Fir oil: what it is used for, what it treats, how to use it. Fir oil: a healing remedy for the soul and body from the coniferous forest. Patients should not use fir essential oil for oral administration.

Fir oil

Fir oil is a transparent liquid from colorless to light yellow, very volatile, with a characteristic resinous pine balsamic odor.
Fir oil is an environmentally friendly product, since fir can only grow in conditions of crystal clear air, free from pollution and smoke from industrial zones. Fir oil is an essential oil that is obtained from young branches and needles of fir. In addition to pine needles, fir oil is contained in young cones and bark of various types of fir, but it is most often obtained from Siberian, less often whitebark or bud-scale fir.

Preparation of oil.
Cut the fir needles together with thin branches without shoots to 1-1.5 cm and fill a glass jar with a capacity of 1-2 liters, but not to the brim, but 4-5 cm from the edges. Fill the pine needles with vegetable oil to the level of the fir cutting . Close the jar with a metal lid without a rubber band and place in a water bath. After the water boils, reduce the heat and keep the pan on low heat for 5 hours. As it boils, add water. After 5 hours, remove the pan from the heat, take a jar of pine needles from it, pour the oil into another jar, squeeze the pine needles well into a jar of oil. Throw away the pine needles, fill the jar with new fir cuttings and fill with oil, which was previously drained. Then the process is repeated in the same order.

Oil storage conditions- fir oil and other essential oils of coniferous trees decompose under the influence of sunlight and are oxidized by atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, it must be stored in a dark place, in a dark glass container with a tightly sealed lid. For everyday use, it is better to pour the oil into a bottle with a Valocordin dropper. Subject to the conditions of storage and use, essential oils retain their original properties from 1 to several years.

It is not recommended to use preparations with fir oil for the following categories of people:
- women during pregnancy;
- for acute kidney diseases;
- for stomach ulcers;
- for certain heart diseases (consult your doctor);
- be careful with epilepsy, a tendency to seizures;
- for allergies;
- in case of individual intolerance to the smell of fir. You cannot combine treatment with fir oil and drinking alcohol, even if you use any hangover remedy. Any alcoholic drinks, even beer, are contraindicated during treatment and for 2 days after finishing taking fir oil. Otherwise, the simultaneous use of medication and alcohol will cause quite unpleasant phenomena, and the therapeutic effect will be negated.

Fir oil has established itself as a broad-spectrum medicinal product. In folk medicine, it is successfully used in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases. Fir essential oil can be used as a preparation for both local and general action. This makes it possible to successfully include aromatherapy and inhalations with fir oil in the complex treatment of patients who have suffered long-term illnesses and radiation. This tool also helps when it is necessary to quickly adapt and acclimatize to new conditions. Fir stimulates the activity of the cardiovascular system (especially during physical activity) and improves conduction processes in the myocardium. Helps normalize blood serum glucose levels. Fir oil improves microcirculation of blood and lymph in joint tissues. This allows it to be widely used for vertebral and joint diseases. Fir oil will not only relieve pain, but also help restore normal nutrition to cartilage tissue. Fir oil is used in the treatment of radiculitis, plexitis, and diseases of the peripheral nervous system. It is used to treat neuroses of varying severity.
The oil is used for gynecological problems, infertility in women and men, impotence and prostatitis.
The oil, actively interacting with salts and dissolving them, promotes internal cleansing of the kidneys and joints, having a pleasant aroma, calms the nerves, relieves depression, and improves sleep. Recommended for relieving chronic fatigue syndrome.
Rubbing and inhaling fir oil helps with sore throats, runny nose, pneumonia and bronchitis, cough and flu.
Spraying fir oil indoors helps destroy pathogenic microbes, eliminates unpleasant odors in toilets and kitchens, and leaves a subtle aroma of pine forest in living rooms and bathrooms. This is an indispensable natural deodorant that reduces sweating.

    For multiple sclerosis, take 5-10 drops of fir oil orally 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. In addition, 2-3 hours after ingestion, 1 time per day, preferably at night, rub the sore arms or legs with pure fir oil. The course of treatment is 2-3 months (depending on the severity of the disease and general health). The positive therapeutic effect should be consolidated periodically (especially in spring and autumn) with 14-day courses of treatment according to the above scheme. Fir baths also have a beneficial effect on multiple sclerosis.

    If the trigeminal nerve is inflamed, rub fir oil with your finger along the nerve. Movements should be light and not irritate the skin. If you have sensitive skin, irritation or even a burn may appear at the points of rubbing, but such irritation will disappear 3-4 days after stopping rubbing. If the part of the nerve that runs inside, for example, under the jaw, is inflamed, then you can make a point compress with fir oil, which should be kept for no more than 15-20 minutes. It is necessary to moisten the gauze with pure fir oil and apply it to the sore spot, covering it with compress paper on top. At the same time, you need to take fir oil orally 3 times a day.

    For radiculitis, plexitis, sciatica, myositis and other diseases of the nervous system, rub a small amount of fir oil into the sore spot. The effectiveness of treatment increases when rubbed after taking a pine bath or warming up sore spots. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

    To treat cardiovascular dystonia and endarteritis, take 5 to 10 drops of fir oil orally 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. In addition, 2-3 hours after ingestion, 1 time per day, preferably at night, rub sore hands or feet with pure fir oil.
    The duration of treatment for endarteritis is 2-3 months, depending on the severity of the disease and general health. The positive therapeutic effect should be consolidated periodically (especially in spring and autumn) with 14-day courses of treatment according to the above scheme. As a preventive measure, you can take 5-10 drops of oil orally every other day.

    For hemorrhoids, insert tampons into the anus (if the hemorrhoids are inside the rectum) from cotton wool or bandage soaked in a mixture of fir and sea buckthorn oil in a 1:1 ratio. The outer nodes should be massaged with a finger moistened with fir oil or a mixture of fir and sea buckthorn oils.

    For chronic bronchitis of the lungs, inhale using an inhaler or a kettle using fir oil, then rub your chest and cover yourself with a warm blanket or towel.

    For bronchitis and pneumonia, rub the oil into the collar area, combining this procedure with inhalation. To carry out inhalation, pour boiling water into an enamel pan or mug with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters, add 3-4 drops of oil, cover your head and breathe in the vapor. Rub your chest and back under your shoulder blades with pure fir oil, then cover yourself with a warm blanket and sweat.

    When coughing, drop 2-3 drops of fir oil into your mouth. Repeat the procedure after 4-6 hours and before bedtime.

    If you have a runny nose, rub a drop of fir oil along the bridge of your nose with your finger.

    For chronic runny nose, lubricate with fir oil 3-4 times a day and massage the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. To enhance the effect of this procedure, place 1 drop of fir oil into your nose.

    For sinusitis, instill 3-4 drops of oil into each nostril. To do inhalations: add 8-10 drops of oil to a pan of boiling water and, wrapping your head, inhale the steam for 15 minutes.

    For osteochondrosis or radiculitis, place crushed and preheated pine needles on the patient’s back in the steam room. After lying for 30 minutes, you should steam using pine brooms.

    For muscle or ligament sprains, mix 1 part fir oil with 10 parts olive, almond or other oil and massage the area of ​​the sprain.

    For colitis and enterocolitis, use a mixer to mix 5-6 drops of fir oil and 300 ml of distilled or boiled water and take 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
    If you have a stomach ulcer, you should not take the oil.

    For mastitis and to improve milk secretion, apply compresses with fir oil to the chest area. To avoid burns, you need to mix the oil with baby cream in a ratio of 1:3. Change compresses 2-3 times a day.

    Treat cracks in the nipples by lubricating them with the mixture of fir oil and fat that is used for rubbing.

    In case of cervical erosion, apply pure high-quality fir oil to the surface of the cervix. Duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The number of procedures is 15-20. Do the procedure only in a antenatal clinic.

    For vaginal cleansing, mix 8-10 drops of fir oil with 1/2 liter of distilled or boiled water (you can add 10 drops to a mug for douching). Rinse the genital area for 20 minutes.

    For diathesis in children, mix 30% fir oil, 30% sulfur ointment and 40% baby cream; or 1 part fir oil, 3 parts olive oil (baby cream). It is advisable to add 1-2 drops of vitamin F to the ointment (sold at the pharmacy). Lubricate the affected areas with the resulting medicinal product.

    For toothache, moisten a piece of cotton wool or bandage with 5-6 drops of pure fir oil and hold for 10-12 minutes. on one side of the tooth (avoid burns), then move to the other side and hold for another 10-12 minutes. After this, throw away the tampon. Repeat the procedure after 1.5-2 hours.

    For periodontal disease, apply a cotton swab or bandage moistened with fir oil to the gums for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 15-20 applications with the course repeated after 6 months. In severe cases of periodontal disease, a third course may be performed, also after 6 months. During treatment, avoid burning the mucous membrane. Since fir oil has a destructive effect on tooth enamel, it is necessary to prevent contact of the oil with teeth.

