate contains a minimal amount of microelement (90 mg/g), so its use, although safe, often does not give the desired clinical result. Among the drugs on the pharmaceutical market are Calcium gluconate and Calcium fruit gluconate. Sometimes doctors prescribe a quotation mixture, which, if prepared, is made in pharmacies with a prescription.

Pharmacists, when asked how to drink calcium so that it is absorbed, responded by creating preparations combined with vitamin D. Since in some cases it is its deficiency that leads to the fact that a sufficient supply of the microelement with food cannot be absorbed in the intestines. Among the combined products, Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte, Calcium-D3-MIC, Calcium-D3-MIC Forte are known.

Complex products for the treatment of calcium deficiency are represented by the drugs Kalcemin, Kalcemin Advance, Kalcemin Silver, Pharmaton Kiddy, Osteogenon, Vitrum Osteomag

How to drink calcium so that it is absorbed?

To do this, you need to follow the doctor’s instructions, do not violate the regimen and frequency of administration, and also do not change the dosage yourself.

Typically, in therapeutic practice, combination drugs are prescribed, since cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) directly affects the metabolism of the mineral.

If long-term treatment is necessary, preference is also given to combined rather than complex drugs.

It should be remembered that even dietary supplements are medicines that cannot be used without indications and consultation with a doctor. Since not only a deficiency of an element is dangerous, but also its excess.

Calcium carbonate-based preparations are prescribed to be taken during or after meals. This is due to the fact that it is better absorbed when the stomach is acidic and also has fewer side effects.

At the same time you start taking medications, enrich your diet with foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D. However, to increase bioavailability, beware of taking them with dairy products.

How to drink calcium so that it is absorbed without changing your diet? Calcium is bound and removed from the body by oxalates and phytin, so foods such as sorrel, spinach and various cereals should not be consumed at the same time as the medicine.

Drink it with plenty of water, this will ensure better dissolution and absorption, and will also reduce the incidence of possible side effects such as constipation.

Concomitant use of certain medications may lead to the formation of inactive or toxic salts. These drugs include: cardiac glycosides, tetracycline, iron, barbiturates, laxatives, thiazide diuretics.

To increase the bioavailability of calcium, its daily dose is divided into several doses.

Traditional methods

Self-made mixtures of bone meal, eggshells, and shellfish should be used with caution. It is generally not recommended for use in children and pregnant women. First, the elemental Ca content and its salt form are unknown. And for children, dosages are important! Secondly, these mixtures may contain toxic impurities, infection (shells), irritate the stomach (lemon juice) or be an allergen.

Calcium is an element that takes part in many physiological processes of the body. Adequate intake is critical to maintaining health. Find out what interferes with the normal absorption of calcium and how to properly take this mineral.

1. Calcium and vitamin D

In order for calcium to be well absorbed, the body needs a sufficient supply of vitamin D. There is very little vitamin D in food, so walking in sunny weather is recommended, since this vitamin is formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

2. Calcium, phosphorus and trace elements

Calcium is best absorbed with phosphorus and trace elements. Products that contain a lot of calcium and microelements include natural cottage cheese, fresh herbs, fish and seafood.

3. Limit your intake of foods that remove calcium.

These foods include coffee, sorrel, salt, rhubarb, spinach, beets and carbonated drinks. Oxalic acid, found in many green leafy vegetables, forms oxalates (salts) with calcium, some of which are excreted from the body, and some are deposited in the form of stones in the kidneys and joints.

4. Regulate stomach acidity

Abnormal stomach acidity can impair calcium absorption. Diseases of the small intestine also prevent calcium from being absorbed into the bloodstream in sufficient quantities.

5. Calcium and hormonal levels

For normal absorption of calcium, it is necessary to normalize the body's hormonal levels. Increased or decreased levels of growth hormone, parathyroid hormone or estrogen impair the quality of calcium absorption into the bloodstream.

6. Diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas

Diseases of the liver, pancreas and kidneys can interfere with the normal absorption of calcium. Treatment of these diseases will solve the calcium problem.

7. Taking certain medications

Poor calcium absorption is often caused by taking certain medications, such as anticonvulsants, steroid hormones, laxatives and diuretics.

8. Calcium and sports

Vigorous physical activity can flush out calcium, which is lost from the body through sweat. In order to compensate for calcium deficiency, it is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of kefir or eat 100-200 g of cottage cheese.

9. Stressful situations

In order for calcium to be absorbed well, you need to avoid stress. During emotional stress, the hormone cortisol is produced, which promotes the excretion of calcium in the urine.

10. Chemical composition of the drug

If you take calcium tablets, its absorption will largely depend on the chemical composition of the drug. For example, calcium citrate is well absorbed regardless of food intake. Calcium carbonate is best taken with food, and calcium gluconate is the worst absorbed.

Calcium is a vital element that helps maintain healthy teeth and bones. This element is especially important for pregnant women. However, consuming foods containing a macronutrient does not guarantee its complete absorption by the body. This is why it is important to know how to take calcium correctly so that it is absorbed. “Popular about health” will help you figure out in what form this substance is best consumed, in what products it is contained, and will also tell you what food promotes better absorption of calcium in the body.

Excess and lack of calcium in the body

Our body always signals to us what it is missing. Certain symptoms may indicate a calcium deficiency or excess of a macronutrient in the body. Let's look at what happens if there is not enough calcium:

1. Damage to tooth enamel.
2. Brittle nails.
3. Dull hair.
4. Pain in muscles and joints.
5. Irritability.
6. Constipation.
7. Nausea, vomiting.
8. Disorientation in space.
9. Insomnia.
10. Arrhythmia.
11. Headaches.

An excess of macronutrients also does not bode well. If calcium accumulates in the body, the following symptoms occur:

1. Muscle tone decreases.
2. Bone deformation occurs.
3. Coordination is impaired.
4. Urination becomes more frequent.
5. Nausea and sometimes vomiting are common concerns.

A lack of calcium is harmful to the body. This is why it is important to regularly eat foods enriched with this substance. What foods contain this beneficial element?

Foods High in Calcium

The most calcium is found in cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products. Fish (especially sardines), nuts, sesame seeds, white cabbage - all these products are sources of valuable substances. However, it is important to understand that simply consuming these foods does not guarantee that calcium will be absorbed by the body. There are many factors that influence this process.

What is needed for calcium to be absorbed??

In order for the skeletal system to be healthy, it is undoubtedly necessary to include foods containing this macronutrient in the menu. But this is not enough for it to be absorbed. Let's look at what influences this process.

1. Other chemical elements – magnesium and phosphorus – also contribute to the absorption of calcium. Scientists have found that a lack of magnesium causes calcium to accumulate on the vascular walls rather than in the bone tissue. To prevent this, you need to replenish magnesium reserves in the body. Include whole grain bread, cocoa and cereals in your diet. Phosphorus is also necessary for healthy bones. Its sources are foods - nuts, meat, dried fruits.

2. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption. Eat egg yolks, salmon, and liver regularly. Don't neglect sun exposure.

3. Some foods contribute to the deposition of salts in joints and intervertebral discs or wash away valuable macronutrients from the body. Reduce your consumption of foods - sorrel, rhubarb, coffee, soda, spinach.

4. Stress and overexertion also play an important role. When a person is in this state, the adrenal glands produce the hormone cortisol, which promotes the excretion of the macronutrient from the body in the urine. Sports activities - running, gymnastics will help relieve stress.

5. Calcium deficiency is often observed in people with pathologies of the duodenum and liver, as well as with low acidity of gastric secretions. Bile acids help process and absorb the element. If you have problems with these organs, you should pay attention to keeping them healthy.

6. Taking some medications leads to calcium deficiency. These include diuretics, laxatives, hormonal drugs, steroids, and anticonvulsants.