    For dry eczema and streptoderma, thoroughly mix an equal amount of fir oil and medical solid oil, which is taken as a fat base. Lubricate the affected areas of the body 2 times a day and at the same time take fir oil internally 3 times a day, 5-10 drops at a time, depending on how you feel. The course of treatment is 30-40 days.

    At the first sign of a boil, carbuncle or panaritium, apply a compress of fir oil to the area for 20-30 minutes. At the early stage of the inflammatory process, one procedure is enough to stop the development of the boil, and to slow down the development of the carbuncle and panaritium.

    For boils, boils, carbuncles, felon, mix 7 parts of fir oil and 3 parts of Vishnevsky ointment. Apply the resulting composition to a bandage and apply to the affected area, cover the top with compress paper and tie. Change the bandage 2-3 times a day.

    To remove calluses and blisters, rub pure fir oil or a mixture of fir oil and olive oil (a few drops of both) into the damaged areas 2 times a day.

    To treat dermatitis, rub a few drops of a mixture of 1 part fir oil and 10 parts of another cosmetic oil into cleanly washed and dried affected areas of the body. For skin care, use soap containing fir oil.

    To treat shingles, mix 1 part fir oil with 10 parts olive, almond or other vegetable oil. Then warm the mixture and apply to the painful area 2 or 3 times a day until the pain subsides.

    For a nail infection, apply pure fir oil to the affected area of ​​the nail and around the cuticles, rub in well. The affected area can be treated for 5 minutes daily for several months.

    For fungi on the feet, apply lotions with fir oil for 20-30 minutes.

    If your feet have diaper rash, lubricate them with pure fir oil 2-3 times a day. The results will be better if you make an application from a bandage soaked in oil for 5-10 minutes.

    For diaper rash and bedsores, lubricate problem areas with pure fir oil. After 2-3 procedures, healing usually occurs.

    For burns, treat the burned area with ice water for 1-2 minutes, then apply a few drops of fir oil to the burned area and gently rub it into the skin. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day. This treatment helps prevent infection and maintain the integrity of the skin.

    For severe burns, mix 3 parts of fir oil and 7 parts of spermaceti (sold in a pharmacy), carefully lubricate the burn areas with the resulting emulsion 2-3 times a day.

    In case of sunburn, the skin should be immediately wiped with fir oil, which will prevent the appearance of blisters and painful manifestations.

    For small wounds, cuts, scratches, lubricate the sore spots with pure fir oil to prevent suppuration. Large wounds cannot be treated with oil.

It is generally accepted that fir oil is a universal healer, the use of which is the prerogative of so-called traditional medicine. This statement is very far from the true state of affairs. Even a quick glance at the chemical composition of fir oil will allow you to understand how great the pharmacological potential of this natural substance is. The most popular component of fir oil is camphor and its derivatives: 20% camphor solution for injection, camphor oil, camphor ointment, camphor alcohol, solution of camphor and salicylic acid.

Camphor is also an important component of multi-component preparations (for example, in combination with valerian, pepper, etc.).

A variety of camphor-based medicines are used to treat a number of diseases. Camphor tones the respiratory center, promotes activation of metabolic processes in the myocardium, and is used as an expectorant. For pneumonia, poisoning with sedatives, heart failure, arthritis, and as an antiseptic and analgesic, camphor is also used. As we see, this medicine is used in the treatment of a very wide range of diseases of different etiologies.

Galenic preparations of fir have also become widespread. Herbal medicines are medicines obtained from plant materials (usually by extraction and extraction). As a rule, herbal preparations have a complex composition - in addition to the main component, in this case fir oil, they contain numerous additives that correct the effect of the main component of the mixture.

Galenic medicines include infusions and decoctions of fir, for which they mainly use the buds of this tree, which also contain fir oil.

In Siberia, for centuries, decoctions and infusions of fir buds were used to treat numerous forms of scurvy, ulcers, respiratory diseases and were used as a diuretic.

In the second half of the twentieth century, fir oil began to be used on a scientific basis as a valuable pharmacological raw material.

Properties of fir oil

Fir oil is an almost colorless liquid, sometimes with a very faint yellow or green tint. The smell is typical coniferous, with characteristic balsamic notes. Fir oil is practically insoluble in water, very poorly soluble in glycerin, well - in oils of vegetable and mineral origin, as well as in ethanol, therefore - in alcohol-containing liquids.

The chemical composition of fir oil is rich in useful substances, including the already mentioned essential oil, carotene, with which we usually associate carrots and rose hips, ascorbic acid and tannins. These components are found in cones, branches, buds and needles.

Fir oil is a universal medicine. Its ability to improve blood composition, help get rid of diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, as well as viral infections has been revealed.

Fir oil is a direct-acting medicine. When applied externally, fir oil acts directly on the diseased organ or area of ​​skin. After applying fir oil to the surface of the body, it quickly enters the bloodstream and, therefore, quickly moves through the circulatory system, affecting the entire body.

Fir oil is used to treat various diseases such as asthma, pneumonia, flu, bronchitis. It is also used to treat rheumatism and hyperhidrosis. It also helps with liver and kidney diseases, cholecystitis and urological diseases.

Fir oil is a medicine that has a powerful effect on the body. It is not recommended to use in the treatment of children and pregnant women without consulting a doctor.

Fir oil, taking into account its bactericidal properties, can be used to disinfect the room in which the patient is located. It is enough to add 5 drops of fir oil to the water in the aroma lamp, heat the vessel and stay in the room for about 1 hour. This method will help in the fight against respiratory diseases and viral infections.

Doctors suggest using inhalation of fir oil vapor using an aroma lamp for general prevention. This method is especially recommended during various epidemics (acute respiratory diseases, influenza, sore throat).

The combination of classical massage techniques and fir oil gives a quick positive effect.

Fir oil has long been used to soften tissue and eliminate pain syndromes in case of minor damage to the skin and in case of burns.

Regular use of fir oil will help reduce pain in a variety of diseases that are related to the peripheral nervous system, as well as in diseases accompanied by persistent pain - such as sciatica, rheumatism and radiculitis. Scientists have unanimously come to the conclusion that the use of fir oil leads to rejuvenation of the body and has a beneficial effect on its cells, for example, it helps to eliminate wrinkles and smooth the skin. As a result, the use of fir oil for cosmetic purposes has become widespread. A few drops of oil can be added to your skin rejuvenation products or bubble bath.

When purchasing fir oil, pay attention to its expiration date and read the rules for storing it.

Fir oil has long been used in aromatherapy. Therapy using fir oil includes procedures such as baths, aroma massage, inhalations and the use of aroma lamps.

Aroma lamps are considered the most harmless and environmentally friendly means of treatment.

The inhaled air is saturated with vapors of the drug used, and the patient thus uses the healing properties of a particular aroma during normal breathing.

Aroma medallions have become widespread recently. This is a completely safe and very effective treatment method.

The aroma medallion is located in close proximity to the chest, and its effect lasts for quite a long time - while you are wearing the medallion.

Under no circumstances should fir oil come into contact with tooth enamel! This oil is a very concentrated product, and if it comes into contact with your teeth, the enamel will be damaged.

A small ceramic vessel usually serves as decoration and at the same time has significant healing potential.

Its use is extremely simple - a few drops of fir oil are dripped into the medallion. As an option, drops are applied to a small piece of cotton wool, which is placed in a medallion.

Allergy test

The unfavorable environmental situation, which has become the “norm” for many cities around the world, contributes to the emergence of numerous allergic reactions. It is also possible to be allergic to fir oil.

Before you start using fir oil to treat a particular disease, take a short allergy test.

It is better to protect yourself from possible unpleasant consequences in advance than to take strong antihistamines if you are allergic to this medicine.

To check whether a patient is allergic to fir oil, apply a few drops of oil to the back of the wrist, where a watch is usually worn. If red spots appear in a short time, fir is not for you.

Making fir oil at home

The needles and thin small branches that do not yet have shoots are finely chopped and placed in a 2 liter glass jar, leaving an empty space at the top (approximately 5 cm). To this level, the mixture is filled with sunflower oil.

The further procedure is evaporation of the mixture of pine needles and branches to extract the oil from them. Cover the jar with a lid (do not close it tightly, but just cover it!) and place it in a pan with a napkin at the bottom. Fill the pan with water to the middle, cover with a lid and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and evaporate the liquid for 4-5 hours, while monitoring the presence of water in the pan - if it becomes less than the specified volume, add water as it evaporates.

After the specified time has passed, the pan can be removed from the heat. The oil from the jar with pine needles is poured into another jar. The needles should be squeezed into it, which can then be thrown away.

The first jar is again filled with chopped pine needles and twigs and filled with the oil obtained after the first evaporation.

The procedure is repeated - the jar is placed in a pan filled to half with water and evaporated over low heat for 4-5 hours, not forgetting to add water in a timely manner. The oil obtained after the second stage of evaporation is the desired product, ready for use after cooling.

Possible contraindications

Patients suffering from rapid heartbeat should also be very careful about the possibility of treatment using fir oil. Once in the blood, the oil remains in the circulatory system for several days. As with any medicine, one should be guided by the well-known medical slogan “Do no harm!”

Remember that the use of fir oil can have a laxative effect. Don't let this be an unpleasant surprise for you.

The use of fir oil for various diseases

Fir oil is a truly universal remedy for treating a number of diseases. It has a beneficial effect on various parts of the body.

Runny nose

Gently rub in the oil using massage movements. Additionally, fir oil should be used intranasally, instilling 1 drop into each nostril 3 times a day.


Fir oil is taken into a pipette, the patient is asked to stick out his tongue strongly and 3 drops are dripped onto the root of the tongue.

The procedure should be carried out 2 times a day, immediately after waking up and immediately before bedtime.

Acute respiratory diseases

Before going to bed, drop 1 drop of fir oil into each nostril, throwing your head back. In this case, side effects may occur in the form of lacrimation, expectoration, sneezing, and a burning sensation may be felt. These unpleasant sensations quickly pass.


For the flu, rubbing is used. You should apply a few drops of fir oil to your shoulders, chest and back and rub it into the skin using classic massage movements.

Since this procedure helps to activate the circulatory system, after finishing the massage the patient is wrapped in a sheet and blanket.

Massage should be performed several times a day with breaks of 5 hours.

This procedure can also be used for acute respiratory diseases.


When treating a sore throat, it is recommended to apply fir oil to the accessible area of ​​the tonsils. To do this, drop fir oil onto a cotton swab or swab and lubricate the tonsils. In severe cases, fir oil is administered using a syringe. Lubricating the tonsils should be done several times a day at intervals of 5 hours.

Chronic sore throat and bronchitis

The procedure described above is used with the additional administration of fir oil intranasally (1 drop of fir oil is instilled into each nostril). Side effects similar to those seen in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases may occur.

Foot massage using fir oil also promotes quick healing.


For pneumonia (pneumonia), the same massage is used as for the treatment of influenza, together with intranasal procedures. You can instill fir oil into your nose or use external inhalation. To do this, add 5 drops of fir oil to a glass or enamel bowl with hot water. The patient bends over the dishes at a distance acceptable to him and inhales the steam for 20 minutes. At the same time, his head is covered with a thick cloth that does not allow air to pass through. You need to breathe through both your nose and mouth alternately.


Fir oil is administered intranasally, instilling 4 drops into each nostril in the morning and evening. Treatment will be more successful if you add external inhalation, which is used for pneumonia. Only in this case, add up to 10 drops of fir oil to hot water, depending on the severity of the disease. It is recommended to breathe hot steam with your head covered with a thick cloth for 15 minutes.

Wounds, abrasions, cuts

Fir oil is a strong antiseptic that promotes wound healing and prevents the formation of pus. Apply a small amount of fir oil to a swab and lubricate the open wound area with it. Wait until the fir oil is absorbed.

You should not use fir oil if the open wound area occupies a large space!

Children's diathesis

In this case, fir oil is used in combination with baby cream or Vaseline. Mix 1 drop of fir oil with a small amount of cream and carefully lubricate the inflamed areas of the skin with the resulting mixture. It is recommended to carry out this procedure within 1 week.

You can also mix sulfur ointment with fir oil and baby cream. It should be slightly less than baby cream.

Pimples and boils

This disease is treated with a few drops of fir oil mixed with Vishnevsky ointment. The mixture is applied to a bandage or gauze and mixed on the appropriate area of ​​the body. To avoid slipping, it is recommended to apply a tight bandage over the bandage or gauze.


You should prepare a fat-based ointment that does not contain salt additives. The ratio of fir oil and fat base is 1: 2. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and apply it to the site of eczema. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day for 2–3 weeks.


Apply 1-2 drops of fir oil to cotton wool and apply to the area of ​​skin where the rash appears. Keep for 10–15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Bedsores and diaper rash

Apply 2-3 drops of fir oil to the affected areas of the skin and rub gently. Carry out treatment for 3 days.


Apply 2-3 drops of fir oil to a bandage or gauze and press firmly onto the affected areas of the skin. Keep for 30 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure within 1 week.

Gum inflammation

Apply 1 drop of fir oil to a cotton swab or swab. Gently rub a cotton swab along the outer surface of the gums. Repeat the procedure several times a day with a break of 3 hours. If a feeling of burn of the mucous membrane appears, it is recommended to increase the interval between procedures to 4 hours.

Treatment with fir oil should not be used for stomach ulcers. The active substances contained in the essential oil can complicate this disease.

Acute toothache

Apply 1 drop of fir oil to a cotton swab or swab and apply to the painful tooth. Repeat the procedure several times a day with a break of 2 hours.


You should prepare a fat-based ointment and add fir oil to it in a ratio of 2: 1. Lubricate the burn site several times a day.


Wipe the joint area with alcohol and carefully rub 1-2 drops of fir oil into them. Then apply a bandage or gauze for 30 minutes.

Rheumatism and radiculitis

After taking a pine bath, rub the areas of the body where pain is concentrated with 2-3 drops of fir oil. Repeat the procedure for 1 week.


Rub 2-3 drops of fir oil into the area of ​​the fracture (as well as bruise or dislocation). Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Fir oil, penetrating into the pores, promotes rapid healing of damaged bone.


Apply 2-3 drops of fir oil to cotton wool and apply it to the area of ​​the body that is prone to pain. Wrap a bandage on top and keep the compress for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure for 10 days.


In the treatment of osteochondrosis, fir oil is used in conjunction with traditional massage procedures.

After the massage, 2-3 drops of fir oil are rubbed into areas of the body along the spine. The procedure is repeated after each massage session, the course of which is 1 month.


Add 5 drops of fir oil to 100 ml of boiled water and beat in a mixer. The resulting solution is taken 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Angina pectoris

Apply 3-4 drops of fir oil to the chest area and rub gently until the pain stops. You can repeat the procedure several times a day as attacks occur.

It is important not to exceed the dose, since the use of fir oil in large quantities for diseases of the cardiovascular system is not recommended.

Neuroses with sleep disorders

Prepare a bath at an acceptable temperature for the patient. Add 5-6 drops of fir oil.

Take a bath for 30 minutes.

Repeat the procedure for 1 week.

Cleansing the body with fir oil

Fir oil has a pronounced laxative effect and, thanks to its healing properties, not only cleanses the intestines of toxins, but also normalizes its flora. You will have to devote several days to cleansing the body with fir oil, gradually increasing the dose of the medicine. During procedures with fir oil, alcohol intake should be completely avoided.

The technique is very simple. Apply a few drops of fir oil to a piece of refined sugar (or a teaspoon with granulated sugar). After taking the medicine, you should drink 50 ml of warm water or lightly brewed tea.

3 drops 3 times a day.

4 drops 3 times a day.

5 drops 3 times a day.

6 drops 3 times a day.

7 drops 3 times a day.

8 drops 3 times a day.

9 drops 3 times a day.

10 drops 3 times a day.

You must choose the optimal course yourself. If you experience heart palpitations when increasing the next dose, you should interrupt the course. In any case, you should not exceed a single dose of 10 drops.

Patients with high acidity take fir oil with sugar after meals, patients with low or normal acidity - before meals.

Be sure to consult with your doctor before starting to cleanse your body using fir oil.

Treatment with fir water

Fir water is distinguished as an independent medicine and as an integral part of biologically active additives (BAA), for example, there is Florentine water of Siberian fir. Dietary supplements based on fir oil are considered broad-spectrum medicines and are used for various diseases, ranging from radiation injuries to conjunctivitis.

You can prepare fir water yourself. As already mentioned, fir oil is poorly soluble in water.

Therefore, fir water - that is, diluted fir oil - cannot be obtained by simply dropping a few drops of oil into a vessel with water. You will have to pour this water into the mixer and beat it thoroughly. For 1 liter of water, 3–5 drops are usually enough. Fir water is usually used for douching and is used for prostate diseases of varying severity.

Douching with fir water

Douching is carried out as follows. The tip of a syringe is placed into the vessel containing the liquid that will be injected into the rectum, having previously squeezed out the air from it.

To avoid pain during douching, the tip of the syringe is lubricated with Vaseline or some other neutral lubricant.

The liquid is sucked into the syringe under pressure.

Before douching, remaining air is also removed by pressure. The tip is inserted into the anus, and after pressing the bulb, the contents of the syringe enter the intestines.

Douching is usually done while sitting or lying on your stomach.


Fir water – 50 ml.

Cooking method

Heat the fir water to 40 °C. Perform douching. After 15 minutes, empty your bowels.


Douching is carried out daily for 1–1.5 months.


Douching with fir oil


Fir water – 50 ml, fir oil – 5 drops.

Cooking method

Heat the fir water to 40 °C, add fir oil. Perform douching. After 15 minutes, empty your bowels.


Douching is carried out daily for 1 month. The number of drops of fir oil can be gradually increased to 10 if this does not cause discomfort.


Used for prostate adenoma.

Baths with fir water

Baths with fir water are used in gynecology.