7. A deficiency of the substance often occurs with helminthic infestations and dysbacteriosis.

Consumption rate and form of the substance

In what form is it better to take calcium and how? The macronutrient is best consumed in citrate form. It is best absorbed in the body. In this form, the drug is sold in any pharmacy. In the form of carbonate, the substance is less absorbed, and it is better to drink it with meals. What is the daily calcium intake for people of different ages?

1. Children under 9 years old – 1000 mg.
2. From 9 to 19 years – 1300 mg.
3. 19-60 years old – 1000 mg.

As can be seen from the data above, children and adolescents experience an increased need for macronutrients as their bodies grow. To compensate for the deficiency of the substance, doctors usually prescribe a course of calcium citrate. By the way, in pharmacies you can also buy drugs that immediately include vitamin D, which promotes faster absorption of the macronutrient. However, you should not abuse dietary supplements and vitamins unnecessarily, because an excess of any substance in the body is also fraught with serious health problems.

Now you know in what form calcium is correctly absorbed, what factors and conditions interfere with this process. To be healthy, you need to monitor your diet, diversify it, include meat, fish, liver, nuts, dairy products, vegetable oil, vegetables and herbs in your menu. Walking in the sun and playing sports can also help relieve stress.

To maintain normal bone density it is necessary to consume calcium, but calcium is very poorly absorbed by the body and this is a whole problem - calcium metabolism, etc. But it is known that in order for calcium to be absorbed, it is best to use it together with magnesium in a two to one ratio, then the absorption of calcium significantly improves. Also, for even more effective absorption, phosphorus and vitamin D are needed.

The effect of more than 90% of absorption is ensured by the simultaneous intake of all four components, and now there are preparations containing all elements + calcium in the form of calcium citrate, which is more digestible for the body. Therefore, the question arises which calcium supplements are better absorbed in order to choose the more effective one and quickly cope with the lack of calcium in the body.

Calcium is a macroelement, 99% of it is contained in bone tissue in the form of hydroxyapatite, and about 1% is found in extracellular fluid and soft tissues, where calcium is involved in the regulation of the most important physiological processes that form the basis of the functional activity of cells in the human body.

Calcium balance in the body is maintained and regulated by two main hormones - calcitriol (an active metabolite of vitamin D) and parathyroid hormone (PTH).

The only source of calcium is food. At the same time, the richest foods in it are dairy products, fish (dried, canned), nuts, dried fruits, and herbs. However, less than half of the calcium supplied with food is absorbed in the intestines of an adult. In children during a period of rapid growth, as in women during pregnancy and lactation, calcium absorption increases, but in older people it decreases. This process is completely influenced by the active metabolites of vitamin D.

It should be noted that most studies have shown insufficient dietary calcium intake. Worldwide, actual dietary calcium intake has been declining in recent years: for example, in the United States it decreased from 840 mg in 1977 to 634 mg in 1992.

Pharmaceutical companies offer many different calcium supplements. However, there is a problem of choosing the most effective and safe, especially when it comes to their administration to children and pregnant women, as well as during a long course of use. It has been proven that calcium is absorbed only in combination with the active form of vitamin D; therefore, the combination of calcium salts with vitamin D 3 is optimal. Therefore, it is worth understanding which calcium preparations available in pharmacies are best absorbed by the body.

These are all those drugs that contain calcium citrate; it is this salt that ensures its best absorption in the body. Modern preparations contain calcium citrate in the form of calcium citrate tetrahydrate, and also contain calcium carbonate (chalk), vitamin D 3 (colecalciferol), and manganese in the form of manganese sulfate. The presence of manganese and vitamin D 3 significantly increases the absorption of calcium by the body.

How to take calcium supplements?

The daily dose of calcium should be no more than 1500 mg and no more than 600 mg at a time, taking into account its content in the food consumed. Calcium supplements with vitamin D are considered more effective and safe, as they improve calcium absorption and reduce the risk of thromboembolism. But if treatment is carried out with single drugs, then vitamin D should be taken 1-2 hours before the calcium supplement for greater effectiveness.