For inflammatory processes in the vagina, a sitz bath is recommended. 3 liters of fir water are heated to an acceptable temperature (about 40 °C). Session duration is 15 minutes. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.

The use of fir oil in baths and saunas

To saturate the steam with pine aromas, add up to 5 drops of fir oil to a ladle of water, which is splashed on hot stones. Along with the general strengthening effect of the sauna, fir oil as a flavoring helps prevent respiratory diseases.

The use of a fir broom in a bathhouse and sauna helps cleanse the skin and remove pathogenic microorganisms from its surface. It is recommended to “care” yourself with a fir broom for skin diseases, rheumatism and respiratory diseases. During bath procedures, the beneficial substances contained in fir brooms (in addition to fir oil itself, these are phytoncides and tannins) actively penetrate the pores of the body, which promotes rapid healing.

A bath broom made from fir branches is an ideal inhaler. The steam extracts essential oil from the tree, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and respiratory system. Over time, fir brooms can seriously compete with traditional oak or birch brooms.

It should be noted that after visiting a bathhouse or sauna, in which fir oil was used for aromatization, many people could not fall asleep quickly, the tonic effect was so strong. It is recommended to carry out such procedures in the morning - and you are guaranteed a cheerful mood for the whole day.

Fir branches are stored for a long time and perfectly aromatize the room, also possessing bactericidal properties.

Testimonies of those healed (based on materials from the newspaper “Nature is your best doctor” and the almanac “Phytotherapy”)

Maria K., 47 years old

“Since childhood, I suffered from severe susceptibility to viral infections. As a rule, several times a year I suffered from acute respiratory infections, flu and sore throat. Medicines, of course, helped, but the body was exhausted from constant use of chemicals.

When I started using fir oil, within a month my chronic runny nose, which I had long gotten used to, went away, and for the first time in my life I was able to smell smells in their entirety. Truly, only the sick will understand the recovered, and only the recovered knows what it is like to be sick.

Fir oil compresses on the chest area and aromatherapy played a major role in my healing from clinging diseases. Two years have already passed, and illnesses have passed me by.”

Mikhail D., 73 years old

“Friends advised me to use fir oil, they said that it was good for arthritis. This disease not only causes certain inconveniences, when it is difficult to hold an object in your hands, but is also accompanied by quite severe pain, and constant pain. They say you can get used to pain. I dare to assure you that this does not apply to arthritis - the pain overtakes you at the most inopportune moments. The use of fir oil at least reduced these pains. My joints have become more mobile and obedient.”

Zinaida L., 59 years old

“The years take their toll, and wrinkles appear on the face - every year you notice more and more new ones and, of course, apart from sadness, these “surprises” do not cause anything. Good cosmetics are very expensive, and many people cannot afford constant massage sessions.

I used fruit and vegetable masks for a long time, the skin was, as they say, grateful, but the effect of these masks was short-lived. When I started adding a few drops of fir oil to them, I noticed that the wrinkles were not so sharp, some disappeared, and the rest no longer looked as merciless as they did a few months ago.”

Nikolay S., 56 years old

“I tried fir oil, so to speak, in its natural “habitat” - in Western Siberia. I was surprised to learn about its universal healing properties. “How is it,” I asked, “how can one medicine cure different diseases?” The locals just laughed. Fir oil has been used there for centuries, and no one doubts its medicinal properties.

It helped me cure a burn I received while working with volatile liquids. Before the ambulance arrived, they applied fir oil to the burned area of ​​my back and the pain gradually began to decrease.”

Victor Z., 73 years old

“I am a fan of various methods of cleansing the body and I am sure that they are of great benefit if carried out wisely and in a timely manner. Once or twice a year I definitely start a cleanse, “sweeping” the toxins that have accumulated there from my body. I liked the intestinal cleansing with fir oil both because of its regularity and its duration. Doctors told me that pain may occur in the intestines, and then the process should be slowed down or stopped. I felt a little discomfort when I had already reached the upper limit of the dose for a single dose - 10 drops. Apart from that, there were no negative aspects, and the pain went away quickly. And the intestines began to work much better.”

Lydia L., 69 years old

“No matter how much I wanted to undergo treatment with fir oil, I had to abandon this idea - after rubbing my chest, tachycardia began. But taking it orally helped literally in the first week – bronchitis disappeared.”

Victoria S., 70 years old “The gift of nature - medicinal fir oil - removed a nasty fungus on my feet that had been bothering me lately. A very inconvenient and unpleasant disease, although it does not cause pain. But now I can go to the pool again, despite my age.”

Pavel Sh., 70 years old

“Whoever knows what radiculitis is will understand me without difficulty. Neither bend nor straighten, continuous pain and inconvenience. It’s probably funny when a person suddenly freezes in an uncomfortable position; it’s funny to those around him, but not to him!

Fir oil compresses after pine baths immediately before bed brought me significant relief. Now I don’t expect tricks from my body and can perform an exercise during gymnastics in which I need to touch my toes with the tips of my fingers - without fear of remaining in this position.”

Tatiana V., 52 years old

“A sedentary lifestyle is the scourge of our time. At work we spend time at the computer, at home we spend time watching TV. The consequence of such an unhealthy lifestyle is inevitable osteochondrosis. Massages helped only for a short time. I can’t say that after rubbing fir oil into the spinal area, everything went away without a trace, but I began to feel much better and did not catch myself hearing such a familiar crunch when I turned my neck.”

Fir oil in masks for oily hair

Mask of fir oil, calendula and burdock

Mix 2 tablespoons of crushed burdock roots and calendula inflorescences, pour in 0.5 cups of hot water and heat in a water bath for 15–20 minutes. Strain, cool to room temperature, add 1-2 drops of fir oil and apply to hair for 15 minutes, then rinse. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week for a month.

Mask with fir oil, nettle, calendula and oak bark

Mix 2 tablespoons of nettle herb and calendula flowers, 1 tablespoon of oak bark and pour in 0.5 cups of hot water.

Heat the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes, then cool, add 2 drops of fir oil, mix thoroughly. Apply to hair, rinse with running water after 20–30 minutes.

Mask of fir oil and quince seed decoction

Pour 1 tablespoon of quince seeds into 1 glass of hot water and heat in a water bath until boiling. Strain the broth and cool slightly. Add 2-3 drops of fir oil and mix thoroughly. Rub a warm jelly-like mask into the hair roots with massaging movements. Wash off after 40–50 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily for a week.

Mask of fir oil, linden blossom and lemon juice

Pour 8 tablespoons of linden blossom into 1 glass of hot water and heat in a water bath for 2-3 minutes, cool at room temperature and strain.

Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 0.25 cup of eucalyptus tincture, 1-2 drops of fir oil to the decoction, shake and apply to hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Apply the mask to your hair 30 minutes before washing your hair 1-2 times a week for a month.

Mask of fir oil, calendula and coltsfoot

Mix 3 tablespoons of crushed coltsfoot leaves and calendula inflorescences, pour in 0.5 cups of hot water and heat in a water bath for 2-3 minutes. Cool, strain, add 1-2 drops of fir oil, 1 tablespoon each of lemon juice and eucalyptus tincture. Apply the mixture to your hair for 30–40 minutes.

Carry out the procedure 2 times a week for a month.

Mask of fir oil, mixture of herbs and radish

Grind a small amount of fresh nettle, coltsfoot and St. John's wort herbs, add 1-2 drops of fir oil, 2 tablespoons of radish juice and mix.

Apply the mixture to damp hair, cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 10–15 minutes. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week for a month.

Mask of fir, castor oils and onions

Pass 1 onion through a meat grinder, squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Mix 2 tablespoons of onion juice with the same amount of castor oil, add 1-2 drops of fir oil, mix again.

Apply the mixture to your hair, cover your head with plastic wrap and insulate it with a scarf. Rinse off after 40 minutes with running water.

Mask of fir and castor oils with parsley

Pour 3 tablespoons of chopped parsley with 1 tablespoon of castor oil. Add 1-2 drops of fir oil and 1 teaspoon of vodka and stir. Rub the mixture into the hair roots, cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Apply the mask 20–30 minutes before washing your hair. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week for a month.

Kefir mask with fir oil

Mix 1-2 drops of fir oil with 10 ml of kefir, rub into the scalp and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm running water.

Milk-salt mask with fir oil

Combine 1-2 drops of fir oil with 5 drops of peach oil. Mix 1 glass of milk, 1 tablespoon of table salt, add the butter mixture and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to damp hair with massaging movements. Wash off after 10–15 minutes. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Fir oil mask with yolk and honey

Mix 2 yolks and 2 tablespoons of honey, add 1-2 drops of fir oil, grind. Rub the mixture into the hair roots, cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off after 1-2 hours. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Fir-alcohol mask

Mix 1-2 drops of fir oil with 50 ml of vodka, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 10 ml of boric alcohol. Rub the resulting solution into your hair every day for a week.

Oak flour mask with fir oil

Combine 1-2 drops of fir oil with 5 drops of base oil (any).

Mix oak bark decoction, wheat flour and a few drops of lemon juice until the consistency of sour cream. Add the oil mixture and grind.

Apply the mask to damp hair, cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off after 20–30 minutes. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Mask of fir oil, honey, aloe and garlic

Mix 1 teaspoon each of honey, aloe and lemon juice, add 1-2 drops of fir oil, 1 yolk and 1 clove of garlic, previously crushed. Apply the resulting mass to your hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap, a terry towel or a warm scarf. Wash off after 45 minutes.

Mask of fir oil and black bread

Cut the black bread into slices, place in an enamel bowl, add a small amount of hot water and leave for a day. Mix the resulting mass with 1-2 drops of fir oil, apply to clean, damp hair for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Fir-nettle mask

Pour 1 tablespoon of nettle into 1 glass of hot water and heat in a water bath for 15–20 minutes. Leave the hot broth at room temperature for 2 hours and strain. Mix the herbal pulp with 1-2 drops of fir oil, rub into the scalp and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse your hair with the remaining broth.

Fir-cherry mask

Mash several fresh cherries, mix the pulp with 1-2 drops of fir oil and apply to slightly damp hair 50-60 minutes before washing your hair. Repeat 2-3 times a week for a month.

Fir-mustard mask

Dilute 3 tablespoons of dry mustard in a small amount of warm water until a paste is obtained. Add 1-2 drops of fir oil and mix. Apply the mask to damp hair along the entire length for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with cool acidified water or herbal infusion. Carry out the procedure once a week.

Mask of fir oil, marshmallow root and hellebore

Pour 3 tablespoons of chopped marshmallow root into 0.5 cups of hot water and leave for 1 hour, then strain. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed hellebore roots with 1 glass of grape vinegar, evaporate in a water bath to half the volume, then strain. Mix the decoctions, add 1-2 drops of fir oil and rub into the hair roots 2 times a day for a month.

Mask made of fir oil and green clay

Dilute 2 tablespoons of green clay with a small amount of water to the consistency of sour cream. Add 1-2 drops of fir oil and mix. Apply the mask to the entire length of the hair, rinse after 15–20 minutes. The mask has tonic properties and prevents the appearance of dandruff.

Mask of fir oil, nettle and coltsfoot

Mix 3 tablespoons of dry nettle and coltsfoot herbs. Pour the mixture with a small amount of hot water and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool the broth at room temperature, add 1-2 drops of fir oil, mix, then apply to damp hair. Wash off after 20–30 minutes. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Mask of fir oil, nettle and burdock

Mix 2 tablespoons of nettle herb and burdock roots, pour in 0.5 cups of hot water and evaporate to half the volume in a water bath. Then cool the infusion at room temperature and strain. Mix the herbal pulp with 1-2 drops of fir oil, rub into the hair roots and leave for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with the remaining broth diluted with 1 liter of boiled water.

Mask of fir oil and poplar buds

Pour 2 tablespoons of poplar buds into 1 glass of heated vegetable oil and place in a dark, dry place for 7 days. Strain the finished infusion, add 1-2 drops of fir oil, stir. Rub a small amount of the mixture into the ends of your hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off after 15–20 minutes. The mask is intended for oily, brittle hair.

Mask of fir oil and burdock root

Pour 4 tablespoons of crushed burdock root into 0.5 cups of hot water and heat in a water bath for 20–25 minutes. Then leave at room temperature for 2 hours. Mix the herbal mass with 1-2 drops of fir oil, rub into the scalp 2-3 times a week for 2 months.

Mask of fir oil and linden flowers

Pour 7 tablespoons of linden blossom with a small amount of hot water and leave in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool the broth at room temperature, add 1-2 drops of fir oil and apply the mixture to damp hair. Wash off after 40–50 minutes. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Fir oil and elderberry mask

Pour 2 tablespoons of elderberry buds and flowers with a small amount of hot water and leave in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool the herbal mass at room temperature, add 1-2 drops of fir oil and rub into the hair roots. Wash off after 40–50 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily for a month. The mask is effective for baldness.

Fir oil and calendula mask

Mix 3 tablespoons of calendula alcohol tincture with 1-2 drops of fir oil and 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Rub the mixture into the scalp several times a week before washing.

Mask of fir and tea tree oils

Mix 3 tablespoons of castor oil, 1-2 drops of fir oil and 10-15 drops of tea tree oil. Heat the mixture slightly and rub into the hair roots. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a terry towel. Rinse off after 10–15 minutes with acidified water or herbal decoction. The mask strengthens the hair.

Mask of fir oil and cornflower flowers

Pour 5 tablespoons of cornflower flowers into 1 glass of hot water and leave in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool the broth at room temperature, mix with 1-2 drops of fir oil and rub into the hair roots. Wash off after 40–50 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily for a month. The mask is effective for hair loss.

Mask of fir oil, burdock and dill

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed burdock roots into 1 glass of hot water and evaporate in a water bath to half the volume. Add 2 teaspoons of dill seeds and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature, then add 1-2 drops of fir oil and stir. Rub the herbal mass into the hair roots with massaging movements, leave for 40 minutes, rinse. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day for 2–3 months.

Fir-sea buckthorn mask

Pour 5 tablespoons of sea buckthorn fruit into 0.5 cups of hot water and heat in a water bath for 15–20 minutes. Cool at room temperature, strain, add 1-2 drops of fir oil and apply to hair, cover head with plastic wrap and a towel. Apply the mask to your hair 30 minutes before washing your hair 1-2 times a week for a month.

Mask of fir oil and calamus

Pour 3 tablespoons of crushed calamus rhizome into 0.5 liters of grape vinegar and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool at room temperature, add 1-2 drops of fir oil and rub into the hair roots with massaging movements. Carry out the procedure daily for 2–3 weeks.

Mask made of fir oil and a mixture of medicinal plants

Mix 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh dandelion leaves, mint herb and rowan fruits. Add 1-2 drops of fir oil and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, mix. Apply the mask to slightly damp hair for 1–2 hours. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Mask of fir oil and parsley seeds

Mix 1-2 drops of fir oil, 1 teaspoon of parsley seeds and 40% alcohol, 2 teaspoons of castor oil and leave at room temperature for 30 minutes. Apply the mask to slightly damp hair for 30 minutes, then rinse with running water. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week for a month.

Fir-herbal mask

Mix 1 tablespoon each of dry sage, plantain, oregano and chamomile inflorescences. Pour the mixture with 0.5 cups of hot water and heat in a water bath for 15–20 minutes. Cool at room temperature, add 1-2 drops of fir oil and apply the mixture to your hair, cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 1–1.5 hours.

Mask made from a mixture of herbs and aromatic oils

Add essential oils to 0.5 liters of wormwood and nettle decoction: 2 drops each of fir, rosemary, lavender and 1 drop each of thyme and geranium. Mix the mixture, heat slightly and apply to hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 40–50 minutes.

Mask made from a mixture of oils

To 2 tablespoons of burdock oil add 2 drops of fir oil, 5 drops each of lavender and sage essential oils. Warm the mixture slightly and rub into the scalp. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a terry towel. Wash off the mask after 1–1.5 hours with acidified water or herbal decoction. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

The mask nourishes the hair, makes it silky, and prevents dandruff.

Mask of fir and jojoba oils

Mix 3 tablespoons of burdock oil, 2 drops of fir oil and 10-15 drops of jojoba oil. Heat the mixture slightly and rub into the hair roots. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 15–20 minutes with acidified water or herbal decoction.

The mask strengthens hair, gives it elasticity and shine.

Mask of fir oil and willow bark

Grind 2 tablespoons of willow bark in a coffee grinder, add 2 drops of fir oil, 4 tablespoons of olive oil and mix. Heat the mixture slightly and apply to the entire length of the hair, cover the head with plastic wrap and a towel. Apply the mask 1.5–2 hours before washing your hair.

Mask made of fir, castor oils and alcohol

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 tablespoon each of castor oil and 90% alcohol. Rub the composition into the scalp with a cotton swab. After 3-4 hours, wash your hair with baby soap and rinse your hair with acidified water (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar or the juice of 0.5 lemon).

Fir oil and pumpkin mask

Grate the pumpkin pulp on a fine grater. Mix 3 tablespoons of vegetable gruel with 2 drops of fir oil, 1 tablespoon of henna oil and 1 tablespoon of iris oil. Heat the mixture slightly and apply to the entire length of the hair, cover the head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 1.5–2 hours.

Mask of fir oil and yarrow

Mix the ash of yarrow herb with burdock oil in a ratio of 1:4, add 2 drops of fir oil and heat slightly.

Apply the mixture to the entire length of the hair, cover the head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 1.5–2 hours.

Mask made from a mixture of oils and yolk

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, 5 drops of pine essential oil and 1 yolk. Heat the mixture slightly and apply to the entire length of the hair, cover the head with plastic wrap and a towel. Apply the mask 50–60 minutes before washing your hair.

Mask made from a mixture of oils and birch sap

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and 2 teaspoons of birch sap. Rub the mixture into the scalp with massaging movements and distribute along the entire length of the hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 1–2 hours. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week for a month.