Folk remedy: crushed eggshells are sprinkled with lemon juice and taken with food. But even at the same time, it is absorbed by 50-60%, so you need to take this “old-fashioned calcium preparation” 2 times a day for 2 months.

Modern calcium preparations

Calcium D3 Nycomed(calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - contains 200 IU of vitamin D 3 in one tablet. The most prescribed drug due to its good tolerance. There are virtually no side effects. Available in the form of chewable tablets, with fruit flavor;

Calcium D3 Nycomed Fort e (calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - contains 400 IU of vitamin D3 in one tablet. Designed for more intensive therapy;

Complivit Calcium D 3(calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - a similar drug, but cheaper.

Calcium Sandoz Forte(calcium lactogluconate + calcium carbonate) - effervescent tablets with a pleasant taste. Thanks to the special composition, when dissolved in water, a form that is well absorbed in the body is formed - calcium citrate. Suitable for use by people with low acidity. Additionally, vitamin D 3 is prescribed;

Calcemin Advance(calcium carbonate + calcium citrate + vitamin D 3 + copper, boron, manganese, zinc, magnesium) - has a complex effect in the treatment of osteoporosis due to its optimal composition;

Vitrum-calcium-D 3(oyster shell calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - intended for early prevention of calcium deficiency. (Author's notes: more like a publicity stunt, calcium carbonate is chalk, and chalk is already a mineral from the shells of various mollusks)

Calcepan(tricalcium phosphate + vitamin D 3 and C + extracts of St. John's wort, Kuril tea, red rowan fruits + pantohematogen) - due to its composition, it replenishes calcium deficiency and regulates


If you take only calcium supplements, you really risk wasting time and money. And all because this element is absorbed only when the body receives vitamins C, D, E, B vitamins, as well as the minerals magnesium and phosphorus in sufficient quantities. They all help absorb the macronutrients you need. Without them, calcium becomes insoluble and accumulates in soft tissues and joints.

To properly compensate for calcium deficiency, you can take vitamins and minerals in various forms along with calcium supplements. However, taking many different pills throughout the day is inconvenient and unprofitable. A vitamin complex can solve the problem.

Until the age of 20, our body absorbs calcium from food quite well: there is a lot of gastric juice and it is highly concentrated. And then... no matter how much calcium we put in our mouths, less and less will enter the body over the years, and our need for calcium increases with age.

There is a lot of calcium in milk, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, fish, eggs, green vegetables, nuts, even in drinking water, but in food it is in molecular form, and humans need it in ionic form, otherwise it is not absorbed.

In order for calcium to be better absorbed by the body from food in adulthood, the normal state of the intestines, bone tissue and kidneys is necessary. Along with calcium, the following must be present: vitamin D, phosphates, magnesium, fats (and all this in certain proportions, for example, for 1 gram of fat obtained from food you need about 10 mg of calcium, no more and no less).

Calcium requirements may increase with fractures to accelerate callus formation.
In the first 1-3 weeks (depending on the severity of the fracture), your diet should include easily digestible foods, eat frequently (5-6 times a day), in small portions. Avoid foods and dishes that increase intestinal discomfort, as well as strong vegetable, meat and fish broths and gravies.

For severe and complicated fractures, during the first 1-3 weeks, table salt (so as not to increase swelling) and easily digestible carbohydrates are excluded or sharply limited. Bran is consumed in the form of decoctions. The basis of nutrition is dairy products, vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, turnips, beets, potatoes, cabbage, green peas, beans), fruits (apples, citrus fruits), berries (red currants), raisins. This diet is anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and alkalizing.

When the process of active fusion of bones begins and the need arises to strengthen the repair processes, they switch to acidotic diet. It is based on rice, millet or oatmeal porridge in meat broth, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, boiled or stewed fish, meat (beef, veal), lingonberry jelly or lingonberries. Jellied meat is very useful.

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