Fir oil and horseradish mask

Grate medium-sized horseradish root on a fine grater. Mix the resulting pulp with 1-2 drops of fir oil and apply to hair. Wash off the mask after 10–30 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week for a month. Use the mask for severe hair loss.

Bread and herbal mask with fir oil

Mix dry oregano, sage, plantain and nettle herbs in equal proportions.

Pour 3 tablespoons of herbal mixture into 0.5 cups of hot water and leave for 1 hour. Then mix the infusion with 2 drops of fir oil and a slice of black bread, rub thoroughly and apply the mask to damp hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. After 1.5 hours, rinse the mask with warm running water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week for a month.

Lemon-carrot mask with fir oil

Pass medium-sized carrots and lemon through a meat grinder, add 1-2 drops of fir oil and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 1–1.5 hours. Carry out the procedure once a week for a month. This mask is not recommended if you have light hair.

Mask with fir oil and aloe

Pass the aloe leaves through a meat grinder, then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 tablespoon each of aloe juice, vodka, triple cologne. Apply the mask to the scalp and hair with massaging movements. Rinse off after 10–20 minutes with running water. Repeat the procedure daily for 3 weeks.

Onion-honey mask with fir oil

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 4 tablespoons of onion juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Rub the mixture into the hair roots with massaging movements. Rinse off after 40 minutes with running water. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week for a month.

The mask strengthens hair well.

Mask with fir oil, aloe, honey and garlic

Grind the aloe leaves and garlic cloves separately, then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 tablespoon each of honey, aloe and garlic juices, 1 yolk. Apply the mask to your hair with massaging movements. Rinse off after 30 minutes with running water. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week for a month.

Fir oil and green onion mask

Pass the green onions through a meat grinder, add 2 drops of fir oil and a little alcohol to the resulting pulp. Rub the mask into the hair roots. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Apply the mask for 30–40 minutes before washing your hair. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week for a month.

Onion-yeast mask with fir oil

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, juice of 1 onion, 2 tablespoons of dissolved yeast, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of castor oil and a pinch of salt. Rub the mixture into the hair roots with massaging movements, cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 1–1.5 hours. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week for a month.

The mask stimulates hair growth and strengthens it.

Mask of fir oil, onion and burdock

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 teaspoon of cognac, 4 teaspoons of freshly squeezed onion juice and 6 teaspoons of burdock decoction. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and rub the mixture into the hair roots. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a terry towel. Wash off after 20–30 minutes.

Fir oil and yogurt mask

Apply yogurt mixed with 1-2 drops of fir oil to the scalp, cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse the mask with running warm water.

Mask of fir oil, eggs and rum

Mix 2 drops of fir oil with 1 egg and 4 tablespoons of rum. Rub the resulting mixture into your hair. Cover the head with plastic wrap and a towel. After 25 minutes, wash off the mask.

Mask of fir oil, honey, aloe and lemon juice

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 2 tablespoons of honey, aloe and lemon juice. Distribute the mixture over your hair, cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Apply the mask 30 minutes before washing your hair.

Mask of fir oil, eggs, honey, aloe and birch sap

Mix 1-2 drops of fir oil, 1 teaspoon each of honey, aloe and birch juices and 1 yolk. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and rub into the hair roots. Apply the mask 1-2 hours before washing your hair.

Mask of fir oil, eggs, honey and yeast

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon each of honey and yeast. Mix the mixture thoroughly and rub into the hair roots. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Rinse off after 1-2 hours with running water.

Aroma cocktails based on fir oil

Aroma cocktail for sleep disorders

Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 drop of fir oil and 1 drop of lavender oil. Use the drug for evening room aromatization in case of difficulty falling asleep. Carry out the procedure for 15 minutes.

Aroma cocktail for foot baths

Add 1 drop of fir oil, 1 drop of jasmine oil and 1 drop of myrrh oil to 5–7 liters of warm water. Use as a foot bath before bed. Carry out the procedure for 15 minutes.

Aroma cocktail for scenting a room

Mix 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 drop of jasmine oil, 2 drops of fir oil, 1 drop of orange oil and 1 drop of juniper oil. Use the aroma cocktail for sleep disorders for complex procedures, including self-massage of the ears and aromatization of the room. Self-massage with the tip of your index finger in the direction from bottom to top for 1–2 minutes. You should scent your room at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

For functional insomnia, self-massage of the ears with essential oils should be stopped immediately after sleep normalization.

Aroma cocktail with cypress and cedar oil

Mix 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil with 2 drops of fir, 1 drop of cypress oil and 1 drop of cedar oil. Use the aroma cocktail for self-massage of the collar area and aromatization of the bedroom. Carry out the procedure for 3 minutes before going to bed.

Aroma cocktail for a restful sleep

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 drop of geranium oil and 1 drop of patchouli oil and use to fumigate the bedroom using an aroma lamp.

Fir aroma cocktail based on corn oil

Mix 4 tablespoons of corn oil with 2 drops of fir oil and 1 drop of vanilla oil. Use the aroma cocktail to aromatize the bedroom and self-massage the collar area and ears. Perform aromatization of the room at least 30 minutes before bedtime, and self-massage for 3 minutes before bedtime.

Aroma cocktail of fir oil with lavender and myrrh

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 drop of lavender oil and 1 drop of myrrh oil and use to scent the bedroom before bed.

Fir aroma cocktail based on soybean oil

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 drop of chamomile oil and 1 drop of orange oil with 1 tablespoon of soybean oil and use for self-massage of the soles of the feet before bed and aromatization of the bedroom. Carry out the procedure daily for 2 weeks.

Calming aroma cocktail

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 drop of ylang-ylang oil and 1 drop of lemon balm oil with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and soak a handkerchief with this mixture. Before going to bed or when stressed, place a scarf on the nose area and take 3-4 deep breaths.

Soothing aroma cocktail for evening baths

Add 2 drops of fir oil, 2 drops of lavender oil, 1 drop of marjoram oil, 1 drop of ylang-ylang oil to the bath. Carry out the procedure before going to bed for 5-10 minutes.

Aroma cocktail for depression

Add 2 drops of fir oil, 2 drops of rose oil, 1 drop of anise oil and 1 drop of bergamot oil to the bath. Carry out the procedure daily for 5–7 days. The duration of the bath is 5-10 minutes.

Soothing fir aroma cocktail for baths with oregano oil

Mix 2 drops of fir oil with 1 drop of juniper oil and 1 drop of oregano oil. Carry out the procedure daily for 5–7 days. The duration of the bath is 5-10 minutes.

Toning aroma cocktail for foot baths and room aromatization: mix 2-3 drops of fir oil with 1 drop of orange oil. Add the mixture to 5–7 liters of warm water (for foot baths) or use it to aromatize the room.

The procedures are carried out daily in the morning. The duration of the bath is 10 minutes.

The same composition of essential oils cannot be used for more than 1 month.

Soothing fir aroma cocktail with basil oil

Add 2 drops of fir oil, 2 drops of orange oil, 1 drop of basil oil and 1 drop of anise oil to the bath. Carry out the procedure daily for 5–7 days. The duration of the bath is 5-10 minutes.

Fir aroma cocktail for self-massage of feet

Mix 2 drops of fir oil and 1 drop of sage oil with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and use for self-massage of the soles of your feet.

For chronic fatigue syndrome, carry out the procedure once a day for 2 weeks.

Fir aroma cocktail with basil and lavender oil

Mix 3 drops of fir oil, 2 drops of basil oil and 1 drop of lavender oil and use to scent the room 2 times a day.

Use for increased fatigue and reduced immunity. The course of treatment is 5–7 days.

Aroma cocktail to boost immunity

Mix 2 drops of fir oil, 1 drop of rosemary oil and 1 drop of geranium oil with 3 tablespoons of corn oil and use for morning aromatization of the room and for general self-massage. The procedure is carried out daily for 14 days.

Aroma cocktail for toning and moisturizing the skin

Add 4 drops of fir oil, 1 drop of ylang-ylang oil, 1 drop of vanilla oil, 1 drop of chamomile oil and 1 drop of cypress oil to the bath. Carry out the procedure once every 5–7 days for 2 months. The duration of the bath is 5-10 minutes.

Toning aroma cocktail with citrus oil

Mix 3 drops of fir oil, 1 drop of lemon oil and 1 drop of orange oil and use to scent the room once a day. The course of treatment is 10–14 days.

Soothing aroma cocktail that improves brain function

Mix 4 drops of fir oil, 2 drops of valerian oil, 1 drop of orange oil and 1 drop of lavender oil and use for evening scenting of the bedroom. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Toning aroma cocktail “Taiga”

Mix 3 drops of fir oil, 1 drop of juniper oil, 1 drop of geranium oil and 1 drop of eucalyptus oil and use to scent the room once a day (morning or afternoon). The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Fir oil is extracted from all parts of the evergreen fir, including the cones. In some plant varieties, for example, Siberian fir, only old needles are taken to extract oil, because the consistency of essential products in it is an order of magnitude higher than in young branches. The oil is extracted using the usual method of steam distillation. The oil appears as a colorless liquid or has a yellowish tint.

The aromatic substance is stored for quite a long time, and all thanks to its composition, which contains active components such as antioxidants and antibacterial substances. If all storage instructions are followed correctly, fir oil can retain its medicinal properties for almost 10 years. An exception is silver fir oil; its shelf life should not exceed 2 years, after which it begins to accumulate toxic substances, and instead of being beneficial, it can cause harm to the body.

The aroma of this oil is cold with notes of freshness and astringency. It mixes well with other aromas, without oppressing them, but only introducing forest chords. Fir oil is an excellent tonic and has a bactericidal effect. It has a good effect on the production of hormones and the functioning of the reproductive system. When treating angina pectoris and using fir oil, positive dynamics are noticeable. The same applies to such ailments as. Taking the oil also has a positive effect in the fight against malignant tumors.

Benefits and uses of oil

In the pharmaceutical industry, fir oil is used to prepare camphor. It is used to make drugs that are considered the most effective in medicine today. They are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes, as well as rheumatism. In addition, these drugs are prescribed to people who have acute or chronic heart failure. Fir oil can be used not only by adults, but also by children. This essential oil is widely used to stimulate breathing or circulation, usually in cases of croup or other infectious diseases. Fir components also contain carotene pastes and anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Fir oil is also used in aromatherapy. Thanks to this method, you can recover from asthma, diseases of the urinary tract and others. You can do massages with the oil and add it when taking baths.

If we talk about psycho-emotional effects, fir oil today remains one of the most tonic drugs. It calms and relaxes during stress and obsessive anxiety and nervousness. With its help, you can get rid of feelings of depression in a short time, increase activity, get out of an emotional stupor and learn to resist negative factors.

Due to the presence of phytoncides and provitamins in its composition, fir stimulates general and local health. It is also a strong painkiller, which is why it is prescribed for the treatment of arthrosis and neuralgia; in addition, it relieves swelling and stabilizes blood pressure.

Fir in cosmetology

Cosmetologists around the world have long recognized fir oil as one of the tools in the quest to look perfect. Minor and not so serious problems can be treated with fir oil, for example, to treat acne, apply a little fir oil to a cotton swab and gently lubricate each individual pimple. You can mix rosemary and fir oil for the same purpose; in addition to pimples, this mixture can also cure herpes on the lips.

Fir is also added to various face masks. If you have a tendency towards oily skin, you can try preparing this mask: mix two tablespoons of grape seed oil and two drops of fir oil. In addition to these ingredients, you can also add a teaspoon of black cumin oil to the mask. After preparing the mask, gently rub it into your facial skin using massage movements and leave for half an hour. Then there are two options: you can wash off the mask with warm water, or you can use it as a cream and not wash it off after application.

Also, if you have oily skin, you can drip oil into all your creams, especially for women over forty. Fading skin after such a mask will seem to glow from within.

Various inflammations on the skin can be cured by making and applying small compresses to the areas. But it is not recommended to apply the oil in its pure, undiluted form to the skin; it can cause irritation.


Fir oil has quite a few contraindications, and even more precautions. This oil should absolutely not be used during pregnancy, or if you have kidney pathologies, ulcers, etc. If you have been prescribed fir oil to take internally, then under no circumstances should you take it on an empty stomach.

Fir oil can cause skin irritation, while some types of fir are not even recommended to be applied to the skin, they can cause such a severe rash. It’s not common, but it happens that the aroma of fir causes bronchial spasms, so before inhalation, you need to drop a couple of drops on a handkerchief and carefully inhale to check your body’s reaction to individual intolerance.

White and silver fir are used exclusively in fresh form, balsam fir is used in a 10% concentration, and other types of this plant are used in no more than 2%, dissolved with sedatives.

Fir oil cannot be applied to the skin in its pure form, only by diluting it. When applied to the skin, the oil causes a burning sensation, and when taken orally, it can cause nausea. Therefore, it is necessary to wash it down with kefir.

Oil intake dosage

Despite the fact that fir oil has a rather pronounced irritating effect, if the dosage is correctly chosen it will not cause unpleasant symptoms:

  1. The oil should be taken orally, one drop twice a day, be sure to mix it with jam, honey or bread and butter. After taking, you need to drink a glass of water with lemon.
  2. To scent a room, you should base it on a calculation of 4 drops per 15 square meters of room.
  3. To make aroma medallions, which are used for colds, you need to add three drops of fir oil.
  4. If you do inhalations with this oil, add two drops and take the procedure for no more than five minutes.
  5. To relieve muscle pain and fatigue, prepare a bath with fir oil. Add six drops of a thick solvent to the water. The same amount is added during massage.
  6. When rubbing, to relieve muscle pain, take 12 drops of oil per 15 grams of base.
  7. To cure frostbitten areas of the skin, take a tablespoon of macadamia oil and add 15 drops to it, and put a bandage on top.
  8. For cosmetic purposes, to calm the inflammatory process, add five drops of fir to 15 grams of base.

Don't forget that everything is useful in moderation. Fir oil is a fairly powerful healing agent, and if you use it wisely, it will certainly become one of the most popular medicines in your home medicine cabinet.

Green shoots, needles and fir cones are a source of volatile liquid with a rich composition. Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of fir oil, you can correctly use this therapeutic and cosmetic product. The aromatic liquid has many valuable qualities, as well as analgesic and invigorating effects.

Coniferous trees are forest “doctors of the green kingdom.” Young shoots, green needles and cones secrete phytoncides, which are the plant’s first line of defense against pathogens. The same tasks are performed by essential oils found in all parts of coniferous plants. Resin in the trunk, branches and bark protects the wood from pathogens and pests.

Fir essential oil is a yellowish or colorless volatile liquid with a rich balsamic aroma of pine needles. The high physiological activity of the product is due to terpenes and terpenoids.

Main connections:

  • myrcene;
  • limonene;
  • pinenes;
  • camphene;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • cineole

Sometimes carotene, vitamin C and tannins are mentioned in the description of the composition. They are indeed present, but only in needles.

Volatile substances, and this has been proven by many researchers, penetrate through the skin and mucous membrane of the respiratory system into the human body. Phytochemical compounds mercilessly deal with pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Medicinal properties of fir oil:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • local irritant;
  • antiseptic;
  • pain reliever;
  • expectorant;
  • bactericidal;
  • antifungal;
  • cardiotonic;
  • tonic.

Correct and regular use of aroma oil allows you to protect your body from many pathogens. The components are included in metabolism, normalize heart rate and blood pressure, and the tart aroma has a beneficial effect on neuropsychic processes.

The benefits of fir oil are not limited to medical use. The aromatic liquid obtained from the shoots of Siberian fir consists half of bornyl acetate and camphene. From them they produce “fir” camphor - a medicine and an integral part of perfumery. The product is included in medications for injection and external use.

"Fir" camphor is used to treat heart failure and rheumatism. For severe infectious diseases of the respiratory system, it is used to stimulate breathing and blood circulation.

Indications for use

Fir oil can be used by people with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin, respiratory and digestive systems. The antiseptic effect and anti-inflammatory effect of pinenes, cineole and borneol are successfully combined.

Some indications for the use of fir oil:

  • colds, ARVI, flu;
  • pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary tract;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis;
  • insomnia;
  • dermatitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis.

The analgesic effect allows the drug to be successfully used to relieve pain from bruises, neuralgia and osteochondrosis.

The product improves peripheral circulation, blood and lymph flow in the tissues that ensure the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The aroma oil helps cleanse the kidneys and joints of excess salts and remove unnecessary metabolites from the body. As a result of its use, blood pressure is normalized (high blood pressure decreases and low blood pressure increases), immunity is strengthened and stress resistance increases.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Doctors do not recommend taking aromatic oils orally during pregnancy. Phytochemicals may adversely affect the fetus in early pregnancy. External use of fir oil is permissible in small dosages in the second and third trimesters.

  • During pregnancy, many medications are prohibited, including vasoconstrictor drops for the treatment of a runny nose. But during the cold season, respiratory infections can cause serious complications: sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia. Therefore, add a few drops of fir oil to a “pea” of face cream and lubricate the skin around the nasal passages. This simple manipulation, together with other available preventive measures, will stop the development of a cold.
  • Pregnant women often complain of loss of strength and toxicosis. In this case, inhale the fumes of fir aroma oil for 1–2 minutes. The product has a stimulating effect, increases vitality, improves mood. Applying a few drops to the temples helps with headaches.
  • Back pain is another problem during pregnancy. You can add a little fir oil to the body cream and do a light massage of the lumbar area. In the same way, the cream for stretch marks on the body is enriched. Caution must be exercised, as a pregnant woman’s body works under stress and can overreact even to usual remedies.

Before using the oil, an allergy test is performed: apply a drop to the inside of the wrist or elbow and observe the skin reaction for 15 minutes. The absence of redness, itching, and blisters is a sign that the product does not cause allergies.

Beneficial properties for children's bodies

Fir oil is used to treat colds, acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats in children. The natural product smells good and works quickly. Aroma oil is used only if the child is over 3 years old. The proposed means and procedures are of auxiliary value and do not replace drug treatment.

  • Fir oil is applied externally along with baby cream and for skin diseases.
  • If the child has a cold, then it is mixed with detergent and shampoo during bathing.
  • Inhalations with various medicinal solutions help with a runny nose and cough. You can add a few drops of fir aroma oil to these liquids.
  • In the same way, the antiseptic properties of throat gargles are increased.

How to use fir oil?

Essential oils in their pure form are rarely applied to the skin; contact with mucous membranes is avoided. It is recommended to mix them with base vegetable oil, face or body cream, and add to ointments.

Traditional medicine recipes

If signs of a cold have just appeared, then take a bath with 6–10 drops of fir essential oil mixed with salt. The same procedures help reduce joint pain and treat kidney and genitourinary tract diseases. Make 15-minute baths with the addition of aroma oil for hands and feet for joint diseases, pain after bruises and fractures.

Recipes for cold remedies:

  1. Mix 1-2 drops of fir oil with a small amount of face cream. Apply to the wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose.
  2. Sore throat is treated by gargling, which is prepared from 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. salt. First, add 2 drops of fir essential oil to the salt, then dissolve all the ingredients in a glass of warm water.
  3. In more severe cases, 5-minute inhalation with fir oil in combination with rubbing the back and chest helps.
  4. For a severe cough, add 1-2 drops of fir oil to sunflower oil and apply with a spoon to the root of the tongue. The product helps for several days.
  5. The same mixture is used to treat sore throat. Lubricate the tonsils daily with a gauze swab soaked in an oil solution. The procedures have a combined effect: they dilute mucus, facilitate its removal, and disinfect the respiratory tract.

Application in cosmetology

Natural components of essential oil soothe irritated epidermis, smooth the skin, making it more elastic and velvety. Fir oil is used in cosmetology as an antiseptic and bactericidal agent. In addition, it stimulates the renewal of dermal tissue.

The product is especially useful for those with oily, acne-prone skin. Fir oil is added to cosmetic creams to get rid of acne, blackheads and redness. The product is also used to treat herpetic rashes on the face.

How to use fir oil for a cosmetic mask against wrinkles:

  1. Mix 2 drops of fir essential oil with avocado and olive oil (1 tsp each).
  2. Apply the product to crow's feet in the corners of the eyes and purse-string wrinkles near the mouth.
  3. Leave the mixture overnight and wash with water in the morning.

Fir oil is added to shampoo and conditioner - the product helps get rid of dandruff and heal minor damage to the dermis. The oil normalizes exfoliation and reduces greasiness of the scalp. Hair becomes healthier and silkier.

Contraindications for use

Patients should not use fir essential oil for oral administration:

  • with allergic diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • with acute nephritis;
  • gastritis and ulcers.

In other cases, the use of the product is safe for health if you follow the recommendations. The main thing to remember is that in its pure form it is not applied to the skin, with the exception of small inflamed areas (acne, herpetic blisters).

The most effective mixtures of essential oils with basic vegetable fats, salt, and hygienic cosmetics. These are solvents and carriers that facilitate the penetration of active substances into the skin. Fir oil ingredients enter the body in various ways. The most popular and safest are aromatic baths, compresses, mouth rinses, inhalations, rubbing and massage.

This oil is called the forest doctor: healers have always used the life-giving properties of fir oil balms in medical practice. Now it is successfully used by modern medicine. It is a cosmetic, medicinal and disinfectant, a source of energy and well-being. The scope of application has no boundaries.

What are the benefits of fir oil?

An oil extract is obtained from young tree branches, cones, and pine needles by distillation. The substance affects viruses, bacteria, fungus. Contains provitamins, phytoncides, oleic and lauric acids, campherene, carotene, tannins. Together they serve to strengthen the body, restore harmony and peace. The price of the product is low. As for beauty, the Siberian elixir is the first assistant in cosmetology.

For hair

Dandruff and flaking of the scalp will go away by adding 1-2 drops of fir to the shampoo. A combination of 3 tablespoons of mustard powder diluted with warm water and 2-3 drops of fir balsam will help your hair. Pharmaceutical products are inferior to blue clay in the consistency of thick sour cream if you add a couple of drops of concentrate to it. It is useful, according to the instructions, to combine fir balsam with other oils. Use the resulting substance as a mask.


  • fir balm – 2 drops;
  • castor, burdock oil - 1 drop each;
  • dry yeast - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion juice;
  • sea ​​salt - a pinch

Mode of application:

  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water, add other ingredients.
  2. Apply the mask to the roots of your hair, cover your head with polyethylene and a towel (for warmth).
  3. Wash off after 2 hours.

For face

Fir “doctor” fights skin aging; you just need to add a couple of drops to your usual cream. They will provide cells with nutrients, make the skin elastic, reduce the number of wrinkles, and remove bags under the eyes. This is especially important for older women. Before applying to a damp, clean face, leave all parts together for 30-35 minutes. Ingredients:

  • apricot kernel or wheat germ oil – 15 ml;
  • fir extract – 4 four drops;
  • concentrated solutions of vitamins A, E – 1 drop each.

Other recipes:

  1. Oily skin loves whipped chicken protein with fir resin (4 drops). Apply the mixture in layers, and when the mask dries, wash off.
  2. Dry skin will be helped by mashed potatoes with cream and fir remedy (3 drops). Keep the mask on for a quarter of an hour.
  3. If you add 7 drops to half a glass of warm water, freeze and wipe your face, it will stop sweating in the heat.
  4. A guaranteed method of rejuvenation is 10 g of baby cream and 4-6 drops of oil.\

Treatment with fir oil

This oil dissolves salts in joints, relieves pain from neuritis, rheumatism, gout, and osteochondrosis. This is one of the best ways to treat colds and flu. 10-minute inhalations with 2-3 drops of extract, rubbing the palms, feet, and chest help greatly. For foot or nail fungus, an excellent remedy is warm applications of sunflower oil with fir oil extract. Hypertension cannot resist the traditional healer.

Mode of application:

  1. Moisten a piece of sugar with three drops of fir extract.
  2. Take twice a day for 1 month.
  3. For older people, repeat treatment after 3-4 months, for young people - after 6.
  4. The same method is successful for varicose veins. If there is no discomfort, the areas of blockage can be massaged with light circular movements with fir remedy for 3-5 minutes. (at least 2 times a day).
  5. After a month of the course, a break for 3 weeks. Then repeat the treatment.

For a runny nose

For a runny nose, fir extract applied to the nose has an effect. But you need to instill a mixture of fir and sea buckthorn oils in equal parts and warm boiled water:

  1. Dilute 2-3 drops with 100 ml of heated water. Place the solution into the nostrils a few drops at a time. This procedure is dangerous for children.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. vegetable and 3-4 drops of fir extract. Drop into each nostril 3-4 times throughout the day.

For acne

Pimples, blackheads and fungal skin diseases are susceptible to fir oil. It regulates the functions of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, fights comedones and oily shine. The procedures effectively cleanse the skin of impurities. An excellent mask is easy to prepare at home:

  1. For one tablespoon, add 2-3 drops of a mixture of milk thistle, black cumin, avocado, and grape seed oils.
  2. Keep on face for 25 minutes, rinse.
  3. For acne, apply the product pointwise using a cotton swab.

Against cough

Essential oils for bronchitis and other colds that are accompanied by cough are very effective:

  • Inhalations have magical properties. Drop 5-6 drops of essential oil into a bowl of boiling water, cover your head with a towel, inhale the healing vapors for 5 minutes. Do inhalations 2 times a day, if there is no fever.
  • A medicinal drink is useful. Put honey (a teaspoon) and 6 ml of fir extract into a glass of juice (not citrus). Drink 3 times a day before meals.

Against skin diseases

The product promotes the healing of burn wounds, diaper rash, bedsores, but it must be diluted with baby cream or animal fat. For trophic ulcers, weeping eczema, purulent wounds, an ointment made from internal pork fat with the addition of fir oil in a ratio of 3 to 1 has a healing effect. Treat the wound with the ointment, apply a bandage, cover with wax paper, and fix for 15-20 minutes 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

How safe is oil treatment?

Tips for using fir oil will help you benefit by choosing affordable and effective healing methods:

  1. External use of the oil is permissible in diluted form; in case of open wounds, the procedure should be avoided.
  2. Testing is important: drop a drop on the bend of the elbow and observe the skin reaction.
  3. Do not use internally for kidney problems, gastritis, or ulcers.
  4. There are contraindications for patients with bronchial asthma; it is dangerous for young children and breastfeeding young mothers.
  5. Fir oil is not allowed during pregnancy.
  6. It cannot be combined with alcohol: the healing power of fir will not manifest itself, the effect will be unnoticeable. The harm can be serious, so it’s better not to risk it.

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